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      1 // Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/conversions.h"
      7 #include <limits.h>
      8 #include <stdarg.h>
      9 #include <cmath>
     11 #include "src/allocation.h"
     12 #include "src/assert-scope.h"
     13 #include "src/char-predicates-inl.h"
     14 #include "src/codegen.h"
     15 #include "src/conversions-inl.h"
     16 #include "src/dtoa.h"
     17 #include "src/factory.h"
     18 #include "src/handles.h"
     19 #include "src/list-inl.h"
     20 #include "src/strtod.h"
     21 #include "src/utils.h"
     23 #ifndef _STLP_VENDOR_CSTD
     24 // STLPort doesn't import fpclassify into the std namespace.
     25 using std::fpclassify;
     26 #endif
     28 namespace v8 {
     29 namespace internal {
     32 namespace {
     34 // C++-style iterator adaptor for StringCharacterStream
     35 // (unlike C++ iterators the end-marker has different type).
     36 class StringCharacterStreamIterator {
     37  public:
     38   class EndMarker {};
     40   explicit StringCharacterStreamIterator(StringCharacterStream* stream);
     42   uint16_t operator*() const;
     43   void operator++();
     44   bool operator==(EndMarker const&) const { return end_; }
     45   bool operator!=(EndMarker const& m) const { return !end_; }
     47  private:
     48   StringCharacterStream* const stream_;
     49   uint16_t current_;
     50   bool end_;
     51 };
     54 StringCharacterStreamIterator::StringCharacterStreamIterator(
     55     StringCharacterStream* stream) : stream_(stream) {
     56   ++(*this);
     57 }
     59 uint16_t StringCharacterStreamIterator::operator*() const {
     60   return current_;
     61 }
     64 void StringCharacterStreamIterator::operator++() {
     65   end_ = !stream_->HasMore();
     66   if (!end_) {
     67     current_ = stream_->GetNext();
     68   }
     69 }
     70 }  // End anonymous namespace.
     73 double StringToDouble(UnicodeCache* unicode_cache,
     74                       const char* str, int flags, double empty_string_val) {
     75   // We cast to const uint8_t* here to avoid instantiating the
     76   // InternalStringToDouble() template for const char* as well.
     77   const uint8_t* start = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(str);
     78   const uint8_t* end = start + StrLength(str);
     79   return InternalStringToDouble(unicode_cache, start, end, flags,
     80                                 empty_string_val);
     81 }
     84 double StringToDouble(UnicodeCache* unicode_cache,
     85                       Vector<const uint8_t> str,
     86                       int flags,
     87                       double empty_string_val) {
     88   // We cast to const uint8_t* here to avoid instantiating the
     89   // InternalStringToDouble() template for const char* as well.
     90   const uint8_t* start = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(str.start());
     91   const uint8_t* end = start + str.length();
     92   return InternalStringToDouble(unicode_cache, start, end, flags,
     93                                 empty_string_val);
     94 }
     97 double StringToDouble(UnicodeCache* unicode_cache,
     98                       Vector<const uc16> str,
     99                       int flags,
    100                       double empty_string_val) {
    101   const uc16* end = str.start() + str.length();
    102   return InternalStringToDouble(unicode_cache, str.start(), end, flags,
    103                                 empty_string_val);
    104 }
    107 // Converts a string into an integer.
    108 double StringToInt(UnicodeCache* unicode_cache,
    109                    Vector<const uint8_t> vector,
    110                    int radix) {
    111   return InternalStringToInt(
    112       unicode_cache, vector.start(), vector.start() + vector.length(), radix);
    113 }
    116 double StringToInt(UnicodeCache* unicode_cache,
    117                    Vector<const uc16> vector,
    118                    int radix) {
    119   return InternalStringToInt(
    120       unicode_cache, vector.start(), vector.start() + vector.length(), radix);
    121 }
    124 const char* DoubleToCString(double v, Vector<char> buffer) {
    125   switch (fpclassify(v)) {
    126     case FP_NAN: return "NaN";
    127     case FP_INFINITE: return (v < 0.0 ? "-Infinity" : "Infinity");
    128     case FP_ZERO: return "0";
    129     default: {
    130       SimpleStringBuilder builder(buffer.start(), buffer.length());
    131       int decimal_point;
    132       int sign;
    133       const int kV8DtoaBufferCapacity = kBase10MaximalLength + 1;
    134       char decimal_rep[kV8DtoaBufferCapacity];
    135       int length;
    137       DoubleToAscii(v, DTOA_SHORTEST, 0,
    138                     Vector<char>(decimal_rep, kV8DtoaBufferCapacity),
    139                     &sign, &length, &decimal_point);
    141       if (sign) builder.AddCharacter('-');
    143       if (length <= decimal_point && decimal_point <= 21) {
    144         // ECMA-262 section 9.8.1 step 6.
    145         builder.AddString(decimal_rep);
    146         builder.AddPadding('0', decimal_point - length);
    148       } else if (0 < decimal_point && decimal_point <= 21) {
    149         // ECMA-262 section 9.8.1 step 7.
    150         builder.AddSubstring(decimal_rep, decimal_point);
    151         builder.AddCharacter('.');
    152         builder.AddString(decimal_rep + decimal_point);
    154       } else if (decimal_point <= 0 && decimal_point > -6) {
    155         // ECMA-262 section 9.8.1 step 8.
    156         builder.AddString("0.");
    157         builder.AddPadding('0', -decimal_point);
    158         builder.AddString(decimal_rep);
    160       } else {
    161         // ECMA-262 section 9.8.1 step 9 and 10 combined.
    162         builder.AddCharacter(decimal_rep[0]);
    163         if (length != 1) {
    164           builder.AddCharacter('.');
    165           builder.AddString(decimal_rep + 1);
    166         }
    167         builder.AddCharacter('e');
    168         builder.AddCharacter((decimal_point >= 0) ? '+' : '-');
    169         int exponent = decimal_point - 1;
    170         if (exponent < 0) exponent = -exponent;
    171         builder.AddDecimalInteger(exponent);
    172       }
    173       return builder.Finalize();
    174     }
    175   }
    176 }
    179 const char* IntToCString(int n, Vector<char> buffer) {
    180   bool negative = false;
    181   if (n < 0) {
    182     // We must not negate the most negative int.
    183     if (n == kMinInt) return DoubleToCString(n, buffer);
    184     negative = true;
    185     n = -n;
    186   }
    187   // Build the string backwards from the least significant digit.
    188   int i = buffer.length();
    189   buffer[--i] = '\0';
    190   do {
    191     buffer[--i] = '0' + (n % 10);
    192     n /= 10;
    193   } while (n);
    194   if (negative) buffer[--i] = '-';
    195   return buffer.start() + i;
    196 }
    199 char* DoubleToFixedCString(double value, int f) {
    200   const int kMaxDigitsBeforePoint = 21;
    201   const double kFirstNonFixed = 1e21;
    202   const int kMaxDigitsAfterPoint = 20;
    203   DCHECK(f >= 0);
    204   DCHECK(f <= kMaxDigitsAfterPoint);
    206   bool negative = false;
    207   double abs_value = value;
    208   if (value < 0) {
    209     abs_value = -value;
    210     negative = true;
    211   }
    213   // If abs_value has more than kMaxDigitsBeforePoint digits before the point
    214   // use the non-fixed conversion routine.
    215   if (abs_value >= kFirstNonFixed) {
    216     char arr[100];
    217     Vector<char> buffer(arr, arraysize(arr));
    218     return StrDup(DoubleToCString(value, buffer));
    219   }
    221   // Find a sufficiently precise decimal representation of n.
    222   int decimal_point;
    223   int sign;
    224   // Add space for the '\0' byte.
    225   const int kDecimalRepCapacity =
    226       kMaxDigitsBeforePoint + kMaxDigitsAfterPoint + 1;
    227   char decimal_rep[kDecimalRepCapacity];
    228   int decimal_rep_length;
    229   DoubleToAscii(value, DTOA_FIXED, f,
    230                 Vector<char>(decimal_rep, kDecimalRepCapacity),
    231                 &sign, &decimal_rep_length, &decimal_point);
    233   // Create a representation that is padded with zeros if needed.
    234   int zero_prefix_length = 0;
    235   int zero_postfix_length = 0;
    237   if (decimal_point <= 0) {
    238     zero_prefix_length = -decimal_point + 1;
    239     decimal_point = 1;
    240   }
    242   if (zero_prefix_length + decimal_rep_length < decimal_point + f) {
    243     zero_postfix_length = decimal_point + f - decimal_rep_length -
    244                           zero_prefix_length;
    245   }
    247   unsigned rep_length =
    248       zero_prefix_length + decimal_rep_length + zero_postfix_length;
    249   SimpleStringBuilder rep_builder(rep_length + 1);
    250   rep_builder.AddPadding('0', zero_prefix_length);
    251   rep_builder.AddString(decimal_rep);
    252   rep_builder.AddPadding('0', zero_postfix_length);
    253   char* rep = rep_builder.Finalize();
    255   // Create the result string by appending a minus and putting in a
    256   // decimal point if needed.
    257   unsigned result_size = decimal_point + f + 2;
    258   SimpleStringBuilder builder(result_size + 1);
    259   if (negative) builder.AddCharacter('-');
    260   builder.AddSubstring(rep, decimal_point);
    261   if (f > 0) {
    262     builder.AddCharacter('.');
    263     builder.AddSubstring(rep + decimal_point, f);
    264   }
    265   DeleteArray(rep);
    266   return builder.Finalize();
    267 }
    270 static char* CreateExponentialRepresentation(char* decimal_rep,
    271                                              int exponent,
    272                                              bool negative,
    273                                              int significant_digits) {
    274   bool negative_exponent = false;
    275   if (exponent < 0) {
    276     negative_exponent = true;
    277     exponent = -exponent;
    278   }
    280   // Leave room in the result for appending a minus, for a period, the
    281   // letter 'e', a minus or a plus depending on the exponent, and a
    282   // three digit exponent.
    283   unsigned result_size = significant_digits + 7;
    284   SimpleStringBuilder builder(result_size + 1);
    286   if (negative) builder.AddCharacter('-');
    287   builder.AddCharacter(decimal_rep[0]);
    288   if (significant_digits != 1) {
    289     builder.AddCharacter('.');
    290     builder.AddString(decimal_rep + 1);
    291     int rep_length = StrLength(decimal_rep);
    292     builder.AddPadding('0', significant_digits - rep_length);
    293   }
    295   builder.AddCharacter('e');
    296   builder.AddCharacter(negative_exponent ? '-' : '+');
    297   builder.AddDecimalInteger(exponent);
    298   return builder.Finalize();
    299 }
    302 char* DoubleToExponentialCString(double value, int f) {
    303   const int kMaxDigitsAfterPoint = 20;
    304   // f might be -1 to signal that f was undefined in JavaScript.
    305   DCHECK(f >= -1 && f <= kMaxDigitsAfterPoint);
    307   bool negative = false;
    308   if (value < 0) {
    309     value = -value;
    310     negative = true;
    311   }
    313   // Find a sufficiently precise decimal representation of n.
    314   int decimal_point;
    315   int sign;
    316   // f corresponds to the digits after the point. There is always one digit
    317   // before the point. The number of requested_digits equals hence f + 1.
    318   // And we have to add one character for the null-terminator.
    319   const int kV8DtoaBufferCapacity = kMaxDigitsAfterPoint + 1 + 1;
    320   // Make sure that the buffer is big enough, even if we fall back to the
    321   // shortest representation (which happens when f equals -1).
    322   DCHECK(kBase10MaximalLength <= kMaxDigitsAfterPoint + 1);
    323   char decimal_rep[kV8DtoaBufferCapacity];
    324   int decimal_rep_length;
    326   if (f == -1) {
    327     DoubleToAscii(value, DTOA_SHORTEST, 0,
    328                   Vector<char>(decimal_rep, kV8DtoaBufferCapacity),
    329                   &sign, &decimal_rep_length, &decimal_point);
    330     f = decimal_rep_length - 1;
    331   } else {
    332     DoubleToAscii(value, DTOA_PRECISION, f + 1,
    333                   Vector<char>(decimal_rep, kV8DtoaBufferCapacity),
    334                   &sign, &decimal_rep_length, &decimal_point);
    335   }
    336   DCHECK(decimal_rep_length > 0);
    337   DCHECK(decimal_rep_length <= f + 1);
    339   int exponent = decimal_point - 1;
    340   char* result =
    341       CreateExponentialRepresentation(decimal_rep, exponent, negative, f+1);
    343   return result;
    344 }
    347 char* DoubleToPrecisionCString(double value, int p) {
    348   const int kMinimalDigits = 1;
    349   const int kMaximalDigits = 21;
    350   DCHECK(p >= kMinimalDigits && p <= kMaximalDigits);
    351   USE(kMinimalDigits);
    353   bool negative = false;
    354   if (value < 0) {
    355     value = -value;
    356     negative = true;
    357   }
    359   // Find a sufficiently precise decimal representation of n.
    360   int decimal_point;
    361   int sign;
    362   // Add one for the terminating null character.
    363   const int kV8DtoaBufferCapacity = kMaximalDigits + 1;
    364   char decimal_rep[kV8DtoaBufferCapacity];
    365   int decimal_rep_length;
    367   DoubleToAscii(value, DTOA_PRECISION, p,
    368                 Vector<char>(decimal_rep, kV8DtoaBufferCapacity),
    369                 &sign, &decimal_rep_length, &decimal_point);
    370   DCHECK(decimal_rep_length <= p);
    372   int exponent = decimal_point - 1;
    374   char* result = NULL;
    376   if (exponent < -6 || exponent >= p) {
    377     result =
    378         CreateExponentialRepresentation(decimal_rep, exponent, negative, p);
    379   } else {
    380     // Use fixed notation.
    381     //
    382     // Leave room in the result for appending a minus, a period and in
    383     // the case where decimal_point is not positive for a zero in
    384     // front of the period.
    385     unsigned result_size = (decimal_point <= 0)
    386         ? -decimal_point + p + 3
    387         : p + 2;
    388     SimpleStringBuilder builder(result_size + 1);
    389     if (negative) builder.AddCharacter('-');
    390     if (decimal_point <= 0) {
    391       builder.AddString("0.");
    392       builder.AddPadding('0', -decimal_point);
    393       builder.AddString(decimal_rep);
    394       builder.AddPadding('0', p - decimal_rep_length);
    395     } else {
    396       const int m = Min(decimal_rep_length, decimal_point);
    397       builder.AddSubstring(decimal_rep, m);
    398       builder.AddPadding('0', decimal_point - decimal_rep_length);
    399       if (decimal_point < p) {
    400         builder.AddCharacter('.');
    401         const int extra = negative ? 2 : 1;
    402         if (decimal_rep_length > decimal_point) {
    403           const int len = StrLength(decimal_rep + decimal_point);
    404           const int n = Min(len, p - (builder.position() - extra));
    405           builder.AddSubstring(decimal_rep + decimal_point, n);
    406         }
    407         builder.AddPadding('0', extra + (p - builder.position()));
    408       }
    409     }
    410     result = builder.Finalize();
    411   }
    413   return result;
    414 }
    416 char* DoubleToRadixCString(double value, int radix) {
    417   DCHECK(radix >= 2 && radix <= 36);
    418   DCHECK(std::isfinite(value));
    419   DCHECK_NE(0.0, value);
    420   // Character array used for conversion.
    421   static const char chars[] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    423   // Temporary buffer for the result. We start with the decimal point in the
    424   // middle and write to the left for the integer part and to the right for the
    425   // fractional part. 1024 characters for the exponent and 52 for the mantissa
    426   // either way, with additional space for sign, decimal point and string
    427   // termination should be sufficient.
    428   static const int kBufferSize = 2200;
    429   char buffer[kBufferSize];
    430   int integer_cursor = kBufferSize / 2;
    431   int fraction_cursor = integer_cursor;
    433   bool negative = value < 0;
    434   if (negative) value = -value;
    436   // Split the value into an integer part and a fractional part.
    437   double integer = std::floor(value);
    438   double fraction = value - integer;
    439   // We only compute fractional digits up to the input double's precision.
    440   double delta = 0.5 * (Double(value).NextDouble() - value);
    441   delta = std::max(Double(0.0).NextDouble(), delta);
    442   DCHECK_GT(delta, 0.0);
    443   if (fraction > delta) {
    444     // Insert decimal point.
    445     buffer[fraction_cursor++] = '.';
    446     do {
    447       // Shift up by one digit.
    448       fraction *= radix;
    449       delta *= radix;
    450       // Write digit.
    451       int digit = static_cast<int>(fraction);
    452       buffer[fraction_cursor++] = chars[digit];
    453       // Calculate remainder.
    454       fraction -= digit;
    455       // Round to even.
    456       if (fraction > 0.5 || (fraction == 0.5 && (digit & 1))) {
    457         if (fraction + delta > 1) {
    458           // We need to back trace already written digits in case of carry-over.
    459           while (true) {
    460             fraction_cursor--;
    461             if (fraction_cursor == kBufferSize / 2) {
    462               CHECK_EQ('.', buffer[fraction_cursor]);
    463               // Carry over to the integer part.
    464               integer += 1;
    465               break;
    466             }
    467             char c = buffer[fraction_cursor];
    468             // Reconstruct digit.
    469             int digit = c > '9' ? (c - 'a' + 10) : (c - '0');
    470             if (digit + 1 < radix) {
    471               buffer[fraction_cursor++] = chars[digit + 1];
    472               break;
    473             }
    474           }
    475           break;
    476         }
    477       }
    478     } while (fraction > delta);
    479   }
    481   // Compute integer digits. Fill unrepresented digits with zero.
    482   while (Double(integer / radix).Exponent() > 0) {
    483     integer /= radix;
    484     buffer[--integer_cursor] = '0';
    485   }
    486   do {
    487     double remainder = modulo(integer, radix);
    488     buffer[--integer_cursor] = chars[static_cast<int>(remainder)];
    489     integer = (integer - remainder) / radix;
    490   } while (integer > 0);
    492   // Add sign and terminate string.
    493   if (negative) buffer[--integer_cursor] = '-';
    494   buffer[fraction_cursor++] = '\0';
    495   DCHECK_LT(fraction_cursor, kBufferSize);
    496   DCHECK_LE(0, integer_cursor);
    497   // Allocate new string as return value.
    498   char* result = NewArray<char>(fraction_cursor - integer_cursor);
    499   memcpy(result, buffer + integer_cursor, fraction_cursor - integer_cursor);
    500   return result;
    501 }
    504 // ES6 18.2.4 parseFloat(string)
    505 double StringToDouble(UnicodeCache* unicode_cache, Handle<String> string,
    506                       int flags, double empty_string_val) {
    507   Handle<String> flattened = String::Flatten(string);
    508   {
    509     DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    510     String::FlatContent flat = flattened->GetFlatContent();
    511     DCHECK(flat.IsFlat());
    512     if (flat.IsOneByte()) {
    513       return StringToDouble(unicode_cache, flat.ToOneByteVector(), flags,
    514                             empty_string_val);
    515     } else {
    516       return StringToDouble(unicode_cache, flat.ToUC16Vector(), flags,
    517                             empty_string_val);
    518     }
    519   }
    520 }
    523 bool IsSpecialIndex(UnicodeCache* unicode_cache, String* string) {
    524   // Max length of canonical double: -X.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-eXXX
    525   const int kBufferSize = 24;
    526   const int length = string->length();
    527   if (length == 0 || length > kBufferSize) return false;
    528   uint16_t buffer[kBufferSize];
    529   String::WriteToFlat(string, buffer, 0, length);
    530   // If the first char is not a digit or a '-' or we can't match 'NaN' or
    531   // '(-)Infinity', bailout immediately.
    532   int offset = 0;
    533   if (!IsDecimalDigit(buffer[0])) {
    534     if (buffer[0] == '-') {
    535       if (length == 1) return false;  // Just '-' is bad.
    536       if (!IsDecimalDigit(buffer[1])) {
    537         if (buffer[1] == 'I' && length == 9) {
    538           // Allow matching of '-Infinity' below.
    539         } else {
    540           return false;
    541         }
    542       }
    543       offset++;
    544     } else if (buffer[0] == 'I' && length == 8) {
    545       // Allow matching of 'Infinity' below.
    546     } else if (buffer[0] == 'N' && length == 3) {
    547       // Match NaN.
    548       return buffer[1] == 'a' && buffer[2] == 'N';
    549     } else {
    550       return false;
    551     }
    552   }
    553   // Expected fast path: key is an integer.
    554   static const int kRepresentableIntegerLength = 15;  // (-)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    555   if (length - offset <= kRepresentableIntegerLength) {
    556     const int initial_offset = offset;
    557     bool matches = true;
    558     for (; offset < length; offset++) {
    559       matches &= IsDecimalDigit(buffer[offset]);
    560     }
    561     if (matches) {
    562       // Match 0 and -0.
    563       if (buffer[initial_offset] == '0') return initial_offset == length - 1;
    564       return true;
    565     }
    566   }
    567   // Slow path: test DoubleToString(StringToDouble(string)) == string.
    568   Vector<const uint16_t> vector(buffer, length);
    569   double d = StringToDouble(unicode_cache, vector, NO_FLAGS);
    570   if (std::isnan(d)) return false;
    571   // Compute reverse string.
    572   char reverse_buffer[kBufferSize + 1];  // Result will be /0 terminated.
    573   Vector<char> reverse_vector(reverse_buffer, arraysize(reverse_buffer));
    574   const char* reverse_string = DoubleToCString(d, reverse_vector);
    575   for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    576     if (static_cast<uint16_t>(reverse_string[i]) != buffer[i]) return false;
    577   }
    578   return true;
    579 }
    580 }  // namespace internal
    581 }  // namespace v8