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      1 # Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      2 #
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #
      7 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     14 # ==============================================================================
     15 """Baseline estimators.
     17 Baseline estimators are bias-only estimators that can be used for debugging
     18 and as simple baselines.
     20 Example:
     22 ```
     23 # Build BaselineClassifier
     24 classifier = BaselineClassifier(n_classes=3)
     26 # Input builders
     27 def input_fn_train: # returns x, y (where y represents label's class index).
     28   pass
     30 def input_fn_eval: # returns x, y (where y represents label's class index).
     31   pass
     33 # Fit model.
     34 classifier.train(input_fn=input_fn_train)
     36 # Evaluate cross entropy between the test and train labels.
     37 loss = classifier.evaluate(input_fn=input_fn_eval)["loss"]
     39 # predict outputs the probability distribution of the classes as seen in
     40 # training.
     41 predictions = classifier.predict(new_samples)
     42 ```
     43 """
     44 from __future__ import absolute_import
     45 from __future__ import division
     46 from __future__ import print_function
     48 import six
     50 from tensorflow.python.estimator import estimator
     51 from tensorflow.python.estimator.canned import head as head_lib
     52 from tensorflow.python.estimator.canned import optimizers
     53 from tensorflow.python.feature_column import feature_column as feature_column_lib
     54 from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
     55 from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
     56 from tensorflow.python.ops import check_ops
     57 from tensorflow.python.ops import init_ops
     58 from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
     59 from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope
     60 from tensorflow.python.ops.losses import losses
     61 from tensorflow.python.training import training_util
     62 from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export
     64 # The default learning rate of 0.3 is a historical artifact of the initial
     65 # implementation, but seems a reasonable choice.
     66 _LEARNING_RATE = 0.3
     69 def _get_weight_column_key(weight_column):
     70   if weight_column is None:
     71     return None
     72   if isinstance(weight_column, six.string_types):
     73     return weight_column
     74   if not isinstance(weight_column, feature_column_lib._NumericColumn):  # pylint: disable=protected-access
     75     raise TypeError('Weight column must be either a string or _NumericColumn.'
     76                     ' Given type: {}.'.format(type(weight_column)))
     77   return weight_column.key()
     80 def _baseline_logit_fn_builder(num_outputs, weight_column=None):
     81   """Function builder for a baseline logit_fn.
     83   Args:
     84     num_outputs: Number of outputs for the model.
     85     weight_column: A string or a `_NumericColumn` created by
     86       `tf.feature_column.numeric_column` defining feature column representing
     87        weights. It will be multiplied by the loss of the example.
     88   Returns:
     89     A logit_fn (see below).
     90   """
     92   def baseline_logit_fn(features):
     93     """Baseline model logit_fn.
     95     The baseline model simply learns a bias, so the output logits are a
     96     `Variable` with one weight for each output that learns the bias for the
     97     corresponding output.
     99     Args:
    100       features: The first item returned from the `input_fn` passed to `train`,
    101         `evaluate`, and `predict`. This should be a single `Tensor` or dict with
    102         `Tensor` values.
    103     Returns:
    104       A `Tensor` representing the logits.
    105     """
    106     size_checks = []
    107     batch_size = None
    109     weight_column_key = _get_weight_column_key(weight_column)
    111     # The first dimension is assumed to be a batch size and must be consistent
    112     # among all of the features.
    113     for key, feature in features.items():
    114       # Skip weight_column to ensure we don't add size checks to it.
    115       # These would introduce a dependency on the weight at serving time.
    116       if key == weight_column_key:
    117         continue
    118       first_dim = array_ops.shape(feature)[0]
    119       if batch_size is None:
    120         batch_size = first_dim
    121       else:
    122         size_checks.append(check_ops.assert_equal(batch_size, first_dim))
    124     with ops.control_dependencies(size_checks):
    125       with variable_scope.variable_scope('baseline'):
    126         bias = variable_scope.get_variable('bias', shape=[num_outputs],
    127                                            initializer=init_ops.Zeros)
    128         return math_ops.multiply(bias, array_ops.ones([batch_size,
    129                                                        num_outputs]))
    131   return baseline_logit_fn
    134 def _baseline_model_fn(features, labels, mode, head, optimizer,
    135                        weight_column=None, config=None):
    136   """Model_fn for baseline models.
    138   Args:
    139     features: `Tensor` or dict of `Tensor` (depends on data passed to `train`).
    140     labels: `Tensor` of labels that are compatible with the `Head` instance.
    141     mode: Defines whether this is training, evaluation or prediction.
    142       See `ModeKeys`.
    143     head: A `Head` instance.
    144     optimizer: String, `tf.Optimizer` object, or callable that creates the
    145       optimizer to use for training. If not specified, will use `FtrlOptimizer`
    146       with a default learning rate of 0.3.
    147     weight_column: A string or a `_NumericColumn` created by
    148       `tf.feature_column.numeric_column` defining feature column representing
    149        weights. It will be multiplied by the loss of the example.
    150     config: `RunConfig` object to configure the runtime settings.
    152   Raises:
    153     KeyError: If weight column is specified but not present.
    154     ValueError: If features is an empty dictionary.
    156   Returns:
    157     An `EstimatorSpec` instance.
    158   """
    159   del config  # Unused.
    161   logit_fn = _baseline_logit_fn_builder(head.logits_dimension, weight_column)
    162   logits = logit_fn(features)
    164   def train_op_fn(loss):
    165     opt = optimizers.get_optimizer_instance(
    166         optimizer, learning_rate=_LEARNING_RATE)
    167     return opt.minimize(loss, global_step=training_util.get_global_step())
    169   return head.create_estimator_spec(
    170       features=features,
    171       mode=mode,
    172       logits=logits,
    173       labels=labels,
    174       train_op_fn=train_op_fn)
    177 @tf_export('estimator.BaselineClassifier')
    178 class BaselineClassifier(estimator.Estimator):
    179   """A classifier that can establish a simple baseline.
    181   This classifier ignores feature values and will learn to predict the average
    182   value of each label. For single-label problems, this will predict the
    183   probability distribution of the classes as seen in the labels. For multi-label
    184   problems, this will predict the fraction of examples that are positive for
    185   each class.
    187   Example:
    189   ```python
    191   # Build BaselineClassifier
    192   classifier = BaselineClassifier(n_classes=3)
    194   # Input builders
    195   def input_fn_train: # returns x, y (where y represents label's class index).
    196     pass
    198   def input_fn_eval: # returns x, y (where y represents label's class index).
    199     pass
    201   # Fit model.
    202   classifier.train(input_fn=input_fn_train)
    204   # Evaluate cross entropy between the test and train labels.
    205   loss = classifier.evaluate(input_fn=input_fn_eval)["loss"]
    207   # predict outputs the probability distribution of the classes as seen in
    208   # training.
    209   predictions = classifier.predict(new_samples)
    211   ```
    213   Input of `train` and `evaluate` should have following features,
    214     otherwise there will be a `KeyError`:
    216   * if `weight_column` is not `None`, a feature with
    217      `key=weight_column` whose value is a `Tensor`.
    218   """
    220   def __init__(self,
    221                model_dir=None,
    222                n_classes=2,
    223                weight_column=None,
    224                label_vocabulary=None,
    225                optimizer='Ftrl',
    226                config=None,
    227                loss_reduction=losses.Reduction.SUM):
    228     """Initializes a BaselineClassifier instance.
    230     Args:
    231       model_dir: Directory to save model parameters, graph and etc. This can
    232         also be used to load checkpoints from the directory into a estimator to
    233         continue training a previously saved model.
    234       n_classes: number of label classes. Default is binary classification.
    235         It must be greater than 1. Note: Class labels are integers representing
    236         the class index (i.e. values from 0 to n_classes-1). For arbitrary
    237         label values (e.g. string labels), convert to class indices first.
    238       weight_column: A string or a `_NumericColumn` created by
    239         `tf.feature_column.numeric_column` defining feature column representing
    240          weights. It will be multiplied by the loss of the example.
    241       label_vocabulary: Optional list of strings with size `[n_classes]`
    242         defining the label vocabulary. Only supported for `n_classes` > 2.
    243       optimizer: String, `tf.Optimizer` object, or callable that creates the
    244         optimizer to use for training. If not specified, will use
    245         `FtrlOptimizer` with a default learning rate of 0.3.
    246       config: `RunConfig` object to configure the runtime settings.
    247       loss_reduction: One of `tf.losses.Reduction` except `NONE`. Describes how
    248         to reduce training loss over batch. Defaults to `SUM`.
    249     Returns:
    250       A `BaselineClassifier` estimator.
    252     Raises:
    253       ValueError: If `n_classes` < 2.
    254     """
    255     if n_classes == 2:
    256       head = head_lib._binary_logistic_head_with_sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss(  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    257           weight_column=weight_column,
    258           label_vocabulary=label_vocabulary,
    259           loss_reduction=loss_reduction)
    260     else:
    261       head = head_lib._multi_class_head_with_softmax_cross_entropy_loss(  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    262           n_classes, weight_column=weight_column,
    263           label_vocabulary=label_vocabulary,
    264           loss_reduction=loss_reduction)
    265     def _model_fn(features, labels, mode, config):
    266       return _baseline_model_fn(
    267           features=features,
    268           labels=labels,
    269           mode=mode,
    270           head=head,
    271           optimizer=optimizer,
    272           weight_column=weight_column,
    273           config=config)
    274     super(BaselineClassifier, self).__init__(
    275         model_fn=_model_fn,
    276         model_dir=model_dir,
    277         config=config)
    280 @tf_export('estimator.BaselineRegressor')
    281 class BaselineRegressor(estimator.Estimator):
    282   """A regressor that can establish a simple baseline.
    284   This regressor ignores feature values and will learn to predict the average
    285   value of each label.
    287   Example:
    289   ```python
    291   # Build BaselineRegressor
    292   regressor = BaselineRegressor()
    294   # Input builders
    295   def input_fn_train: # returns x, y (where y is the label).
    296     pass
    298   def input_fn_eval: # returns x, y (where y is the label).
    299     pass
    301   # Fit model.
    302   regressor.train(input_fn=input_fn_train)
    304   # Evaluate squared-loss between the test and train targets.
    305   loss = regressor.evaluate(input_fn=input_fn_eval)["loss"]
    307   # predict outputs the mean value seen during training.
    308   predictions = regressor.predict(new_samples)
    309   ```
    311   Input of `train` and `evaluate` should have following features,
    312     otherwise there will be a `KeyError`:
    314   * if `weight_column` is not `None`, a feature with
    315      `key=weight_column` whose value is a `Tensor`.
    316   """
    318   def __init__(self,
    319                model_dir=None,
    320                label_dimension=1,
    321                weight_column=None,
    322                optimizer='Ftrl',
    323                config=None,
    324                loss_reduction=losses.Reduction.SUM):
    325     """Initializes a BaselineRegressor instance.
    327     Args:
    328       model_dir: Directory to save model parameters, graph and etc. This can
    329         also be used to load checkpoints from the directory into a estimator to
    330         continue training a previously saved model.
    331       label_dimension: Number of regression targets per example. This is the
    332         size of the last dimension of the labels and logits `Tensor` objects
    333         (typically, these have shape `[batch_size, label_dimension]`).
    334       weight_column: A string or a `_NumericColumn` created by
    335         `tf.feature_column.numeric_column` defining feature column representing
    336          weights. It will be multiplied by the loss of the example.
    337       optimizer: String, `tf.Optimizer` object, or callable that creates the
    338         optimizer to use for training. If not specified, will use
    339         `FtrlOptimizer` with a default learning rate of 0.3.
    340       config: `RunConfig` object to configure the runtime settings.
    341       loss_reduction: One of `tf.losses.Reduction` except `NONE`. Describes how
    342         to reduce training loss over batch. Defaults to `SUM`.
    343     Returns:
    344       A `BaselineRegressor` estimator.
    345     """
    347     head = head_lib._regression_head_with_mean_squared_error_loss(  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    348         label_dimension=label_dimension,
    349         weight_column=weight_column,
    350         loss_reduction=loss_reduction)
    351     def _model_fn(features, labels, mode, config):
    352       return _baseline_model_fn(
    353           features=features,
    354           labels=labels,
    355           mode=mode,
    356           head=head,
    357           optimizer=optimizer,
    358           config=config)
    359     super(BaselineRegressor, self).__init__(
    360         model_fn=_model_fn,
    361         model_dir=model_dir,
    362         config=config)