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      1 #
      2 # Test script for the curses module
      3 #
      4 # This script doesn't actually display anything very coherent. but it
      5 # does call every method and function.
      6 #
      7 # Functions not tested: {def,reset}_{shell,prog}_mode, getch(), getstr(),
      8 # init_color()
      9 # Only called, not tested: getmouse(), ungetmouse()
     10 #
     12 import sys, tempfile, os
     14 # Optionally test curses module.  This currently requires that the
     15 # 'curses' resource be given on the regrtest command line using the -u
     16 # option.  If not available, nothing after this line will be executed.
     18 import unittest
     19 from test.test_support import requires, import_module
     20 requires('curses')
     21 curses = import_module('curses')
     22 curses.panel = import_module('curses.panel')
     25 # XXX: if newterm was supported we could use it instead of initscr and not exit
     26 term = os.environ.get('TERM')
     27 if not term or term == 'unknown':
     28     raise unittest.SkipTest, "$TERM=%r, calling initscr() may cause exit" % term
     30 if sys.platform == "cygwin":
     31     raise unittest.SkipTest("cygwin's curses mostly just hangs")
     33 def window_funcs(stdscr):
     34     "Test the methods of windows"
     35     win = curses.newwin(10,10)
     36     win = curses.newwin(5,5, 5,5)
     37     win2 = curses.newwin(15,15, 5,5)
     39     for meth in [stdscr.addch, stdscr.addstr]:
     40         for args in [('a'), ('a', curses.A_BOLD),
     41                      (4,4, 'a'), (5,5, 'a', curses.A_BOLD)]:
     42             meth(*args)
     44     for meth in [stdscr.box, stdscr.clear, stdscr.clrtobot,
     45                  stdscr.clrtoeol, stdscr.cursyncup, stdscr.delch,
     46                  stdscr.deleteln, stdscr.erase, stdscr.getbegyx,
     47                  stdscr.getbkgd, stdscr.getkey, stdscr.getmaxyx,
     48                  stdscr.getparyx, stdscr.getyx, stdscr.inch,
     49                  stdscr.insertln, stdscr.instr, stdscr.is_wintouched,
     50                  win.noutrefresh, stdscr.redrawwin, stdscr.refresh,
     51                  stdscr.standout, stdscr.standend, stdscr.syncdown,
     52                  stdscr.syncup, stdscr.touchwin, stdscr.untouchwin]:
     53         meth()
     55     stdscr.addnstr('1234', 3)
     56     stdscr.addnstr('1234', 3, curses.A_BOLD)
     57     stdscr.addnstr(4,4, '1234', 3)
     58     stdscr.addnstr(5,5, '1234', 3, curses.A_BOLD)
     60     stdscr.attron(curses.A_BOLD)
     61     stdscr.attroff(curses.A_BOLD)
     62     stdscr.attrset(curses.A_BOLD)
     63     stdscr.bkgd(' ')
     64     stdscr.bkgd(' ', curses.A_REVERSE)
     65     stdscr.bkgdset(' ')
     66     stdscr.bkgdset(' ', curses.A_REVERSE)
     68     win.border(65, 66, 67, 68,
     69                69, 70, 71, 72)
     70     win.border('|', '!', '-', '_',
     71                '+', '\\', '#', '/')
     72     try:
     73         win.border(65, 66, 67, 68,
     74                    69, [], 71, 72)
     75     except TypeError:
     76         pass
     77     else:
     78         raise RuntimeError, "Expected win.border() to raise TypeError"
     80     stdscr.clearok(1)
     82     win4 = stdscr.derwin(2,2)
     83     win4 = stdscr.derwin(1,1, 5,5)
     84     win4.mvderwin(9,9)
     86     stdscr.echochar('a')
     87     stdscr.echochar('a', curses.A_BOLD)
     88     stdscr.hline('-', 5)
     89     stdscr.hline('-', 5, curses.A_BOLD)
     90     stdscr.hline(1,1,'-', 5)
     91     stdscr.hline(1,1,'-', 5, curses.A_BOLD)
     93     stdscr.idcok(1)
     94     stdscr.idlok(1)
     95     stdscr.immedok(1)
     96     stdscr.insch('c')
     97     stdscr.insdelln(1)
     98     stdscr.insnstr('abc', 3)
     99     stdscr.insnstr('abc', 3, curses.A_BOLD)
    100     stdscr.insnstr(5, 5, 'abc', 3)
    101     stdscr.insnstr(5, 5, 'abc', 3, curses.A_BOLD)
    103     stdscr.insstr('def')
    104     stdscr.insstr('def', curses.A_BOLD)
    105     stdscr.insstr(5, 5, 'def')
    106     stdscr.insstr(5, 5, 'def', curses.A_BOLD)
    107     stdscr.is_linetouched(0)
    108     stdscr.keypad(1)
    109     stdscr.leaveok(1)
    110     stdscr.move(3,3)
    111     win.mvwin(2,2)
    112     stdscr.nodelay(1)
    113     stdscr.notimeout(1)
    114     win2.overlay(win)
    115     win2.overwrite(win)
    116     win2.overlay(win, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1)
    117     win2.overwrite(win, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1)
    118     stdscr.redrawln(1,2)
    120     stdscr.scrollok(1)
    121     stdscr.scroll()
    122     stdscr.scroll(2)
    123     stdscr.scroll(-3)
    125     stdscr.move(12, 2)
    126     stdscr.setscrreg(10,15)
    127     win3 = stdscr.subwin(10,10)
    128     win3 = stdscr.subwin(10,10, 5,5)
    129     stdscr.syncok(1)
    130     stdscr.timeout(5)
    131     stdscr.touchline(5,5)
    132     stdscr.touchline(5,5,0)
    133     stdscr.vline('a', 3)
    134     stdscr.vline('a', 3, curses.A_STANDOUT)
    135     stdscr.chgat(5, 2, 3, curses.A_BLINK)
    136     stdscr.chgat(3, curses.A_BOLD)
    137     stdscr.chgat(5, 8, curses.A_UNDERLINE)
    138     stdscr.chgat(curses.A_BLINK)
    139     stdscr.refresh()
    141     stdscr.vline(1,1, 'a', 3)
    142     stdscr.vline(1,1, 'a', 3, curses.A_STANDOUT)
    144     if hasattr(curses, 'resize'):
    145         stdscr.resize()
    146     if hasattr(curses, 'enclose'):
    147         stdscr.enclose()
    150 def module_funcs(stdscr):
    151     "Test module-level functions"
    153     for func in [curses.baudrate, curses.beep, curses.can_change_color,
    154                  curses.cbreak, curses.def_prog_mode, curses.doupdate,
    155                  curses.filter, curses.flash, curses.flushinp,
    156                  curses.has_colors, curses.has_ic, curses.has_il,
    157                  curses.isendwin, curses.killchar, curses.longname,
    158                  curses.nocbreak, curses.noecho, curses.nonl,
    159                  curses.noqiflush, curses.noraw,
    160                  curses.reset_prog_mode, curses.termattrs,
    161                  curses.termname, curses.erasechar, curses.getsyx]:
    162         func()
    164     # Functions that actually need arguments
    165     if curses.tigetstr("cnorm"):
    166         curses.curs_set(1)
    167     curses.delay_output(1)
    168     curses.echo() ; curses.echo(1)
    170     fx = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
    171     # cf tempfile.py TemporaryFile vs NamedTemporaryFile
    172     if os.name != 'posix' or os.sys.platform == 'cygwin':
    173         f = fx.file
    174     else:
    175         f = fx
    176     stdscr.putwin(f)
    177     f.seek(0)
    178     curses.getwin(f)
    179     fx.close()
    181     curses.halfdelay(1)
    182     curses.intrflush(1)
    183     curses.meta(1)
    184     curses.napms(100)
    185     curses.newpad(50,50)
    186     win = curses.newwin(5,5)
    187     win = curses.newwin(5,5, 1,1)
    188     curses.nl() ; curses.nl(1)
    189     curses.putp('abc')
    190     curses.qiflush()
    191     curses.raw() ; curses.raw(1)
    192     curses.setsyx(5,5)
    193     curses.tigetflag('hc')
    194     curses.tigetnum('co')
    195     curses.tigetstr('cr')
    196     curses.tparm('cr')
    197     curses.typeahead(sys.__stdin__.fileno())
    198     curses.unctrl('a')
    199     curses.ungetch('a')
    200     curses.use_env(1)
    202     # Functions only available on a few platforms
    203     if curses.has_colors():
    204         curses.start_color()
    205         curses.init_pair(2, 1,1)
    206         curses.color_content(1)
    207         curses.color_pair(2)
    208         curses.pair_content(curses.COLOR_PAIRS - 1)
    209         curses.pair_number(0)
    211         if hasattr(curses, 'use_default_colors'):
    212             curses.use_default_colors()
    214     if hasattr(curses, 'keyname'):
    215         curses.keyname(13)
    217     if hasattr(curses, 'has_key'):
    218         curses.has_key(13)
    220     if hasattr(curses, 'getmouse'):
    221         (availmask, oldmask) = curses.mousemask(curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED)
    222         # availmask indicates that mouse stuff not available.
    223         if availmask != 0:
    224             curses.mouseinterval(10)
    225             # just verify these don't cause errors
    226             curses.ungetmouse(0, 0, 0, 0, curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED)
    227             m = curses.getmouse()
    229     if hasattr(curses, 'is_term_resized'):
    230         curses.is_term_resized(*stdscr.getmaxyx())
    231     if hasattr(curses, 'resizeterm'):
    232         curses.resizeterm(*stdscr.getmaxyx())
    233     if hasattr(curses, 'resize_term'):
    234         curses.resize_term(*stdscr.getmaxyx())
    236 def unit_tests():
    237     from curses import ascii
    238     for ch, expected in [('a', 'a'), ('A', 'A'),
    239                          (';', ';'), (' ', ' '),
    240                          ('\x7f', '^?'), ('\n', '^J'), ('\0', '^@'),
    241                          # Meta-bit characters
    242                          ('\x8a', '!^J'), ('\xc1', '!A'),
    243                          ]:
    244         if ascii.unctrl(ch) != expected:
    245             print 'curses.unctrl fails on character', repr(ch)
    248 def test_userptr_without_set(stdscr):
    249     w = curses.newwin(10, 10)
    250     p = curses.panel.new_panel(w)
    251     # try to access userptr() before calling set_userptr() -- segfaults
    252     try:
    253         p.userptr()
    254         raise RuntimeError, 'userptr should fail since not set'
    255     except curses.panel.error:
    256         pass
    258 def test_resize_term(stdscr):
    259     if hasattr(curses, 'resizeterm'):
    260         lines, cols = curses.LINES, curses.COLS
    261         curses.resizeterm(lines - 1, cols + 1)
    263         if curses.LINES != lines - 1 or curses.COLS != cols + 1:
    264             raise RuntimeError, "Expected resizeterm to update LINES and COLS"
    266 def test_issue6243(stdscr):
    267     curses.ungetch(1025)
    268     stdscr.getkey()
    270 def main(stdscr):
    271     curses.savetty()
    272     try:
    273         module_funcs(stdscr)
    274         window_funcs(stdscr)
    275         test_userptr_without_set(stdscr)
    276         test_resize_term(stdscr)
    277         test_issue6243(stdscr)
    278     finally:
    279         curses.resetty()
    281 if __name__ == '__main__':
    282     curses.wrapper(main)
    283     unit_tests()
    284 else:
    285     if not sys.__stdout__.isatty():
    286         raise unittest.SkipTest("sys.__stdout__ is not a tty")
    287     # testing setupterm() inside initscr/endwin
    288     # causes terminal breakage
    289     curses.setupterm(fd=sys.__stdout__.fileno())
    290     try:
    291         stdscr = curses.initscr()
    292         main(stdscr)
    293     finally:
    294         curses.endwin()
    295     unit_tests()