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      1 # How to Quantize Neural Networks with TensorFlow
      3 When modern neural networks were being developed, the biggest challenge was
      4 getting them to work at all! That meant that accuracy and speed during training
      5 were the top priorities. Using floating point arithmetic was the easiest way to
      6 preserve accuracy, and GPUs were well-equipped to accelerate those calculations,
      7 so it's natural that not much attention was paid to other numerical formats.
      9 These days, we actually have a lot of models being deployed in commercial
     10 applications. The computation demands of training grow with the number of
     11 researchers, but the cycles needed for inference expand in proportion to users.
     12 That means pure inference efficiency has become a burning issue for a lot of
     13 teams.
     15 That is where quantization comes in. It's an umbrella term that covers a lot of
     16 different techniques to store numbers and perform calculations on them in more
     17 compact formats than 32-bit floating point. I am going to focus on eight-bit
     18 fixed point, for reasons I'll go into more detail on later.
     20 [TOC]
     22 ## Why does Quantization Work?
     24 Training neural networks is done by applying many tiny nudges to the weights,
     25 and these small increments typically need floating point precision to work
     26 (though there are research efforts to use quantized representations here too).
     28 Taking a pre-trained model and running inference is very different. One of the
     29 magical qualities of deep networks is that they tend to cope very well with high
     30 levels of noise in their inputs. If you think about recognizing an object in a
     31 photo you've just taken, the network has to ignore all the CCD noise, lighting
     32 changes, and other non-essential differences between it and the training
     33 examples it's seen before, and focus on the important similarities instead. This
     34 ability means that they seem to treat low-precision calculations as just another
     35 source of noise, and still produce accurate results even with numerical formats
     36 that hold less information.
     38 ## Why Quantize?
     40 Neural network models can take up a lot of space on disk, with the original
     41 AlexNet being over 200 MB in float format for example. Almost all of that size
     42 is taken up with the weights for the neural connections, since there are often
     43 many millions of these in a single model. Because they're all slightly different
     44 floating point numbers, simple compression formats like zip don't compress them
     45 well. They are arranged in large layers though, and within each layer the
     46 weights tend to be normally distributed within a certain range, for example -3.0
     47 to 6.0.
     49 The simplest motivation for quantization is to shrink file sizes by storing the
     50 min and max for each layer, and then compressing each float value to an
     51 eight-bit integer representing the closest real number in a linear set of 256
     52 within the range. For example with the -3.0 to 6.0 range, a 0 byte would
     53 represent -3.0, a 255 would stand for 6.0, and 128 would represent about 1.5.
     54 I'll go into the exact calculations later, since there's some subtleties, but
     55 this means you can get the benefit of a file on disk that's shrunk by 75%, and
     56 then convert back to float after loading so that your existing floating-point
     57 code can work without any changes.
     59 Another reason to quantize is to reduce the computational resources you need to
     60 do the inference calculations, by running them entirely with eight-bit inputs
     61 and outputs. This is a lot more difficult since it requires changes everywhere
     62 you do calculations, but offers a lot of potential rewards. Fetching eight-bit
     63 values only requires 25% of the memory bandwidth of floats, so you'll make much
     64 better use of caches and avoid bottlenecking on RAM access. You can also
     65 typically use SIMD operations that do many more operations per clock cycle. In
     66 some case you'll have a DSP chip available that can accelerate eight-bit
     67 calculations too, which can offer a lot of advantages.
     69 Moving calculations over to eight bit will help you run your models faster, and
     70 use less power (which is especially important on mobile devices). It also opens
     71 the door to a lot of embedded systems that can't run floating point code
     72 efficiently, so it can enable a lot of applications in the IoT world.
     74 ## Why Not Train in Lower Precision Directly?
     76 There have been some experiments training at lower bit depths, but the results
     77 seem to indicate that you need higher than eight bit to handle the back
     78 propagation and gradients. That makes implementing the training more
     79 complicated, and so starting with inference made sense. We also already have a
     80 lot of float models already that we use and know well, so being able to convert
     81 them directly is very convenient.
     83 ## How Can You Quantize Your Models?
     85 TensorFlow has production-grade support for eight-bit calculations built in. It
     86 also has a process for converting many models trained in floating-point over to
     87 equivalent graphs using quantized calculations for inference. For example,
     88 here's how you can translate the latest GoogLeNet model into a version that uses
     89 eight-bit computations:
     91 ```sh
     92 curl -L "https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/models/inception_v3_2016_08_28_frozen.pb.tar.gz" |
     93   tar -C tensorflow/examples/label_image/data -xz
     94 bazel build tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transform_graph
     95 bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_graph \
     96   --in_graph=tensorflow/examples/label_image/data/inception_v3_2016_08_28_frozen.pb \
     97   --out_graph=/tmp/quantized_graph.pb \
     98   --inputs=input \
     99   --outputs=InceptionV3/Predictions/Reshape_1 \
    100   --transforms='add_default_attributes strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape="1,299,299,3")
    101     remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics) fold_constants(ignore_errors=true)
    102     fold_batch_norms fold_old_batch_norms quantize_weights quantize_nodes
    103     strip_unused_nodes sort_by_execution_order'
    104 ```
    106 This will produce a new model that runs the same operations as the original, but
    107 with eight bit calculations internally, and all weights quantized as well. If
    108 you look at the file size, you'll see it's about a quarter of the original (23MB
    109 versus 91MB). You can still run this model using exactly the same inputs and
    110 outputs though, and you should get equivalent results. Here's an example:
    112 ```sh
    113 bazel build tensorflow/examples/label_image:label_image
    114 bazel-bin/tensorflow/examples/label_image/label_image \
    115 --graph=/tmp/quantized_graph.pb \
    116 ```
    118 You'll see that this runs the newly-quantized graph, and outputs a very similar
    119 answer to the original.
    121 You can run the same process on your own models saved out as GraphDefs, with the
    122 input and output names adapted to those your network requires. I recommend that
    123 you run them through the freeze_graph script first, to convert checkpoints into
    124 constants stored in the file.
    126 ## How Does the Quantization Process Work?
    128 We've implemented quantization by writing equivalent eight-bit versions of
    129 operations that are commonly used during inference. These include convolution,
    130 matrix multiplication, activation functions, pooling operations and
    131 concatenation. The conversion script first replaces all the individual ops it
    132 knows about with quantized equivalents. These are small sub-graphs that have
    133 conversion functions before and after to move the data between float and
    134 eight-bit. Below is an example of what they look like. First here's the original
    135 Relu operation, with float inputs and outputs:
    137 ![Relu Diagram](https://www.tensorflow.org/images/quantization0.png)
    139 Then, this is the equivalent converted subgraph, still with float inputs and
    140 outputs, but with internal conversions so the calculations are done in eight
    141 bit.
    143 ![Converted Diagram](https://www.tensorflow.org/images/quantization1.png)
    145 The min and max operations actually look at the values in the input float
    146 tensor, and then feeds them into the Dequantize operation that converts the
    147 tensor into eight-bits. There are more details on how the quantized representation
    148 works later on.
    150 Once the individual operations have been converted, the next stage is to remove
    151 unnecessary conversions to and from float. If there are consecutive sequences of
    152 operations that all have float equivalents, then there will be a lot of adjacent
    153 Dequantize/Quantize ops. This stage spots that pattern, recognizes that they
    154 cancel each other out, and removes them, like this:
    156 ![Stripping Diagram](https://www.tensorflow.org/images/quantization2.png)
    158 Applied on a large scale to models where all of the operations have quantized
    159 equivalents, this gives a graph where all of the tensor calculations are done in
    160 eight bit, without having to convert to float.
    162 ## What Representation is Used for Quantized Tensors?
    164 We approach converting floating-point arrays of numbers into eight-bit
    165 representations as a compression problem. We know that the weights and
    166 activation tensors in trained neural network models tend to have values that are
    167 distributed across comparatively small ranges (for example you might have -15 to
    168 +15 for weights, -500 to 1000 for activations on an image model, though the
    169 exact numbers will vary). We also know from experiment that neural nets tend to
    170 be very robust in the face of noise, and so the noise-like error produced by
    171 quantizing down to a small set of values will not hurt the precision of the
    172 overall results very much. We also want to pick a representation that's easy to
    173 perform calculations on, especially the large matrix multiplications that form
    174 the bulk of the work that's needed to run a model.
    176 These led us to pick a representation that has two floats to store the overall
    177 minimum and maximum values that are represented by the lowest and highest
    178 quantized value. Each entry in the quantized array represents a float value in
    179 that range, distributed linearly between the minimum and maximum. For example,
    180 if we have minimum = -10.0, and maximum = 30.0f, and an eight-bit array, here's
    181 what the quantized values represent:
    183 ```
    184 Quantized | Float
    185 --------- | -----
    186 0         | -10.0
    187 255       | 30.0
    188 128       | 10.0
    189 ```
    191 The advantages of this format are that it can represent arbitrary magnitudes of
    192 ranges, they don't have to be symmetrical, it can represent signed and unsigned
    193 values, and the linear spread makes doing multiplications straightforward. There
    194 are alternatives like [Song Han's code books](http://arxiv.org/pdf/1510.00149.pdf)
    195 that can use lower bit depths by non-linearly distributing the float values
    196 across the representation, but these tend to be more expensive to calculate on.
    198 The advantage of having a strong and clear definition of the quantized format is
    199 that it's always possible to convert back and forth from float for operations
    200 that aren't quantization-ready, or to inspect the tensors for debugging
    201 purposes. One implementation detail in TensorFlow that we're hoping to improve
    202 in the future is that the minimum and maximum float values need to be passed as
    203 separate tensors to the one holding the quantized values, so graphs can get a
    204 bit dense!
    206 The nice thing about the minimum and maximum ranges is that they can often be
    207 pre-calculated. Weight parameters are constants known at load time, so their
    208 ranges can also be stored as constants. We often know the ranges for inputs (for
    209 examples images are usually RGB values in the range 0.0 to 255.0), and many
    210 activation functions have known ranges too. This can avoid having to analyze the
    211 outputs of an operation to determine the range, which we need to do for math ops
    212 like convolution or matrix multiplication which produce 32-bit accumulated
    213 results from 8-bit inputs.
    215 ## What's Next?
    217 We've found that we can get extremely good performance on mobile and embedded
    218 devices by using eight-bit arithmetic rather than floating-point. You can see
    219 the framework we use to optimize matrix multiplications at
    220 [gemmlowp](https://github.com/google/gemmlowp). We still need to apply all the
    221 lessons we've learned to the TensorFlow ops to get maximum performance on
    222 mobile, but we're actively working on that. Right now, this quantized
    223 implementation is a reasonably fast and accurate reference implementation that
    224 we're hoping will enable wider support for our eight-bit models on a wider
    225 variety of devices. We also hope that this demonstration will encourage the
    226 community to explore what's possible with low-precision neural networks.