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      1 //===- IntervalIterator.h - Interval Iterator Declaration -------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This file defines an iterator that enumerates the intervals in a control flow
     11 // graph of some sort.  This iterator is parametric, allowing iterator over the
     12 // following types of graphs:
     13 //
     14 //  1. A Function* object, composed of BasicBlock nodes.
     15 //  2. An IntervalPartition& object, composed of Interval nodes.
     16 //
     17 // This iterator is defined to walk the control flow graph, returning intervals
     18 // in depth first order.  These intervals are completely filled in except for
     19 // the predecessor fields (the successor information is filled in however).
     20 //
     21 // By default, the intervals created by this iterator are deleted after they
     22 // are no longer any use to the iterator.  This behavior can be changed by
     23 // passing a false value into the intervals_begin() function. This causes the
     24 // IOwnMem member to be set, and the intervals to not be deleted.
     25 //
     26 // It is only safe to use this if all of the intervals are deleted by the caller
     27 // and all of the intervals are processed.  However, the user of the iterator is
     28 // not allowed to modify or delete the intervals until after the iterator has
     29 // been used completely.  The IntervalPartition class uses this functionality.
     30 //
     31 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     36 #include "llvm/ADT/GraphTraits.h"
     37 #include "llvm/Analysis/Interval.h"
     38 #include "llvm/Analysis/IntervalPartition.h"
     39 #include "llvm/IR/CFG.h"
     40 #include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
     41 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
     42 #include <algorithm>
     43 #include <cassert>
     44 #include <iterator>
     45 #include <set>
     46 #include <utility>
     47 #include <vector>
     49 namespace llvm {
     51 class BasicBlock;
     53 // getNodeHeader - Given a source graph node and the source graph, return the
     54 // BasicBlock that is the header node.  This is the opposite of
     55 // getSourceGraphNode.
     56 inline BasicBlock *getNodeHeader(BasicBlock *BB) { return BB; }
     57 inline BasicBlock *getNodeHeader(Interval *I) { return I->getHeaderNode(); }
     59 // getSourceGraphNode - Given a BasicBlock and the source graph, return the
     60 // source graph node that corresponds to the BasicBlock.  This is the opposite
     61 // of getNodeHeader.
     62 inline BasicBlock *getSourceGraphNode(Function *, BasicBlock *BB) {
     63   return BB;
     64 }
     65 inline Interval *getSourceGraphNode(IntervalPartition *IP, BasicBlock *BB) {
     66   return IP->getBlockInterval(BB);
     67 }
     69 // addNodeToInterval - This method exists to assist the generic ProcessNode
     70 // with the task of adding a node to the new interval, depending on the
     71 // type of the source node.  In the case of a CFG source graph (BasicBlock
     72 // case), the BasicBlock itself is added to the interval.
     73 inline void addNodeToInterval(Interval *Int, BasicBlock *BB) {
     74   Int->Nodes.push_back(BB);
     75 }
     77 // addNodeToInterval - This method exists to assist the generic ProcessNode
     78 // with the task of adding a node to the new interval, depending on the
     79 // type of the source node.  In the case of a CFG source graph (BasicBlock
     80 // case), the BasicBlock itself is added to the interval.  In the case of
     81 // an IntervalPartition source graph (Interval case), all of the member
     82 // BasicBlocks are added to the interval.
     83 inline void addNodeToInterval(Interval *Int, Interval *I) {
     84   // Add all of the nodes in I as new nodes in Int.
     85   Int->Nodes.insert(Int->Nodes.end(), I->Nodes.begin(), I->Nodes.end());
     86 }
     88 template<class NodeTy, class OrigContainer_t, class GT = GraphTraits<NodeTy *>,
     89          class IGT = GraphTraits<Inverse<NodeTy *>>>
     90 class IntervalIterator {
     91   std::vector<std::pair<Interval *, typename Interval::succ_iterator>> IntStack;
     92   std::set<BasicBlock *> Visited;
     93   OrigContainer_t *OrigContainer;
     94   bool IOwnMem;     // If True, delete intervals when done with them
     95                     // See file header for conditions of use
     97 public:
     98   using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
    100   IntervalIterator() = default; // End iterator, empty stack
    102   IntervalIterator(Function *M, bool OwnMemory) : IOwnMem(OwnMemory) {
    103     OrigContainer = M;
    104     if (!ProcessInterval(&M->front())) {
    105       llvm_unreachable("ProcessInterval should never fail for first interval!");
    106     }
    107   }
    109   IntervalIterator(IntervalIterator &&x)
    110       : IntStack(std::move(x.IntStack)), Visited(std::move(x.Visited)),
    111         OrigContainer(x.OrigContainer), IOwnMem(x.IOwnMem) {
    112     x.IOwnMem = false;
    113   }
    115   IntervalIterator(IntervalPartition &IP, bool OwnMemory) : IOwnMem(OwnMemory) {
    116     OrigContainer = &IP;
    117     if (!ProcessInterval(IP.getRootInterval())) {
    118       llvm_unreachable("ProcessInterval should never fail for first interval!");
    119     }
    120   }
    122   ~IntervalIterator() {
    123     if (IOwnMem)
    124       while (!IntStack.empty()) {
    125         delete operator*();
    126         IntStack.pop_back();
    127       }
    128   }
    130   bool operator==(const IntervalIterator &x) const {
    131     return IntStack == x.IntStack;
    132   }
    133   bool operator!=(const IntervalIterator &x) const { return !(*this == x); }
    135   const Interval *operator*() const { return IntStack.back().first; }
    136   Interval *operator*() { return IntStack.back().first; }
    137   const Interval *operator->() const { return operator*(); }
    138   Interval *operator->() { return operator*(); }
    140   IntervalIterator &operator++() { // Preincrement
    141     assert(!IntStack.empty() && "Attempting to use interval iterator at end!");
    142     do {
    143       // All of the intervals on the stack have been visited.  Try visiting
    144       // their successors now.
    145       Interval::succ_iterator &SuccIt = IntStack.back().second,
    146                                 EndIt = succ_end(IntStack.back().first);
    147       while (SuccIt != EndIt) {                 // Loop over all interval succs
    148         bool Done = ProcessInterval(getSourceGraphNode(OrigContainer, *SuccIt));
    149         ++SuccIt;                               // Increment iterator
    150         if (Done) return *this;                 // Found a new interval! Use it!
    151       }
    153       // Free interval memory... if necessary
    154       if (IOwnMem) delete IntStack.back().first;
    156       // We ran out of successors for this interval... pop off the stack
    157       IntStack.pop_back();
    158     } while (!IntStack.empty());
    160     return *this;
    161   }
    163   IntervalIterator operator++(int) { // Postincrement
    164     IntervalIterator tmp = *this;
    165     ++*this;
    166     return tmp;
    167   }
    169 private:
    170   // ProcessInterval - This method is used during the construction of the
    171   // interval graph.  It walks through the source graph, recursively creating
    172   // an interval per invocation until the entire graph is covered.  This uses
    173   // the ProcessNode method to add all of the nodes to the interval.
    174   //
    175   // This method is templated because it may operate on two different source
    176   // graphs: a basic block graph, or a preexisting interval graph.
    177   bool ProcessInterval(NodeTy *Node) {
    178     BasicBlock *Header = getNodeHeader(Node);
    179     if (!Visited.insert(Header).second)
    180       return false;
    182     Interval *Int = new Interval(Header);
    184     // Check all of our successors to see if they are in the interval...
    185     for (typename GT::ChildIteratorType I = GT::child_begin(Node),
    186            E = GT::child_end(Node); I != E; ++I)
    187       ProcessNode(Int, getSourceGraphNode(OrigContainer, *I));
    189     IntStack.push_back(std::make_pair(Int, succ_begin(Int)));
    190     return true;
    191   }
    193   // ProcessNode - This method is called by ProcessInterval to add nodes to the
    194   // interval being constructed, and it is also called recursively as it walks
    195   // the source graph.  A node is added to the current interval only if all of
    196   // its predecessors are already in the graph.  This also takes care of keeping
    197   // the successor set of an interval up to date.
    198   //
    199   // This method is templated because it may operate on two different source
    200   // graphs: a basic block graph, or a preexisting interval graph.
    201   void ProcessNode(Interval *Int, NodeTy *Node) {
    202     assert(Int && "Null interval == bad!");
    203     assert(Node && "Null Node == bad!");
    205     BasicBlock *NodeHeader = getNodeHeader(Node);
    207     if (Visited.count(NodeHeader)) {     // Node already been visited?
    208       if (Int->contains(NodeHeader)) {   // Already in this interval...
    209         return;
    210       } else {                           // In other interval, add as successor
    211         if (!Int->isSuccessor(NodeHeader)) // Add only if not already in set
    212           Int->Successors.push_back(NodeHeader);
    213       }
    214     } else {                             // Otherwise, not in interval yet
    215       for (typename IGT::ChildIteratorType I = IGT::child_begin(Node),
    216              E = IGT::child_end(Node); I != E; ++I) {
    217         if (!Int->contains(*I)) {        // If pred not in interval, we can't be
    218           if (!Int->isSuccessor(NodeHeader)) // Add only if not already in set
    219             Int->Successors.push_back(NodeHeader);
    220           return;                        // See you later
    221         }
    222       }
    224       // If we get here, then all of the predecessors of BB are in the interval
    225       // already.  In this case, we must add BB to the interval!
    226       addNodeToInterval(Int, Node);
    227       Visited.insert(NodeHeader);     // The node has now been visited!
    229       if (Int->isSuccessor(NodeHeader)) {
    230         // If we were in the successor list from before... remove from succ list
    231         Int->Successors.erase(std::remove(Int->Successors.begin(),
    232                                           Int->Successors.end(), NodeHeader),
    233                               Int->Successors.end());
    234       }
    236       // Now that we have discovered that Node is in the interval, perhaps some
    237       // of its successors are as well?
    238       for (typename GT::ChildIteratorType It = GT::child_begin(Node),
    239              End = GT::child_end(Node); It != End; ++It)
    240         ProcessNode(Int, getSourceGraphNode(OrigContainer, *It));
    241     }
    242   }
    243 };
    245 using function_interval_iterator = IntervalIterator<BasicBlock, Function>;
    246 using interval_part_interval_iterator =
    247     IntervalIterator<Interval, IntervalPartition>;
    249 inline function_interval_iterator intervals_begin(Function *F,
    250                                                   bool DeleteInts = true) {
    251   return function_interval_iterator(F, DeleteInts);
    252 }
    253 inline function_interval_iterator intervals_end(Function *) {
    254   return function_interval_iterator();
    255 }
    257 inline interval_part_interval_iterator
    258    intervals_begin(IntervalPartition &IP, bool DeleteIntervals = true) {
    259   return interval_part_interval_iterator(IP, DeleteIntervals);
    260 }
    262 inline interval_part_interval_iterator intervals_end(IntervalPartition &IP) {
    263   return interval_part_interval_iterator();
    264 }
    266 } // end namespace llvm