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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #define LOG_TAG "FastMixerDumpState"
     18 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
     20 #include "Configuration.h"
     22 #include <cpustats/CentralTendencyStatistics.h>
     24 #include <cpustats/ThreadCpuUsage.h>
     25 #endif
     26 #endif
     27 #include <utils/Debug.h>
     28 #include <utils/Log.h>
     29 #include "FastMixerDumpState.h"
     31 namespace android {
     33 FastMixerDumpState::FastMixerDumpState() : FastThreadDumpState(),
     34     mWriteSequence(0), mFramesWritten(0),
     35     mNumTracks(0), mWriteErrors(0),
     36     mSampleRate(0), mFrameCount(0),
     37     mTrackMask(0)
     38 {
     39 }
     41 FastMixerDumpState::~FastMixerDumpState()
     42 {
     43 }
     45 // helper function called by qsort()
     46 static int compare_uint32_t(const void *pa, const void *pb)
     47 {
     48     uint32_t a = *(const uint32_t *)pa;
     49     uint32_t b = *(const uint32_t *)pb;
     50     if (a < b) {
     51         return -1;
     52     } else if (a > b) {
     53         return 1;
     54     } else {
     55         return 0;
     56     }
     57 }
     59 void FastMixerDumpState::dump(int fd) const
     60 {
     61     if (mCommand == FastMixerState::INITIAL) {
     62         dprintf(fd, "  FastMixer not initialized\n");
     63         return;
     64     }
     65     double measuredWarmupMs = (mMeasuredWarmupTs.tv_sec * 1000.0) +
     66             (mMeasuredWarmupTs.tv_nsec / 1000000.0);
     67     double mixPeriodSec = (double) mFrameCount / mSampleRate;
     68     dprintf(fd, "  FastMixer command=%s writeSequence=%u framesWritten=%u\n"
     69                 "            numTracks=%u writeErrors=%u underruns=%u overruns=%u\n"
     70                 "            sampleRate=%u frameCount=%zu measuredWarmup=%.3g ms, warmupCycles=%u\n"
     71                 "            mixPeriod=%.2f ms\n",
     72                 FastMixerState::commandToString(mCommand), mWriteSequence, mFramesWritten,
     73                 mNumTracks, mWriteErrors, mUnderruns, mOverruns,
     74                 mSampleRate, mFrameCount, measuredWarmupMs, mWarmupCycles,
     75                 mixPeriodSec * 1e3);
     77     // find the interval of valid samples
     78     uint32_t bounds = mBounds;
     79     uint32_t newestOpen = bounds & 0xFFFF;
     80     uint32_t oldestClosed = bounds >> 16;
     82     //uint32_t n = (newestOpen - oldestClosed) & 0xFFFF;
     83     uint32_t n;
     84     __builtin_sub_overflow(newestOpen, oldestClosed, &n);
     85     n = n & 0xFFFF;
     87     if (n > mSamplingN) {
     88         ALOGE("too many samples %u", n);
     89         n = mSamplingN;
     90     }
     91     // statistics for monotonic (wall clock) time, thread raw CPU load in time, CPU clock frequency,
     92     // and adjusted CPU load in MHz normalized for CPU clock frequency
     93     CentralTendencyStatistics wall, loadNs;
     95     CentralTendencyStatistics kHz, loadMHz;
     96     uint32_t previousCpukHz = 0;
     97 #endif
     98     // Assuming a normal distribution for cycle times, three standard deviations on either side of
     99     // the mean account for 99.73% of the population.  So if we take each tail to be 1/1000 of the
    100     // sample set, we get 99.8% combined, or close to three standard deviations.
    101     static const uint32_t kTailDenominator = 1000;
    102     uint32_t *tail = n >= kTailDenominator ? new uint32_t[n] : NULL;
    103     // loop over all the samples
    104     for (uint32_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
    105         size_t i = oldestClosed++ & (mSamplingN - 1);
    106         uint32_t wallNs = mMonotonicNs[i];
    107         if (tail != NULL) {
    108             tail[j] = wallNs;
    109         }
    110         wall.sample(wallNs);
    111         uint32_t sampleLoadNs = mLoadNs[i];
    112         loadNs.sample(sampleLoadNs);
    114         uint32_t sampleCpukHz = mCpukHz[i];
    115         // skip bad kHz samples
    116         if ((sampleCpukHz & ~0xF) != 0) {
    117             kHz.sample(sampleCpukHz >> 4);
    118             if (sampleCpukHz == previousCpukHz) {
    119                 double megacycles = (double) sampleLoadNs * (double) (sampleCpukHz >> 4) * 1e-12;
    120                 double adjMHz = megacycles / mixPeriodSec;  // _not_ wallNs * 1e9
    121                 loadMHz.sample(adjMHz);
    122             }
    123         }
    124         previousCpukHz = sampleCpukHz;
    125 #endif
    126     }
    127     if (n) {
    128         dprintf(fd, "  Simple moving statistics over last %.1f seconds:\n",
    129                     wall.n() * mixPeriodSec);
    130         dprintf(fd, "    wall clock time in ms per mix cycle:\n"
    131                     "      mean=%.2f min=%.2f max=%.2f stddev=%.2f\n",
    132                     wall.mean()*1e-6, wall.minimum()*1e-6, wall.maximum()*1e-6,
    133                     wall.stddev()*1e-6);
    134         dprintf(fd, "    raw CPU load in us per mix cycle:\n"
    135                     "      mean=%.0f min=%.0f max=%.0f stddev=%.0f\n",
    136                     loadNs.mean()*1e-3, loadNs.minimum()*1e-3, loadNs.maximum()*1e-3,
    137                     loadNs.stddev()*1e-3);
    138     } else {
    139         dprintf(fd, "  No FastMixer statistics available currently\n");
    140     }
    142     dprintf(fd, "  CPU clock frequency in MHz:\n"
    143                 "    mean=%.0f min=%.0f max=%.0f stddev=%.0f\n",
    144                 kHz.mean()*1e-3, kHz.minimum()*1e-3, kHz.maximum()*1e-3, kHz.stddev()*1e-3);
    145     dprintf(fd, "  adjusted CPU load in MHz (i.e. normalized for CPU clock frequency):\n"
    146                 "    mean=%.1f min=%.1f max=%.1f stddev=%.1f\n",
    147                 loadMHz.mean(), loadMHz.minimum(), loadMHz.maximum(), loadMHz.stddev());
    148 #endif
    149     if (tail != NULL) {
    150         qsort(tail, n, sizeof(uint32_t), compare_uint32_t);
    151         // assume same number of tail samples on each side, left and right
    152         uint32_t count = n / kTailDenominator;
    153         CentralTendencyStatistics left, right;
    154         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    155             left.sample(tail[i]);
    156             right.sample(tail[n - (i + 1)]);
    157         }
    158         dprintf(fd, "  Distribution of mix cycle times in ms for the tails "
    159                     "(> ~3 stddev outliers):\n"
    160                     "    left tail: mean=%.2f min=%.2f max=%.2f stddev=%.2f\n"
    161                     "    right tail: mean=%.2f min=%.2f max=%.2f stddev=%.2f\n",
    162                     left.mean()*1e-6, left.minimum()*1e-6, left.maximum()*1e-6, left.stddev()*1e-6,
    163                     right.mean()*1e-6, right.minimum()*1e-6, right.maximum()*1e-6,
    164                     right.stddev()*1e-6);
    165         delete[] tail;
    166     }
    167 #endif
    168     // The active track mask and track states are updated non-atomically.
    169     // So if we relied on isActive to decide whether to display,
    170     // then we might display an obsolete track or omit an active track.
    171     // Instead we always display all tracks, with an indication
    172     // of whether we think the track is active.
    173     uint32_t trackMask = mTrackMask;
    174     dprintf(fd, "  Fast tracks: sMaxFastTracks=%u activeMask=%#x\n",
    175             FastMixerState::sMaxFastTracks, trackMask);
    176     dprintf(fd, "  Index Active Full Partial Empty  Recent Ready    Written\n");
    177     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < FastMixerState::sMaxFastTracks; ++i, trackMask >>= 1) {
    178         bool isActive = trackMask & 1;
    179         const FastTrackDump *ftDump = &mTracks[i];
    180         const FastTrackUnderruns& underruns = ftDump->mUnderruns;
    181         const char *mostRecent;
    182         switch (underruns.mBitFields.mMostRecent) {
    183         case UNDERRUN_FULL:
    184             mostRecent = "full";
    185             break;
    186         case UNDERRUN_PARTIAL:
    187             mostRecent = "partial";
    188             break;
    189         case UNDERRUN_EMPTY:
    190             mostRecent = "empty";
    191             break;
    192         default:
    193             mostRecent = "?";
    194             break;
    195         }
    196         dprintf(fd, "  %5u %6s %4u %7u %5u %7s %5zu %10lld\n",
    197                 i, isActive ? "yes" : "no",
    198                 (underruns.mBitFields.mFull) & UNDERRUN_MASK,
    199                 (underruns.mBitFields.mPartial) & UNDERRUN_MASK,
    200                 (underruns.mBitFields.mEmpty) & UNDERRUN_MASK,
    201                 mostRecent, ftDump->mFramesReady,
    202                 (long long)ftDump->mFramesWritten);
    203     }
    204 }
    206 }   // android