Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in toolchain-utils
      1 #!/usr/bin/env python2
      3 # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      4 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 """Script to use remote try-bot build image with local gcc."""
      8 from __future__ import print_function
     10 import argparse
     11 import glob
     12 import os
     13 import re
     14 import shutil
     15 import socket
     16 import sys
     17 import tempfile
     18 import time
     20 from cros_utils import command_executer
     21 from cros_utils import logger
     22 from cros_utils import manifest_versions
     23 from cros_utils import misc
     25 BRANCH = 'the_actual_branch_used_in_this_script'
     26 TMP_BRANCH = 'tmp_branch'
     27 SLEEP_TIME = 600
     29 # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string
     32 def GetPatchNum(output):
     33   lines = output.splitlines()
     34   line = [l for l in lines if 'googlesource' in l][0]
     35   patch_num = re.findall(r'\d+', line)[0]
     36   if 'chrome-internal' in line:
     37     patch_num = '*' + patch_num
     38   return str(patch_num)
     41 def GetPatchString(patch):
     42   if patch:
     43     return '+'.join(patch)
     44   return 'NO_PATCH'
     47 def FindVersionForToolchain(branch, chromeos_root):
     48   """Find the version number in artifacts link in the tryserver email."""
     49   # For example: input:  toolchain-3701.42.B
     50   #              output: R26-3701.42.1
     51   digits = branch.split('-')[1].split('B')[0]
     52   manifest_dir = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'manifest-internal')
     53   os.chdir(manifest_dir)
     54   major_version = digits.split('.')[0]
     55   ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
     56   command = 'repo sync . && git branch -a | grep {0}'.format(major_version)
     57   _, branches, _ = ce.RunCommandWOutput(command, print_to_console=False)
     58   m = re.search(r'(R\d+)', branches)
     59   if not m:
     60     logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Cannot find version for branch {0}'
     61                                 .format(branch))
     62   version = m.group(0) + '-' + digits + '1'
     63   return version
     66 def FindBuildId(description):
     67   """Find the build id of the build at trybot server."""
     68   running_time = 0
     69   while True:
     70     (result, number) = FindBuildIdFromLog(description)
     71     if result >= 0:
     72       return (result, number)
     73     logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('{0} minutes passed.'
     74                                  .format(running_time / 60))
     75     logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Sleeping {0} seconds.'.format(SLEEP_TIME))
     76     time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
     77     running_time += SLEEP_TIME
     80 def FindBuildIdFromLog(description):
     81   """Get the build id from build log."""
     82   # returns tuple (result, buildid)
     83   # result == 0, buildid > 0, the build was successful and we have a build id
     84   # result > 0, buildid > 0,  the whole build failed for some reason but we
     85   #                           do have a build id.
     86   # result == -1, buildid == -1, we have not found a finished build for this
     87   #                              description yet
     89   file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     90   commands = ('{0}/cros_utils/buildbot_json.py builds '
     91               'http://chromegw/p/tryserver.chromiumos/'.format(file_dir))
     92   ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
     93   _, buildinfo, _ = ce.RunCommandWOutput(commands, print_to_console=False)
     95   my_info = buildinfo.splitlines()
     96   current_line = 1
     97   running_job = False
     98   result = -1
    100   # result == 0, we have a successful build
    101   # result > 0, we have a failed build but build id may be valid
    102   # result == -1, we have not found a finished build for this description
    103   while current_line < len(my_info):
    104     my_dict = {}
    105     while True:
    106       key = my_info[current_line].split(':')[0].strip()
    107       value = my_info[current_line].split(':', 1)[1].strip()
    108       my_dict[key] = value
    109       current_line += 1
    110       if 'Build' in key or current_line == len(my_info):
    111         break
    112     if ('True' not in my_dict['completed'] and
    113         str(description) in my_dict['reason']):
    114       running_job = True
    115     if ('True' not in my_dict['completed'] or
    116         str(description) not in my_dict['reason']):
    117       continue
    118     result = int(my_dict['result'])
    119     build_id = int(my_dict['number'])
    120     if result == 0:
    121       return (result, build_id)
    122     else:
    123       # Found a finished failed build.
    124       # Keep searching to find a successful one
    125       pass
    127   if result > 0 and not running_job:
    128     return (result, build_id)
    129   return (-1, -1)
    132 def DownloadImage(target, index, dest, version):
    133   """Download artifacts from cloud."""
    134   if not os.path.exists(dest):
    135     os.makedirs(dest)
    137   rversion = manifest_versions.RFormatCrosVersion(version)
    138   print(str(rversion))
    139   #  ls_cmd = ("gsutil ls gs://chromeos-image-archive/trybot-{0}/{1}-b{2}"
    140   #            .format(target, rversion, index))
    141   ls_cmd = ('gsutil ls gs://chromeos-image-archive/trybot-{0}/*-b{2}'.format(
    142       target, index))
    144   download_cmd = ('$(which gsutil) cp {0} {1}'.format('{0}', dest))
    145   ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
    147   _, out, _ = ce.RunCommandWOutput(ls_cmd, print_to_console=True)
    148   lines = out.splitlines()
    149   download_files = [
    150       'autotest.tar', 'chromeos-chrome', 'chromiumos_test_image', 'debug.tgz',
    151       'sysroot_chromeos-base_chromeos-chrome.tar.xz'
    152   ]
    153   for line in lines:
    154     if any([e in line for e in download_files]):
    155       cmd = download_cmd.format(line)
    156       if ce.RunCommand(cmd):
    157         logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Command {0} failed, existing...'
    158                                     .format(cmd))
    161 def UnpackImage(dest):
    162   """Unpack the image, the chroot build dir."""
    163   chrome_tbz2 = glob.glob(dest + '/*.tbz2')[0]
    164   commands = ('tar xJf {0}/sysroot_chromeos-base_chromeos-chrome.tar.xz '
    165               '-C {0} &&'
    166               'tar xjf {1} -C {0} &&'
    167               'tar xzf {0}/debug.tgz  -C {0}/usr/lib/ &&'
    168               'tar xf {0}/autotest.tar -C {0}/usr/local/ &&'
    169               'tar xJf {0}/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz -C {0}'.format(
    170                   dest, chrome_tbz2))
    171   ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
    172   return ce.RunCommand(commands)
    175 def RemoveOldBranch():
    176   """Remove the branch with name BRANCH."""
    177   ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
    178   command = 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD'
    179   _, out, _ = ce.RunCommandWOutput(command)
    180   if BRANCH in out:
    181     command = 'git checkout -B {0}'.format(TMP_BRANCH)
    182     ce.RunCommand(command)
    183   command = "git commit -m 'nouse'"
    184   ce.RunCommand(command)
    185   command = 'git branch -D {0}'.format(BRANCH)
    186   ce.RunCommand(command)
    189 def UploadManifest(manifest, chromeos_root, branch='master'):
    190   """Copy the manifest to $chromeos_root/manifest-internal and upload."""
    191   chromeos_root = misc.CanonicalizePath(chromeos_root)
    192   manifest_dir = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'manifest-internal')
    193   os.chdir(manifest_dir)
    194   ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
    196   RemoveOldBranch()
    198   if branch != 'master':
    199     branch = '{0}'.format(branch)
    200   command = 'git checkout -b {0} -t cros-internal/{1}'.format(BRANCH, branch)
    201   ret = ce.RunCommand(command)
    202   if ret:
    203     raise RuntimeError('Command {0} failed'.format(command))
    205   # We remove the default.xml, which is the symbolic link of full.xml.
    206   # After that, we copy our xml file to default.xml.
    207   # We did this because the full.xml might be updated during the
    208   # run of the script.
    209   os.remove(os.path.join(manifest_dir, 'default.xml'))
    210   shutil.copyfile(manifest, os.path.join(manifest_dir, 'default.xml'))
    211   return UploadPatch(manifest)
    214 def GetManifestPatch(manifests, version, chromeos_root, branch='master'):
    215   """Return a gerrit patch number given a version of manifest file."""
    216   temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    217   to_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'default.xml')
    218   manifests.GetManifest(version, to_file)
    219   return UploadManifest(to_file, chromeos_root, branch)
    222 def UploadPatch(source):
    223   """Up load patch to gerrit, return patch number."""
    224   commands = ('git add -A . &&'
    225               "git commit -m 'test' -m 'BUG=None' -m 'TEST=None' "
    226               "-m 'hostname={0}' -m 'source={1}'".format(
    227                   socket.gethostname(), source))
    228   ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
    229   ce.RunCommand(commands)
    231   commands = ('yes | repo upload .   --cbr --no-verify')
    232   _, _, err = ce.RunCommandWOutput(commands)
    233   return GetPatchNum(err)
    236 def ReplaceSysroot(chromeos_root, dest_dir, target):
    237   """Copy unpacked sysroot and image to chromeos_root."""
    238   ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
    239   # get the board name from "board-release". board may contain "-"
    240   board = target.rsplit('-', 1)[0]
    241   board_dir = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot', 'build', board)
    242   command = 'sudo rm -rf {0}'.format(board_dir)
    243   ce.RunCommand(command)
    245   command = 'sudo mv {0} {1}'.format(dest_dir, board_dir)
    246   ce.RunCommand(command)
    248   image_dir = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'src', 'build', 'images', board,
    249                            'latest')
    250   command = 'rm -rf {0} && mkdir -p {0}'.format(image_dir)
    251   ce.RunCommand(command)
    253   command = 'mv {0}/chromiumos_test_image.bin {1}'.format(board_dir, image_dir)
    254   return ce.RunCommand(command)
    257 def GccBranchForToolchain(branch):
    258   if branch == 'toolchain-3428.65.B':
    259     return 'release-R25-3428.B'
    260   else:
    261     return None
    264 def GetGccBranch(branch):
    265   """Get the remote branch name from branch or version."""
    266   ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
    267   command = 'git branch -a | grep {0}'.format(branch)
    268   _, out, _ = ce.RunCommandWOutput(command)
    269   if not out:
    270     release_num = re.match(r'.*(R\d+)-*', branch)
    271     if release_num:
    272       release_num = release_num.group(0)
    273       command = 'git branch -a | grep {0}'.format(release_num)
    274       _, out, _ = ce.RunCommandWOutput(command)
    275       if not out:
    276         GccBranchForToolchain(branch)
    277   if not out:
    278     out = 'remotes/cros/master'
    279   new_branch = out.splitlines()[0]
    280   return new_branch
    283 def UploadGccPatch(chromeos_root, gcc_dir, branch):
    284   """Upload local gcc to gerrit and get the CL number."""
    285   ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
    286   gcc_dir = misc.CanonicalizePath(gcc_dir)
    287   gcc_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'src/third_party/gcc')
    288   assert os.path.isdir(gcc_path), ('{0} is not a valid chromeos root'
    289                                    .format(chromeos_root))
    290   assert os.path.isdir(gcc_dir), ('{0} is not a valid dir for gcc'
    291                                   'source'.format(gcc_dir))
    292   os.chdir(gcc_path)
    293   RemoveOldBranch()
    294   if not branch:
    295     branch = 'master'
    296   branch = GetGccBranch(branch)
    297   command = ('git checkout -b {0} -t {1} && ' 'rm -rf *'.format(BRANCH, branch))
    298   ce.RunCommand(command, print_to_console=False)
    300   command = ("rsync -az --exclude='*.svn' --exclude='*.git'"
    301              ' {0}/ .'.format(gcc_dir))
    302   ce.RunCommand(command)
    303   return UploadPatch(gcc_dir)
    306 def RunRemote(chromeos_root, branch, patches, is_local, target, chrome_version,
    307               dest_dir):
    308   """The actual running commands."""
    309   ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
    311   if is_local:
    312     local_flag = '--local -r {0}'.format(dest_dir)
    313   else:
    314     local_flag = '--remote'
    315   patch = ''
    316   for p in patches:
    317     patch += ' -g {0}'.format(p)
    318   cbuildbot_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chromite/cbuildbot')
    319   os.chdir(cbuildbot_path)
    320   branch_flag = ''
    321   if branch != 'master':
    322     branch_flag = ' -b {0}'.format(branch)
    323   chrome_version_flag = ''
    324   if chrome_version:
    325     chrome_version_flag = ' --chrome_version={0}'.format(chrome_version)
    326   description = '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(branch, GetPatchString(patches), target)
    327   command = ('yes | ./cbuildbot {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}'
    328              ' --remote-description={6}'
    329              ' --chrome_rev=tot'.format(patch, branch_flag, chrome_version,
    330                                         local_flag, chrome_version_flag, target,
    331                                         description))
    332   ce.RunCommand(command)
    334   return description
    337 def Main(argv):
    338   """The main function."""
    339   # Common initializations
    340   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    341   parser.add_argument(
    342       '-c',
    343       '--chromeos_root',
    344       required=True,
    345       dest='chromeos_root',
    346       help='The chromeos_root')
    347   parser.add_argument(
    348       '-g', '--gcc_dir', default='', dest='gcc_dir', help='The gcc dir')
    349   parser.add_argument(
    350       '-t',
    351       '--target',
    352       required=True,
    353       dest='target',
    354       help=('The target to be build, the list is at'
    355             ' $(chromeos_root)/chromite/buildbot/cbuildbot'
    356             ' --list -all'))
    357   parser.add_argument('-l', '--local', action='store_true')
    358   parser.add_argument(
    359       '-d',
    360       '--dest_dir',
    361       dest='dest_dir',
    362       help=('The dir to build the whole chromeos if'
    363             ' --local is set'))
    364   parser.add_argument(
    365       '--chrome_version',
    366       dest='chrome_version',
    367       default='',
    368       help='The chrome version to use. '
    369       'Default it will use the latest one.')
    370   parser.add_argument(
    371       '--chromeos_version',
    372       dest='chromeos_version',
    373       default='',
    374       help=('The chromeos version to use.'
    375             '(1) A release version in the format: '
    376             "'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*'"
    377             "(2) 'latest_lkgm' for the latest lkgm version"))
    378   parser.add_argument(
    379       '-r',
    380       '--replace_sysroot',
    381       action='store_true',
    382       help=('Whether or not to replace the build/$board dir'
    383             'under the chroot of chromeos_root and copy '
    384             'the image to src/build/image/$board/latest.'
    385             ' Default is False'))
    386   parser.add_argument(
    387       '-b',
    388       '--branch',
    389       dest='branch',
    390       default='',
    391       help=('The branch to run trybot, default is None'))
    392   parser.add_argument(
    393       '-p',
    394       '--patch',
    395       dest='patch',
    396       default='',
    397       help=('The patches to be applied, the patches numbers '
    398             "be seperated by ','"))
    400   script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    402   args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
    403   target = args.target
    404   if args.patch:
    405     patch = args.patch.split(',')
    406   else:
    407     patch = []
    408   chromeos_root = misc.CanonicalizePath(args.chromeos_root)
    409   if args.chromeos_version and args.branch:
    410     raise RuntimeError('You can not set chromeos_version and branch at the '
    411                        'same time.')
    413   manifests = None
    414   if args.branch:
    415     chromeos_version = ''
    416     branch = args.branch
    417   else:
    418     chromeos_version = args.chromeos_version
    419     manifests = manifest_versions.ManifestVersions()
    420     if chromeos_version == 'latest_lkgm':
    421       chromeos_version = manifests.TimeToVersion(time.mktime(time.gmtime()))
    422       logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('found version %s for latest LKGM' %
    423                                    (chromeos_version))
    424     # TODO: this script currently does not handle the case where the version
    425     # is not in the "master" branch
    426     branch = 'master'
    428   if chromeos_version:
    429     manifest_patch = GetManifestPatch(manifests, chromeos_version,
    430                                       chromeos_root)
    431     patch.append(manifest_patch)
    432   if args.gcc_dir:
    433     # TODO: everytime we invoke this script we are getting a different
    434     # patch for GCC even if GCC has not changed. The description should
    435     # be based on the MD5 of the GCC patch contents.
    436     patch.append(UploadGccPatch(chromeos_root, args.gcc_dir, branch))
    437   description = RunRemote(chromeos_root, branch, patch, args.local, target,
    438                           args.chrome_version, args.dest_dir)
    439   if args.local or not args.dest_dir:
    440     # TODO: We are not checktng the result of cbuild_bot in here!
    441     return 0
    443   # return value:
    444   # 0 => build bot was successful and image was put where requested
    445   # 1 => Build bot FAILED but image was put where requested
    446   # 2 => Build bot failed or BUild bot was successful but and image was
    447   #      not generated or could not be put where expected
    449   os.chdir(script_dir)
    450   dest_dir = misc.CanonicalizePath(args.dest_dir)
    451   (bot_result, build_id) = FindBuildId(description)
    452   if bot_result > 0 and build_id > 0:
    453     logger.GetLogger().LogError('Remote trybot failed but image was generated')
    454     bot_result = 1
    455   elif bot_result > 0:
    456     logger.GetLogger().LogError('Remote trybot failed. No image was generated')
    457     return 2
    458   if 'toolchain' in branch:
    459     chromeos_version = FindVersionForToolchain(branch, chromeos_root)
    460     assert not manifest_versions.IsRFormatCrosVersion(chromeos_version)
    461   DownloadImage(target, build_id, dest_dir, chromeos_version)
    462   ret = UnpackImage(dest_dir)
    463   if ret != 0:
    464     return 2
    465   # todo: return a more inteligent return value
    466   if not args.replace_sysroot:
    467     return bot_result
    469   ret = ReplaceSysroot(chromeos_root, args.dest_dir, target)
    470   if ret != 0:
    471     return 2
    473   # got an image and we were successful in placing it where requested
    474   return bot_result
    477 if __name__ == '__main__':
    478   retval = Main(sys.argv)
    479   sys.exit(retval)