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      1 //===- FormatVariadic.h - Efficient type-safe string formatting --*- C++-*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This file implements the formatv() function which can be used with other LLVM
     11 // subsystems to provide printf-like formatting, but with improved safety and
     12 // flexibility.  The result of `formatv` is an object which can be streamed to
     13 // a raw_ostream or converted to a std::string or llvm::SmallString.
     14 //
     15 //   // Convert to std::string.
     16 //   std::string S = formatv("{0} {1}", 1234.412, "test").str();
     17 //
     18 //   // Convert to llvm::SmallString
     19 //   SmallString<8> S = formatv("{0} {1}", 1234.412, "test").sstr<8>();
     20 //
     21 //   // Stream to an existing raw_ostream.
     22 //   OS << formatv("{0} {1}", 1234.412, "test");
     23 //
     24 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     29 #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
     30 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
     31 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
     32 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
     33 #include "llvm/Support/FormatCommon.h"
     34 #include "llvm/Support/FormatProviders.h"
     35 #include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadicDetails.h"
     36 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     37 #include <cstddef>
     38 #include <string>
     39 #include <tuple>
     40 #include <utility>
     41 #include <vector>
     43 namespace llvm {
     45 enum class ReplacementType { Empty, Format, Literal };
     47 struct ReplacementItem {
     48   ReplacementItem() = default;
     49   explicit ReplacementItem(StringRef Literal)
     50       : Type(ReplacementType::Literal), Spec(Literal) {}
     51   ReplacementItem(StringRef Spec, size_t Index, size_t Align, AlignStyle Where,
     52                   char Pad, StringRef Options)
     53       : Type(ReplacementType::Format), Spec(Spec), Index(Index), Align(Align),
     54         Where(Where), Pad(Pad), Options(Options) {}
     56   ReplacementType Type = ReplacementType::Empty;
     57   StringRef Spec;
     58   size_t Index = 0;
     59   size_t Align = 0;
     60   AlignStyle Where = AlignStyle::Right;
     61   char Pad;
     62   StringRef Options;
     63 };
     65 class formatv_object_base {
     66 protected:
     67   // The parameters are stored in a std::tuple, which does not provide runtime
     68   // indexing capabilities.  In order to enable runtime indexing, we use this
     69   // structure to put the parameters into a std::vector.  Since the parameters
     70   // are not all the same type, we use some type-erasure by wrapping the
     71   // parameters in a template class that derives from a non-template superclass.
     72   // Essentially, we are converting a std::tuple<Derived<Ts...>> to a
     73   // std::vector<Base*>.
     74   struct create_adapters {
     75     template <typename... Ts>
     76     std::vector<detail::format_adapter *> operator()(Ts &... Items) {
     77       return std::vector<detail::format_adapter *>{&Items...};
     78     }
     79   };
     81   StringRef Fmt;
     82   std::vector<detail::format_adapter *> Adapters;
     83   std::vector<ReplacementItem> Replacements;
     85   static bool consumeFieldLayout(StringRef &Spec, AlignStyle &Where,
     86                                  size_t &Align, char &Pad);
     88   static std::pair<ReplacementItem, StringRef>
     89   splitLiteralAndReplacement(StringRef Fmt);
     91 public:
     92   formatv_object_base(StringRef Fmt, std::size_t ParamCount)
     93       : Fmt(Fmt), Replacements(parseFormatString(Fmt)) {
     94     Adapters.reserve(ParamCount);
     95   }
     97   formatv_object_base(formatv_object_base const &rhs) = delete;
     99   formatv_object_base(formatv_object_base &&rhs)
    100       : Fmt(std::move(rhs.Fmt)),
    101         Adapters(), // Adapters are initialized by formatv_object
    102         Replacements(std::move(rhs.Replacements)) {
    103     Adapters.reserve(rhs.Adapters.size());
    104   };
    106   void format(raw_ostream &S) const {
    107     for (auto &R : Replacements) {
    108       if (R.Type == ReplacementType::Empty)
    109         continue;
    110       if (R.Type == ReplacementType::Literal) {
    111         S << R.Spec;
    112         continue;
    113       }
    114       if (R.Index >= Adapters.size()) {
    115         S << R.Spec;
    116         continue;
    117       }
    119       auto W = Adapters[R.Index];
    121       FmtAlign Align(*W, R.Where, R.Align);
    122       Align.format(S, R.Options);
    123     }
    124   }
    125   static std::vector<ReplacementItem> parseFormatString(StringRef Fmt);
    127   static Optional<ReplacementItem> parseReplacementItem(StringRef Spec);
    129   std::string str() const {
    130     std::string Result;
    131     raw_string_ostream Stream(Result);
    132     Stream << *this;
    133     Stream.flush();
    134     return Result;
    135   }
    137   template <unsigned N> SmallString<N> sstr() const {
    138     SmallString<N> Result;
    139     raw_svector_ostream Stream(Result);
    140     Stream << *this;
    141     return Result;
    142   }
    144   template <unsigned N> operator SmallString<N>() const { return sstr<N>(); }
    146   operator std::string() const { return str(); }
    147 };
    149 template <typename Tuple> class formatv_object : public formatv_object_base {
    150   // Storage for the parameter adapters.  Since the base class erases the type
    151   // of the parameters, we have to own the storage for the parameters here, and
    152   // have the base class store type-erased pointers into this tuple.
    153   Tuple Parameters;
    155 public:
    156   formatv_object(StringRef Fmt, Tuple &&Params)
    157       : formatv_object_base(Fmt, std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value),
    158         Parameters(std::move(Params)) {
    159     Adapters = apply_tuple(create_adapters(), Parameters);
    160   }
    162   formatv_object(formatv_object const &rhs) = delete;
    164   formatv_object(formatv_object &&rhs)
    165       : formatv_object_base(std::move(rhs)),
    166         Parameters(std::move(rhs.Parameters)) {
    167     Adapters = apply_tuple(create_adapters(), Parameters);
    168   }
    169 };
    171 // \brief Format text given a format string and replacement parameters.
    172 //
    173 // ===General Description===
    174 //
    175 // Formats textual output.  `Fmt` is a string consisting of one or more
    176 // replacement sequences with the following grammar:
    177 //
    178 // rep_field ::= "{" [index] ["," layout] [":" format] "}"
    179 // index     ::= <non-negative integer>
    180 // layout    ::= [[[char]loc]width]
    181 // format    ::= <any string not containing "{" or "}">
    182 // char      ::= <any character except "{" or "}">
    183 // loc       ::= "-" | "=" | "+"
    184 // width     ::= <positive integer>
    185 //
    186 // index   - A non-negative integer specifying the index of the item in the
    187 //           parameter pack to print.  Any other value is invalid.
    188 // layout  - A string controlling how the field is laid out within the available
    189 //           space.
    190 // format  - A type-dependent string used to provide additional options to
    191 //           the formatting operation.  Refer to the documentation of the
    192 //           various individual format providers for per-type options.
    193 // char    - The padding character.  Defaults to ' ' (space).  Only valid if
    194 //           `loc` is also specified.
    195 // loc     - Where to print the formatted text within the field.  Only valid if
    196 //           `width` is also specified.
    197 //           '-' : The field is left aligned within the available space.
    198 //           '=' : The field is centered within the available space.
    199 //           '+' : The field is right aligned within the available space (this
    200 //                 is the default).
    201 // width   - The width of the field within which to print the formatted text.
    202 //           If this is less than the required length then the `char` and `loc`
    203 //           fields are ignored, and the field is printed with no leading or
    204 //           trailing padding.  If this is greater than the required length,
    205 //           then the text is output according to the value of `loc`, and padded
    206 //           as appropriate on the left and/or right by `char`.
    207 //
    208 // ===Special Characters===
    209 //
    210 // The characters '{' and '}' are reserved and cannot appear anywhere within a
    211 // replacement sequence.  Outside of a replacement sequence, in order to print
    212 // a literal '{' or '}' it must be doubled -- "{{" to print a literal '{' and
    213 // "}}" to print a literal '}'.
    214 //
    215 // ===Parameter Indexing===
    216 // `index` specifies the index of the parameter in the parameter pack to format
    217 // into the output.  Note that it is possible to refer to the same parameter
    218 // index multiple times in a given format string.  This makes it possible to
    219 // output the same value multiple times without passing it multiple times to the
    220 // function. For example:
    221 //
    222 //   formatv("{0} {1} {0}", "a", "bb")
    223 //
    224 // would yield the string "abba".  This can be convenient when it is expensive
    225 // to compute the value of the parameter, and you would otherwise have had to
    226 // save it to a temporary.
    227 //
    228 // ===Formatter Search===
    229 //
    230 // For a given parameter of type T, the following steps are executed in order
    231 // until a match is found:
    232 //
    233 //   1. If the parameter is of class type, and contains a method
    234 //      void format(raw_ostream &Stream, StringRef Options)
    235 //      Then this method is invoked to produce the formatted output.  The
    236 //      implementation should write the formatted text into `Stream`.
    237 //   2. If there is a suitable template specialization of format_provider<>
    238 //      for type T containing a method whose signature is:
    239 //      void format(const T &Obj, raw_ostream &Stream, StringRef Options)
    240 //      Then this method is invoked as described in Step 1.
    241 //
    242 // If a match cannot be found through either of the above methods, a compiler
    243 // error is generated.
    244 //
    245 // ===Invalid Format String Handling===
    246 //
    247 // In the case of a format string which does not match the grammar described
    248 // above, the output is undefined.  With asserts enabled, LLVM will trigger an
    249 // assertion.  Otherwise, it will try to do something reasonable, but in general
    250 // the details of what that is are undefined.
    251 //
    252 template <typename... Ts>
    253 inline auto formatv(const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals) -> formatv_object<decltype(
    254     std::make_tuple(detail::build_format_adapter(std::forward<Ts>(Vals))...))> {
    255   using ParamTuple = decltype(
    256       std::make_tuple(detail::build_format_adapter(std::forward<Ts>(Vals))...));
    257   return formatv_object<ParamTuple>(
    258       Fmt,
    259       std::make_tuple(detail::build_format_adapter(std::forward<Ts>(Vals))...));
    260 }
    262 } // end namespace llvm