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      1 //===--- Types.def - Driver Type info ---------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This file defines the driver type information. Users of this file
     11 // must define the TYPE macro to make use of this information.
     12 //
     13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     15 #ifndef TYPE
     16 #error "Define TYPE prior to including this file!"
     17 #endif
     21 // The first value is the type name as a string; for types which can
     22 // be user specified this should be the equivalent -x option.
     24 // The second value is the type id, which will result in a
     25 // clang::driver::types::TY_XX enum constant.
     27 // The third value is that id of the type for preprocessed inputs of
     28 // this type, or INVALID if this type is not preprocessed.
     30 // The fourth value is the suffix to use when creating temporary files
     31 // of this type, or null if unspecified.
     33 // The fifth value is a string containing option flags. Valid values:
     34 //  a - The type should only be assembled.
     35 //  p - The type should only be precompiled.
     36 //  u - The type can be user specified (with -x).
     37 //  m - Precompiling this type produces a module file.
     38 //  A - The type's temporary suffix should be appended when generating
     39 //      outputs of this type.
     42 // C family source language (with and without preprocessing).
     43 TYPE("cpp-output",               PP_C,         INVALID,         "i",     "u")
     44 TYPE("c",                        C,            PP_C,            "c",     "u")
     45 TYPE("cl",                       CL,           PP_C,            "cl",    "u")
     46 TYPE("cuda-cpp-output",          PP_CUDA,      INVALID,         "cui",   "u")
     47 TYPE("cuda",                     CUDA,         PP_CUDA,         "cu",    "u")
     48 TYPE("cuda",                     CUDA_DEVICE,  PP_CUDA,         "cu",    "")
     49 TYPE("objective-c-cpp-output",   PP_ObjC,      INVALID,         "mi",    "u")
     50 TYPE("objc-cpp-output",          PP_ObjC_Alias, INVALID,        "mi",    "u")
     51 TYPE("objective-c",              ObjC,         PP_ObjC,         "m",     "u")
     52 TYPE("c++-cpp-output",           PP_CXX,       INVALID,         "ii",    "u")
     53 TYPE("c++",                      CXX,          PP_CXX,          "cpp",   "u")
     54 TYPE("objective-c++-cpp-output", PP_ObjCXX,    INVALID,         "mii",   "u")
     55 TYPE("objc++-cpp-output",        PP_ObjCXX_Alias, INVALID,      "mii",   "u")
     56 TYPE("objective-c++",            ObjCXX,       PP_ObjCXX,       "mm",    "u")
     57 TYPE("renderscript",             RenderScript, PP_C,            "rs",    "u")
     59 // C family input files to precompile.
     60 TYPE("c-header-cpp-output",      PP_CHeader,   INVALID,         "i",     "p")
     61 TYPE("c-header",                 CHeader,      PP_CHeader,      "h",     "pu")
     62 TYPE("cl-header",                CLHeader,     PP_CHeader,      "h",     "pu")
     63 TYPE("objective-c-header-cpp-output", PP_ObjCHeader, INVALID,   "mi",    "p")
     64 TYPE("objective-c-header",       ObjCHeader,   PP_ObjCHeader,   "h",     "pu")
     65 TYPE("c++-header-cpp-output",    PP_CXXHeader, INVALID,         "ii",    "p")
     66 TYPE("c++-header",               CXXHeader,    PP_CXXHeader,    "hh",    "pu")
     67 TYPE("objective-c++-header-cpp-output", PP_ObjCXXHeader, INVALID, "mii", "p")
     68 TYPE("objective-c++-header",     ObjCXXHeader, PP_ObjCXXHeader, "h",     "pu")
     69 TYPE("c++-module",               CXXModule,    PP_CXXModule,    "cppm",  "mu")
     70 TYPE("c++-module-cpp-output",    PP_CXXModule, INVALID,         "iim",   "m")
     72 // Other languages.
     73 TYPE("ada",                      Ada,          INVALID,         nullptr, "u")
     74 TYPE("assembler",                PP_Asm,       INVALID,         "s",     "au")
     75 TYPE("assembler-with-cpp",       Asm,          PP_Asm,          "S",     "au")
     76 TYPE("f95",                      PP_Fortran,   INVALID,         nullptr, "u")
     77 TYPE("f95-cpp-input",            Fortran,      PP_Fortran,      nullptr, "u")
     78 TYPE("java",                     Java,         INVALID,         nullptr, "u")
     80 // LLVM IR/LTO types. We define separate types for IR and LTO because LTO
     81 // outputs should use the standard suffixes.
     82 TYPE("ir",                       LLVM_IR,      INVALID,         "ll",    "u")
     83 TYPE("ir",                       LLVM_BC,      INVALID,         "bc",    "u")
     84 TYPE("lto-ir",                   LTO_IR,       INVALID,         "s",     "")
     85 TYPE("lto-bc",                   LTO_BC,       INVALID,         "o",     "")
     87 // Misc.
     88 TYPE("ast",                      AST,          INVALID,         "ast",   "u")
     89 TYPE("pcm",                      ModuleFile,   INVALID,         "pcm",   "u")
     90 TYPE("plist",                    Plist,        INVALID,         "plist", "")
     91 TYPE("rewritten-objc",           RewrittenObjC,INVALID,         "cpp",   "")
     92 TYPE("rewritten-legacy-objc",    RewrittenLegacyObjC,INVALID,   "cpp",   "")
     93 TYPE("remap",                    Remap,        INVALID,         "remap", "")
     94 TYPE("precompiled-header",       PCH,          INVALID,         "gch",   "A")
     95 TYPE("object",                   Object,       INVALID,         "o",     "")
     96 TYPE("treelang",                 Treelang,     INVALID,         nullptr, "u")
     97 TYPE("image",                    Image,        INVALID,         "out",   "")
     98 TYPE("dSYM",                     dSYM,         INVALID,         "dSYM",  "A")
     99 TYPE("dependencies",             Dependencies, INVALID,         "d",     "")
    100 TYPE("cuda-fatbin",              CUDA_FATBIN,  INVALID,         "fatbin","A")
    101 TYPE("none",                     Nothing,      INVALID,         nullptr, "u")