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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 /**
     18  * @addtogroup Camera
     19  * @{
     20  */
     22 /**
     23  * @file NdkCameraCaptureSession.h
     24  */
     26 /*
     27  * This file defines an NDK API.
     28  * Do not remove methods.
     29  * Do not change method signatures.
     30  * Do not change the value of constants.
     31  * Do not change the size of any of the classes defined in here.
     32  * Do not reference types that are not part of the NDK.
     33  * Do not #include files that aren't part of the NDK.
     34  */
     35 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
     36 #include <stdbool.h>
     38 #include <android/native_window.h>
     39 #include "NdkCameraError.h"
     40 #include "NdkCameraMetadata.h"
     45 __BEGIN_DECLS
     47 #if __ANDROID_API__ >= 24
     49 /**
     50  * ACameraCaptureSession is an opaque type that manages frame captures of a camera device.
     51  *
     52  * A pointer can be obtained using {@link ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession} method.
     53  */
     54 typedef struct ACameraCaptureSession ACameraCaptureSession;
     56 /**
     57  * The definition of camera capture session state callback.
     58  *
     59  * @param context The optional application context provided by user in
     60  *                {@link ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks}.
     61  * @param session The camera capture session whose state is changing.
     62  */
     63 typedef void (*ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallback)(void* context, ACameraCaptureSession *session);
     65 typedef struct ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks {
     66     /// optional application context.
     67     void*                               context;
     69     /**
     70      * This callback is called when the session is closed and deleted from memory.
     71      *
     72      * <p>A session is closed when {@link ACameraCaptureSession_close} is called, a new session
     73      * is created by the parent camera device,
     74      * or when the parent camera device is closed (either by the user closing the device,
     75      * or due to a camera device disconnection or fatal error).</p>
     76      *
     77      * <p>Once this callback is called, all access to this ACameraCaptureSession object will cause
     78      * a crash.</p>
     79      */
     80     ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallback onClosed;
     82     /**
     83      * This callback is called every time the session has no more capture requests to process.
     84      *
     85      * <p>This callback will be invoked any time the session finishes processing
     86      * all of its active capture requests, and no repeating request or burst is set up.</p>
     87      */
     88     ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallback onReady;
     90     /**
     91      * This callback is called when the session starts actively processing capture requests.
     92      *
     93      * <p>If the session runs out of capture requests to process and calls {@link onReady},
     94      * then this callback will be invoked again once new requests are submitted for capture.</p>
     95      */
     96     ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallback onActive;
     97 } ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks;
     99 /// Enum for describing error reason in {@link ACameraCaptureFailure}
    100 enum {
    101     /**
    102      * The capture session has dropped this frame due to an
    103      * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_abortCaptures} call.
    104      */
    107     /**
    108      * The capture session has dropped this frame due to an error in the framework.
    109      */
    111 };
    113 /// Struct to describe a capture failure
    114 typedef struct ACameraCaptureFailure {
    115     /**
    116      * The frame number associated with this failed capture.
    117      *
    118      * <p>Whenever a request has been processed, regardless of failed capture or success,
    119      * it gets a unique frame number assigned to its future result/failed capture.</p>
    120      *
    121      * <p>This value monotonically increments, starting with 0,
    122      * for every new result or failure; and the scope is the lifetime of the
    123      * {@link ACameraDevice}.</p>
    124      */
    125     int64_t frameNumber;
    127     /**
    128      * Determine why the request was dropped, whether due to an error or to a user
    129      * action.
    130      *
    133      */
    134     int     reason;
    136     /**
    137      * The sequence ID for this failed capture that was returned by the
    138      * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_capture} or {@link ACameraCaptureSession_setRepeatingRequest}.
    139      *
    140      * <p>The sequence ID is a unique monotonically increasing value starting from 0,
    141      * incremented every time a new group of requests is submitted to the ACameraDevice.</p>
    142      */
    143     int     sequenceId;
    145     /**
    146      * Determine if the image was captured from the camera.
    147      *
    148      * <p>If the image was not captured, no image buffers will be available.
    149      * If the image was captured, then image buffers may be available.</p>
    150      *
    151      */
    152     bool    wasImageCaptured;
    153 } ACameraCaptureFailure;
    155 /**
    156  * The definition of camera capture start callback.
    157  *
    158  * @param context The optional application context provided by user in
    159  *                {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks}.
    160  * @param session The camera capture session of interest.
    161  * @param request The capture request that is starting. Note that this pointer points to a copy of
    162  *                capture request sent by application, so the address is different to what
    163  *                application sent but the content will match. This request will be freed by
    164  *                framework immediately after this callback returns.
    165  * @param timestamp The timestamp when the capture is started. This timestmap will match
    166  *                  {@link ACAMERA_SENSOR_TIMESTAMP} of the {@link ACameraMetadata} in
    167  *                  {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks#onCaptureCompleted} callback.
    168  */
    169 typedef void (*ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_start)(
    170         void* context, ACameraCaptureSession* session,
    171         const ACaptureRequest* request, int64_t timestamp);
    173 /**
    174  * The definition of camera capture progress/result callback.
    175  *
    176  * @param context The optional application context provided by user in
    177  *                {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks}.
    178  * @param session The camera capture session of interest.
    179  * @param request The capture request of interest. Note that this pointer points to a copy of
    180  *                capture request sent by application, so the address is different to what
    181  *                application sent but the content will match. This request will be freed by
    182  *                framework immediately after this callback returns.
    183  * @param result The capture result metadata reported by camera device. The memory is managed by
    184  *                camera framework. Do not access this pointer after this callback returns.
    185  */
    186 typedef void (*ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_result)(
    187         void* context, ACameraCaptureSession* session,
    188         ACaptureRequest* request, const ACameraMetadata* result);
    190 /**
    191  * The definition of camera capture failure callback.
    192  *
    193  * @param context The optional application context provided by user in
    194  *                {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks}.
    195  * @param session The camera capture session of interest.
    196  * @param request The capture request of interest. Note that this pointer points to a copy of
    197  *                capture request sent by application, so the address is different to what
    198  *                application sent but the content will match. This request will be freed by
    199  *                framework immediately after this callback returns.
    200  * @param failure The {@link ACameraCaptureFailure} desribes the capture failure. The memory is
    201  *                managed by camera framework. Do not access this pointer after this callback
    202  *                returns.
    203  */
    204 typedef void (*ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_failed)(
    205         void* context, ACameraCaptureSession* session,
    206         ACaptureRequest* request, ACameraCaptureFailure* failure);
    208 /**
    209  * The definition of camera sequence end callback.
    210  *
    211  * @param context The optional application context provided by user in
    212  *                {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks}.
    213  * @param session The camera capture session of interest.
    214  * @param sequenceId The capture sequence ID of the finished sequence.
    215  * @param frameNumber The frame number of the last frame of this sequence.
    216  */
    217 typedef void (*ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_sequenceEnd)(
    218         void* context, ACameraCaptureSession* session,
    219         int sequenceId, int64_t frameNumber);
    221 /**
    222  * The definition of camera sequence aborted callback.
    223  *
    224  * @param context The optional application context provided by user in
    225  *                {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks}.
    226  * @param session The camera capture session of interest.
    227  * @param sequenceId The capture sequence ID of the aborted sequence.
    228  */
    229 typedef void (*ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_sequenceAbort)(
    230         void* context, ACameraCaptureSession* session,
    231         int sequenceId);
    233 /**
    234  * The definition of camera buffer lost callback.
    235  *
    236  * @param context The optional application context provided by user in
    237  *                {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks}.
    238  * @param session The camera capture session of interest.
    239  * @param request The capture request of interest. Note that this pointer points to a copy of
    240  *                capture request sent by application, so the address is different to what
    241  *                application sent but the content will match. This request will be freed by
    242  *                framework immediately after this callback returns.
    243  * @param window The {@link ANativeWindow} that the lost buffer would have been sent to.
    244  * @param frameNumber The frame number of the lost buffer.
    245  */
    246 typedef void (*ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_bufferLost)(
    247         void* context, ACameraCaptureSession* session,
    248         ACaptureRequest* request, ANativeWindow* window, int64_t frameNumber);
    250 typedef struct ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks {
    251     /// optional application context.
    252     void*                                               context;
    254     /**
    255      * This callback is called when the camera device has started capturing
    256      * the output image for the request, at the beginning of image exposure.
    257      *
    258      * <p>This callback is invoked right as
    259      * the capture of a frame begins, so it is the most appropriate time
    260      * for playing a shutter sound, or triggering UI indicators of capture.</p>
    261      *
    262      * <p>The request that is being used for this capture is provided, along
    263      * with the actual timestamp for the start of exposure.
    264      * This timestamp matches the timestamps that will be
    265      * included in {@link ACAMERA_SENSOR_TIMESTAMP} of the {@link ACameraMetadata} in
    266      * {@link onCaptureCompleted} callback,
    267      * and in the buffers sent to each output ANativeWindow. These buffer
    268      * timestamps are accessible through, for example,
    269      * {@link AImage_getTimestamp} or
    270      * <a href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/SurfaceTexture.html#getTimestamp()">
    271      * android.graphics.SurfaceTexture#getTimestamp()</a>.</p>
    272      *
    273      * <p>Note that the ACaptureRequest pointer in the callback will not match what application has
    274      * submitted, but the contents the ACaptureRequest will match what application submitted.</p>
    275      *
    276      */
    277     ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_start         onCaptureStarted;
    279     /**
    280      * This callback is called when an image capture makes partial forward progress; some
    281      * (but not all) results from an image capture are available.
    282      *
    283      * <p>The result provided here will contain some subset of the fields of
    284      * a full result. Multiple {@link onCaptureProgressed} calls may happen per
    285      * capture; a given result field will only be present in one partial
    286      * capture at most. The final {@link onCaptureCompleted} call will always
    287      * contain all the fields (in particular, the union of all the fields of all
    288      * the partial results composing the total result).</p>
    289      *
    290      * <p>For each request, some result data might be available earlier than others. The typical
    291      * delay between each partial result (per request) is a single frame interval.
    292      * For performance-oriented use-cases, applications should query the metadata they need
    293      * to make forward progress from the partial results and avoid waiting for the completed
    294      * result.</p>
    295      *
    296      * <p>For a particular request, {@link onCaptureProgressed} may happen before or after
    297      * {@link onCaptureStarted}.</p>
    298      *
    299      * <p>Each request will generate at least `1` partial results, and at most
    300      * {@link ACAMERA_REQUEST_PARTIAL_RESULT_COUNT} partial results.</p>
    301      *
    302      * <p>Depending on the request settings, the number of partial results per request
    303      * will vary, although typically the partial count could be the same as long as the
    304      * camera device subsystems enabled stay the same.</p>
    305      *
    306      * <p>Note that the ACaptureRequest pointer in the callback will not match what application has
    307      * submitted, but the contents the ACaptureRequest will match what application submitted.</p>
    308      */
    309     ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_result        onCaptureProgressed;
    311     /**
    312      * This callback is called when an image capture has fully completed and all the
    313      * result metadata is available.
    314      *
    315      * <p>This callback will always fire after the last {@link onCaptureProgressed};
    316      * in other words, no more partial results will be delivered once the completed result
    317      * is available.</p>
    318      *
    319      * <p>For performance-intensive use-cases where latency is a factor, consider
    320      * using {@link onCaptureProgressed} instead.</p>
    321      *
    322      * <p>Note that the ACaptureRequest pointer in the callback will not match what application has
    323      * submitted, but the contents the ACaptureRequest will match what application submitted.</p>
    324      */
    325     ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_result        onCaptureCompleted;
    327     /**
    328      * This callback is called instead of {@link onCaptureCompleted} when the
    329      * camera device failed to produce a capture result for the
    330      * request.
    331      *
    332      * <p>Other requests are unaffected, and some or all image buffers from
    333      * the capture may have been pushed to their respective output
    334      * streams.</p>
    335      *
    336      * <p>Note that the ACaptureRequest pointer in the callback will not match what application has
    337      * submitted, but the contents the ACaptureRequest will match what application submitted.</p>
    338      *
    339      * @see ACameraCaptureFailure
    340      */
    341     ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_failed        onCaptureFailed;
    343     /**
    344      * This callback is called independently of the others in {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks},
    345      * when a capture sequence finishes and all capture result
    346      * or capture failure for it have been returned via this {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks}.
    347      *
    348      * <p>In total, there will be at least one result/failure returned by this listener
    349      * before this callback is invoked. If the capture sequence is aborted before any
    350      * requests have been processed, {@link onCaptureSequenceAborted} is invoked instead.</p>
    351      */
    352     ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_sequenceEnd   onCaptureSequenceCompleted;
    354     /**
    355      * This callback is called independently of the others in {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks},
    356      * when a capture sequence aborts before any capture result
    357      * or capture failure for it have been returned via this {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks}.
    358      *
    359      * <p>Due to the asynchronous nature of the camera device, not all submitted captures
    360      * are immediately processed. It is possible to clear out the pending requests
    361      * by a variety of operations such as {@link ACameraCaptureSession_stopRepeating} or
    362      * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_abortCaptures}. When such an event happens,
    363      * {@link onCaptureSequenceCompleted} will not be called.</p>
    364      */
    365     ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_sequenceAbort onCaptureSequenceAborted;
    367     /**
    368      * This callback is called if a single buffer for a capture could not be sent to its
    369      * destination ANativeWindow.
    370      *
    371      * <p>If the whole capture failed, then {@link onCaptureFailed} will be called instead. If
    372      * some but not all buffers were captured but the result metadata will not be available,
    373      * then onCaptureFailed will be invoked with {@link ACameraCaptureFailure#wasImageCaptured}
    374      * returning true, along with one or more calls to {@link onCaptureBufferLost} for the
    375      * failed outputs.</p>
    376      *
    377      * <p>Note that the ACaptureRequest pointer in the callback will not match what application has
    378      * submitted, but the contents the ACaptureRequest will match what application submitted.
    379      * The ANativeWindow pointer will always match what application submitted in
    380      * {@link ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession}</p>
    381      *
    382      */
    383     ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_bufferLost    onCaptureBufferLost;
    384 } ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks;
    386 enum {
    388 };
    390 /**
    391  * Close this capture session.
    392  *
    393  * <p>Closing a session frees up the target output Surfaces of the session for reuse with either
    394  * a new session, or to other APIs that can draw to Surfaces.</p>
    395  *
    396  * <p>Note that creating a new capture session with {@link ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession}
    397  * will close any existing capture session automatically, and call the older session listener's
    398  * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks#onClosed} callback. Using
    399  * {@link ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession} directly without closing is the recommended approach
    400  * for quickly switching to a new session, since unchanged target outputs can be reused more
    401  * efficiently.</p>
    402  *
    403  * <p>After a session is closed and before {@link ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks#onClosed}
    404  * is called, all methods invoked on the session will return {@link ACAMERA_ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED},
    405  * and any repeating requests are stopped (as if {@link ACameraCaptureSession_stopRepeating} was
    406  * called). However, any in-progress capture requests submitted to the session will be completed as
    407  * normal; once all captures have completed and the session has been torn down,
    408  * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks#onClosed} callback will be called and the seesion
    409  * will be removed from memory.</p>
    410  *
    411  * <p>Closing a session is idempotent; closing more than once has no effect.</p>
    412  *
    413  * @param session the capture session of interest
    414  */
    415 void ACameraCaptureSession_close(ACameraCaptureSession* session);
    417 struct ACameraDevice;
    418 typedef struct ACameraDevice ACameraDevice;
    420 /**
    421  * Get the ACameraDevice pointer associated with this capture session in the device argument
    422  * if the method succeeds.
    423  *
    424  * @param session the capture session of interest
    425  * @param device the {@link ACameraDevice} associated with session. Will be set to NULL
    426  *        if the session is closed or this method fails.
    427  * @return <ul><li>
    428  *             {@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds. The {@link ACameraDevice}
    429  *                                will be stored in device argument</li>
    430  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if session or device is NULL</li>
    431  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED} if the capture session has been closed</li>
    432  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_UNKNOWN} if the method fails for some other reasons</li></ul>
    433  *
    434  */
    435 camera_status_t ACameraCaptureSession_getDevice(
    436         ACameraCaptureSession* session, /*out*/ACameraDevice** device);
    438 /**
    439  * Submit an array of requests to be captured in sequence as a burst in the minimum of time possible.
    440  *
    441  * <p>The burst will be captured in the minimum amount of time possible, and will not be
    442  * interleaved with requests submitted by other capture or repeat calls.</p>
    443  *
    444  * <p>Each capture produces one {@link ACameraMetadata} as a capture result and image buffers for
    445  * one or more target {@link ANativeWindow}s. The target ANativeWindows (set with
    446  * {@link ACaptureRequest_addTarget}) must be a subset of the ANativeWindow provided when
    447  * this capture session was created.</p>
    448  *
    449  * @param session the capture session of interest
    450  * @param callbacks the {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks} to be associated this capture
    451  *        sequence. No capture callback will be fired if this is set to NULL.
    452  * @param numRequests number of requests in requests argument. Must be at least 1.
    453  * @param requests an array of {@link ACaptureRequest} to be captured. Length must be at least
    454  *        numRequests.
    455  * @param captureSequenceId the capture sequence ID associated with this capture method invocation
    456  *        will be stored here if this argument is not NULL and the method call succeeds.
    457  *        When this argument is set to NULL, the capture sequence ID will not be returned.
    458  *
    459  * @return <ul><li>
    460  *             {@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method succeeds. captureSequenceId will be filled
    461  *             if it is not NULL.</li>
    462  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if session or requests is NULL, or
    463  *             if numRequests < 1</li>
    464  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED} if the capture session has been closed</li>
    465  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_DISCONNECTED} if the camera device is closed</li>
    466  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE} if the camera device encounters fatal error</li>
    467  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_SERVICE} if the camera service encounters fatal error</li>
    468  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_UNKNOWN} if the method fails for some other reasons</li></ul>
    469  */
    470 camera_status_t ACameraCaptureSession_capture(
    471         ACameraCaptureSession* session,
    472         /*optional*/ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks* callbacks,
    473         int numRequests, ACaptureRequest** requests,
    474         /*optional*/int* captureSequenceId);
    476 /**
    477  * Request endlessly repeating capture of a sequence of images by this capture session.
    478  *
    479  * <p>With this method, the camera device will continually capture images,
    480  * cycling through the settings in the provided list of
    481  * {@link ACaptureRequest}, at the maximum rate possible.</p>
    482  *
    483  * <p>If a request is submitted through {@link ACameraCaptureSession_capture},
    484  * the current repetition of the request list will be
    485  * completed before the higher-priority request is handled. This guarantees
    486  * that the application always receives a complete repeat burst captured in
    487  * minimal time, instead of bursts interleaved with higher-priority
    488  * captures, or incomplete captures.</p>
    489  *
    490  * <p>Repeating burst requests are a simple way for an application to
    491  * maintain a preview or other continuous stream of frames where each
    492  * request is different in a predicatable way, without having to continually
    493  * submit requests through {@link ACameraCaptureSession_capture}.</p>
    494  *
    495  * <p>To stop the repeating capture, call {@link ACameraCaptureSession_stopRepeating}. Any
    496  * ongoing burst will still be completed, however. Calling
    497  * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_abortCaptures} will also clear the request.</p>
    498  *
    499  * <p>Calling this method will replace a previously-set repeating requests
    500  * set up by this method, although any in-progress burst will be completed before the new repeat
    501  * burst will be used.</p>
    502  *
    503  * @param session the capture session of interest
    504  * @param callbacks the {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks} to be associated with this
    505  *        capture sequence. No capture callback will be fired if callbacks is set to NULL.
    506  * @param numRequests number of requests in requests array. Must be at least 1.
    507  * @param requests an array of {@link ACaptureRequest} to be captured. Length must be at least
    508  *        numRequests.
    509  * @param captureSequenceId the capture sequence ID associated with this capture method invocation
    510  *        will be stored here if this argument is not NULL and the method call succeeds.
    511  *        When this argument is set to NULL, the capture sequence ID will not be returned.
    512  *
    513  * @return <ul><li>
    514  *             {@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method succeeds. captureSequenceId will be filled
    515  *             if it is not NULL.</li>
    516  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if session or requests is NULL, or
    517  *             if numRequests < 1</li>
    518  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED} if the capture session has been closed</li>
    519  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_DISCONNECTED} if the camera device is closed</li>
    520  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE} if the camera device encounters fatal error</li>
    521  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_SERVICE} if the camera service encounters fatal error</li>
    522  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_UNKNOWN} if the method fails for  some other reasons</li></ul>
    523  */
    524 camera_status_t ACameraCaptureSession_setRepeatingRequest(
    525         ACameraCaptureSession* session,
    526         /*optional*/ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks* callbacks,
    527         int numRequests, ACaptureRequest** requests,
    528         /*optional*/int* captureSequenceId);
    530 /**
    531  * Cancel any ongoing repeating capture set by {@link ACameraCaptureSession_setRepeatingRequest}.
    532  * Has no effect on requests submitted through {@link ACameraCaptureSession_capture}.
    533  *
    534  * <p>Any currently in-flight captures will still complete, as will any burst that is
    535  * mid-capture. To ensure that the device has finished processing all of its capture requests
    536  * and is in ready state, wait for the {@link ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks#onReady} callback
    537  * after calling this method.</p>
    538  *
    539  * @param session the capture session of interest
    540  *
    541  * @return <ul><li>
    542  *             {@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method succeeds. captureSequenceId will be filled
    543  *             if it is not NULL.</li>
    544  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if session is NULL.</li>
    545  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED} if the capture session has been closed</li>
    546  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_DISCONNECTED} if the camera device is closed</li>
    547  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE} if the camera device encounters fatal error</li>
    548  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_SERVICE} if the camera service encounters fatal error</li>
    549  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_UNKNOWN} if the method fails for some other reasons</li></ul>
    550  */
    551 camera_status_t ACameraCaptureSession_stopRepeating(ACameraCaptureSession* session);
    553 /**
    554  * Discard all captures currently pending and in-progress as fast as possible.
    555  *
    556  * <p>The camera device will discard all of its current work as fast as possible. Some in-flight
    557  * captures may complete successfully and call
    558  * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks#onCaptureCompleted},
    559  * while others will trigger their {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks#onCaptureFailed}
    560  * callbacks. If a repeating request list is set, it will be cleared.</p>
    561  *
    562  * <p>This method is the fastest way to switch the camera device to a new session with
    563  * {@link ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession}, at the cost of discarding in-progress
    564  * work. It must be called before the new session is created. Once all pending requests are
    565  * either completed or thrown away, the {@link ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks#onReady}
    566  * callback will be called, if the session has not been closed. Otherwise, the
    567  * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks#onClosed}
    568  * callback will be fired when a new session is created by the camera device and the previous
    569  * session is being removed from memory.</p>
    570  *
    571  * <p>Cancelling will introduce at least a brief pause in the stream of data from the camera
    572  * device, since once the camera device is emptied, the first new request has to make it through
    573  * the entire camera pipeline before new output buffers are produced.</p>
    574  *
    575  * <p>This means that using ACameraCaptureSession_abortCaptures to simply remove pending requests is
    576  * not recommended; it's best used for quickly switching output configurations, or for cancelling
    577  * long in-progress requests (such as a multi-second capture).</p>
    578  *
    579  * @param session the capture session of interest
    580  *
    581  * @return <ul><li>
    582  *             {@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method succeeds. captureSequenceId will be filled
    583  *             if it is not NULL.</li>
    584  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if session is NULL.</li>
    585  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED} if the capture session has been closed</li>
    586  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_DISCONNECTED} if the camera device is closed</li>
    587  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE} if the camera device encounters fatal error</li>
    588  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_SERVICE} if the camera service encounters fatal error</li>
    589  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_UNKNOWN} if the method fails for some other reasons</li></ul>
    590  */
    591 camera_status_t ACameraCaptureSession_abortCaptures(ACameraCaptureSession* session);
    593 #endif /* __ANDROID_API__ >= 24 */
    595 #if __ANDROID_API__ >= 28
    597 typedef struct ACaptureSessionOutput ACaptureSessionOutput;
    599 /**
    600  * Update shared ACaptureSessionOutput.
    601  *
    602  * <p>A shared ACaptureSessionOutput (see {@link ACaptureSessionSharedOutput_create}) that
    603  * was modified via calls to {@link ACaptureSessionSharedOutput_add} or
    604  * {@link ACaptureSessionSharedOutput_remove} must be updated by calling this method before its
    605  * changes take effect. After the update call returns  with {@link ACAMERA_OK}, any newly added
    606  * native windows can be used as a target in subsequent capture requests.</p>
    607  *
    608  * <p>Native windows that get removed must not be part of any active repeating or single/burst
    609  * request or have any pending results. Consider updating repeating requests via
    610  * {@link ACaptureSessionOutput_setRepeatingRequest} and then wait for the last frame number
    611  * when the sequence completes
    612  * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback#onCaptureSequenceCompleted}.</p>
    613  *
    614  * <p>Native windows that get added must not be part of any other registered ACaptureSessionOutput
    615  * and must be compatible. Compatible windows must have matching format, rotation and
    616  * consumer usage.</p>
    617  *
    618  * <p>A shared ACameraCaptureSession can support up to 4 additional native windows.</p>
    619  *
    620  * @param session the capture session of interest
    621  * @param output the modified output configuration
    622  *
    623  * @return <ul><li>
    624  *             {@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method succeeds.</li>
    625  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if session or output is NULL; or output
    626  *             contains invalid native windows; or if an attempt was made to add
    627  *             a native window to a different output configuration; or new native window is not
    628  *             compatible; or any removed native window still has pending requests;</li>
    629  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION} if output configuration is not shared (see
    630  *             {@link ACaptureSessionSharedOutput_create};  or the number of additional
    631  *             native windows goes beyond the supported limit.</li>
    632  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED} if the capture session has been closed</li>
    633  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_DISCONNECTED} if the camera device is closed</li>
    634  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE} if the camera device encounters fatal error</li>
    635  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_CAMERA_SERVICE} if the camera service encounters fatal
    636  *             error</li>
    637  *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_UNKNOWN} if the method fails for some other reasons</li></ul>
    638  */
    639 camera_status_t ACameraCaptureSession_updateSharedOutput(ACameraCaptureSession* session,
    640         ACaptureSessionOutput* output);
    641 #endif /* __ANDROID_API__ >= 28 */
    643 __END_DECLS
    645 #endif /* _NDK_CAMERA_CAPTURE_SESSION_H */
    647 /** @} */