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      1 /*
      2  ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
      3  **
      4  ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  **
      8  **     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  **
     10  ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  ** limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 /**************************************************************************
     18 *  File: q_gain2.c                                                         *
     19 *                                                                          *
     20 *  Description:                                                            *
     21 * Quantization of pitch and codebook gains.                                *
     22 * MA prediction is performed on the innovation energy (in dB with mean     *
     23 * removed).                                                                *
     24 * An initial predicted gain, g_0, is first determined and the correction   *
     25 * factor     alpha = gain / g_0    is quantized.                           *
     26 * The pitch gain and the correction factor are vector quantized and the    *
     27 * mean-squared weighted error criterion is used in the quantizer search.   *
     28 ****************************************************************************/
     30 #include "typedef.h"
     31 #include "basic_op.h"
     32 #include "oper_32b.h"
     33 #include "math_op.h"
     34 #include "log2.h"
     35 #include "acelp.h"
     36 #include "q_gain2.tab"
     38 #define MEAN_ENER    30
     39 #define RANGE        64
     40 #define PRED_ORDER   4
     43 /* MA prediction coeff ={0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2} in Q13 */
     44 static Word16 pred[PRED_ORDER] = {4096, 3277, 2458, 1638};
     47 void Init_Q_gain2(
     48         Word16 * mem                          /* output  :static memory (2 words)      */
     49         )
     50 {
     51     Word32 i;
     53     /* 4nd order quantizer energy predictor (init to -14.0 in Q10) */
     54     for (i = 0; i < PRED_ORDER; i++)
     55     {
     56         mem[i] = -14336;                     /* past_qua_en[i] */
     57     }
     59     return;
     60 }
     62 Word16 Q_gain2(                            /* Return index of quantization.          */
     63         Word16 xn[],                          /* (i) Q_xn: Target vector.               */
     64         Word16 y1[],                          /* (i) Q_xn: Adaptive codebook.           */
     65         Word16 Q_xn,                          /* (i)     : xn and y1 format             */
     66         Word16 y2[],                          /* (i) Q9  : Filtered innovative vector.  */
     67         Word16 code[],                        /* (i) Q9  : Innovative vector.           */
     68         Word16 g_coeff[],                     /* (i)     : Correlations <xn y1> <y1 y1> */
     69         /*           Compute in G_pitch().        */
     70         Word16 L_subfr,                       /* (i)     : Subframe lenght.             */
     71         Word16 nbits,                         /* (i)     : number of bits (6 or 7)      */
     72         Word16 * gain_pit,                    /* (i/o)Q14: Pitch gain.                  */
     73         Word32 * gain_cod,                    /* (o) Q16 : Code gain.                   */
     74         Word16 gp_clip,                       /* (i)     : Gp Clipping flag             */
     75         Word16 * mem                          /* (i/o)   : static memory (2 words)      */
     76           )
     77 {
     78     Word16 index, *p, min_ind, size;
     79     Word16 exp, frac, gcode0, exp_gcode0, e_max, exp_code, qua_ener;
     80     Word16 g_pitch, g2_pitch, g_code, g_pit_cod, g2_code, g2_code_lo;
     81     Word16 coeff[5], coeff_lo[5], exp_coeff[5];
     82     Word16 exp_max[5];
     83     Word32 i, j, L_tmp, dist_min;
     84     Word16 *past_qua_en, *t_qua_gain;
     86     past_qua_en = mem;
     88     /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*
     89      * - Find the initial quantization pitch index                     *
     90      * - Set gains search range                                        *
     91      *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
     92     if (nbits == 6)
     93     {
     94         t_qua_gain = t_qua_gain6b;
     95         min_ind = 0;
     96         size = RANGE;
     98         if(gp_clip == 1)
     99         {
    100             size = size - 16;          /* limit gain pitch to 1.0 */
    101         }
    102     } else
    103     {
    104         t_qua_gain = t_qua_gain7b;
    106         p = t_qua_gain7b + RANGE;            /* pt at 1/4th of table */
    108         j = nb_qua_gain7b - RANGE;
    110         if (gp_clip == 1)
    111         {
    112             j = j - 27;                /* limit gain pitch to 1.0 */
    113         }
    114         min_ind = 0;
    115         g_pitch = *gain_pit;
    117         for (i = 0; i < j; i++, p += 2)
    118         {
    119             if (g_pitch > *p)
    120             {
    121                 min_ind = min_ind + 1;
    122             }
    123         }
    124         size = RANGE;
    125     }
    127     /*------------------------------------------------------------------*
    128      *  Compute coefficient need for the quantization.                  *
    129      *                                                                  *
    130      *  coeff[0] =    y1 y1                                             *
    131      *  coeff[1] = -2 xn y1                                             *
    132      *  coeff[2] =    y2 y2                                             *
    133      *  coeff[3] = -2 xn y2                                             *
    134      *  coeff[4] =  2 y1 y2                                             *
    135      *                                                                  *
    136      * Product <y1 y1> and <xn y1> have been compute in G_pitch() and   *
    137      * are in vector g_coeff[].                                         *
    138      *------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    140     coeff[0] = g_coeff[0];
    141     exp_coeff[0] = g_coeff[1];
    142     coeff[1] = negate(g_coeff[2]);                    /* coeff[1] = -2 xn y1 */
    143     exp_coeff[1] = g_coeff[3] + 1;
    145     /* Compute scalar product <y2[],y2[]> */
    146 #ifdef ASM_OPT                   /* asm optimization branch */
    147     coeff[2] = extract_h(Dot_product12_asm(y2, y2, L_subfr, &exp));
    148 #else
    149     coeff[2] = extract_h(Dot_product12(y2, y2, L_subfr, &exp));
    150 #endif
    151     exp_coeff[2] = (exp - 18) + (Q_xn << 1);     /* -18 (y2 Q9) */
    153     /* Compute scalar product -2*<xn[],y2[]> */
    154 #ifdef ASM_OPT                  /* asm optimization branch */
    155     coeff[3] = extract_h(L_negate(Dot_product12_asm(xn, y2, L_subfr, &exp)));
    156 #else
    157     coeff[3] = extract_h(L_negate(Dot_product12(xn, y2, L_subfr, &exp)));
    158 #endif
    160     exp_coeff[3] = (exp - 8) + Q_xn;  /* -9 (y2 Q9), +1 (2 xn y2) */
    162     /* Compute scalar product 2*<y1[],y2[]> */
    163 #ifdef ASM_OPT                 /* asm optimization branch */
    164     coeff[4] = extract_h(Dot_product12_asm(y1, y2, L_subfr, &exp));
    165 #else
    166     coeff[4] = extract_h(Dot_product12(y1, y2, L_subfr, &exp));
    167 #endif
    168     exp_coeff[4] = (exp - 8) + Q_xn;  /* -9 (y2 Q9), +1 (2 y1 y2) */
    170     /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*
    171      *  Find energy of code and compute:                               *
    172      *                                                                 *
    173      *    L_tmp = MEAN_ENER - 10log10(energy of code/ L_subfr)         *
    174      *          = MEAN_ENER - 3.0103*log2(energy of code/ L_subfr)     *
    175      *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
    176 #ifdef ASM_OPT                 /* asm optimization branch */
    177     L_tmp = Dot_product12_asm(code, code, L_subfr, &exp_code);
    178 #else
    179     L_tmp = Dot_product12(code, code, L_subfr, &exp_code);
    180 #endif
    181     /* exp_code: -18 (code in Q9), -6 (/L_subfr), -31 (L_tmp Q31->Q0) */
    182     exp_code = (exp_code - (18 + 6 + 31));
    184     Log2(L_tmp, &exp, &frac);
    185     exp += exp_code;
    186     L_tmp = Mpy_32_16(exp, frac, -24660);  /* x -3.0103(Q13) -> Q14 */
    188     L_tmp += (MEAN_ENER * 8192)<<1; /* + MEAN_ENER in Q14 */
    190     /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*
    191      * Compute gcode0.                                                 *
    192      *  = Sum(i=0,1) pred[i]*past_qua_en[i] + mean_ener - ener_code    *
    193      *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
    194     L_tmp = (L_tmp << 10);              /* From Q14 to Q24 */
    195     L_tmp += (pred[0] * past_qua_en[0])<<1;      /* Q13*Q10 -> Q24 */
    196     L_tmp += (pred[1] * past_qua_en[1])<<1;      /* Q13*Q10 -> Q24 */
    197     L_tmp += (pred[2] * past_qua_en[2])<<1;      /* Q13*Q10 -> Q24 */
    198     L_tmp += (pred[3] * past_qua_en[3])<<1;      /* Q13*Q10 -> Q24 */
    200     gcode0 = extract_h(L_tmp);             /* From Q24 to Q8  */
    202     /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*
    203      * gcode0 = pow(10.0, gcode0/20)                                   *
    204      *        = pow(2, 3.321928*gcode0/20)                             *
    205      *        = pow(2, 0.166096*gcode0)                                *
    206      *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
    208     L_tmp = vo_L_mult(gcode0, 5443);          /* *0.166096 in Q15 -> Q24     */
    209     L_tmp = L_tmp >> 8;               /* From Q24 to Q16             */
    210     VO_L_Extract(L_tmp, &exp_gcode0, &frac);  /* Extract exponent of gcode0  */
    212     gcode0 = (Word16)(Pow2(14, frac));    /* Put 14 as exponent so that  */
    213     /* output of Pow2() will be:   */
    214     /* 16384 < Pow2() <= 32767     */
    215     exp_gcode0 -= 14;
    217     /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
    218      * Find the best quantizer                                                 *
    219      * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                 *
    220      * Before doing the computation we need to aling exponents of coeff[]      *
    221      * to be sure to have the maximum precision.                               *
    222      *                                                                         *
    223      * In the table the pitch gains are in Q14, the code gains are in Q11 and  *
    224      * are multiply by gcode0 which have been multiply by 2^exp_gcode0.        *
    225      * Also when we compute g_pitch*g_pitch, g_code*g_code and g_pitch*g_code  *
    226      * we divide by 2^15.                                                      *
    227      * Considering all the scaling above we have:                              *
    228      *                                                                         *
    229      *   exp_code = exp_gcode0-11+15 = exp_gcode0+4                            *
    230      *                                                                         *
    231      *   g_pitch*g_pitch  = -14-14+15                                          *
    232      *   g_pitch          = -14                                                *
    233      *   g_code*g_code    = (2*exp_code)+15                                    *
    234      *   g_code           = exp_code                                           *
    235      *   g_pitch*g_code   = -14 + exp_code +15                                 *
    236      *                                                                         *
    237      *   g_pitch*g_pitch * coeff[0]  ;exp_max0 = exp_coeff[0] - 13             *
    238      *   g_pitch         * coeff[1]  ;exp_max1 = exp_coeff[1] - 14             *
    239      *   g_code*g_code   * coeff[2]  ;exp_max2 = exp_coeff[2] +15+(2*exp_code) *
    240      *   g_code          * coeff[3]  ;exp_max3 = exp_coeff[3] + exp_code       *
    241      *   g_pitch*g_code  * coeff[4]  ;exp_max4 = exp_coeff[4] + 1 + exp_code   *
    242      *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    244     exp_code = (exp_gcode0 + 4);
    245     exp_max[0] = (exp_coeff[0] - 13);
    246     exp_max[1] = (exp_coeff[1] - 14);
    247     exp_max[2] = (exp_coeff[2] + (15 + (exp_code << 1)));
    248     exp_max[3] = (exp_coeff[3] + exp_code);
    249     exp_max[4] = (exp_coeff[4] + (1 + exp_code));
    251     /* Find maximum exponant */
    253     e_max = exp_max[0];
    254     for (i = 1; i < 5; i++)
    255     {
    256         if(exp_max[i] > e_max)
    257         {
    258             e_max = exp_max[i];
    259         }
    260     }
    262     /* align coeff[] and save in special 32 bit double precision */
    264     for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    265     {
    266         j = add1(vo_sub(e_max, exp_max[i]), 2);/* /4 to avoid overflow */
    267         L_tmp = L_deposit_h(coeff[i]);
    268         L_tmp = L_shr(L_tmp, j);
    269         VO_L_Extract(L_tmp, &coeff[i], &coeff_lo[i]);
    270         coeff_lo[i] = (coeff_lo[i] >> 3);   /* lo >> 3 */
    271     }
    273     /* Codebook search */
    274     dist_min = MAX_32;
    275     p = &t_qua_gain[min_ind << 1];
    277     index = 0;
    278     for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
    279     {
    280         g_pitch = *p++;
    281         g_code = *p++;
    283         g_code = ((g_code * gcode0) + 0x4000)>>15;
    284         g2_pitch = ((g_pitch * g_pitch) + 0x4000)>>15;
    285         g_pit_cod = ((g_code * g_pitch) + 0x4000)>>15;
    286         L_tmp = (g_code * g_code)<<1;
    287         VO_L_Extract(L_tmp, &g2_code, &g2_code_lo);
    289         L_tmp = (coeff[2] * g2_code_lo)<<1;
    290         L_tmp =  (L_tmp >> 3);
    291         L_tmp += (coeff_lo[0] * g2_pitch)<<1;
    292         L_tmp += (coeff_lo[1] * g_pitch)<<1;
    293         L_tmp += (coeff_lo[2] * g2_code)<<1;
    294         L_tmp += (coeff_lo[3] * g_code)<<1;
    295         L_tmp += (coeff_lo[4] * g_pit_cod)<<1;
    296         L_tmp =  (L_tmp >> 12);
    297         L_tmp += (coeff[0] * g2_pitch)<<1;
    298         L_tmp += (coeff[1] * g_pitch)<<1;
    299         L_tmp += (coeff[2] * g2_code)<<1;
    300         L_tmp += (coeff[3] * g_code)<<1;
    301         L_tmp += (coeff[4] * g_pit_cod)<<1;
    303         if(L_tmp < dist_min)
    304         {
    305             dist_min = L_tmp;
    306             index = i;
    307         }
    308     }
    310     /* Read the quantized gains */
    311     index = index + min_ind;
    312     p = &t_qua_gain[(index + index)];
    313     *gain_pit = *p++;                       /* selected pitch gain in Q14 */
    314     g_code = *p++;                          /* selected code gain in Q11  */
    316     L_tmp = vo_L_mult(g_code, gcode0);             /* Q11*Q0 -> Q12 */
    317     L_tmp = L_shl(L_tmp, (exp_gcode0 + 4));   /* Q12 -> Q16 */
    319     *gain_cod = L_tmp;                       /* gain of code in Q16 */
    321     /*---------------------------------------------------*
    322      * qua_ener = 20*log10(g_code)                       *
    323      *          = 6.0206*log2(g_code)                    *
    324      *          = 6.0206*(log2(g_codeQ11) - 11)          *
    325      *---------------------------------------------------*/
    327     L_tmp = L_deposit_l(g_code);
    328     Log2(L_tmp, &exp, &frac);
    329     exp -= 11;
    330     L_tmp = Mpy_32_16(exp, frac, 24660);   /* x 6.0206 in Q12 */
    332     qua_ener = (Word16)(L_tmp >> 3); /* result in Q10 */
    334     /* update table of past quantized energies */
    336     past_qua_en[3] = past_qua_en[2];
    337     past_qua_en[2] = past_qua_en[1];
    338     past_qua_en[1] = past_qua_en[0];
    339     past_qua_en[0] = qua_ener;
    341     return (index);
    342 }