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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.messaging.ui.appsettings;
     19 import android.app.FragmentTransaction;
     20 import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
     21 import android.content.Intent;
     22 import android.content.SharedPreferences;
     23 import android.content.SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;
     24 import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
     25 import android.os.Bundle;
     26 import android.preference.Preference;
     27 import android.preference.Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener;
     28 import android.preference.PreferenceCategory;
     29 import android.preference.PreferenceFragment;
     30 import android.preference.PreferenceScreen;
     31 import android.support.v4.app.NavUtils;
     32 import android.text.TextUtils;
     33 import android.view.MenuItem;
     35 import com.android.messaging.Factory;
     36 import com.android.messaging.R;
     37 import com.android.messaging.datamodel.ParticipantRefresh;
     38 import com.android.messaging.datamodel.data.ParticipantData;
     39 import com.android.messaging.sms.ApnDatabase;
     40 import com.android.messaging.sms.MmsConfig;
     41 import com.android.messaging.sms.MmsUtils;
     42 import com.android.messaging.ui.BugleActionBarActivity;
     43 import com.android.messaging.ui.UIIntents;
     44 import com.android.messaging.util.Assert;
     45 import com.android.messaging.util.BuglePrefs;
     46 import com.android.messaging.util.LogUtil;
     47 import com.android.messaging.util.PhoneUtils;
     49 public class PerSubscriptionSettingsActivity extends BugleActionBarActivity {
     50     @Override
     51     protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     52         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
     54         getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);
     55         final String title = getIntent().getStringExtra(
     57         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) {
     58             getSupportActionBar().setTitle(title);
     59         } else {
     60             // This will fall back to the default title, i.e. "Messaging settings," so No-op.
     61         }
     63         final FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
     64         final PerSubscriptionSettingsFragment fragment = new PerSubscriptionSettingsFragment();
     65         ft.replace(android.R.id.content, fragment);
     66         ft.commit();
     67     }
     69     @Override
     70     public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(final MenuItem item) {
     71         switch (item.getItemId()) {
     72         case android.R.id.home:
     73             NavUtils.navigateUpFromSameTask(this);
     74             return true;
     75         }
     76         return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
     77     }
     79     public static class PerSubscriptionSettingsFragment extends PreferenceFragment
     80             implements OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener {
     81         private PhoneNumberPreference mPhoneNumberPreference;
     82         private Preference mGroupMmsPreference;
     83         private String mGroupMmsPrefKey;
     84         private String mPhoneNumberKey;
     85         private int mSubId;
     87         public PerSubscriptionSettingsFragment() {
     88             // Required empty constructor
     89         }
     91         @Override
     92         public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     93             super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
     95             // Get sub id from launch intent
     96             final Intent intent = getActivity().getIntent();
     97             Assert.notNull(intent);
     98             mSubId = (intent != null) ? intent.getIntExtra(UIIntents.UI_INTENT_EXTRA_SUB_ID,
     99                     ParticipantData.DEFAULT_SELF_SUB_ID) : ParticipantData.DEFAULT_SELF_SUB_ID;
    101             final BuglePrefs subPrefs = Factory.get().getSubscriptionPrefs(mSubId);
    102             getPreferenceManager().setSharedPreferencesName(subPrefs.getSharedPreferencesName());
    103             addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.preferences_per_subscription);
    105             mPhoneNumberKey = getString(R.string.mms_phone_number_pref_key);
    106             mPhoneNumberPreference = (PhoneNumberPreference) findPreference(mPhoneNumberKey);
    107             final PreferenceCategory advancedCategory = (PreferenceCategory)
    108                     findPreference(getString(R.string.advanced_category_pref_key));
    109             final PreferenceCategory mmsCategory = (PreferenceCategory)
    110                     findPreference(getString(R.string.mms_messaging_category_pref_key));
    112             mPhoneNumberPreference.setDefaultPhoneNumber(
    113                     PhoneUtils.get(mSubId).getCanonicalForSelf(false/*allowOverride*/), mSubId);
    115             mGroupMmsPrefKey = getString(R.string.group_mms_pref_key);
    116             mGroupMmsPreference = findPreference(mGroupMmsPrefKey);
    117             if (!MmsConfig.get(mSubId).getGroupMmsEnabled()) {
    118                 // Always show group messaging setting even if the SIM has no number
    119                 // If broadcast sms is selected, the SIM number is not needed
    120                 // If group mms is selected, the phone number dialog will popup when message
    121                 // is being sent, making sure we will have a self number for group mms.
    122                 mmsCategory.removePreference(mGroupMmsPreference);
    123             } else {
    124                 mGroupMmsPreference.setOnPreferenceClickListener(new OnPreferenceClickListener() {
    125                     @Override
    126                     public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference pref) {
    127                         GroupMmsSettingDialog.showDialog(getActivity(), mSubId);
    128                         return true;
    129                     }
    130                 });
    131                 updateGroupMmsPrefSummary();
    132             }
    134             if (!MmsConfig.get(mSubId).getSMSDeliveryReportsEnabled()) {
    135                 final Preference deliveryReportsPref = findPreference(
    136                         getString(R.string.delivery_reports_pref_key));
    137                 mmsCategory.removePreference(deliveryReportsPref);
    138             }
    139             final Preference wirelessAlertPref = findPreference(getString(
    140                     R.string.wireless_alerts_key));
    141             if (!isCellBroadcastAppLinkEnabled()) {
    142                 advancedCategory.removePreference(wirelessAlertPref);
    143             } else {
    144                 wirelessAlertPref.setOnPreferenceClickListener(
    145                         new Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener() {
    146                             @Override
    147                             public boolean onPreferenceClick(final Preference preference) {
    148                                 try {
    149                                     startActivity(UIIntents.get().getWirelessAlertsIntent());
    150                                 } catch (final ActivityNotFoundException e) {
    151                                     // Handle so we shouldn't crash if the wireless alerts
    152                                     // implementation is broken.
    153                                     LogUtil.e(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG,
    154                                             "Failed to launch wireless alerts activity", e);
    155                                 }
    156                                 return true;
    157                             }
    158                         });
    159             }
    161             // Access Point Names (APNs)
    162             final Preference apnsPref = findPreference(getString(R.string.sms_apns_key));
    164             if (MmsUtils.useSystemApnTable() && !ApnDatabase.doesDatabaseExist()) {
    165                 // Don't remove the ability to edit the local APN prefs if this device lets us
    166                 // access the system APN, but we can't find the MCC/MNC in the APN table and we
    167                 // created the local APN table in case the MCC/MNC was in there. In other words,
    168                 // if the local APN table exists, let the user edit it.
    169                 advancedCategory.removePreference(apnsPref);
    170             } else {
    171                 final PreferenceScreen apnsScreen = (PreferenceScreen) findPreference(
    172                         getString(R.string.sms_apns_key));
    173                 apnsScreen.setIntent(UIIntents.get()
    174                         .getApnSettingsIntent(getPreferenceScreen().getContext(), mSubId));
    175             }
    177             // We want to disable preferences if we are not the default app, but we do all of the
    178             // above first so that the user sees the correct information on the screen
    179             if (!PhoneUtils.getDefault().isDefaultSmsApp()) {
    180                 mGroupMmsPreference.setEnabled(false);
    181                 final Preference autoRetrieveMmsPreference =
    182                         findPreference(getString(R.string.auto_retrieve_mms_pref_key));
    183                 autoRetrieveMmsPreference.setEnabled(false);
    184                 final Preference deliveryReportsPreference =
    185                         findPreference(getString(R.string.delivery_reports_pref_key));
    186                 deliveryReportsPreference.setEnabled(false);
    187             }
    188         }
    190         private boolean isCellBroadcastAppLinkEnabled() {
    191             if (!MmsConfig.get(mSubId).getShowCellBroadcast()) {
    192                 return false;
    193             }
    194             try {
    195                 final PackageManager pm = getActivity().getPackageManager();
    196                 return pm.getApplicationEnabledSetting(UIIntents.CMAS_COMPONENT)
    197                         != PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED;
    198             } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
    199                 // CMAS app not installed.
    200             }
    201             return false;
    202         }
    204         private void updateGroupMmsPrefSummary() {
    205             final boolean groupMmsEnabled = getPreferenceScreen().getSharedPreferences().getBoolean(
    206                     mGroupMmsPrefKey, getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.group_mms_pref_default));
    207             mGroupMmsPreference.setSummary(groupMmsEnabled ?
    208                     R.string.enable_group_mms : R.string.disable_group_mms);
    209         }
    211         @Override
    212         public void onResume() {
    213             super.onResume();
    214             getPreferenceScreen().getSharedPreferences()
    215                     .registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this);
    216         }
    218         @Override
    219         public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences,
    220                 final String key) {
    221             if (key.equals(mGroupMmsPrefKey)) {
    222                 updateGroupMmsPrefSummary();
    223             } else if (key.equals(mPhoneNumberKey)) {
    224                 // Save the changed phone number in preferences specific to the sub id
    225                 final String newPhoneNumber = mPhoneNumberPreference.getText();
    226                 final BuglePrefs subPrefs = BuglePrefs.getSubscriptionPrefs(mSubId);
    227                 if (TextUtils.isEmpty(newPhoneNumber)) {
    228                     subPrefs.remove(mPhoneNumberKey);
    229                 } else {
    230                     subPrefs.putString(getString(R.string.mms_phone_number_pref_key),
    231                             newPhoneNumber);
    232                 }
    233                 // Update the self participants so the new phone number will be reflected
    234                 // everywhere in the UI.
    235                 ParticipantRefresh.refreshSelfParticipants();
    236             }
    237         }
    239         @Override
    240         public void onPause() {
    241             super.onPause();
    242             getPreferenceScreen().getSharedPreferences()
    243                     .unregisterOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this);
    244         }
    245     }
    246 }