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      1 /* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     16 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/file_system.h"
     18 #include <sys/stat.h>
     20 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status_test_util.h"
     21 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/io/path.h"
     22 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/str_util.h"
     23 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/strcat.h"
     24 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/test.h"
     26 namespace tensorflow {
     28 static const char* const kPrefix = "ipfs://solarsystem";
     30 // A file system that has Planets, Satellites and Sub Satellites. Sub satellites
     31 // cannot have children further.
     32 class InterPlanetaryFileSystem : public NullFileSystem {
     33  public:
     34   Status FileExists(const string& fname) override {
     35     string parsed_path;
     36     ParsePath(fname, &parsed_path);
     37     if (BodyExists(parsed_path)) {
     38       return Status::OK();
     39     }
     40     return Status(tensorflow::error::NOT_FOUND, "File does not exist");
     41   }
     43   // Adds the dir to the parent's children list and creates an entry for itself.
     44   Status CreateDir(const string& dirname) override {
     45     string parsed_path;
     46     ParsePath(dirname, &parsed_path);
     47     // If the directory already exists, throw an error.
     48     if (celestial_bodies_.find(parsed_path) != celestial_bodies_.end()) {
     49       return Status(tensorflow::error::ALREADY_EXISTS,
     50                     "dirname already exists.");
     51     }
     52     std::vector<string> split_path = str_util::Split(parsed_path, '/');
     53     // If the path is too long then we don't support it.
     54     if (split_path.size() > 3) {
     55       return Status(tensorflow::error::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Bad dirname");
     56     }
     57     if (split_path.empty()) {
     58       return Status::OK();
     59     }
     60     if (split_path.size() == 1) {
     61       celestial_bodies_[""].insert(parsed_path);
     62       celestial_bodies_.insert(
     63           std::pair<string, std::set<string>>(parsed_path, {}));
     64       return Status::OK();
     65     }
     66     if (split_path.size() == 2) {
     67       if (!BodyExists(split_path[0])) {
     68         return Status(tensorflow::error::FAILED_PRECONDITION,
     69                       "Base dir not created");
     70       }
     71       celestial_bodies_[split_path[0]].insert(split_path[1]);
     72       celestial_bodies_.insert(
     73           std::pair<string, std::set<string>>(parsed_path, {}));
     74       return Status::OK();
     75     }
     76     if (split_path.size() == 3) {
     77       const string& parent_path = io::JoinPath(split_path[0], split_path[1]);
     78       if (!BodyExists(parent_path)) {
     79         return Status(tensorflow::error::FAILED_PRECONDITION,
     80                       "Base dir not created");
     81       }
     82       celestial_bodies_[parent_path].insert(split_path[2]);
     83       celestial_bodies_.insert(
     84           std::pair<string, std::set<string>>(parsed_path, {}));
     85       return Status::OK();
     86     }
     87     return Status(tensorflow::error::FAILED_PRECONDITION, "Failed to create");
     88   }
     90   Status IsDirectory(const string& dirname) override {
     91     string parsed_path;
     92     ParsePath(dirname, &parsed_path);
     93     // Simulate evil_directory has bad permissions by throwing a LOG(FATAL)
     94     if (parsed_path == "evil_directory") {
     95       LOG(FATAL) << "evil_directory cannot be accessed";
     96     }
     97     std::vector<string> split_path = str_util::Split(parsed_path, '/');
     98     if (split_path.size() > 2) {
     99       return Status(tensorflow::error::FAILED_PRECONDITION, "Not a dir");
    100     }
    101     if (celestial_bodies_.find(parsed_path) != celestial_bodies_.end()) {
    102       return Status::OK();
    103     }
    104     return Status(tensorflow::error::FAILED_PRECONDITION, "Not a dir");
    105   }
    107   Status GetChildren(const string& dir, std::vector<string>* result) override {
    108     TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(IsDirectory(dir));
    109     string parsed_path;
    110     ParsePath(dir, &parsed_path);
    111     result->insert(result->begin(), celestial_bodies_[parsed_path].begin(),
    112                    celestial_bodies_[parsed_path].end());
    113     return Status::OK();
    114   }
    116  private:
    117   bool BodyExists(const string& name) {
    118     return celestial_bodies_.find(name) != celestial_bodies_.end();
    119   }
    121   void ParsePath(const string& name, string* parsed_path) {
    122     StringPiece scheme, host, path;
    123     io::ParseURI(name, &scheme, &host, &path);
    124     ASSERT_EQ(scheme, "ipfs");
    125     ASSERT_EQ(host, "solarsystem");
    126     path.Consume("/");
    127     *parsed_path = path.ToString();
    128   }
    130   std::map<string, std::set<string>> celestial_bodies_ = {
    131       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>(
    132           "", {"Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn",
    133                "Uranus", "Neptune"}),
    134       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>("Mercury", {}),
    135       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>("Venus", {}),
    136       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>("Earth", {"Moon"}),
    137       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>("Mars", {}),
    138       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>("Jupiter",
    139                                           {"Europa", "Io", "Ganymede"}),
    140       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>("Saturn", {}),
    141       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>("Uranus", {}),
    142       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>("Neptune", {}),
    143       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>("Earth/Moon", {}),
    144       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>("Jupiter/Europa", {}),
    145       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>("Jupiter/Io", {}),
    146       std::pair<string, std::set<string>>("Jupiter/Ganymede", {})};
    147 };
    149 // Returns all the matched entries as a comma separated string removing the
    150 // common prefix of BaseDir().
    151 string Match(InterPlanetaryFileSystem* ipfs, const string& suffix_pattern) {
    152   std::vector<string> results;
    153   Status s =
    154       ipfs->GetMatchingPaths(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, suffix_pattern), &results);
    155   if (!s.ok()) {
    156     return s.ToString();
    157   } else {
    158     std::vector<StringPiece> trimmed_results;
    159     std::sort(results.begin(), results.end());
    160     for (const string& result : results) {
    161       StringPiece trimmed_result(result);
    162       EXPECT_TRUE(trimmed_result.Consume(strings::StrCat(kPrefix, "/")));
    163       trimmed_results.push_back(trimmed_result);
    164     }
    165     return str_util::Join(trimmed_results, ",");
    166   }
    167 }
    169 TEST(InterPlanetaryFileSystemTest, IPFSMatch) {
    170   InterPlanetaryFileSystem ipfs;
    171   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "thereisnosuchfile"), "");
    172   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "*"),
    173             "Earth,Jupiter,Mars,Mercury,Neptune,Saturn,Uranus,Venus");
    174   // Returns Jupiter's moons.
    175   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "Jupiter/*"),
    176             "Jupiter/Europa,Jupiter/Ganymede,Jupiter/Io");
    177   // Returns Jupiter's and Earth's moons.
    178   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "*/*"),
    179             "Earth/Moon,Jupiter/Europa,Jupiter/Ganymede,Jupiter/Io");
    180   TF_EXPECT_OK(ipfs.CreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "Planet0")));
    181   TF_EXPECT_OK(ipfs.CreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "Planet1")));
    182   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "Planet[0-1]"), "Planet0,Planet1");
    183   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "Planet?"), "Planet0,Planet1");
    184 }
    186 TEST(InterPlanetaryFileSystemTest, MatchSimple) {
    187   InterPlanetaryFileSystem ipfs;
    188   TF_EXPECT_OK(ipfs.CreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-00")));
    189   TF_EXPECT_OK(ipfs.CreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-0a")));
    190   TF_EXPECT_OK(ipfs.CreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-01")));
    191   TF_EXPECT_OK(ipfs.CreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-aaa")));
    193   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "match-*"), "match-00,match-01,match-0a,match-aaa");
    194   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "match-0[0-9]"), "match-00,match-01");
    195   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "match-?[0-9]"), "match-00,match-01");
    196   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "match-?a*"), "match-0a,match-aaa");
    197   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "match-??"), "match-00,match-01,match-0a");
    198 }
    200 // Create 2 directories abcd and evil_directory. Look for abcd and make sure
    201 // that evil_directory isn't accessed.
    202 TEST(InterPlanetaryFileSystemTest, MatchOnlyNeeded) {
    203   InterPlanetaryFileSystem ipfs;
    204   TF_EXPECT_OK(ipfs.CreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "abcd")));
    205   TF_EXPECT_OK(ipfs.CreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "evil_directory")));
    207   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "abcd"), "abcd");
    208 }
    210 TEST(InterPlanetaryFileSystemTest, MatchDirectory) {
    211   InterPlanetaryFileSystem ipfs;
    212   TF_EXPECT_OK(
    213       ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-00/abc/x")));
    214   TF_EXPECT_OK(
    215       ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-0a/abc/x")));
    216   TF_EXPECT_OK(
    217       ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-01/abc/x")));
    218   TF_EXPECT_OK(
    219       ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-aaa/abc/x")));
    221   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "match-*/abc/x"),
    222             "match-00/abc/x,match-01/abc/x,match-0a/abc/x,match-aaa/abc/x");
    223   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "match-0[0-9]/abc/x"),
    224             "match-00/abc/x,match-01/abc/x");
    225   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "match-?[0-9]/abc/x"),
    226             "match-00/abc/x,match-01/abc/x");
    227   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "match-?a*/abc/x"), "match-0a/abc/x,match-aaa/abc/x");
    228   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "match-?[^a]/abc/x"), "match-00/abc/x,match-01/abc/x");
    229 }
    231 TEST(InterPlanetaryFileSystemTest, MatchMultipleWildcards) {
    232   InterPlanetaryFileSystem ipfs;
    233   TF_EXPECT_OK(
    234       ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-00/abc/00")));
    235   TF_EXPECT_OK(
    236       ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-00/abc/01")));
    237   TF_EXPECT_OK(
    238       ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-00/abc/09")));
    239   TF_EXPECT_OK(
    240       ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-01/abc/00")));
    241   TF_EXPECT_OK(
    242       ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-01/abc/04")));
    243   TF_EXPECT_OK(
    244       ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-01/abc/10")));
    245   TF_EXPECT_OK(
    246       ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-02/abc/00")));
    248   EXPECT_EQ(Match(&ipfs, "match-0[0-1]/abc/0[0-8]"),
    249             "match-00/abc/00,match-00/abc/01,match-01/abc/00,match-01/abc/04");
    250 }
    252 TEST(InterPlanetaryFileSystemTest, RecursivelyCreateAlreadyExistingDir) {
    253   InterPlanetaryFileSystem ipfs;
    254   const string dirname = io::JoinPath(kPrefix, "match-00/abc/00");
    255   TF_EXPECT_OK(ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(dirname));
    256   // Ensure that CreateDir throws an error, to sanity check that this test
    257   // actually tests the behavior of RecursivelyCreateDir.
    258   EXPECT_EQ(ipfs.CreateDir(dirname).code(), tensorflow::error::ALREADY_EXISTS);
    259   TF_EXPECT_OK(ipfs.RecursivelyCreateDir(dirname));
    260 }
    262 // A simple file system with a root directory and a single file underneath it.
    263 class TestFileSystem : public NullFileSystem {
    264  public:
    265   // Only allow for a single root directory.
    266   Status IsDirectory(const string& dirname) override {
    267     if (dirname == "." || dirname.empty()) {
    268       return Status::OK();
    269     }
    270     return Status(tensorflow::error::FAILED_PRECONDITION, "Not a dir");
    271   }
    273   // Simulating a FS with a root dir and a single file underneath it.
    274   Status GetChildren(const string& dir, std::vector<string>* result) override {
    275     if (dir == "." || dir.empty()) {
    276       result->push_back("test");
    277     }
    278     return Status::OK();
    279   }
    280 };
    282 // Making sure that ./<pattern> and <pattern> have the same result.
    283 TEST(TestFileSystemTest, RootDirectory) {
    284   TestFileSystem fs;
    285   std::vector<string> results;
    286   auto ret = fs.GetMatchingPaths("./te*", &results);
    287   EXPECT_EQ(1, results.size());
    288   EXPECT_EQ("./test", results[0]);
    289   ret = fs.GetMatchingPaths("te*", &results);
    290   EXPECT_EQ(1, results.size());
    291   EXPECT_EQ("./test", results[0]);
    292 }
    294 }  // namespace tensorflow