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      1 function(get_system_libs return_var)
      2   message(AUTHOR_WARNING "get_system_libs no longer needed")
      3   set(${return_var} "" PARENT_SCOPE)
      4 endfunction()
      7 function(link_system_libs target)
      8   message(AUTHOR_WARNING "link_system_libs no longer needed")
      9 endfunction()
     11 # is_llvm_target_library(
     12 #   library
     13 #     Name of the LLVM library to check
     14 #   return_var
     15 #     Output variable name
     17 #     ALL_TARGETS - default looks at the full list of known targets
     18 #     INCLUDED_TARGETS - looks only at targets being configured
     19 #     OMITTED_TARGETS - looks only at targets that are not being configured
     20 # )
     21 function(is_llvm_target_library library return_var)
     22   cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "ALL_TARGETS;INCLUDED_TARGETS;OMITTED_TARGETS" "" "" ${ARGN})
     23   # Sets variable `return_var' to ON if `library' corresponds to a
     24   # LLVM supported target. To OFF if it doesn't.
     25   set(${return_var} OFF PARENT_SCOPE)
     26   string(TOUPPER "${library}" capitalized_lib)
     28     string(TOUPPER "${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}" targets)
     29   elseif(ARG_OMITTED_TARGETS)
     30     set(omitted_targets ${LLVM_ALL_TARGETS})
     31     list(REMOVE_ITEM omitted_targets ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD})
     32     string(TOUPPER "${omitted_targets}" targets)
     33   else()
     34     string(TOUPPER "${LLVM_ALL_TARGETS}" targets)
     35   endif()
     36   foreach(t ${targets})
     37     if( capitalized_lib STREQUAL t OR
     38         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}" OR
     39         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}DESC" OR
     40         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}CODEGEN" OR
     41         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}ASMPARSER" OR
     42         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}ASMPRINTER" OR
     43         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}DISASSEMBLER" OR
     44         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}INFO" OR
     45         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}UTILS" )
     46       set(${return_var} ON PARENT_SCOPE)
     47       break()
     48     endif()
     49   endforeach()
     50 endfunction(is_llvm_target_library)
     52 function(is_llvm_target_specifier library return_var)
     53   is_llvm_target_library(${library} ${return_var} ${ARGN})
     54   string(TOUPPER "${library}" capitalized_lib)
     55   if(NOT ${return_var})
     56     if( capitalized_lib STREQUAL "ALLTARGETSASMPARSERS" OR
     57         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "ALLTARGETSDESCS" OR
     58         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "ALLTARGETSDISASSEMBLERS" OR
     59         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "ALLTARGETSINFOS" OR
     60         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "NATIVE" OR
     61         capitalized_lib STREQUAL "NATIVECODEGEN" )
     62       set(${return_var} ON PARENT_SCOPE)
     63     endif()
     64   endif()
     65 endfunction()
     67 macro(llvm_config executable)
     68   cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "USE_SHARED" "" "" ${ARGN})
     69   set(link_components ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS})
     71   if(USE_SHARED)
     72     # If USE_SHARED is specified, then we link against libLLVM,
     73     # but also against the component libraries below. This is
     74     # done in case libLLVM does not contain all of the components
     75     # the target requires.
     76     #
     77     # Strip LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS out of link_components.
     78     # To do this, we need special handling for "all", since that
     79     # may imply linking to libraries that are not included in
     80     # libLLVM.
     82     if (DEFINED link_components AND DEFINED LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS)
     83       if("${LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS}" STREQUAL "all")
     84         set(link_components "")
     85       else()
     86         list(REMOVE_ITEM link_components ${LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS})
     87       endif()
     88     endif()
     90     target_link_libraries(${executable} LLVM)
     91   endif()
     93   explicit_llvm_config(${executable} ${link_components})
     94 endmacro(llvm_config)
     97 function(explicit_llvm_config executable)
     98   set( link_components ${ARGN} )
    100   llvm_map_components_to_libnames(LIBRARIES ${link_components})
    101   get_target_property(t ${executable} TYPE)
    102   if("x${t}" STREQUAL "xSTATIC_LIBRARY")
    103     target_link_libraries(${executable} INTERFACE ${LIBRARIES})
    104   elseif("x${t}" STREQUAL "xSHARED_LIBRARY" OR "x${t}" STREQUAL "xMODULE_LIBRARY")
    105     target_link_libraries(${executable} PRIVATE ${LIBRARIES})
    106   else()
    107     # Use plain form for legacy user.
    108     target_link_libraries(${executable} ${LIBRARIES})
    109   endif()
    110 endfunction(explicit_llvm_config)
    113 # This is Deprecated
    114 function(llvm_map_components_to_libraries OUT_VAR)
    115   message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Using llvm_map_components_to_libraries() is deprecated. Use llvm_map_components_to_libnames() instead")
    116   explicit_map_components_to_libraries(result ${ARGN})
    117   set( ${OUT_VAR} ${result} ${sys_result} PARENT_SCOPE )
    118 endfunction(llvm_map_components_to_libraries)
    120 # This is a variant intended for the final user:
    121 # Map LINK_COMPONENTS to actual libnames.
    122 function(llvm_map_components_to_libnames out_libs)
    123   set( link_components ${ARGN} )
    125     # Inside LLVM itself available libs are in a global property.
    127   endif()
    128   string(TOUPPER "${LLVM_AVAILABLE_LIBS}" capitalized_libs)
    132   # Generally in our build system we avoid order-dependence. Unfortunately since
    133   # not all targets create the same set of libraries we actually need to ensure
    134   # that all build targets associated with a target are added before we can
    135   # process target dependencies.
    137     foreach(c ${link_components})
    138       is_llvm_target_specifier(${c} iltl_result ALL_TARGETS)
    139       if(iltl_result)
    140         message(FATAL_ERROR "Specified target library before target registration is complete.")
    141       endif()
    142     endforeach()
    143   endif()
    145   # Expand some keywords:
    146   list(FIND LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD "${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}" have_native_backend)
    147   list(FIND link_components "engine" engine_required)
    148   if( NOT engine_required EQUAL -1 )
    149     list(FIND LLVM_TARGETS_WITH_JIT "${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}" have_jit)
    150     if( NOT have_native_backend EQUAL -1 AND NOT have_jit EQUAL -1 )
    151       list(APPEND link_components "jit")
    152       list(APPEND link_components "native")
    153     else()
    154       list(APPEND link_components "interpreter")
    155     endif()
    156   endif()
    157   list(FIND link_components "native" native_required)
    158   if( NOT native_required EQUAL -1 )
    159     if( NOT have_native_backend EQUAL -1 )
    160       list(APPEND link_components ${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH})
    161     endif()
    162   endif()
    164   # Translate symbolic component names to real libraries:
    165   foreach(c ${link_components})
    166     # add codegen, asmprinter, asmparser, disassembler
    167     list(FIND LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD ${c} idx)
    168     if( NOT idx LESS 0 )
    169       if( TARGET LLVM${c}CodeGen )
    170         list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}CodeGen")
    171       else()
    172         if( TARGET LLVM${c} )
    173           list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}")
    174         else()
    175           message(FATAL_ERROR "Target ${c} is not in the set of libraries.")
    176         endif()
    177       endif()
    178       if( TARGET LLVM${c}AsmPrinter )
    179         list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}AsmPrinter")
    180       endif()
    181       if( TARGET LLVM${c}AsmParser )
    182         list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}AsmParser")
    183       endif()
    184       if( TARGET LLVM${c}Desc )
    185         list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}Desc")
    186       endif()
    187       if( TARGET LLVM${c}Info )
    188         list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}Info")
    189       endif()
    190       if( TARGET LLVM${c}Disassembler )
    191         list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}Disassembler")
    192       endif()
    193       if( TARGET LLVM${c}Info )
    194         list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}Info")
    195       endif()
    196       if( TARGET LLVM${c}Utils )
    197         list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${c}Utils")
    198       endif()
    199     elseif( c STREQUAL "native" )
    200       # already processed
    201     elseif( c STREQUAL "nativecodegen" )
    202       list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}CodeGen")
    203       if( TARGET LLVM${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}Desc )
    204         list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}Desc")
    205       endif()
    206       if( TARGET LLVM${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}Info )
    207         list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}Info")
    208       endif()
    209     elseif( c STREQUAL "backend" )
    210       # same case as in `native'.
    211     elseif( c STREQUAL "engine" )
    212       # already processed
    213     elseif( c STREQUAL "all" )
    214       list(APPEND expanded_components ${LLVM_AVAILABLE_LIBS})
    215     elseif( c STREQUAL "AllTargetsAsmPrinters" )
    216       # Link all the asm printers from all the targets
    217       foreach(t ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD})
    218         if( TARGET LLVM${t}AsmPrinter )
    219           list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${t}AsmPrinter")
    220         endif()
    221       endforeach(t)
    222     elseif( c STREQUAL "AllTargetsAsmParsers" )
    223       # Link all the asm parsers from all the targets
    224       foreach(t ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD})
    225         if( TARGET LLVM${t}AsmParser )
    226           list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${t}AsmParser")
    227         endif()
    228       endforeach(t)
    229     elseif( c STREQUAL "AllTargetsDescs" )
    230       # Link all the descs from all the targets
    231       foreach(t ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD})
    232         if( TARGET LLVM${t}Desc )
    233           list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${t}Desc")
    234         endif()
    235       endforeach(t)
    236     elseif( c STREQUAL "AllTargetsDisassemblers" )
    237       # Link all the disassemblers from all the targets
    238       foreach(t ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD})
    239         if( TARGET LLVM${t}Disassembler )
    240           list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${t}Disassembler")
    241         endif()
    242       endforeach(t)
    243     elseif( c STREQUAL "AllTargetsInfos" )
    244       # Link all the infos from all the targets
    245       foreach(t ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD})
    246         if( TARGET LLVM${t}Info )
    247           list(APPEND expanded_components "LLVM${t}Info")
    248         endif()
    249       endforeach(t)
    250     else( NOT idx LESS 0 )
    251       # Canonize the component name:
    252       string(TOUPPER "${c}" capitalized)
    253       list(FIND capitalized_libs LLVM${capitalized} lib_idx)
    254       if( lib_idx LESS 0 )
    255         # The component is unknown. Maybe is an omitted target?
    256         is_llvm_target_library(${c} iltl_result OMITTED_TARGETS)
    257         if(iltl_result)
    258           # A missing library to a directly referenced omitted target would be bad.
    259           message(FATAL_ERROR "Library '${c}' is a direct reference to a target library for an omitted target.")
    260         else()
    261           # If it is not an omitted target we should assume it is a component
    262           # that hasn't yet been processed by CMake. Missing components will
    263           # cause errors later in the configuration, so we can safely assume
    264           # that this is valid here.
    265           list(APPEND expanded_components LLVM${c})
    266         endif()
    267       else( lib_idx LESS 0 )
    268         list(GET LLVM_AVAILABLE_LIBS ${lib_idx} canonical_lib)
    269         list(APPEND expanded_components ${canonical_lib})
    270       endif( lib_idx LESS 0 )
    271     endif( NOT idx LESS 0 )
    272   endforeach(c)
    274   set(${out_libs} ${expanded_components} PARENT_SCOPE)
    275 endfunction()
    277 # Perform a post-order traversal of the dependency graph.
    278 # This duplicates the algorithm used by llvm-config, originally
    279 # in tools/llvm-config/llvm-config.cpp, function ComputeLibsForComponents.
    280 function(expand_topologically name required_libs visited_libs)
    281   list(FIND visited_libs ${name} found)
    282   if( found LESS 0 )
    283     list(APPEND visited_libs ${name})
    284     set(visited_libs ${visited_libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
    286     get_property(lib_deps GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVMBUILD_LIB_DEPS_${name})
    287     foreach( lib_dep ${lib_deps} )
    288       expand_topologically(${lib_dep} "${required_libs}" "${visited_libs}")
    289       set(required_libs ${required_libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
    290       set(visited_libs ${visited_libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
    291     endforeach()
    293     list(APPEND required_libs ${name})
    294     set(required_libs ${required_libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
    295   endif()
    296 endfunction()
    298 # Expand dependencies while topologically sorting the list of libraries:
    299 function(llvm_expand_dependencies out_libs)
    300   set(expanded_components ${ARGN})
    302   set(required_libs)
    303   set(visited_libs)
    304   foreach( lib ${expanded_components} )
    305     expand_topologically(${lib} "${required_libs}" "${visited_libs}")
    306   endforeach()
    308   list(REVERSE required_libs)
    309   set(${out_libs} ${required_libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
    310 endfunction()
    312 function(explicit_map_components_to_libraries out_libs)
    313   llvm_map_components_to_libnames(link_libs ${ARGN})
    314   llvm_expand_dependencies(expanded_components ${link_libs})
    315   # Return just the libraries included in this build:
    316   set(result)
    317   foreach(c ${expanded_components})
    318     if( TARGET ${c} )
    319       set(result ${result} ${c})
    320     endif()
    321   endforeach(c)
    322   set(${out_libs} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE)
    323 endfunction(explicit_map_components_to_libraries)