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      1 # Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      2 #
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #
      7 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     14 # ==============================================================================
     15 """Distributed MNIST training and validation, with model replicas.
     17 A simple softmax model with one hidden layer is defined. The parameters
     18 (weights and biases) are located on one parameter server (ps), while the ops
     19 are executed on two worker nodes by default. The TF sessions also run on the
     20 worker node.
     21 Multiple invocations of this script can be done in parallel, with different
     22 values for --task_index. There should be exactly one invocation with
     23 --task_index, which will create a master session that carries out variable
     24 initialization. The other, non-master, sessions will wait for the master
     25 session to finish the initialization before proceeding to the training stage.
     27 The coordination between the multiple worker invocations occurs due to
     28 the definition of the parameters on the same ps devices. The parameter updates
     29 from one worker is visible to all other workers. As such, the workers can
     30 perform forward computation and gradient calculation in parallel, which
     31 should lead to increased training speed for the simple model.
     32 """
     34 from __future__ import absolute_import
     35 from __future__ import division
     36 from __future__ import print_function
     38 import math
     39 import sys
     40 import tempfile
     41 import time
     43 import tensorflow as tf
     44 from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
     46 flags = tf.app.flags
     47 flags.DEFINE_string("data_dir", "/tmp/mnist-data",
     48                     "Directory for storing mnist data")
     49 flags.DEFINE_boolean("download_only", False,
     50                      "Only perform downloading of data; Do not proceed to "
     51                      "session preparation, model definition or training")
     52 flags.DEFINE_integer("task_index", None,
     53                      "Worker task index, should be >= 0. task_index=0 is "
     54                      "the master worker task the performs the variable "
     55                      "initialization ")
     56 flags.DEFINE_integer("num_gpus", 1, "Total number of gpus for each machine."
     57                      "If you don't use GPU, please set it to '0'")
     58 flags.DEFINE_integer("replicas_to_aggregate", None,
     59                      "Number of replicas to aggregate before parameter update"
     60                      "is applied (For sync_replicas mode only; default: "
     61                      "num_workers)")
     62 flags.DEFINE_integer("hidden_units", 100,
     63                      "Number of units in the hidden layer of the NN")
     64 flags.DEFINE_integer("train_steps", 200,
     65                      "Number of (global) training steps to perform")
     66 flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_size", 100, "Training batch size")
     67 flags.DEFINE_float("learning_rate", 0.01, "Learning rate")
     68 flags.DEFINE_boolean(
     69     "sync_replicas", False,
     70     "Use the sync_replicas (synchronized replicas) mode, "
     71     "wherein the parameter updates from workers are aggregated "
     72     "before applied to avoid stale gradients")
     73 flags.DEFINE_boolean(
     74     "existing_servers", False, "Whether servers already exists. If True, "
     75     "will use the worker hosts via their GRPC URLs (one client process "
     76     "per worker host). Otherwise, will create an in-process TensorFlow "
     77     "server.")
     78 flags.DEFINE_string("ps_hosts", "localhost:2222",
     79                     "Comma-separated list of hostname:port pairs")
     80 flags.DEFINE_string("worker_hosts", "localhost:2223,localhost:2224",
     81                     "Comma-separated list of hostname:port pairs")
     82 flags.DEFINE_string("job_name", None, "job name: worker or ps")
     84 FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
     86 IMAGE_PIXELS = 28
     89 def main(unused_argv):
     90   mnist = input_data.read_data_sets(FLAGS.data_dir, one_hot=True)
     91   if FLAGS.download_only:
     92     sys.exit(0)
     94   if FLAGS.job_name is None or FLAGS.job_name == "":
     95     raise ValueError("Must specify an explicit `job_name`")
     96   if FLAGS.task_index is None or FLAGS.task_index == "":
     97     raise ValueError("Must specify an explicit `task_index`")
     99   print("job name = %s" % FLAGS.job_name)
    100   print("task index = %d" % FLAGS.task_index)
    102   #Construct the cluster and start the server
    103   ps_spec = FLAGS.ps_hosts.split(",")
    104   worker_spec = FLAGS.worker_hosts.split(",")
    106   # Get the number of workers.
    107   num_workers = len(worker_spec)
    109   cluster = tf.train.ClusterSpec({"ps": ps_spec, "worker": worker_spec})
    111   if not FLAGS.existing_servers:
    112     # Not using existing servers. Create an in-process server.
    113     server = tf.train.Server(
    114         cluster, job_name=FLAGS.job_name, task_index=FLAGS.task_index)
    115     if FLAGS.job_name == "ps":
    116       server.join()
    118   is_chief = (FLAGS.task_index == 0)
    119   if FLAGS.num_gpus > 0:
    120     # Avoid gpu allocation conflict: now allocate task_num -> #gpu
    121     # for each worker in the corresponding machine
    122     gpu = (FLAGS.task_index % FLAGS.num_gpus)
    123     worker_device = "/job:worker/task:%d/gpu:%d" % (FLAGS.task_index, gpu)
    124   elif FLAGS.num_gpus == 0:
    125     # Just allocate the CPU to worker server
    126     cpu = 0
    127     worker_device = "/job:worker/task:%d/cpu:%d" % (FLAGS.task_index, cpu)
    128   # The device setter will automatically place Variables ops on separate
    129   # parameter servers (ps). The non-Variable ops will be placed on the workers.
    130   # The ps use CPU and workers use corresponding GPU
    131   with tf.device(
    132       tf.train.replica_device_setter(
    133           worker_device=worker_device,
    134           ps_device="/job:ps/cpu:0",
    135           cluster=cluster)):
    136     global_step = tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False)
    138     # Variables of the hidden layer
    139     hid_w = tf.Variable(
    140         tf.truncated_normal(
    141             [IMAGE_PIXELS * IMAGE_PIXELS, FLAGS.hidden_units],
    142             stddev=1.0 / IMAGE_PIXELS),
    143         name="hid_w")
    144     hid_b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([FLAGS.hidden_units]), name="hid_b")
    146     # Variables of the softmax layer
    147     sm_w = tf.Variable(
    148         tf.truncated_normal(
    149             [FLAGS.hidden_units, 10],
    150             stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(FLAGS.hidden_units)),
    151         name="sm_w")
    152     sm_b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]), name="sm_b")
    154     # Ops: located on the worker specified with FLAGS.task_index
    155     x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, IMAGE_PIXELS * IMAGE_PIXELS])
    156     y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])
    158     hid_lin = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(x, hid_w, hid_b)
    159     hid = tf.nn.relu(hid_lin)
    161     y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.nn.xw_plus_b(hid, sm_w, sm_b))
    162     cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(y_ * tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(y, 1e-10, 1.0)))
    164     opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(FLAGS.learning_rate)
    166     if FLAGS.sync_replicas:
    167       if FLAGS.replicas_to_aggregate is None:
    168         replicas_to_aggregate = num_workers
    169       else:
    170         replicas_to_aggregate = FLAGS.replicas_to_aggregate
    172       opt = tf.train.SyncReplicasOptimizer(
    173           opt,
    174           replicas_to_aggregate=replicas_to_aggregate,
    175           total_num_replicas=num_workers,
    176           name="mnist_sync_replicas")
    178     train_step = opt.minimize(cross_entropy, global_step=global_step)
    180     if FLAGS.sync_replicas:
    181       local_init_op = opt.local_step_init_op
    182       if is_chief:
    183         local_init_op = opt.chief_init_op
    185       ready_for_local_init_op = opt.ready_for_local_init_op
    187       # Initial token and chief queue runners required by the sync_replicas mode
    188       chief_queue_runner = opt.get_chief_queue_runner()
    189       sync_init_op = opt.get_init_tokens_op()
    191     init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    192     train_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    194     if FLAGS.sync_replicas:
    195       sv = tf.train.Supervisor(
    196           is_chief=is_chief,
    197           logdir=train_dir,
    198           init_op=init_op,
    199           local_init_op=local_init_op,
    200           ready_for_local_init_op=ready_for_local_init_op,
    201           recovery_wait_secs=1,
    202           global_step=global_step)
    203     else:
    204       sv = tf.train.Supervisor(
    205           is_chief=is_chief,
    206           logdir=train_dir,
    207           init_op=init_op,
    208           recovery_wait_secs=1,
    209           global_step=global_step)
    211     sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(
    212         allow_soft_placement=True,
    213         log_device_placement=False,
    214         device_filters=["/job:ps",
    215                         "/job:worker/task:%d" % FLAGS.task_index])
    217     # The chief worker (task_index==0) session will prepare the session,
    218     # while the remaining workers will wait for the preparation to complete.
    219     if is_chief:
    220       print("Worker %d: Initializing session..." % FLAGS.task_index)
    221     else:
    222       print("Worker %d: Waiting for session to be initialized..." %
    223             FLAGS.task_index)
    225     if FLAGS.existing_servers:
    226       server_grpc_url = "grpc://" + worker_spec[FLAGS.task_index]
    227       print("Using existing server at: %s" % server_grpc_url)
    229       sess = sv.prepare_or_wait_for_session(server_grpc_url, config=sess_config)
    230     else:
    231       sess = sv.prepare_or_wait_for_session(server.target, config=sess_config)
    233     print("Worker %d: Session initialization complete." % FLAGS.task_index)
    235     if FLAGS.sync_replicas and is_chief:
    236       # Chief worker will start the chief queue runner and call the init op.
    237       sess.run(sync_init_op)
    238       sv.start_queue_runners(sess, [chief_queue_runner])
    240     # Perform training
    241     time_begin = time.time()
    242     print("Training begins @ %f" % time_begin)
    244     local_step = 0
    245     while True:
    246       # Training feed
    247       batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(FLAGS.batch_size)
    248       train_feed = {x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys}
    250       _, step = sess.run([train_step, global_step], feed_dict=train_feed)
    251       local_step += 1
    253       now = time.time()
    254       print("%f: Worker %d: training step %d done (global step: %d)" %
    255             (now, FLAGS.task_index, local_step, step))
    257       if step >= FLAGS.train_steps:
    258         break
    260     time_end = time.time()
    261     print("Training ends @ %f" % time_end)
    262     training_time = time_end - time_begin
    263     print("Training elapsed time: %f s" % training_time)
    265     # Validation feed
    266     val_feed = {x: mnist.validation.images, y_: mnist.validation.labels}
    267     val_xent = sess.run(cross_entropy, feed_dict=val_feed)
    268     print("After %d training step(s), validation cross entropy = %g" %
    269           (FLAGS.train_steps, val_xent))
    272 if __name__ == "__main__":
    273   tf.app.run()