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      1 # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      2 #
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #
      7 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     15 '''Module that contains the class UtilAndroid, providing utility method to
     16 interface with Android ADB.'''
     18 from __future__ import absolute_import
     20 import logging
     21 import re
     22 import subprocess
     23 import time
     24 import collections
     25 import multiprocessing
     26 try:
     27     # Python 3
     28     import queue
     29 except ImportError:
     30     import Queue as queue
     32 from .exception import TestSuiteException
     33 from . import util_log
     36 class UtilAndroid(object):
     37     '''Provides some utility methods that interface with Android using adb.'''
     38     # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
     40     def __init__(self, adb_path, lldb_server_path_device, device):
     41         # The path to the adb binary on the local machine
     42         self._path_adb = adb_path
     43         # The path to the lldb server binary on the device
     44         self._path_lldbserver = lldb_server_path_device
     45         self._log = util_log.get_logger()
     46         self.device = device
     47         self._prop_stacks = collections.defaultdict(list)
     48         return
     50     @staticmethod
     51     def _validate_string(string):
     52         '''Check that a string is valid and not empty.
     54         Args:
     55             string: The string to be checked.
     56         '''
     57         assert isinstance(string, str)
     58         assert len(string) > 0
     60     def adb(self, args, async=False, device=True, timeout=None):
     61         '''Run an adb command (async optional).
     63         Args:
     64             args: The command (including arguments) to run in adb.
     65             async: Boolean to specify whether adb should run the command
     66                    asynchronously.
     67             device: boolean to specify whether the serial id of the android
     68                     device should be inserted in the adb command.
     69             timeout: it specifies the number of seconds to wait for
     70                      a synchronous invocation before aborting. If unspecified or
     71                      None it waits indefinitely for the command to complete.
     73         Raises:
     74             ValueError: it can be caused by any of the following situations:
     75                         - when both the combination async=True and timeout are
     76                           given.
     77                         - when a timeout <= 0 is specified.
     79         Returns:
     80             If adb was synchronously run and the command completed by the
     81             specified timeout, a string which is the output (standard out and
     82             error) from adb. Otherwise it returns None.
     83         '''
     85         # Form the command
     86         if device:
     87             cmd = '{0} -s {1} {2}'.format(self._path_adb, self.device, args)
     88         else:
     89             cmd = '{0} {1}'.format(self._path_adb, args)
     91         self._log.debug('Execute ADB: %s', cmd)
     93         if timeout is None:
     94             # local invocation
     95             return_code, output = UtilAndroid._execute_command_local(cmd, async)
     97         else:
     98             # remote invocation
     99             if async:
    100                 raise ValueError('Invalid combination: asynchronous invocation '
    101                                  'with timeout specified')
    103             return_code, output = UtilAndroid._execute_command_remote(cmd,
    104                                                                       timeout)
    106             if return_code is None:
    107                 self._log.warn('[ADB] The command timed out: %s', cmd)
    109         # log the output message
    110         if output is not None:
    111             self._adb_log_output(cmd, output, return_code)
    113         return output
    115     def adb_retry(self, args, max_num_attempts, timeout):
    116         '''Attempt to execute the given adb command a certain number of times.
    118         The function executes the given command through adb, waiting for its
    119         completion up to 'timeout' seconds. If the command completes then it
    120         returns its output. Otherwise it aborts the execution of the adb
    121         command and re-issues it anew with the same parameters. In case of
    122         timeout this process is repeated up to 'max_num_attempts'.
    124         The purpose of this function is to handle the cases when, for some
    125         reason, a command sent to 'adb' freezes, blocking the whole test suite
    126         indefinitely.
    128         Args:
    129             args: The command (including arguments) to run in adb.
    130             max_num_attempts: the max number of attempts to repeat the command
    131                               in case of timeout.
    132             timeout: it specifies the number of seconds to wait for the adb
    133                      command to complete.
    135         Raises:
    136             ValueError: when the parameter timeout is invalid (None or <= 0).
    138         Returns:
    139             If adb was synchronously run and the command completes by the
    140             specified timeout, a string which is the output (standard out and
    141             error) from adb. Otherwise it returns None.
    142         '''
    143         if timeout is None or timeout <= 0:
    144             raise ValueError('Invalid value for timeout')
    146         output = None
    148         for attempt in range(max_num_attempts):
    149             self._log.debug('[ADB] Attempt #%d: %s', attempt + 1, args)
    150             output = self.adb(args, False, True, timeout)
    151             if output:
    152                 break
    154         return output
    156     def _adb_log_output(self, cmd, output, return_code):
    157         '''Save in the log the command & output from `adb`.
    159         Internal function, helper to record in the log the issued adb command
    160         together with its output and return code.
    162         Params:
    163             cmd: string, the command issued to `adb`.
    164             output: string, the output retrieved from `adb`.
    165             return_code: int, the return code from `adb`.
    166         '''
    168         message = output.strip()
    170         # if return_code != 0, we wish to also record the command executed
    171         # (which occurs if and only if we are in verbose mode)
    172         is_warning = return_code != 0
    173         threshold = self._log.getEffectiveLevel()
    174         if is_warning and threshold > logging.DEBUG:
    175             self._log.warn("[ADB] Command executed: {0}".format(cmd))
    177         level = logging.WARNING if is_warning else logging.DEBUG
    178         if message:
    179             # if message is composed by multiple lines, then print it after
    180             # the log preamble
    181             if re.search('\n', message):
    182                 message = '\n' + message
    183         else:
    184             message = '<empty>'
    186         self._log.log(level, 'RC: {0}, Output: {1}'.format(return_code,
    187                                                            message))
    189     def check_adb_alive(self):
    190         '''Ping the device and raise an exception in case of timeout.
    192         It sends a ping message through 'adb shell'. The emulator/device should
    193         echo the same message back by one minute. If it does not, it raises
    194         a TestSuiteException.
    196         Purpose of this method is to check whether 'adb' became frozen or
    197         stuck.
    199         Raises:
    200             TestSuiteException: in case the device/emulator does not reply by
    201                                 one minute or the `ping' message is not echoed
    202                                 back.
    203         '''
    204         token = 'PING'
    205         log = util_log.get_logger()
    206         cmd = "echo {0}".format(token)
    208         tries = 10
    209         try_number = tries
    210         while try_number > 0:
    211             log.debug('Sending a ping through "adb shell" (try #%s)...',
    212                       try_number)
    213             output = self.shell(cmd, False, 60)
    215             if output is None:
    216                 raise TestSuiteException(
    217                     'Timeout when pinging the device/emulator through '
    218                     '"adb shell".  Is "adb" stuck or dead?')
    219             elif token not in output:
    220                 log.debug('Ping failed. Cannot match the token "%s" in "adb '
    221                           'shell %s"', token, cmd)
    222             else:
    223                 log.debug('Pong message received')
    224                 return
    226             try_number -= 1
    227             time.sleep(5)
    229         raise TestSuiteException('Cannot ping the device/emulator through '
    230                                  '"adb shell". Tried %s times. Is "adb" stuck '
    231                                  'or dead?' % tries)
    233     def shell(self, cmd, async=False, timeout=None):
    234         '''Run a command via the adb shell.
    236         Args:
    237             cmd: The command (including arguments) to run in the adb shell.
    238             async: Boolean to specify whether adb should run the command
    239                    asynchronously.
    240             timeout: it specifies the number of seconds to wait for
    241                      a synchronous invocation before aborting. If unspecified or
    242                      None it waits indefinitely for the command to complete
    244         Returns:
    245             If adb was synchronously run, a string which is the output (standard
    246             out and error) from adb. Otherwise None.
    247         '''
    248         return self.adb('shell "{0}"'.format(cmd), async, True, timeout)
    250     def find_app_pid(self, process_name):
    251         '''Find the process ID of a process with a given name.
    253         If more than one instance of the process is running return the first pid
    254         it finds.
    256         Args:
    257             process_name: A string representing the name of the package or
    258                           binary for which the id should be found. I.e. the
    259                           string or part of the string that shows up in the "ps"
    260                           command.
    262         Returns:
    263             An integer representing the id of the process, or None if it was not
    264             found.
    265         '''
    266         self._validate_string(process_name)
    268         pid_output = self.shell('pidof ' + process_name)
    269         pid_output = re.sub(r'\*.+\*', '', pid_output)
    270         pids = pid_output.split()
    272         if len(pids) < 1:
    273             self._log.warn('Unable to find pid of: {0}'.format(process_name))
    274             return None
    276         if len(pids) > 1:
    277             self._log.warn('Found multiple instances of {0} running: {1}'
    278                            .format(process_name, pids))
    280         try:
    281             pid = int(pids[0])
    282             self._log.info('App pid found: {0}'.format(pids[0]))
    283             return pid
    284         except ValueError:
    285             return None
    287     def adb_root(self):
    288         '''Set adb to be in root mode.'''
    289         self.adb('root')
    291     def _adb_remount(self):
    292         '''Remount the filesystem of the device.'''
    293         self.adb('remount')
    295     def validate_adb(self):
    296         '''Validate adb that it can be run.
    298         Raises:
    299             TestSuiteException: Unable to validate that adb exists and runs
    300                                 successfully.
    301         '''
    302         out = self.adb('version', False, False)
    303         if out and 'Android' in out and 'version' in out:
    304             self._log.info('adb found: {0}'.format(out))
    305             return None
    306         raise TestSuiteException('unable to validate adb')
    308     def is_booted(self):
    309         ''' Check if the device/emulator has finished booting.
    311         Returns: True if the property sys.boot_completed is true, False
    312                  otherwise.
    313         '''
    314         return self._get_prop('sys.boot_completed').strip() == '1'
    316     def validate_device(self, check_boot=True, device_substring=''):
    317         '''Validate that there is at least one device.
    319         Args:
    320             check_boot: Boolean to specify whether to check whether the device
    321                         has finished booting as well as being present.
    322             device_substring: String that needs to be part of the name of the
    323                               device.
    325         Raises:
    326             TestSuiteException: There was a failure to run adb to list the
    327                                 devices or there is no device connected or
    328                                 multiple devices connected without the user
    329                                 having specified the device to use.
    330         '''
    332         out = self.adb('devices', False, False)
    333         if not 'List of devices attached' in out:
    334             raise TestSuiteException('Unable to list devices')
    336         lines = out.split('\n')
    337         found_device = False # True if the specified device is found
    338         devices = []
    340         for line in lines[1:]:
    341             if '\tdevice' in line and device_substring in line:
    342                 device = line.split()[0]
    343                 devices.append(device)
    344                 if self.device:
    345                     if self.device == device:
    346                         found_device = True
    348         if len(devices) == 0:
    349             raise TestSuiteException('adb is unable to find a connected '
    350                                      'device/emulator to test.')
    352         if not self.device:
    353             if len(devices) == 1:
    354                 self.device = devices[0]
    355             else:
    356                 raise TestSuiteException('Multiple devices connected,'
    357                                          'specify -d device id.')
    358         else:
    359             if not found_device:
    360                 raise TestSuiteException('Couldn\'t find the device {0} that '
    361                                          'was specified, please check -d '
    362                                          'argument'.format(self.device))
    364         if check_boot and not self.is_booted():
    365             raise TestSuiteException(
    366                 'The device {0} has not yet finished booting.'
    367                 .format(self.device))
    369     def device_with_substring_exists(self, device_substring):
    370         '''Check whether a device exists whose name contains a given string.
    372         Args:
    373             device_substring: String that is part of the name of the device to
    374                               look for.
    376         Raises:
    377             TestSuiteException: There was a failure to run adb to list the
    378                                 devices.
    379         '''
    380         out = self.adb('devices', False, False)
    381         if not 'List of devices attached' in out:
    382             raise TestSuiteException('Unable to list devices')
    384         lines = out.split('\n')
    386         for line in lines[1:]:
    387             if '\tdevice' in line:
    388                 device = line.split()[0]
    389                 if device.find(device_substring) != -1:
    390                     return True
    392         return False
    394     def get_device_id(self):
    395         '''Return ID of the device that will be used for running the tests on.
    397         Returns:
    398             String representing device ID.
    399         '''
    400         return self.device
    402     def _kill_pid(self, pid):
    403         '''Kill a process identified by its pid by issuing a "kill" command.
    405         Args:
    406             pid: The integer that is the process id of the process to be killed.
    407         '''
    408         self.shell('kill -9 ' + str(pid))
    410     def stop_app(self, package_name):
    411         '''Terminate an app by calling am force-stop.
    413         Args:
    414             package_name: The string representing the name of the package of the
    415                           app that is to be stopped.
    416         '''
    417         self._validate_string(package_name)
    418         self.shell('am force-stop ' + package_name)
    420     def kill_process(self, name):
    421         '''Kill a process identified by its name (package name in case of apk).
    423         Issues the "kill" command.
    425         Args:
    426             name: The string representing the name of the binary of the process
    427                   that is to be killed.
    429         Returns:
    430             True if the kill command was executed, False if it could not be
    431             found.
    432         '''
    433         pid = self.find_app_pid(name)
    434         if pid:
    435             self._kill_pid(pid)
    436             return True
    437         return False
    439     def kill_all_processes(self, name):
    440         '''Repeatedly try to call "kill" on a process to ensure it is gone.
    442         If the process is still there after 5 attempts reboot the device.
    444         Args:
    445             name: The string representing the name of the binary of the process
    446                   that is to be killed.
    448         Raises:
    449             TestSuiteException: If the process could not be killed after 5
    450                                 attempts and the device then failed to boot
    451                                 after rebooting.
    452         '''
    454         # try 5 times to kill this process
    455         for _ in range(1, 5):
    456             if not self.kill_process(name):
    457                 return
    458         # stalled process must reboot
    459         self._reboot_device()
    461     def kill_servers(self):
    462         '''Kill all gdbserver and lldb-server instances.
    464         Raises:
    465             TestSuiteException: If gdbserver or lldb-server could not be killed
    466                                 after 5 attempts and the device then failed to
    467                                 boot after rebooting.
    468         '''
    469         self.kill_all_processes('gdbserver')
    470         self.kill_all_processes('lldb-server')
    472     def launch_elf(self, binary_name):
    473         '''Launch a binary (compiled with the NDK).
    475         Args:
    476             binary_name: The string representing the name of the binary that is
    477                          to be launched.
    479         Returns:
    480             Boolean, failure if the app is not installed, success otherwise.
    481         '''
    482         # Ensure the apk is actually installed.
    483         output = self.shell('ls /data/ | grep ' + binary_name)
    484         if binary_name not in output:
    485             return False
    487         stdout = self.shell('exec /data/' + binary_name, True)
    488         self._log.info(str(stdout))
    490         return True
    492     def wait_for_device(self):
    493         '''Ask ADB to wait for a device to become ready.'''
    494         self.adb('wait-for-device')
    496     def _reboot_device(self):
    497         '''Reboot the remote device.
    499         Raises:
    500             TestSuiteException: If the device failed to boot after rebooting.
    501         '''
    502         self.adb('reboot')
    503         self.wait_for_device()
    504         # Allow 20  mins boot time to give emulators such as MIPS enough time
    505         sleeping_countdown = 60*20
    506         while not self.is_booted():
    507             time.sleep(1)
    508             sleeping_countdown -= 1
    509             if sleeping_countdown == 0:
    510                 raise TestSuiteException('Failed to reboot. Terminating.')
    512         self.adb_root()
    513         self.wait_for_device()
    514         self._adb_remount()
    515         self.wait_for_device()
    517     def launch_app(self, name, activity):
    518         '''Launch a Renderscript application.
    520         Args:
    521             name: The string representing the name of the app that is to be
    522                   launched.
    523             activity: The string representing the activity of the app that is to
    524                       be started.
    526         Returns:
    527             Boolean, failure if the apk is not installed, success otherwise.
    528         '''
    529         assert name and activity
    531         # Ensure the apk is actually installed.
    532         output = self.shell('pm list packages ' + name)
    533         if not output:
    534             return False
    536         cmd = 'am start -S -W {0}/{0}.{1}'.format(name, activity)
    537         stdout = self.shell(cmd)
    539         self._log.info(str(stdout))
    541         return True
    543     def launch_lldb_platform(self, port):
    544         '''Launch lldb server and attach to target app.
    546         Args:
    547             port: The integer that is the port on which lldb should listen.
    548         '''
    549         cmd = "export LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_PATH='{0}';{0} p --listen *:{1}"\
    550             .format(self._path_lldbserver, port)
    551         self.shell(cmd, True)
    552         time.sleep(5)
    554     def forward_port(self, local, remote):
    555         '''Use adb to forward a device port onto the local machine.
    557         Args:
    558             local: The integer that is the local port to forward.
    559             remote: The integer that is the remote port to which to forward.
    560         '''
    561         cmd = 'forward tcp:%s tcp:%s' % (str(local), str(remote))
    562         self.adb(cmd)
    564     def remove_port_forwarding(self):
    565         '''Remove all of the forward socket connections open in adb.
    567         Avoids a windows adb error where we can't bind to a listener
    568         because too many files are open.
    569         '''
    570         self.adb('forward --remove-all')
    572     def _get_prop(self, name):
    573         '''Get the value of an Android system property.
    575         Args:
    576             name: Name of the property of interest [string].
    578         Returns:
    579             Current value of the property [string].
    580         '''
    581         return self.shell('getprop %s' % str(name))
    583     def _set_prop(self, name, value):
    584         '''Set the value of an Android system property.
    586         Args:
    587             name: Name of the property of interest [string].
    588             value: Desired new value for the property [string or integer].
    589         '''
    590         self.shell("setprop %s '%s'" % (str(name), str(value)))
    592     def push_prop(self, name, new_value):
    593         '''Save the value of an Android system property and set a new value.
    595         Saves the old value onto a stack so it can be restored later.
    597         Args:
    598             name: Name of the property of interest [string].
    599             new_value: Desired new value for the property [string or integer].
    600         '''
    601         old_value = self._get_prop(name)
    602         self._set_prop(name, new_value)
    603         self._prop_stacks[name].append(old_value.strip())
    605     def pop_prop(self, name):
    606         '''Restore the value of an Android system property previously set by
    607         push_prop.
    609         Args:
    610             name: Name of the property of interest [string].
    612         Returns:
    613             Current value of the property [string].
    614         '''
    615         old_value = self._prop_stacks[name].pop()
    616         self._set_prop(name, old_value)
    618     def reset_all_props(self):
    619         '''Restore all the android properties to the state before the first push
    621         This is equivalent to popping each property the number of times it has
    622         been pushed.
    623         '''
    624         for name in self._prop_stacks:
    625             if self._prop_stacks[name] != []:
    626                 self._set_prop(name, self._prop_stacks[name][0])
    627                 self._prop_stacks[name] = []
    629     def make_device_writeable(self):
    630         ''' Ensure the device is full writable, in particular the system folder.
    632         This disables verity and remounts.
    633         '''
    634         output = self.adb('disable-verity')
    636         # if the remote is an emulator do not even try to reboot
    637         # otherwise check whether a reboot is advised
    638         if (self._get_prop('ro.kernel.qemu') != '1' and output and
    639                 'Now reboot your device for settings to take effect' in output):
    640             self._reboot_device()
    642         self._adb_remount()
    643         self.wait_for_device()
    644         self.adb_root()
    645         self.wait_for_device()
    647     @staticmethod
    648     def _execute_command_local(command, async=False):
    649         '''Execute the given shell command in the same process.
    651         Args:
    652             command: String, the command to execute
    653             async: Boolean to specify whether adb should run the command
    654                    asynchronously.
    656         Returns:
    657             if async == False, it returns a tuple with the return code and
    658             the output from the executed command. Otherwise the tuple
    659             (None, None).
    660         '''
    661         proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
    662                                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
    663                                 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
    664                                 shell=True)
    665         if async:
    666             return None, None
    668         # read the whole output from the command
    669         with proc.stdout as file_proc:
    670             output = ''.join(line for line in file_proc)
    672         # release the process state
    673         proc.terminate()
    674         return_code = proc.wait()
    676         return return_code, output
    678     @staticmethod
    679     def _execute_command_remote(command, timeout):
    680         '''Execute the given shell command remotely, in a separate process.
    682         It spawns an ad hoc process to execute the given command. It waits up
    683         to timeout for the command to complete, otherwise it aborts the
    684         execution and returns None.
    686         Args:
    687             command: String, the command to execute.
    688             timeout: the number of seconds to wait for the command to complete.
    690         Returns:
    691             a pair with the return code and the output from the command, if it
    692             completed by the specified 'timeout' seconds. Otherwise the tuple
    693             (None, None).
    694         '''
    696         channel = multiprocessing.Queue()
    697         proc = multiprocessing.Process(
    698             target=_handle_remote_request,
    699             name="Executor of `{0}'".format(command),
    700             args=(command, channel)
    701         )
    703         # execute the command
    704         proc.start()
    705         return_code = None
    706         output = None
    708         # wait for the result
    709         try:
    710             return_code, output = channel.get(True, timeout)
    711         except queue.Empty:
    712             # timeout hit, the remote process has not fulfilled our request by
    713             # the given time. We are going to return <None, None>, nothing to
    714             # do here as it already holds return_code = output = None.
    715             pass
    717         # terminate the helper process
    718         proc.terminate()
    720         return return_code, output
    723 def _handle_remote_request(command, channel):
    724     '''Entry point for the remote process.
    726     It executes the given command and reports the result into the channel.
    727     This function is supposed to be only called by
    728     UtilAndroid._execute_command_remote to handle the inter-process
    729     communication.
    731     Args:
    732         command: the command to execute.
    733         channel: the channel to communicate with the caller process.
    734     '''
    735     channel.put(UtilAndroid._execute_command_local(command))