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      1 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/codegen.h"
      7 #if defined(V8_OS_AIX)
      8 #include <fenv.h>  // NOLINT(build/c++11)
      9 #endif
     11 #include <memory>
     13 #include "src/ast/prettyprinter.h"
     14 #include "src/bootstrapper.h"
     15 #include "src/compilation-info.h"
     16 #include "src/counters.h"
     17 #include "src/debug/debug.h"
     18 #include "src/eh-frame.h"
     19 #include "src/objects-inl.h"
     20 #include "src/runtime/runtime.h"
     22 namespace v8 {
     23 namespace internal {
     26 #if defined(V8_OS_WIN)
     27 double modulo(double x, double y) {
     28   // Workaround MS fmod bugs. ECMA-262 says:
     29   // dividend is finite and divisor is an infinity => result equals dividend
     30   // dividend is a zero and divisor is nonzero finite => result equals dividend
     31   if (!(std::isfinite(x) && (!std::isfinite(y) && !std::isnan(y))) &&
     32       !(x == 0 && (y != 0 && std::isfinite(y)))) {
     33     x = fmod(x, y);
     34   }
     35   return x;
     36 }
     37 #else  // POSIX
     39 double modulo(double x, double y) {
     40 #if defined(V8_OS_AIX)
     41   // AIX raises an underflow exception for (Number.MIN_VALUE % Number.MAX_VALUE)
     42   feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
     43   double result = std::fmod(x, y);
     44   int exception = fetestexcept(FE_UNDERFLOW);
     45   return (exception ? x : result);
     46 #else
     47   return std::fmod(x, y);
     48 #endif
     49 }
     50 #endif  // defined(V8_OS_WIN)
     53 #define UNARY_MATH_FUNCTION(name, generator)                             \
     54   static UnaryMathFunctionWithIsolate fast_##name##_function = nullptr;  \
     55   double std_##name(double x, Isolate* isolate) { return std::name(x); } \
     56   void init_fast_##name##_function(Isolate* isolate) {                   \
     57     if (FLAG_fast_math) fast_##name##_function = generator(isolate);     \
     58     if (!fast_##name##_function) fast_##name##_function = std_##name;    \
     59   }                                                                      \
     60   void lazily_initialize_fast_##name(Isolate* isolate) {                 \
     61     if (!fast_##name##_function) init_fast_##name##_function(isolate);   \
     62   }                                                                      \
     63   double fast_##name(double x, Isolate* isolate) {                       \
     64     return (*fast_##name##_function)(x, isolate);                        \
     65   }
     67 UNARY_MATH_FUNCTION(sqrt, CreateSqrtFunction)
     69 #undef UNARY_MATH_FUNCTION
     72 #define __ ACCESS_MASM(masm_)
     74 #ifdef DEBUG
     76 Comment::Comment(MacroAssembler* masm, const char* msg)
     77     : masm_(masm), msg_(msg) {
     78   __ RecordComment(msg);
     79 }
     82 Comment::~Comment() {
     83   if (msg_[0] == '[') __ RecordComment("]");
     84 }
     86 #endif  // DEBUG
     88 #undef __
     91 void CodeGenerator::MakeCodePrologue(CompilationInfo* info, const char* kind) {
     92   bool print_ast = false;
     93   const char* ftype;
     95   if (info->isolate()->bootstrapper()->IsActive()) {
     96     print_ast = FLAG_print_builtin_ast;
     97     ftype = "builtin";
     98   } else {
     99     print_ast = FLAG_print_ast;
    100     ftype = "user-defined";
    101   }
    103   if (FLAG_trace_codegen || print_ast) {
    104     std::unique_ptr<char[]> name = info->GetDebugName();
    105     PrintF("[generating %s code for %s function: %s]\n", kind, ftype,
    106            name.get());
    107   }
    109 #ifdef DEBUG
    110   if (info->parse_info() && print_ast) {
    111     PrintF("--- AST ---\n%s\n",
    112            AstPrinter(info->isolate()).PrintProgram(info->literal()));
    113   }
    114 #endif  // DEBUG
    115 }
    117 Handle<Code> CodeGenerator::MakeCodeEpilogue(MacroAssembler* masm,
    118                                              EhFrameWriter* eh_frame_writer,
    119                                              CompilationInfo* info,
    120                                              Handle<Object> self_reference) {
    121   Isolate* isolate = info->isolate();
    123   // Allocate and install the code.
    124   CodeDesc desc;
    125   Code::Flags flags = info->code_flags();
    126   bool is_crankshafted =
    127       Code::ExtractKindFromFlags(flags) == Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION ||
    128       info->IsStub();
    129   masm->GetCode(&desc);
    130   if (eh_frame_writer) eh_frame_writer->GetEhFrame(&desc);
    132   Handle<Code> code = isolate->factory()->NewCode(
    133       desc, flags, self_reference, false, is_crankshafted,
    134       info->prologue_offset(), info->is_debug() && !is_crankshafted);
    135   isolate->counters()->total_compiled_code_size()->Increment(
    136       code->instruction_size());
    137   return code;
    138 }
    140 // Print function's source if it was not printed before.
    141 // Return a sequential id under which this function was printed.
    142 static int PrintFunctionSource(CompilationInfo* info,
    143                                std::vector<Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>>* printed,
    144                                int inlining_id,
    145                                Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared) {
    146   // Outermost function has source id -1 and inlined functions take
    147   // source ids starting from 0.
    148   int source_id = -1;
    149   if (inlining_id != SourcePosition::kNotInlined) {
    150     for (unsigned i = 0; i < printed->size(); i++) {
    151       if (printed->at(i).is_identical_to(shared)) {
    152         return i;
    153       }
    154     }
    155     source_id = static_cast<int>(printed->size());
    156     printed->push_back(shared);
    157   }
    159   Isolate* isolate = info->isolate();
    160   if (!shared->script()->IsUndefined(isolate)) {
    161     Handle<Script> script(Script::cast(shared->script()), isolate);
    163     if (!script->source()->IsUndefined(isolate)) {
    164       CodeTracer::Scope tracing_scope(isolate->GetCodeTracer());
    165       Object* source_name = script->name();
    166       OFStream os(tracing_scope.file());
    167       os << "--- FUNCTION SOURCE (";
    168       if (source_name->IsString()) {
    169         os << String::cast(source_name)->ToCString().get() << ":";
    170       }
    171       os << shared->DebugName()->ToCString().get() << ") id{";
    172       os << info->optimization_id() << "," << source_id << "} start{";
    173       os << shared->start_position() << "} ---\n";
    174       {
    175         DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
    176         int start = shared->start_position();
    177         int len = shared->end_position() - start;
    178         String::SubStringRange source(String::cast(script->source()), start,
    179                                       len);
    180         for (const auto& c : source) {
    181           os << AsReversiblyEscapedUC16(c);
    182         }
    183       }
    185       os << "\n--- END ---\n";
    186     }
    187   }
    189   return source_id;
    190 }
    192 // Print information for the given inlining: which function was inlined and
    193 // where the inlining occured.
    194 static void PrintInlinedFunctionInfo(
    195     CompilationInfo* info, int source_id, int inlining_id,
    196     const CompilationInfo::InlinedFunctionHolder& h) {
    197   CodeTracer::Scope tracing_scope(info->isolate()->GetCodeTracer());
    198   OFStream os(tracing_scope.file());
    199   os << "INLINE (" << h.shared_info->DebugName()->ToCString().get() << ") id{"
    200      << info->optimization_id() << "," << source_id << "} AS " << inlining_id
    201      << " AT ";
    202   const SourcePosition position = h.position.position;
    203   if (position.IsKnown()) {
    204     os << "<" << position.InliningId() << ":" << position.ScriptOffset() << ">";
    205   } else {
    206     os << "<?>";
    207   }
    208   os << std::endl;
    209 }
    211 // Print the source of all functions that participated in this optimizing
    212 // compilation. For inlined functions print source position of their inlining.
    213 static void DumpParticipatingSource(CompilationInfo* info) {
    214   AllowDeferredHandleDereference allow_deference_for_print_code;
    216   std::vector<Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>> printed;
    217   printed.reserve(info->inlined_functions().size());
    219   PrintFunctionSource(info, &printed, SourcePosition::kNotInlined,
    220                       info->shared_info());
    221   const auto& inlined = info->inlined_functions();
    222   for (unsigned id = 0; id < inlined.size(); id++) {
    223     const int source_id =
    224         PrintFunctionSource(info, &printed, id, inlined[id].shared_info);
    225     PrintInlinedFunctionInfo(info, source_id, id, inlined[id]);
    226   }
    227 }
    229 void CodeGenerator::PrintCode(Handle<Code> code, CompilationInfo* info) {
    230   if (FLAG_print_opt_source && info->IsOptimizing()) {
    231     DumpParticipatingSource(info);
    232   }
    235   AllowDeferredHandleDereference allow_deference_for_print_code;
    236   Isolate* isolate = info->isolate();
    237   bool print_code =
    238       isolate->bootstrapper()->IsActive()
    239           ? FLAG_print_builtin_code
    240           : (FLAG_print_code || (info->IsStub() && FLAG_print_code_stubs) ||
    241              (info->IsOptimizing() && FLAG_print_opt_code &&
    242               info->shared_info()->PassesFilter(FLAG_print_opt_code_filter)) ||
    243              (info->IsWasm() && FLAG_print_wasm_code));
    244   if (print_code) {
    245     std::unique_ptr<char[]> debug_name = info->GetDebugName();
    246     CodeTracer::Scope tracing_scope(info->isolate()->GetCodeTracer());
    247     OFStream os(tracing_scope.file());
    249     // Print the source code if available.
    250     bool print_source =
    251         info->parse_info() && (code->kind() == Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION ||
    252                                code->kind() == Code::FUNCTION);
    253     if (print_source) {
    254       Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = info->shared_info();
    255       Handle<Script> script = info->script();
    256       if (!script->IsUndefined(isolate) &&
    257           !script->source()->IsUndefined(isolate)) {
    258         os << "--- Raw source ---\n";
    259         StringCharacterStream stream(String::cast(script->source()),
    260                                      shared->start_position());
    261         // fun->end_position() points to the last character in the stream. We
    262         // need to compensate by adding one to calculate the length.
    263         int source_len = shared->end_position() - shared->start_position() + 1;
    264         for (int i = 0; i < source_len; i++) {
    265           if (stream.HasMore()) {
    266             os << AsReversiblyEscapedUC16(stream.GetNext());
    267           }
    268         }
    269         os << "\n\n";
    270       }
    271     }
    272     if (info->IsOptimizing()) {
    273       if (FLAG_print_unopt_code && info->parse_info()) {
    274         os << "--- Unoptimized code ---\n";
    275         info->closure()->shared()->code()->Disassemble(debug_name.get(), os);
    276       }
    277       os << "--- Optimized code ---\n"
    278          << "optimization_id = " << info->optimization_id() << "\n";
    279     } else {
    280       os << "--- Code ---\n";
    281     }
    282     if (print_source) {
    283       Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = info->shared_info();
    284       os << "source_position = " << shared->start_position() << "\n";
    285     }
    286     code->Disassemble(debug_name.get(), os);
    287     os << "--- End code ---\n";
    288   }
    289 #endif  // ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER
    290 }
    292 }  // namespace internal
    293 }  // namespace v8