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      1 Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     15 # Wi-Fi Aware (NAN) HAL API Usage
     17 The Wi-Fi Aware (NAN) HAL API is defined in (<i>hardware/interfaces/wifi/1.0/</i>):
     19 * IWifiNanIface.hal
     20 * IWifiNanIfaceEventCallback.hal
     21 * types.hal (structure definitions)
     23 The Wi-Fi Aware (NAN) HAL API surface is very large - only a subset is used from the framework.
     25 Understanding of the HAL API subset which is actively used by the Android framework can be deduced
     26 by reviewing framework code, specifically (<i>frameworks/opt/net/wifi/</i>):
     28 * WifiAwareNativeApi.java
     29 * WifiAwareNativeCallback.java
     31 The above framework files determine the API usage - and should be consulted as the authoritative
     32 reference. Please consult the primary HAL file for documentation - they will not be replicated
     33 in this document. APIs which are in the HAL but are not listed in this README file are not used by
     34 the framework.
     36 Note: the HAL API is translated to the legacy HAL API (<i>wifi_nan.h</i>). This README file covers
     37 the new HAL API only. To understand the mapping between new and legacy HALs please consult
     38 <i>hardware/interfaces/wifi/\<version\>/default/hidl_struct_util.cpp</i>.
     40 ## IWifiNanIface
     42 Format:
     43 * Hard-coded values are in <b>bold</b>, e.g. <b>true</b> or <b>5</b>
     44 * Assigned but not fixed values are specified using the <i>variable</i> keyword, possibly with some
     45 details/constraints
     46 * Unassigned values are specified using the <i>N/A</i> keyword. Unassigned usually means initialized
     47 to 0.
     49 APIs:
     51 * registerEventCallback(IWifiNanIfaceEventCallback callback)
     52 * getCapabilitiesRequest
     53 * enableRequest
     54   * NanEnableRequest
     55     * bool[2] operateInBand
     56         * Index [NanBandIndex.NAN_BAND_24GHZ] = <b>true</b>
     57         * Index [NanBandIndex.NAN_BAND_5GHZ] = <i>variable</i>
     58     * uint8_t hopCountMax = <b>2</b>
     59     * NanConfigRequest configParams
     60         * uint8_t masterPref = <i>variable</i>
     61         * bool disableDiscoveryAddressChangeIndication = <i>variable</i>
     62         * bool disableStartedClusterIndication = <i>variable</i>
     63         * bool disableJoinedClusterIndication = <i>variable</i>
     64         * bool includePublishServiceIdsInBeacon = <b>true</b>
     65         * uint8_t numberOfPublishServiceIdsInBeacon = <b>0</b>
     66         * bool includeSubscribeServiceIdsInBeacon = <b>true</b>
     67         * uint8_t numberOfSubscribeServiceIdsInBeacon = <b>0</b>
     68         * uint16_t rssiWindowSize = <b>8</b>
     69         * uint32_t macAddressRandomizationIntervalSec = <i>variable</i>
     70             * Normal run-time: set to <b>1800</b> (30 minutes)
     71             * Tests: set to <b>120</b> (2 minutes)
     72         * NanBandSpecificConfig[2] bandSpecificConfig
     73             * Index [NanBandIndex.NAN_BAND_24GHZ]
     74                 * uint8_t rssiClose = <b>60</b>
     75                 * uint8_t rssiMiddle = <b>70</b>
     76                 * uint8_t rssiCloseProximity = <b>60</b>
     77                 * uint8_t dwellTimeMs = <b>200</b>
     78                 * uint16_t scanPeriodSec = <b>20</b>
     79                 * bool validDiscoveryWindowIntervalVal = <i>variable</i>
     80                 * uint8_t discoveryWindowIntervalVal = <i>variable</i>
     81             * Index [NanBandIndex.NAN_BAND_5GHZ]
     82                 * uint8_t rssiClose = <b>60</b>
     83                 * uint8_t rssiMiddle = <b>75</b>
     84                 * uint8_t rssiCloseProximity = <b>60</b>
     85                 * uint8_t dwellTimeMs = <b>200</b>
     86                 * uint16_t scanPeriodSec = <b>20</b>
     87                 * bool validDiscoveryWindowIntervalVal = <i>variable</i>
     88                 * uint8_t discoveryWindowIntervalVal = <i>variable</i>
     89     * NanDebugConfig debugConfigs
     90         * bool validClusterIdVals = <b>true</b>
     91         * uint16_t clusterIdBottomRangeVal = <i>variable</i>
     92         * uint16_t clusterIdTopRangeVal = <i>variable</i>
     93         * bool validIntfAddrVal = <b>false</b>
     94         * MacAddress intfAddrVal = <i>N/A</i>
     95         * bool validOuiVal = <b>false</b>
     96         * uint32_t ouiVal = <i>N/A</i>
     97         * bool validRandomFactorForceVal = <b>false</b>
     98         * uint8_t randomFactorForceVal = <i>N/A</i>
     99         * bool validHopCountForceVal = <b>false</b>
    100         * uint8_t hopCountForceVal = <i>N/A</i>
    101         * bool validDiscoveryChannelVal = <b>false</b>
    102         * WifiChannelInMhz[2] discoveryChannelMhzVal = <i>N/A</i>
    103         * bool validUseBeaconsInBandVal = <b>false</b>
    104         * bool[2] useBeaconsInBandVal = <i>N/A</i>
    105         * bool validUseSdfInBandVal = <b>false</b>
    106         * bool[2] useSdfInBandVal = <i>N/A</i>
    107 * configRequest
    108     * NanConfigRequest: same as for <i>enableRequest</i>
    109 * disableRequest
    110 * startPublishRequest
    111     * NanPublishRequest
    112         * NanDiscoveryCommonConfig baseConfigs
    113             * uint8_t sessionId = <i>variable</i>
    114             * uint16_t ttlSec = <i>variable</i>
    115             * uint16_t discoveryWindowPeriod = <b>1</b>
    116             * uint8_t discoveryCount = <b>0</b>
    117             * vec<uint8_t> serviceName = <i>variable</i>
    118             * NanMatchAlg discoveryMatchIndicator = <b>NanMatchAlg.MATCH_NEVER</b>
    119             * vec<uint8_t> serviceSpecificInfo = <i>variable</i>
    120             * vec<uint8_t> extendedServiceSpecificInfo = <i>N/A</i>
    121             * vec<uint8_t> rxMatchFilter = <i>variable</i>
    122             * vec<uint8_t> txMatchFilter = <i>variable</i>
    123             * bool useRssiThreshold = <b>false</b>
    124             * bool disableDiscoveryTerminationIndication = <i>variable</i>
    125             * bool disableMatchExpirationIndication = <b>true</b>
    126             * bool disableFollowupReceivedIndication = <b>false</b>
    127             * NanDataPathSecurityConfig securityConfig = <b>NanDataPathSecurityType.OPEN</b>
    128             * bool rangingRequired = <b>false</b>
    129             * uint32_t rangingIntervalMsec = <i>N/A</i>
    130             * bitfield<NanRangingIndication> configRangingIndications = <i>N/A</i>
    131             * uint16_t distanceIngressCm = <i>N/A</i>
    132             * uint16_t distanceEgressCm = <i>N/A</i>
    133         * NanPublishType publishType = <i>variable</i>
    134         * NanTxType txType = <b>NanTxType.BROADCAST</b>
    135         * bool autoAcceptDataPathRequests = <b>false</b>
    136 * stopPublishRequest
    137 * startSubscribeRequest
    138     * NanSubscribeRequest
    139         * NanDiscoveryCommonConfig baseConfigs
    140             * Mostly same as <i>publish</i> above except:
    141             * NanMatchAlg discoveryMatchIndicator = <b>NanMatchAlg.MATCH_ONCE</b>
    142         * NanSubscribeType subscribeType = <i>variable</i>
    143         * NanSrfType srfType = <i>N/A</i>
    144         * bool srfRespondIfInAddressSet = <i>N/A</i>
    145         * bool shouldUseSrf = <i>N/A</i>
    146         * bool isSsiRequiredForMatch = <i>N/A</i>
    147         * vec<MacAddress> intfAddr = <i>N/A</i>
    148 * stopSubscribeRequest
    149 * transmitFollowupRequest
    150     * NanTransmitFollowupRequest
    151         * uint8_t discoverySessionId = <i>variable</i>
    152         * uint32_t peerId = <i>variable</i>
    153         * MacAddress addr = <i>variable</i>
    154         * bool isHighPriority = <b>false</b>
    155         * bool shouldUseDiscoveryWindow = <b>true</b>
    156         * vec<uint8_t> serviceSpecificInfo = <i>variable</i>
    157         * vec<uint8_t> extendedServiceSpecificInfo = <i>N/A</i>
    158         * bool disableFollowupResultIndication = <b>false</b>
    159 * createDataInterfaceRequest
    160 * deleteDataInterfaceRequest
    161 * initiateDataPathRequest
    162     * NanInitiateDataPathRequest
    163         * uint32_t peerId = <i>variable</i>
    164         * MacAddress peerDiscMacAddr = <i>variable</i>
    165         * NanDataPathChannelCfg channelRequestType =
    166         <i>NanDataPathChannelCfg.CHANNEL_NOT_REQUESTED</i>
    167         * WifiChannelInMhz channel = <b>2437</b> (note that should be ignored though -
    168         CHANNEL_NOT_REQUESTED!)
    169         * string ifaceName = <i>variable</i>
    170         * NanDataPathSecurityConfig securityConfig = <i>variable</i>
    171         * vec<uint8_t> appInfo = <i>N/A</i>
    172         * vec<uint8_t> serviceNameOutOfBand = <i>variable</i>
    173 * respondToDataPathIndicationRequest
    174     * NanRespondToDataPathIndicationRequest
    175         * bool acceptRequest = <i>variable</i>
    176         * uint32_t ndpInstanceId = <i>variable</i>
    177         * string ifaceName = <i>variable</i>
    178         * NanDataPathSecurityConfig securityConfig = <i>variable</i>
    179         * vec<uint8_t> appInfo = <i>N/A</i>
    180         * vec<uint8_t> serviceNameOutOfBand = <i>variable</i>
    181 * terminateDataPathRequest
    183 ## IWifiNanIfaceEventCallback
    185 Format:
    186 * Parameters whose values are <i>ignored</i> will be flagged, otherwise the parameter value is used
    187 by the framework.
    189 API:
    191 * notifyXxxResponse: all callbacks are used by framework
    192 * eventClusterEvent
    193 * eventDisabled
    194 * eventPublishTerminated
    195 * eventSubscribeTerminated
    196 * eventMatch
    197     * NanMatchInd (all parameters are used except those listed below)
    198         * vec<uint8_t> extendedServiceSpecificInfo: <i>ignored</i>
    199         * bool matchOccuredInBeaconFlag: <i>ignored</i>
    200         * bool outOfResourceFlag: <i>ignored</i>
    201         * uint8_t rssiValue: <i>ignored</i>
    202         * NanCipherSuiteType peerCipherType: <i>ignored</i>
    203         * bool peerRequiresSecurityEnabledInNdp: <i>ignored</i>
    204         * bool peerRequiresRanging: <i>ignored</i>
    205         * uint32_t rangingMeasurementInCm: <i>ignored</i>
    206         * bitfield<NanRangingIndication> rangingIndicationType: <i>ignored</i>
    207 * eventMatchExpired: <i>ignored</i>
    208 * eventFollowupReceived
    209     * NanFollowupReceivedInd (all parameters are used except those listed below)
    210         * bool receivedInFaw: <i>ignored</i>
    211         * vec<uint8_t> extendedServiceSpecificInfo: <i>ignored</i>
    212 * eventTransmitFollowup
    213 * eventDataPathRequest
    214     * NanDataPathRequestInd (all parameters are used except those listed below)
    215         * bool securityRequired: <i>ignored</i>
    216         * vec<uint8_t> appInfo: <i>ignored</i>
    217 * eventDataPathConfirm
    218     * NanDataPathConfirmInd (all parameters are used except those listed below)
    219         * vec<uint8_t> appInfo: <i>ignored</i>
    220 * eventDataPathTerminated