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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License
     15  */
     17 package com.android.dialer.notification;
     19 import android.annotation.TargetApi;
     20 import android.app.NotificationChannel;
     21 import android.app.NotificationManager;
     22 import android.content.Context;
     23 import android.media.AudioAttributes;
     24 import android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES;
     25 import android.support.annotation.NonNull;
     26 import android.support.annotation.Nullable;
     27 import android.support.v4.os.BuildCompat;
     28 import android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle;
     29 import android.util.ArraySet;
     30 import com.android.dialer.common.Assert;
     31 import com.android.dialer.common.LogUtil;
     32 import java.util.Set;
     34 /** Creates all notification channels for Dialer. */
     35 @TargetApi(VERSION_CODES.O)
     36 public final class NotificationChannelManager {
     38   /**
     39    * Creates all the notification channels Dialer will need. This method is called at app startup
     40    * and must be fast. Currently it takes between 3 to 7 milliseconds on a Pixel XL.
     41    *
     42    * <p>An alternative approach would be to lazily create channels when we actualy post a
     43    * notification. The advatange to precreating channels is that:
     44    *
     45    * <ul>
     46    *   <li>channels will be available to user right away. For example, users can customize voicemail
     47    *       sounds when they first get their device without waiting for a voicemail to arrive first.
     48    *   <li>code that posts a notification can be simpler
     49    *   <li>channel management code is simpler and it's easier to ensure that the correct set of
     50    *       channels are visible.
     51    *       <ul>
     52    */
     53   public static void initChannels(@NonNull Context context) {
     54     Assert.checkArgument(BuildCompat.isAtLeastO());
     55     Assert.isNotNull(context);
     57     NotificationManager notificationManager = context.getSystemService(NotificationManager.class);
     58     Set<String> desiredChannelIds = getAllDesiredChannelIds(context);
     59     Set<String> existingChannelIds = getAllExistingChannelIds(context);
     61     if (desiredChannelIds.equals(existingChannelIds)) {
     62       return;
     63     }
     64     LogUtil.i(
     65         "NotificationChannelManager.initChannels",
     66         "doing an expensive initialization of all notification channels");
     67     LogUtil.i(
     68         "NotificationChannelManager.initChannels", "desired channel IDs: " + desiredChannelIds);
     69     LogUtil.i(
     70         "NotificationChannelManager.initChannels", "existing channel IDs: " + existingChannelIds);
     72     // Delete any old channels that we don't use any more. This is safe because if we're recreate
     73     // this later then any user settings will be restored. An example is SIM specific voicemail
     74     // channel that gets deleted when the user removes the SIM and is then restored when the user
     75     // re-inserts the SIM.
     76     for (String existingChannelId : existingChannelIds) {
     77       if (!desiredChannelIds.contains(existingChannelId)) {
     78         notificationManager.deleteNotificationChannel(existingChannelId);
     79       }
     80     }
     82     // Just recreate all desired channels. We won't do this often so it's ok to do this now.
     83     createIncomingCallChannel(context);
     84     createOngoingCallChannel(context);
     85     createMissedCallChannel(context);
     86     createDefaultChannel(context);
     87     VoicemailChannelUtils.createAllChannels(context);
     88   }
     90   @NonNull
     91   public static String getVoicemailChannelId(
     92       @NonNull Context context, @Nullable PhoneAccountHandle handle) {
     93     Assert.checkArgument(BuildCompat.isAtLeastO());
     94     Assert.isNotNull(context);
     95     return VoicemailChannelUtils.getChannelId(context, handle);
     96   }
     98   private static Set<String> getAllExistingChannelIds(@NonNull Context context) {
     99     Set<String> result = new ArraySet<>();
    100     NotificationManager notificationManager = context.getSystemService(NotificationManager.class);
    101     for (NotificationChannel channel : notificationManager.getNotificationChannels()) {
    102       result.add(channel.getId());
    103     }
    104     return result;
    105   }
    107   private static Set<String> getAllDesiredChannelIds(@NonNull Context context) {
    108     Set<String> result = new ArraySet<>();
    109     result.add(NotificationChannelId.INCOMING_CALL);
    110     result.add(NotificationChannelId.ONGOING_CALL);
    111     result.add(NotificationChannelId.MISSED_CALL);
    112     result.add(NotificationChannelId.DEFAULT);
    113     result.addAll(VoicemailChannelUtils.getAllChannelIds(context));
    114     return result;
    115   }
    117   private static void createIncomingCallChannel(@NonNull Context context) {
    118     NotificationChannel channel =
    119         new NotificationChannel(
    120             NotificationChannelId.INCOMING_CALL,
    121             context.getText(R.string.notification_channel_incoming_call),
    122             NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_MAX);
    123     channel.setShowBadge(false);
    124     channel.enableLights(true);
    125     channel.enableVibration(false);
    126     channel.setSound(
    127         null, new AudioAttributes.Builder().setUsage(AudioAttributes.USAGE_NOTIFICATION).build());
    128     context.getSystemService(NotificationManager.class).createNotificationChannel(channel);
    129   }
    131   private static void createOngoingCallChannel(@NonNull Context context) {
    132     NotificationChannel channel =
    133         new NotificationChannel(
    134             NotificationChannelId.ONGOING_CALL,
    135             context.getText(R.string.notification_channel_ongoing_call),
    136             NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT);
    137     channel.setShowBadge(false);
    138     channel.enableLights(false);
    139     channel.enableVibration(false);
    140     channel.setSound(
    141         null, new AudioAttributes.Builder().setUsage(AudioAttributes.USAGE_NOTIFICATION).build());
    142     context.getSystemService(NotificationManager.class).createNotificationChannel(channel);
    143   }
    145   private static void createMissedCallChannel(@NonNull Context context) {
    146     NotificationChannel channel =
    147         new NotificationChannel(
    148             NotificationChannelId.MISSED_CALL,
    149             context.getText(R.string.notification_channel_missed_call),
    150             NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT);
    151     channel.setShowBadge(true);
    152     channel.enableLights(true);
    153     channel.enableVibration(true);
    154     channel.setSound(
    155         null, new AudioAttributes.Builder().setUsage(AudioAttributes.USAGE_NOTIFICATION).build());
    156     context.getSystemService(NotificationManager.class).createNotificationChannel(channel);
    157   }
    159   private static void createDefaultChannel(@NonNull Context context) {
    160     NotificationChannel channel =
    161         new NotificationChannel(
    162             NotificationChannelId.DEFAULT,
    163             context.getText(R.string.notification_channel_misc),
    164             NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT);
    165     channel.setShowBadge(false);
    166     channel.enableLights(true);
    167     channel.enableVibration(true);
    168     context.getSystemService(NotificationManager.class).createNotificationChannel(channel);
    169   }
    171   private NotificationChannelManager() {}
    172 }