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      1 package com.android.rs.refocus.d1new;
      3 import android.graphics.Bitmap;
      4 import android.support.v8.renderscript.Allocation;
      5 import android.support.v8.renderscript.Element;
      6 import android.support.v8.renderscript.RenderScript;
      7 import android.util.Log;
      9 import com.android.rs.refocus.renderscript.ScriptC_layered_filter_fast_d1new;
     11 import com.android.rs.refocus.LayerInfo;
     12 import com.android.rs.refocus.ImageBuffersForRenderScript;
     14 /**
     15  * A class that manages the image buffers that interface between Java and Render
     16  * Script. These buffers are specialized for float32 pixel representation.
     17  *
     18  * @author zhl (at) google.com (Li Zhang)
     19  */
     20 public class ImageBuffersForRenderScriptd1new extends
     21         ImageBuffersForRenderScript {
     22   /**
     23    * SharpImage, FuzzyImage, and integralImage that are bound with memory in
     24    * Render Script for layered filtering.
     25    * Global allocation for images and meta data that are bound with memory in Render Script
     26    *
     27    */
     28   private static final String myTAG = "RefocusFilterd1new";
     29   public Allocation sharpRGBAAllocation;
     30   public Allocation fuzzyRGBAAllocation;
     31   public Allocation integralRGBAAllocation;
     33   public Allocation sharpActualDepthAllocation;
     34   public Allocation sharpDilatedDepthAllocation;
     35   public Allocation sharpActiveAllocation;
     36   public Allocation sharpMatteAllocation;
     38   /**
     39    * A constructor that allocates memory buffers in Java and binds the buffers
     40    * with the global pointers in the Render Script.
     41    *
     42    * @param image an input (padded) RGBD image
     43    * @param renderScript a RenderScript object that manages the {@code Context}
     44    * in Java
     45    * @param scriptC a RenderScript object that manages the filtering kernel
     46    *                functions in .rs file
     47    */
     48   public ImageBuffersForRenderScriptd1new(Bitmap image, int margin,
     49                                           RenderScript renderScript, ScriptC_layered_filter_fast_d1new scriptC) {
     50     super(image, margin, renderScript);
     51     sharpRGBAAllocation = Allocation.createSized(
     52             renderScript, Element.F32_4(renderScript),
     53             imageWidthPadded * imageHeightPadded);
     54     sharpActualDepthAllocation = Allocation.createSized(
     55             renderScript, Element.U8(renderScript),
     56             imageWidthPadded * imageHeightPadded);
     57     sharpDilatedDepthAllocation = Allocation.createSized(
     58             renderScript, Element.U8(renderScript),
     59             imageWidthPadded * imageHeightPadded);
     60     sharpActiveAllocation = Allocation.createSized(
     61             renderScript, Element.U8(renderScript),
     62             imageWidthPadded * imageHeightPadded);
     63     sharpMatteAllocation = Allocation.createSized(
     64             renderScript, Element.U8(renderScript),
     65             imageWidthPadded * imageHeightPadded);
     66     fuzzyRGBAAllocation = Allocation.createSized(
     67             renderScript, Element.F32_4(renderScript),
     68             imageWidthPadded * imageHeightPadded);
     69     integralRGBAAllocation = Allocation.createSized(
     70             renderScript, Element.F32_4(renderScript),
     71             imageWidthPadded * imageHeightPadded);
     73     scriptC.set_g_sharp_RGBA(sharpRGBAAllocation);
     74     scriptC.set_g_fuzzy_RGBA(fuzzyRGBAAllocation);
     75     scriptC.set_g_integral_RGBA(integralRGBAAllocation);
     77     scriptC.set_g_sharp_actual_depth(sharpActualDepthAllocation);
     78     scriptC.set_g_sharp_active(sharpActiveAllocation);
     79     scriptC.set_g_sharp_matte(sharpMatteAllocation);
     80     scriptC.set_g_sharp_dilated_depth(sharpDilatedDepthAllocation);
     82   }
     84   /**
     85    * A function that passes global parameters from Java to Render Script and
     86    * sets up the input image.
     87    *
     88    * @param focalLayer a layer for the depth value interval that has zero blur.
     89    * @param scriptC a RenderScript object that manages filtering kernels and
     90    *        global variables in .rs file
     91    */
     92   public void initializeRenderScript(LayerInfo focalLayer,
     93                                      ScriptC_layered_filter_fast_d1new scriptC) {
     94     long startnow;
     95     long endnow;
     96     startnow = System.nanoTime();
     97     scriptC.invoke_InitializeFast(imageWidthPadded, imageHeightPadded,
     98             paddedMargin, focalLayer.frontDepth, focalLayer.backDepth);
     99     endnow = System.nanoTime();
    100     Log.d(myTAG, "Initialize: " + (endnow - startnow) + " ns");
    101     // At this point, {@code inAllocation} contains input RGBD image in Java.
    102     // {@code g_sharp_image} is a global pointer that points the focus image in
    103     // Render Script. The following function copies {@code inAllocation} in
    104     // Java to {@code g_sharp_image) in Render Script.
    105     startnow = System.nanoTime();
    106     scriptC.forEach_UnpackInputImage(inAllocation);
    107     endnow = System.nanoTime();
    108     Log.d(myTAG, "UnpackInputImage: " + (endnow - startnow) + " ns");
    109   }
    110 }