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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     19 #include "androidfw/LoadedArsc.h"
     21 #include <algorithm>
     22 #include <cstddef>
     23 #include <limits>
     25 #include "android-base/logging.h"
     26 #include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
     27 #include "utils/ByteOrder.h"
     28 #include "utils/Trace.h"
     30 #ifdef _WIN32
     31 #ifdef ERROR
     32 #undef ERROR
     33 #endif
     34 #endif
     36 #include "androidfw/ByteBucketArray.h"
     37 #include "androidfw/Chunk.h"
     38 #include "androidfw/ResourceUtils.h"
     39 #include "androidfw/Util.h"
     41 using ::android::base::StringPrintf;
     43 namespace android {
     45 constexpr const static int kAppPackageId = 0x7f;
     47 namespace {
     49 // Builder that helps accumulate Type structs and then create a single
     50 // contiguous block of memory to store both the TypeSpec struct and
     51 // the Type structs.
     52 class TypeSpecPtrBuilder {
     53  public:
     54   explicit TypeSpecPtrBuilder(const ResTable_typeSpec* header,
     55                               const IdmapEntry_header* idmap_header)
     56       : header_(header), idmap_header_(idmap_header) {
     57   }
     59   void AddType(const ResTable_type* type) {
     60     types_.push_back(type);
     61   }
     63   TypeSpecPtr Build() {
     64     // Check for overflow.
     65     using ElementType = const ResTable_type*;
     66     if ((std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - sizeof(TypeSpec)) / sizeof(ElementType) <
     67         types_.size()) {
     68       return {};
     69     }
     70     TypeSpec* type_spec =
     71         (TypeSpec*)::malloc(sizeof(TypeSpec) + (types_.size() * sizeof(ElementType)));
     72     type_spec->type_spec = header_;
     73     type_spec->idmap_entries = idmap_header_;
     74     type_spec->type_count = types_.size();
     75     memcpy(type_spec + 1, types_.data(), types_.size() * sizeof(ElementType));
     76     return TypeSpecPtr(type_spec);
     77   }
     79  private:
     80   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TypeSpecPtrBuilder);
     82   const ResTable_typeSpec* header_;
     83   const IdmapEntry_header* idmap_header_;
     84   std::vector<const ResTable_type*> types_;
     85 };
     87 }  // namespace
     89 LoadedPackage::LoadedPackage() = default;
     90 LoadedPackage::~LoadedPackage() = default;
     92 // Precondition: The header passed in has already been verified, so reading any fields and trusting
     93 // the ResChunk_header is safe.
     94 static bool VerifyResTableType(const ResTable_type* header) {
     95   if (header->id == 0) {
     96     LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE has invalid ID 0.";
     97     return false;
     98   }
    100   const size_t entry_count = dtohl(header->entryCount);
    101   if (entry_count > std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
    102     LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE has too many entries (" << entry_count << ").";
    103     return false;
    104   }
    106   // Make sure that there is enough room for the entry offsets.
    107   const size_t offsets_offset = dtohs(header->header.headerSize);
    108   const size_t entries_offset = dtohl(header->entriesStart);
    109   const size_t offsets_length = sizeof(uint32_t) * entry_count;
    111   if (offsets_offset > entries_offset || entries_offset - offsets_offset < offsets_length) {
    112     LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE entry offsets overlap actual entry data.";
    113     return false;
    114   }
    116   if (entries_offset > dtohl(header->header.size)) {
    117     LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE entry offsets extend beyond chunk.";
    118     return false;
    119   }
    121   if (entries_offset & 0x03) {
    122     LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE entries start at unaligned address.";
    123     return false;
    124   }
    125   return true;
    126 }
    128 static bool VerifyResTableEntry(const ResTable_type* type, uint32_t entry_offset) {
    129   // Check that the offset is aligned.
    130   if (entry_offset & 0x03) {
    131     LOG(ERROR) << "Entry at offset " << entry_offset << " is not 4-byte aligned.";
    132     return false;
    133   }
    135   // Check that the offset doesn't overflow.
    136   if (entry_offset > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() - dtohl(type->entriesStart)) {
    137     // Overflow in offset.
    138     LOG(ERROR) << "Entry at offset " << entry_offset << " is too large.";
    139     return false;
    140   }
    142   const size_t chunk_size = dtohl(type->header.size);
    144   entry_offset += dtohl(type->entriesStart);
    145   if (entry_offset > chunk_size - sizeof(ResTable_entry)) {
    146     LOG(ERROR) << "Entry at offset " << entry_offset
    147                << " is too large. No room for ResTable_entry.";
    148     return false;
    149   }
    151   const ResTable_entry* entry = reinterpret_cast<const ResTable_entry*>(
    152       reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(type) + entry_offset);
    154   const size_t entry_size = dtohs(entry->size);
    155   if (entry_size < sizeof(*entry)) {
    156     LOG(ERROR) << "ResTable_entry size " << entry_size << " at offset " << entry_offset
    157                << " is too small.";
    158     return false;
    159   }
    161   if (entry_size > chunk_size || entry_offset > chunk_size - entry_size) {
    162     LOG(ERROR) << "ResTable_entry size " << entry_size << " at offset " << entry_offset
    163                << " is too large.";
    164     return false;
    165   }
    167   if (entry_size < sizeof(ResTable_map_entry)) {
    168     // There needs to be room for one Res_value struct.
    169     if (entry_offset + entry_size > chunk_size - sizeof(Res_value)) {
    170       LOG(ERROR) << "No room for Res_value after ResTable_entry at offset " << entry_offset
    171                  << " for type " << (int)type->id << ".";
    172       return false;
    173     }
    175     const Res_value* value =
    176         reinterpret_cast<const Res_value*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(entry) + entry_size);
    177     const size_t value_size = dtohs(value->size);
    178     if (value_size < sizeof(Res_value)) {
    179       LOG(ERROR) << "Res_value at offset " << entry_offset << " is too small.";
    180       return false;
    181     }
    183     if (value_size > chunk_size || entry_offset + entry_size > chunk_size - value_size) {
    184       LOG(ERROR) << "Res_value size " << value_size << " at offset " << entry_offset
    185                  << " is too large.";
    186       return false;
    187     }
    188   } else {
    189     const ResTable_map_entry* map = reinterpret_cast<const ResTable_map_entry*>(entry);
    190     const size_t map_entry_count = dtohl(map->count);
    191     size_t map_entries_start = entry_offset + entry_size;
    192     if (map_entries_start & 0x03) {
    193       LOG(ERROR) << "Map entries at offset " << entry_offset << " start at unaligned offset.";
    194       return false;
    195     }
    197     // Each entry is sizeof(ResTable_map) big.
    198     if (map_entry_count > ((chunk_size - map_entries_start) / sizeof(ResTable_map))) {
    199       LOG(ERROR) << "Too many map entries in ResTable_map_entry at offset " << entry_offset << ".";
    200       return false;
    201     }
    202   }
    203   return true;
    204 }
    206 const ResTable_entry* LoadedPackage::GetEntry(const ResTable_type* type_chunk,
    207                                               uint16_t entry_index) {
    208   uint32_t entry_offset = GetEntryOffset(type_chunk, entry_index);
    209   if (entry_offset == ResTable_type::NO_ENTRY) {
    210     return nullptr;
    211   }
    212   return GetEntryFromOffset(type_chunk, entry_offset);
    213 }
    215 uint32_t LoadedPackage::GetEntryOffset(const ResTable_type* type_chunk, uint16_t entry_index) {
    216   // The configuration matches and is better than the previous selection.
    217   // Find the entry value if it exists for this configuration.
    218   const size_t entry_count = dtohl(type_chunk->entryCount);
    219   const size_t offsets_offset = dtohs(type_chunk->header.headerSize);
    221   // Check if there is the desired entry in this type.
    223   if (type_chunk->flags & ResTable_type::FLAG_SPARSE) {
    224     // This is encoded as a sparse map, so perform a binary search.
    225     const ResTable_sparseTypeEntry* sparse_indices =
    226         reinterpret_cast<const ResTable_sparseTypeEntry*>(
    227             reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(type_chunk) + offsets_offset);
    228     const ResTable_sparseTypeEntry* sparse_indices_end = sparse_indices + entry_count;
    229     const ResTable_sparseTypeEntry* result =
    230         std::lower_bound(sparse_indices, sparse_indices_end, entry_index,
    231                          [](const ResTable_sparseTypeEntry& entry, uint16_t entry_idx) {
    232                            return dtohs(entry.idx) < entry_idx;
    233                          });
    235     if (result == sparse_indices_end || dtohs(result->idx) != entry_index) {
    236       // No entry found.
    237       return ResTable_type::NO_ENTRY;
    238     }
    240     // Extract the offset from the entry. Each offset must be a multiple of 4 so we store it as
    241     // the real offset divided by 4.
    242     return uint32_t{dtohs(result->offset)} * 4u;
    243   }
    245   // This type is encoded as a dense array.
    246   if (entry_index >= entry_count) {
    247     // This entry cannot be here.
    248     return ResTable_type::NO_ENTRY;
    249   }
    251   const uint32_t* entry_offsets = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(
    252       reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(type_chunk) + offsets_offset);
    253   return dtohl(entry_offsets[entry_index]);
    254 }
    256 const ResTable_entry* LoadedPackage::GetEntryFromOffset(const ResTable_type* type_chunk,
    257                                                         uint32_t offset) {
    258   if (UNLIKELY(!VerifyResTableEntry(type_chunk, offset))) {
    259     return nullptr;
    260   }
    261   return reinterpret_cast<const ResTable_entry*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(type_chunk) +
    262                                                  offset + dtohl(type_chunk->entriesStart));
    263 }
    265 void LoadedPackage::CollectConfigurations(bool exclude_mipmap,
    266                                           std::set<ResTable_config>* out_configs) const {
    267   const static std::u16string kMipMap = u"mipmap";
    268   const size_t type_count = type_specs_.size();
    269   for (size_t i = 0; i < type_count; i++) {
    270     const TypeSpecPtr& type_spec = type_specs_[i];
    271     if (type_spec != nullptr) {
    272       if (exclude_mipmap) {
    273         const int type_idx = type_spec->type_spec->id - 1;
    274         size_t type_name_len;
    275         const char16_t* type_name16 = type_string_pool_.stringAt(type_idx, &type_name_len);
    276         if (type_name16 != nullptr) {
    277           if (kMipMap.compare(0, std::u16string::npos, type_name16, type_name_len) == 0) {
    278             // This is a mipmap type, skip collection.
    279             continue;
    280           }
    281         }
    282         const char* type_name = type_string_pool_.string8At(type_idx, &type_name_len);
    283         if (type_name != nullptr) {
    284           if (strncmp(type_name, "mipmap", type_name_len) == 0) {
    285             // This is a mipmap type, skip collection.
    286             continue;
    287           }
    288         }
    289       }
    291       const auto iter_end = type_spec->types + type_spec->type_count;
    292       for (auto iter = type_spec->types; iter != iter_end; ++iter) {
    293         ResTable_config config;
    294         config.copyFromDtoH((*iter)->config);
    295         out_configs->insert(config);
    296       }
    297     }
    298   }
    299 }
    301 void LoadedPackage::CollectLocales(bool canonicalize, std::set<std::string>* out_locales) const {
    302   char temp_locale[RESTABLE_MAX_LOCALE_LEN];
    303   const size_t type_count = type_specs_.size();
    304   for (size_t i = 0; i < type_count; i++) {
    305     const TypeSpecPtr& type_spec = type_specs_[i];
    306     if (type_spec != nullptr) {
    307       const auto iter_end = type_spec->types + type_spec->type_count;
    308       for (auto iter = type_spec->types; iter != iter_end; ++iter) {
    309         ResTable_config configuration;
    310         configuration.copyFromDtoH((*iter)->config);
    311         if (configuration.locale != 0) {
    312           configuration.getBcp47Locale(temp_locale, canonicalize);
    313           std::string locale(temp_locale);
    314           out_locales->insert(std::move(locale));
    315         }
    316       }
    317     }
    318   }
    319 }
    321 uint32_t LoadedPackage::FindEntryByName(const std::u16string& type_name,
    322                                         const std::u16string& entry_name) const {
    323   ssize_t type_idx = type_string_pool_.indexOfString(type_name.data(), type_name.size());
    324   if (type_idx < 0) {
    325     return 0u;
    326   }
    328   ssize_t key_idx = key_string_pool_.indexOfString(entry_name.data(), entry_name.size());
    329   if (key_idx < 0) {
    330     return 0u;
    331   }
    333   const TypeSpec* type_spec = type_specs_[type_idx].get();
    334   if (type_spec == nullptr) {
    335     return 0u;
    336   }
    338   const auto iter_end = type_spec->types + type_spec->type_count;
    339   for (auto iter = type_spec->types; iter != iter_end; ++iter) {
    340     const ResTable_type* type = *iter;
    341     size_t entry_count = dtohl(type->entryCount);
    342     for (size_t entry_idx = 0; entry_idx < entry_count; entry_idx++) {
    343       const uint32_t* entry_offsets = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(
    344           reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(type) + dtohs(type->header.headerSize));
    345       const uint32_t offset = dtohl(entry_offsets[entry_idx]);
    346       if (offset != ResTable_type::NO_ENTRY) {
    347         const ResTable_entry* entry = reinterpret_cast<const ResTable_entry*>(
    348             reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(type) + dtohl(type->entriesStart) + offset);
    349         if (dtohl(entry->key.index) == static_cast<uint32_t>(key_idx)) {
    350           // The package ID will be overridden by the caller (due to runtime assignment of package
    351           // IDs for shared libraries).
    352           return make_resid(0x00, type_idx + type_id_offset_ + 1, entry_idx);
    353         }
    354       }
    355     }
    356   }
    357   return 0u;
    358 }
    360 const LoadedPackage* LoadedArsc::GetPackageById(uint8_t package_id) const {
    361   for (const auto& loaded_package : packages_) {
    362     if (loaded_package->GetPackageId() == package_id) {
    363       return loaded_package.get();
    364     }
    365   }
    366   return nullptr;
    367 }
    369 std::unique_ptr<const LoadedPackage> LoadedPackage::Load(const Chunk& chunk,
    370                                                          const LoadedIdmap* loaded_idmap,
    371                                                          bool system, bool load_as_shared_library) {
    372   ATRACE_NAME("LoadedPackage::Load");
    373   std::unique_ptr<LoadedPackage> loaded_package(new LoadedPackage());
    375   // typeIdOffset was added at some point, but we still must recognize apps built before this
    376   // was added.
    377   constexpr size_t kMinPackageSize =
    378       sizeof(ResTable_package) - sizeof(ResTable_package::typeIdOffset);
    379   const ResTable_package* header = chunk.header<ResTable_package, kMinPackageSize>();
    380   if (header == nullptr) {
    381     LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE too small.";
    382     return {};
    383   }
    385   loaded_package->system_ = system;
    387   loaded_package->package_id_ = dtohl(header->id);
    388   if (loaded_package->package_id_ == 0 ||
    389       (loaded_package->package_id_ == kAppPackageId && load_as_shared_library)) {
    390     // Package ID of 0 means this is a shared library.
    391     loaded_package->dynamic_ = true;
    392   }
    394   if (loaded_idmap != nullptr) {
    395     // This is an overlay and so it needs to pretend to be the target package.
    396     loaded_package->package_id_ = loaded_idmap->TargetPackageId();
    397     loaded_package->overlay_ = true;
    398   }
    400   if (header->header.headerSize >= sizeof(ResTable_package)) {
    401     uint32_t type_id_offset = dtohl(header->typeIdOffset);
    402     if (type_id_offset > std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) {
    403       LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE type ID offset too large.";
    404       return {};
    405     }
    406     loaded_package->type_id_offset_ = static_cast<int>(type_id_offset);
    407   }
    409   util::ReadUtf16StringFromDevice(header->name, arraysize(header->name),
    410                                   &loaded_package->package_name_);
    412   // A map of TypeSpec builders, each associated with an type index.
    413   // We use these to accumulate the set of Types available for a TypeSpec, and later build a single,
    414   // contiguous block of memory that holds all the Types together with the TypeSpec.
    415   std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<TypeSpecPtrBuilder>> type_builder_map;
    417   ChunkIterator iter(chunk.data_ptr(), chunk.data_size());
    418   while (iter.HasNext()) {
    419     const Chunk child_chunk = iter.Next();
    420     switch (child_chunk.type()) {
    421       case RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE: {
    422         const uintptr_t pool_address =
    423             reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(child_chunk.header<ResChunk_header>());
    424         const uintptr_t header_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(header);
    425         if (pool_address == header_address + dtohl(header->typeStrings)) {
    426           // This string pool is the type string pool.
    427           status_t err = loaded_package->type_string_pool_.setTo(
    428               child_chunk.header<ResStringPool_header>(), child_chunk.size());
    429           if (err != NO_ERROR) {
    430             LOG(ERROR) << "RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE for types corrupt.";
    431             return {};
    432           }
    433         } else if (pool_address == header_address + dtohl(header->keyStrings)) {
    434           // This string pool is the key string pool.
    435           status_t err = loaded_package->key_string_pool_.setTo(
    436               child_chunk.header<ResStringPool_header>(), child_chunk.size());
    437           if (err != NO_ERROR) {
    438             LOG(ERROR) << "RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE for keys corrupt.";
    439             return {};
    440           }
    441         } else {
    442           LOG(WARNING) << "Too many RES_STRING_POOL_TYPEs found in RES_TABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE.";
    443         }
    444       } break;
    446       case RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE: {
    447         const ResTable_typeSpec* type_spec = child_chunk.header<ResTable_typeSpec>();
    448         if (type_spec == nullptr) {
    449           LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE too small.";
    450           return {};
    451         }
    453         if (type_spec->id == 0) {
    454           LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE has invalid ID 0.";
    455           return {};
    456         }
    458         if (loaded_package->type_id_offset_ + static_cast<int>(type_spec->id) >
    459             std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) {
    460           LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE has out of range ID.";
    461           return {};
    462         }
    464         // The data portion of this chunk contains entry_count 32bit entries,
    465         // each one representing a set of flags.
    466         // Here we only validate that the chunk is well formed.
    467         const size_t entry_count = dtohl(type_spec->entryCount);
    469         // There can only be 2^16 entries in a type, because that is the ID
    470         // space for entries (EEEE) in the resource ID 0xPPTTEEEE.
    471         if (entry_count > std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
    472           LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE has too many entries (" << entry_count << ").";
    473           return {};
    474         }
    476         if (entry_count * sizeof(uint32_t) > chunk.data_size()) {
    477           LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE too small to hold entries.";
    478           return {};
    479         }
    481         // If this is an overlay, associate the mapping of this type to the target type
    482         // from the IDMAP.
    483         const IdmapEntry_header* idmap_entry_header = nullptr;
    484         if (loaded_idmap != nullptr) {
    485           idmap_entry_header = loaded_idmap->GetEntryMapForType(type_spec->id);
    486         }
    488         std::unique_ptr<TypeSpecPtrBuilder>& builder_ptr = type_builder_map[type_spec->id - 1];
    489         if (builder_ptr == nullptr) {
    490           builder_ptr = util::make_unique<TypeSpecPtrBuilder>(type_spec, idmap_entry_header);
    491         } else {
    492           LOG(WARNING) << StringPrintf("RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE already defined for ID %02x",
    493                                        type_spec->id);
    494         }
    495       } break;
    497       case RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE: {
    498         const ResTable_type* type = child_chunk.header<ResTable_type, kResTableTypeMinSize>();
    499         if (type == nullptr) {
    500           LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE too small.";
    501           return {};
    502         }
    504         if (!VerifyResTableType(type)) {
    505           return {};
    506         }
    508         // Type chunks must be preceded by their TypeSpec chunks.
    509         std::unique_ptr<TypeSpecPtrBuilder>& builder_ptr = type_builder_map[type->id - 1];
    510         if (builder_ptr != nullptr) {
    511           builder_ptr->AddType(type);
    512         } else {
    513           LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf(
    514               "RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE with ID %02x found without preceding RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE.",
    515               type->id);
    516           return {};
    517         }
    518       } break;
    520       case RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE: {
    521         const ResTable_lib_header* lib = child_chunk.header<ResTable_lib_header>();
    522         if (lib == nullptr) {
    523           LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE too small.";
    524           return {};
    525         }
    527         if (child_chunk.data_size() / sizeof(ResTable_lib_entry) < dtohl(lib->count)) {
    528           LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE too small to hold entries.";
    529           return {};
    530         }
    532         loaded_package->dynamic_package_map_.reserve(dtohl(lib->count));
    534         const ResTable_lib_entry* const entry_begin =
    535             reinterpret_cast<const ResTable_lib_entry*>(child_chunk.data_ptr());
    536         const ResTable_lib_entry* const entry_end = entry_begin + dtohl(lib->count);
    537         for (auto entry_iter = entry_begin; entry_iter != entry_end; ++entry_iter) {
    538           std::string package_name;
    539           util::ReadUtf16StringFromDevice(entry_iter->packageName,
    540                                           arraysize(entry_iter->packageName), &package_name);
    542           if (dtohl(entry_iter->packageId) >= std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) {
    543             LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf(
    544                 "Package ID %02x in RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE too large for package '%s'.",
    545                 dtohl(entry_iter->packageId), package_name.c_str());
    546             return {};
    547           }
    549           loaded_package->dynamic_package_map_.emplace_back(std::move(package_name),
    550                                                             dtohl(entry_iter->packageId));
    551         }
    553       } break;
    555       default:
    556         LOG(WARNING) << StringPrintf("Unknown chunk type '%02x'.", chunk.type());
    557         break;
    558     }
    559   }
    561   if (iter.HadError()) {
    562     LOG(ERROR) << iter.GetLastError();
    563     if (iter.HadFatalError()) {
    564       return {};
    565     }
    566   }
    568   // Flatten and construct the TypeSpecs.
    569   for (auto& entry : type_builder_map) {
    570     uint8_t type_idx = static_cast<uint8_t>(entry.first);
    571     TypeSpecPtr type_spec_ptr = entry.second->Build();
    572     if (type_spec_ptr == nullptr) {
    573       LOG(ERROR) << "Too many type configurations, overflow detected.";
    574       return {};
    575     }
    577     // We only add the type to the package if there is no IDMAP, or if the type is
    578     // overlaying something.
    579     if (loaded_idmap == nullptr || type_spec_ptr->idmap_entries != nullptr) {
    580       // If this is an overlay, insert it at the target type ID.
    581       if (type_spec_ptr->idmap_entries != nullptr) {
    582         type_idx = dtohs(type_spec_ptr->idmap_entries->target_type_id) - 1;
    583       }
    584       loaded_package->type_specs_.editItemAt(type_idx) = std::move(type_spec_ptr);
    585     }
    586   }
    588   return std::move(loaded_package);
    589 }
    591 bool LoadedArsc::LoadTable(const Chunk& chunk, const LoadedIdmap* loaded_idmap,
    592                            bool load_as_shared_library) {
    593   const ResTable_header* header = chunk.header<ResTable_header>();
    594   if (header == nullptr) {
    595     LOG(ERROR) << "RES_TABLE_TYPE too small.";
    596     return false;
    597   }
    599   const size_t package_count = dtohl(header->packageCount);
    600   size_t packages_seen = 0;
    602   packages_.reserve(package_count);
    604   ChunkIterator iter(chunk.data_ptr(), chunk.data_size());
    605   while (iter.HasNext()) {
    606     const Chunk child_chunk = iter.Next();
    607     switch (child_chunk.type()) {
    608       case RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE:
    609         // Only use the first string pool. Ignore others.
    610         if (global_string_pool_.getError() == NO_INIT) {
    611           status_t err = global_string_pool_.setTo(child_chunk.header<ResStringPool_header>(),
    612                                                    child_chunk.size());
    613           if (err != NO_ERROR) {
    614             LOG(ERROR) << "RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE corrupt.";
    615             return false;
    616           }
    617         } else {
    618           LOG(WARNING) << "Multiple RES_STRING_POOL_TYPEs found in RES_TABLE_TYPE.";
    619         }
    620         break;
    622       case RES_TABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE: {
    623         if (packages_seen + 1 > package_count) {
    624           LOG(ERROR) << "More package chunks were found than the " << package_count
    625                      << " declared in the header.";
    626           return false;
    627         }
    628         packages_seen++;
    630         std::unique_ptr<const LoadedPackage> loaded_package =
    631             LoadedPackage::Load(child_chunk, loaded_idmap, system_, load_as_shared_library);
    632         if (!loaded_package) {
    633           return false;
    634         }
    635         packages_.push_back(std::move(loaded_package));
    636       } break;
    638       default:
    639         LOG(WARNING) << StringPrintf("Unknown chunk type '%02x'.", chunk.type());
    640         break;
    641     }
    642   }
    644   if (iter.HadError()) {
    645     LOG(ERROR) << iter.GetLastError();
    646     if (iter.HadFatalError()) {
    647       return false;
    648     }
    649   }
    650   return true;
    651 }
    653 std::unique_ptr<const LoadedArsc> LoadedArsc::Load(const StringPiece& data,
    654                                                    const LoadedIdmap* loaded_idmap, bool system,
    655                                                    bool load_as_shared_library) {
    656   ATRACE_NAME("LoadedArsc::LoadTable");
    658   // Not using make_unique because the constructor is private.
    659   std::unique_ptr<LoadedArsc> loaded_arsc(new LoadedArsc());
    660   loaded_arsc->system_ = system;
    662   ChunkIterator iter(data.data(), data.size());
    663   while (iter.HasNext()) {
    664     const Chunk chunk = iter.Next();
    665     switch (chunk.type()) {
    666       case RES_TABLE_TYPE:
    667         if (!loaded_arsc->LoadTable(chunk, loaded_idmap, load_as_shared_library)) {
    668           return {};
    669         }
    670         break;
    672       default:
    673         LOG(WARNING) << StringPrintf("Unknown chunk type '%02x'.", chunk.type());
    674         break;
    675     }
    676   }
    678   if (iter.HadError()) {
    679     LOG(ERROR) << iter.GetLastError();
    680     if (iter.HadFatalError()) {
    681       return {};
    682     }
    683   }
    685   // Need to force a move for mingw32.
    686   return std::move(loaded_arsc);
    687 }
    689 std::unique_ptr<const LoadedArsc> LoadedArsc::CreateEmpty() {
    690   return std::unique_ptr<LoadedArsc>(new LoadedArsc());
    691 }
    693 }  // namespace android