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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 /* $Id: db_metrics.h,v 1.3 2011/06/17 14:03:31 mbansal Exp $ */
     19 #ifndef DB_METRICS
     20 #define DB_METRICS
     24 /*****************************************************************
     25 *    Lean and mean begins here                                   *
     26 *****************************************************************/
     28 #include "db_utilities.h"
     29 /*!
     30  * \defgroup LMMetrics (LM) Metrics
     31  */
     32 /*\{*/
     37 /*!
     38 Compute function value fp and Jacobian J of robustifier given input value f*/
     39 inline void db_CauchyDerivative(double J[4],double fp[2],const double f[2],double one_over_scale2)
     40 {
     41     double x2,y2,r,r2,r2s,one_over_r2,fu,r_fu,one_over_r_fu;
     42     double one_plus_r2s,half_dfu_dx,half_dfu_dy,coeff,coeff2,coeff3;
     43     int at_zero;
     45     /*The robustifier takes the input (x,y) and makes a new
     46     vector (xp,yp) where
     47     xp=sqrt(log(1+(x^2+y^2)*one_over_scale2))*x/sqrt(x^2+y^2)
     48     yp=sqrt(log(1+(x^2+y^2)*one_over_scale2))*y/sqrt(x^2+y^2)
     49     The new vector has the property
     50     xp^2+yp^2=log(1+(x^2+y^2)*one_over_scale2)
     51     i.e. when it is square-summed it gives the robust
     52     reprojection error
     53     Define
     54     r2=(x^2+y^2) and
     55     r2s=r2*one_over_scale2
     56     fu=log(1+r2s)/r2
     57     then
     58     xp=sqrt(fu)*x
     59     yp=sqrt(fu)*y
     60     and
     61     d(r2)/dx=2x
     62     d(r2)/dy=2y
     63     and
     64     dfu/dx=d(r2)/dx*(r2s/(1+r2s)-log(1+r2s))/(r2*r2)
     65     dfu/dy=d(r2)/dy*(r2s/(1+r2s)-log(1+r2s))/(r2*r2)
     66     and
     67     d(xp)/dx=1/(2sqrt(fu))*(dfu/dx)*x+sqrt(fu)
     68     d(xp)/dy=1/(2sqrt(fu))*(dfu/dy)*x
     69     d(yp)/dx=1/(2sqrt(fu))*(dfu/dx)*y
     70     d(yp)/dy=1/(2sqrt(fu))*(dfu/dy)*y+sqrt(fu)
     71     */
     73     x2=db_sqr(f[0]);
     74     y2=db_sqr(f[1]);
     75     r2=x2+y2;
     76     r=sqrt(r2);
     78     if(r2<=0.0) at_zero=1;
     79     else
     80     {
     81         one_over_r2=1.0/r2;
     82         r2s=r2*one_over_scale2;
     83         one_plus_r2s=1.0+r2s;
     84         fu=log(one_plus_r2s)*one_over_r2;
     85         r_fu=sqrt(fu);
     86         if(r_fu<=0.0) at_zero=1;
     87         else
     88         {
     89             one_over_r_fu=1.0/r_fu;
     90             fp[0]=r_fu*f[0];
     91             fp[1]=r_fu*f[1];
     92             /*r2s is always >= 0*/
     93             coeff=(r2s/one_plus_r2s*one_over_r2-fu)*one_over_r2;
     94             half_dfu_dx=f[0]*coeff;
     95             half_dfu_dy=f[1]*coeff;
     96             coeff2=one_over_r_fu*half_dfu_dx;
     97             coeff3=one_over_r_fu*half_dfu_dy;
     99             J[0]=coeff2*f[0]+r_fu;
    100             J[1]=coeff3*f[0];
    101             J[2]=coeff2*f[1];
    102             J[3]=coeff3*f[1]+r_fu;
    103             at_zero=0;
    104         }
    105     }
    106     if(at_zero)
    107     {
    108         /*Close to zero the robustifying mapping
    109         becomes identity*sqrt(one_over_scale2)*/
    110         fp[0]=0.0;
    111         fp[1]=0.0;
    112         J[0]=sqrt(one_over_scale2);
    113         J[1]=0.0;
    114         J[2]=0.0;
    115         J[3]=J[0];
    116     }
    117 }
    119 inline double db_SquaredReprojectionErrorHomography(const double y[2],const double H[9],const double x[3])
    120 {
    121     double x0,x1,x2,mult;
    122     double sd;
    124     x0=H[0]*x[0]+H[1]*x[1]+H[2]*x[2];
    125     x1=H[3]*x[0]+H[4]*x[1]+H[5]*x[2];
    126     x2=H[6]*x[0]+H[7]*x[1]+H[8]*x[2];
    127     mult=1.0/((x2!=0.0)?x2:1.0);
    128     sd=db_sqr((y[0]-x0*mult))+db_sqr((y[1]-x1*mult));
    130     return(sd);
    131 }
    133 inline double db_SquaredInhomogenousHomographyError(const double y[2],const double H[9],const double x[2])
    134 {
    135     double x0,x1,x2,mult;
    136     double sd;
    138     x0=H[0]*x[0]+H[1]*x[1]+H[2];
    139     x1=H[3]*x[0]+H[4]*x[1]+H[5];
    140     x2=H[6]*x[0]+H[7]*x[1]+H[8];
    141     mult=1.0/((x2!=0.0)?x2:1.0);
    142     sd=db_sqr((y[0]-x0*mult))+db_sqr((y[1]-x1*mult));
    144     return(sd);
    145 }
    147 /*!
    148 Return a constant divided by likelihood of a Cauchy distributed
    149 reprojection error given the image point y, homography H, image point
    150 point x and the squared scale coefficient one_over_scale2=1.0/(scale*scale)
    151 where scale is the half width at half maximum (hWahM) of the
    152 Cauchy distribution*/
    153 inline double db_ExpCauchyInhomogenousHomographyError(const double y[2],const double H[9],const double x[2],
    154                                                       double one_over_scale2)
    155 {
    156     double sd;
    157     sd=db_SquaredInhomogenousHomographyError(y,H,x);
    158     return(1.0+sd*one_over_scale2);
    159 }
    161 /*!
    162 Compute residual vector f between image point y and homography Hx of
    163 image point x. Also compute Jacobian of f with respect
    164 to an update dx of H*/
    165 inline void db_DerivativeInhomHomographyError(double Jf_dx[18],double f[2],const double y[2],const double H[9],
    166                                               const double x[2])
    167 {
    168     double xh,yh,zh,mult,mult2,xh_mult2,yh_mult2;
    169     /*The Jacobian of the inhomogenous coordinates with respect to
    170     the homogenous is
    171     [1/zh  0  -xh/(zh*zh)]
    172     [ 0  1/zh -yh/(zh*zh)]
    173     The Jacobian of the homogenous coordinates with respect to dH is
    174     [x0 x1 1  0  0 0  0  0 0]
    175     [ 0  0 0 x0 x1 1  0  0 0]
    176     [ 0  0 0  0  0 0 x0 x1 1]
    177     The output Jacobian is minus their product, i.e.
    178     [-x0/zh -x1/zh -1/zh    0      0     0    x0*xh/(zh*zh) x1*xh/(zh*zh) xh/(zh*zh)]
    179     [   0      0     0   -x0/zh -x1/zh -1/zh  x0*yh/(zh*zh) x1*yh/(zh*zh) yh/(zh*zh)]*/
    181     /*Compute warped point, which is the same as
    182     homogenous coordinates of reprojection*/
    183     xh=H[0]*x[0]+H[1]*x[1]+H[2];
    184     yh=H[3]*x[0]+H[4]*x[1]+H[5];
    185     zh=H[6]*x[0]+H[7]*x[1]+H[8];
    186     mult=1.0/((zh!=0.0)?zh:1.0);
    187     /*Compute inhomogenous residual*/
    188     f[0]=y[0]-xh*mult;
    189     f[1]=y[1]-yh*mult;
    190     /*Compute Jacobian*/
    191     mult2=mult*mult;
    192     xh_mult2=xh*mult2;
    193     yh_mult2=yh*mult2;
    194     Jf_dx[0]= -x[0]*mult;
    195     Jf_dx[1]= -x[1]*mult;
    196     Jf_dx[2]= -mult;
    197     Jf_dx[3]=0;
    198     Jf_dx[4]=0;
    199     Jf_dx[5]=0;
    200     Jf_dx[6]=x[0]*xh_mult2;
    201     Jf_dx[7]=x[1]*xh_mult2;
    202     Jf_dx[8]=xh_mult2;
    203     Jf_dx[9]=0;
    204     Jf_dx[10]=0;
    205     Jf_dx[11]=0;
    206     Jf_dx[12]=Jf_dx[0];
    207     Jf_dx[13]=Jf_dx[1];
    208     Jf_dx[14]=Jf_dx[2];
    209     Jf_dx[15]=x[0]*yh_mult2;
    210     Jf_dx[16]=x[1]*yh_mult2;
    211     Jf_dx[17]=yh_mult2;
    212 }
    214 /*!
    215 Compute robust residual vector f between image point y and homography Hx of
    216 image point x. Also compute Jacobian of f with respect
    217 to an update dH of H*/
    218 inline void db_DerivativeCauchyInhomHomographyReprojection(double Jf_dx[18],double f[2],const double y[2],const double H[9],
    219                                                            const double x[2],double one_over_scale2)
    220 {
    221     double Jf_dx_loc[18],f_loc[2];
    222     double J[4],J0,J1,J2,J3;
    224     /*Compute reprojection Jacobian*/
    225     db_DerivativeInhomHomographyError(Jf_dx_loc,f_loc,y,H,x);
    226     /*Compute robustifier Jacobian*/
    227     db_CauchyDerivative(J,f,f_loc,one_over_scale2);
    229     /*Multiply the robustifier Jacobian with
    230     the reprojection Jacobian*/
    231     J0=J[0];J1=J[1];J2=J[2];J3=J[3];
    232     Jf_dx[0]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[0];
    233     Jf_dx[1]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[1];
    234     Jf_dx[2]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[2];
    235     Jf_dx[3]=                J1*Jf_dx_loc[12];
    236     Jf_dx[4]=                J1*Jf_dx_loc[13];
    237     Jf_dx[5]=                J1*Jf_dx_loc[14];
    238     Jf_dx[6]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[6]+J1*Jf_dx_loc[15];
    239     Jf_dx[7]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[7]+J1*Jf_dx_loc[16];
    240     Jf_dx[8]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[8]+J1*Jf_dx_loc[17];
    241     Jf_dx[9]= J2*Jf_dx_loc[0];
    242     Jf_dx[10]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[1];
    243     Jf_dx[11]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[2];
    244     Jf_dx[12]=                J3*Jf_dx_loc[12];
    245     Jf_dx[13]=                J3*Jf_dx_loc[13];
    246     Jf_dx[14]=                J3*Jf_dx_loc[14];
    247     Jf_dx[15]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[6]+J3*Jf_dx_loc[15];
    248     Jf_dx[16]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[7]+J3*Jf_dx_loc[16];
    249     Jf_dx[17]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[8]+J3*Jf_dx_loc[17];
    250 }
    251 /*!
    252 Compute residual vector f between image point y and rotation of
    253 image point x by R. Also compute Jacobian of f with respect
    254 to an update dx of R*/
    255 inline void db_DerivativeInhomRotationReprojection(double Jf_dx[6],double f[2],const double y[2],const double R[9],
    256                                                    const double x[2])
    257 {
    258     double xh,yh,zh,mult,mult2,xh_mult2,yh_mult2;
    259     /*The Jacobian of the inhomogenous coordinates with respect to
    260     the homogenous is
    261     [1/zh  0  -xh/(zh*zh)]
    262     [ 0  1/zh -yh/(zh*zh)]
    263     The Jacobian at zero of the homogenous coordinates with respect to
    264     [sin(phi) sin(ohm) sin(kap)] is
    265     [-rx2   0   rx1 ]
    266     [  0   rx2 -rx0 ]
    267     [ rx0 -rx1   0  ]
    268     The output Jacobian is minus their product, i.e.
    269     [1+xh*xh/(zh*zh) -xh*yh/(zh*zh)   -yh/zh]
    270     [xh*yh/(zh*zh)   -1-yh*yh/(zh*zh)  xh/zh]*/
    272     /*Compute rotated point, which is the same as
    273     homogenous coordinates of reprojection*/
    274     xh=R[0]*x[0]+R[1]*x[1]+R[2];
    275     yh=R[3]*x[0]+R[4]*x[1]+R[5];
    276     zh=R[6]*x[0]+R[7]*x[1]+R[8];
    277     mult=1.0/((zh!=0.0)?zh:1.0);
    278     /*Compute inhomogenous residual*/
    279     f[0]=y[0]-xh*mult;
    280     f[1]=y[1]-yh*mult;
    281     /*Compute Jacobian*/
    282     mult2=mult*mult;
    283     xh_mult2=xh*mult2;
    284     yh_mult2=yh*mult2;
    285     Jf_dx[0]= 1.0+xh*xh_mult2;
    286     Jf_dx[1]= -yh*xh_mult2;
    287     Jf_dx[2]= -yh*mult;
    288     Jf_dx[3]= -Jf_dx[1];
    289     Jf_dx[4]= -1-yh*yh_mult2;
    290     Jf_dx[5]= xh*mult;
    291 }
    293 /*!
    294 Compute robust residual vector f between image point y and rotation of
    295 image point x by R. Also compute Jacobian of f with respect
    296 to an update dx of R*/
    297 inline void db_DerivativeCauchyInhomRotationReprojection(double Jf_dx[6],double f[2],const double y[2],const double R[9],
    298                                                          const double x[2],double one_over_scale2)
    299 {
    300     double Jf_dx_loc[6],f_loc[2];
    301     double J[4],J0,J1,J2,J3;
    303     /*Compute reprojection Jacobian*/
    304     db_DerivativeInhomRotationReprojection(Jf_dx_loc,f_loc,y,R,x);
    305     /*Compute robustifier Jacobian*/
    306     db_CauchyDerivative(J,f,f_loc,one_over_scale2);
    308     /*Multiply the robustifier Jacobian with
    309     the reprojection Jacobian*/
    310     J0=J[0];J1=J[1];J2=J[2];J3=J[3];
    311     Jf_dx[0]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[0]+J1*Jf_dx_loc[3];
    312     Jf_dx[1]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[1]+J1*Jf_dx_loc[4];
    313     Jf_dx[2]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[2]+J1*Jf_dx_loc[5];
    314     Jf_dx[3]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[0]+J3*Jf_dx_loc[3];
    315     Jf_dx[4]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[1]+J3*Jf_dx_loc[4];
    316     Jf_dx[5]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[2]+J3*Jf_dx_loc[5];
    317 }
    321 /*!
    322 // remove the outliers whose projection error is larger than pre-defined
    323 */
    324 inline int db_RemoveOutliers_Homography(const double H[9], double *x_i,double *xp_i, double *wp,double *im, double *im_p, double *im_r, double *im_raw,double *im_raw_p,int point_count,double scale, double thresh=DB_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD)
    325 {
    326     double temp_valueE, t2;
    327     int c;
    328     int k1=0;
    329     int k2=0;
    330     int k3=0;
    331     int numinliers=0;
    332     int ind1;
    333     int ind2;
    334     int ind3;
    335     int isinlier;
    337     // experimentally determined
    338     t2=1.0/(thresh*thresh*thresh*thresh);
    340     // count the inliers
    341     for(c=0;c<point_count;c++)
    342     {
    343         ind1=c<<1;
    344         ind2=c<<2;
    345         ind3=3*c;
    347         temp_valueE=db_SquaredInhomogenousHomographyError(im_p+ind3,H,im+ind3);
    349         isinlier=((temp_valueE<=t2)?1:0);
    351         // if it is inlier, then copy the 3d and 2d correspondences
    352         if (isinlier)
    353         {
    354             numinliers++;
    356             x_i[k1]=x_i[ind1];
    357             x_i[k1+1]=x_i[ind1+1];
    359             xp_i[k1]=xp_i[ind1];
    360             xp_i[k1+1]=xp_i[ind1+1];
    362             k1=k1+2;
    364             // original normalized pixel coordinates
    365             im[k3]=im[ind3];
    366             im[k3+1]=im[ind3+1];
    367             im[k3+2]=im[ind3+2];
    369             im_r[k3]=im_r[ind3];
    370             im_r[k3+1]=im_r[ind3+1];
    371             im_r[k3+2]=im_r[ind3+2];
    373             im_p[k3]=im_p[ind3];
    374             im_p[k3+1]=im_p[ind3+1];
    375             im_p[k3+2]=im_p[ind3+2];
    377             // left and right raw pixel coordinates
    378             im_raw[k3] = im_raw[ind3];
    379             im_raw[k3+1] = im_raw[ind3+1];
    380             im_raw[k3+2] = im_raw[ind3+2]; // the index
    382             im_raw_p[k3] = im_raw_p[ind3];
    383             im_raw_p[k3+1] = im_raw_p[ind3+1];
    384             im_raw_p[k3+2] = im_raw_p[ind3+2]; // the index
    386             k3=k3+3;
    388             // 3D coordinates
    389             wp[k2]=wp[ind2];
    390             wp[k2+1]=wp[ind2+1];
    391             wp[k2+2]=wp[ind2+2];
    392             wp[k2+3]=wp[ind2+3];
    394             k2=k2+4;
    396         }
    397     }
    399     return numinliers;
    400 }
    406 /*\}*/
    408 #endif /* DB_METRICS */