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      1 // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package tar
      7 import (
      8 	"bytes"
      9 	"io"
     10 	"io/ioutil"
     11 	"strconv"
     12 	"strings"
     13 	"time"
     14 )
     16 // Reader provides sequential access to the contents of a tar archive.
     17 // Reader.Next advances to the next file in the archive (including the first),
     18 // and then Reader can be treated as an io.Reader to access the file's data.
     19 type Reader struct {
     20 	r    io.Reader
     21 	pad  int64      // Amount of padding (ignored) after current file entry
     22 	curr fileReader // Reader for current file entry
     23 	blk  block      // Buffer to use as temporary local storage
     25 	// err is a persistent error.
     26 	// It is only the responsibility of every exported method of Reader to
     27 	// ensure that this error is sticky.
     28 	err error
     29 }
     31 type fileReader interface {
     32 	io.Reader
     33 	fileState
     35 	WriteTo(io.Writer) (int64, error)
     36 }
     38 // NewReader creates a new Reader reading from r.
     39 func NewReader(r io.Reader) *Reader {
     40 	return &Reader{r: r, curr: &regFileReader{r, 0}}
     41 }
     43 // Next advances to the next entry in the tar archive.
     44 // The Header.Size determines how many bytes can be read for the next file.
     45 // Any remaining data in the current file is automatically discarded.
     46 //
     47 // io.EOF is returned at the end of the input.
     48 func (tr *Reader) Next() (*Header, error) {
     49 	if tr.err != nil {
     50 		return nil, tr.err
     51 	}
     52 	hdr, err := tr.next()
     53 	tr.err = err
     54 	return hdr, err
     55 }
     57 func (tr *Reader) next() (*Header, error) {
     58 	var paxHdrs map[string]string
     59 	var gnuLongName, gnuLongLink string
     61 	// Externally, Next iterates through the tar archive as if it is a series of
     62 	// files. Internally, the tar format often uses fake "files" to add meta
     63 	// data that describes the next file. These meta data "files" should not
     64 	// normally be visible to the outside. As such, this loop iterates through
     65 	// one or more "header files" until it finds a "normal file".
     66 	format := FormatUSTAR | FormatPAX | FormatGNU
     67 loop:
     68 	for {
     69 		// Discard the remainder of the file and any padding.
     70 		if err := discard(tr.r, tr.curr.PhysicalRemaining()); err != nil {
     71 			return nil, err
     72 		}
     73 		if _, err := tryReadFull(tr.r, tr.blk[:tr.pad]); err != nil {
     74 			return nil, err
     75 		}
     76 		tr.pad = 0
     78 		hdr, rawHdr, err := tr.readHeader()
     79 		if err != nil {
     80 			return nil, err
     81 		}
     82 		if err := tr.handleRegularFile(hdr); err != nil {
     83 			return nil, err
     84 		}
     85 		format.mayOnlyBe(hdr.Format)
     87 		// Check for PAX/GNU special headers and files.
     88 		switch hdr.Typeflag {
     89 		case TypeXHeader, TypeXGlobalHeader:
     90 			format.mayOnlyBe(FormatPAX)
     91 			paxHdrs, err = parsePAX(tr)
     92 			if err != nil {
     93 				return nil, err
     94 			}
     95 			if hdr.Typeflag == TypeXGlobalHeader {
     96 				mergePAX(hdr, paxHdrs)
     97 				return &Header{
     98 					Name:       hdr.Name,
     99 					Typeflag:   hdr.Typeflag,
    100 					Xattrs:     hdr.Xattrs,
    101 					PAXRecords: hdr.PAXRecords,
    102 					Format:     format,
    103 				}, nil
    104 			}
    105 			continue loop // This is a meta header affecting the next header
    106 		case TypeGNULongName, TypeGNULongLink:
    107 			format.mayOnlyBe(FormatGNU)
    108 			realname, err := ioutil.ReadAll(tr)
    109 			if err != nil {
    110 				return nil, err
    111 			}
    113 			var p parser
    114 			switch hdr.Typeflag {
    115 			case TypeGNULongName:
    116 				gnuLongName = p.parseString(realname)
    117 			case TypeGNULongLink:
    118 				gnuLongLink = p.parseString(realname)
    119 			}
    120 			continue loop // This is a meta header affecting the next header
    121 		default:
    122 			// The old GNU sparse format is handled here since it is technically
    123 			// just a regular file with additional attributes.
    125 			if err := mergePAX(hdr, paxHdrs); err != nil {
    126 				return nil, err
    127 			}
    128 			if gnuLongName != "" {
    129 				hdr.Name = gnuLongName
    130 			}
    131 			if gnuLongLink != "" {
    132 				hdr.Linkname = gnuLongLink
    133 			}
    134 			if hdr.Typeflag == TypeRegA && strings.HasSuffix(hdr.Name, "/") {
    135 				hdr.Typeflag = TypeDir // Legacy archives use trailing slash for directories
    136 			}
    138 			// The extended headers may have updated the size.
    139 			// Thus, setup the regFileReader again after merging PAX headers.
    140 			if err := tr.handleRegularFile(hdr); err != nil {
    141 				return nil, err
    142 			}
    144 			// Sparse formats rely on being able to read from the logical data
    145 			// section; there must be a preceding call to handleRegularFile.
    146 			if err := tr.handleSparseFile(hdr, rawHdr); err != nil {
    147 				return nil, err
    148 			}
    150 			// Set the final guess at the format.
    151 			if format.has(FormatUSTAR) && format.has(FormatPAX) {
    152 				format.mayOnlyBe(FormatUSTAR)
    153 			}
    154 			hdr.Format = format
    155 			return hdr, nil // This is a file, so stop
    156 		}
    157 	}
    158 }
    160 // handleRegularFile sets up the current file reader and padding such that it
    161 // can only read the following logical data section. It will properly handle
    162 // special headers that contain no data section.
    163 func (tr *Reader) handleRegularFile(hdr *Header) error {
    164 	nb := hdr.Size
    165 	if isHeaderOnlyType(hdr.Typeflag) {
    166 		nb = 0
    167 	}
    168 	if nb < 0 {
    169 		return ErrHeader
    170 	}
    172 	tr.pad = blockPadding(nb)
    173 	tr.curr = &regFileReader{r: tr.r, nb: nb}
    174 	return nil
    175 }
    177 // handleSparseFile checks if the current file is a sparse format of any type
    178 // and sets the curr reader appropriately.
    179 func (tr *Reader) handleSparseFile(hdr *Header, rawHdr *block) error {
    180 	var spd sparseDatas
    181 	var err error
    182 	if hdr.Typeflag == TypeGNUSparse {
    183 		spd, err = tr.readOldGNUSparseMap(hdr, rawHdr)
    184 	} else {
    185 		spd, err = tr.readGNUSparsePAXHeaders(hdr)
    186 	}
    188 	// If sp is non-nil, then this is a sparse file.
    189 	// Note that it is possible for len(sp) == 0.
    190 	if err == nil && spd != nil {
    191 		if isHeaderOnlyType(hdr.Typeflag) || !validateSparseEntries(spd, hdr.Size) {
    192 			return ErrHeader
    193 		}
    194 		sph := invertSparseEntries(spd, hdr.Size)
    195 		tr.curr = &sparseFileReader{tr.curr, sph, 0}
    196 	}
    197 	return err
    198 }
    200 // readGNUSparsePAXHeaders checks the PAX headers for GNU sparse headers.
    201 // If they are found, then this function reads the sparse map and returns it.
    202 // This assumes that 0.0 headers have already been converted to 0.1 headers
    203 // by the the PAX header parsing logic.
    204 func (tr *Reader) readGNUSparsePAXHeaders(hdr *Header) (sparseDatas, error) {
    205 	// Identify the version of GNU headers.
    206 	var is1x0 bool
    207 	major, minor := hdr.PAXRecords[paxGNUSparseMajor], hdr.PAXRecords[paxGNUSparseMinor]
    208 	switch {
    209 	case major == "0" && (minor == "0" || minor == "1"):
    210 		is1x0 = false
    211 	case major == "1" && minor == "0":
    212 		is1x0 = true
    213 	case major != "" || minor != "":
    214 		return nil, nil // Unknown GNU sparse PAX version
    215 	case hdr.PAXRecords[paxGNUSparseMap] != "":
    216 		is1x0 = false // 0.0 and 0.1 did not have explicit version records, so guess
    217 	default:
    218 		return nil, nil // Not a PAX format GNU sparse file.
    219 	}
    220 	hdr.Format.mayOnlyBe(FormatPAX)
    222 	// Update hdr from GNU sparse PAX headers.
    223 	if name := hdr.PAXRecords[paxGNUSparseName]; name != "" {
    224 		hdr.Name = name
    225 	}
    226 	size := hdr.PAXRecords[paxGNUSparseSize]
    227 	if size == "" {
    228 		size = hdr.PAXRecords[paxGNUSparseRealSize]
    229 	}
    230 	if size != "" {
    231 		n, err := strconv.ParseInt(size, 10, 64)
    232 		if err != nil {
    233 			return nil, ErrHeader
    234 		}
    235 		hdr.Size = n
    236 	}
    238 	// Read the sparse map according to the appropriate format.
    239 	if is1x0 {
    240 		return readGNUSparseMap1x0(tr.curr)
    241 	}
    242 	return readGNUSparseMap0x1(hdr.PAXRecords)
    243 }
    245 // mergePAX merges paxHdrs into hdr for all relevant fields of Header.
    246 func mergePAX(hdr *Header, paxHdrs map[string]string) (err error) {
    247 	for k, v := range paxHdrs {
    248 		if v == "" {
    249 			continue // Keep the original USTAR value
    250 		}
    251 		var id64 int64
    252 		switch k {
    253 		case paxPath:
    254 			hdr.Name = v
    255 		case paxLinkpath:
    256 			hdr.Linkname = v
    257 		case paxUname:
    258 			hdr.Uname = v
    259 		case paxGname:
    260 			hdr.Gname = v
    261 		case paxUid:
    262 			id64, err = strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
    263 			hdr.Uid = int(id64) // Integer overflow possible
    264 		case paxGid:
    265 			id64, err = strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
    266 			hdr.Gid = int(id64) // Integer overflow possible
    267 		case paxAtime:
    268 			hdr.AccessTime, err = parsePAXTime(v)
    269 		case paxMtime:
    270 			hdr.ModTime, err = parsePAXTime(v)
    271 		case paxCtime:
    272 			hdr.ChangeTime, err = parsePAXTime(v)
    273 		case paxSize:
    274 			hdr.Size, err = strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
    275 		default:
    276 			if strings.HasPrefix(k, paxSchilyXattr) {
    277 				if hdr.Xattrs == nil {
    278 					hdr.Xattrs = make(map[string]string)
    279 				}
    280 				hdr.Xattrs[k[len(paxSchilyXattr):]] = v
    281 			}
    282 		}
    283 		if err != nil {
    284 			return ErrHeader
    285 		}
    286 	}
    287 	hdr.PAXRecords = paxHdrs
    288 	return nil
    289 }
    291 // parsePAX parses PAX headers.
    292 // If an extended header (type 'x') is invalid, ErrHeader is returned
    293 func parsePAX(r io.Reader) (map[string]string, error) {
    294 	buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
    295 	if err != nil {
    296 		return nil, err
    297 	}
    298 	sbuf := string(buf)
    300 	// For GNU PAX sparse format 0.0 support.
    301 	// This function transforms the sparse format 0.0 headers into format 0.1
    302 	// headers since 0.0 headers were not PAX compliant.
    303 	var sparseMap []string
    305 	paxHdrs := make(map[string]string)
    306 	for len(sbuf) > 0 {
    307 		key, value, residual, err := parsePAXRecord(sbuf)
    308 		if err != nil {
    309 			return nil, ErrHeader
    310 		}
    311 		sbuf = residual
    313 		switch key {
    314 		case paxGNUSparseOffset, paxGNUSparseNumBytes:
    315 			// Validate sparse header order and value.
    316 			if (len(sparseMap)%2 == 0 && key != paxGNUSparseOffset) ||
    317 				(len(sparseMap)%2 == 1 && key != paxGNUSparseNumBytes) ||
    318 				strings.Contains(value, ",") {
    319 				return nil, ErrHeader
    320 			}
    321 			sparseMap = append(sparseMap, value)
    322 		default:
    323 			paxHdrs[key] = value
    324 		}
    325 	}
    326 	if len(sparseMap) > 0 {
    327 		paxHdrs[paxGNUSparseMap] = strings.Join(sparseMap, ",")
    328 	}
    329 	return paxHdrs, nil
    330 }
    332 // readHeader reads the next block header and assumes that the underlying reader
    333 // is already aligned to a block boundary. It returns the raw block of the
    334 // header in case further processing is required.
    335 //
    336 // The err will be set to io.EOF only when one of the following occurs:
    337 //	* Exactly 0 bytes are read and EOF is hit.
    338 //	* Exactly 1 block of zeros is read and EOF is hit.
    339 //	* At least 2 blocks of zeros are read.
    340 func (tr *Reader) readHeader() (*Header, *block, error) {
    341 	// Two blocks of zero bytes marks the end of the archive.
    342 	if _, err := io.ReadFull(tr.r, tr.blk[:]); err != nil {
    343 		return nil, nil, err // EOF is okay here; exactly 0 bytes read
    344 	}
    345 	if bytes.Equal(tr.blk[:], zeroBlock[:]) {
    346 		if _, err := io.ReadFull(tr.r, tr.blk[:]); err != nil {
    347 			return nil, nil, err // EOF is okay here; exactly 1 block of zeros read
    348 		}
    349 		if bytes.Equal(tr.blk[:], zeroBlock[:]) {
    350 			return nil, nil, io.EOF // normal EOF; exactly 2 block of zeros read
    351 		}
    352 		return nil, nil, ErrHeader // Zero block and then non-zero block
    353 	}
    355 	// Verify the header matches a known format.
    356 	format := tr.blk.GetFormat()
    357 	if format == FormatUnknown {
    358 		return nil, nil, ErrHeader
    359 	}
    361 	var p parser
    362 	hdr := new(Header)
    364 	// Unpack the V7 header.
    365 	v7 := tr.blk.V7()
    366 	hdr.Typeflag = v7.TypeFlag()[0]
    367 	hdr.Name = p.parseString(v7.Name())
    368 	hdr.Linkname = p.parseString(v7.LinkName())
    369 	hdr.Size = p.parseNumeric(v7.Size())
    370 	hdr.Mode = p.parseNumeric(v7.Mode())
    371 	hdr.Uid = int(p.parseNumeric(v7.UID()))
    372 	hdr.Gid = int(p.parseNumeric(v7.GID()))
    373 	hdr.ModTime = time.Unix(p.parseNumeric(v7.ModTime()), 0)
    375 	// Unpack format specific fields.
    376 	if format > formatV7 {
    377 		ustar := tr.blk.USTAR()
    378 		hdr.Uname = p.parseString(ustar.UserName())
    379 		hdr.Gname = p.parseString(ustar.GroupName())
    380 		hdr.Devmajor = p.parseNumeric(ustar.DevMajor())
    381 		hdr.Devminor = p.parseNumeric(ustar.DevMinor())
    383 		var prefix string
    384 		switch {
    385 		case format.has(FormatUSTAR | FormatPAX):
    386 			hdr.Format = format
    387 			ustar := tr.blk.USTAR()
    388 			prefix = p.parseString(ustar.Prefix())
    390 			// For Format detection, check if block is properly formatted since
    391 			// the parser is more liberal than what USTAR actually permits.
    392 			notASCII := func(r rune) bool { return r >= 0x80 }
    393 			if bytes.IndexFunc(tr.blk[:], notASCII) >= 0 {
    394 				hdr.Format = FormatUnknown // Non-ASCII characters in block.
    395 			}
    396 			nul := func(b []byte) bool { return int(b[len(b)-1]) == 0 }
    397 			if !(nul(v7.Size()) && nul(v7.Mode()) && nul(v7.UID()) && nul(v7.GID()) &&
    398 				nul(v7.ModTime()) && nul(ustar.DevMajor()) && nul(ustar.DevMinor())) {
    399 				hdr.Format = FormatUnknown // Numeric fields must end in NUL
    400 			}
    401 		case format.has(formatSTAR):
    402 			star := tr.blk.STAR()
    403 			prefix = p.parseString(star.Prefix())
    404 			hdr.AccessTime = time.Unix(p.parseNumeric(star.AccessTime()), 0)
    405 			hdr.ChangeTime = time.Unix(p.parseNumeric(star.ChangeTime()), 0)
    406 		case format.has(FormatGNU):
    407 			hdr.Format = format
    408 			var p2 parser
    409 			gnu := tr.blk.GNU()
    410 			if b := gnu.AccessTime(); b[0] != 0 {
    411 				hdr.AccessTime = time.Unix(p2.parseNumeric(b), 0)
    412 			}
    413 			if b := gnu.ChangeTime(); b[0] != 0 {
    414 				hdr.ChangeTime = time.Unix(p2.parseNumeric(b), 0)
    415 			}
    417 			// Prior to Go1.8, the Writer had a bug where it would output
    418 			// an invalid tar file in certain rare situations because the logic
    419 			// incorrectly believed that the old GNU format had a prefix field.
    420 			// This is wrong and leads to an output file that mangles the
    421 			// atime and ctime fields, which are often left unused.
    422 			//
    423 			// In order to continue reading tar files created by former, buggy
    424 			// versions of Go, we skeptically parse the atime and ctime fields.
    425 			// If we are unable to parse them and the prefix field looks like
    426 			// an ASCII string, then we fallback on the pre-Go1.8 behavior
    427 			// of treating these fields as the USTAR prefix field.
    428 			//
    429 			// Note that this will not use the fallback logic for all possible
    430 			// files generated by a pre-Go1.8 toolchain. If the generated file
    431 			// happened to have a prefix field that parses as valid
    432 			// atime and ctime fields (e.g., when they are valid octal strings),
    433 			// then it is impossible to distinguish between an valid GNU file
    434 			// and an invalid pre-Go1.8 file.
    435 			//
    436 			// See https://golang.org/issues/12594
    437 			// See https://golang.org/issues/21005
    438 			if p2.err != nil {
    439 				hdr.AccessTime, hdr.ChangeTime = time.Time{}, time.Time{}
    440 				ustar := tr.blk.USTAR()
    441 				if s := p.parseString(ustar.Prefix()); isASCII(s) {
    442 					prefix = s
    443 				}
    444 				hdr.Format = FormatUnknown // Buggy file is not GNU
    445 			}
    446 		}
    447 		if len(prefix) > 0 {
    448 			hdr.Name = prefix + "/" + hdr.Name
    449 		}
    450 	}
    451 	return hdr, &tr.blk, p.err
    452 }
    454 // readOldGNUSparseMap reads the sparse map from the old GNU sparse format.
    455 // The sparse map is stored in the tar header if it's small enough.
    456 // If it's larger than four entries, then one or more extension headers are used
    457 // to store the rest of the sparse map.
    458 //
    459 // The Header.Size does not reflect the size of any extended headers used.
    460 // Thus, this function will read from the raw io.Reader to fetch extra headers.
    461 // This method mutates blk in the process.
    462 func (tr *Reader) readOldGNUSparseMap(hdr *Header, blk *block) (sparseDatas, error) {
    463 	// Make sure that the input format is GNU.
    464 	// Unfortunately, the STAR format also has a sparse header format that uses
    465 	// the same type flag but has a completely different layout.
    466 	if blk.GetFormat() != FormatGNU {
    467 		return nil, ErrHeader
    468 	}
    469 	hdr.Format.mayOnlyBe(FormatGNU)
    471 	var p parser
    472 	hdr.Size = p.parseNumeric(blk.GNU().RealSize())
    473 	if p.err != nil {
    474 		return nil, p.err
    475 	}
    476 	s := blk.GNU().Sparse()
    477 	spd := make(sparseDatas, 0, s.MaxEntries())
    478 	for {
    479 		for i := 0; i < s.MaxEntries(); i++ {
    480 			// This termination condition is identical to GNU and BSD tar.
    481 			if s.Entry(i).Offset()[0] == 0x00 {
    482 				break // Don't return, need to process extended headers (even if empty)
    483 			}
    484 			offset := p.parseNumeric(s.Entry(i).Offset())
    485 			length := p.parseNumeric(s.Entry(i).Length())
    486 			if p.err != nil {
    487 				return nil, p.err
    488 			}
    489 			spd = append(spd, sparseEntry{Offset: offset, Length: length})
    490 		}
    492 		if s.IsExtended()[0] > 0 {
    493 			// There are more entries. Read an extension header and parse its entries.
    494 			if _, err := mustReadFull(tr.r, blk[:]); err != nil {
    495 				return nil, err
    496 			}
    497 			s = blk.Sparse()
    498 			continue
    499 		}
    500 		return spd, nil // Done
    501 	}
    502 }
    504 // readGNUSparseMap1x0 reads the sparse map as stored in GNU's PAX sparse format
    505 // version 1.0. The format of the sparse map consists of a series of
    506 // newline-terminated numeric fields. The first field is the number of entries
    507 // and is always present. Following this are the entries, consisting of two
    508 // fields (offset, length). This function must stop reading at the end
    509 // boundary of the block containing the last newline.
    510 //
    511 // Note that the GNU manual says that numeric values should be encoded in octal
    512 // format. However, the GNU tar utility itself outputs these values in decimal.
    513 // As such, this library treats values as being encoded in decimal.
    514 func readGNUSparseMap1x0(r io.Reader) (sparseDatas, error) {
    515 	var (
    516 		cntNewline int64
    517 		buf        bytes.Buffer
    518 		blk        block
    519 	)
    521 	// feedTokens copies data in blocks from r into buf until there are
    522 	// at least cnt newlines in buf. It will not read more blocks than needed.
    523 	feedTokens := func(n int64) error {
    524 		for cntNewline < n {
    525 			if _, err := mustReadFull(r, blk[:]); err != nil {
    526 				return err
    527 			}
    528 			buf.Write(blk[:])
    529 			for _, c := range blk {
    530 				if c == '\n' {
    531 					cntNewline++
    532 				}
    533 			}
    534 		}
    535 		return nil
    536 	}
    538 	// nextToken gets the next token delimited by a newline. This assumes that
    539 	// at least one newline exists in the buffer.
    540 	nextToken := func() string {
    541 		cntNewline--
    542 		tok, _ := buf.ReadString('\n')
    543 		return strings.TrimRight(tok, "\n")
    544 	}
    546 	// Parse for the number of entries.
    547 	// Use integer overflow resistant math to check this.
    548 	if err := feedTokens(1); err != nil {
    549 		return nil, err
    550 	}
    551 	numEntries, err := strconv.ParseInt(nextToken(), 10, 0) // Intentionally parse as native int
    552 	if err != nil || numEntries < 0 || int(2*numEntries) < int(numEntries) {
    553 		return nil, ErrHeader
    554 	}
    556 	// Parse for all member entries.
    557 	// numEntries is trusted after this since a potential attacker must have
    558 	// committed resources proportional to what this library used.
    559 	if err := feedTokens(2 * numEntries); err != nil {
    560 		return nil, err
    561 	}
    562 	spd := make(sparseDatas, 0, numEntries)
    563 	for i := int64(0); i < numEntries; i++ {
    564 		offset, err1 := strconv.ParseInt(nextToken(), 10, 64)
    565 		length, err2 := strconv.ParseInt(nextToken(), 10, 64)
    566 		if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
    567 			return nil, ErrHeader
    568 		}
    569 		spd = append(spd, sparseEntry{Offset: offset, Length: length})
    570 	}
    571 	return spd, nil
    572 }
    574 // readGNUSparseMap0x1 reads the sparse map as stored in GNU's PAX sparse format
    575 // version 0.1. The sparse map is stored in the PAX headers.
    576 func readGNUSparseMap0x1(paxHdrs map[string]string) (sparseDatas, error) {
    577 	// Get number of entries.
    578 	// Use integer overflow resistant math to check this.
    579 	numEntriesStr := paxHdrs[paxGNUSparseNumBlocks]
    580 	numEntries, err := strconv.ParseInt(numEntriesStr, 10, 0) // Intentionally parse as native int
    581 	if err != nil || numEntries < 0 || int(2*numEntries) < int(numEntries) {
    582 		return nil, ErrHeader
    583 	}
    585 	// There should be two numbers in sparseMap for each entry.
    586 	sparseMap := strings.Split(paxHdrs[paxGNUSparseMap], ",")
    587 	if len(sparseMap) == 1 && sparseMap[0] == "" {
    588 		sparseMap = sparseMap[:0]
    589 	}
    590 	if int64(len(sparseMap)) != 2*numEntries {
    591 		return nil, ErrHeader
    592 	}
    594 	// Loop through the entries in the sparse map.
    595 	// numEntries is trusted now.
    596 	spd := make(sparseDatas, 0, numEntries)
    597 	for len(sparseMap) >= 2 {
    598 		offset, err1 := strconv.ParseInt(sparseMap[0], 10, 64)
    599 		length, err2 := strconv.ParseInt(sparseMap[1], 10, 64)
    600 		if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
    601 			return nil, ErrHeader
    602 		}
    603 		spd = append(spd, sparseEntry{Offset: offset, Length: length})
    604 		sparseMap = sparseMap[2:]
    605 	}
    606 	return spd, nil
    607 }
    609 // Read reads from the current file in the tar archive.
    610 // It returns (0, io.EOF) when it reaches the end of that file,
    611 // until Next is called to advance to the next file.
    612 //
    613 // If the current file is sparse, then the regions marked as a hole
    614 // are read back as NUL-bytes.
    615 //
    616 // Calling Read on special types like TypeLink, TypeSymlink, TypeChar,
    617 // TypeBlock, TypeDir, and TypeFifo returns (0, io.EOF) regardless of what
    618 // the Header.Size claims.
    619 func (tr *Reader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
    620 	if tr.err != nil {
    621 		return 0, tr.err
    622 	}
    623 	n, err := tr.curr.Read(b)
    624 	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
    625 		tr.err = err
    626 	}
    627 	return n, err
    628 }
    630 // writeTo writes the content of the current file to w.
    631 // The bytes written matches the number of remaining bytes in the current file.
    632 //
    633 // If the current file is sparse and w is an io.WriteSeeker,
    634 // then writeTo uses Seek to skip past holes defined in Header.SparseHoles,
    635 // assuming that skipped regions are filled with NULs.
    636 // This always writes the last byte to ensure w is the right size.
    637 //
    638 // TODO(dsnet): Re-export this when adding sparse file support.
    639 // See https://golang.org/issue/22735
    640 func (tr *Reader) writeTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
    641 	if tr.err != nil {
    642 		return 0, tr.err
    643 	}
    644 	n, err := tr.curr.WriteTo(w)
    645 	if err != nil {
    646 		tr.err = err
    647 	}
    648 	return n, err
    649 }
    651 // regFileReader is a fileReader for reading data from a regular file entry.
    652 type regFileReader struct {
    653 	r  io.Reader // Underlying Reader
    654 	nb int64     // Number of remaining bytes to read
    655 }
    657 func (fr *regFileReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
    658 	if int64(len(b)) > fr.nb {
    659 		b = b[:fr.nb]
    660 	}
    661 	if len(b) > 0 {
    662 		n, err = fr.r.Read(b)
    663 		fr.nb -= int64(n)
    664 	}
    665 	switch {
    666 	case err == io.EOF && fr.nb > 0:
    667 		return n, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
    668 	case err == nil && fr.nb == 0:
    669 		return n, io.EOF
    670 	default:
    671 		return n, err
    672 	}
    673 }
    675 func (fr *regFileReader) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
    676 	return io.Copy(w, struct{ io.Reader }{fr})
    677 }
    679 func (fr regFileReader) LogicalRemaining() int64 {
    680 	return fr.nb
    681 }
    683 func (fr regFileReader) PhysicalRemaining() int64 {
    684 	return fr.nb
    685 }
    687 // sparseFileReader is a fileReader for reading data from a sparse file entry.
    688 type sparseFileReader struct {
    689 	fr  fileReader  // Underlying fileReader
    690 	sp  sparseHoles // Normalized list of sparse holes
    691 	pos int64       // Current position in sparse file
    692 }
    694 func (sr *sparseFileReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
    695 	finished := int64(len(b)) >= sr.LogicalRemaining()
    696 	if finished {
    697 		b = b[:sr.LogicalRemaining()]
    698 	}
    700 	b0 := b
    701 	endPos := sr.pos + int64(len(b))
    702 	for endPos > sr.pos && err == nil {
    703 		var nf int // Bytes read in fragment
    704 		holeStart, holeEnd := sr.sp[0].Offset, sr.sp[0].endOffset()
    705 		if sr.pos < holeStart { // In a data fragment
    706 			bf := b[:min(int64(len(b)), holeStart-sr.pos)]
    707 			nf, err = tryReadFull(sr.fr, bf)
    708 		} else { // In a hole fragment
    709 			bf := b[:min(int64(len(b)), holeEnd-sr.pos)]
    710 			nf, err = tryReadFull(zeroReader{}, bf)
    711 		}
    712 		b = b[nf:]
    713 		sr.pos += int64(nf)
    714 		if sr.pos >= holeEnd && len(sr.sp) > 1 {
    715 			sr.sp = sr.sp[1:] // Ensure last fragment always remains
    716 		}
    717 	}
    719 	n = len(b0) - len(b)
    720 	switch {
    721 	case err == io.EOF:
    722 		return n, errMissData // Less data in dense file than sparse file
    723 	case err != nil:
    724 		return n, err
    725 	case sr.LogicalRemaining() == 0 && sr.PhysicalRemaining() > 0:
    726 		return n, errUnrefData // More data in dense file than sparse file
    727 	case finished:
    728 		return n, io.EOF
    729 	default:
    730 		return n, nil
    731 	}
    732 }
    734 func (sr *sparseFileReader) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
    735 	ws, ok := w.(io.WriteSeeker)
    736 	if ok {
    737 		if _, err := ws.Seek(0, io.SeekCurrent); err != nil {
    738 			ok = false // Not all io.Seeker can really seek
    739 		}
    740 	}
    741 	if !ok {
    742 		return io.Copy(w, struct{ io.Reader }{sr})
    743 	}
    745 	var writeLastByte bool
    746 	pos0 := sr.pos
    747 	for sr.LogicalRemaining() > 0 && !writeLastByte && err == nil {
    748 		var nf int64 // Size of fragment
    749 		holeStart, holeEnd := sr.sp[0].Offset, sr.sp[0].endOffset()
    750 		if sr.pos < holeStart { // In a data fragment
    751 			nf = holeStart - sr.pos
    752 			nf, err = io.CopyN(ws, sr.fr, nf)
    753 		} else { // In a hole fragment
    754 			nf = holeEnd - sr.pos
    755 			if sr.PhysicalRemaining() == 0 {
    756 				writeLastByte = true
    757 				nf--
    758 			}
    759 			_, err = ws.Seek(nf, io.SeekCurrent)
    760 		}
    761 		sr.pos += nf
    762 		if sr.pos >= holeEnd && len(sr.sp) > 1 {
    763 			sr.sp = sr.sp[1:] // Ensure last fragment always remains
    764 		}
    765 	}
    767 	// If the last fragment is a hole, then seek to 1-byte before EOF, and
    768 	// write a single byte to ensure the file is the right size.
    769 	if writeLastByte && err == nil {
    770 		_, err = ws.Write([]byte{0})
    771 		sr.pos++
    772 	}
    774 	n = sr.pos - pos0
    775 	switch {
    776 	case err == io.EOF:
    777 		return n, errMissData // Less data in dense file than sparse file
    778 	case err != nil:
    779 		return n, err
    780 	case sr.LogicalRemaining() == 0 && sr.PhysicalRemaining() > 0:
    781 		return n, errUnrefData // More data in dense file than sparse file
    782 	default:
    783 		return n, nil
    784 	}
    785 }
    787 func (sr sparseFileReader) LogicalRemaining() int64 {
    788 	return sr.sp[len(sr.sp)-1].endOffset() - sr.pos
    789 }
    790 func (sr sparseFileReader) PhysicalRemaining() int64 {
    791 	return sr.fr.PhysicalRemaining()
    792 }
    794 type zeroReader struct{}
    796 func (zeroReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
    797 	for i := range b {
    798 		b[i] = 0
    799 	}
    800 	return len(b), nil
    801 }
    803 // mustReadFull is like io.ReadFull except it returns
    804 // io.ErrUnexpectedEOF when io.EOF is hit before len(b) bytes are read.
    805 func mustReadFull(r io.Reader, b []byte) (int, error) {
    806 	n, err := tryReadFull(r, b)
    807 	if err == io.EOF {
    808 		err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
    809 	}
    810 	return n, err
    811 }
    813 // tryReadFull is like io.ReadFull except it returns
    814 // io.EOF when it is hit before len(b) bytes are read.
    815 func tryReadFull(r io.Reader, b []byte) (n int, err error) {
    816 	for len(b) > n && err == nil {
    817 		var nn int
    818 		nn, err = r.Read(b[n:])
    819 		n += nn
    820 	}
    821 	if len(b) == n && err == io.EOF {
    822 		err = nil
    823 	}
    824 	return n, err
    825 }
    827 // discard skips n bytes in r, reporting an error if unable to do so.
    828 func discard(r io.Reader, n int64) error {
    829 	// If possible, Seek to the last byte before the end of the data section.
    830 	// Do this because Seek is often lazy about reporting errors; this will mask
    831 	// the fact that the stream may be truncated. We can rely on the
    832 	// io.CopyN done shortly afterwards to trigger any IO errors.
    833 	var seekSkipped int64 // Number of bytes skipped via Seek
    834 	if sr, ok := r.(io.Seeker); ok && n > 1 {
    835 		// Not all io.Seeker can actually Seek. For example, os.Stdin implements
    836 		// io.Seeker, but calling Seek always returns an error and performs
    837 		// no action. Thus, we try an innocent seek to the current position
    838 		// to see if Seek is really supported.
    839 		pos1, err := sr.Seek(0, io.SeekCurrent)
    840 		if pos1 >= 0 && err == nil {
    841 			// Seek seems supported, so perform the real Seek.
    842 			pos2, err := sr.Seek(n-1, io.SeekCurrent)
    843 			if pos2 < 0 || err != nil {
    844 				return err
    845 			}
    846 			seekSkipped = pos2 - pos1
    847 		}
    848 	}
    850 	copySkipped, err := io.CopyN(ioutil.Discard, r, n-seekSkipped)
    851 	if err == io.EOF && seekSkipped+copySkipped < n {
    852 		err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
    853 	}
    854 	return err
    855 }