Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in maven
      1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
      2 # Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 #
      4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 #
      8 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 #
     10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 # limitations under the License.
     15 # ==============================================================================
     16 #
     17 # This script is intended to be run inside a docker container to provide a
     18 # hermetic process. See release.sh for the expected invocation.
     21 RELEASE_URL_PREFIX="https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/libtensorflow"
     23 # By default we deploy to both ossrh and bintray. These two
     24 # environment variables can be set to skip either repository.
     26 DEPLOY_OSSRH="${DEPLOY_OSSRH:-true}"
     28 IS_SNAPSHOT="false"
     29 if [[ "${TF_VERSION}" == *"-SNAPSHOT" ]]; then
     30   IS_SNAPSHOT="true"
     31   # Bintray does not allow snapshots.
     32   DEPLOY_BINTRAY="false"
     33 fi
     34 PROTOC_RELEASE_URL="https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download/v3.3.0/protoc-3.3.0-linux-x86_64.zip"
     35 if [[ "${DEPLOY_BINTRAY}" != "true" && "${DEPLOY_OSSRH}" != "true" ]]; then
     36   echo "Must deploy to at least one of Bintray or OSSRH" >&2
     37   exit 2
     38 fi
     40 set -ex
     42 clean() {
     43   # Clean up any existing artifacts
     44   # (though if run inside a clean docker container, there won't be any dirty
     45   # artifacts lying around)
     46   mvn -q clean
     47   rm -rf libtensorflow_jni/src libtensorflow_jni/target libtensorflow_jni_gpu/src libtensorflow_jni_gpu/target libtensorflow/src libtensorflow/target tensorflow-android/target
     48 }
     50 update_version_in_pom() {
     51   mvn versions:set -DnewVersion="${TF_VERSION}"
     52 }
     54 # Fetch a property from pom files for a given profile.
     55 # Arguments:
     56 #   profile - name of the selected profile.
     57 #   property - name of the property to be retrieved.
     58 # Output:
     59 #   Echo property value to stdout
     60 mvn_property() {
     61   local profile="$1"
     62   local prop="$2"
     63   mvn -q --non-recursive exec:exec -P "${profile}" \
     64     -Dexec.executable='echo' \
     65     -Dexec.args="\${${prop}}"
     66 }
     68 download_libtensorflow() {
     69   if [[ "${IS_SNAPSHOT}" == "true" ]]; then
     70     URL="http://ci.tensorflow.org/view/Nightly/job/nightly-libtensorflow/TYPE=cpu-slave/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/lib_package/libtensorflow-src.jar"
     71   else
     72     URL="${RELEASE_URL_PREFIX}/libtensorflow-src-${TF_VERSION}.jar"
     73   fi
     74   curl -L "${URL}" -o /tmp/src.jar
     75   cd "${DIR}/libtensorflow"
     76   jar -xvf /tmp/src.jar
     77   rm -rf META-INF
     78   cd "${DIR}"
     79 }
     81 # Fetch the android aar artifact from the CI build system, and update
     82 # its associated pom file.
     83 update_tensorflow_android() {
     84   TARGET_DIR="${DIR}/tensorflow-android/target"
     85   mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}"
     86   python "${DIR}/tensorflow-android/update.py" \
     87     --version "${TF_VERSION}" \
     88     --template "${DIR}/tensorflow-android/pom-android.xml.template" \
     89     --dir "${TARGET_DIR}"
     90 }
     92 download_libtensorflow_jni() {
     93   NATIVE_DIR="${DIR}/libtensorflow_jni/src/main/resources/org/tensorflow/native"
     94   mkdir -p "${NATIVE_DIR}"
     95   cd "${NATIVE_DIR}"
     97   mkdir linux-x86_64
     98   mkdir windows-x86_64
     99   mkdir darwin-x86_64
    101   if [[ "${IS_SNAPSHOT}" == "true" ]]; then
    102     # Nightly builds from http://ci.tensorflow.org/view/Nightly/job/nightly-libtensorflow/
    103     # and http://ci.tensorflow.org/view/Nightly/job/nightly-libtensorflow-windows/
    104     curl -L "http://ci.tensorflow.org/view/Nightly/job/nightly-libtensorflow/TYPE=cpu-slave/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/lib_package/libtensorflow_jni-cpu-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" | tar -xvz -C linux-x86_64
    105     curl -L "http://ci.tensorflow.org/view/Nightly/job/nightly-libtensorflow/TYPE=mac-slave/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/lib_package/libtensorflow_jni-cpu-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz" | tar -xvz -C darwin-x86_64
    106     curl -L "http://ci.tensorflow.org/view/Nightly/job/nightly-libtensorflow-windows/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/lib_package/libtensorflow_jni-cpu-windows-x86_64.zip" -o /tmp/windows.zip
    107   else
    108     curl -L "${RELEASE_URL_PREFIX}/libtensorflow_jni-cpu-linux-x86_64-${TF_VERSION}.tar.gz" | tar -xvz -C linux-x86_64
    109     curl -L "${RELEASE_URL_PREFIX}/libtensorflow_jni-cpu-darwin-x86_64-${TF_VERSION}.tar.gz" | tar -xvz -C darwin-x86_64
    110     curl -L "${RELEASE_URL_PREFIX}/libtensorflow_jni-cpu-windows-x86_64-${TF_VERSION}.zip" -o /tmp/windows.zip
    111   fi
    113   unzip /tmp/windows.zip -d windows-x86_64
    114   rm -f /tmp/windows.zip
    115   # Updated timestamps seem to be required to get Maven to pick up the file.
    116   touch linux-x86_64/*
    117   touch darwin-x86_64/*
    118   touch windows-x86_64/*
    119   cd "${DIR}"
    120 }
    122 download_libtensorflow_jni_gpu() {
    123   NATIVE_DIR="${DIR}/libtensorflow_jni_gpu/src/main/resources/org/tensorflow/native"
    124   mkdir -p "${NATIVE_DIR}"
    125   cd "${NATIVE_DIR}"
    127   mkdir linux-x86_64
    129   if [[ "${IS_SNAPSHOT}" == "true" ]]; then
    130     # Nightly builds from http://ci.tensorflow.org/view/Nightly/job/nightly-libtensorflow/
    131     # and http://ci.tensorflow.org/view/Nightly/job/nightly-libtensorflow-windows/
    132     curl -L "http://ci.tensorflow.org/view/Nightly/job/nightly-libtensorflow/TYPE=gpu-linux/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/lib_package/libtensorflow_jni-gpu-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" | tar -xvz -C linux-x86_64
    133   else
    134     curl -L "${RELEASE_URL_PREFIX}/libtensorflow_jni-gpu-linux-x86_64-${TF_VERSION}.tar.gz" | tar -xvz -C linux-x86_64
    135   fi
    137   # Updated timestamps seem to be required to get Maven to pick up the file.
    138   touch linux-x86_64/*
    139   cd "${DIR}"
    140 }
    142 # Ideally, the .jar for generated Java code for TensorFlow protocol buffer files
    143 # would have been produced by bazel rules. However, protocol buffer library
    144 # support in bazel is in flux. Once
    145 # https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/2626 has been resolved, perhaps
    146 # TensorFlow can move to something like
    147 # https://bazel.build/blog/2017/02/27/protocol-buffers.html
    148 # for generating C++, Java and Python code for protocol buffers.
    149 #
    150 # At that point, perhaps the libtensorflow build scripts
    151 # (tensorflow/tools/ci_build/builds/libtensorflow.sh) can build .jars for
    152 # generated code and this function would not need to download protoc to generate
    153 # code.
    154 generate_java_protos() {
    155   # Clean any previous attempts
    156   rm -rf "${DIR}/proto/tmp"
    158   # Download protoc
    159   curl -L "${PROTOC_RELEASE_URL}" -o "/tmp/protoc.zip"
    160   mkdir -p "${DIR}/proto/tmp/protoc"
    161   unzip -d "${DIR}/proto/tmp/protoc" "/tmp/protoc.zip"
    162   rm -f "/tmp/protoc.zip"
    164   # Download the release archive of TensorFlow protos.
    165   if [[ "${IS_SNAPSHOT}" == "true" ]]; then
    166     URL="http://ci.tensorflow.org/view/Nightly/job/nightly-libtensorflow/TYPE=cpu-slave/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/lib_package/libtensorflow_proto.zip"
    167   else
    168     URL="${RELEASE_URL_PREFIX}/libtensorflow_proto-${TF_VERSION}.zip"
    169   fi
    170   curl -L "${URL}" -o /tmp/libtensorflow_proto.zip
    171   mkdir -p "${DIR}/proto/tmp/src"
    172   unzip -d "${DIR}/proto/tmp/src" "/tmp/libtensorflow_proto.zip"
    173   rm -f "/tmp/libtensorflow_proto.zip"
    175   # Generate Java code
    176   mkdir -p "${DIR}/proto/src/main/java"
    177   find "${DIR}/proto/tmp/src" -name "*.proto" | xargs \
    178   ${DIR}/proto/tmp/protoc/bin/protoc \
    179     --proto_path="${DIR}/proto/tmp/src" \
    180     --java_out="${DIR}/proto/src/main/java"
    182   # Cleanup
    183   rm -rf "${DIR}/proto/tmp"
    184 }
    186 # Deploy artifacts using a specific profile.
    187 # Arguments:
    188 #   profile - name of selected profile.
    189 # Outputs:
    190 #   n/a
    191 deploy_profile() {
    192   local profile="$1"
    193   # Deploy the non-android pieces.
    194   mvn deploy -P"${profile}"
    195   # Determine the correct pom file property to use
    196   # for the repository url.
    197   local rtype
    198   if [[ "${IS_SNAPSHOT}" == "true" ]]; then
    199     rtype='snapshotRepository'
    200   else
    201     rtype='repository'
    202   fi
    203   local url=$(mvn_property "${profile}" "project.distributionManagement.${rtype}.url")
    204   local repositoryId=$(mvn_property "${profile}" "project.distributionManagement.${rtype}.id")
    205   mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file \
    206     -Dfile="${DIR}/tensorflow-android/target/tensorflow.aar" \
    207     -DpomFile="${DIR}/tensorflow-android/target/pom-android.xml" \
    208     -Durl="${url}" \
    209     -DrepositoryId="${repositoryId}"
    210 }
    212 # If successfully built, try to deploy.
    213 # If successfully deployed, clean.
    214 # If deployment fails, debug with
    215 #   ./release.sh ${TF_VERSION} ${SETTINGS_XML} bash
    216 # To get a shell to poke around the maven artifacts with.
    217 deploy_artifacts() {
    218   # Deploy artifacts to ossrh if requested.
    219   if [[ "${DEPLOY_OSSRH}" == "true" ]]; then
    220     deploy_profile 'ossrh'
    221   fi
    222   # Deploy artifacts to bintray if requested.
    223   if [[ "${DEPLOY_BINTRAY}" == "true" ]]; then
    224     deploy_profile 'bintray'
    225   fi
    226   # Clean up when everything works
    227   clean
    228 }
    230 if [ -z "${TF_VERSION}" ]
    231 then
    232   echo "Must set the TF_VERSION environment variable"
    233   exit 1
    234 fi
    236 DIR="$(realpath $(dirname $0))"
    237 cd "${DIR}"
    239 # The meat of the script.
    240 # Comment lines out appropriately if debugging/tinkering with the release
    241 # process.
    242 # gnupg2 is required for signing
    243 apt-get -qq update && apt-get -qqq install -y gnupg2
    244 clean
    245 update_version_in_pom
    246 download_libtensorflow
    247 download_libtensorflow_jni
    248 download_libtensorflow_jni_gpu
    249 update_tensorflow_android
    250 generate_java_protos
    251 # Build the release artifacts
    252 mvn verify
    253 # Push artifacts to repository
    254 deploy_artifacts
    256 set +ex
    257 if [[ "${IS_SNAPSHOT}" == "false" ]]; then
    258   echo "Uploaded to the staging repository"
    259   echo "After validating the release: "
    260   if [[ "${DEPLOY_OSSRH}" == "true" ]]; then
    261     echo "* Login to https://oss.sonatype.org/#stagingRepositories"
    262     echo "* Find the 'org.tensorflow' staging release and click either 'Release' to release or 'Drop' to abort"
    263   fi
    264   if [[ "${DEPLOY_BINTRAY}" == "true" ]]; then
    265     echo "* Login to https://bintray.com/google/tensorflow/tensorflow"
    266     echo "* Either 'Publish' unpublished items to release, or 'Discard' to abort"
    267   fi
    268 else
    269   echo "Uploaded to the snapshot repository"
    270 fi