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      1 /* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     19 // Tracing interface
     21 #include <atomic>
     22 #include <map>
     23 #include <memory>
     25 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h"
     26 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/strcat.h"
     27 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
     28 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/mutex.h"
     29 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/platform.h"
     30 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
     32 namespace tensorflow {
     34 namespace port {
     36 class Tracing {
     37  public:
     38   // This enumeration contains the identifiers of all TensorFlow
     39   // threadscape events and code regions.  Threadscape assigns its
     40   // own identifiers at runtime when we register our events and we
     41   // cannot know in advance what IDs it will choose.  The "RecordEvent"
     42   // method and "ScopedActivity" use these event IDs for consistency
     43   // and remap them to threadscape IDs at runtime.  This enum is limited
     44   // to 64 values since we use a bitmask to configure which events are
     45   // enabled.  It must also be kept in step with the code in
     46   // "Tracing::EventCategoryString".
     47   enum EventCategory {
     48     kScheduleClosure = 0,
     49     kRunClosure = 1,
     50     kCompute = 2,
     51     kEventCategoryMax = 3  // sentinel - keep last
     52   };
     53   // Note: We currently only support up to 64 categories.
     54   static_assert(kEventCategoryMax <= 64, "only support up to 64 events");
     56   // Called by main programs to initialize tracing facilities
     57   static void Initialize();
     59   // Return the pathname of the directory where we are writing log files.
     60   static const char* LogDir();
     62   // Returns a non-zero identifier which can be used to correlate
     63   // related events.
     64   static inline uint64 UniqueId();
     66   // Returns true if a trace is in progress.  Can be used to reduce tracing
     67   // overheads in fast-path code.
     68   static inline bool IsActive();
     70   // Associate name with the current thread.
     71   static void RegisterCurrentThread(const char* name);
     73   // Posts an event with the supplied category and arg.
     74   static void RecordEvent(EventCategory category, uint64 arg);
     76   // Traces a region of code.  Posts a tracing "EnterCodeRegion" event
     77   // when created and an "ExitCodeRegion" event when destroyed.
     78   class ScopedActivity {
     79    public:
     80     explicit ScopedActivity(EventCategory category, uint64 arg);
     81     ~ScopedActivity();
     83    private:
     84 #if defined(PLATFORM_GOOGLE)
     85     const bool enabled_;
     86     const int32 region_id_;
     87 #endif
     89     TF_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedActivity);
     90   };
     92   // Trace collection engine can be registered with this module.
     93   // If no engine is registered, ScopedAnnotation and TraceMe are no-ops.
     94   class Engine;
     95   static void RegisterEngine(Engine*);
     97   // Forward declaration of the GPU utility classes.
     98   class ScopedAnnotation;
     99   class TraceMe;
    101  private:
    102   friend class TracingTest;
    103   friend class ScopedAnnotation;
    104   friend class TraceMe;
    106   static std::atomic<Tracing::Engine*> tracing_engine_;
    107   static Tracing::Engine* engine() {
    108     return tracing_engine_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    109   }
    111   static void RegisterEvent(EventCategory id, const char* name);
    112   static const char* EventCategoryString(EventCategory category);
    114   //
    115   // Parses event mask expressions in 'value' of the form:
    116   //   expr ::= <term> (,<term>)*
    117   //   term ::= <event> | "!" <event>
    118   //   event ::= "ALL" | <wait_event> | <other_event>
    119   //   wait_event ::= "ENewSession" | "ECloseSession" | ...
    120   //   other_event ::= "Send" | "Wait" | ...
    121   // ALL denotes all events, <event> turns on tracing for this event, and
    122   // !<event> turns off tracing for this event.
    123   // If the expression can be parsed correctly it returns true and sets
    124   // the event_mask_. Otherwise it returns false and the event_mask_ is left
    125   // unchanged.
    126   static bool ParseEventMask(const char* flagname, const string& value);
    128   // Bit mask of enabled trace categories.
    129   static uint64 event_mask_;
    131   // Records the mappings between Threadscape IDs and the "EventCategory" enum.
    132   static int32 category_id_[kEventCategoryMax];
    133   static std::map<string, int32>* name_map_;
    134 };
    136 // Trace collection engine that actually implements collection.
    137 class Tracing::Engine {
    138  public:
    139   Engine() {}
    140   virtual ~Engine();
    142   // Returns true if Tracing is currently enabled.
    143   virtual bool IsEnabled() const = 0;
    145   // Represents an active annotation.
    146   class Annotation {
    147    public:
    148     Annotation() {}
    149     virtual ~Annotation();
    150   };
    152   // Represents an active trace.
    153   class Tracer {
    154    public:
    155     Tracer() {}
    156     virtual ~Tracer();
    157   };
    159  private:
    160   friend class ScopedAnnotation;
    161   friend class TraceMe;
    163   // Register the specified name as an annotation on the current thread.
    164   // Caller should delete the result to remove the annotation.
    165   // Annotations from the same thread are destroyed in a LIFO manner.
    166   // May return nullptr if annotations are not supported.
    167   virtual Annotation* PushAnnotation(StringPiece name) = 0;
    169   // Start tracing under the specified label. Caller should delete the result
    170   // to stop tracing.
    171   // May return nullptr if tracing is not supported.
    172   virtual Tracer* StartTracing(StringPiece label, bool is_expensive) = 0;
    173   // Same as above, but implementations can avoid copying the string.
    174   virtual Tracer* StartTracing(string&& label, bool is_expensive) {
    175     return StartTracing(StringPiece(label), is_expensive);
    176   }
    178   // Backwards compatibility one arg variants (assume is_expensive=true).
    179   Tracer* StartTracing(StringPiece label) {
    180     return StartTracing(label, /*is_expensive=*/true);
    181   }
    182   Tracer* StartTracing(string&& label) {
    183     return StartTracing(StringPiece(label), /*is_expensive=*/true);
    184   }
    185 };
    187 // This class permits a user to apply annotation on kernels and memcpys
    188 // when launching them. While an annotation is in scope, all activities
    189 // within that scope get their names replaced by the annotation. The kernel
    190 // name replacement is done when constructing the protobuf for sending out to
    191 // a client (e.g., the stubby requestor) for both API and Activity records.
    192 //
    193 // Ownership: The creator of ScopedAnnotation assumes ownership of the object.
    194 //
    195 // Usage: {
    196 //          ScopedAnnotation annotation("first set of kernels");
    197 //          Kernel1<<<x,y>>>;
    198 //          LaunchKernel2(); // Which eventually launches a cuda kernel.
    199 //        }
    200 // In the above scenario, the GPUProf UI would show 2 kernels with the name
    201 // "first set of kernels" executing -- they will appear as the same kernel.
    202 class Tracing::ScopedAnnotation {
    203  public:
    204   explicit ScopedAnnotation(StringPiece name);
    206   // If tracing is enabled, set up an annotation with a label of
    207   // "<name_part1>:<name_part2>".  Can be cheaper than the
    208   // single-argument constructor because the concatenation of the
    209   // label string is only done if tracing is enabled.
    210   ScopedAnnotation(StringPiece name_part1, StringPiece name_part2);
    212   // Returns true iff scoped annotations are active.
    213   static bool Enabled() {
    214     auto e = Tracing::engine();
    215     return e && e->IsEnabled();
    216   }
    218  private:
    219   std::unique_ptr<Engine::Annotation> annotation_;
    220 };
    222 // TODO(opensource): clean up the scoped classes for GPU tracing.
    223 // This class permits user-specified (CPU) tracing activities. A trace
    224 // activity is started when an object of this class is created and stopped
    225 // when the object is destroyed.
    226 class Tracing::TraceMe {
    227  public:
    228   explicit TraceMe(StringPiece name);
    229   TraceMe(StringPiece name, bool is_expensive);
    231   // If tracing is enabled, set up a traceMe with a label of
    232   // "<name_part1>:<name_part2>".  This can be cheaper than the
    233   // single-argument constructor because the concatenation of the
    234   // label string is only done if tracing is enabled.
    235   TraceMe(StringPiece name_part1, StringPiece name_part2);
    236   TraceMe(StringPiece name_part1, StringPiece name_part2, bool is_expensive);
    238  private:
    239   std::unique_ptr<Engine::Tracer> tracer_;
    240 };
    242 inline Tracing::ScopedAnnotation::ScopedAnnotation(StringPiece name) {
    243   auto e = Tracing::engine();
    244   if (e && e->IsEnabled()) {
    245     annotation_.reset(e->PushAnnotation(name));
    246   }
    247 }
    249 inline Tracing::ScopedAnnotation::ScopedAnnotation(StringPiece name_part1,
    250                                                    StringPiece name_part2) {
    251   auto e = Tracing::engine();
    252   if (e && e->IsEnabled()) {
    253     annotation_.reset(
    254         e->PushAnnotation(strings::StrCat(name_part1, ":", name_part2)));
    255   }
    256 }
    258 inline Tracing::TraceMe::TraceMe(StringPiece name) : TraceMe(name, true) {}
    260 inline Tracing::TraceMe::TraceMe(StringPiece name, bool is_expensive) {
    261   auto e = Tracing::engine();
    262   if (e && e->IsEnabled()) {
    263     tracer_.reset(e->StartTracing(name, is_expensive));
    264   }
    265 }
    267 inline Tracing::TraceMe::TraceMe(StringPiece name_part1, StringPiece name_part2)
    268     : TraceMe(name_part1, name_part2, true) {}
    270 inline Tracing::TraceMe::TraceMe(StringPiece name_part1, StringPiece name_part2,
    271                                  bool is_expensive) {
    272   auto e = Tracing::engine();
    273   if (e && e->IsEnabled()) {
    274     tracer_.reset(e->StartTracing(strings::StrCat(name_part1, ":", name_part2),
    275                                   is_expensive));
    276   }
    277 }
    279 }  // namespace port
    280 }  // namespace tensorflow
    282 #if defined(PLATFORM_GOOGLE)
    283 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/google/tracing_impl.h"
    284 #else
    285 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/default/tracing_impl.h"
    286 #endif