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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "EvsV4lCamera.h"
     18 #include "EvsEnumerator.h"
     19 #include "bufferCopy.h"
     21 #include <ui/GraphicBufferAllocator.h>
     22 #include <ui/GraphicBufferMapper.h>
     25 namespace android {
     26 namespace hardware {
     27 namespace automotive {
     28 namespace evs {
     29 namespace V1_0 {
     30 namespace implementation {
     33 // Arbitrary limit on number of graphics buffers allowed to be allocated
     34 // Safeguards against unreasonable resource consumption and provides a testable limit
     35 static const unsigned MAX_BUFFERS_IN_FLIGHT = 100;
     38 EvsV4lCamera::EvsV4lCamera(const char *deviceName) :
     39         mFramesAllowed(0),
     40         mFramesInUse(0) {
     41     ALOGD("EvsV4lCamera instantiated");
     43     mDescription.cameraId = deviceName;
     45     // Initialize the video device
     46     if (!mVideo.open(deviceName)) {
     47         ALOGE("Failed to open v4l device %s\n", deviceName);
     48     }
     50     // NOTE:  Our current spec says only support NV21 -- can we stick to that with software
     51     // conversion?  Will this work with the hardware texture units?
     52     // TODO:  Settle on the one official format that works on all platforms
     53     // TODO:  Get NV21 working?  It is scrambled somewhere along the way right now.
     54 //    mFormat = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCRCB_420_SP;    // 420SP == NV21
     55 //    mFormat = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888;
     56     mFormat = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCBCR_422_I;
     58     // How we expect to use the gralloc buffers we'll exchange with our client
     59     mUsage  = GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE     |
     60               GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_RARELY |
     61               GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN;
     62 }
     65 EvsV4lCamera::~EvsV4lCamera() {
     66     ALOGD("EvsV4lCamera being destroyed");
     67     shutdown();
     68 }
     71 //
     72 // This gets called if another caller "steals" ownership of the camera
     73 //
     74 void EvsV4lCamera::shutdown()
     75 {
     76     ALOGD("EvsV4lCamera shutdown");
     78     // Make sure our output stream is cleaned up
     79     // (It really should be already)
     80     stopVideoStream();
     82     // Note:  Since stopVideoStream is blocking, no other threads can now be running
     84     // Close our video capture device
     85     mVideo.close();
     87     // Drop all the graphics buffers we've been using
     88     if (mBuffers.size() > 0) {
     89         GraphicBufferAllocator& alloc(GraphicBufferAllocator::get());
     90         for (auto&& rec : mBuffers) {
     91             if (rec.inUse) {
     92                 ALOGW("Error - releasing buffer despite remote ownership");
     93             }
     94             alloc.free(rec.handle);
     95             rec.handle = nullptr;
     96         }
     97         mBuffers.clear();
     98     }
     99 }
    102 // Methods from ::android::hardware::automotive::evs::V1_0::IEvsCamera follow.
    103 Return<void> EvsV4lCamera::getCameraInfo(getCameraInfo_cb _hidl_cb) {
    104     ALOGD("getCameraInfo");
    106     // Send back our self description
    107     _hidl_cb(mDescription);
    108     return Void();
    109 }
    112 Return<EvsResult> EvsV4lCamera::setMaxFramesInFlight(uint32_t bufferCount) {
    113     ALOGD("setMaxFramesInFlight");
    114     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mAccessLock);
    116     // If we've been displaced by another owner of the camera, then we can't do anything else
    117     if (!mVideo.isOpen()) {
    118         ALOGW("ignoring setMaxFramesInFlight call when camera has been lost.");
    119         return EvsResult::OWNERSHIP_LOST;
    120     }
    122     // We cannot function without at least one video buffer to send data
    123     if (bufferCount < 1) {
    124         ALOGE("Ignoring setMaxFramesInFlight with less than one buffer requested");
    125         return EvsResult::INVALID_ARG;
    126     }
    128     // Update our internal state
    129     if (setAvailableFrames_Locked(bufferCount)) {
    130         return EvsResult::OK;
    131     } else {
    132         return EvsResult::BUFFER_NOT_AVAILABLE;
    133     }
    134 }
    137 Return<EvsResult> EvsV4lCamera::startVideoStream(const ::android::sp<IEvsCameraStream>& stream)  {
    138     ALOGD("startVideoStream");
    139     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mAccessLock);
    141     // If we've been displaced by another owner of the camera, then we can't do anything else
    142     if (!mVideo.isOpen()) {
    143         ALOGW("ignoring startVideoStream call when camera has been lost.");
    144         return EvsResult::OWNERSHIP_LOST;
    145     }
    146     if (mStream.get() != nullptr) {
    147         ALOGE("ignoring startVideoStream call when a stream is already running.");
    148         return EvsResult::STREAM_ALREADY_RUNNING;
    149     }
    151     // If the client never indicated otherwise, configure ourselves for a single streaming buffer
    152     if (mFramesAllowed < 1) {
    153         if (!setAvailableFrames_Locked(1)) {
    154             ALOGE("Failed to start stream because we couldn't get a graphics buffer");
    155             return EvsResult::BUFFER_NOT_AVAILABLE;
    156         }
    157     }
    159     // Choose which image transfer function we need
    160     // Map from V4L2 to Android graphic buffer format
    161     const uint32_t videoSrcFormat = mVideo.getV4LFormat();
    162     ALOGI("Configuring to accept %4.4s camera data and convert to %4.4s",
    163           (char*)&videoSrcFormat, (char*)&mFormat);
    165     // TODO:  Simplify this by supporting only ONE fixed output format
    166     switch (mFormat) {
    167     case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCRCB_420_SP:
    168         switch (videoSrcFormat) {
    169         case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21:     mFillBufferFromVideo = fillNV21FromNV21;    break;
    170     //  case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YV12:     mFillBufferFromVideo = fillNV21FromYV12;    break;
    171         case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV:     mFillBufferFromVideo = fillNV21FromYUYV;    break;
    172     //  case V4L2_PIX_FORMAT_NV16:  mFillBufferFromVideo = fillNV21FromNV16;    break;
    173         default:
    174             // TODO:  Are there other V4L2 formats we must support?
    175             ALOGE("Unhandled camera output format %c%c%c%c (0x%8X)\n",
    176                   ((char*)&videoSrcFormat)[0],
    177                   ((char*)&videoSrcFormat)[1],
    178                   ((char*)&videoSrcFormat)[2],
    179                   ((char*)&videoSrcFormat)[3],
    180                   videoSrcFormat);
    181         }
    182         break;
    183     case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888:
    184         switch (videoSrcFormat) {
    185         case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV:     mFillBufferFromVideo = fillRGBAFromYUYV;    break;
    186         default:
    187             // TODO:  Are there other V4L2 formats we must support?
    188             ALOGE("Unhandled camera format %4.4s", (char*)&videoSrcFormat);
    189         }
    190         break;
    191     case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCBCR_422_I:
    192         switch (videoSrcFormat) {
    193         case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV:     mFillBufferFromVideo = fillYUYVFromYUYV;    break;
    194         case V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVY:     mFillBufferFromVideo = fillYUYVFromUYVY;    break;
    195         default:
    196             // TODO:  Are there other V4L2 formats we must support?
    197             ALOGE("Unhandled camera format %4.4s", (char*)&videoSrcFormat);
    198         }
    199         break;
    200     default:
    201         // TODO:  Why have we told ourselves to output something we don't understand!?
    202         ALOGE("Unhandled output format %4.4s", (char*)&mFormat);
    203     }
    206     // Record the user's callback for use when we have a frame ready
    207     mStream = stream;
    209     // Set up the video stream with a callback to our member function forwardFrame()
    210     if (!mVideo.startStream([this](VideoCapture*, imageBuffer* tgt, void* data) {
    211                                 this->forwardFrame(tgt, data);
    212                             })
    213     ) {
    214         mStream = nullptr;  // No need to hold onto this if we failed to start
    215         ALOGE("underlying camera start stream failed");
    216         return EvsResult::UNDERLYING_SERVICE_ERROR;
    217     }
    219     return EvsResult::OK;
    220 }
    223 Return<void> EvsV4lCamera::doneWithFrame(const BufferDesc& buffer)  {
    224     ALOGD("doneWithFrame");
    225     std::lock_guard <std::mutex> lock(mAccessLock);
    227     // If we've been displaced by another owner of the camera, then we can't do anything else
    228     if (!mVideo.isOpen()) {
    229         ALOGW("ignoring doneWithFrame call when camera has been lost.");
    230     } else {
    231         if (buffer.memHandle == nullptr) {
    232             ALOGE("ignoring doneWithFrame called with null handle");
    233         } else if (buffer.bufferId >= mBuffers.size()) {
    234             ALOGE("ignoring doneWithFrame called with invalid bufferId %d (max is %zu)",
    235                   buffer.bufferId, mBuffers.size()-1);
    236         } else if (!mBuffers[buffer.bufferId].inUse) {
    237             ALOGE("ignoring doneWithFrame called on frame %d which is already free",
    238                   buffer.bufferId);
    239         } else {
    240             // Mark the frame as available
    241             mBuffers[buffer.bufferId].inUse = false;
    242             mFramesInUse--;
    244             // If this frame's index is high in the array, try to move it down
    245             // to improve locality after mFramesAllowed has been reduced.
    246             if (buffer.bufferId >= mFramesAllowed) {
    247                 // Find an empty slot lower in the array (which should always exist in this case)
    248                 for (auto&& rec : mBuffers) {
    249                     if (rec.handle == nullptr) {
    250                         rec.handle = mBuffers[buffer.bufferId].handle;
    251                         mBuffers[buffer.bufferId].handle = nullptr;
    252                         break;
    253                     }
    254                 }
    255             }
    256         }
    257     }
    259     return Void();
    260 }
    263 Return<void> EvsV4lCamera::stopVideoStream()  {
    264     ALOGD("stopVideoStream");
    266     // Tell the capture device to stop (and block until it does)
    267     mVideo.stopStream();
    269     if (mStream != nullptr) {
    270         std::unique_lock <std::mutex> lock(mAccessLock);
    272         // Send one last NULL frame to signal the actual end of stream
    273         BufferDesc nullBuff = {};
    274         auto result = mStream->deliverFrame(nullBuff);
    275         if (!result.isOk()) {
    276             ALOGE("Error delivering end of stream marker");
    277         }
    279         // Drop our reference to the client's stream receiver
    280         mStream = nullptr;
    281     }
    283     return Void();
    284 }
    287 Return<int32_t> EvsV4lCamera::getExtendedInfo(uint32_t /*opaqueIdentifier*/)  {
    288     ALOGD("getExtendedInfo");
    289     // Return zero by default as required by the spec
    290     return 0;
    291 }
    294 Return<EvsResult> EvsV4lCamera::setExtendedInfo(uint32_t /*opaqueIdentifier*/,
    295                                                 int32_t /*opaqueValue*/)  {
    296     ALOGD("setExtendedInfo");
    297     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mAccessLock);
    299     // If we've been displaced by another owner of the camera, then we can't do anything else
    300     if (!mVideo.isOpen()) {
    301         ALOGW("ignoring setExtendedInfo call when camera has been lost.");
    302         return EvsResult::OWNERSHIP_LOST;
    303     }
    305     // We don't store any device specific information in this implementation
    306     return EvsResult::INVALID_ARG;
    307 }
    310 bool EvsV4lCamera::setAvailableFrames_Locked(unsigned bufferCount) {
    311     if (bufferCount < 1) {
    312         ALOGE("Ignoring request to set buffer count to zero");
    313         return false;
    314     }
    315     if (bufferCount > MAX_BUFFERS_IN_FLIGHT) {
    316         ALOGE("Rejecting buffer request in excess of internal limit");
    317         return false;
    318     }
    320     // Is an increase required?
    321     if (mFramesAllowed < bufferCount) {
    322         // An increase is required
    323         unsigned needed = bufferCount - mFramesAllowed;
    324         ALOGI("Allocating %d buffers for camera frames", needed);
    326         unsigned added = increaseAvailableFrames_Locked(needed);
    327         if (added != needed) {
    328             // If we didn't add all the frames we needed, then roll back to the previous state
    329             ALOGE("Rolling back to previous frame queue size");
    330             decreaseAvailableFrames_Locked(added);
    331             return false;
    332         }
    333     } else if (mFramesAllowed > bufferCount) {
    334         // A decrease is required
    335         unsigned framesToRelease = mFramesAllowed - bufferCount;
    336         ALOGI("Returning %d camera frame buffers", framesToRelease);
    338         unsigned released = decreaseAvailableFrames_Locked(framesToRelease);
    339         if (released != framesToRelease) {
    340             // This shouldn't happen with a properly behaving client because the client
    341             // should only make this call after returning sufficient outstanding buffers
    342             // to allow a clean resize.
    343             ALOGE("Buffer queue shrink failed -- too many buffers currently in use?");
    344         }
    345     }
    347     return true;
    348 }
    351 unsigned EvsV4lCamera::increaseAvailableFrames_Locked(unsigned numToAdd) {
    352     // Acquire the graphics buffer allocator
    353     GraphicBufferAllocator &alloc(GraphicBufferAllocator::get());
    355     unsigned added = 0;
    358     while (added < numToAdd) {
    359         unsigned pixelsPerLine;
    360         buffer_handle_t memHandle = nullptr;
    361         status_t result = alloc.allocate(mVideo.getWidth(), mVideo.getHeight(),
    362                                          mFormat, 1,
    363                                          mUsage,
    364                                          &memHandle, &pixelsPerLine, 0, "EvsV4lCamera");
    365         if (result != NO_ERROR) {
    366             ALOGE("Error %d allocating %d x %d graphics buffer",
    367                   result,
    368                   mVideo.getWidth(),
    369                   mVideo.getHeight());
    370             break;
    371         }
    372         if (!memHandle) {
    373             ALOGE("We didn't get a buffer handle back from the allocator");
    374             break;
    375         }
    376         if (mStride) {
    377             if (mStride != pixelsPerLine) {
    378                 ALOGE("We did not expect to get buffers with different strides!");
    379             }
    380         } else {
    381             // Gralloc defines stride in terms of pixels per line
    382             mStride = pixelsPerLine;
    383         }
    385         // Find a place to store the new buffer
    386         bool stored = false;
    387         for (auto&& rec : mBuffers) {
    388             if (rec.handle == nullptr) {
    389                 // Use this existing entry
    390                 rec.handle = memHandle;
    391                 rec.inUse = false;
    392                 stored = true;
    393                 break;
    394             }
    395         }
    396         if (!stored) {
    397             // Add a BufferRecord wrapping this handle to our set of available buffers
    398             mBuffers.emplace_back(memHandle);
    399         }
    401         mFramesAllowed++;
    402         added++;
    403     }
    405     return added;
    406 }
    409 unsigned EvsV4lCamera::decreaseAvailableFrames_Locked(unsigned numToRemove) {
    410     // Acquire the graphics buffer allocator
    411     GraphicBufferAllocator &alloc(GraphicBufferAllocator::get());
    413     unsigned removed = 0;
    415     for (auto&& rec : mBuffers) {
    416         // Is this record not in use, but holding a buffer that we can free?
    417         if ((rec.inUse == false) && (rec.handle != nullptr)) {
    418             // Release buffer and update the record so we can recognize it as "empty"
    419             alloc.free(rec.handle);
    420             rec.handle = nullptr;
    422             mFramesAllowed--;
    423             removed++;
    425             if (removed == numToRemove) {
    426                 break;
    427             }
    428         }
    429     }
    431     return removed;
    432 }
    435 // This is the async callback from the video camera that tells us a frame is ready
    436 void EvsV4lCamera::forwardFrame(imageBuffer* /*pV4lBuff*/, void* pData) {
    437     bool readyForFrame = false;
    438     size_t idx = 0;
    440     // Lock scope for updating shared state
    441     {
    442         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mAccessLock);
    444         // Are we allowed to issue another buffer?
    445         if (mFramesInUse >= mFramesAllowed) {
    446             // Can't do anything right now -- skip this frame
    447             ALOGW("Skipped a frame because too many are in flight\n");
    448         } else {
    449             // Identify an available buffer to fill
    450             for (idx = 0; idx < mBuffers.size(); idx++) {
    451                 if (!mBuffers[idx].inUse) {
    452                     if (mBuffers[idx].handle != nullptr) {
    453                         // Found an available record, so stop looking
    454                         break;
    455                     }
    456                 }
    457             }
    458             if (idx >= mBuffers.size()) {
    459                 // This shouldn't happen since we already checked mFramesInUse vs mFramesAllowed
    460                 ALOGE("Failed to find an available buffer slot\n");
    461             } else {
    462                 // We're going to make the frame busy
    463                 mBuffers[idx].inUse = true;
    464                 mFramesInUse++;
    465                 readyForFrame = true;
    466             }
    467         }
    468     }
    470     if (!readyForFrame) {
    471         // We need to return the vide buffer so it can capture a new frame
    472         mVideo.markFrameConsumed();
    473     } else {
    474         // Assemble the buffer description we'll transmit below
    475         BufferDesc buff = {};
    476         buff.width      = mVideo.getWidth();
    477         buff.height     = mVideo.getHeight();
    478         buff.stride     = mStride;
    479         buff.format     = mFormat;
    480         buff.usage      = mUsage;
    481         buff.bufferId   = idx;
    482         buff.memHandle  = mBuffers[idx].handle;
    484         // Lock our output buffer for writing
    485         void *targetPixels = nullptr;
    486         GraphicBufferMapper &mapper = GraphicBufferMapper::get();
    487         mapper.lock(buff.memHandle,
    489                     android::Rect(buff.width, buff.height),
    490                     (void **) &targetPixels);
    492         // If we failed to lock the pixel buffer, we're about to crash, but log it first
    493         if (!targetPixels) {
    494             ALOGE("Camera failed to gain access to image buffer for writing");
    495         }
    497         // Transfer the video image into the output buffer, making any needed
    498         // format conversion along the way
    499         mFillBufferFromVideo(buff, (uint8_t*)targetPixels, pData, mVideo.getStride());
    501         // Unlock the output buffer
    502         mapper.unlock(buff.memHandle);
    505         // Give the video frame back to the underlying device for reuse
    506         // Note that we do this before making the client callback to give the underlying
    507         // camera more time to capture the next frame.
    508         mVideo.markFrameConsumed();
    510         // Issue the (asynchronous) callback to the client -- can't be holding the lock
    511         auto result = mStream->deliverFrame(buff);
    512         if (result.isOk()) {
    513             ALOGD("Delivered %p as id %d", buff.memHandle.getNativeHandle(), buff.bufferId);
    514         } else {
    515             // This can happen if the client dies and is likely unrecoverable.
    516             // To avoid consuming resources generating failing calls, we stop sending
    517             // frames.  Note, however, that the stream remains in the "STREAMING" state
    518             // until cleaned up on the main thread.
    519             ALOGE("Frame delivery call failed in the transport layer.");
    521             // Since we didn't actually deliver it, mark the frame as available
    522             std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mAccessLock);
    523             mBuffers[idx].inUse = false;
    524             mFramesInUse--;
    525         }
    526     }
    527 }
    529 } // namespace implementation
    530 } // namespace V1_0
    531 } // namespace evs
    532 } // namespace automotive
    533 } // namespace hardware
    534 } // namespace android