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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "com_android_tools_aapt2_Aapt2Jni.h"
     19 #include <algorithm>
     20 #include <memory>
     21 #include <utility>
     22 #include <vector>
     24 #include "android-base/logging.h"
     25 #include "ScopedUtfChars.h"
     27 #include "Diagnostics.h"
     28 #include "util/Util.h"
     30 using android::StringPiece;
     32 namespace aapt {
     33 extern int Compile(const std::vector<StringPiece>& args, IDiagnostics* iDiagnostics);
     34 extern int Link(const std::vector<StringPiece>& args, IDiagnostics* iDiagnostics);
     35 }
     37 /*
     38  * Converts a java List<String> into C++ vector<ScopedUtfChars>.
     39  */
     40 static std::vector<ScopedUtfChars> list_to_utfchars(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
     41   std::vector<ScopedUtfChars> converted;
     43   // Call size() method on the list to know how many elements there are.
     44   jclass list_cls = env->GetObjectClass(obj);
     45   jmethodID size_method_id = env->GetMethodID(list_cls, "size", "()I");
     46   CHECK(size_method_id != 0);
     47   jint size = env->CallIntMethod(obj, size_method_id);
     48   CHECK(size >= 0);
     50   // Now, iterate all strings in the list
     51   // (note: generic erasure means get() return an Object)
     52   jmethodID get_method_id = env->GetMethodID(list_cls, "get", "(I)Ljava/lang/Object;");
     53   CHECK(get_method_id != 0);
     54   for (jint i = 0; i < size; i++) {
     55     // Call get(i) to get the string in the ith position.
     56     jobject string_obj_uncast = env->CallObjectMethod(obj, get_method_id, i);
     57     CHECK(string_obj_uncast != nullptr);
     58     jstring string_obj = static_cast<jstring>(string_obj_uncast);
     59     converted.push_back(ScopedUtfChars(env, string_obj));
     60   }
     62   return converted;
     63 }
     65 /*
     66  * Extracts all StringPiece from the ScopedUtfChars instances.
     67  *
     68  * The returned pieces can only be used while the original ones have not been
     69  * destroyed.
     70  */
     71 static std::vector<StringPiece> extract_pieces(const std::vector<ScopedUtfChars> &strings) {
     72   std::vector<StringPiece> pieces;
     74   std::for_each(
     75       strings.begin(), strings.end(),
     76       [&pieces](const ScopedUtfChars &p) { pieces.push_back(p.c_str()); });
     78   return pieces;
     79 }
     81 class JniDiagnostics : public aapt::IDiagnostics {
     82  public:
     83   JniDiagnostics(JNIEnv* env, jobject diagnostics_obj)
     84       : env_(env), diagnostics_obj_(diagnostics_obj) {
     85     mid_ = NULL;
     86   }
     88   void Log(Level level, aapt::DiagMessageActual& actual_msg) override {
     89     jint level_value;
     90     switch (level) {
     91       case Level::Error:
     92         level_value = 3;
     93         break;
     95       case Level::Warn:
     96         level_value = 2;
     97         break;
     99       case Level::Note:
    100         level_value = 1;
    101         break;
    102     }
    103     jstring message = env_->NewStringUTF(actual_msg.message.c_str());
    104     jstring path = env_->NewStringUTF(actual_msg.source.path.c_str());
    105     jlong line = -1;
    106     if (actual_msg.source.line) {
    107       line = actual_msg.source.line.value();
    108     }
    109     if (!mid_) {
    110       jclass diagnostics_cls = env_->GetObjectClass(diagnostics_obj_);
    111       mid_ = env_->GetMethodID(diagnostics_cls, "log", "(ILjava/lang/String;JLjava/lang/String;)V");
    112     }
    113     env_->CallVoidMethod(diagnostics_obj_, mid_, level_value, path, line, message);
    114   }
    116  private:
    117   JNIEnv* env_;
    118   jobject diagnostics_obj_;
    119   jmethodID mid_;
    120   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(JniDiagnostics);
    121 };
    123 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_android_tools_aapt2_Aapt2Jni_nativeCompile(
    124     JNIEnv* env, jclass aapt_obj, jobject arguments_obj, jobject diagnostics_obj) {
    125   std::vector<ScopedUtfChars> compile_args_jni =
    126       list_to_utfchars(env, arguments_obj);
    127   std::vector<StringPiece> compile_args = extract_pieces(compile_args_jni);
    128   JniDiagnostics diagnostics(env, diagnostics_obj);
    129   return aapt::Compile(compile_args, &diagnostics);
    130 }
    132 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_android_tools_aapt2_Aapt2Jni_nativeLink(JNIEnv* env,
    133                                                                         jclass aapt_obj,
    134                                                                         jobject arguments_obj,
    135                                                                         jobject diagnostics_obj) {
    136   std::vector<ScopedUtfChars> link_args_jni =
    137       list_to_utfchars(env, arguments_obj);
    138   std::vector<StringPiece> link_args = extract_pieces(link_args_jni);
    139   JniDiagnostics diagnostics(env, diagnostics_obj);
    140   return aapt::Link(link_args, &diagnostics);
    141 }
    143 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_android_tools_aapt2_Aapt2Jni_ping(
    144         JNIEnv *env, jclass aapt_obj) {
    145   // This is just a dummy method to see if the library has been loaded.
    146 }