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      2 /*
      3 gcc -o v8crypto v8crypto.c -march=armv8-a -mfpu=crypto-neon-fp-armv8
      4 gcc -o v8crypto v8crypto.c -mfpu=crypto-neon-fp-armv8
      5 */
      7 #include <stdio.h>
      8 #include <assert.h>
      9 #include <malloc.h>  // memalign
     10 #include <string.h>  // memset
     11 #include "tests/malloc.h"
     12 #include <math.h>    // isnormal
     14 typedef  unsigned char           UChar;
     15 typedef  unsigned short int      UShort;
     16 typedef  unsigned int            UInt;
     17 typedef  signed int              Int;
     18 typedef  unsigned char           UChar;
     19 typedef  unsigned long long int  ULong;
     20 typedef  signed long long int    Long;
     21 typedef  double                  Double;
     22 typedef  float                   Float;
     24 typedef  unsigned char           Bool;
     25 #define False ((Bool)0)
     26 #define True  ((Bool)1)
     29 #define ITERS 1
     31 typedef
     32   enum { TyHF=1234, TySF, TyDF, TyB, TyH, TyS, TyD, TyNONE }
     33   LaneTy;
     35 union _V128 {
     36    UChar  u8[16];
     37    UShort u16[8];
     38    UInt   u32[4];
     39    ULong  u64[2];
     40    Float  f32[4];
     41    Double f64[2];
     42 };
     43 typedef  union _V128   V128;
     45 static inline UChar randUChar ( void )
     46 {
     47    static UInt seed = 80021;
     48    seed = 1103515245 * seed + 12345;
     49    return (seed >> 17) & 0xFF;
     50 }
     52 //static ULong randULong ( LaneTy ty )
     53 //{
     54 //   Int i;
     55 //   ULong r = 0;
     56 //   for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
     57 //      r = (r << 8) | (ULong)(0xFF & randUChar());
     58 //   }
     59 //   return r;
     60 //}
     62 /* Generates a random V128.  Ensures that that it contains normalised
     63    FP numbers when viewed as either F32x4 or F64x2, so that it is
     64    reasonable to use in FP test cases. */
     65 static void randV128 ( /*OUT*/V128* v, LaneTy ty )
     66 {
     67    static UInt nCalls = 0, nIters = 0;
     68    Int i;
     69    nCalls++;
     70    while (1) {
     71       nIters++;
     72       for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
     73          v->u8[i] = randUChar();
     74       }
     75       if (isnormal(v->f32[0]) && isnormal(v->f32[1]) && isnormal(v->f32[2])
     76           && isnormal(v->f32[3]) && isnormal(v->f64[0]) && isnormal(v->f64[1]))
     77         break;
     78    }
     79    if (0 == (nCalls & 0xFF))
     80       printf("randV128: %u calls, %u iters\n", nCalls, nIters);
     81 }
     83 static void showV128 ( V128* v )
     84 {
     85    Int i;
     86    for (i = 15; i >= 0; i--)
     87       printf("%02x", (Int)v->u8[i]);
     88 }
     90 //static void showBlock ( const char* msg, V128* block, Int nBlock )
     91 //{
     92 //   Int i;
     93 //   printf("%s\n", msg);
     94 //   for (i = 0; i < nBlock; i++) {
     95 //      printf("  ");
     96 //      showV128(&block[i]);
     97 //      printf("\n");
     98 //   }
     99 //}
    102 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
    103 /* -- Parameterisable test macros                                -- */
    104 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
    106 #define DO50(_action) \
    107    do { \
    108       Int _qq; for (_qq = 0; _qq < 50; _qq++) { _action ; } \
    109    } while (0)
    112 /* Generate a test that involves two vector regs,
    113    with no bias as towards which is input or output.
    114    It's OK to use r8 as scratch.*/
    116   __attribute__((noinline)) \
    117   static void test_##TESTNAME ( LaneTy ty ) { \
    118      Int i; \
    119      for (i = 0; i < ITERS; i++) { \
    120         V128 block[4+1]; \
    121         memset(block, 0x55, sizeof(block)); \
    122         randV128(&block[0], ty); \
    123         randV128(&block[1], ty); \
    124         randV128(&block[2], ty); \
    125         randV128(&block[3], ty); \
    126         __asm__ __volatile__( \
    127            "mov r9, #0 ; vmsr fpscr, r9 ; " \
    128            "add r9, %0, #0  ; vld1.8 { q"#VECREG1NO" }, [r9] ; " \
    129            "add r9, %0, #16 ; vld1.8 { q"#VECREG2NO" }, [r9] ; " \
    130            INSN " ; " \
    131            "add r9, %0, #32 ; vst1.8 { q"#VECREG1NO" }, [r9] ; " \
    132            "add r9, %0, #48 ; vst1.8 { q"#VECREG2NO" }, [r9] ; " \
    133            "vmrs r9, fpscr ; str r9, [%0, #64] " \
    134            : : "r"(&block[0]) \
    135              : "cc", "memory", "q"#VECREG1NO, "q"#VECREG2NO, "r8", "r9" \
    136         ); \
    137         printf(INSN   "   "); \
    138         UInt fpscr = 0xFFFFFFFF & block[4].u32[0]; \
    139         showV128(&block[0]); printf("  "); \
    140         showV128(&block[1]); printf("  "); \
    141         showV128(&block[2]); printf("  "); \
    142         showV128(&block[3]); printf(" fpscr=%08x\n", fpscr); \
    143      } \
    144   }
    147 /* Generate a test that involves three vector regs,
    148    with no bias as towards which is input or output.  It's also OK
    149    to use r8 scratch. */
    151   __attribute__((noinline)) \
    152   static void test_##TESTNAME ( LaneTy ty ) { \
    153      Int i; \
    154      for (i = 0; i < ITERS; i++) { \
    155         V128 block[6+1]; \
    156         memset(block, 0x55, sizeof(block)); \
    157         randV128(&block[0], ty); \
    158         randV128(&block[1], ty); \
    159         randV128(&block[2], ty); \
    160         randV128(&block[3], ty); \
    161         randV128(&block[4], ty); \
    162         randV128(&block[5], ty); \
    163         __asm__ __volatile__( \
    164            "mov r9, #0 ; vmsr fpscr, r9 ; " \
    165            "add r9, %0, #0  ; vld1.8 { q"#VECREG1NO" }, [r9] ; " \
    166            "add r9, %0, #16 ; vld1.8 { q"#VECREG2NO" }, [r9] ; " \
    167            "add r9, %0, #32 ; vld1.8 { q"#VECREG3NO" }, [r9] ; " \
    168            INSN " ; " \
    169            "add r9, %0, #48 ; vst1.8 { q"#VECREG1NO" }, [r9] ; " \
    170            "add r9, %0, #64 ; vst1.8 { q"#VECREG2NO" }, [r9] ; " \
    171            "add r9, %0, #80 ; vst1.8 { q"#VECREG3NO" }, [r9] ; " \
    172            "vmrs r9, fpscr ; str r9, [%0, #96] " \
    173            : : "r"(&block[0]) \
    174            : "cc", "memory", "q"#VECREG1NO, "q"#VECREG2NO, "q"#VECREG3NO, \
    175              "r8", "r9" \
    176         ); \
    177         printf(INSN   "   "); \
    178         UInt fpscr = 0xFFFFFFFF & block[6].u32[0]; \
    179         showV128(&block[0]); printf("  "); \
    180         showV128(&block[1]); printf("  "); \
    181         showV128(&block[2]); printf("  "); \
    182         showV128(&block[3]); printf("  "); \
    183         showV128(&block[4]); printf("  "); \
    184         showV128(&block[5]); printf(" fpscr=%08x\n", fpscr); \
    185      } \
    186   }
    188 // ======================== CRYPTO ========================
    190 GEN_TWOVEC_TEST(aesd_q_q,   "aesd.8 q3, q4",     3,  4)
    191 GEN_TWOVEC_TEST(aese_q_q,   "aese.8 q12, q13",  12, 13)
    192 GEN_TWOVEC_TEST(aesimc_q_q, "aesimc.8 q15, q0", 15,  0)
    193 GEN_TWOVEC_TEST(aesmc_q_q,  "aesmc.8 q1, q9",    1,  9)
    195 GEN_THREEVEC_TEST(sha1c_q_q_q,   "sha1c.32 q11, q10, q2",   11, 10, 2)
    196 GEN_TWOVEC_TEST(sha1h_q_q,       "sha1h.32 q6, q7",         6, 7)
    197 GEN_THREEVEC_TEST(sha1m_q_q_q,   "sha1m.32 q2, q8, q13",    2, 8, 13)
    198 GEN_THREEVEC_TEST(sha1p_q_q_q,   "sha1p.32 q3, q9, q14",    3, 9, 14)
    199 GEN_THREEVEC_TEST(sha1su0_q_q_q, "sha1su0.32 q4, q10, q15", 4, 10, 15)
    200 GEN_TWOVEC_TEST(sha1su1_q_q,     "sha1su1.32 q11, q2",      11, 2)
    202 GEN_THREEVEC_TEST(sha256h2_q_q_q,  "sha256h2.32 q9, q8, q7",     9, 8, 7)
    203 GEN_THREEVEC_TEST(sha256h_q_q_q,   "sha256h.32 q10, q9, q8",     10, 9, 8)
    204 GEN_TWOVEC_TEST(sha256su0_q_q,     "sha256su0.32 q11, q10",      11, 10)
    205 GEN_THREEVEC_TEST(sha256su1_q_q_q, "sha256su1.32 q12, q11, q10", 12, 11, 10)
    207 // This is a bit complex.  This really mentions three registers, so it
    208 // should really be a THREEVEC variant.  But the two source registers
    209 // are D registers.  So we say it is just a TWOVEC insn, producing a Q
    210 // and taking a single Q (q7); q7 is the d14-d15 register pair, which
    211 // is why the insn itself is mentions d14 and d15 whereas the
    212 // numbers that follow mention q7.  The result (q7) is 128 bits wide and
    213 // so is unaffected by these shenanigans.
    214 GEN_TWOVEC_TEST(pmull_q_d_d,  "vmull.p64 q13, d14, d15", 13, 7)
    216 int main ( void )
    217 {
    218    // ======================== CRYPTO ========================
    220    // aesd.8     q_q (aes single round decryption)
    221    // aese.8     q_q (aes single round encryption)
    222    // aesimc.8   q_q (aes inverse mix columns)
    223    // aesmc.8    q_q (aes mix columns)
    224    if (1) DO50( test_aesd_q_q(TyNONE) );
    225    if (1) DO50( test_aese_q_q(TyNONE) );
    226    if (1) DO50( test_aesimc_q_q(TyNONE) );
    227    if (1) DO50( test_aesmc_q_q(TyNONE) );
    229    // sha1c.32   q_q_q
    230    // sha1h.32   q_q
    231    // sha1m.32   q_q_q
    232    // sha1p.32   q_q_q
    233    // sha1su0.32 q_q_q
    234    // sha1su1.32 q_q
    235    if (1) DO50( test_sha1c_q_q_q(TyNONE) );
    236    if (1) DO50( test_sha1h_q_q(TyNONE) );
    237    if (1) DO50( test_sha1m_q_q_q(TyNONE) );
    238    if (1) DO50( test_sha1p_q_q_q(TyNONE) );
    239    if (1) DO50( test_sha1su0_q_q_q(TyNONE) );
    240    if (1) DO50( test_sha1su1_q_q(TyNONE) );
    242    // sha256h2.32  q_q_q
    243    // sha256h.32   q_q_q
    244    // sha256su0.32 q_q
    245    // sha256su1.32 q_q_q
    246    if (1) DO50( test_sha256h2_q_q_q(TyNONE) );
    247    if (1) DO50( test_sha256h_q_q_q(TyNONE) );
    248    if (1) DO50( test_sha256su0_q_q(TyNONE) );
    249    if (1) DO50( test_sha256su1_q_q_q(TyNONE) );
    251    // vmull.64  q_d_d
    252    if (1) DO50( test_pmull_q_d_d(TyD) );
    254    return 0;
    255 }