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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright 2009 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "webrtc/p2p/base/basicpacketsocketfactory.h"
     12 #include "webrtc/p2p/base/stunport.h"
     13 #include "webrtc/p2p/base/teststunserver.h"
     14 #include "webrtc/base/gunit.h"
     15 #include "webrtc/base/helpers.h"
     16 #include "webrtc/base/physicalsocketserver.h"
     17 #include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
     18 #include "webrtc/base/socketaddress.h"
     19 #include "webrtc/base/ssladapter.h"
     20 #include "webrtc/base/virtualsocketserver.h"
     22 using cricket::ServerAddresses;
     23 using rtc::SocketAddress;
     25 static const SocketAddress kLocalAddr("", 0);
     26 static const SocketAddress kStunAddr1("", 5000);
     27 static const SocketAddress kStunAddr2("", 4000);
     28 static const SocketAddress kBadAddr("", 5000);
     29 static const SocketAddress kStunHostnameAddr("localhost", 5000);
     30 static const SocketAddress kBadHostnameAddr("not-a-real-hostname", 5000);
     31 static const int kTimeoutMs = 10000;
     32 // stun prio = 100 << 24 | 30 (IPV4) << 8 | 256 - 0
     33 static const uint32_t kStunCandidatePriority = 1677729535;
     35 // Tests connecting a StunPort to a fake STUN server (cricket::StunServer)
     36 // TODO: Use a VirtualSocketServer here. We have to use a
     37 // PhysicalSocketServer right now since DNS is not part of SocketServer yet.
     38 class StunPortTest : public testing::Test,
     39                      public sigslot::has_slots<> {
     40  public:
     41   StunPortTest()
     42       : pss_(new rtc::PhysicalSocketServer),
     43         ss_(new rtc::VirtualSocketServer(pss_.get())),
     44         ss_scope_(ss_.get()),
     45         network_("unittest", "unittest", rtc::IPAddress(INADDR_ANY), 32),
     46         socket_factory_(rtc::Thread::Current()),
     47         stun_server_1_(cricket::TestStunServer::Create(
     48           rtc::Thread::Current(), kStunAddr1)),
     49         stun_server_2_(cricket::TestStunServer::Create(
     50           rtc::Thread::Current(), kStunAddr2)),
     51         done_(false), error_(false), stun_keepalive_delay_(0) {
     52   }
     54   const cricket::Port* port() const { return stun_port_.get(); }
     55   bool done() const { return done_; }
     56   bool error() const { return error_; }
     58   void CreateStunPort(const rtc::SocketAddress& server_addr) {
     59     ServerAddresses stun_servers;
     60     stun_servers.insert(server_addr);
     61     CreateStunPort(stun_servers);
     62   }
     64   void CreateStunPort(const ServerAddresses& stun_servers) {
     65     stun_port_.reset(cricket::StunPort::Create(
     66         rtc::Thread::Current(), &socket_factory_, &network_,
     67         kLocalAddr.ipaddr(), 0, 0, rtc::CreateRandomString(16),
     68         rtc::CreateRandomString(22), stun_servers, std::string()));
     69     stun_port_->set_stun_keepalive_delay(stun_keepalive_delay_);
     70     stun_port_->SignalPortComplete.connect(this,
     71         &StunPortTest::OnPortComplete);
     72     stun_port_->SignalPortError.connect(this,
     73         &StunPortTest::OnPortError);
     74   }
     76   void CreateSharedStunPort(const rtc::SocketAddress& server_addr) {
     77     socket_.reset(socket_factory_.CreateUdpSocket(
     78         rtc::SocketAddress(kLocalAddr.ipaddr(), 0), 0, 0));
     79     ASSERT_TRUE(socket_ != NULL);
     80     socket_->SignalReadPacket.connect(this, &StunPortTest::OnReadPacket);
     81     stun_port_.reset(cricket::UDPPort::Create(
     82         rtc::Thread::Current(), &socket_factory_,
     83         &network_, socket_.get(),
     84         rtc::CreateRandomString(16), rtc::CreateRandomString(22),
     85         std::string(), false));
     86     ASSERT_TRUE(stun_port_ != NULL);
     87     ServerAddresses stun_servers;
     88     stun_servers.insert(server_addr);
     89     stun_port_->set_server_addresses(stun_servers);
     90     stun_port_->SignalPortComplete.connect(this,
     91         &StunPortTest::OnPortComplete);
     92     stun_port_->SignalPortError.connect(this,
     93         &StunPortTest::OnPortError);
     94   }
     96   void PrepareAddress() {
     97     stun_port_->PrepareAddress();
     98   }
    100   void OnReadPacket(rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket, const char* data,
    101                     size_t size, const rtc::SocketAddress& remote_addr,
    102                     const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time) {
    103     stun_port_->HandleIncomingPacket(
    104         socket, data, size, remote_addr, rtc::PacketTime());
    105   }
    107   void SendData(const char* data, size_t len) {
    108     stun_port_->HandleIncomingPacket(
    109         socket_.get(), data, len, rtc::SocketAddress("", 0),
    110         rtc::PacketTime());
    111   }
    113  protected:
    114   static void SetUpTestCase() {
    115     // Ensure the RNG is inited.
    116     rtc::InitRandom(NULL, 0);
    118   }
    120   void OnPortComplete(cricket::Port* port) {
    121     ASSERT_FALSE(done_);
    122     done_ = true;
    123     error_ = false;
    124   }
    125   void OnPortError(cricket::Port* port) {
    126     done_ = true;
    127     error_ = true;
    128   }
    129   void SetKeepaliveDelay(int delay) {
    130     stun_keepalive_delay_ = delay;
    131   }
    133   cricket::TestStunServer* stun_server_1() {
    134     return stun_server_1_.get();
    135   }
    136   cricket::TestStunServer* stun_server_2() {
    137     return stun_server_2_.get();
    138   }
    140  private:
    141   rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::PhysicalSocketServer> pss_;
    142   rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::VirtualSocketServer> ss_;
    143   rtc::SocketServerScope ss_scope_;
    144   rtc::Network network_;
    145   rtc::BasicPacketSocketFactory socket_factory_;
    146   rtc::scoped_ptr<cricket::UDPPort> stun_port_;
    147   rtc::scoped_ptr<cricket::TestStunServer> stun_server_1_;
    148   rtc::scoped_ptr<cricket::TestStunServer> stun_server_2_;
    149   rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::AsyncPacketSocket> socket_;
    150   bool done_;
    151   bool error_;
    152   int stun_keepalive_delay_;
    153 };
    155 // Test that we can create a STUN port
    156 TEST_F(StunPortTest, TestBasic) {
    157   CreateStunPort(kStunAddr1);
    158   EXPECT_EQ("stun", port()->Type());
    159   EXPECT_EQ(0U, port()->Candidates().size());
    160 }
    162 // Test that we can get an address from a STUN server.
    163 TEST_F(StunPortTest, TestPrepareAddress) {
    164   CreateStunPort(kStunAddr1);
    165   PrepareAddress();
    166   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), kTimeoutMs);
    167   ASSERT_EQ(1U, port()->Candidates().size());
    168   EXPECT_TRUE(kLocalAddr.EqualIPs(port()->Candidates()[0].address()));
    170   // TODO: Add IPv6 tests here, once either physicalsocketserver supports
    171   // IPv6, or this test is changed to use VirtualSocketServer.
    172 }
    174 // Test that we fail properly if we can't get an address.
    175 TEST_F(StunPortTest, TestPrepareAddressFail) {
    176   CreateStunPort(kBadAddr);
    177   PrepareAddress();
    178   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), kTimeoutMs);
    179   EXPECT_TRUE(error());
    180   EXPECT_EQ(0U, port()->Candidates().size());
    181 }
    183 // Test that we can get an address from a STUN server specified by a hostname.
    184 TEST_F(StunPortTest, TestPrepareAddressHostname) {
    185   CreateStunPort(kStunHostnameAddr);
    186   PrepareAddress();
    187   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), kTimeoutMs);
    188   ASSERT_EQ(1U, port()->Candidates().size());
    189   EXPECT_TRUE(kLocalAddr.EqualIPs(port()->Candidates()[0].address()));
    190   EXPECT_EQ(kStunCandidatePriority, port()->Candidates()[0].priority());
    191 }
    193 // Test that we handle hostname lookup failures properly.
    194 TEST_F(StunPortTest, TestPrepareAddressHostnameFail) {
    195   CreateStunPort(kBadHostnameAddr);
    196   PrepareAddress();
    197   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), kTimeoutMs);
    198   EXPECT_TRUE(error());
    199   EXPECT_EQ(0U, port()->Candidates().size());
    200 }
    202 // This test verifies keepalive response messages don't result in
    203 // additional candidate generation.
    204 TEST_F(StunPortTest, TestKeepAliveResponse) {
    205   SetKeepaliveDelay(500);  // 500ms of keepalive delay.
    206   CreateStunPort(kStunHostnameAddr);
    207   PrepareAddress();
    208   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), kTimeoutMs);
    209   ASSERT_EQ(1U, port()->Candidates().size());
    210   EXPECT_TRUE(kLocalAddr.EqualIPs(port()->Candidates()[0].address()));
    211   // Waiting for 1 seond, which will allow us to process
    212   // response for keepalive binding request. 500 ms is the keepalive delay.
    213   rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(1000);
    214   ASSERT_EQ(1U, port()->Candidates().size());
    215 }
    217 // Test that a local candidate can be generated using a shared socket.
    218 TEST_F(StunPortTest, TestSharedSocketPrepareAddress) {
    219   CreateSharedStunPort(kStunAddr1);
    220   PrepareAddress();
    221   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), kTimeoutMs);
    222   ASSERT_EQ(1U, port()->Candidates().size());
    223   EXPECT_TRUE(kLocalAddr.EqualIPs(port()->Candidates()[0].address()));
    224 }
    226 // Test that we still a get a local candidate with invalid stun server hostname.
    227 // Also verifing that UDPPort can receive packets when stun address can't be
    228 // resolved.
    229 TEST_F(StunPortTest, TestSharedSocketPrepareAddressInvalidHostname) {
    230   CreateSharedStunPort(kBadHostnameAddr);
    231   PrepareAddress();
    232   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), kTimeoutMs);
    233   ASSERT_EQ(1U, port()->Candidates().size());
    234   EXPECT_TRUE(kLocalAddr.EqualIPs(port()->Candidates()[0].address()));
    236   // Send data to port after it's ready. This is to make sure, UDP port can
    237   // handle data with unresolved stun server address.
    238   std::string data = "some random data, sending to cricket::Port.";
    239   SendData(data.c_str(), data.length());
    240   // No crash is success.
    241 }
    243 // Test that the same address is added only once if two STUN servers are in use.
    244 TEST_F(StunPortTest, TestNoDuplicatedAddressWithTwoStunServers) {
    245   ServerAddresses stun_servers;
    246   stun_servers.insert(kStunAddr1);
    247   stun_servers.insert(kStunAddr2);
    248   CreateStunPort(stun_servers);
    249   EXPECT_EQ("stun", port()->Type());
    250   PrepareAddress();
    251   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), kTimeoutMs);
    252   EXPECT_EQ(1U, port()->Candidates().size());
    253   EXPECT_EQ(port()->Candidates()[0].relay_protocol(), "");
    254 }
    256 // Test that candidates can be allocated for multiple STUN servers, one of which
    257 // is not reachable.
    258 TEST_F(StunPortTest, TestMultipleStunServersWithBadServer) {
    259   ServerAddresses stun_servers;
    260   stun_servers.insert(kStunAddr1);
    261   stun_servers.insert(kBadAddr);
    262   CreateStunPort(stun_servers);
    263   EXPECT_EQ("stun", port()->Type());
    264   PrepareAddress();
    265   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), kTimeoutMs);
    266   EXPECT_EQ(1U, port()->Candidates().size());
    267 }
    269 // Test that two candidates are allocated if the two STUN servers return
    270 // different mapped addresses.
    271 TEST_F(StunPortTest, TestTwoCandidatesWithTwoStunServersAcrossNat) {
    272   const SocketAddress kStunMappedAddr1("", 0);
    273   const SocketAddress kStunMappedAddr2("", 0);
    274   stun_server_1()->set_fake_stun_addr(kStunMappedAddr1);
    275   stun_server_2()->set_fake_stun_addr(kStunMappedAddr2);
    277   ServerAddresses stun_servers;
    278   stun_servers.insert(kStunAddr1);
    279   stun_servers.insert(kStunAddr2);
    280   CreateStunPort(stun_servers);
    281   EXPECT_EQ("stun", port()->Type());
    282   PrepareAddress();
    283   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), kTimeoutMs);
    284   EXPECT_EQ(2U, port()->Candidates().size());
    285   EXPECT_EQ(port()->Candidates()[0].relay_protocol(), "");
    286   EXPECT_EQ(port()->Candidates()[1].relay_protocol(), "");
    287 }