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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 # Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 '''
      6 Usage: callstats.py [-h] <command> ...
      8 Optional arguments:
      9   -h, --help  show this help message and exit
     11 Commands:
     12   run         run chrome with --runtime-call-stats and generate logs
     13   stats       process logs and print statistics
     14   json        process logs from several versions and generate JSON
     15   help        help information
     17 For each command, you can try ./runtime-call-stats.py help command.
     18 '''
     20 import argparse
     21 import json
     22 import os
     23 import re
     24 import shutil
     25 import subprocess
     26 import sys
     27 import tempfile
     28 import operator
     30 import numpy
     31 import scipy
     32 import scipy.stats
     33 from math import sqrt
     36 # Run benchmarks.
     38 def print_command(cmd_args):
     39   def fix_for_printing(arg):
     40     m = re.match(r'^--([^=]+)=(.*)$', arg)
     41     if m and (' ' in m.group(2) or m.group(2).startswith('-')):
     42       arg = "--{}='{}'".format(m.group(1), m.group(2))
     43     elif ' ' in arg:
     44       arg = "'{}'".format(arg)
     45     return arg
     46   print " ".join(map(fix_for_printing, cmd_args))
     49 def start_replay_server(args, sites, discard_output=True):
     50   with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='callstats-inject-', suffix='.js',
     51                                    mode='wt', delete=False) as f:
     52     injection = f.name
     53     generate_injection(f, sites, args.refresh)
     54   http_port = 4080 + args.port_offset
     55   https_port = 4443 + args.port_offset
     56   cmd_args = [
     57       args.replay_bin,
     58       "--port=%s" % http_port,
     59       "--ssl_port=%s" % https_port,
     60       "--no-dns_forwarding",
     61       "--use_closest_match",
     62       "--no-diff_unknown_requests",
     63       "--inject_scripts=deterministic.js,{}".format(injection),
     64       args.replay_wpr,
     65   ]
     66   print "=" * 80
     67   print_command(cmd_args)
     68   if discard_output:
     69     with open(os.devnull, 'w') as null:
     70       server = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, stdout=null, stderr=null)
     71   else:
     72       server = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args)
     73   print "RUNNING REPLAY SERVER: %s with PID=%s" % (args.replay_bin, server.pid)
     74   print "=" * 80
     75   return {'process': server, 'injection': injection}
     78 def stop_replay_server(server):
     79   print("SHUTTING DOWN REPLAY SERVER %s" % server['process'].pid)
     80   server['process'].terminate()
     81   os.remove(server['injection'])
     84 def generate_injection(f, sites, refreshes=0):
     85   print >> f, """\
     86 (function() {
     87   var s = window.sessionStorage.getItem("refreshCounter");
     88   var refreshTotal = """, refreshes, """;
     89   var refreshCounter = s ? parseInt(s) : refreshTotal;
     90   var refreshId = refreshTotal - refreshCounter;
     91   if (refreshCounter > 0) {
     92     window.sessionStorage.setItem("refreshCounter", refreshCounter-1);
     93   }
     94   function match(url, item) {
     95     if ('regexp' in item) { return url.match(item.regexp) !== null };
     96     var url_wanted = item.url;
     97     /* Allow automatic redirections from http to https. */
     98     if (url_wanted.startsWith("http://") && url.startsWith("https://")) {
     99       url_wanted = "https://" + url_wanted.substr(7);
    100     }
    101     return url.startsWith(url_wanted);
    102   };
    103   function onLoad(url) {
    104     for (var item of sites) {
    105       if (!match(url, item)) continue;
    106       var timeout = 'timeline' in item ? 2000 * item.timeline
    107                   : 'timeout'  in item ? 1000 * (item.timeout - 3)
    108                   : 10000;
    109       console.log("Setting time out of " + timeout + " for: " + url);
    110       window.setTimeout(function() {
    111         console.log("Time is out for: " + url);
    112         var msg = "STATS: (" + refreshId + ") " + url;
    113         %GetAndResetRuntimeCallStats(1, msg);
    114         if (refreshCounter > 0) {
    115           console.log(
    116               "Refresh counter is " + refreshCounter + ", refreshing: " + url);
    117           window.location.reload();
    118         }
    119       }, timeout);
    120       return;
    121     }
    122     console.log("Ignoring: " + url);
    123   };
    124   var sites =
    125     """, json.dumps(sites), """;
    126   onLoad(window.location.href);
    127 })();"""
    129 def get_chrome_flags(js_flags, user_data_dir, arg_delimiter=""):
    130   return [
    131       "--no-default-browser-check",
    132       "--no-sandbox",
    133       "--disable-translate",
    134       "--enable-benchmarking",
    135       "--enable-stats-table",
    136       "--js-flags={}{}{}".format(arg_delimiter, js_flags, arg_delimiter),
    137       "--no-first-run",
    138       "--user-data-dir={}{}{}".format(arg_delimiter, user_data_dir,
    139                                       arg_delimiter),
    140     ]
    142 def get_chrome_replay_flags(args, arg_delimiter=""):
    143   http_port = 4080 + args.port_offset
    144   https_port = 4443 + args.port_offset
    145   return [
    146       "--host-resolver-rules=%sMAP *:80 localhost:%s, "  \
    147                               "MAP *:443 localhost:%s, " \
    148                               "EXCLUDE localhost%s" % (
    149                                arg_delimiter, http_port, https_port,
    150                                arg_delimiter),
    151       "--ignore-certificate-errors",
    152       "--disable-seccomp-sandbox",
    153       "--disable-web-security",
    154       "--reduce-security-for-testing",
    155       "--allow-insecure-localhost",
    156     ]
    158 def run_site(site, domain, args, timeout=None):
    159   print "="*80
    160   print "RUNNING DOMAIN %s" % domain
    161   print "="*80
    162   result_template = "{domain}#{count}.txt" if args.repeat else "{domain}.txt"
    163   count = 0
    164   if timeout is None: timeout = args.timeout
    165   if args.replay_wpr:
    166     timeout *= 1 + args.refresh
    167     timeout += 1
    168   retries_since_good_run = 0
    169   while count == 0 or args.repeat is not None and count < args.repeat:
    170     count += 1
    171     result = result_template.format(domain=domain, count=count)
    172     retries = 0
    173     while args.retries is None or retries < args.retries:
    174       retries += 1
    175       try:
    176         if args.user_data_dir:
    177           user_data_dir = args.user_data_dir
    178         else:
    179           user_data_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="chr_")
    180         js_flags = "--runtime-call-stats --noconcurrent-recompilation"
    181         if args.replay_wpr: js_flags += " --allow-natives-syntax"
    182         if args.js_flags: js_flags += " " + args.js_flags
    183         chrome_flags = get_chrome_flags(js_flags, user_data_dir)
    184         if args.replay_wpr:
    185           chrome_flags += get_chrome_replay_flags(args)
    186         else:
    187           chrome_flags += [ "--single-process", ]
    188         if args.chrome_flags:
    189           chrome_flags += args.chrome_flags.split()
    190         cmd_args = [
    191             "timeout", str(timeout),
    192             args.with_chrome
    193         ] + chrome_flags + [ site ]
    194         print "- " * 40
    195         print_command(cmd_args)
    196         print "- " * 40
    197         with open(result, "wt") as f:
    198           with open(args.log_stderr or os.devnull, 'at') as err:
    199             status = subprocess.call(cmd_args, stdout=f, stderr=err)
    200         # 124 means timeout killed chrome, 0 means the user was bored first!
    201         # If none of these two happened, then chrome apparently crashed, so
    202         # it must be called again.
    203         if status != 124 and status != 0:
    204           print("CHROME CRASHED, REPEATING RUN");
    205           continue
    206         # If the stats file is empty, chrome must be called again.
    207         if os.path.isfile(result) and os.path.getsize(result) > 0:
    208           if args.print_url:
    209             with open(result, "at") as f:
    210               print >> f
    211               print >> f, "URL: {}".format(site)
    212           retries_since_good_run = 0
    213           break
    214         if retries_since_good_run < 6:
    215           timeout += 2 ** retries_since_good_run
    216           retries_since_good_run += 1
    217         print("EMPTY RESULT, REPEATING RUN ({})".format(
    218             retries_since_good_run));
    219       finally:
    220         if not args.user_data_dir:
    221           shutil.rmtree(user_data_dir)
    224 def read_sites_file(args):
    225   try:
    226     sites = []
    227     try:
    228       with open(args.sites_file, "rt") as f:
    229         for item in json.load(f):
    230           if 'timeout' not in item:
    231             # This is more-or-less arbitrary.
    232             item['timeout'] = int(1.5 * item['timeline'] + 7)
    233           if item['timeout'] > args.timeout: item['timeout'] = args.timeout
    234           sites.append(item)
    235     except ValueError:
    236       with open(args.sites_file, "rt") as f:
    237         for line in f:
    238           line = line.strip()
    239           if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue
    240           sites.append({'url': line, 'timeout': args.timeout})
    241     return sites
    242   except IOError as e:
    243     args.error("Cannot read from {}. {}.".format(args.sites_file, e.strerror))
    244     sys.exit(1)
    247 def read_sites(args):
    248   # Determine the websites to benchmark.
    249   if args.sites_file:
    250     return read_sites_file(args)
    251   return [{'url': site, 'timeout': args.timeout} for site in args.sites]
    253 def do_run(args):
    254   sites = read_sites(args)
    255   replay_server = start_replay_server(args, sites) if args.replay_wpr else None
    256   # Disambiguate domains, if needed.
    257   L = []
    258   domains = {}
    259   for item in sites:
    260     site = item['url']
    261     domain = None
    262     if args.domain:
    263       domain = args.domain
    264     elif 'domain' in item:
    265       domain = item['domain']
    266     else:
    267       m = re.match(r'^(https?://)?([^/]+)(/.*)?$', site)
    268       if not m:
    269         args.error("Invalid URL {}.".format(site))
    270         continue
    271       domain = m.group(2)
    272     entry = [site, domain, None, item['timeout']]
    273     if domain not in domains:
    274       domains[domain] = entry
    275     else:
    276       if not isinstance(domains[domain], int):
    277         domains[domain][2] = 1
    278         domains[domain] = 1
    279       domains[domain] += 1
    280       entry[2] = domains[domain]
    281     L.append(entry)
    282   try:
    283     # Run them.
    284     for site, domain, count, timeout in L:
    285       if count is not None: domain = "{}%{}".format(domain, count)
    286       print(site, domain, timeout)
    287       run_site(site, domain, args, timeout)
    288   finally:
    289     if replay_server:
    290       stop_replay_server(replay_server)
    293 def do_run_replay_server(args):
    294   sites = read_sites(args)
    295   print("- " * 40)
    296   print("Available URLs:")
    297   for site in sites:
    298     print("    "+site['url'])
    299   print("- " * 40)
    300   print("Launch chromium with the following commands for debugging:")
    301   flags = get_chrome_flags("--runtime-call-stats --allow-natives-syntax",
    302                            "/var/tmp/`date +%s`", '"')
    303   flags += get_chrome_replay_flags(args, "'")
    304   print("    $CHROMIUM_DIR/out/Release/chrome " + (" ".join(flags)) + " <URL>")
    305   print("- " * 40)
    306   replay_server = start_replay_server(args, sites, discard_output=False)
    307   try:
    308     replay_server['process'].wait()
    309   finally:
    310    stop_replay_server(replay_server)
    313 # Calculate statistics.
    315 def statistics(data):
    316   N = len(data)
    317   average = numpy.average(data)
    318   median = numpy.median(data)
    319   low = numpy.min(data)
    320   high= numpy.max(data)
    321   if N > 1:
    322     # evaluate sample variance by setting delta degrees of freedom (ddof) to
    323     # 1. The degree used in calculations is N - ddof
    324     stddev = numpy.std(data, ddof=1)
    325     # Get the endpoints of the range that contains 95% of the distribution
    326     t_bounds = scipy.stats.t.interval(0.95, N-1)
    327     #assert abs(t_bounds[0] + t_bounds[1]) < 1e-6
    328     # sum mean to the confidence interval
    329     ci = {
    330         'abs': t_bounds[1] * stddev / sqrt(N),
    331         'low': average + t_bounds[0] * stddev / sqrt(N),
    332         'high': average + t_bounds[1] * stddev / sqrt(N)
    333     }
    334   else:
    335     stddev = 0
    336     ci = { 'abs': 0, 'low': average, 'high': average }
    337   if abs(stddev) > 0.0001 and abs(average) > 0.0001:
    338     ci['perc'] = t_bounds[1] * stddev / sqrt(N) / average * 100
    339   else:
    340     ci['perc'] = 0
    341   return { 'samples': N, 'average': average, 'median': median,
    342            'stddev': stddev, 'min': low, 'max': high, 'ci': ci }
    345 def read_stats(path, domain, args):
    346   groups = [];
    347   if args.aggregate:
    348     groups = [
    349         ('Group-IC', re.compile(".*IC_.*")),
    350         ('Group-Optimize',
    351          re.compile("StackGuard|.*Optimize.*|.*Deoptimize.*|Recompile.*")),
    352         ('Group-CompileBackground', re.compile("(.*CompileBackground.*)")),
    353         ('Group-Compile', re.compile("(^Compile.*)|(.*_Compile.*)")),
    354         ('Group-ParseBackground', re.compile(".*ParseBackground.*")),
    355         ('Group-Parse', re.compile(".*Parse.*")),
    356         ('Group-Callback', re.compile(".*Callback.*")),
    357         ('Group-API', re.compile(".*API.*")),
    358         ('Group-GC', re.compile("GC|AllocateInTargetSpace")),
    359         ('Group-JavaScript', re.compile("JS_Execution")),
    360         ('Group-Runtime', re.compile(".*"))]
    361   with open(path, "rt") as f:
    362     # Process the whole file and sum repeating entries.
    363     entries = { 'Sum': {'time': 0, 'count': 0} }
    364     for group_name, regexp in groups:
    365       entries[group_name] = { 'time': 0, 'count': 0 }
    366     for line in f:
    367       line = line.strip()
    368       # Discard headers and footers.
    369       if not line: continue
    370       if line.startswith("Runtime Function"): continue
    371       if line.startswith("===="): continue
    372       if line.startswith("----"): continue
    373       if line.startswith("URL:"): continue
    374       if line.startswith("STATS:"): continue
    375       # We have a regular line.
    376       fields = line.split()
    377       key = fields[0]
    378       time = float(fields[1].replace("ms", ""))
    379       count = int(fields[3])
    380       if key not in entries: entries[key] = { 'time': 0, 'count': 0 }
    381       entries[key]['time'] += time
    382       entries[key]['count'] += count
    383       # We calculate the sum, if it's not the "total" line.
    384       if key != "Total":
    385         entries['Sum']['time'] += time
    386         entries['Sum']['count'] += count
    387         for group_name, regexp in groups:
    388           if not regexp.match(key): continue
    389           entries[group_name]['time'] += time
    390           entries[group_name]['count'] += count
    391           break
    392     # Calculate the V8-Total (all groups except Callback)
    393     group_data = { 'time': 0, 'count': 0 }
    394     for group_name, regexp in groups:
    395       if group_name == 'Group-Callback': continue
    396       group_data['time'] += entries[group_name]['time']
    397       group_data['count'] += entries[group_name]['count']
    398     entries['Group-Total-V8'] = group_data
    399     # Calculate the Parse-Total group
    400     group_data = { 'time': 0, 'count': 0 }
    401     for group_name, regexp in groups:
    402       if not group_name.startswith('Group-Parse'): continue
    403       group_data['time'] += entries[group_name]['time']
    404       group_data['count'] += entries[group_name]['count']
    405     entries['Group-Parse-Total'] = group_data
    406     # Calculate the Compile-Total group
    407     group_data = { 'time': 0, 'count': 0 }
    408     for group_name, regexp in groups:
    409       if not group_name.startswith('Group-Compile'): continue
    410       group_data['time'] += entries[group_name]['time']
    411       group_data['count'] += entries[group_name]['count']
    412     entries['Group-Compile-Total'] = group_data
    413     # Append the sums as single entries to domain.
    414     for key in entries:
    415       if key not in domain: domain[key] = { 'time_list': [], 'count_list': [] }
    416       domain[key]['time_list'].append(entries[key]['time'])
    417       domain[key]['count_list'].append(entries[key]['count'])
    420 def print_stats(S, args):
    421   # Sort by ascending/descending time average, then by ascending/descending
    422   # count average, then by ascending name.
    423   def sort_asc_func(item):
    424     return (item[1]['time_stat']['average'],
    425             item[1]['count_stat']['average'],
    426             item[0])
    427   def sort_desc_func(item):
    428     return (-item[1]['time_stat']['average'],
    429             -item[1]['count_stat']['average'],
    430             item[0])
    431   # Sorting order is in the commend-line arguments.
    432   sort_func = sort_asc_func if args.sort == "asc" else sort_desc_func
    433   # Possibly limit how many elements to print.
    434   L = [item for item in sorted(S.items(), key=sort_func)
    435        if item[0] not in ["Total", "Sum"]]
    436   N = len(L)
    437   if args.limit == 0:
    438     low, high = 0, N
    439   elif args.sort == "desc":
    440     low, high = 0, args.limit
    441   else:
    442     low, high = N-args.limit, N
    443   # How to print entries.
    444   def print_entry(key, value):
    445     def stats(s, units=""):
    446       conf = "{:0.1f}({:0.2f}%)".format(s['ci']['abs'], s['ci']['perc'])
    447       return "{:8.1f}{} +/- {:15s}".format(s['average'], units, conf)
    448     print "{:>50s}  {}  {}".format(
    449       key,
    450       stats(value['time_stat'], units="ms"),
    451       stats(value['count_stat'])
    452     )
    453   # Print and calculate partial sums, if necessary.
    454   for i in range(low, high):
    455     print_entry(*L[i])
    456     if args.totals and args.limit != 0 and not args.aggregate:
    457       if i == low:
    458         partial = { 'time_list': [0] * len(L[i][1]['time_list']),
    459                     'count_list': [0] * len(L[i][1]['count_list']) }
    460       assert len(partial['time_list']) == len(L[i][1]['time_list'])
    461       assert len(partial['count_list']) == len(L[i][1]['count_list'])
    462       for j, v in enumerate(L[i][1]['time_list']):
    463         partial['time_list'][j] += v
    464       for j, v in enumerate(L[i][1]['count_list']):
    465         partial['count_list'][j] += v
    466   # Print totals, if necessary.
    467   if args.totals:
    468     print '-' * 80
    469     if args.limit != 0 and not args.aggregate:
    470       partial['time_stat'] = statistics(partial['time_list'])
    471       partial['count_stat'] = statistics(partial['count_list'])
    472       print_entry("Partial", partial)
    473     print_entry("Sum", S["Sum"])
    474     print_entry("Total", S["Total"])
    477 def do_stats(args):
    478   domains = {}
    479   for path in args.logfiles:
    480     filename = os.path.basename(path)
    481     m = re.match(r'^([^#]+)(#.*)?$', filename)
    482     domain = m.group(1)
    483     if domain not in domains: domains[domain] = {}
    484     read_stats(path, domains[domain], args)
    485   if args.aggregate:
    486     create_total_page_stats(domains, args)
    487   for i, domain in enumerate(sorted(domains)):
    488     if len(domains) > 1:
    489       if i > 0: print
    490       print "{}:".format(domain)
    491       print '=' * 80
    492     domain_stats = domains[domain]
    493     for key in domain_stats:
    494       domain_stats[key]['time_stat'] = \
    495           statistics(domain_stats[key]['time_list'])
    496       domain_stats[key]['count_stat'] = \
    497           statistics(domain_stats[key]['count_list'])
    498     print_stats(domain_stats, args)
    501 # Create a Total page with all entries summed up.
    502 def create_total_page_stats(domains, args):
    503   total = {}
    504   def sum_up(parent, key, other):
    505     sums = parent[key]
    506     for i, item in enumerate(other[key]):
    507       if i >= len(sums):
    508         sums.extend([0] * (i - len(sums) + 1))
    509       if item is not None:
    510         sums[i] += item
    511   # Sum up all the entries/metrics from all domains
    512   for domain, entries in domains.items():
    513     for key, domain_stats in entries.items():
    514       if key not in total:
    515         total[key] = {}
    516         total[key]['time_list'] = list(domain_stats['time_list'])
    517         total[key]['count_list'] = list(domain_stats['count_list'])
    518       else:
    519         sum_up(total[key], 'time_list', domain_stats)
    520         sum_up(total[key], 'count_list', domain_stats)
    521   # Add a new "Total" page containing the summed up metrics.
    522   domains['Total'] = total
    525 # Generate JSON file.
    527 def do_json(args):
    528   versions = {}
    529   for path in args.logdirs:
    530     if os.path.isdir(path):
    531       for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
    532         version = os.path.basename(root)
    533         if version not in versions: versions[version] = {}
    534         for filename in files:
    535           if filename.endswith(".txt"):
    536             m = re.match(r'^([^#]+)(#.*)?\.txt$', filename)
    537             domain = m.group(1)
    538             if domain not in versions[version]: versions[version][domain] = {}
    539             read_stats(os.path.join(root, filename),
    540                        versions[version][domain], args)
    541   for version, domains in versions.items():
    542     if args.aggregate:
    543       create_total_page_stats(domains, args)
    544     for domain, entries in domains.items():
    545       stats = []
    546       for name, value in entries.items():
    547         # We don't want the calculated sum in the JSON file.
    548         if name == "Sum": continue
    549         entry = [name]
    550         for x in ['time_list', 'count_list']:
    551           s = statistics(entries[name][x])
    552           entry.append(round(s['average'], 1))
    553           entry.append(round(s['ci']['abs'], 1))
    554           entry.append(round(s['ci']['perc'], 2))
    555         stats.append(entry)
    556       domains[domain] = stats
    557   print json.dumps(versions, separators=(',', ':'))
    560 # Help.
    562 def do_help(parser, subparsers, args):
    563   if args.help_cmd:
    564     if args.help_cmd in subparsers:
    565       subparsers[args.help_cmd].print_help()
    566     else:
    567       args.error("Unknown command '{}'".format(args.help_cmd))
    568   else:
    569     parser.print_help()
    572 # Main program, parse command line and execute.
    574 def coexist(*l):
    575   given = sum(1 for x in l if x)
    576   return given == 0 or given == len(l)
    578 def main():
    579   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    580   subparser_adder = parser.add_subparsers(title="commands", dest="command",
    581                                           metavar="<command>")
    582   subparsers = {}
    583   # Command: run.
    584   subparsers["run"] = subparser_adder.add_parser(
    585       "run", help="Replay websites and collect runtime stats data.")
    586   subparsers["run"].set_defaults(
    587       func=do_run, error=subparsers["run"].error)
    588   subparsers["run"].add_argument(
    589       "--chrome-flags", type=str, default="",
    590       help="specify additional chrome flags")
    591   subparsers["run"].add_argument(
    592       "--js-flags", type=str, default="",
    593       help="specify additional V8 flags")
    594   subparsers["run"].add_argument(
    595       "-u", "--user-data-dir", type=str, metavar="<path>",
    596       help="specify user data dir (default is temporary)")
    597   subparsers["run"].add_argument(
    598       "-c", "--with-chrome", type=str, metavar="<path>",
    599       default="/usr/bin/google-chrome",
    600       help="specify chrome executable to use")
    601   subparsers["run"].add_argument(
    602       "-r", "--retries", type=int, metavar="<num>",
    603       help="specify retries if website is down (default: forever)")
    604   subparsers["run"].add_argument(
    605       "--no-url", dest="print_url", action="store_false", default=True,
    606       help="do not include url in statistics file")
    607   subparsers["run"].add_argument(
    608       "--domain", type=str, default="",
    609       help="specify the output file domain name")
    610   subparsers["run"].add_argument(
    611       "-n", "--repeat", type=int, metavar="<num>",
    612       help="specify iterations for each website (default: once)")
    614   def add_replay_args(subparser):
    615     subparser.add_argument(
    616         "-k", "--refresh", type=int, metavar="<num>", default=0,
    617         help="specify refreshes for each iteration (default: 0)")
    618     subparser.add_argument(
    619         "--replay-wpr", type=str, metavar="<path>",
    620         help="use the specified web page replay (.wpr) archive")
    621     subparser.add_argument(
    622         "--replay-bin", type=str, metavar="<path>",
    623         help="specify the replay.py script typically located in " \
    624              "$CHROMIUM/src/third_party/webpagereplay/replay.py")
    625     subparser.add_argument(
    626         "-f", "--sites-file", type=str, metavar="<path>",
    627         help="specify file containing benchmark websites")
    628     subparser.add_argument(
    629         "-t", "--timeout", type=int, metavar="<seconds>", default=60,
    630         help="specify seconds before chrome is killed")
    631     subparser.add_argument(
    632         "-p", "--port-offset", type=int, metavar="<offset>", default=0,
    633         help="specify the offset for the replay server's default ports")
    634     subparser.add_argument(
    635         "-l", "--log-stderr", type=str, metavar="<path>",
    636         help="specify where chrome's stderr should go (default: /dev/null)")
    637     subparser.add_argument(
    638         "sites", type=str, metavar="<URL>", nargs="*",
    639         help="specify benchmark website")
    640   add_replay_args(subparsers["run"])
    642   # Command: replay-server
    643   subparsers["replay"] = subparser_adder.add_parser(
    644       "replay", help="Run the replay server for debugging purposes")
    645   subparsers["replay"].set_defaults(
    646       func=do_run_replay_server, error=subparsers["replay"].error)
    647   add_replay_args(subparsers["replay"])
    649   # Command: stats.
    650   subparsers["stats"] = subparser_adder.add_parser(
    651       "stats", help="Analize the results file create by the 'run' command.")
    652   subparsers["stats"].set_defaults(
    653       func=do_stats, error=subparsers["stats"].error)
    654   subparsers["stats"].add_argument(
    655       "-l", "--limit", type=int, metavar="<num>", default=0,
    656       help="limit how many items to print (default: none)")
    657   subparsers["stats"].add_argument(
    658       "-s", "--sort", choices=["asc", "desc"], default="asc",
    659       help="specify sorting order (default: ascending)")
    660   subparsers["stats"].add_argument(
    661       "-n", "--no-total", dest="totals", action="store_false", default=True,
    662       help="do not print totals")
    663   subparsers["stats"].add_argument(
    664       "logfiles", type=str, metavar="<logfile>", nargs="*",
    665       help="specify log files to parse")
    666   subparsers["stats"].add_argument(
    667       "--aggregate", dest="aggregate", action="store_true", default=False,
    668       help="Create aggregated entries. Adds Group-* entries at the toplevel. " \
    669       "Additionally creates a Total page with all entries.")
    671   # Command: json.
    672   subparsers["json"] = subparser_adder.add_parser(
    673       "json", help="Collect results file created by the 'run' command into" \
    674           "a single json file.")
    675   subparsers["json"].set_defaults(
    676       func=do_json, error=subparsers["json"].error)
    677   subparsers["json"].add_argument(
    678       "logdirs", type=str, metavar="<logdir>", nargs="*",
    679       help="specify directories with log files to parse")
    680   subparsers["json"].add_argument(
    681       "--aggregate", dest="aggregate", action="store_true", default=False,
    682       help="Create aggregated entries. Adds Group-* entries at the toplevel. " \
    683       "Additionally creates a Total page with all entries.")
    685   # Command: help.
    686   subparsers["help"] = subparser_adder.add_parser(
    687       "help", help="help information")
    688   subparsers["help"].set_defaults(
    689       func=lambda args: do_help(parser, subparsers, args),
    690       error=subparsers["help"].error)
    691   subparsers["help"].add_argument(
    692       "help_cmd", type=str, metavar="<command>", nargs="?",
    693       help="command for which to display help")
    695   # Execute the command.
    696   args = parser.parse_args()
    697   setattr(args, 'script_path', os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
    698   if args.command == "run" and coexist(args.sites_file, args.sites):
    699     args.error("use either option --sites-file or site URLs")
    700     sys.exit(1)
    701   elif args.command == "run" and not coexist(args.replay_wpr, args.replay_bin):
    702     args.error("options --replay-wpr and --replay-bin must be used together")
    703     sys.exit(1)
    704   else:
    705     args.func(args)
    707 if __name__ == "__main__":
    708   sys.exit(main())