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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     16 #ifndef HIDUTIL_STREAM_IO_UTIL_H_
     17 #define HIDUTIL_STREAM_IO_UTIL_H_
     19 #include "HidLog.h"
     20 #include <istream>
     21 #include <iomanip>
     22 #include <sstream>
     23 #include <vector>
     24 #include <cassert>
     26 namespace HidUtil {
     28 template<typename CharT>
     29 class charvectorbuf : public std::streambuf { // class name is consistent with std lib
     30     static_assert(std::is_const<CharT>::value == false, "cannot use const type");
     31 public:
     32     // r/w buffer constructors
     33     charvectorbuf(std::vector<CharT> &vec) {
     34         init(vec.data(), vec.size());
     35     }
     37     charvectorbuf(CharT *begin, CharT *end) {
     38         assert(end >= begin);
     39         init(begin, end - begin);
     40     }
     42     charvectorbuf(CharT *begin, size_t size) {
     43         init(begin, size);
     44     }
     46     // r/o buffer constructor
     47     charvectorbuf(const std::vector<CharT> &vec) {
     48         init(vec.data(), vec.size());
     49     }
     51     charvectorbuf(const CharT *begin, const CharT *end) {
     52         assert(end >= begin);
     53         init(begin, end - begin);
     54     }
     56     charvectorbuf(const CharT *begin, size_t size) {
     57         init(begin, size);
     58     }
     59  protected:
     60     virtual std::streampos seekpos(
     61             std::streampos sp, std::ios_base::openmode which =
     62             std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out) override {
     63         return seekoff(std::streamoff(sp), std::ios_base::beg, which);
     64     }
     66     // this is needed to use ftell() on stream
     67     virtual std::streampos seekoff(
     68             std::streamoff off, std::ios_base::seekdir way,
     69             std::ios_base::openmode which =
     70             std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out) override {
     72         // pptr() == nullptr: read-only
     73         assert(pptr() == nullptr || egptr() - eback() == epptr() - pbase());
     74         bool in = which & std::ios_base::in;
     75         bool out = which & std::ios_base::out;
     76         pos_type end = egptr() - eback();
     78         if (!in && !out) {
     79             return pos_type(-1);
     80         }
     82         if (in && out && way == std::ios_base::cur) {
     83             return pos_type(-1);
     84         }
     86         off_type noff;
     87         switch (way) {
     88             case std::ios_base::beg:
     89                 noff = 0;
     90                 break;
     91             case std::ios_base::cur:
     92                 if (in) {
     93                     noff = gptr() - eback();
     94                 } else {
     95                     noff = pptr() - pbase();
     96                 }
     97                 break;
     98             case std::ios_base::end:
     99                 noff = end;
    100                 break;
    101             default:
    102                 return pos_type(-1);
    103         }
    104         noff += off;
    105         if (noff < 0 ||  noff > end) {
    106             return pos_type(-1);
    107         }
    109         if (noff != 0 && ((in && gptr() == nullptr) || (out && pptr() == nullptr))) {
    110             return pos_type(-1);
    111         }
    113         if (in) {
    114             setg(eback(), eback() + noff, egptr());
    115         }
    117         if (out) {
    118             setp(pbase(), epptr());
    119             pbump(noff);
    120         }
    122         return pos_type(noff);
    123     }
    124 private:
    125     // read only buffer init
    126     void init(const CharT *base, size_t size) {
    127         setg((char*)base, (char*)base, (char*)(base + size));
    128     }
    130     // read write buffer init
    131     void init(CharT *base, size_t size) {
    132         setg((char*)base, (char*)base, (char*)(base + size));
    133         setp((char*)base, (char*)(base + size));
    134     }
    135 };
    137 // dump binary values
    138 template <class ForwardIterator>
    139 void hexdumpToStream(std::ostream &os, const ForwardIterator &first, const ForwardIterator &last) {
    140     static_assert(
    141             std::is_convertible<
    142                 typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::iterator_category,
    143                 std::forward_iterator_tag>::value
    144             && std::is_convertible<
    145                 typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type,
    146                 unsigned char>::value
    147             && sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type)
    148                 == sizeof(unsigned char),
    149             "Only accepts forward iterator of a type of size 1 "
    150                 "that can be convert to unsigned char.\n");
    151     size_t c = 0;
    152     std::ostringstream ss;
    153     for (ForwardIterator i = first; i != last; ++i, ++c) {
    154         unsigned char v = *i;
    155         // formatting
    156         switch (c & 0xf) {
    157             case 0:
    158                 // address
    159                 os << ss.str() << LOG_ENDL;
    160                 ss.str("");
    161                 ss << std::hex;
    162                 ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << c << ": ";
    163                 break;
    164             case 8:
    165                 // space
    166                 ss << " ";
    167                 break;
    168         }
    169         ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2)
    170            << static_cast<unsigned>(static_cast<unsigned char>(v)) << " ";
    171     }
    172     os << ss.str() << LOG_ENDL;
    173 }
    174 } //namespace HidUtil
    176 #endif // HIDUTIL_STREAM_IO_UTIL_H_