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      1 /**
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.server.broadcastradio.hal2;
     19 import android.annotation.NonNull;
     20 import android.graphics.Bitmap;
     21 import android.hardware.broadcastradio.V2_0.ConfigFlag;
     22 import android.hardware.broadcastradio.V2_0.ITunerSession;
     23 import android.hardware.broadcastradio.V2_0.Result;
     24 import android.hardware.radio.ITuner;
     25 import android.hardware.radio.ProgramList;
     26 import android.hardware.radio.ProgramSelector;
     27 import android.hardware.radio.RadioManager;
     28 import android.os.RemoteException;
     29 import android.util.MutableBoolean;
     30 import android.util.MutableInt;
     31 import android.util.Slog;
     33 import java.util.List;
     34 import java.util.Map;
     35 import java.util.Objects;
     37 class TunerSession extends ITuner.Stub {
     38     private static final String TAG = "BcRadio2Srv.session";
     39     private static final String kAudioDeviceName = "Radio tuner source";
     41     private final Object mLock = new Object();
     43     private final RadioModule mModule;
     44     private final ITunerSession mHwSession;
     45     private final TunerCallback mCallback;
     46     private boolean mIsClosed = false;
     47     private boolean mIsMuted = false;
     49     // necessary only for older APIs compatibility
     50     private RadioManager.BandConfig mDummyConfig = null;
     52     TunerSession(@NonNull RadioModule module, @NonNull ITunerSession hwSession,
     53             @NonNull TunerCallback callback) {
     54         mModule = Objects.requireNonNull(module);
     55         mHwSession = Objects.requireNonNull(hwSession);
     56         mCallback = Objects.requireNonNull(callback);
     57     }
     59     @Override
     60     public void close() {
     61         synchronized (mLock) {
     62             if (mIsClosed) return;
     63             mIsClosed = true;
     64         }
     65     }
     67     @Override
     68     public boolean isClosed() {
     69         return mIsClosed;
     70     }
     72     private void checkNotClosedLocked() {
     73         if (mIsClosed) {
     74             throw new IllegalStateException("Tuner is closed, no further operations are allowed");
     75         }
     76     }
     78     @Override
     79     public void setConfiguration(RadioManager.BandConfig config) {
     80         synchronized (mLock) {
     81             checkNotClosedLocked();
     82             mDummyConfig = Objects.requireNonNull(config);
     83             Slog.i(TAG, "Ignoring setConfiguration - not applicable for broadcastradio HAL 2.x");
     84             TunerCallback.dispatch(() -> mCallback.mClientCb.onConfigurationChanged(config));
     85         }
     86     }
     88     @Override
     89     public RadioManager.BandConfig getConfiguration() {
     90         synchronized (mLock) {
     91             checkNotClosedLocked();
     92             return mDummyConfig;
     93         }
     94     }
     96     @Override
     97     public void setMuted(boolean mute) {
     98         synchronized (mLock) {
     99             checkNotClosedLocked();
    100             if (mIsMuted == mute) return;
    101             mIsMuted = mute;
    102             Slog.w(TAG, "Mute via RadioService is not implemented - please handle it via app");
    103         }
    104     }
    106     @Override
    107     public boolean isMuted() {
    108         synchronized (mLock) {
    109             checkNotClosedLocked();
    110             return mIsMuted;
    111         }
    112     }
    114     @Override
    115     public void step(boolean directionDown, boolean skipSubChannel) throws RemoteException {
    116         synchronized (mLock) {
    117             checkNotClosedLocked();
    118             int halResult = mHwSession.step(!directionDown);
    119             Convert.throwOnError("step", halResult);
    120         }
    121     }
    123     @Override
    124     public void scan(boolean directionDown, boolean skipSubChannel) throws RemoteException {
    125         synchronized (mLock) {
    126             checkNotClosedLocked();
    127             int halResult = mHwSession.scan(!directionDown, skipSubChannel);
    128             Convert.throwOnError("step", halResult);
    129         }
    130     }
    132     @Override
    133     public void tune(ProgramSelector selector) throws RemoteException {
    134         synchronized (mLock) {
    135             checkNotClosedLocked();
    136             int halResult = mHwSession.tune(Convert.programSelectorToHal(selector));
    137             Convert.throwOnError("tune", halResult);
    138         }
    139     }
    141     @Override
    142     public void cancel() {
    143         synchronized (mLock) {
    144             checkNotClosedLocked();
    145             Utils.maybeRethrow(mHwSession::cancel);
    146         }
    147     }
    149     @Override
    150     public void cancelAnnouncement() {
    151         Slog.i(TAG, "Announcements control doesn't involve cancelling at the HAL level in 2.x");
    152     }
    154     @Override
    155     public Bitmap getImage(int id) {
    156         return mModule.getImage(id);
    157     }
    159     @Override
    160     public boolean startBackgroundScan() {
    161         Slog.i(TAG, "Explicit background scan trigger is not supported with HAL 2.x");
    162         TunerCallback.dispatch(() -> mCallback.mClientCb.onBackgroundScanComplete());
    163         return true;
    164     }
    166     @Override
    167     public void startProgramListUpdates(ProgramList.Filter filter) throws RemoteException {
    168         synchronized (mLock) {
    169             checkNotClosedLocked();
    170             int halResult = mHwSession.startProgramListUpdates(Convert.programFilterToHal(filter));
    171             Convert.throwOnError("startProgramListUpdates", halResult);
    172         }
    173     }
    175     @Override
    176     public void stopProgramListUpdates() throws RemoteException {
    177         synchronized (mLock) {
    178             checkNotClosedLocked();
    179             mHwSession.stopProgramListUpdates();
    180         }
    181     }
    183     @Override
    184     public boolean isConfigFlagSupported(int flag) {
    185         try {
    186             isConfigFlagSet(flag);
    187             return true;
    188         } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
    189             return true;
    190         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
    191             return false;
    192         }
    193     }
    195     @Override
    196     public boolean isConfigFlagSet(int flag) {
    197         Slog.v(TAG, "isConfigFlagSet " + ConfigFlag.toString(flag));
    198         synchronized (mLock) {
    199             checkNotClosedLocked();
    201             MutableInt halResult = new MutableInt(Result.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
    202             MutableBoolean flagState = new MutableBoolean(false);
    203             try {
    204                 mHwSession.isConfigFlagSet(flag, (int result, boolean value) -> {
    205                     halResult.value = result;
    206                     flagState.value = value;
    207                 });
    208             } catch (RemoteException ex) {
    209                 throw new RuntimeException("Failed to check flag " + ConfigFlag.toString(flag), ex);
    210             }
    211             Convert.throwOnError("isConfigFlagSet", halResult.value);
    213             return flagState.value;
    214         }
    215     }
    217     @Override
    218     public void setConfigFlag(int flag, boolean value) throws RemoteException {
    219         Slog.v(TAG, "setConfigFlag " + ConfigFlag.toString(flag) + " = " + value);
    220         synchronized (mLock) {
    221             checkNotClosedLocked();
    222             int halResult = mHwSession.setConfigFlag(flag, value);
    223             Convert.throwOnError("setConfigFlag", halResult);
    224         }
    225     }
    227     @Override
    228     public Map setParameters(Map parameters) {
    229         synchronized (mLock) {
    230             checkNotClosedLocked();
    231             return Convert.vendorInfoFromHal(Utils.maybeRethrow(
    232                     () -> mHwSession.setParameters(Convert.vendorInfoToHal(parameters))));
    233         }
    234     }
    236     @Override
    237     public Map getParameters(List<String> keys) {
    238         synchronized (mLock) {
    239             checkNotClosedLocked();
    240             return Convert.vendorInfoFromHal(Utils.maybeRethrow(
    241                     () -> mHwSession.getParameters(Convert.listToArrayList(keys))));
    242         }
    243     }
    244 }