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      1 //===- llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBundleIterator.h ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // Defines an iterator class that bundles MachineInstr.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     17 #include "llvm/ADT/ilist.h"
     18 #include "llvm/ADT/simple_ilist.h"
     19 #include <cassert>
     20 #include <iterator>
     21 #include <type_traits>
     23 namespace llvm {
     25 template <class T, bool IsReverse> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorTraits;
     26 template <class T> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorTraits<T, false> {
     27   using list_type = simple_ilist<T, ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>>;
     28   using instr_iterator = typename list_type::iterator;
     29   using nonconst_instr_iterator = typename list_type::iterator;
     30   using const_instr_iterator = typename list_type::const_iterator;
     31 };
     32 template <class T> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorTraits<T, true> {
     33   using list_type = simple_ilist<T, ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>>;
     34   using instr_iterator = typename list_type::reverse_iterator;
     35   using nonconst_instr_iterator = typename list_type::reverse_iterator;
     36   using const_instr_iterator = typename list_type::const_reverse_iterator;
     37 };
     38 template <class T> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorTraits<const T, false> {
     39   using list_type = simple_ilist<T, ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>>;
     40   using instr_iterator = typename list_type::const_iterator;
     41   using nonconst_instr_iterator = typename list_type::iterator;
     42   using const_instr_iterator = typename list_type::const_iterator;
     43 };
     44 template <class T> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorTraits<const T, true> {
     45   using list_type = simple_ilist<T, ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>>;
     46   using instr_iterator = typename list_type::const_reverse_iterator;
     47   using nonconst_instr_iterator = typename list_type::reverse_iterator;
     48   using const_instr_iterator = typename list_type::const_reverse_iterator;
     49 };
     51 template <bool IsReverse> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper;
     52 template <> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper<false> {
     53   /// Get the beginning of the current bundle.
     54   template <class Iterator> static Iterator getBundleBegin(Iterator I) {
     55     if (!I.isEnd())
     56       while (I->isBundledWithPred())
     57         --I;
     58     return I;
     59   }
     61   /// Get the final node of the current bundle.
     62   template <class Iterator> static Iterator getBundleFinal(Iterator I) {
     63     if (!I.isEnd())
     64       while (I->isBundledWithSucc())
     65         ++I;
     66     return I;
     67   }
     69   /// Increment forward ilist iterator.
     70   template <class Iterator> static void increment(Iterator &I) {
     71     I = std::next(getBundleFinal(I));
     72   }
     74   /// Decrement forward ilist iterator.
     75   template <class Iterator> static void decrement(Iterator &I) {
     76     I = getBundleBegin(std::prev(I));
     77   }
     78 };
     80 template <> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper<true> {
     81   /// Get the beginning of the current bundle.
     82   template <class Iterator> static Iterator getBundleBegin(Iterator I) {
     83     return MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper<false>::getBundleBegin(
     84                I.getReverse())
     85         .getReverse();
     86   }
     88   /// Get the final node of the current bundle.
     89   template <class Iterator> static Iterator getBundleFinal(Iterator I) {
     90     return MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper<false>::getBundleFinal(
     91                I.getReverse())
     92         .getReverse();
     93   }
     95   /// Increment reverse ilist iterator.
     96   template <class Iterator> static void increment(Iterator &I) {
     97     I = getBundleBegin(std::next(I));
     98   }
    100   /// Decrement reverse ilist iterator.
    101   template <class Iterator> static void decrement(Iterator &I) {
    102     I = std::prev(getBundleFinal(I));
    103   }
    104 };
    106 /// MachineBasicBlock iterator that automatically skips over MIs that are
    107 /// inside bundles (i.e. walk top level MIs only).
    108 template <typename Ty, bool IsReverse = false>
    109 class MachineInstrBundleIterator : MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper<IsReverse> {
    110   using Traits = MachineInstrBundleIteratorTraits<Ty, IsReverse>;
    111   using instr_iterator = typename Traits::instr_iterator;
    113   instr_iterator MII;
    115 public:
    116   using value_type = typename instr_iterator::value_type;
    117   using difference_type = typename instr_iterator::difference_type;
    118   using pointer = typename instr_iterator::pointer;
    119   using reference = typename instr_iterator::reference;
    120   using const_pointer = typename instr_iterator::const_pointer;
    121   using const_reference = typename instr_iterator::const_reference;
    122   using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
    124 private:
    125   using nonconst_instr_iterator = typename Traits::nonconst_instr_iterator;
    126   using const_instr_iterator = typename Traits::const_instr_iterator;
    127   using nonconst_iterator =
    128       MachineInstrBundleIterator<typename nonconst_instr_iterator::value_type,
    129                                  IsReverse>;
    130   using reverse_iterator = MachineInstrBundleIterator<Ty, !IsReverse>;
    132 public:
    133   MachineInstrBundleIterator(instr_iterator MI) : MII(MI) {
    134     assert((!MI.getNodePtr() || MI.isEnd() || !MI->isBundledWithPred()) &&
    135            "It's not legal to initialize MachineInstrBundleIterator with a "
    136            "bundled MI");
    137   }
    139   MachineInstrBundleIterator(reference MI) : MII(MI) {
    140     assert(!MI.isBundledWithPred() && "It's not legal to initialize "
    141                                       "MachineInstrBundleIterator with a "
    142                                       "bundled MI");
    143   }
    145   MachineInstrBundleIterator(pointer MI) : MII(MI) {
    146     // FIXME: This conversion should be explicit.
    147     assert((!MI || !MI->isBundledWithPred()) && "It's not legal to initialize "
    148                                                 "MachineInstrBundleIterator "
    149                                                 "with a bundled MI");
    150   }
    152   // Template allows conversion from const to nonconst.
    153   template <class OtherTy>
    154   MachineInstrBundleIterator(
    155       const MachineInstrBundleIterator<OtherTy, IsReverse> &I,
    156       typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<OtherTy *, Ty *>::value,
    157                               void *>::type = nullptr)
    158       : MII(I.getInstrIterator()) {}
    160   MachineInstrBundleIterator() : MII(nullptr) {}
    162   /// Explicit conversion between forward/reverse iterators.
    163   ///
    164   /// Translate between forward and reverse iterators without changing range
    165   /// boundaries.  The resulting iterator will dereference (and have a handle)
    166   /// to the previous node, which is somewhat unexpected; but converting the
    167   /// two endpoints in a range will give the same range in reverse.
    168   ///
    169   /// This matches std::reverse_iterator conversions.
    170   explicit MachineInstrBundleIterator(
    171       const MachineInstrBundleIterator<Ty, !IsReverse> &I)
    172       : MachineInstrBundleIterator(++I.getReverse()) {}
    174   /// Get the bundle iterator for the given instruction's bundle.
    175   static MachineInstrBundleIterator getAtBundleBegin(instr_iterator MI) {
    176     return MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper<IsReverse>::getBundleBegin(MI);
    177   }
    179   reference operator*() const { return *MII; }
    180   pointer operator->() const { return &operator*(); }
    182   /// Check for null.
    183   bool isValid() const { return MII.getNodePtr(); }
    185   friend bool operator==(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
    186                          const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
    187     return L.MII == R.MII;
    188   }
    189   friend bool operator==(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
    190                          const const_instr_iterator &R) {
    191     return L.MII == R; // Avoid assertion about validity of R.
    192   }
    193   friend bool operator==(const const_instr_iterator &L,
    194                          const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
    195     return L == R.MII; // Avoid assertion about validity of L.
    196   }
    197   friend bool operator==(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
    198                          const nonconst_instr_iterator &R) {
    199     return L.MII == R; // Avoid assertion about validity of R.
    200   }
    201   friend bool operator==(const nonconst_instr_iterator &L,
    202                          const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
    203     return L == R.MII; // Avoid assertion about validity of L.
    204   }
    205   friend bool operator==(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L, const_pointer R) {
    206     return L == const_instr_iterator(R); // Avoid assertion about validity of R.
    207   }
    208   friend bool operator==(const_pointer L, const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
    209     return const_instr_iterator(L) == R; // Avoid assertion about validity of L.
    210   }
    211   friend bool operator==(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
    212                          const_reference R) {
    213     return L == &R; // Avoid assertion about validity of R.
    214   }
    215   friend bool operator==(const_reference L,
    216                          const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
    217     return &L == R; // Avoid assertion about validity of L.
    218   }
    220   friend bool operator!=(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
    221                          const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
    222     return !(L == R);
    223   }
    224   friend bool operator!=(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
    225                          const const_instr_iterator &R) {
    226     return !(L == R);
    227   }
    228   friend bool operator!=(const const_instr_iterator &L,
    229                          const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
    230     return !(L == R);
    231   }
    232   friend bool operator!=(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
    233                          const nonconst_instr_iterator &R) {
    234     return !(L == R);
    235   }
    236   friend bool operator!=(const nonconst_instr_iterator &L,
    237                          const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
    238     return !(L == R);
    239   }
    240   friend bool operator!=(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L, const_pointer R) {
    241     return !(L == R);
    242   }
    243   friend bool operator!=(const_pointer L, const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
    244     return !(L == R);
    245   }
    246   friend bool operator!=(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
    247                          const_reference R) {
    248     return !(L == R);
    249   }
    250   friend bool operator!=(const_reference L,
    251                          const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
    252     return !(L == R);
    253   }
    255   // Increment and decrement operators...
    256   MachineInstrBundleIterator &operator--() {
    257     this->decrement(MII);
    258     return *this;
    259   }
    260   MachineInstrBundleIterator &operator++() {
    261     this->increment(MII);
    262     return *this;
    263   }
    264   MachineInstrBundleIterator operator--(int) {
    265     MachineInstrBundleIterator Temp = *this;
    266     --*this;
    267     return Temp;
    268   }
    269   MachineInstrBundleIterator operator++(int) {
    270     MachineInstrBundleIterator Temp = *this;
    271     ++*this;
    272     return Temp;
    273   }
    275   instr_iterator getInstrIterator() const { return MII; }
    277   nonconst_iterator getNonConstIterator() const { return MII.getNonConst(); }
    279   /// Get a reverse iterator to the same node.
    280   ///
    281   /// Gives a reverse iterator that will dereference (and have a handle) to the
    282   /// same node.  Converting the endpoint iterators in a range will give a
    283   /// different range; for range operations, use the explicit conversions.
    284   reverse_iterator getReverse() const { return MII.getReverse(); }
    285 };
    287 } // end namespace llvm