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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.messaging.ui.photoviewer;
     19 import android.Manifest;
     20 import android.app.Activity;
     21 import android.content.Context;
     22 import android.content.Intent;
     23 import android.database.Cursor;
     24 import android.net.Uri;
     25 import android.os.Bundle;
     26 import android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager;
     27 import android.support.v4.content.Loader;
     28 import android.text.TextUtils;
     29 import android.view.Menu;
     30 import android.view.MenuItem;
     31 import android.widget.ShareActionProvider;
     32 import android.widget.Toast;
     34 import com.android.ex.photo.PhotoViewController;
     35 import com.android.ex.photo.adapters.PhotoPagerAdapter;
     36 import com.android.ex.photo.loaders.PhotoBitmapLoaderInterface.BitmapResult;
     37 import com.android.messaging.R;
     38 import com.android.messaging.datamodel.ConversationImagePartsView.PhotoViewQuery;
     39 import com.android.messaging.datamodel.MediaScratchFileProvider;
     40 import com.android.messaging.ui.conversation.ConversationFragment;
     41 import com.android.messaging.util.Dates;
     42 import com.android.messaging.util.LogUtil;
     43 import com.android.messaging.util.OsUtil;
     45 /**
     46  * Customizations for the photoviewer to display conversation images in full screen.
     47  */
     48 public class BuglePhotoViewController extends PhotoViewController {
     49     private ShareActionProvider mShareActionProvider;
     50     private MenuItem mShareItem;
     51     private MenuItem mSaveItem;
     53     public BuglePhotoViewController(final ActivityInterface activity) {
     54         super(activity);
     55     }
     57     @Override
     58     public Loader<BitmapResult> onCreateBitmapLoader(
     59             final int id, final Bundle args, final String uri) {
     60         switch (id) {
     61             case BITMAP_LOADER_AVATAR:
     62             case BITMAP_LOADER_THUMBNAIL:
     63             case BITMAP_LOADER_PHOTO:
     64                 return new BuglePhotoBitmapLoader(getActivity().getContext(), uri);
     65             default:
     66                 LogUtil.e(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG,
     67                         "Photoviewer unable to open bitmap loader with unknown id: " + id);
     68                 return null;
     69         }
     70     }
     72     @Override
     73     public void updateActionBar() {
     74         final Cursor cursor = getCursorAtProperPosition();
     76         if (mSaveItem == null || cursor == null) {
     77             // Load not finished, called from framework code before ready
     78             return;
     79         }
     80         // Show the name as the title
     81         mActionBarTitle = cursor.getString(PhotoViewQuery.INDEX_SENDER_FULL_NAME);
     82         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mActionBarTitle)) {
     83             // If the name is not known, fall back to the phone number
     84             mActionBarTitle = cursor.getString(PhotoViewQuery.INDEX_DISPLAY_DESTINATION);
     85         }
     87         // Show the timestamp as the subtitle
     88         final long receivedTimestamp = cursor.getLong(PhotoViewQuery.INDEX_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP);
     89         mActionBarSubtitle = Dates.getMessageTimeString(receivedTimestamp).toString();
     91         setActionBarTitles(getActivity().getActionBarInterface());
     92         mSaveItem.setVisible(!isTempFile());
     94         updateShareActionProvider();
     95     }
     97     private void updateShareActionProvider() {
     98         final PhotoPagerAdapter adapter = getAdapter();
     99         final Cursor cursor = getCursorAtProperPosition();
    100         if (mShareActionProvider == null || mShareItem == null || adapter == null ||
    101                 cursor == null) {
    102             // Not enough stuff loaded to update the share action
    103             return;
    104         }
    105         final String photoUri = adapter.getPhotoUri(cursor);
    106         if (isTempFile()) {
    107             mShareItem.setVisible(false);
    108             return;
    109         }
    110         final String contentType = adapter.getContentType(cursor);
    112         final Intent shareIntent = new Intent();
    113         shareIntent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
    114         shareIntent.setType(contentType);
    115         shareIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse(photoUri));
    116         mShareActionProvider.setShareIntent(shareIntent);
    117         mShareItem.setVisible(true);
    118     }
    120     /**
    121      * Checks whether the current photo is a temp file.  A temp file can be deleted at any time, so
    122      * we need to disable share and save options because the file may no longer be there.
    123      */
    124     private boolean isTempFile() {
    125         final Cursor cursor = getCursorAtProperPosition();
    126         final Uri photoUri = Uri.parse(getAdapter().getPhotoUri(cursor));
    127         return MediaScratchFileProvider.isMediaScratchSpaceUri(photoUri);
    128     }
    130     @Override
    131     public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(final Menu menu) {
    132         ((Activity) getActivity()).getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.photo_view_menu, menu);
    134         // Get the ShareActionProvider
    135         mShareItem = menu.findItem(R.id.action_share);
    136         mShareActionProvider = (ShareActionProvider) mShareItem.getActionProvider();
    137         updateShareActionProvider();
    139         mSaveItem = menu.findItem(R.id.action_save);
    140         return true;
    141     }
    143     @Override
    144     public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(final Menu menu) {
    145         return !mIsEmpty;
    146     }
    148     @Override
    149     public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(final MenuItem item) {
    150         if (item.getItemId() == R.id.action_save) {
    151             if (OsUtil.hasStoragePermission()) {
    152                 final PhotoPagerAdapter adapter = getAdapter();
    153                 final Cursor cursor = getCursorAtProperPosition();
    154                 if (cursor == null) {
    155                     final Context context = getActivity().getContext();
    156                     final String error = context.getResources().getQuantityString(
    157                             R.plurals.attachment_save_error, 1, 1);
    158                     Toast.makeText(context, error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    159                     return true;
    160                 }
    161                 final String photoUri = adapter.getPhotoUri(cursor);
    162                 new ConversationFragment.SaveAttachmentTask(((Activity) getActivity()),
    163                         Uri.parse(photoUri), adapter.getContentType(cursor)).executeOnThreadPool();
    164             } else {
    165                 ((Activity)getActivity()).requestPermissions(
    166                         new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, 0);
    167             }
    168             return true;
    169         } else {
    170             return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
    171         }
    172     }
    174     @Override
    175     public PhotoPagerAdapter createPhotoPagerAdapter(final Context context,
    176             final FragmentManager fm, final Cursor c, final float maxScale) {
    177         return new BuglePhotoPageAdapter(context, fm, c, maxScale, mDisplayThumbsFullScreen);
    178     }
    179 }