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      1 clear;
      2 pack;
      3 %
      4 % Enter the path to YOUR executable and remember to define the perprocessor
      5 % variable PRINT_MIPS te get the instructions printed to the screen.
      6 %
      7 command = '!iLBCtest.exe 30 speechAndBGnoise.pcm out1.bit out1.pcm tlm10_30ms.dat';
      8 cout=' > st.txt';   %saves to matlab variable 'st'
      9 eval(strcat(command,cout));
     10 if(length(cout)>3)
     11     load st.txt
     12 else
     13     disp('No cout file to load')
     14 end
     16 % initialize vector to zero
     17 index = find(st(1:end,1)==-1);
     18 indexnonzero = find(st(1:end,1)>0);
     19 frames = length(index)-indexnonzero(1)+1;
     20 start = indexnonzero(1) - 1;
     21 functionOrder=max(st(:,2));
     22 new=zeros(frames,functionOrder);
     24 for i = 1:frames,
     25     for j = index(start-1+i)+1:(index(start+i)-1),
     26         new(i,st(j,2)) = new(i,st(j,2)) + st(j,1);
     27     end
     28 end
     30 result=zeros(functionOrder,3);
     31 for i=1:functionOrder
     32     nonzeroelements = find(new(1:end,i)>0);
     33     result(i,1)=i;
     35     % Compute each function's mean complexity
     36     % result(i,2)=(sum(new(nonzeroelements,i))/(length(nonzeroelements)*0.03))/1000000;
     38     % Compute each function's maximum complexity in encoding
     39     % and decoding respectively and then add it together:
     40     % result(i,3)=(max(new(1:end,i))/0.03)/1000000;
     41     result(i,3)=(max(new(1:size(new,1)/2,i))/0.03)/1000000 + (max(new(size(new,1)/2+1:end,i))/0.03)/1000000;
     42 end
     44 result
     46 % Compute maximum complexity for a single frame (enc/dec separately and together)
     47 maxEncComplexityInAFrame = (max(sum(new(1:size(new,1)/2,:),2))/0.03)/1000000
     48 maxDecComplexityInAFrame = (max(sum(new(size(new,1)/2+1:end,:),2))/0.03)/1000000
     49 totalComplexity = maxEncComplexityInAFrame + maxDecComplexityInAFrame