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      1 import httplib
      2 import array
      3 import httplib
      4 import StringIO
      5 import socket
      6 import errno
      8 import unittest
      9 TestCase = unittest.TestCase
     11 from test import test_support
     13 HOST = test_support.HOST
     15 class FakeSocket:
     16     def __init__(self, text, fileclass=StringIO.StringIO):
     17         self.text = text
     18         self.fileclass = fileclass
     19         self.data = ''
     21     def sendall(self, data):
     22         self.data += ''.join(data)
     24     def makefile(self, mode, bufsize=None):
     25         if mode != 'r' and mode != 'rb':
     26             raise httplib.UnimplementedFileMode()
     27         return self.fileclass(self.text)
     29 class EPipeSocket(FakeSocket):
     31     def __init__(self, text, pipe_trigger):
     32         # When sendall() is called with pipe_trigger, raise EPIPE.
     33         FakeSocket.__init__(self, text)
     34         self.pipe_trigger = pipe_trigger
     36     def sendall(self, data):
     37         if self.pipe_trigger in data:
     38             raise socket.error(errno.EPIPE, "gotcha")
     39         self.data += data
     41     def close(self):
     42         pass
     44 class NoEOFStringIO(StringIO.StringIO):
     45     """Like StringIO, but raises AssertionError on EOF.
     47     This is used below to test that httplib doesn't try to read
     48     more from the underlying file than it should.
     49     """
     50     def read(self, n=-1):
     51         data = StringIO.StringIO.read(self, n)
     52         if data == '':
     53             raise AssertionError('caller tried to read past EOF')
     54         return data
     56     def readline(self, length=None):
     57         data = StringIO.StringIO.readline(self, length)
     58         if data == '':
     59             raise AssertionError('caller tried to read past EOF')
     60         return data
     63 class HeaderTests(TestCase):
     64     def test_auto_headers(self):
     65         # Some headers are added automatically, but should not be added by
     66         # .request() if they are explicitly set.
     68         class HeaderCountingBuffer(list):
     69             def __init__(self):
     70                 self.count = {}
     71             def append(self, item):
     72                 kv = item.split(':')
     73                 if len(kv) > 1:
     74                     # item is a 'Key: Value' header string
     75                     lcKey = kv[0].lower()
     76                     self.count.setdefault(lcKey, 0)
     77                     self.count[lcKey] += 1
     78                 list.append(self, item)
     80         for explicit_header in True, False:
     81             for header in 'Content-length', 'Host', 'Accept-encoding':
     82                 conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('example.com')
     83                 conn.sock = FakeSocket('blahblahblah')
     84                 conn._buffer = HeaderCountingBuffer()
     86                 body = 'spamspamspam'
     87                 headers = {}
     88                 if explicit_header:
     89                     headers[header] = str(len(body))
     90                 conn.request('POST', '/', body, headers)
     91                 self.assertEqual(conn._buffer.count[header.lower()], 1)
     93     def test_content_length_0(self):
     95         class ContentLengthChecker(list):
     96             def __init__(self):
     97                 list.__init__(self)
     98                 self.content_length = None
     99             def append(self, item):
    100                 kv = item.split(':', 1)
    101                 if len(kv) > 1 and kv[0].lower() == 'content-length':
    102                     self.content_length = kv[1].strip()
    103                 list.append(self, item)
    105         # POST with empty body
    106         conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('example.com')
    107         conn.sock = FakeSocket(None)
    108         conn._buffer = ContentLengthChecker()
    109         conn.request('POST', '/', '')
    110         self.assertEqual(conn._buffer.content_length, '0',
    111                         'Header Content-Length not set')
    113         # PUT request with empty body
    114         conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('example.com')
    115         conn.sock = FakeSocket(None)
    116         conn._buffer = ContentLengthChecker()
    117         conn.request('PUT', '/', '')
    118         self.assertEqual(conn._buffer.content_length, '0',
    119                         'Header Content-Length not set')
    121     def test_putheader(self):
    122         conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('example.com')
    123         conn.sock = FakeSocket(None)
    124         conn.putrequest('GET','/')
    125         conn.putheader('Content-length',42)
    126         self.assertTrue('Content-length: 42' in conn._buffer)
    128     def test_ipv6host_header(self):
    129         # Default host header on IPv6 transaction should wrapped by [] if
    130         # its actual IPv6 address
    131         expected = 'GET /foo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: [2001::]:81\r\n' \
    132                    'Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n\r\n'
    133         conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('[2001::]:81')
    134         sock = FakeSocket('')
    135         conn.sock = sock
    136         conn.request('GET', '/foo')
    137         self.assertTrue(sock.data.startswith(expected))
    139         expected = 'GET /foo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: [2001:102A::]\r\n' \
    140                    'Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n\r\n'
    141         conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('[2001:102A::]')
    142         sock = FakeSocket('')
    143         conn.sock = sock
    144         conn.request('GET', '/foo')
    145         self.assertTrue(sock.data.startswith(expected))
    148 class BasicTest(TestCase):
    149     def test_status_lines(self):
    150         # Test HTTP status lines
    152         body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\n\r\nText"
    153         sock = FakeSocket(body)
    154         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
    155         resp.begin()
    156         self.assertEqual(resp.read(), 'Text')
    157         self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
    159         body = "HTTP/1.1 400.100 Not Ok\r\n\r\nText"
    160         sock = FakeSocket(body)
    161         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
    162         self.assertRaises(httplib.BadStatusLine, resp.begin)
    164     def test_bad_status_repr(self):
    165         exc = httplib.BadStatusLine('')
    166         self.assertEqual(repr(exc), '''BadStatusLine("\'\'",)''')
    168     def test_partial_reads(self):
    169         # if we have a length, the system knows when to close itself
    170         # same behaviour than when we read the whole thing with read()
    171         body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\nContent-Length: 4\r\n\r\nText"
    172         sock = FakeSocket(body)
    173         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
    174         resp.begin()
    175         self.assertEqual(resp.read(2), 'Te')
    176         self.assertFalse(resp.isclosed())
    177         self.assertEqual(resp.read(2), 'xt')
    178         self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
    180     def test_partial_reads_no_content_length(self):
    181         # when no length is present, the socket should be gracefully closed when
    182         # all data was read
    183         body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\n\r\nText"
    184         sock = FakeSocket(body)
    185         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
    186         resp.begin()
    187         self.assertEqual(resp.read(2), 'Te')
    188         self.assertFalse(resp.isclosed())
    189         self.assertEqual(resp.read(2), 'xt')
    190         self.assertEqual(resp.read(1), '')
    191         self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
    193     def test_partial_reads_incomplete_body(self):
    194         # if the server shuts down the connection before the whole
    195         # content-length is delivered, the socket is gracefully closed
    196         body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\nContent-Length: 10\r\n\r\nText"
    197         sock = FakeSocket(body)
    198         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
    199         resp.begin()
    200         self.assertEqual(resp.read(2), 'Te')
    201         self.assertFalse(resp.isclosed())
    202         self.assertEqual(resp.read(2), 'xt')
    203         self.assertEqual(resp.read(1), '')
    204         self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
    206     def test_host_port(self):
    207         # Check invalid host_port
    209         # Note that httplib does not accept user:password@ in the host-port.
    210         for hp in ("www.python.org:abc", "user:password (at] www.python.org"):
    211             self.assertRaises(httplib.InvalidURL, httplib.HTTP, hp)
    213         for hp, h, p in (("[fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b]:8000", "fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b",
    214                           8000),
    215                          ("www.python.org:80", "www.python.org", 80),
    216                          ("www.python.org", "www.python.org", 80),
    217                          ("www.python.org:", "www.python.org", 80),
    218                          ("[fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b]", "fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b", 80)):
    219             http = httplib.HTTP(hp)
    220             c = http._conn
    221             if h != c.host:
    222                 self.fail("Host incorrectly parsed: %s != %s" % (h, c.host))
    223             if p != c.port:
    224                 self.fail("Port incorrectly parsed: %s != %s" % (p, c.host))
    226     def test_response_headers(self):
    227         # test response with multiple message headers with the same field name.
    228         text = ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
    229                 'Set-Cookie: Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE";'
    230                 ' Version="1"; Path="/acme"\r\n'
    231                 'Set-Cookie: Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; Version="1";'
    232                 ' Path="/acme"\r\n'
    233                 '\r\n'
    234                 'No body\r\n')
    235         hdr = ('Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; Version="1"; Path="/acme"'
    236                ', '
    237                'Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; Version="1"; Path="/acme"')
    238         s = FakeSocket(text)
    239         r = httplib.HTTPResponse(s)
    240         r.begin()
    241         cookies = r.getheader("Set-Cookie")
    242         if cookies != hdr:
    243             self.fail("multiple headers not combined properly")
    245     def test_read_head(self):
    246         # Test that the library doesn't attempt to read any data
    247         # from a HEAD request.  (Tickles SF bug #622042.)
    248         sock = FakeSocket(
    249             'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
    250             'Content-Length: 14432\r\n'
    251             '\r\n',
    252             NoEOFStringIO)
    253         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="HEAD")
    254         resp.begin()
    255         if resp.read() != "":
    256             self.fail("Did not expect response from HEAD request")
    258     def test_send_file(self):
    259         expected = 'GET /foo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n' \
    260                    'Accept-Encoding: identity\r\nContent-Length:'
    262         body = open(__file__, 'rb')
    263         conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('example.com')
    264         sock = FakeSocket(body)
    265         conn.sock = sock
    266         conn.request('GET', '/foo', body)
    267         self.assertTrue(sock.data.startswith(expected))
    269     def test_send(self):
    270         expected = 'this is a test this is only a test'
    271         conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('example.com')
    272         sock = FakeSocket(None)
    273         conn.sock = sock
    274         conn.send(expected)
    275         self.assertEqual(expected, sock.data)
    276         sock.data = ''
    277         conn.send(array.array('c', expected))
    278         self.assertEqual(expected, sock.data)
    279         sock.data = ''
    280         conn.send(StringIO.StringIO(expected))
    281         self.assertEqual(expected, sock.data)
    283     def test_chunked(self):
    284         chunked_start = (
    285             'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
    286             'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n'
    287             'a\r\n'
    288             'hello worl\r\n'
    289             '1\r\n'
    290             'd\r\n'
    291         )
    292         sock = FakeSocket(chunked_start + '0\r\n')
    293         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="GET")
    294         resp.begin()
    295         self.assertEqual(resp.read(), 'hello world')
    296         resp.close()
    298         for x in ('', 'foo\r\n'):
    299             sock = FakeSocket(chunked_start + x)
    300             resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="GET")
    301             resp.begin()
    302             try:
    303                 resp.read()
    304             except httplib.IncompleteRead, i:
    305                 self.assertEqual(i.partial, 'hello world')
    306                 self.assertEqual(repr(i),'IncompleteRead(11 bytes read)')
    307                 self.assertEqual(str(i),'IncompleteRead(11 bytes read)')
    308             else:
    309                 self.fail('IncompleteRead expected')
    310             finally:
    311                 resp.close()
    313     def test_chunked_head(self):
    314         chunked_start = (
    315             'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
    316             'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n'
    317             'a\r\n'
    318             'hello world\r\n'
    319             '1\r\n'
    320             'd\r\n'
    321         )
    322         sock = FakeSocket(chunked_start + '0\r\n')
    323         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="HEAD")
    324         resp.begin()
    325         self.assertEqual(resp.read(), '')
    326         self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
    327         self.assertEqual(resp.reason, 'OK')
    328         self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
    330     def test_negative_content_length(self):
    331         sock = FakeSocket('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
    332                           'Content-Length: -1\r\n\r\nHello\r\n')
    333         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="GET")
    334         resp.begin()
    335         self.assertEqual(resp.read(), 'Hello\r\n')
    336         self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
    338     def test_incomplete_read(self):
    339         sock = FakeSocket('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 10\r\n\r\nHello\r\n')
    340         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="GET")
    341         resp.begin()
    342         try:
    343             resp.read()
    344         except httplib.IncompleteRead as i:
    345             self.assertEqual(i.partial, 'Hello\r\n')
    346             self.assertEqual(repr(i),
    347                              "IncompleteRead(7 bytes read, 3 more expected)")
    348             self.assertEqual(str(i),
    349                              "IncompleteRead(7 bytes read, 3 more expected)")
    350             self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
    351         else:
    352             self.fail('IncompleteRead expected')
    354     def test_epipe(self):
    355         sock = EPipeSocket(
    356             "HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization Required\r\n"
    357             "Content-type: text/html\r\n"
    358             "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"example\"\r\n",
    359             b"Content-Length")
    360         conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("example.com")
    361         conn.sock = sock
    362         self.assertRaises(socket.error,
    363                           lambda: conn.request("PUT", "/url", "body"))
    364         resp = conn.getresponse()
    365         self.assertEqual(401, resp.status)
    366         self.assertEqual("Basic realm=\"example\"",
    367                          resp.getheader("www-authenticate"))
    369     def test_filenoattr(self):
    370         # Just test the fileno attribute in the HTTPResponse Object.
    371         body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\n\r\nText"
    372         sock = FakeSocket(body)
    373         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
    374         self.assertTrue(hasattr(resp,'fileno'),
    375                 'HTTPResponse should expose a fileno attribute')
    377     # Test lines overflowing the max line size (_MAXLINE in http.client)
    379     def test_overflowing_status_line(self):
    380         self.skipTest("disabled for HTTP 0.9 support")
    381         body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok" + "k" * 65536 + "\r\n"
    382         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(FakeSocket(body))
    383         self.assertRaises((httplib.LineTooLong, httplib.BadStatusLine), resp.begin)
    385     def test_overflowing_header_line(self):
    386         body = (
    387             'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
    388             'X-Foo: bar' + 'r' * 65536 + '\r\n\r\n'
    389         )
    390         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(FakeSocket(body))
    391         self.assertRaises(httplib.LineTooLong, resp.begin)
    393     def test_overflowing_chunked_line(self):
    394         body = (
    395             'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
    396             'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n'
    397             + '0' * 65536 + 'a\r\n'
    398             'hello world\r\n'
    399             '0\r\n'
    400         )
    401         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(FakeSocket(body))
    402         resp.begin()
    403         self.assertRaises(httplib.LineTooLong, resp.read)
    405     def test_early_eof(self):
    406         # Test httpresponse with no \r\n termination,
    407         body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok"
    408         sock = FakeSocket(body)
    409         resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
    410         resp.begin()
    411         self.assertEqual(resp.read(), '')
    412         self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
    414 class OfflineTest(TestCase):
    415     def test_responses(self):
    416         self.assertEqual(httplib.responses[httplib.NOT_FOUND], "Not Found")
    419 class SourceAddressTest(TestCase):
    420     def setUp(self):
    421         self.serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    422         self.port = test_support.bind_port(self.serv)
    423         self.source_port = test_support.find_unused_port()
    424         self.serv.listen(5)
    425         self.conn = None
    427     def tearDown(self):
    428         if self.conn:
    429             self.conn.close()
    430             self.conn = None
    431         self.serv.close()
    432         self.serv = None
    434     def testHTTPConnectionSourceAddress(self):
    435         self.conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, self.port,
    436                 source_address=('', self.source_port))
    437         self.conn.connect()
    438         self.assertEqual(self.conn.sock.getsockname()[1], self.source_port)
    440     @unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(httplib, 'HTTPSConnection'),
    441                      'httplib.HTTPSConnection not defined')
    442     def testHTTPSConnectionSourceAddress(self):
    443         self.conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(HOST, self.port,
    444                 source_address=('', self.source_port))
    445         # We don't test anything here other the constructor not barfing as
    446         # this code doesn't deal with setting up an active running SSL server
    447         # for an ssl_wrapped connect() to actually return from.
    450 class TimeoutTest(TestCase):
    451     PORT = None
    453     def setUp(self):
    454         self.serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    455         TimeoutTest.PORT = test_support.bind_port(self.serv)
    456         self.serv.listen(5)
    458     def tearDown(self):
    459         self.serv.close()
    460         self.serv = None
    462     def testTimeoutAttribute(self):
    463         '''This will prove that the timeout gets through
    464         HTTPConnection and into the socket.
    465         '''
    466         # default -- use global socket timeout
    467         self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None)
    468         socket.setdefaulttimeout(30)
    469         try:
    470             httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, TimeoutTest.PORT)
    471             httpConn.connect()
    472         finally:
    473             socket.setdefaulttimeout(None)
    474         self.assertEqual(httpConn.sock.gettimeout(), 30)
    475         httpConn.close()
    477         # no timeout -- do not use global socket default
    478         self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None)
    479         socket.setdefaulttimeout(30)
    480         try:
    481             httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, TimeoutTest.PORT,
    482                                               timeout=None)
    483             httpConn.connect()
    484         finally:
    485             socket.setdefaulttimeout(None)
    486         self.assertEqual(httpConn.sock.gettimeout(), None)
    487         httpConn.close()
    489         # a value
    490         httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, TimeoutTest.PORT, timeout=30)
    491         httpConn.connect()
    492         self.assertEqual(httpConn.sock.gettimeout(), 30)
    493         httpConn.close()
    496 class HTTPSTimeoutTest(TestCase):
    497 # XXX Here should be tests for HTTPS, there isn't any right now!
    499     def test_attributes(self):
    500         # simple test to check it's storing it
    501         if hasattr(httplib, 'HTTPSConnection'):
    502             h = httplib.HTTPSConnection(HOST, TimeoutTest.PORT, timeout=30)
    503             self.assertEqual(h.timeout, 30)
    505     @unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(httplib, 'HTTPS'), 'httplib.HTTPS not available')
    506     def test_host_port(self):
    507         # Check invalid host_port
    509         # Note that httplib does not accept user:password@ in the host-port.
    510         for hp in ("www.python.org:abc", "user:password (at] www.python.org"):
    511             self.assertRaises(httplib.InvalidURL, httplib.HTTP, hp)
    513         for hp, h, p in (("[fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b]:8000", "fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b",
    514                           8000),
    515                          ("pypi.python.org:443", "pypi.python.org", 443),
    516                          ("pypi.python.org", "pypi.python.org", 443),
    517                          ("pypi.python.org:", "pypi.python.org", 443),
    518                          ("[fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b]", "fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b", 443)):
    519             http = httplib.HTTPS(hp)
    520             c = http._conn
    521             if h != c.host:
    522                 self.fail("Host incorrectly parsed: %s != %s" % (h, c.host))
    523             if p != c.port:
    524                 self.fail("Port incorrectly parsed: %s != %s" % (p, c.host))
    527 def test_main(verbose=None):
    528     test_support.run_unittest(HeaderTests, OfflineTest, BasicTest, TimeoutTest,
    529                               HTTPSTimeoutTest, SourceAddressTest)
    531 if __name__ == '__main__':
    532     test_main()