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      1 // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package main_test
      7 import (
      8 	"bytes"
      9 	"debug/elf"
     10 	"debug/macho"
     11 	"fmt"
     12 	"go/format"
     13 	"internal/race"
     14 	"internal/testenv"
     15 	"io"
     16 	"io/ioutil"
     17 	"os"
     18 	"os/exec"
     19 	"path/filepath"
     20 	"regexp"
     21 	"runtime"
     22 	"strconv"
     23 	"strings"
     24 	"testing"
     25 	"time"
     26 )
     28 var (
     29 	canRun  = true  // whether we can run go or ./testgo
     30 	canRace = false // whether we can run the race detector
     31 	canCgo  = false // whether we can use cgo
     32 	canMSan = false // whether we can run the memory sanitizer
     34 	exeSuffix string // ".exe" on Windows
     36 	skipExternal = false // skip external tests
     37 )
     39 func tooSlow(t *testing.T) {
     40 	if testing.Short() {
     41 		// In -short mode; skip test, except run it on the {darwin,linux,windows}/amd64 builders.
     42 		if testenv.Builder() != "" && runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" && (runtime.GOOS == "linux" || runtime.GOOS == "darwin" || runtime.GOOS == "windows") {
     43 			return
     44 		}
     45 		t.Skip("skipping test in -short mode")
     46 	}
     47 }
     49 func init() {
     50 	switch runtime.GOOS {
     51 	case "android", "nacl":
     52 		canRun = false
     53 	case "darwin":
     54 		switch runtime.GOARCH {
     55 		case "arm", "arm64":
     56 			canRun = false
     57 		}
     58 	case "linux":
     59 		switch runtime.GOARCH {
     60 		case "arm":
     61 			// many linux/arm machines are too slow to run
     62 			// the full set of external tests.
     63 			skipExternal = true
     64 		case "mips", "mipsle", "mips64", "mips64le":
     65 			// Also slow.
     66 			skipExternal = true
     67 			if testenv.Builder() != "" {
     68 				// On the builders, skip the cmd/go
     69 				// tests. They're too slow and already
     70 				// covered by other ports. There's
     71 				// nothing os/arch specific in the
     72 				// tests.
     73 				canRun = false
     74 			}
     75 		}
     76 	case "freebsd":
     77 		switch runtime.GOARCH {
     78 		case "arm":
     79 			// many freebsd/arm machines are too slow to run
     80 			// the full set of external tests.
     81 			skipExternal = true
     82 			canRun = false
     83 		}
     84 	case "plan9":
     85 		switch runtime.GOARCH {
     86 		case "arm":
     87 			// many plan9/arm machines are too slow to run
     88 			// the full set of external tests.
     89 			skipExternal = true
     90 		}
     91 	case "windows":
     92 		exeSuffix = ".exe"
     93 	}
     94 }
     96 // testGOROOT is the GOROOT to use when running testgo, a cmd/go binary
     97 // build from this process's current GOROOT, but run from a different
     98 // (temp) directory.
     99 var testGOROOT string
    101 var testCC string
    103 // The TestMain function creates a go command for testing purposes and
    104 // deletes it after the tests have been run.
    105 func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
    106 	if os.Getenv("GO_GCFLAGS") != "" {
    107 		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: warning: no tests to run\n") // magic string for cmd/go
    108 		fmt.Printf("cmd/go test is not compatible with $GO_GCFLAGS being set\n")
    109 		fmt.Printf("SKIP\n")
    110 		return
    111 	}
    112 	os.Unsetenv("GOROOT_FINAL")
    114 	if canRun {
    115 		args := []string{"build", "-tags", "testgo", "-o", "testgo" + exeSuffix}
    116 		if race.Enabled {
    117 			args = append(args, "-race")
    118 		}
    119 		gotool, err := testenv.GoTool()
    120 		if err != nil {
    121 			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
    122 			os.Exit(2)
    123 		}
    125 		goEnv := func(name string) string {
    126 			out, err := exec.Command(gotool, "env", name).CombinedOutput()
    127 			if err != nil {
    128 				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go env %s: %v\n%s", name, err, out)
    129 				os.Exit(2)
    130 			}
    131 			return strings.TrimSpace(string(out))
    132 		}
    133 		testGOROOT = goEnv("GOROOT")
    135 		// The whole GOROOT/pkg tree was installed using the GOHOSTOS/GOHOSTARCH
    136 		// toolchain (installed in GOROOT/pkg/tool/GOHOSTOS_GOHOSTARCH).
    137 		// The testgo.exe we are about to create will be built for GOOS/GOARCH,
    138 		// which means it will use the GOOS/GOARCH toolchain
    139 		// (installed in GOROOT/pkg/tool/GOOS_GOARCH).
    140 		// If these are not the same toolchain, then the entire standard library
    141 		// will look out of date (the compilers in those two different tool directories
    142 		// are built for different architectures and have different buid IDs),
    143 		// which will cause many tests to do unnecessary rebuilds and some
    144 		// tests to attempt to overwrite the installed standard library.
    145 		// Bail out entirely in this case.
    146 		hostGOOS := goEnv("GOHOSTOS")
    147 		hostGOARCH := goEnv("GOHOSTARCH")
    148 		if hostGOOS != runtime.GOOS || hostGOARCH != runtime.GOARCH {
    149 			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: warning: no tests to run\n") // magic string for cmd/go
    150 			fmt.Printf("cmd/go test is not compatible with GOOS/GOARCH != GOHOSTOS/GOHOSTARCH (%s/%s != %s/%s)\n", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH, hostGOOS, hostGOARCH)
    151 			fmt.Printf("SKIP\n")
    152 			return
    153 		}
    155 		out, err := exec.Command(gotool, args...).CombinedOutput()
    156 		if err != nil {
    157 			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "building testgo failed: %v\n%s", err, out)
    158 			os.Exit(2)
    159 		}
    161 		out, err = exec.Command(gotool, "env", "CC").CombinedOutput()
    162 		if err != nil {
    163 			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not find testing CC: %v\n%s", err, out)
    164 			os.Exit(2)
    165 		}
    166 		testCC = strings.TrimSpace(string(out))
    168 		if out, err := exec.Command("./testgo"+exeSuffix, "env", "CGO_ENABLED").Output(); err != nil {
    169 			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "running testgo failed: %v\n", err)
    170 			canRun = false
    171 		} else {
    172 			canCgo, err = strconv.ParseBool(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)))
    173 			if err != nil {
    174 				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "can't parse go env CGO_ENABLED output: %v\n", strings.TrimSpace(string(out)))
    175 			}
    176 		}
    178 		// As of Sept 2017, MSan is only supported on linux/amd64.
    179 		// https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/MemorySanitizer#getting-memorysanitizer
    180 		canMSan = canCgo && runtime.GOOS == "linux" && runtime.GOARCH == "amd64"
    182 		switch runtime.GOOS {
    183 		case "linux", "darwin", "freebsd", "windows":
    184 			// The race detector doesn't work on Alpine Linux:
    185 			// golang.org/issue/14481
    186 			canRace = canCgo && runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" && !isAlpineLinux()
    187 		}
    188 	}
    189 	// Don't let these environment variables confuse the test.
    190 	os.Unsetenv("GOBIN")
    191 	os.Unsetenv("GOPATH")
    192 	os.Unsetenv("GIT_ALLOW_PROTOCOL")
    193 	if home, ccacheDir := os.Getenv("HOME"), os.Getenv("CCACHE_DIR"); home != "" && ccacheDir == "" {
    194 		// On some systems the default C compiler is ccache.
    195 		// Setting HOME to a non-existent directory will break
    196 		// those systems. Set CCACHE_DIR to cope. Issue 17668.
    197 		os.Setenv("CCACHE_DIR", filepath.Join(home, ".ccache"))
    198 	}
    199 	os.Setenv("HOME", "/test-go-home-does-not-exist")
    200 	if os.Getenv("GOCACHE") == "" {
    201 		os.Setenv("GOCACHE", "off") // because $HOME is gone
    202 	}
    204 	r := m.Run()
    206 	if canRun {
    207 		os.Remove("testgo" + exeSuffix)
    208 	}
    210 	os.Exit(r)
    211 }
    213 func isAlpineLinux() bool {
    214 	if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
    215 		return false
    216 	}
    217 	fi, err := os.Lstat("/etc/alpine-release")
    218 	return err == nil && fi.Mode().IsRegular()
    219 }
    221 // The length of an mtime tick on this system. This is an estimate of
    222 // how long we need to sleep to ensure that the mtime of two files is
    223 // different.
    224 // We used to try to be clever but that didn't always work (see golang.org/issue/12205).
    225 var mtimeTick time.Duration = 1 * time.Second
    227 // Manage a single run of the testgo binary.
    228 type testgoData struct {
    229 	t              *testing.T
    230 	temps          []string
    231 	wd             string
    232 	env            []string
    233 	tempdir        string
    234 	ran            bool
    235 	inParallel     bool
    236 	stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
    237 }
    239 // testgo sets up for a test that runs testgo.
    240 func testgo(t *testing.T) *testgoData {
    241 	t.Helper()
    242 	testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t)
    244 	if skipExternal {
    245 		t.Skipf("skipping external tests on %s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
    246 	}
    248 	return &testgoData{t: t}
    249 }
    251 // must gives a fatal error if err is not nil.
    252 func (tg *testgoData) must(err error) {
    253 	tg.t.Helper()
    254 	if err != nil {
    255 		tg.t.Fatal(err)
    256 	}
    257 }
    259 // check gives a test non-fatal error if err is not nil.
    260 func (tg *testgoData) check(err error) {
    261 	tg.t.Helper()
    262 	if err != nil {
    263 		tg.t.Error(err)
    264 	}
    265 }
    267 // parallel runs the test in parallel by calling t.Parallel.
    268 func (tg *testgoData) parallel() {
    269 	tg.t.Helper()
    270 	if tg.ran {
    271 		tg.t.Fatal("internal testsuite error: call to parallel after run")
    272 	}
    273 	if tg.wd != "" {
    274 		tg.t.Fatal("internal testsuite error: call to parallel after cd")
    275 	}
    276 	for _, e := range tg.env {
    277 		if strings.HasPrefix(e, "GOROOT=") || strings.HasPrefix(e, "GOPATH=") || strings.HasPrefix(e, "GOBIN=") {
    278 			val := e[strings.Index(e, "=")+1:]
    279 			if strings.HasPrefix(val, "testdata") || strings.HasPrefix(val, "./testdata") {
    280 				tg.t.Fatalf("internal testsuite error: call to parallel with testdata in environment (%s)", e)
    281 			}
    282 		}
    283 	}
    284 	tg.inParallel = true
    285 	tg.t.Parallel()
    286 }
    288 // pwd returns the current directory.
    289 func (tg *testgoData) pwd() string {
    290 	tg.t.Helper()
    291 	wd, err := os.Getwd()
    292 	if err != nil {
    293 		tg.t.Fatalf("could not get working directory: %v", err)
    294 	}
    295 	return wd
    296 }
    298 // cd changes the current directory to the named directory. Note that
    299 // using this means that the test must not be run in parallel with any
    300 // other tests.
    301 func (tg *testgoData) cd(dir string) {
    302 	tg.t.Helper()
    303 	if tg.inParallel {
    304 		tg.t.Fatal("internal testsuite error: changing directory when running in parallel")
    305 	}
    306 	if tg.wd == "" {
    307 		tg.wd = tg.pwd()
    308 	}
    309 	abs, err := filepath.Abs(dir)
    310 	tg.must(os.Chdir(dir))
    311 	if err == nil {
    312 		tg.setenv("PWD", abs)
    313 	}
    314 }
    316 // sleep sleeps for one tick, where a tick is a conservative estimate
    317 // of how long it takes for a file modification to get a different
    318 // mtime.
    319 func (tg *testgoData) sleep() {
    320 	time.Sleep(mtimeTick)
    321 }
    323 // setenv sets an environment variable to use when running the test go
    324 // command.
    325 func (tg *testgoData) setenv(name, val string) {
    326 	tg.t.Helper()
    327 	if tg.inParallel && (name == "GOROOT" || name == "GOPATH" || name == "GOBIN") && (strings.HasPrefix(val, "testdata") || strings.HasPrefix(val, "./testdata")) {
    328 		tg.t.Fatalf("internal testsuite error: call to setenv with testdata (%s=%s) after parallel", name, val)
    329 	}
    330 	tg.unsetenv(name)
    331 	tg.env = append(tg.env, name+"="+val)
    332 }
    334 // unsetenv removes an environment variable.
    335 func (tg *testgoData) unsetenv(name string) {
    336 	if tg.env == nil {
    337 		tg.env = append([]string(nil), os.Environ()...)
    338 	}
    339 	for i, v := range tg.env {
    340 		if strings.HasPrefix(v, name+"=") {
    341 			tg.env = append(tg.env[:i], tg.env[i+1:]...)
    342 			break
    343 		}
    344 	}
    345 }
    347 func (tg *testgoData) goTool() string {
    348 	if tg.wd == "" {
    349 		return "./testgo" + exeSuffix
    350 	}
    351 	return filepath.Join(tg.wd, "testgo"+exeSuffix)
    352 }
    354 // doRun runs the test go command, recording stdout and stderr and
    355 // returning exit status.
    356 func (tg *testgoData) doRun(args []string) error {
    357 	tg.t.Helper()
    358 	if !canRun {
    359 		panic("testgoData.doRun called but canRun false")
    360 	}
    361 	if tg.inParallel {
    362 		for _, arg := range args {
    363 			if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "testdata") || strings.HasPrefix(arg, "./testdata") {
    364 				tg.t.Fatal("internal testsuite error: parallel run using testdata")
    365 			}
    366 		}
    367 	}
    369 	hasGoroot := false
    370 	for _, v := range tg.env {
    371 		if strings.HasPrefix(v, "GOROOT=") {
    372 			hasGoroot = true
    373 			break
    374 		}
    375 	}
    376 	prog := tg.goTool()
    377 	if !hasGoroot {
    378 		tg.setenv("GOROOT", testGOROOT)
    379 	}
    381 	tg.t.Logf("running testgo %v", args)
    382 	cmd := exec.Command(prog, args...)
    383 	tg.stdout.Reset()
    384 	tg.stderr.Reset()
    385 	cmd.Stdout = &tg.stdout
    386 	cmd.Stderr = &tg.stderr
    387 	cmd.Env = tg.env
    388 	status := cmd.Run()
    389 	if tg.stdout.Len() > 0 {
    390 		tg.t.Log("standard output:")
    391 		tg.t.Log(tg.stdout.String())
    392 	}
    393 	if tg.stderr.Len() > 0 {
    394 		tg.t.Log("standard error:")
    395 		tg.t.Log(tg.stderr.String())
    396 	}
    397 	tg.ran = true
    398 	return status
    399 }
    401 // run runs the test go command, and expects it to succeed.
    402 func (tg *testgoData) run(args ...string) {
    403 	tg.t.Helper()
    404 	if status := tg.doRun(args); status != nil {
    405 		tg.t.Logf("go %v failed unexpectedly: %v", args, status)
    406 		tg.t.FailNow()
    407 	}
    408 }
    410 // runFail runs the test go command, and expects it to fail.
    411 func (tg *testgoData) runFail(args ...string) {
    412 	tg.t.Helper()
    413 	if status := tg.doRun(args); status == nil {
    414 		tg.t.Fatal("testgo succeeded unexpectedly")
    415 	} else {
    416 		tg.t.Log("testgo failed as expected:", status)
    417 	}
    418 }
    420 // runGit runs a git command, and expects it to succeed.
    421 func (tg *testgoData) runGit(dir string, args ...string) {
    422 	tg.t.Helper()
    423 	cmd := exec.Command("git", args...)
    424 	tg.stdout.Reset()
    425 	tg.stderr.Reset()
    426 	cmd.Stdout = &tg.stdout
    427 	cmd.Stderr = &tg.stderr
    428 	cmd.Dir = dir
    429 	cmd.Env = tg.env
    430 	status := cmd.Run()
    431 	if tg.stdout.Len() > 0 {
    432 		tg.t.Log("git standard output:")
    433 		tg.t.Log(tg.stdout.String())
    434 	}
    435 	if tg.stderr.Len() > 0 {
    436 		tg.t.Log("git standard error:")
    437 		tg.t.Log(tg.stderr.String())
    438 	}
    439 	if status != nil {
    440 		tg.t.Logf("git %v failed unexpectedly: %v", args, status)
    441 		tg.t.FailNow()
    442 	}
    443 }
    445 // getStdout returns standard output of the testgo run as a string.
    446 func (tg *testgoData) getStdout() string {
    447 	tg.t.Helper()
    448 	if !tg.ran {
    449 		tg.t.Fatal("internal testsuite error: stdout called before run")
    450 	}
    451 	return tg.stdout.String()
    452 }
    454 // getStderr returns standard error of the testgo run as a string.
    455 func (tg *testgoData) getStderr() string {
    456 	tg.t.Helper()
    457 	if !tg.ran {
    458 		tg.t.Fatal("internal testsuite error: stdout called before run")
    459 	}
    460 	return tg.stderr.String()
    461 }
    463 // doGrepMatch looks for a regular expression in a buffer, and returns
    464 // whether it is found. The regular expression is matched against
    465 // each line separately, as with the grep command.
    466 func (tg *testgoData) doGrepMatch(match string, b *bytes.Buffer) bool {
    467 	tg.t.Helper()
    468 	if !tg.ran {
    469 		tg.t.Fatal("internal testsuite error: grep called before run")
    470 	}
    471 	re := regexp.MustCompile(match)
    472 	for _, ln := range bytes.Split(b.Bytes(), []byte{'\n'}) {
    473 		if re.Match(ln) {
    474 			return true
    475 		}
    476 	}
    477 	return false
    478 }
    480 // doGrep looks for a regular expression in a buffer and fails if it
    481 // is not found. The name argument is the name of the output we are
    482 // searching, "output" or "error". The msg argument is logged on
    483 // failure.
    484 func (tg *testgoData) doGrep(match string, b *bytes.Buffer, name, msg string) {
    485 	tg.t.Helper()
    486 	if !tg.doGrepMatch(match, b) {
    487 		tg.t.Log(msg)
    488 		tg.t.Logf("pattern %v not found in standard %s", match, name)
    489 		tg.t.FailNow()
    490 	}
    491 }
    493 // grepStdout looks for a regular expression in the test run's
    494 // standard output and fails, logging msg, if it is not found.
    495 func (tg *testgoData) grepStdout(match, msg string) {
    496 	tg.t.Helper()
    497 	tg.doGrep(match, &tg.stdout, "output", msg)
    498 }
    500 // grepStderr looks for a regular expression in the test run's
    501 // standard error and fails, logging msg, if it is not found.
    502 func (tg *testgoData) grepStderr(match, msg string) {
    503 	tg.t.Helper()
    504 	tg.doGrep(match, &tg.stderr, "error", msg)
    505 }
    507 // grepBoth looks for a regular expression in the test run's standard
    508 // output or stand error and fails, logging msg, if it is not found.
    509 func (tg *testgoData) grepBoth(match, msg string) {
    510 	tg.t.Helper()
    511 	if !tg.doGrepMatch(match, &tg.stdout) && !tg.doGrepMatch(match, &tg.stderr) {
    512 		tg.t.Log(msg)
    513 		tg.t.Logf("pattern %v not found in standard output or standard error", match)
    514 		tg.t.FailNow()
    515 	}
    516 }
    518 // doGrepNot looks for a regular expression in a buffer and fails if
    519 // it is found. The name and msg arguments are as for doGrep.
    520 func (tg *testgoData) doGrepNot(match string, b *bytes.Buffer, name, msg string) {
    521 	tg.t.Helper()
    522 	if tg.doGrepMatch(match, b) {
    523 		tg.t.Log(msg)
    524 		tg.t.Logf("pattern %v found unexpectedly in standard %s", match, name)
    525 		tg.t.FailNow()
    526 	}
    527 }
    529 // grepStdoutNot looks for a regular expression in the test run's
    530 // standard output and fails, logging msg, if it is found.
    531 func (tg *testgoData) grepStdoutNot(match, msg string) {
    532 	tg.t.Helper()
    533 	tg.doGrepNot(match, &tg.stdout, "output", msg)
    534 }
    536 // grepStderrNot looks for a regular expression in the test run's
    537 // standard error and fails, logging msg, if it is found.
    538 func (tg *testgoData) grepStderrNot(match, msg string) {
    539 	tg.t.Helper()
    540 	tg.doGrepNot(match, &tg.stderr, "error", msg)
    541 }
    543 // grepBothNot looks for a regular expression in the test run's
    544 // standard output or stand error and fails, logging msg, if it is
    545 // found.
    546 func (tg *testgoData) grepBothNot(match, msg string) {
    547 	tg.t.Helper()
    548 	if tg.doGrepMatch(match, &tg.stdout) || tg.doGrepMatch(match, &tg.stderr) {
    549 		tg.t.Log(msg)
    550 		tg.t.Fatalf("pattern %v found unexpectedly in standard output or standard error", match)
    551 	}
    552 }
    554 // doGrepCount counts the number of times a regexp is seen in a buffer.
    555 func (tg *testgoData) doGrepCount(match string, b *bytes.Buffer) int {
    556 	tg.t.Helper()
    557 	if !tg.ran {
    558 		tg.t.Fatal("internal testsuite error: doGrepCount called before run")
    559 	}
    560 	re := regexp.MustCompile(match)
    561 	c := 0
    562 	for _, ln := range bytes.Split(b.Bytes(), []byte{'\n'}) {
    563 		if re.Match(ln) {
    564 			c++
    565 		}
    566 	}
    567 	return c
    568 }
    570 // grepCountBoth returns the number of times a regexp is seen in both
    571 // standard output and standard error.
    572 func (tg *testgoData) grepCountBoth(match string) int {
    573 	tg.t.Helper()
    574 	return tg.doGrepCount(match, &tg.stdout) + tg.doGrepCount(match, &tg.stderr)
    575 }
    577 // creatingTemp records that the test plans to create a temporary file
    578 // or directory. If the file or directory exists already, it will be
    579 // removed. When the test completes, the file or directory will be
    580 // removed if it exists.
    581 func (tg *testgoData) creatingTemp(path string) {
    582 	tg.t.Helper()
    583 	if filepath.IsAbs(path) && !strings.HasPrefix(path, tg.tempdir) {
    584 		tg.t.Fatalf("internal testsuite error: creatingTemp(%q) with absolute path not in temporary directory", path)
    585 	}
    586 	// If we have changed the working directory, make sure we have
    587 	// an absolute path, because we are going to change directory
    588 	// back before we remove the temporary.
    589 	if tg.wd != "" && !filepath.IsAbs(path) {
    590 		path = filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), path)
    591 	}
    592 	tg.must(os.RemoveAll(path))
    593 	tg.temps = append(tg.temps, path)
    594 }
    596 // makeTempdir makes a temporary directory for a run of testgo. If
    597 // the temporary directory was already created, this does nothing.
    598 func (tg *testgoData) makeTempdir() {
    599 	tg.t.Helper()
    600 	if tg.tempdir == "" {
    601 		var err error
    602 		tg.tempdir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "gotest")
    603 		tg.must(err)
    604 	}
    605 }
    607 // tempFile adds a temporary file for a run of testgo.
    608 func (tg *testgoData) tempFile(path, contents string) {
    609 	tg.t.Helper()
    610 	tg.makeTempdir()
    611 	tg.must(os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(tg.tempdir, filepath.Dir(path)), 0755))
    612 	bytes := []byte(contents)
    613 	if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".go") {
    614 		formatted, err := format.Source(bytes)
    615 		if err == nil {
    616 			bytes = formatted
    617 		}
    618 	}
    619 	tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tg.tempdir, path), bytes, 0644))
    620 }
    622 // tempDir adds a temporary directory for a run of testgo.
    623 func (tg *testgoData) tempDir(path string) {
    624 	tg.t.Helper()
    625 	tg.makeTempdir()
    626 	if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(tg.tempdir, path), 0755); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
    627 		tg.t.Fatal(err)
    628 	}
    629 }
    631 // path returns the absolute pathname to file with the temporary
    632 // directory.
    633 func (tg *testgoData) path(name string) string {
    634 	tg.t.Helper()
    635 	if tg.tempdir == "" {
    636 		tg.t.Fatalf("internal testsuite error: path(%q) with no tempdir", name)
    637 	}
    638 	if name == "." {
    639 		return tg.tempdir
    640 	}
    641 	return filepath.Join(tg.tempdir, name)
    642 }
    644 // mustExist fails if path does not exist.
    645 func (tg *testgoData) mustExist(path string) {
    646 	tg.t.Helper()
    647 	if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
    648 		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
    649 			tg.t.Fatalf("%s does not exist but should", path)
    650 		}
    651 		tg.t.Fatalf("%s stat failed: %v", path, err)
    652 	}
    653 }
    655 // mustNotExist fails if path exists.
    656 func (tg *testgoData) mustNotExist(path string) {
    657 	tg.t.Helper()
    658 	if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
    659 		tg.t.Fatalf("%s exists but should not (%v)", path, err)
    660 	}
    661 }
    663 // mustHaveContent succeeds if filePath is a path to a file,
    664 // and that file is readable and not empty.
    665 func (tg *testgoData) mustHaveContent(filePath string) {
    666 	tg.mustExist(filePath)
    667 	f, err := os.Stat(filePath)
    668 	if err != nil {
    669 		tg.t.Fatal(err)
    670 	}
    671 	if f.Size() == 0 {
    672 		tg.t.Fatalf("expected %s to have data, but is empty", filePath)
    673 	}
    674 }
    676 // wantExecutable fails with msg if path is not executable.
    677 func (tg *testgoData) wantExecutable(path, msg string) {
    678 	tg.t.Helper()
    679 	if st, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
    680 		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
    681 			tg.t.Log(err)
    682 		}
    683 		tg.t.Fatal(msg)
    684 	} else {
    685 		if runtime.GOOS != "windows" && st.Mode()&0111 == 0 {
    686 			tg.t.Fatalf("binary %s exists but is not executable", path)
    687 		}
    688 	}
    689 }
    691 // wantArchive fails if path is not an archive.
    692 func (tg *testgoData) wantArchive(path string) {
    693 	tg.t.Helper()
    694 	f, err := os.Open(path)
    695 	if err != nil {
    696 		tg.t.Fatal(err)
    697 	}
    698 	buf := make([]byte, 100)
    699 	io.ReadFull(f, buf)
    700 	f.Close()
    701 	if !bytes.HasPrefix(buf, []byte("!<arch>\n")) {
    702 		tg.t.Fatalf("file %s exists but is not an archive", path)
    703 	}
    704 }
    706 // isStale reports whether pkg is stale, and why
    707 func (tg *testgoData) isStale(pkg string) (bool, string) {
    708 	tg.t.Helper()
    709 	tg.run("list", "-f", "{{.Stale}}:{{.StaleReason}}", pkg)
    710 	v := strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout())
    711 	f := strings.SplitN(v, ":", 2)
    712 	if len(f) == 2 {
    713 		switch f[0] {
    714 		case "true":
    715 			return true, f[1]
    716 		case "false":
    717 			return false, f[1]
    718 		}
    719 	}
    720 	tg.t.Fatalf("unexpected output checking staleness of package %v: %v", pkg, v)
    721 	panic("unreachable")
    722 }
    724 // wantStale fails with msg if pkg is not stale.
    725 func (tg *testgoData) wantStale(pkg, reason, msg string) {
    726 	tg.t.Helper()
    727 	stale, why := tg.isStale(pkg)
    728 	if !stale {
    729 		tg.t.Fatal(msg)
    730 	}
    731 	if reason == "" && why != "" || !strings.Contains(why, reason) {
    732 		tg.t.Errorf("wrong reason for Stale=true: %q, want %q", why, reason)
    733 	}
    734 }
    736 // wantNotStale fails with msg if pkg is stale.
    737 func (tg *testgoData) wantNotStale(pkg, reason, msg string) {
    738 	tg.t.Helper()
    739 	stale, why := tg.isStale(pkg)
    740 	if stale {
    741 		tg.t.Fatal(msg)
    742 	}
    743 	if reason == "" && why != "" || !strings.Contains(why, reason) {
    744 		tg.t.Errorf("wrong reason for Stale=false: %q, want %q", why, reason)
    745 	}
    746 }
    748 // cleanup cleans up a test that runs testgo.
    749 func (tg *testgoData) cleanup() {
    750 	tg.t.Helper()
    751 	if tg.wd != "" {
    752 		if err := os.Chdir(tg.wd); err != nil {
    753 			// We are unlikely to be able to continue.
    754 			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "could not restore working directory, crashing:", err)
    755 			os.Exit(2)
    756 		}
    757 	}
    758 	for _, path := range tg.temps {
    759 		tg.check(os.RemoveAll(path))
    760 	}
    761 	if tg.tempdir != "" {
    762 		tg.check(os.RemoveAll(tg.tempdir))
    763 	}
    764 }
    766 // failSSH puts an ssh executable in the PATH that always fails.
    767 // This is to stub out uses of ssh by go get.
    768 func (tg *testgoData) failSSH() {
    769 	tg.t.Helper()
    770 	wd, err := os.Getwd()
    771 	if err != nil {
    772 		tg.t.Fatal(err)
    773 	}
    774 	fail := filepath.Join(wd, "testdata/failssh")
    775 	tg.setenv("PATH", fmt.Sprintf("%v%c%v", fail, filepath.ListSeparator, os.Getenv("PATH")))
    776 }
    778 func TestBuildComplex(t *testing.T) {
    779 	// Simple smoke test for build configuration.
    780 	tg := testgo(t)
    781 	defer tg.cleanup()
    782 	tg.parallel()
    783 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
    784 	tg.run("build", "-x", "-o", os.DevNull, "complex")
    786 	if _, err := exec.LookPath("gccgo"); err == nil {
    787 		t.Skip("golang.org/issue/22472")
    788 		tg.run("build", "-x", "-o", os.DevNull, "-compiler=gccgo", "complex")
    789 	}
    790 }
    792 func TestFileLineInErrorMessages(t *testing.T) {
    793 	tg := testgo(t)
    794 	defer tg.cleanup()
    795 	tg.parallel()
    796 	tg.tempFile("err.go", `package main; import "bar"`)
    797 	path := tg.path("err.go")
    798 	tg.runFail("run", path)
    799 	shortPath := path
    800 	if rel, err := filepath.Rel(tg.pwd(), path); err == nil && len(rel) < len(path) {
    801 		shortPath = rel
    802 	}
    803 	tg.grepStderr("^"+regexp.QuoteMeta(shortPath)+":", "missing file:line in error message")
    804 }
    806 func TestProgramNameInCrashMessages(t *testing.T) {
    807 	tg := testgo(t)
    808 	defer tg.cleanup()
    809 	tg.parallel()
    810 	tg.tempFile("triv.go", `package main; func main() {}`)
    811 	tg.runFail("build", "-ldflags", "-crash_for_testing", tg.path("triv.go"))
    812 	tg.grepStderr(`[/\\]tool[/\\].*[/\\]link`, "missing linker name in error message")
    813 }
    815 func TestBrokenTestsWithoutTestFunctionsAllFail(t *testing.T) {
    816 	tg := testgo(t)
    817 	defer tg.cleanup()
    818 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
    819 	tg.runFail("test", "./testdata/src/badtest/...")
    820 	tg.grepBothNot("^ok", "test passed unexpectedly")
    821 	tg.grepBoth("FAIL.*badtest/badexec", "test did not run everything")
    822 	tg.grepBoth("FAIL.*badtest/badsyntax", "test did not run everything")
    823 	tg.grepBoth("FAIL.*badtest/badvar", "test did not run everything")
    824 }
    826 func TestGoBuildDashAInDevBranch(t *testing.T) {
    827 	if testing.Short() {
    828 		t.Skip("don't rebuild the standard library in short mode")
    829 	}
    831 	tg := testgo(t)
    832 	defer tg.cleanup()
    833 	tg.run("install", "math") // should be up to date already but just in case
    834 	tg.setenv("TESTGO_IS_GO_RELEASE", "0")
    835 	tg.run("build", "-v", "-a", "math")
    836 	tg.grepStderr("runtime", "testgo build -a math in dev branch DID NOT build runtime, but should have")
    838 	// Everything is out of date. Rebuild to leave things in a better state.
    839 	tg.run("install", "std")
    840 }
    842 func TestGoBuildDashAInReleaseBranch(t *testing.T) {
    843 	if testing.Short() {
    844 		t.Skip("don't rebuild the standard library in short mode")
    845 	}
    847 	tg := testgo(t)
    848 	defer tg.cleanup()
    849 	tg.run("install", "math", "net/http") // should be up to date already but just in case
    850 	tg.setenv("TESTGO_IS_GO_RELEASE", "1")
    851 	tg.run("install", "-v", "-a", "math")
    852 	tg.grepStderr("runtime", "testgo build -a math in release branch DID NOT build runtime, but should have")
    854 	// Now runtime.a is updated (newer mtime), so everything would look stale if not for being a release.
    855 	tg.run("build", "-v", "net/http")
    856 	tg.grepStderrNot("strconv", "testgo build -v net/http in release branch with newer runtime.a DID build strconv but should not have")
    857 	tg.grepStderrNot("golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", "testgo build -v net/http in release branch with newer runtime.a DID build .../golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack but should not have")
    858 	tg.grepStderrNot("net/http", "testgo build -v net/http in release branch with newer runtime.a DID build net/http but should not have")
    860 	// Everything is out of date. Rebuild to leave things in a better state.
    861 	tg.run("install", "std")
    862 }
    864 func TestNewReleaseRebuildsStalePackagesInGOPATH(t *testing.T) {
    865 	if testing.Short() {
    866 		t.Skip("don't rebuild the standard library in short mode")
    867 	}
    869 	tg := testgo(t)
    870 	defer tg.cleanup()
    872 	addNL := func(name string) (restore func()) {
    873 		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(name)
    874 		if err != nil {
    875 			t.Fatal(err)
    876 		}
    877 		old := data
    878 		data = append(data, '\n')
    879 		if err := ioutil.WriteFile(name, append(data, '\n'), 0666); err != nil {
    880 			t.Fatal(err)
    881 		}
    882 		tg.sleep()
    883 		return func() {
    884 			if err := ioutil.WriteFile(name, old, 0666); err != nil {
    885 				t.Fatal(err)
    886 			}
    887 		}
    888 	}
    890 	tg.tempFile("d1/src/p1/p1.go", `package p1`)
    891 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("d1"))
    892 	tg.run("install", "-a", "p1")
    893 	tg.wantNotStale("p1", "", "./testgo list claims p1 is stale, incorrectly, before any changes")
    895 	// Changing mtime of runtime/internal/sys/sys.go
    896 	// should have no effect: only the content matters.
    897 	// In fact this should be true even outside a release branch.
    898 	sys := runtime.GOROOT() + "/src/runtime/internal/sys/sys.go"
    899 	tg.sleep()
    900 	restore := addNL(sys)
    901 	restore()
    902 	tg.wantNotStale("p1", "", "./testgo list claims p1 is stale, incorrectly, after updating mtime of runtime/internal/sys/sys.go")
    904 	// But changing content of any file should have an effect.
    905 	// Previously zversion.go was the only one that mattered;
    906 	// now they all matter, so keep using sys.go.
    907 	restore = addNL(sys)
    908 	defer restore()
    909 	tg.wantStale("p1", "stale dependency: runtime/internal/sys", "./testgo list claims p1 is NOT stale, incorrectly, after changing sys.go")
    910 	restore()
    911 	tg.wantNotStale("p1", "", "./testgo list claims p1 is stale, incorrectly, after changing back to old release")
    912 	addNL(sys)
    913 	tg.wantStale("p1", "stale dependency: runtime/internal/sys", "./testgo list claims p1 is NOT stale, incorrectly, after changing sys.go again")
    914 	tg.run("install", "p1")
    915 	tg.wantNotStale("p1", "", "./testgo list claims p1 is stale after building with new release")
    917 	// Restore to "old" release.
    918 	restore()
    919 	tg.wantStale("p1", "stale dependency: runtime/internal/sys", "./testgo list claims p1 is NOT stale, incorrectly, after restoring sys.go")
    920 	tg.run("install", "p1")
    921 	tg.wantNotStale("p1", "", "./testgo list claims p1 is stale after building with old release")
    923 	// Everything is out of date. Rebuild to leave things in a better state.
    924 	tg.run("install", "std")
    925 }
    927 func TestGoListStandard(t *testing.T) {
    928 	tooSlow(t)
    929 	tg := testgo(t)
    930 	defer tg.cleanup()
    931 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
    932 	tg.cd(runtime.GOROOT() + "/src")
    933 	tg.run("list", "-f", "{{if not .Standard}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}", "./...")
    934 	stdout := tg.getStdout()
    935 	for _, line := range strings.Split(stdout, "\n") {
    936 		if strings.HasPrefix(line, "_/") && strings.HasSuffix(line, "/src") {
    937 			// $GOROOT/src shows up if there are any .go files there.
    938 			// We don't care.
    939 			continue
    940 		}
    941 		if line == "" {
    942 			continue
    943 		}
    944 		t.Errorf("package in GOROOT not listed as standard: %v", line)
    945 	}
    947 	// Similarly, expanding std should include some of our vendored code.
    948 	tg.run("list", "std", "cmd")
    949 	tg.grepStdout("golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", "list std cmd did not mention vendored hpack")
    950 	tg.grepStdout("golang.org/x/arch/x86/x86asm", "list std cmd did not mention vendored x86asm")
    951 }
    953 func TestGoInstallCleansUpAfterGoBuild(t *testing.T) {
    954 	tooSlow(t)
    955 	tg := testgo(t)
    956 	defer tg.cleanup()
    957 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
    958 	tg.tempFile("src/mycmd/main.go", `package main; func main(){}`)
    959 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
    960 	tg.cd(tg.path("src/mycmd"))
    962 	doesNotExist := func(file, msg string) {
    963 		if _, err := os.Stat(file); err == nil {
    964 			t.Fatal(msg)
    965 		} else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
    966 			t.Fatal(msg, "error:", err)
    967 		}
    968 	}
    970 	tg.run("build")
    971 	tg.wantExecutable("mycmd"+exeSuffix, "testgo build did not write command binary")
    972 	tg.run("install")
    973 	doesNotExist("mycmd"+exeSuffix, "testgo install did not remove command binary")
    974 	tg.run("build")
    975 	tg.wantExecutable("mycmd"+exeSuffix, "testgo build did not write command binary (second time)")
    976 	// Running install with arguments does not remove the target,
    977 	// even in the same directory.
    978 	tg.run("install", "mycmd")
    979 	tg.wantExecutable("mycmd"+exeSuffix, "testgo install mycmd removed command binary when run in mycmd")
    980 	tg.run("build")
    981 	tg.wantExecutable("mycmd"+exeSuffix, "testgo build did not write command binary (third time)")
    982 	// And especially not outside the directory.
    983 	tg.cd(tg.path("."))
    984 	if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("src/mycmd/mycmd" + exeSuffix); err != nil {
    985 		t.Fatal("could not read file:", err)
    986 	} else {
    987 		if err := ioutil.WriteFile("mycmd"+exeSuffix, data, 0555); err != nil {
    988 			t.Fatal("could not write file:", err)
    989 		}
    990 	}
    991 	tg.run("install", "mycmd")
    992 	tg.wantExecutable("src/mycmd/mycmd"+exeSuffix, "testgo install mycmd removed command binary from its source dir when run outside mycmd")
    993 	tg.wantExecutable("mycmd"+exeSuffix, "testgo install mycmd removed command binary from current dir when run outside mycmd")
    994 }
    996 func TestGoInstallRebuildsStalePackagesInOtherGOPATH(t *testing.T) {
    997 	tooSlow(t)
    998 	tg := testgo(t)
    999 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1000 	tg.parallel()
   1001 	tg.tempFile("d1/src/p1/p1.go", `package p1
   1002 		import "p2"
   1003 		func F() { p2.F() }`)
   1004 	tg.tempFile("d2/src/p2/p2.go", `package p2
   1005 		func F() {}`)
   1006 	sep := string(filepath.ListSeparator)
   1007 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("d1")+sep+tg.path("d2"))
   1008 	tg.run("install", "-i", "p1")
   1009 	tg.wantNotStale("p1", "", "./testgo list claims p1 is stale, incorrectly")
   1010 	tg.wantNotStale("p2", "", "./testgo list claims p2 is stale, incorrectly")
   1011 	tg.sleep()
   1012 	if f, err := os.OpenFile(tg.path("d2/src/p2/p2.go"), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0); err != nil {
   1013 		t.Fatal(err)
   1014 	} else if _, err = f.WriteString(`func G() {}`); err != nil {
   1015 		t.Fatal(err)
   1016 	} else {
   1017 		tg.must(f.Close())
   1018 	}
   1019 	tg.wantStale("p2", "build ID mismatch", "./testgo list claims p2 is NOT stale, incorrectly")
   1020 	tg.wantStale("p1", "stale dependency: p2", "./testgo list claims p1 is NOT stale, incorrectly")
   1022 	tg.run("install", "-i", "p1")
   1023 	tg.wantNotStale("p2", "", "./testgo list claims p2 is stale after reinstall, incorrectly")
   1024 	tg.wantNotStale("p1", "", "./testgo list claims p1 is stale after reinstall, incorrectly")
   1025 }
   1027 func TestGoInstallDetectsRemovedFiles(t *testing.T) {
   1028 	tg := testgo(t)
   1029 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1030 	tg.parallel()
   1031 	tg.tempFile("src/mypkg/x.go", `package mypkg`)
   1032 	tg.tempFile("src/mypkg/y.go", `package mypkg`)
   1033 	tg.tempFile("src/mypkg/z.go", `// +build missingtag
   1035 		package mypkg`)
   1036 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1037 	tg.run("install", "mypkg")
   1038 	tg.wantNotStale("mypkg", "", "./testgo list mypkg claims mypkg is stale, incorrectly")
   1039 	// z.go was not part of the build; removing it is okay.
   1040 	tg.must(os.Remove(tg.path("src/mypkg/z.go")))
   1041 	tg.wantNotStale("mypkg", "", "./testgo list mypkg claims mypkg is stale after removing z.go; should not be stale")
   1042 	// y.go was part of the package; removing it should be detected.
   1043 	tg.must(os.Remove(tg.path("src/mypkg/y.go")))
   1044 	tg.wantStale("mypkg", "build ID mismatch", "./testgo list mypkg claims mypkg is NOT stale after removing y.go; should be stale")
   1045 }
   1047 func TestWildcardMatchesSyntaxErrorDirs(t *testing.T) {
   1048 	tg := testgo(t)
   1049 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1050 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   1051 	tg.tempFile("src/mypkg/x.go", `package mypkg`)
   1052 	tg.tempFile("src/mypkg/y.go", `pkg mypackage`)
   1053 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1054 	tg.cd(tg.path("src/mypkg"))
   1055 	tg.runFail("list", "./...")
   1056 	tg.runFail("build", "./...")
   1057 	tg.runFail("install", "./...")
   1058 }
   1060 func TestGoListWithTags(t *testing.T) {
   1061 	tg := testgo(t)
   1062 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1063 	tg.tempFile("src/mypkg/x.go", "// +build thetag\n\npackage mypkg\n")
   1064 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1065 	tg.cd(tg.path("./src"))
   1066 	tg.run("list", "-tags=thetag", "./my...")
   1067 	tg.grepStdout("mypkg", "did not find mypkg")
   1068 }
   1070 func TestGoInstallErrorOnCrossCompileToBin(t *testing.T) {
   1071 	if testing.Short() {
   1072 		t.Skip("don't install into GOROOT in short mode")
   1073 	}
   1075 	tg := testgo(t)
   1076 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1077 	tg.tempFile("src/mycmd/x.go", `package main
   1078 		func main() {}`)
   1079 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1080 	tg.cd(tg.path("src/mycmd"))
   1082 	tg.run("build", "mycmd")
   1084 	goarch := "386"
   1085 	if runtime.GOARCH == "386" {
   1086 		goarch = "amd64"
   1087 	}
   1088 	tg.setenv("GOOS", "linux")
   1089 	tg.setenv("GOARCH", goarch)
   1090 	tg.run("install", "mycmd")
   1091 	tg.setenv("GOBIN", tg.path("."))
   1092 	tg.runFail("install", "mycmd")
   1093 	tg.run("install", "cmd/pack")
   1094 }
   1096 func TestGoInstallDetectsRemovedFilesInPackageMain(t *testing.T) {
   1097 	tooSlow(t)
   1098 	tg := testgo(t)
   1099 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1100 	tg.parallel()
   1101 	tg.tempFile("src/mycmd/x.go", `package main
   1102 		func main() {}`)
   1103 	tg.tempFile("src/mycmd/y.go", `package main`)
   1104 	tg.tempFile("src/mycmd/z.go", `// +build missingtag
   1106 		package main`)
   1107 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1108 	tg.run("install", "mycmd")
   1109 	tg.wantNotStale("mycmd", "", "./testgo list mypkg claims mycmd is stale, incorrectly")
   1110 	// z.go was not part of the build; removing it is okay.
   1111 	tg.must(os.Remove(tg.path("src/mycmd/z.go")))
   1112 	tg.wantNotStale("mycmd", "", "./testgo list mycmd claims mycmd is stale after removing z.go; should not be stale")
   1113 	// y.go was part of the package; removing it should be detected.
   1114 	tg.must(os.Remove(tg.path("src/mycmd/y.go")))
   1115 	tg.wantStale("mycmd", "build ID mismatch", "./testgo list mycmd claims mycmd is NOT stale after removing y.go; should be stale")
   1116 }
   1118 func testLocalRun(tg *testgoData, exepath, local, match string) {
   1119 	tg.t.Helper()
   1120 	out, err := exec.Command(exepath).Output()
   1121 	if err != nil {
   1122 		tg.t.Fatalf("error running %v: %v", exepath, err)
   1123 	}
   1124 	if !regexp.MustCompile(match).Match(out) {
   1125 		tg.t.Log(string(out))
   1126 		tg.t.Errorf("testdata/%s/easy.go did not generate expected output", local)
   1127 	}
   1128 }
   1130 func testLocalEasy(tg *testgoData, local string) {
   1131 	tg.t.Helper()
   1132 	exepath := "./easy" + exeSuffix
   1133 	tg.creatingTemp(exepath)
   1134 	tg.run("build", "-o", exepath, filepath.Join("testdata", local, "easy.go"))
   1135 	testLocalRun(tg, exepath, local, `(?m)^easysub\.Hello`)
   1136 }
   1138 func testLocalEasySub(tg *testgoData, local string) {
   1139 	tg.t.Helper()
   1140 	exepath := "./easysub" + exeSuffix
   1141 	tg.creatingTemp(exepath)
   1142 	tg.run("build", "-o", exepath, filepath.Join("testdata", local, "easysub", "main.go"))
   1143 	testLocalRun(tg, exepath, local, `(?m)^easysub\.Hello`)
   1144 }
   1146 func testLocalHard(tg *testgoData, local string) {
   1147 	tg.t.Helper()
   1148 	exepath := "./hard" + exeSuffix
   1149 	tg.creatingTemp(exepath)
   1150 	tg.run("build", "-o", exepath, filepath.Join("testdata", local, "hard.go"))
   1151 	testLocalRun(tg, exepath, local, `(?m)^sub\.Hello`)
   1152 }
   1154 func testLocalInstall(tg *testgoData, local string) {
   1155 	tg.t.Helper()
   1156 	tg.runFail("install", filepath.Join("testdata", local, "easy.go"))
   1157 }
   1159 func TestLocalImportsEasy(t *testing.T) {
   1160 	tg := testgo(t)
   1161 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1162 	testLocalEasy(tg, "local")
   1163 }
   1165 func TestLocalImportsEasySub(t *testing.T) {
   1166 	tg := testgo(t)
   1167 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1168 	testLocalEasySub(tg, "local")
   1169 }
   1171 func TestLocalImportsHard(t *testing.T) {
   1172 	tg := testgo(t)
   1173 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1174 	testLocalHard(tg, "local")
   1175 }
   1177 func TestLocalImportsGoInstallShouldFail(t *testing.T) {
   1178 	tg := testgo(t)
   1179 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1180 	testLocalInstall(tg, "local")
   1181 }
   1183 const badDirName = `#$%:, &()*;<=>?\^{}`
   1185 func copyBad(tg *testgoData) {
   1186 	tg.t.Helper()
   1187 	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   1188 		tg.t.Skipf("skipping test because %q is an invalid directory name", badDirName)
   1189 	}
   1191 	tg.must(filepath.Walk("testdata/local",
   1192 		func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
   1193 			if err != nil {
   1194 				return err
   1195 			}
   1196 			if info.IsDir() {
   1197 				return nil
   1198 			}
   1199 			var data []byte
   1200 			data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(path)
   1201 			if err != nil {
   1202 				return err
   1203 			}
   1204 			newpath := strings.Replace(path, "local", badDirName, 1)
   1205 			tg.tempFile(newpath, string(data))
   1206 			return nil
   1207 		}))
   1208 	tg.cd(tg.path("."))
   1209 }
   1211 func TestBadImportsEasy(t *testing.T) {
   1212 	tg := testgo(t)
   1213 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1214 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   1215 	copyBad(tg)
   1216 	testLocalEasy(tg, badDirName)
   1217 }
   1219 func TestBadImportsEasySub(t *testing.T) {
   1220 	tg := testgo(t)
   1221 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1222 	copyBad(tg)
   1223 	testLocalEasySub(tg, badDirName)
   1224 }
   1226 func TestBadImportsHard(t *testing.T) {
   1227 	tg := testgo(t)
   1228 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1229 	copyBad(tg)
   1230 	testLocalHard(tg, badDirName)
   1231 }
   1233 func TestBadImportsGoInstallShouldFail(t *testing.T) {
   1234 	tg := testgo(t)
   1235 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1236 	copyBad(tg)
   1237 	testLocalInstall(tg, badDirName)
   1238 }
   1240 func TestInternalPackagesInGOROOTAreRespected(t *testing.T) {
   1241 	tg := testgo(t)
   1242 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1243 	tg.runFail("build", "-v", "./testdata/testinternal")
   1244 	tg.grepBoth(`testinternal(\/|\\)p\.go\:3\:8\: use of internal package not allowed`, "wrong error message for testdata/testinternal")
   1245 }
   1247 func TestInternalPackagesOutsideGOROOTAreRespected(t *testing.T) {
   1248 	tg := testgo(t)
   1249 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1250 	tg.runFail("build", "-v", "./testdata/testinternal2")
   1251 	tg.grepBoth(`testinternal2(\/|\\)p\.go\:3\:8\: use of internal package not allowed`, "wrote error message for testdata/testinternal2")
   1252 }
   1254 func TestRunInternal(t *testing.T) {
   1255 	tg := testgo(t)
   1256 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1257 	dir := filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata")
   1258 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", dir)
   1259 	tg.run("run", filepath.Join(dir, "src/run/good.go"))
   1260 	tg.runFail("run", filepath.Join(dir, "src/run/bad.go"))
   1261 	tg.grepStderr(`testdata(\/|\\)src(\/|\\)run(\/|\\)bad\.go\:3\:8\: use of internal package not allowed`, "unexpected error for run/bad.go")
   1262 }
   1264 func testMove(t *testing.T, vcs, url, base, config string) {
   1265 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   1267 	tg := testgo(t)
   1268 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1269 	tg.parallel()
   1270 	tg.tempDir("src")
   1271 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1272 	tg.run("get", "-d", url)
   1273 	tg.run("get", "-d", "-u", url)
   1274 	switch vcs {
   1275 	case "svn":
   1276 		// SVN doesn't believe in text files so we can't just edit the config.
   1277 		// Check out a different repo into the wrong place.
   1278 		tg.must(os.RemoveAll(tg.path("src/code.google.com/p/rsc-svn")))
   1279 		tg.run("get", "-d", "-u", "code.google.com/p/rsc-svn2/trunk")
   1280 		tg.must(os.Rename(tg.path("src/code.google.com/p/rsc-svn2"), tg.path("src/code.google.com/p/rsc-svn")))
   1281 	default:
   1282 		path := tg.path(filepath.Join("src", config))
   1283 		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
   1284 		tg.must(err)
   1285 		data = bytes.Replace(data, []byte(base), []byte(base+"XXX"), -1)
   1286 		tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(path, data, 0644))
   1287 	}
   1288 	if vcs == "git" {
   1289 		// git will ask for a username and password when we
   1290 		// run go get -d -f -u. An empty username and
   1291 		// password will work. Prevent asking by setting
   1292 		// GIT_ASKPASS.
   1293 		tg.creatingTemp("sink" + exeSuffix)
   1294 		tg.tempFile("src/sink/sink.go", `package main; func main() {}`)
   1295 		tg.run("build", "-o", "sink"+exeSuffix, "sink")
   1296 		tg.setenv("GIT_ASKPASS", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "sink"+exeSuffix))
   1297 	}
   1298 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "-u", url)
   1299 	tg.grepStderr("is a custom import path for", "go get -d -u "+url+" failed for wrong reason")
   1300 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "-f", "-u", url)
   1301 	tg.grepStderr("validating server certificate|[nN]ot [fF]ound", "go get -d -f -u "+url+" failed for wrong reason")
   1302 }
   1304 func TestInternalPackageErrorsAreHandled(t *testing.T) {
   1305 	tg := testgo(t)
   1306 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1307 	tg.run("list", "./testdata/testinternal3")
   1308 }
   1310 func TestInternalCache(t *testing.T) {
   1311 	tg := testgo(t)
   1312 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1313 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/testinternal4"))
   1314 	tg.runFail("build", "p")
   1315 	tg.grepStderr("internal", "did not fail to build p")
   1316 }
   1318 func TestMoveGit(t *testing.T) {
   1319 	testMove(t, "git", "rsc.io/pdf", "pdf", "rsc.io/pdf/.git/config")
   1320 }
   1322 func TestMoveHG(t *testing.T) {
   1323 	testMove(t, "hg", "vcs-test.golang.org/go/custom-hg-hello", "custom-hg-hello", "vcs-test.golang.org/go/custom-hg-hello/.hg/hgrc")
   1324 }
   1326 // TODO(rsc): Set up a test case on SourceForge (?) for svn.
   1327 // func testMoveSVN(t *testing.T) {
   1328 //	testMove(t, "svn", "code.google.com/p/rsc-svn/trunk", "-", "-")
   1329 // }
   1331 func TestImportCommandMatch(t *testing.T) {
   1332 	tg := testgo(t)
   1333 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1334 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/importcom"))
   1335 	tg.run("build", "./testdata/importcom/works.go")
   1336 }
   1338 func TestImportCommentMismatch(t *testing.T) {
   1339 	tg := testgo(t)
   1340 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1341 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/importcom"))
   1342 	tg.runFail("build", "./testdata/importcom/wrongplace.go")
   1343 	tg.grepStderr(`wrongplace expects import "my/x"`, "go build did not mention incorrect import")
   1344 }
   1346 func TestImportCommentSyntaxError(t *testing.T) {
   1347 	tg := testgo(t)
   1348 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1349 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/importcom"))
   1350 	tg.runFail("build", "./testdata/importcom/bad.go")
   1351 	tg.grepStderr("cannot parse import comment", "go build did not mention syntax error")
   1352 }
   1354 func TestImportCommentConflict(t *testing.T) {
   1355 	tg := testgo(t)
   1356 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1357 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/importcom"))
   1358 	tg.runFail("build", "./testdata/importcom/conflict.go")
   1359 	tg.grepStderr("found import comments", "go build did not mention comment conflict")
   1360 }
   1362 // cmd/go: custom import path checking should not apply to Go packages without import comment.
   1363 func TestIssue10952(t *testing.T) {
   1364 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   1365 	if _, err := exec.LookPath("git"); err != nil {
   1366 		t.Skip("skipping because git binary not found")
   1367 	}
   1369 	tg := testgo(t)
   1370 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1371 	tg.parallel()
   1372 	tg.tempDir("src")
   1373 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1374 	const importPath = "github.com/zombiezen/go-get-issue-10952"
   1375 	tg.run("get", "-d", "-u", importPath)
   1376 	repoDir := tg.path("src/" + importPath)
   1377 	tg.runGit(repoDir, "remote", "set-url", "origin", "https://"+importPath+".git")
   1378 	tg.run("get", "-d", "-u", importPath)
   1379 }
   1381 func TestIssue16471(t *testing.T) {
   1382 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   1383 	if _, err := exec.LookPath("git"); err != nil {
   1384 		t.Skip("skipping because git binary not found")
   1385 	}
   1387 	tg := testgo(t)
   1388 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1389 	tg.parallel()
   1390 	tg.tempDir("src")
   1391 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1392 	tg.must(os.MkdirAll(tg.path("src/rsc.io/go-get-issue-10952"), 0755))
   1393 	tg.runGit(tg.path("src/rsc.io"), "clone", "https://github.com/zombiezen/go-get-issue-10952")
   1394 	tg.runFail("get", "-u", "rsc.io/go-get-issue-10952")
   1395 	tg.grepStderr("rsc.io/go-get-issue-10952 is a custom import path for https://github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-10952, but .* is checked out from https://github.com/zombiezen/go-get-issue-10952", "did not detect updated import path")
   1396 }
   1398 // Test git clone URL that uses SCP-like syntax and custom import path checking.
   1399 func TestIssue11457(t *testing.T) {
   1400 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   1401 	if _, err := exec.LookPath("git"); err != nil {
   1402 		t.Skip("skipping because git binary not found")
   1403 	}
   1405 	tg := testgo(t)
   1406 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1407 	tg.parallel()
   1408 	tg.tempDir("src")
   1409 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1410 	const importPath = "rsc.io/go-get-issue-11457"
   1411 	tg.run("get", "-d", "-u", importPath)
   1412 	repoDir := tg.path("src/" + importPath)
   1413 	tg.runGit(repoDir, "remote", "set-url", "origin", "git (a] github.com:rsc/go-get-issue-11457")
   1415 	// At this time, custom import path checking compares remotes verbatim (rather than
   1416 	// just the host and path, skipping scheme and user), so we expect go get -u to fail.
   1417 	// However, the goal of this test is to verify that gitRemoteRepo correctly parsed
   1418 	// the SCP-like syntax, and we expect it to appear in the error message.
   1419 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "-u", importPath)
   1420 	want := " is checked out from ssh://git (a] github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-11457"
   1421 	if !strings.HasSuffix(strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStderr()), want) {
   1422 		t.Error("expected clone URL to appear in stderr")
   1423 	}
   1424 }
   1426 func TestGetGitDefaultBranch(t *testing.T) {
   1427 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   1428 	if _, err := exec.LookPath("git"); err != nil {
   1429 		t.Skip("skipping because git binary not found")
   1430 	}
   1432 	tg := testgo(t)
   1433 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1434 	tg.parallel()
   1435 	tg.tempDir("src")
   1436 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1438 	// This repo has two branches, master and another-branch.
   1439 	// The another-branch is the default that you get from 'git clone'.
   1440 	// The go get command variants should not override this.
   1441 	const importPath = "github.com/rsc/go-get-default-branch"
   1443 	tg.run("get", "-d", importPath)
   1444 	repoDir := tg.path("src/" + importPath)
   1445 	tg.runGit(repoDir, "branch", "--contains", "HEAD")
   1446 	tg.grepStdout(`\* another-branch`, "not on correct default branch")
   1448 	tg.run("get", "-d", "-u", importPath)
   1449 	tg.runGit(repoDir, "branch", "--contains", "HEAD")
   1450 	tg.grepStdout(`\* another-branch`, "not on correct default branch")
   1451 }
   1453 func TestAccidentalGitCheckout(t *testing.T) {
   1454 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   1455 	if _, err := exec.LookPath("git"); err != nil {
   1456 		t.Skip("skipping because git binary not found")
   1457 	}
   1459 	tg := testgo(t)
   1460 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1461 	tg.parallel()
   1462 	tg.tempDir("src")
   1463 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1465 	tg.runFail("get", "-u", "vcs-test.golang.org/go/test1-svn-git")
   1466 	tg.grepStderr("src[\\\\/]vcs-test.* uses git, but parent .*src[\\\\/]vcs-test.* uses svn", "get did not fail for right reason")
   1468 	tg.runFail("get", "-u", "vcs-test.golang.org/go/test2-svn-git/test2main")
   1469 	tg.grepStderr("src[\\\\/]vcs-test.* uses git, but parent .*src[\\\\/]vcs-test.* uses svn", "get did not fail for right reason")
   1470 }
   1472 func TestErrorMessageForSyntaxErrorInTestGoFileSaysFAIL(t *testing.T) {
   1473 	tg := testgo(t)
   1474 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1475 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   1476 	tg.runFail("test", "syntaxerror")
   1477 	tg.grepStderr("FAIL", "go test did not say FAIL")
   1478 }
   1480 func TestWildcardsDoNotLookInUselessDirectories(t *testing.T) {
   1481 	tg := testgo(t)
   1482 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1483 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   1484 	tg.runFail("list", "...")
   1485 	tg.grepBoth("badpkg", "go list ... failure does not mention badpkg")
   1486 	tg.run("list", "m...")
   1487 }
   1489 func TestRelativeImportsGoTest(t *testing.T) {
   1490 	tg := testgo(t)
   1491 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1492 	tg.run("test", "./testdata/testimport")
   1493 }
   1495 func TestRelativeImportsGoTestDashI(t *testing.T) {
   1496 	tg := testgo(t)
   1497 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1499 	// don't let test -i overwrite runtime
   1500 	tg.wantNotStale("runtime", "", "must be non-stale before test -i")
   1502 	tg.run("test", "-i", "./testdata/testimport")
   1503 }
   1505 func TestRelativeImportsInCommandLinePackage(t *testing.T) {
   1506 	tg := testgo(t)
   1507 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1508 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   1509 	files, err := filepath.Glob("./testdata/testimport/*.go")
   1510 	tg.must(err)
   1511 	tg.run(append([]string{"test"}, files...)...)
   1512 }
   1514 func TestNonCanonicalImportPaths(t *testing.T) {
   1515 	tg := testgo(t)
   1516 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1517 	tg.parallel()
   1518 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   1519 	tg.runFail("build", "canonical/d")
   1520 	tg.grepStderr("package canonical/d", "did not report canonical/d")
   1521 	tg.grepStderr("imports canonical/b", "did not report canonical/b")
   1522 	tg.grepStderr("imports canonical/a/: non-canonical", "did not report canonical/a/")
   1523 }
   1525 func TestVersionControlErrorMessageIncludesCorrectDirectory(t *testing.T) {
   1526 	tg := testgo(t)
   1527 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1528 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/shadow/root1"))
   1529 	tg.runFail("get", "-u", "foo")
   1531 	// TODO(iant): We should not have to use strconv.Quote here.
   1532 	// The code in vcs.go should be changed so that it is not required.
   1533 	quoted := strconv.Quote(filepath.Join("testdata", "shadow", "root1", "src", "foo"))
   1534 	quoted = quoted[1 : len(quoted)-1]
   1536 	tg.grepStderr(regexp.QuoteMeta(quoted), "go get -u error does not mention shadow/root1/src/foo")
   1537 }
   1539 func TestInstallFailsWithNoBuildableFiles(t *testing.T) {
   1540 	tg := testgo(t)
   1541 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1542 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   1543 	tg.setenv("CGO_ENABLED", "0")
   1544 	tg.runFail("install", "cgotest")
   1545 	tg.grepStderr("build constraints exclude all Go files", "go install cgotest did not report 'build constraints exclude all Go files'")
   1546 }
   1548 // Issue 21895
   1549 func TestMSanAndRaceRequireCgo(t *testing.T) {
   1550 	if !canMSan && !canRace {
   1551 		t.Skip("skipping because both msan and the race detector are not supported")
   1552 	}
   1554 	tg := testgo(t)
   1555 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1556 	tg.tempFile("triv.go", `package main; func main() {}`)
   1557 	tg.setenv("CGO_ENABLED", "0")
   1558 	if canRace {
   1559 		tg.runFail("install", "-race", "triv.go")
   1560 		tg.grepStderr("-race requires cgo", "did not correctly report that -race requires cgo")
   1561 		tg.grepStderrNot("-msan", "reported that -msan instead of -race requires cgo")
   1562 	}
   1563 	if canMSan {
   1564 		tg.runFail("install", "-msan", "triv.go")
   1565 		tg.grepStderr("-msan requires cgo", "did not correctly report that -msan requires cgo")
   1566 		tg.grepStderrNot("-race", "reported that -race instead of -msan requires cgo")
   1567 	}
   1568 }
   1570 func TestRelativeGOBINFail(t *testing.T) {
   1571 	tg := testgo(t)
   1572 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1573 	tg.tempFile("triv.go", `package main; func main() {}`)
   1574 	tg.setenv("GOBIN", ".")
   1575 	tg.runFail("install")
   1576 	tg.grepStderr("cannot install, GOBIN must be an absolute path", "go install must fail if $GOBIN is a relative path")
   1577 }
   1579 // Test that without $GOBIN set, binaries get installed
   1580 // into the GOPATH bin directory.
   1581 func TestInstallIntoGOPATH(t *testing.T) {
   1582 	tg := testgo(t)
   1583 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1584 	tg.creatingTemp("testdata/bin/go-cmd-test" + exeSuffix)
   1585 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   1586 	tg.run("install", "go-cmd-test")
   1587 	tg.wantExecutable("testdata/bin/go-cmd-test"+exeSuffix, "go install go-cmd-test did not write to testdata/bin/go-cmd-test")
   1588 }
   1590 // Issue 12407
   1591 func TestBuildOutputToDevNull(t *testing.T) {
   1592 	tg := testgo(t)
   1593 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1594 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   1595 	tg.run("build", "-o", os.DevNull, "go-cmd-test")
   1596 }
   1598 func TestPackageMainTestImportsArchiveNotBinary(t *testing.T) {
   1599 	tooSlow(t)
   1600 	tg := testgo(t)
   1601 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1602 	tg.parallel()
   1603 	gobin := filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata", "bin")
   1604 	tg.creatingTemp(gobin)
   1605 	tg.setenv("GOBIN", gobin)
   1606 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   1607 	tg.must(os.Chtimes("./testdata/src/main_test/m.go", time.Now(), time.Now()))
   1608 	tg.sleep()
   1609 	tg.run("test", "main_test")
   1610 	tg.run("install", "main_test")
   1611 	tg.wantNotStale("main_test", "", "after go install, main listed as stale")
   1612 	tg.run("test", "main_test")
   1613 }
   1615 func TestPackageMainTestCompilerFlags(t *testing.T) {
   1616 	tg := testgo(t)
   1617 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1618 	tg.parallel()
   1619 	tg.makeTempdir()
   1620 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1621 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p1.go", "package main\n")
   1622 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p1_test.go", "package main\nimport \"testing\"\nfunc Test(t *testing.T){}\n")
   1623 	tg.run("test", "-c", "-n", "p1")
   1624 	tg.grepBothNot(`[\\/]compile.* -p main.*p1\.go`, "should not have run compile -p main p1.go")
   1625 	tg.grepStderr(`[\\/]compile.* -p p1.*p1\.go`, "should have run compile -p p1 p1.go")
   1626 }
   1628 // The runtime version string takes one of two forms:
   1629 // "go1.X[.Y]" for Go releases, and "devel +hash" at tip.
   1630 // Determine whether we are in a released copy by
   1631 // inspecting the version.
   1632 var isGoRelease = strings.HasPrefix(runtime.Version(), "go1")
   1634 // Issue 12690
   1635 func TestPackageNotStaleWithTrailingSlash(t *testing.T) {
   1636 	tg := testgo(t)
   1637 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1639 	// Make sure the packages below are not stale.
   1640 	tg.wantNotStale("runtime", "", "must be non-stale before test runs")
   1641 	tg.wantNotStale("os", "", "must be non-stale before test runs")
   1642 	tg.wantNotStale("io", "", "must be non-stale before test runs")
   1644 	goroot := runtime.GOROOT()
   1645 	tg.setenv("GOROOT", goroot+"/")
   1647 	tg.wantNotStale("runtime", "", "with trailing slash in GOROOT, runtime listed as stale")
   1648 	tg.wantNotStale("os", "", "with trailing slash in GOROOT, os listed as stale")
   1649 	tg.wantNotStale("io", "", "with trailing slash in GOROOT, io listed as stale")
   1650 }
   1652 // With $GOBIN set, binaries get installed to $GOBIN.
   1653 func TestInstallIntoGOBIN(t *testing.T) {
   1654 	tg := testgo(t)
   1655 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1656 	gobin := filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata", "bin1")
   1657 	tg.creatingTemp(gobin)
   1658 	tg.setenv("GOBIN", gobin)
   1659 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   1660 	tg.run("install", "go-cmd-test")
   1661 	tg.wantExecutable("testdata/bin1/go-cmd-test"+exeSuffix, "go install go-cmd-test did not write to testdata/bin1/go-cmd-test")
   1662 }
   1664 // Issue 11065
   1665 func TestInstallToCurrentDirectoryCreatesExecutable(t *testing.T) {
   1666 	tg := testgo(t)
   1667 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1668 	pkg := filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata", "src", "go-cmd-test")
   1669 	tg.creatingTemp(filepath.Join(pkg, "go-cmd-test"+exeSuffix))
   1670 	tg.setenv("GOBIN", pkg)
   1671 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   1672 	tg.cd(pkg)
   1673 	tg.run("install")
   1674 	tg.wantExecutable("go-cmd-test"+exeSuffix, "go install did not write to current directory")
   1675 }
   1677 // Without $GOBIN set, installing a program outside $GOPATH should fail
   1678 // (there is nowhere to install it).
   1679 func TestInstallWithoutDestinationFails(t *testing.T) {
   1680 	tg := testgo(t)
   1681 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1682 	tg.runFail("install", "testdata/src/go-cmd-test/helloworld.go")
   1683 	tg.grepStderr("no install location for .go files listed on command line", "wrong error")
   1684 }
   1686 // With $GOBIN set, should install there.
   1687 func TestInstallToGOBINCommandLinePackage(t *testing.T) {
   1688 	tg := testgo(t)
   1689 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1690 	gobin := filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata", "bin1")
   1691 	tg.creatingTemp(gobin)
   1692 	tg.setenv("GOBIN", gobin)
   1693 	tg.run("install", "testdata/src/go-cmd-test/helloworld.go")
   1694 	tg.wantExecutable("testdata/bin1/helloworld"+exeSuffix, "go install testdata/src/go-cmd-test/helloworld.go did not write testdata/bin1/helloworld")
   1695 }
   1697 func TestGoGetNonPkg(t *testing.T) {
   1698 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   1700 	tg := testgo(t)
   1701 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1702 	tg.tempDir("gobin")
   1703 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1704 	tg.setenv("GOBIN", tg.path("gobin"))
   1705 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "golang.org/x/tools")
   1706 	tg.grepStderr("golang.org/x/tools: no Go files", "missing error")
   1707 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "-u", "golang.org/x/tools")
   1708 	tg.grepStderr("golang.org/x/tools: no Go files", "missing error")
   1709 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "golang.org/x/tools")
   1710 	tg.grepStderr("golang.org/x/tools: no Go files", "missing error")
   1711 }
   1713 func TestGoGetTestOnlyPkg(t *testing.T) {
   1714 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   1716 	tg := testgo(t)
   1717 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1718 	tg.tempDir("gopath")
   1719 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("gopath"))
   1720 	tg.run("get", "golang.org/x/tour/content")
   1721 	tg.run("get", "-t", "golang.org/x/tour/content")
   1722 }
   1724 func TestInstalls(t *testing.T) {
   1725 	if testing.Short() {
   1726 		t.Skip("don't install into GOROOT in short mode")
   1727 	}
   1729 	tg := testgo(t)
   1730 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1731 	tg.parallel()
   1732 	tg.tempDir("gobin")
   1733 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1734 	goroot := runtime.GOROOT()
   1735 	tg.setenv("GOROOT", goroot)
   1737 	// cmd/fix installs into tool
   1738 	tg.run("env", "GOOS")
   1739 	goos := strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout())
   1740 	tg.setenv("GOOS", goos)
   1741 	tg.run("env", "GOARCH")
   1742 	goarch := strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout())
   1743 	tg.setenv("GOARCH", goarch)
   1744 	fixbin := filepath.Join(goroot, "pkg", "tool", goos+"_"+goarch, "fix") + exeSuffix
   1745 	tg.must(os.RemoveAll(fixbin))
   1746 	tg.run("install", "cmd/fix")
   1747 	tg.wantExecutable(fixbin, "did not install cmd/fix to $GOROOT/pkg/tool")
   1748 	tg.must(os.Remove(fixbin))
   1749 	tg.setenv("GOBIN", tg.path("gobin"))
   1750 	tg.run("install", "cmd/fix")
   1751 	tg.wantExecutable(fixbin, "did not install cmd/fix to $GOROOT/pkg/tool with $GOBIN set")
   1752 	tg.unsetenv("GOBIN")
   1754 	// gopath program installs into GOBIN
   1755 	tg.tempFile("src/progname/p.go", `package main; func main() {}`)
   1756 	tg.setenv("GOBIN", tg.path("gobin"))
   1757 	tg.run("install", "progname")
   1758 	tg.unsetenv("GOBIN")
   1759 	tg.wantExecutable(tg.path("gobin/progname")+exeSuffix, "did not install progname to $GOBIN/progname")
   1761 	// gopath program installs into GOPATH/bin
   1762 	tg.run("install", "progname")
   1763 	tg.wantExecutable(tg.path("bin/progname")+exeSuffix, "did not install progname to $GOPATH/bin/progname")
   1764 }
   1766 func TestRejectRelativeDotPathInGOPATHCommandLinePackage(t *testing.T) {
   1767 	tg := testgo(t)
   1768 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1769 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", ".")
   1770 	tg.runFail("build", "testdata/src/go-cmd-test/helloworld.go")
   1771 	tg.grepStderr("GOPATH entry is relative", "expected an error message rejecting relative GOPATH entries")
   1772 }
   1774 func TestRejectRelativePathsInGOPATH(t *testing.T) {
   1775 	tg := testgo(t)
   1776 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1777 	sep := string(filepath.ListSeparator)
   1778 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", sep+filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata")+sep+".")
   1779 	tg.runFail("build", "go-cmd-test")
   1780 	tg.grepStderr("GOPATH entry is relative", "expected an error message rejecting relative GOPATH entries")
   1781 }
   1783 func TestRejectRelativePathsInGOPATHCommandLinePackage(t *testing.T) {
   1784 	tg := testgo(t)
   1785 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1786 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", "testdata")
   1787 	tg.runFail("build", "testdata/src/go-cmd-test/helloworld.go")
   1788 	tg.grepStderr("GOPATH entry is relative", "expected an error message rejecting relative GOPATH entries")
   1789 }
   1791 // Issue 21928.
   1792 func TestRejectBlankPathsInGOPATH(t *testing.T) {
   1793 	tg := testgo(t)
   1794 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1795 	sep := string(filepath.ListSeparator)
   1796 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", " "+sep+filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   1797 	tg.runFail("build", "go-cmd-test")
   1798 	tg.grepStderr("GOPATH entry is relative", "expected an error message rejecting relative GOPATH entries")
   1799 }
   1801 // Issue 21928.
   1802 func TestIgnoreEmptyPathsInGOPATH(t *testing.T) {
   1803 	tg := testgo(t)
   1804 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1805 	tg.creatingTemp("testdata/bin/go-cmd-test" + exeSuffix)
   1806 	sep := string(filepath.ListSeparator)
   1807 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", ""+sep+filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   1808 	tg.run("install", "go-cmd-test")
   1809 	tg.wantExecutable("testdata/bin/go-cmd-test"+exeSuffix, "go install go-cmd-test did not write to testdata/bin/go-cmd-test")
   1810 }
   1812 // Issue 4104.
   1813 func TestGoTestWithPackageListedMultipleTimes(t *testing.T) {
   1814 	tooSlow(t)
   1815 	tg := testgo(t)
   1816 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1817 	tg.parallel()
   1818 	tg.run("test", "errors", "errors", "errors", "errors", "errors")
   1819 	if strings.Contains(strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout()), "\n") {
   1820 		t.Error("go test errors errors errors errors errors tested the same package multiple times")
   1821 	}
   1822 }
   1824 func TestGoListHasAConsistentOrder(t *testing.T) {
   1825 	tooSlow(t)
   1826 	tg := testgo(t)
   1827 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1828 	tg.parallel()
   1829 	tg.run("list", "std")
   1830 	first := tg.getStdout()
   1831 	tg.run("list", "std")
   1832 	if first != tg.getStdout() {
   1833 		t.Error("go list std ordering is inconsistent")
   1834 	}
   1835 }
   1837 func TestGoListStdDoesNotIncludeCommands(t *testing.T) {
   1838 	tooSlow(t)
   1839 	tg := testgo(t)
   1840 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1841 	tg.parallel()
   1842 	tg.run("list", "std")
   1843 	tg.grepStdoutNot("cmd/", "go list std shows commands")
   1844 }
   1846 func TestGoListCmdOnlyShowsCommands(t *testing.T) {
   1847 	tooSlow(t)
   1848 	tg := testgo(t)
   1849 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1850 	tg.parallel()
   1851 	tg.run("list", "cmd")
   1852 	out := strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout())
   1853 	for _, line := range strings.Split(out, "\n") {
   1854 		if !strings.Contains(line, "cmd/") {
   1855 			t.Error("go list cmd shows non-commands")
   1856 			break
   1857 		}
   1858 	}
   1859 }
   1861 func TestGoListDedupsPackages(t *testing.T) {
   1862 	tg := testgo(t)
   1863 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1864 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   1865 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   1866 	tg.run("list", "xtestonly", "./testdata/src/xtestonly/...")
   1867 	got := strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout())
   1868 	const want = "xtestonly"
   1869 	if got != want {
   1870 		t.Errorf("got %q; want %q", got, want)
   1871 	}
   1872 }
   1874 func TestGoListDeps(t *testing.T) {
   1875 	tg := testgo(t)
   1876 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1877 	tg.parallel()
   1878 	tg.tempDir("src/p1/p2/p3/p4")
   1879 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   1880 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p.go", "package p1\nimport _ \"p1/p2\"\n")
   1881 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p2/p.go", "package p2\nimport _ \"p1/p2/p3\"\n")
   1882 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p2/p3/p.go", "package p3\nimport _ \"p1/p2/p3/p4\"\n")
   1883 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p2/p3/p4/p.go", "package p4\n")
   1884 	tg.run("list", "-f", "{{.Deps}}", "p1")
   1885 	tg.grepStdout("p1/p2/p3/p4", "Deps(p1) does not mention p4")
   1886 }
   1888 // Issue 4096. Validate the output of unsuccessful go install foo/quxx.
   1889 func TestUnsuccessfulGoInstallShouldMentionMissingPackage(t *testing.T) {
   1890 	tg := testgo(t)
   1891 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1892 	tg.parallel()
   1893 	tg.runFail("install", "foo/quxx")
   1894 	if tg.grepCountBoth(`cannot find package "foo/quxx" in any of`) != 1 {
   1895 		t.Error(`go install foo/quxx expected error: .*cannot find package "foo/quxx" in any of`)
   1896 	}
   1897 }
   1899 func TestGOROOTSearchFailureReporting(t *testing.T) {
   1900 	tg := testgo(t)
   1901 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1902 	tg.parallel()
   1903 	tg.runFail("install", "foo/quxx")
   1904 	if tg.grepCountBoth(regexp.QuoteMeta(filepath.Join("foo", "quxx"))+` \(from \$GOROOT\)$`) != 1 {
   1905 		t.Error(`go install foo/quxx expected error: .*foo/quxx (from $GOROOT)`)
   1906 	}
   1907 }
   1909 func TestMultipleGOPATHEntriesReportedSeparately(t *testing.T) {
   1910 	tg := testgo(t)
   1911 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1912 	tg.parallel()
   1913 	sep := string(filepath.ListSeparator)
   1914 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata", "a")+sep+filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata", "b"))
   1915 	tg.runFail("install", "foo/quxx")
   1916 	if tg.grepCountBoth(`testdata[/\\].[/\\]src[/\\]foo[/\\]quxx`) != 2 {
   1917 		t.Error(`go install foo/quxx expected error: .*testdata/a/src/foo/quxx (from $GOPATH)\n.*testdata/b/src/foo/quxx`)
   1918 	}
   1919 }
   1921 // Test (from $GOPATH) annotation is reported for the first GOPATH entry,
   1922 func TestMentionGOPATHInFirstGOPATHEntry(t *testing.T) {
   1923 	tg := testgo(t)
   1924 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1925 	tg.parallel()
   1926 	sep := string(filepath.ListSeparator)
   1927 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata", "a")+sep+filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata", "b"))
   1928 	tg.runFail("install", "foo/quxx")
   1929 	if tg.grepCountBoth(regexp.QuoteMeta(filepath.Join("testdata", "a", "src", "foo", "quxx"))+` \(from \$GOPATH\)$`) != 1 {
   1930 		t.Error(`go install foo/quxx expected error: .*testdata/a/src/foo/quxx (from $GOPATH)`)
   1931 	}
   1932 }
   1934 // but not on the second.
   1935 func TestMentionGOPATHNotOnSecondEntry(t *testing.T) {
   1936 	tg := testgo(t)
   1937 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1938 	tg.parallel()
   1939 	sep := string(filepath.ListSeparator)
   1940 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata", "a")+sep+filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata", "b"))
   1941 	tg.runFail("install", "foo/quxx")
   1942 	if tg.grepCountBoth(regexp.QuoteMeta(filepath.Join("testdata", "b", "src", "foo", "quxx"))+`$`) != 1 {
   1943 		t.Error(`go install foo/quxx expected error: .*testdata/b/src/foo/quxx`)
   1944 	}
   1945 }
   1947 func homeEnvName() string {
   1948 	switch runtime.GOOS {
   1949 	case "windows":
   1950 		return "USERPROFILE"
   1951 	case "plan9":
   1952 		return "home"
   1953 	default:
   1954 		return "HOME"
   1955 	}
   1956 }
   1958 func TestDefaultGOPATH(t *testing.T) {
   1959 	tg := testgo(t)
   1960 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1961 	tg.parallel()
   1962 	tg.tempDir("home/go")
   1963 	tg.setenv(homeEnvName(), tg.path("home"))
   1965 	tg.run("env", "GOPATH")
   1966 	tg.grepStdout(regexp.QuoteMeta(tg.path("home/go")), "want GOPATH=$HOME/go")
   1968 	tg.setenv("GOROOT", tg.path("home/go"))
   1969 	tg.run("env", "GOPATH")
   1970 	tg.grepStdoutNot(".", "want unset GOPATH because GOROOT=$HOME/go")
   1972 	tg.setenv("GOROOT", tg.path("home/go")+"/")
   1973 	tg.run("env", "GOPATH")
   1974 	tg.grepStdoutNot(".", "want unset GOPATH because GOROOT=$HOME/go/")
   1975 }
   1977 func TestDefaultGOPATHGet(t *testing.T) {
   1978 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   1980 	tg := testgo(t)
   1981 	defer tg.cleanup()
   1982 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", "")
   1983 	tg.tempDir("home")
   1984 	tg.setenv(homeEnvName(), tg.path("home"))
   1986 	// warn for creating directory
   1987 	tg.run("get", "-v", "github.com/golang/example/hello")
   1988 	tg.grepStderr("created GOPATH="+regexp.QuoteMeta(tg.path("home/go"))+"; see 'go help gopath'", "did not create GOPATH")
   1990 	// no warning if directory already exists
   1991 	tg.must(os.RemoveAll(tg.path("home/go")))
   1992 	tg.tempDir("home/go")
   1993 	tg.run("get", "github.com/golang/example/hello")
   1994 	tg.grepStderrNot(".", "expected no output on standard error")
   1996 	// error if $HOME/go is a file
   1997 	tg.must(os.RemoveAll(tg.path("home/go")))
   1998 	tg.tempFile("home/go", "")
   1999 	tg.runFail("get", "github.com/golang/example/hello")
   2000 	tg.grepStderr(`mkdir .*[/\\]go: .*(not a directory|cannot find the path)`, "expected error because $HOME/go is a file")
   2001 }
   2003 func TestDefaultGOPATHPrintedSearchList(t *testing.T) {
   2004 	tg := testgo(t)
   2005 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2006 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", "")
   2007 	tg.tempDir("home")
   2008 	tg.setenv(homeEnvName(), tg.path("home"))
   2010 	tg.runFail("install", "github.com/golang/example/hello")
   2011 	tg.grepStderr(regexp.QuoteMeta(tg.path("home/go/src/github.com/golang/example/hello"))+`.*from \$GOPATH`, "expected default GOPATH")
   2012 }
   2014 // Issue 4186. go get cannot be used to download packages to $GOROOT.
   2015 // Test that without GOPATH set, go get should fail.
   2016 func TestGoGetIntoGOROOT(t *testing.T) {
   2017 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   2019 	tg := testgo(t)
   2020 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2021 	tg.parallel()
   2022 	tg.tempDir("src")
   2024 	// Fails because GOROOT=GOPATH
   2025 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   2026 	tg.setenv("GOROOT", tg.path("."))
   2027 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "github.com/golang/example/hello")
   2028 	tg.grepStderr("warning: GOPATH set to GOROOT", "go should detect GOPATH=GOROOT")
   2029 	tg.grepStderr(`\$GOPATH must not be set to \$GOROOT`, "go should detect GOPATH=GOROOT")
   2031 	// Fails because GOROOT=GOPATH after cleaning.
   2032 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path(".")+"/")
   2033 	tg.setenv("GOROOT", tg.path("."))
   2034 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "github.com/golang/example/hello")
   2035 	tg.grepStderr("warning: GOPATH set to GOROOT", "go should detect GOPATH=GOROOT")
   2036 	tg.grepStderr(`\$GOPATH must not be set to \$GOROOT`, "go should detect GOPATH=GOROOT")
   2038 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   2039 	tg.setenv("GOROOT", tg.path(".")+"/")
   2040 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "github.com/golang/example/hello")
   2041 	tg.grepStderr("warning: GOPATH set to GOROOT", "go should detect GOPATH=GOROOT")
   2042 	tg.grepStderr(`\$GOPATH must not be set to \$GOROOT`, "go should detect GOPATH=GOROOT")
   2044 	// Fails because GOROOT=$HOME/go so default GOPATH unset.
   2045 	tg.tempDir("home/go")
   2046 	tg.setenv(homeEnvName(), tg.path("home"))
   2047 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", "")
   2048 	tg.setenv("GOROOT", tg.path("home/go"))
   2049 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "github.com/golang/example/hello")
   2050 	tg.grepStderr(`\$GOPATH not set`, "expected GOPATH not set")
   2052 	tg.setenv(homeEnvName(), tg.path("home")+"/")
   2053 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", "")
   2054 	tg.setenv("GOROOT", tg.path("home/go"))
   2055 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "github.com/golang/example/hello")
   2056 	tg.grepStderr(`\$GOPATH not set`, "expected GOPATH not set")
   2058 	tg.setenv(homeEnvName(), tg.path("home"))
   2059 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", "")
   2060 	tg.setenv("GOROOT", tg.path("home/go")+"/")
   2061 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "github.com/golang/example/hello")
   2062 	tg.grepStderr(`\$GOPATH not set`, "expected GOPATH not set")
   2063 }
   2065 func TestLdflagsArgumentsWithSpacesIssue3941(t *testing.T) {
   2066 	tooSlow(t)
   2067 	tg := testgo(t)
   2068 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2069 	tg.parallel()
   2070 	tg.tempFile("main.go", `package main
   2071 		var extern string
   2072 		func main() {
   2073 			println(extern)
   2074 		}`)
   2075 	tg.run("run", "-ldflags", `-X "main.extern=hello world"`, tg.path("main.go"))
   2076 	tg.grepStderr("^hello world", `ldflags -X "main.extern=hello world"' failed`)
   2077 }
   2079 func TestGoTestCpuprofileLeavesBinaryBehind(t *testing.T) {
   2080 	tooSlow(t)
   2081 	tg := testgo(t)
   2082 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2083 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   2084 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2085 	tg.cd(tg.path("."))
   2086 	tg.run("test", "-cpuprofile", "errors.prof", "errors")
   2087 	tg.wantExecutable("errors.test"+exeSuffix, "go test -cpuprofile did not create errors.test")
   2088 }
   2090 func TestGoTestCpuprofileDashOControlsBinaryLocation(t *testing.T) {
   2091 	tooSlow(t)
   2092 	tg := testgo(t)
   2093 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2094 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   2095 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2096 	tg.cd(tg.path("."))
   2097 	tg.run("test", "-cpuprofile", "errors.prof", "-o", "myerrors.test"+exeSuffix, "errors")
   2098 	tg.wantExecutable("myerrors.test"+exeSuffix, "go test -cpuprofile -o myerrors.test did not create myerrors.test")
   2099 }
   2101 func TestGoTestMutexprofileLeavesBinaryBehind(t *testing.T) {
   2102 	tooSlow(t)
   2103 	tg := testgo(t)
   2104 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2105 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   2106 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2107 	tg.cd(tg.path("."))
   2108 	tg.run("test", "-mutexprofile", "errors.prof", "errors")
   2109 	tg.wantExecutable("errors.test"+exeSuffix, "go test -mutexprofile did not create errors.test")
   2110 }
   2112 func TestGoTestMutexprofileDashOControlsBinaryLocation(t *testing.T) {
   2113 	tooSlow(t)
   2114 	tg := testgo(t)
   2115 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2116 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   2117 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2118 	tg.cd(tg.path("."))
   2119 	tg.run("test", "-mutexprofile", "errors.prof", "-o", "myerrors.test"+exeSuffix, "errors")
   2120 	tg.wantExecutable("myerrors.test"+exeSuffix, "go test -mutexprofile -o myerrors.test did not create myerrors.test")
   2121 }
   2123 func TestGoBuildNonMain(t *testing.T) {
   2124 	tg := testgo(t)
   2125 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2126 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   2127 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2128 	tg.runFail("build", "-buildmode=exe", "-o", "not_main"+exeSuffix, "not_main")
   2129 	tg.grepStderr("-buildmode=exe requires exactly one main package", "go build with -o and -buildmode=exe should on a non-main package should throw an error")
   2130 	tg.mustNotExist("not_main" + exeSuffix)
   2131 }
   2133 func TestGoTestDashCDashOControlsBinaryLocation(t *testing.T) {
   2134 	tooSlow(t)
   2135 	tg := testgo(t)
   2136 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2137 	tg.parallel()
   2138 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2139 	tg.run("test", "-c", "-o", tg.path("myerrors.test"+exeSuffix), "errors")
   2140 	tg.wantExecutable(tg.path("myerrors.test"+exeSuffix), "go test -c -o myerrors.test did not create myerrors.test")
   2141 }
   2143 func TestGoTestDashOWritesBinary(t *testing.T) {
   2144 	tooSlow(t)
   2145 	tg := testgo(t)
   2146 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2147 	tg.parallel()
   2148 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2149 	tg.run("test", "-o", tg.path("myerrors.test"+exeSuffix), "errors")
   2150 	tg.wantExecutable(tg.path("myerrors.test"+exeSuffix), "go test -o myerrors.test did not create myerrors.test")
   2151 }
   2153 func TestGoTestDashIDashOWritesBinary(t *testing.T) {
   2154 	tooSlow(t)
   2155 	tg := testgo(t)
   2156 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2157 	tg.parallel()
   2158 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2160 	// don't let test -i overwrite runtime
   2161 	tg.wantNotStale("runtime", "", "must be non-stale before test -i")
   2163 	tg.run("test", "-v", "-i", "-o", tg.path("myerrors.test"+exeSuffix), "errors")
   2164 	tg.grepBothNot("PASS|FAIL", "test should not have run")
   2165 	tg.wantExecutable(tg.path("myerrors.test"+exeSuffix), "go test -o myerrors.test did not create myerrors.test")
   2166 }
   2168 // Issue 4568.
   2169 func TestSymlinksList(t *testing.T) {
   2170 	testenv.MustHaveSymlink(t)
   2172 	tg := testgo(t)
   2173 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2174 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   2175 	tg.tempDir("src")
   2176 	tg.must(os.Symlink(tg.path("."), tg.path("src/dir1")))
   2177 	tg.tempFile("src/dir1/p.go", "package p")
   2178 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   2179 	tg.cd(tg.path("src"))
   2180 	tg.run("list", "-f", "{{.Root}}", "dir1")
   2181 	if strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout()) != tg.path(".") {
   2182 		t.Error("confused by symlinks")
   2183 	}
   2184 }
   2186 // Issue 14054.
   2187 func TestSymlinksVendor(t *testing.T) {
   2188 	testenv.MustHaveSymlink(t)
   2190 	tg := testgo(t)
   2191 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2192 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   2193 	tg.tempDir("gopath/src/dir1/vendor/v")
   2194 	tg.tempFile("gopath/src/dir1/p.go", "package main\nimport _ `v`\nfunc main(){}")
   2195 	tg.tempFile("gopath/src/dir1/vendor/v/v.go", "package v")
   2196 	tg.must(os.Symlink(tg.path("gopath/src/dir1"), tg.path("symdir1")))
   2197 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("gopath"))
   2198 	tg.cd(tg.path("symdir1"))
   2199 	tg.run("list", "-f", "{{.Root}}", ".")
   2200 	if strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout()) != tg.path("gopath") {
   2201 		t.Error("list confused by symlinks")
   2202 	}
   2204 	// All of these should succeed, not die in vendor-handling code.
   2205 	tg.run("run", "p.go")
   2206 	tg.run("build")
   2207 	tg.run("install")
   2208 }
   2210 // Issue 15201.
   2211 func TestSymlinksVendor15201(t *testing.T) {
   2212 	testenv.MustHaveSymlink(t)
   2214 	tg := testgo(t)
   2215 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2217 	tg.tempDir("gopath/src/x/y/_vendor/src/x")
   2218 	tg.must(os.Symlink("../../..", tg.path("gopath/src/x/y/_vendor/src/x/y")))
   2219 	tg.tempFile("gopath/src/x/y/w/w.go", "package w\nimport \"x/y/z\"\n")
   2220 	tg.must(os.Symlink("../_vendor/src", tg.path("gopath/src/x/y/w/vendor")))
   2221 	tg.tempFile("gopath/src/x/y/z/z.go", "package z\n")
   2223 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("gopath/src/x/y/_vendor")+string(filepath.ListSeparator)+tg.path("gopath"))
   2224 	tg.cd(tg.path("gopath/src"))
   2225 	tg.run("list", "./...")
   2226 }
   2228 func TestSymlinksInternal(t *testing.T) {
   2229 	testenv.MustHaveSymlink(t)
   2231 	tg := testgo(t)
   2232 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2233 	tg.tempDir("gopath/src/dir1/internal/v")
   2234 	tg.tempFile("gopath/src/dir1/p.go", "package main\nimport _ `dir1/internal/v`\nfunc main(){}")
   2235 	tg.tempFile("gopath/src/dir1/internal/v/v.go", "package v")
   2236 	tg.must(os.Symlink(tg.path("gopath/src/dir1"), tg.path("symdir1")))
   2237 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("gopath"))
   2238 	tg.cd(tg.path("symdir1"))
   2239 	tg.run("list", "-f", "{{.Root}}", ".")
   2240 	if strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout()) != tg.path("gopath") {
   2241 		t.Error("list confused by symlinks")
   2242 	}
   2244 	// All of these should succeed, not die in internal-handling code.
   2245 	tg.run("run", "p.go")
   2246 	tg.run("build")
   2247 	tg.run("install")
   2248 }
   2250 // Issue 4515.
   2251 func TestInstallWithTags(t *testing.T) {
   2252 	tooSlow(t)
   2253 	tg := testgo(t)
   2254 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2255 	tg.parallel()
   2256 	tg.tempDir("bin")
   2257 	tg.tempFile("src/example/a/main.go", `package main
   2258 		func main() {}`)
   2259 	tg.tempFile("src/example/b/main.go", `// +build mytag
   2261 		package main
   2262 		func main() {}`)
   2263 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   2264 	tg.run("install", "-tags", "mytag", "example/a", "example/b")
   2265 	tg.wantExecutable(tg.path("bin/a"+exeSuffix), "go install example/a example/b did not install binaries")
   2266 	tg.wantExecutable(tg.path("bin/b"+exeSuffix), "go install example/a example/b did not install binaries")
   2267 	tg.must(os.Remove(tg.path("bin/a" + exeSuffix)))
   2268 	tg.must(os.Remove(tg.path("bin/b" + exeSuffix)))
   2269 	tg.run("install", "-tags", "mytag", "example/...")
   2270 	tg.wantExecutable(tg.path("bin/a"+exeSuffix), "go install example/... did not install binaries")
   2271 	tg.wantExecutable(tg.path("bin/b"+exeSuffix), "go install example/... did not install binaries")
   2272 	tg.run("list", "-tags", "mytag", "example/b...")
   2273 	if strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout()) != "example/b" {
   2274 		t.Error("go list example/b did not find example/b")
   2275 	}
   2276 }
   2278 // Issue 4773
   2279 func TestCaseCollisions(t *testing.T) {
   2280 	tg := testgo(t)
   2281 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2282 	tg.parallel()
   2283 	tg.tempDir("src/example/a/pkg")
   2284 	tg.tempDir("src/example/a/Pkg")
   2285 	tg.tempDir("src/example/b")
   2286 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   2287 	tg.tempFile("src/example/a/a.go", `package p
   2288 		import (
   2289 			_ "example/a/pkg"
   2290 			_ "example/a/Pkg"
   2291 		)`)
   2292 	tg.tempFile("src/example/a/pkg/pkg.go", `package pkg`)
   2293 	tg.tempFile("src/example/a/Pkg/pkg.go", `package pkg`)
   2294 	tg.run("list", "-json", "example/a")
   2295 	tg.grepStdout("case-insensitive import collision", "go list -json example/a did not report import collision")
   2296 	tg.runFail("build", "example/a")
   2297 	tg.grepStderr("case-insensitive import collision", "go build example/a did not report import collision")
   2298 	tg.tempFile("src/example/b/file.go", `package b`)
   2299 	tg.tempFile("src/example/b/FILE.go", `package b`)
   2300 	f, err := os.Open(tg.path("src/example/b"))
   2301 	tg.must(err)
   2302 	names, err := f.Readdirnames(0)
   2303 	tg.must(err)
   2304 	tg.check(f.Close())
   2305 	args := []string{"list"}
   2306 	if len(names) == 2 {
   2307 		// case-sensitive file system, let directory read find both files
   2308 		args = append(args, "example/b")
   2309 	} else {
   2310 		// case-insensitive file system, list files explicitly on command line
   2311 		args = append(args, tg.path("src/example/b/file.go"), tg.path("src/example/b/FILE.go"))
   2312 	}
   2313 	tg.runFail(args...)
   2314 	tg.grepStderr("case-insensitive file name collision", "go list example/b did not report file name collision")
   2316 	tg.runFail("list", "example/a/pkg", "example/a/Pkg")
   2317 	tg.grepStderr("case-insensitive import collision", "go list example/a/pkg example/a/Pkg did not report import collision")
   2318 	tg.run("list", "-json", "-e", "example/a/pkg", "example/a/Pkg")
   2319 	tg.grepStdout("case-insensitive import collision", "go list -json -e example/a/pkg example/a/Pkg did not report import collision")
   2320 	tg.runFail("build", "example/a/pkg", "example/a/Pkg")
   2321 	tg.grepStderr("case-insensitive import collision", "go build example/a/pkg example/a/Pkg did not report import collision")
   2322 }
   2324 // Issue 17451, 17662.
   2325 func TestSymlinkWarning(t *testing.T) {
   2326 	tg := testgo(t)
   2327 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2328 	tg.parallel()
   2329 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2330 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   2332 	tg.tempDir("src/example/xx")
   2333 	tg.tempDir("yy/zz")
   2334 	tg.tempFile("yy/zz/zz.go", "package zz\n")
   2335 	if err := os.Symlink(tg.path("yy"), tg.path("src/example/xx/yy")); err != nil {
   2336 		t.Skipf("symlink failed: %v", err)
   2337 	}
   2338 	tg.run("list", "example/xx/z...")
   2339 	tg.grepStdoutNot(".", "list should not have matched anything")
   2340 	tg.grepStderr("matched no packages", "list should have reported that pattern matched no packages")
   2341 	tg.grepStderrNot("symlink", "list should not have reported symlink")
   2343 	tg.run("list", "example/xx/...")
   2344 	tg.grepStdoutNot(".", "list should not have matched anything")
   2345 	tg.grepStderr("matched no packages", "list should have reported that pattern matched no packages")
   2346 	tg.grepStderr("ignoring symlink", "list should have reported symlink")
   2347 }
   2349 // Issue 8181.
   2350 func TestGoGetDashTIssue8181(t *testing.T) {
   2351 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   2353 	tg := testgo(t)
   2354 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2355 	tg.parallel()
   2356 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2357 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   2358 	tg.run("get", "-v", "-t", "github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-8181/a", "github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-8181/b")
   2359 	tg.run("list", "...")
   2360 	tg.grepStdout("x/build/gerrit", "missing expected x/build/gerrit")
   2361 }
   2363 func TestIssue11307(t *testing.T) {
   2364 	// go get -u was not working except in checkout directory
   2365 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   2367 	tg := testgo(t)
   2368 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2369 	tg.parallel()
   2370 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2371 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   2372 	tg.run("get", "github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-11307")
   2373 	tg.run("get", "-u", "github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-11307") // was failing
   2374 }
   2376 func TestShadowingLogic(t *testing.T) {
   2377 	tg := testgo(t)
   2378 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2379 	pwd := tg.pwd()
   2380 	sep := string(filepath.ListSeparator)
   2381 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(pwd, "testdata", "shadow", "root1")+sep+filepath.Join(pwd, "testdata", "shadow", "root2"))
   2383 	// The math in root1 is not "math" because the standard math is.
   2384 	tg.run("list", "-f", "({{.ImportPath}}) ({{.ConflictDir}})", "./testdata/shadow/root1/src/math")
   2385 	pwdForwardSlash := strings.Replace(pwd, string(os.PathSeparator), "/", -1)
   2386 	if !strings.HasPrefix(pwdForwardSlash, "/") {
   2387 		pwdForwardSlash = "/" + pwdForwardSlash
   2388 	}
   2389 	// The output will have makeImportValid applies, but we only
   2390 	// bother to deal with characters we might reasonably see.
   2391 	for _, r := range " :" {
   2392 		pwdForwardSlash = strings.Replace(pwdForwardSlash, string(r), "_", -1)
   2393 	}
   2394 	want := "(_" + pwdForwardSlash + "/testdata/shadow/root1/src/math) (" + filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "src", "math") + ")"
   2395 	if strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout()) != want {
   2396 		t.Error("shadowed math is not shadowed; looking for", want)
   2397 	}
   2399 	// The foo in root1 is "foo".
   2400 	tg.run("list", "-f", "({{.ImportPath}}) ({{.ConflictDir}})", "./testdata/shadow/root1/src/foo")
   2401 	if strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout()) != "(foo) ()" {
   2402 		t.Error("unshadowed foo is shadowed")
   2403 	}
   2405 	// The foo in root2 is not "foo" because the foo in root1 got there first.
   2406 	tg.run("list", "-f", "({{.ImportPath}}) ({{.ConflictDir}})", "./testdata/shadow/root2/src/foo")
   2407 	want = "(_" + pwdForwardSlash + "/testdata/shadow/root2/src/foo) (" + filepath.Join(pwd, "testdata", "shadow", "root1", "src", "foo") + ")"
   2408 	if strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout()) != want {
   2409 		t.Error("shadowed foo is not shadowed; looking for", want)
   2410 	}
   2412 	// The error for go install should mention the conflicting directory.
   2413 	tg.runFail("install", "./testdata/shadow/root2/src/foo")
   2414 	want = "go install: no install location for " + filepath.Join(pwd, "testdata", "shadow", "root2", "src", "foo") + ": hidden by " + filepath.Join(pwd, "testdata", "shadow", "root1", "src", "foo")
   2415 	if strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStderr()) != want {
   2416 		t.Error("wrong shadowed install error; looking for", want)
   2417 	}
   2418 }
   2420 // Only succeeds if source order is preserved.
   2421 func TestSourceFileNameOrderPreserved(t *testing.T) {
   2422 	tg := testgo(t)
   2423 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2424 	tg.run("test", "testdata/example1_test.go", "testdata/example2_test.go")
   2425 }
   2427 // Check that coverage analysis works at all.
   2428 // Don't worry about the exact numbers but require not 0.0%.
   2429 func checkCoverage(tg *testgoData, data string) {
   2430 	tg.t.Helper()
   2431 	if regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9]0\.0%`).MatchString(data) {
   2432 		tg.t.Error("some coverage results are 0.0%")
   2433 	}
   2434 }
   2436 func TestCoverageRuns(t *testing.T) {
   2437 	tooSlow(t)
   2438 	tg := testgo(t)
   2439 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2440 	tg.run("test", "-short", "-coverpkg=strings", "strings", "regexp")
   2441 	data := tg.getStdout() + tg.getStderr()
   2442 	tg.run("test", "-short", "-cover", "strings", "math", "regexp")
   2443 	data += tg.getStdout() + tg.getStderr()
   2444 	checkCoverage(tg, data)
   2445 }
   2447 func TestCoverageDotImport(t *testing.T) {
   2448 	tg := testgo(t)
   2449 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2450 	tg.parallel()
   2451 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2452 	tg.run("test", "-coverpkg=coverdot1,coverdot2", "coverdot2")
   2453 	data := tg.getStdout() + tg.getStderr()
   2454 	checkCoverage(tg, data)
   2455 }
   2457 // Check that coverage analysis uses set mode.
   2458 // Also check that coverage profiles merge correctly.
   2459 func TestCoverageUsesSetMode(t *testing.T) {
   2460 	tooSlow(t)
   2461 	tg := testgo(t)
   2462 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2463 	tg.creatingTemp("testdata/cover.out")
   2464 	tg.run("test", "-short", "-cover", "encoding/binary", "errors", "-coverprofile=testdata/cover.out")
   2465 	data := tg.getStdout() + tg.getStderr()
   2466 	if out, err := ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/cover.out"); err != nil {
   2467 		t.Error(err)
   2468 	} else {
   2469 		if !bytes.Contains(out, []byte("mode: set")) {
   2470 			t.Error("missing mode: set")
   2471 		}
   2472 		if !bytes.Contains(out, []byte("errors.go")) {
   2473 			t.Error("missing errors.go")
   2474 		}
   2475 		if !bytes.Contains(out, []byte("binary.go")) {
   2476 			t.Error("missing binary.go")
   2477 		}
   2478 		if bytes.Count(out, []byte("mode: set")) != 1 {
   2479 			t.Error("too many mode: set")
   2480 		}
   2481 	}
   2482 	checkCoverage(tg, data)
   2483 }
   2485 func TestCoverageUsesAtomicModeForRace(t *testing.T) {
   2486 	tooSlow(t)
   2487 	if !canRace {
   2488 		t.Skip("skipping because race detector not supported")
   2489 	}
   2491 	tg := testgo(t)
   2492 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2493 	tg.creatingTemp("testdata/cover.out")
   2494 	tg.run("test", "-short", "-race", "-cover", "encoding/binary", "-coverprofile=testdata/cover.out")
   2495 	data := tg.getStdout() + tg.getStderr()
   2496 	if out, err := ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/cover.out"); err != nil {
   2497 		t.Error(err)
   2498 	} else {
   2499 		if !bytes.Contains(out, []byte("mode: atomic")) {
   2500 			t.Error("missing mode: atomic")
   2501 		}
   2502 	}
   2503 	checkCoverage(tg, data)
   2504 }
   2506 func TestCoverageSyncAtomicImport(t *testing.T) {
   2507 	tooSlow(t)
   2508 	tg := testgo(t)
   2509 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2510 	tg.parallel()
   2511 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2512 	tg.run("test", "-short", "-cover", "-covermode=atomic", "-coverpkg=coverdep/p1", "coverdep")
   2513 }
   2515 func TestCoverageDepLoop(t *testing.T) {
   2516 	tooSlow(t)
   2517 	tg := testgo(t)
   2518 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2519 	tg.parallel()
   2520 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2521 	// coverdep2/p1's xtest imports coverdep2/p2 which imports coverdep2/p1.
   2522 	// Make sure that coverage on coverdep2/p2 recompiles coverdep2/p2.
   2523 	tg.run("test", "-short", "-cover", "coverdep2/p1")
   2524 	tg.grepStdout("coverage: 100.0% of statements", "expected 100.0% coverage")
   2525 }
   2527 func TestCoverageImportMainLoop(t *testing.T) {
   2528 	tg := testgo(t)
   2529 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2530 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2531 	tg.runFail("test", "importmain/test")
   2532 	tg.grepStderr("not an importable package", "did not detect import main")
   2533 	tg.runFail("test", "-cover", "importmain/test")
   2534 	tg.grepStderr("not an importable package", "did not detect import main")
   2535 }
   2537 func TestCoveragePattern(t *testing.T) {
   2538 	tooSlow(t)
   2539 	tg := testgo(t)
   2540 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2541 	tg.parallel()
   2542 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2543 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2545 	// If coverpkg=sleepy... expands by package loading
   2546 	// (as opposed to pattern matching on deps)
   2547 	// then it will try to load sleepybad, which does not compile,
   2548 	// and the test command will fail.
   2549 	tg.run("test", "-coverprofile="+tg.path("cover.out"), "-coverpkg=sleepy...", "-run=^$", "sleepy1")
   2550 }
   2552 func TestCoverageErrorLine(t *testing.T) {
   2553 	tooSlow(t)
   2554 	tg := testgo(t)
   2555 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2556 	tg.parallel()
   2557 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2558 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2559 	tg.setenv("GOTMPDIR", tg.tempdir)
   2561 	tg.runFail("test", "coverbad")
   2562 	tg.grepStderr(`coverbad[\\/]p\.go:4`, "did not find coverbad/p.go:4")
   2563 	if canCgo {
   2564 		tg.grepStderr(`coverbad[\\/]p1\.go:6`, "did not find coverbad/p1.go:6")
   2565 	}
   2566 	tg.grepStderrNot(regexp.QuoteMeta(tg.tempdir), "found temporary directory in error")
   2567 	stderr := tg.getStderr()
   2569 	tg.runFail("test", "-cover", "coverbad")
   2570 	stderr2 := tg.getStderr()
   2572 	// It's OK that stderr2 drops the character position in the error,
   2573 	// because of the //line directive (see golang.org/issue/22662).
   2574 	stderr = strings.Replace(stderr, "p.go:4:2:", "p.go:4:", -1)
   2575 	if stderr != stderr2 {
   2576 		t.Logf("test -cover changed error messages:\nbefore:\n%s\n\nafter:\n%s", stderr, stderr2)
   2577 		t.Skip("golang.org/issue/22660")
   2578 		t.FailNow()
   2579 	}
   2580 }
   2582 func TestTestBuildFailureOutput(t *testing.T) {
   2583 	tooSlow(t)
   2585 	tg := testgo(t)
   2586 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2587 	tg.parallel()
   2588 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2590 	// Doesn't build, -x output should not claim to run test.
   2591 	tg.runFail("test", "-x", "coverbad")
   2592 	tg.grepStderrNot(`[\\/]coverbad\.test( |$)`, "claimed to run test")
   2593 }
   2595 func TestCoverageFunc(t *testing.T) {
   2596 	tooSlow(t)
   2597 	tg := testgo(t)
   2598 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2599 	tg.parallel()
   2600 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2601 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2603 	tg.run("test", "-outputdir="+tg.tempdir, "-coverprofile=cover.out", "coverasm")
   2604 	tg.run("tool", "cover", "-func="+tg.path("cover.out"))
   2605 	tg.grepStdout(`\tg\t*100.0%`, "did not find g 100% covered")
   2606 	tg.grepStdoutNot(`\tf\t*[0-9]`, "reported coverage for assembly function f")
   2607 }
   2609 func TestPluginNonMain(t *testing.T) {
   2610 	wd, err := os.Getwd()
   2611 	if err != nil {
   2612 		t.Fatal(err)
   2613 	}
   2615 	pkg := filepath.Join(wd, "testdata", "testdep", "p2")
   2617 	tg := testgo(t)
   2618 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2620 	tg.runFail("build", "-buildmode=plugin", pkg)
   2621 }
   2623 func TestTestEmpty(t *testing.T) {
   2624 	if !canRace {
   2625 		t.Skip("no race detector")
   2626 	}
   2628 	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
   2629 	testdata := filepath.Join(wd, "testdata")
   2630 	for _, dir := range []string{"pkg", "test", "xtest", "pkgtest", "pkgxtest", "pkgtestxtest", "testxtest"} {
   2631 		t.Run(dir, func(t *testing.T) {
   2632 			tg := testgo(t)
   2633 			defer tg.cleanup()
   2634 			tg.setenv("GOPATH", testdata)
   2635 			tg.cd(filepath.Join(testdata, "src/empty/"+dir))
   2636 			tg.run("test", "-cover", "-coverpkg=.", "-race")
   2637 		})
   2638 		if testing.Short() {
   2639 			break
   2640 		}
   2641 	}
   2642 }
   2644 func TestNoGoError(t *testing.T) {
   2645 	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
   2646 	testdata := filepath.Join(wd, "testdata")
   2647 	for _, dir := range []string{"empty/test", "empty/xtest", "empty/testxtest", "exclude", "exclude/ignore", "exclude/empty"} {
   2648 		t.Run(dir, func(t *testing.T) {
   2649 			tg := testgo(t)
   2650 			defer tg.cleanup()
   2651 			tg.setenv("GOPATH", testdata)
   2652 			tg.cd(filepath.Join(testdata, "src"))
   2653 			tg.runFail("build", "./"+dir)
   2654 			var want string
   2655 			if strings.Contains(dir, "test") {
   2656 				want = "no non-test Go files in "
   2657 			} else if dir == "exclude" {
   2658 				want = "build constraints exclude all Go files in "
   2659 			} else {
   2660 				want = "no Go files in "
   2661 			}
   2662 			tg.grepStderr(want, "wrong reason for failure")
   2663 		})
   2664 	}
   2665 }
   2667 func TestTestRaceInstall(t *testing.T) {
   2668 	if !canRace {
   2669 		t.Skip("no race detector")
   2670 	}
   2671 	tooSlow(t)
   2673 	tg := testgo(t)
   2674 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2675 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2677 	tg.tempDir("pkg")
   2678 	pkgdir := tg.path("pkg")
   2679 	tg.run("install", "-race", "-pkgdir="+pkgdir, "std")
   2680 	tg.run("test", "-race", "-pkgdir="+pkgdir, "-i", "-v", "empty/pkg")
   2681 	if tg.getStderr() != "" {
   2682 		t.Error("go test -i -race: rebuilds cached packages")
   2683 	}
   2684 }
   2686 func TestBuildDryRunWithCgo(t *testing.T) {
   2687 	if !canCgo {
   2688 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   2689 	}
   2691 	tg := testgo(t)
   2692 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2693 	tg.tempFile("foo.go", `package main
   2695 /*
   2696 #include <limits.h>
   2697 */
   2698 import "C"
   2700 func main() {
   2701         println(C.INT_MAX)
   2702 }`)
   2703 	tg.run("build", "-n", tg.path("foo.go"))
   2704 	tg.grepStderrNot(`os.Stat .* no such file or directory`, "unexpected stat of archive file")
   2705 }
   2707 func TestCoverageWithCgo(t *testing.T) {
   2708 	tooSlow(t)
   2709 	if !canCgo {
   2710 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   2711 	}
   2713 	for _, dir := range []string{"cgocover", "cgocover2", "cgocover3", "cgocover4"} {
   2714 		t.Run(dir, func(t *testing.T) {
   2715 			tg := testgo(t)
   2716 			tg.parallel()
   2717 			defer tg.cleanup()
   2718 			tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2719 			tg.run("test", "-short", "-cover", dir)
   2720 			data := tg.getStdout() + tg.getStderr()
   2721 			checkCoverage(tg, data)
   2722 		})
   2723 	}
   2724 }
   2726 func TestCgoAsmError(t *testing.T) {
   2727 	if !canCgo {
   2728 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   2729 	}
   2731 	tg := testgo(t)
   2732 	tg.parallel()
   2733 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2734 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2735 	tg.runFail("build", "cgoasm")
   2736 	tg.grepBoth("package using cgo has Go assembly file", "did not detect Go assembly file")
   2737 }
   2739 func TestCgoDependsOnSyscall(t *testing.T) {
   2740 	if testing.Short() {
   2741 		t.Skip("skipping test that removes $GOROOT/pkg/*_race in short mode")
   2742 	}
   2743 	if !canCgo {
   2744 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   2745 	}
   2746 	if !canRace {
   2747 		t.Skip("skipping because race detector not supported")
   2748 	}
   2750 	tg := testgo(t)
   2751 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2752 	files, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "pkg", "*_race"))
   2753 	tg.must(err)
   2754 	for _, file := range files {
   2755 		tg.check(os.RemoveAll(file))
   2756 	}
   2757 	tg.tempFile("src/foo/foo.go", `
   2758 		package foo
   2759 		//#include <stdio.h>
   2760 		import "C"`)
   2761 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   2762 	tg.run("build", "-race", "foo")
   2763 }
   2765 func TestCgoShowsFullPathNames(t *testing.T) {
   2766 	if !canCgo {
   2767 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   2768 	}
   2770 	tg := testgo(t)
   2771 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2772 	tg.parallel()
   2773 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y/dirname/foo.go", `
   2774 		package foo
   2775 		import "C"
   2776 		func f() {`)
   2777 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   2778 	tg.runFail("build", "x/y/dirname")
   2779 	tg.grepBoth("x/y/dirname", "error did not use full path")
   2780 }
   2782 func TestCgoHandlesWlORIGIN(t *testing.T) {
   2783 	tooSlow(t)
   2784 	if !canCgo {
   2785 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   2786 	}
   2788 	tg := testgo(t)
   2789 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2790 	tg.parallel()
   2791 	tg.tempFile("src/origin/origin.go", `package origin
   2792 		// #cgo !darwin LDFLAGS: -Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN
   2793 		// void f(void) {}
   2794 		import "C"
   2795 		func f() { C.f() }`)
   2796 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   2797 	tg.run("build", "origin")
   2798 }
   2800 func TestCgoPkgConfig(t *testing.T) {
   2801 	tooSlow(t)
   2802 	if !canCgo {
   2803 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   2804 	}
   2805 	tg := testgo(t)
   2806 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2807 	tg.parallel()
   2809 	tg.run("env", "PKG_CONFIG")
   2810 	pkgConfig := strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout())
   2811 	if out, err := exec.Command(pkgConfig, "--atleast-pkgconfig-version", "0.24").CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
   2812 		t.Skipf("%s --atleast-pkgconfig-version 0.24: %v\n%s", pkgConfig, err, out)
   2813 	}
   2815 	// OpenBSD's pkg-config is strict about whitespace and only
   2816 	// supports backslash-escaped whitespace. It does not support
   2817 	// quotes, which the normal freedesktop.org pkg-config does
   2818 	// support. See http://man.openbsd.org/pkg-config.1
   2819 	tg.tempFile("foo.pc", `
   2820 Name: foo
   2821 Description: The foo library
   2822 Version: 1.0.0
   2823 Cflags: -Dhello=10 -Dworld=+32 -DDEFINED_FROM_PKG_CONFIG=hello\ world
   2824 `)
   2825 	tg.tempFile("foo.go", `package main
   2827 /*
   2828 #cgo pkg-config: foo
   2829 int value() {
   2830 	return DEFINED_FROM_PKG_CONFIG;
   2831 }
   2832 */
   2833 import "C"
   2834 import "os"
   2836 func main() {
   2837 	if C.value() != 42 {
   2838 		println("value() =", C.value(), "wanted 42")
   2839 		os.Exit(1)
   2840 	}
   2841 }
   2842 `)
   2843 	tg.setenv("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", tg.path("."))
   2844 	tg.run("run", tg.path("foo.go"))
   2845 }
   2847 // "go test -c -test.bench=XXX errors" should not hang.
   2848 // "go test -c" should also produce reproducible binaries.
   2849 // "go test -c" should also appear to write a new binary every time,
   2850 // even if it's really just updating the mtime on an existing up-to-date binary.
   2851 func TestIssue6480(t *testing.T) {
   2852 	tooSlow(t)
   2853 	tg := testgo(t)
   2854 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2855 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   2856 	tg.makeTempdir()
   2857 	tg.cd(tg.path("."))
   2858 	tg.run("test", "-c", "-test.bench=XXX", "errors")
   2859 	tg.run("test", "-c", "-o", "errors2.test", "errors")
   2861 	data1, err := ioutil.ReadFile("errors.test" + exeSuffix)
   2862 	tg.must(err)
   2863 	data2, err := ioutil.ReadFile("errors2.test") // no exeSuffix because -o above doesn't have it
   2864 	tg.must(err)
   2865 	if !bytes.Equal(data1, data2) {
   2866 		t.Fatalf("go test -c errors produced different binaries when run twice")
   2867 	}
   2869 	start := time.Now()
   2870 	tg.run("test", "-x", "-c", "-test.bench=XXX", "errors")
   2871 	tg.grepStderrNot(`[\\/]link|gccgo`, "incorrectly relinked up-to-date test binary")
   2872 	info, err := os.Stat("errors.test" + exeSuffix)
   2873 	if err != nil {
   2874 		t.Fatal(err)
   2875 	}
   2876 	start = truncateLike(start, info.ModTime())
   2877 	if info.ModTime().Before(start) {
   2878 		t.Fatalf("mtime of errors.test predates test -c command (%v < %v)", info.ModTime(), start)
   2879 	}
   2881 	start = time.Now()
   2882 	tg.run("test", "-x", "-c", "-o", "errors2.test", "errors")
   2883 	tg.grepStderrNot(`[\\/]link|gccgo`, "incorrectly relinked up-to-date test binary")
   2884 	info, err = os.Stat("errors2.test")
   2885 	if err != nil {
   2886 		t.Fatal(err)
   2887 	}
   2888 	start = truncateLike(start, info.ModTime())
   2889 	if info.ModTime().Before(start) {
   2890 		t.Fatalf("mtime of errors2.test predates test -c command (%v < %v)", info.ModTime(), start)
   2891 	}
   2892 }
   2894 // truncateLike returns the result of truncating t to the apparent precision of p.
   2895 func truncateLike(t, p time.Time) time.Time {
   2896 	nano := p.UnixNano()
   2897 	d := 1 * time.Nanosecond
   2898 	for nano%int64(d) == 0 && d < 1*time.Second {
   2899 		d *= 10
   2900 	}
   2901 	for nano%int64(d) == 0 && d < 2*time.Second {
   2902 		d *= 2
   2903 	}
   2904 	return t.Truncate(d)
   2905 }
   2907 // cmd/cgo: undefined reference when linking a C-library using gccgo
   2908 func TestIssue7573(t *testing.T) {
   2909 	if !canCgo {
   2910 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   2911 	}
   2912 	if _, err := exec.LookPath("gccgo"); err != nil {
   2913 		t.Skip("skipping because no gccgo compiler found")
   2914 	}
   2915 	t.Skip("golang.org/issue/22472")
   2917 	tg := testgo(t)
   2918 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2919 	tg.parallel()
   2920 	tg.tempFile("src/cgoref/cgoref.go", `
   2921 package main
   2922 // #cgo LDFLAGS: -L alibpath -lalib
   2923 // void f(void) {}
   2924 import "C"
   2926 func main() { C.f() }`)
   2927 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   2928 	tg.run("build", "-n", "-compiler", "gccgo", "cgoref")
   2929 	tg.grepStderr(`gccgo.*\-L [^ ]*alibpath \-lalib`, `no Go-inline "#cgo LDFLAGS:" ("-L alibpath -lalib") passed to gccgo linking stage`)
   2930 }
   2932 func TestListTemplateContextFunction(t *testing.T) {
   2933 	t.Parallel()
   2934 	for _, tt := range []struct {
   2935 		v    string
   2936 		want string
   2937 	}{
   2938 		{"GOARCH", runtime.GOARCH},
   2939 		{"GOOS", runtime.GOOS},
   2940 		{"GOROOT", filepath.Clean(runtime.GOROOT())},
   2941 		{"GOPATH", os.Getenv("GOPATH")},
   2942 		{"CgoEnabled", ""},
   2943 		{"UseAllFiles", ""},
   2944 		{"Compiler", ""},
   2945 		{"BuildTags", ""},
   2946 		{"ReleaseTags", ""},
   2947 		{"InstallSuffix", ""},
   2948 	} {
   2949 		tt := tt
   2950 		t.Run(tt.v, func(t *testing.T) {
   2951 			tg := testgo(t)
   2952 			tg.parallel()
   2953 			defer tg.cleanup()
   2954 			tmpl := "{{context." + tt.v + "}}"
   2955 			tg.run("list", "-f", tmpl)
   2956 			if tt.want == "" {
   2957 				return
   2958 			}
   2959 			if got := strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout()); got != tt.want {
   2960 				t.Errorf("go list -f %q: got %q; want %q", tmpl, got, tt.want)
   2961 			}
   2962 		})
   2963 	}
   2964 }
   2966 // cmd/go: "go test" should fail if package does not build
   2967 func TestIssue7108(t *testing.T) {
   2968 	tg := testgo(t)
   2969 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2970 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   2971 	tg.runFail("test", "notest")
   2972 }
   2974 // cmd/go: go test -a foo does not rebuild regexp.
   2975 func TestIssue6844(t *testing.T) {
   2976 	if testing.Short() {
   2977 		t.Skip("don't rebuild the standard library in short mode")
   2978 	}
   2980 	tg := testgo(t)
   2981 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2982 	tg.creatingTemp("deps.test" + exeSuffix)
   2983 	tg.run("test", "-x", "-a", "-c", "testdata/dep_test.go")
   2984 	tg.grepStderr("regexp", "go test -x -a -c testdata/dep-test.go did not rebuild regexp")
   2985 }
   2987 func TestBuildDashIInstallsDependencies(t *testing.T) {
   2988 	tooSlow(t)
   2990 	tg := testgo(t)
   2991 	defer tg.cleanup()
   2992 	tg.parallel()
   2993 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y/foo/foo.go", `package foo
   2994 		func F() {}`)
   2995 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y/bar/bar.go", `package bar
   2996 		import "x/y/foo"
   2997 		func F() { foo.F() }`)
   2998 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3000 	// don't let build -i overwrite runtime
   3001 	tg.wantNotStale("runtime", "", "must be non-stale before build -i")
   3003 	checkbar := func(desc string) {
   3004 		tg.run("build", "-v", "-i", "x/y/bar")
   3005 		tg.grepBoth("x/y/foo", "first build -i "+desc+" did not build x/y/foo")
   3006 		tg.run("build", "-v", "-i", "x/y/bar")
   3007 		tg.grepBothNot("x/y/foo", "second build -i "+desc+" built x/y/foo")
   3008 	}
   3009 	checkbar("pkg")
   3011 	tg.creatingTemp("bar" + exeSuffix)
   3012 	tg.sleep()
   3013 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y/foo/foo.go", `package foo
   3014 		func F() { F() }`)
   3015 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y/bar/bar.go", `package main
   3016 		import "x/y/foo"
   3017 		func main() { foo.F() }`)
   3018 	checkbar("cmd")
   3019 }
   3021 func TestGoBuildInTestOnlyDirectoryFailsWithAGoodError(t *testing.T) {
   3022 	tg := testgo(t)
   3023 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3024 	tg.runFail("build", "./testdata/testonly")
   3025 	tg.grepStderr("no non-test Go files in", "go build ./testdata/testonly produced unexpected error")
   3026 }
   3028 func TestGoTestDetectsTestOnlyImportCycles(t *testing.T) {
   3029 	tg := testgo(t)
   3030 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3031 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   3032 	tg.runFail("test", "-c", "testcycle/p3")
   3033 	tg.grepStderr("import cycle not allowed in test", "go test testcycle/p3 produced unexpected error")
   3035 	tg.runFail("test", "-c", "testcycle/q1")
   3036 	tg.grepStderr("import cycle not allowed in test", "go test testcycle/q1 produced unexpected error")
   3037 }
   3039 func TestGoTestFooTestWorks(t *testing.T) {
   3040 	tg := testgo(t)
   3041 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3042 	tg.run("test", "testdata/standalone_test.go")
   3043 }
   3045 // Issue 22388
   3046 func TestGoTestMainWithWrongSignature(t *testing.T) {
   3047 	tg := testgo(t)
   3048 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3049 	tg.runFail("test", "testdata/standalone_main_wrong_test.go")
   3050 	tg.grepStderr(`wrong signature for TestMain, must be: func TestMain\(m \*testing.M\)`, "detected wrong error message")
   3051 }
   3053 func TestGoTestMainAsNormalTest(t *testing.T) {
   3054 	tg := testgo(t)
   3055 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3056 	tg.run("test", "testdata/standalone_main_normal_test.go")
   3057 	tg.grepBoth(okPattern, "go test did not say ok")
   3058 }
   3060 func TestGoTestMainTwice(t *testing.T) {
   3061 	tg := testgo(t)
   3062 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3063 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3064 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", tg.tempdir)
   3065 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   3066 	tg.run("test", "-v", "multimain")
   3067 	if strings.Count(tg.getStdout(), "notwithstanding") != 2 {
   3068 		t.Fatal("tests did not run twice")
   3069 	}
   3070 }
   3072 func TestGoTestFlagsAfterPackage(t *testing.T) {
   3073 	tooSlow(t)
   3074 	tg := testgo(t)
   3075 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3076 	tg.run("test", "testdata/flag_test.go", "-v", "-args", "-v=7") // Two distinct -v flags.
   3077 	tg.run("test", "-v", "testdata/flag_test.go", "-args", "-v=7") // Two distinct -v flags.
   3078 }
   3080 func TestGoTestXtestonlyWorks(t *testing.T) {
   3081 	tg := testgo(t)
   3082 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3083 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   3084 	tg.run("clean", "-i", "xtestonly")
   3085 	tg.run("test", "xtestonly")
   3086 }
   3088 func TestGoTestBuildsAnXtestContainingOnlyNonRunnableExamples(t *testing.T) {
   3089 	tg := testgo(t)
   3090 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3091 	tg.run("test", "-v", "./testdata/norunexample")
   3092 	tg.grepStdout("File with non-runnable example was built.", "file with non-runnable example was not built")
   3093 }
   3095 func TestGoGenerateHandlesSimpleCommand(t *testing.T) {
   3096 	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   3097 		t.Skip("skipping because windows has no echo command")
   3098 	}
   3100 	tg := testgo(t)
   3101 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3102 	tg.run("generate", "./testdata/generate/test1.go")
   3103 	tg.grepStdout("Success", "go generate ./testdata/generate/test1.go generated wrong output")
   3104 }
   3106 func TestGoGenerateHandlesCommandAlias(t *testing.T) {
   3107 	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   3108 		t.Skip("skipping because windows has no echo command")
   3109 	}
   3111 	tg := testgo(t)
   3112 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3113 	tg.run("generate", "./testdata/generate/test2.go")
   3114 	tg.grepStdout("Now is the time for all good men", "go generate ./testdata/generate/test2.go generated wrong output")
   3115 }
   3117 func TestGoGenerateVariableSubstitution(t *testing.T) {
   3118 	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   3119 		t.Skip("skipping because windows has no echo command")
   3120 	}
   3122 	tg := testgo(t)
   3123 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3124 	tg.run("generate", "./testdata/generate/test3.go")
   3125 	tg.grepStdout(runtime.GOARCH+" test3.go:7 pabc xyzp/test3.go/123", "go generate ./testdata/generate/test3.go generated wrong output")
   3126 }
   3128 func TestGoGenerateRunFlag(t *testing.T) {
   3129 	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   3130 		t.Skip("skipping because windows has no echo command")
   3131 	}
   3133 	tg := testgo(t)
   3134 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3135 	tg.run("generate", "-run", "y.s", "./testdata/generate/test4.go")
   3136 	tg.grepStdout("yes", "go generate -run yes ./testdata/generate/test4.go did not select yes")
   3137 	tg.grepStdoutNot("no", "go generate -run yes ./testdata/generate/test4.go selected no")
   3138 }
   3140 func TestGoGenerateEnv(t *testing.T) {
   3141 	switch runtime.GOOS {
   3142 	case "plan9", "windows":
   3143 		t.Skipf("skipping because %s does not have the env command", runtime.GOOS)
   3144 	}
   3145 	tg := testgo(t)
   3146 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3147 	tg.parallel()
   3148 	tg.tempFile("env.go", "package main\n\n//go:generate env")
   3149 	tg.run("generate", tg.path("env.go"))
   3150 	for _, v := range []string{"GOARCH", "GOOS", "GOFILE", "GOLINE", "GOPACKAGE", "DOLLAR"} {
   3151 		tg.grepStdout("^"+v+"=", "go generate environment missing "+v)
   3152 	}
   3153 }
   3155 func TestGoGenerateBadImports(t *testing.T) {
   3156 	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   3157 		t.Skip("skipping because windows has no echo command")
   3158 	}
   3160 	// This package has an invalid import causing an import cycle,
   3161 	// but go generate is supposed to still run.
   3162 	tg := testgo(t)
   3163 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3164 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   3165 	tg.run("generate", "gencycle")
   3166 	tg.grepStdout("hello world", "go generate gencycle did not run generator")
   3167 }
   3169 func TestGoGetCustomDomainWildcard(t *testing.T) {
   3170 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3172 	tg := testgo(t)
   3173 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3174 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3175 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3176 	tg.run("get", "-u", "rsc.io/pdf/...")
   3177 	tg.wantExecutable(tg.path("bin/pdfpasswd"+exeSuffix), "did not build rsc/io/pdf/pdfpasswd")
   3178 }
   3180 func TestGoGetInternalWildcard(t *testing.T) {
   3181 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3183 	tg := testgo(t)
   3184 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3185 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3186 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3187 	// used to fail with errors about internal packages
   3188 	tg.run("get", "github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-11960/...")
   3189 }
   3191 func TestGoVetWithExternalTests(t *testing.T) {
   3192 	tg := testgo(t)
   3193 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3194 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3195 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   3196 	tg.runFail("vet", "vetpkg")
   3197 	tg.grepBoth("Printf", "go vet vetpkg did not find missing argument for Printf")
   3198 }
   3200 func TestGoVetWithTags(t *testing.T) {
   3201 	tg := testgo(t)
   3202 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3203 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3204 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   3205 	tg.runFail("vet", "-tags", "tagtest", "vetpkg")
   3206 	tg.grepBoth(`c\.go.*Printf`, "go vet vetpkg did not run scan tagged file")
   3207 }
   3209 func TestGoVetWithFlagsOn(t *testing.T) {
   3210 	tg := testgo(t)
   3211 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3212 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3213 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   3214 	tg.runFail("vet", "-printf", "vetpkg")
   3215 	tg.grepBoth("Printf", "go vet -printf vetpkg did not find missing argument for Printf")
   3216 }
   3218 func TestGoVetWithFlagsOff(t *testing.T) {
   3219 	tg := testgo(t)
   3220 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3221 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3222 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   3223 	tg.run("vet", "-printf=false", "vetpkg")
   3224 }
   3226 // Issue 23395.
   3227 func TestGoVetWithOnlyTestFiles(t *testing.T) {
   3228 	tg := testgo(t)
   3229 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3230 	tg.parallel()
   3231 	tg.tempFile("src/p/p_test.go", "package p; import \"testing\"; func TestMe(*testing.T) {}")
   3232 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3233 	tg.run("vet", "p")
   3234 }
   3236 // Issue 9767, 19769.
   3237 func TestGoGetDotSlashDownload(t *testing.T) {
   3238 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3240 	tg := testgo(t)
   3241 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3242 	tg.tempDir("src/rsc.io")
   3243 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3244 	tg.cd(tg.path("src/rsc.io"))
   3245 	tg.run("get", "./pprof_mac_fix")
   3246 }
   3248 // Issue 13037: Was not parsing <meta> tags in 404 served over HTTPS
   3249 func TestGoGetHTTPS404(t *testing.T) {
   3250 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3251 	switch runtime.GOOS {
   3252 	case "darwin", "linux", "freebsd":
   3253 	default:
   3254 		t.Skipf("test case does not work on %s", runtime.GOOS)
   3255 	}
   3257 	tg := testgo(t)
   3258 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3259 	tg.tempDir("src")
   3260 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3261 	tg.run("get", "bazil.org/fuse/fs/fstestutil")
   3262 }
   3264 // Test that you cannot import a main package.
   3265 // See golang.org/issue/4210 and golang.org/issue/17475.
   3266 func TestImportMain(t *testing.T) {
   3267 	tooSlow(t)
   3269 	tg := testgo(t)
   3270 	tg.parallel()
   3271 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3273 	// Importing package main from that package main's test should work.
   3274 	tg.tempFile("src/x/main.go", `package main
   3275 		var X int
   3276 		func main() {}`)
   3277 	tg.tempFile("src/x/main_test.go", `package main_test
   3278 		import xmain "x"
   3279 		import "testing"
   3280 		var _ = xmain.X
   3281 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3282 	`)
   3283 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3284 	tg.creatingTemp("x" + exeSuffix)
   3285 	tg.run("build", "x")
   3286 	tg.run("test", "x")
   3288 	// Importing package main from another package should fail.
   3289 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p.go", `package p1
   3290 		import xmain "x"
   3291 		var _ = xmain.X
   3292 	`)
   3293 	tg.runFail("build", "p1")
   3294 	tg.grepStderr("import \"x\" is a program, not an importable package", "did not diagnose package main")
   3296 	// ... even in that package's test.
   3297 	tg.tempFile("src/p2/p.go", `package p2
   3298 	`)
   3299 	tg.tempFile("src/p2/p_test.go", `package p2
   3300 		import xmain "x"
   3301 		import "testing"
   3302 		var _ = xmain.X
   3303 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3304 	`)
   3305 	tg.run("build", "p2")
   3306 	tg.runFail("test", "p2")
   3307 	tg.grepStderr("import \"x\" is a program, not an importable package", "did not diagnose package main")
   3309 	// ... even if that package's test is an xtest.
   3310 	tg.tempFile("src/p3/p.go", `package p
   3311 	`)
   3312 	tg.tempFile("src/p3/p_test.go", `package p_test
   3313 		import xmain "x"
   3314 		import "testing"
   3315 		var _ = xmain.X
   3316 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3317 	`)
   3318 	tg.run("build", "p3")
   3319 	tg.runFail("test", "p3")
   3320 	tg.grepStderr("import \"x\" is a program, not an importable package", "did not diagnose package main")
   3322 	// ... even if that package is a package main
   3323 	tg.tempFile("src/p4/p.go", `package main
   3324 	func main() {}
   3325 	`)
   3326 	tg.tempFile("src/p4/p_test.go", `package main
   3327 		import xmain "x"
   3328 		import "testing"
   3329 		var _ = xmain.X
   3330 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3331 	`)
   3332 	tg.creatingTemp("p4" + exeSuffix)
   3333 	tg.run("build", "p4")
   3334 	tg.runFail("test", "p4")
   3335 	tg.grepStderr("import \"x\" is a program, not an importable package", "did not diagnose package main")
   3337 	// ... even if that package is a package main using an xtest.
   3338 	tg.tempFile("src/p5/p.go", `package main
   3339 	func main() {}
   3340 	`)
   3341 	tg.tempFile("src/p5/p_test.go", `package main_test
   3342 		import xmain "x"
   3343 		import "testing"
   3344 		var _ = xmain.X
   3345 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3346 	`)
   3347 	tg.creatingTemp("p5" + exeSuffix)
   3348 	tg.run("build", "p5")
   3349 	tg.runFail("test", "p5")
   3350 	tg.grepStderr("import \"x\" is a program, not an importable package", "did not diagnose package main")
   3351 }
   3353 // Test that you cannot use a local import in a package
   3354 // accessed by a non-local import (found in a GOPATH/GOROOT).
   3355 // See golang.org/issue/17475.
   3356 func TestImportLocal(t *testing.T) {
   3357 	tooSlow(t)
   3359 	tg := testgo(t)
   3360 	tg.parallel()
   3361 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3363 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/x/x.go", `package x
   3364 		var X int
   3365 	`)
   3366 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3367 	tg.run("build", "dir/x")
   3369 	// Ordinary import should work.
   3370 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/p0/p.go", `package p0
   3371 		import "dir/x"
   3372 		var _ = x.X
   3373 	`)
   3374 	tg.run("build", "dir/p0")
   3376 	// Relative import should not.
   3377 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/p1/p.go", `package p1
   3378 		import "../x"
   3379 		var _ = x.X
   3380 	`)
   3381 	tg.runFail("build", "dir/p1")
   3382 	tg.grepStderr("local import.*in non-local package", "did not diagnose local import")
   3384 	// ... even in a test.
   3385 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/p2/p.go", `package p2
   3386 	`)
   3387 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/p2/p_test.go", `package p2
   3388 		import "../x"
   3389 		import "testing"
   3390 		var _ = x.X
   3391 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3392 	`)
   3393 	tg.run("build", "dir/p2")
   3394 	tg.runFail("test", "dir/p2")
   3395 	tg.grepStderr("local import.*in non-local package", "did not diagnose local import")
   3397 	// ... even in an xtest.
   3398 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/p2/p_test.go", `package p2_test
   3399 		import "../x"
   3400 		import "testing"
   3401 		var _ = x.X
   3402 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3403 	`)
   3404 	tg.run("build", "dir/p2")
   3405 	tg.runFail("test", "dir/p2")
   3406 	tg.grepStderr("local import.*in non-local package", "did not diagnose local import")
   3408 	// Relative import starting with ./ should not work either.
   3409 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/d.go", `package dir
   3410 		import "./x"
   3411 		var _ = x.X
   3412 	`)
   3413 	tg.runFail("build", "dir")
   3414 	tg.grepStderr("local import.*in non-local package", "did not diagnose local import")
   3416 	// ... even in a test.
   3417 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/d.go", `package dir
   3418 	`)
   3419 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/d_test.go", `package dir
   3420 		import "./x"
   3421 		import "testing"
   3422 		var _ = x.X
   3423 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3424 	`)
   3425 	tg.run("build", "dir")
   3426 	tg.runFail("test", "dir")
   3427 	tg.grepStderr("local import.*in non-local package", "did not diagnose local import")
   3429 	// ... even in an xtest.
   3430 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/d_test.go", `package dir_test
   3431 		import "./x"
   3432 		import "testing"
   3433 		var _ = x.X
   3434 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3435 	`)
   3436 	tg.run("build", "dir")
   3437 	tg.runFail("test", "dir")
   3438 	tg.grepStderr("local import.*in non-local package", "did not diagnose local import")
   3440 	// Relative import plain ".." should not work.
   3441 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/x/y/y.go", `package dir
   3442 		import ".."
   3443 		var _ = x.X
   3444 	`)
   3445 	tg.runFail("build", "dir/x/y")
   3446 	tg.grepStderr("local import.*in non-local package", "did not diagnose local import")
   3448 	// ... even in a test.
   3449 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/x/y/y.go", `package y
   3450 	`)
   3451 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/x/y/y_test.go", `package y
   3452 		import ".."
   3453 		import "testing"
   3454 		var _ = x.X
   3455 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3456 	`)
   3457 	tg.run("build", "dir/x/y")
   3458 	tg.runFail("test", "dir/x/y")
   3459 	tg.grepStderr("local import.*in non-local package", "did not diagnose local import")
   3461 	// ... even in an x test.
   3462 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/x/y/y_test.go", `package y_test
   3463 		import ".."
   3464 		import "testing"
   3465 		var _ = x.X
   3466 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3467 	`)
   3468 	tg.run("build", "dir/x/y")
   3469 	tg.runFail("test", "dir/x/y")
   3470 	tg.grepStderr("local import.*in non-local package", "did not diagnose local import")
   3472 	// Relative import "." should not work.
   3473 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/x/xx.go", `package x
   3474 		import "."
   3475 		var _ = x.X
   3476 	`)
   3477 	tg.runFail("build", "dir/x")
   3478 	tg.grepStderr("local import.*in non-local package", "did not diagnose local import")
   3480 	// ... even in a test.
   3481 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/x/xx.go", `package x
   3482 	`)
   3483 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/x/xx_test.go", `package x
   3484 		import "."
   3485 		import "testing"
   3486 		var _ = x.X
   3487 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3488 	`)
   3489 	tg.run("build", "dir/x")
   3490 	tg.runFail("test", "dir/x")
   3491 	tg.grepStderr("local import.*in non-local package", "did not diagnose local import")
   3493 	// ... even in an xtest.
   3494 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/x/xx.go", `package x
   3495 	`)
   3496 	tg.tempFile("src/dir/x/xx_test.go", `package x_test
   3497 		import "."
   3498 		import "testing"
   3499 		var _ = x.X
   3500 		func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
   3501 	`)
   3502 	tg.run("build", "dir/x")
   3503 	tg.runFail("test", "dir/x")
   3504 	tg.grepStderr("local import.*in non-local package", "did not diagnose local import")
   3505 }
   3507 func TestGoGetInsecure(t *testing.T) {
   3508 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3510 	tg := testgo(t)
   3511 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3512 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3513 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3514 	tg.failSSH()
   3516 	const repo = "insecure.go-get-issue-15410.appspot.com/pkg/p"
   3518 	// Try go get -d of HTTP-only repo (should fail).
   3519 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", repo)
   3521 	// Try again with -insecure (should succeed).
   3522 	tg.run("get", "-d", "-insecure", repo)
   3524 	// Try updating without -insecure (should fail).
   3525 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "-u", "-f", repo)
   3526 }
   3528 func TestGoGetUpdateInsecure(t *testing.T) {
   3529 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3531 	tg := testgo(t)
   3532 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3533 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3534 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3536 	const repo = "github.com/golang/example"
   3538 	// Clone the repo via HTTP manually.
   3539 	cmd := exec.Command("git", "clone", "-q", "http://"+repo, tg.path("src/"+repo))
   3540 	if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
   3541 		t.Fatalf("cloning %v repo: %v\n%s", repo, err, out)
   3542 	}
   3544 	// Update without -insecure should fail.
   3545 	// Update with -insecure should succeed.
   3546 	// We need -f to ignore import comments.
   3547 	const pkg = repo + "/hello"
   3548 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", "-u", "-f", pkg)
   3549 	tg.run("get", "-d", "-u", "-f", "-insecure", pkg)
   3550 }
   3552 func TestGoGetInsecureCustomDomain(t *testing.T) {
   3553 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3555 	tg := testgo(t)
   3556 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3557 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3558 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3560 	const repo = "insecure.go-get-issue-15410.appspot.com/pkg/p"
   3561 	tg.runFail("get", "-d", repo)
   3562 	tg.run("get", "-d", "-insecure", repo)
   3563 }
   3565 func TestGoRunDirs(t *testing.T) {
   3566 	tg := testgo(t)
   3567 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3568 	tg.cd("testdata/rundir")
   3569 	tg.runFail("run", "x.go", "sub/sub.go")
   3570 	tg.grepStderr("named files must all be in one directory; have ./ and sub/", "wrong output")
   3571 	tg.runFail("run", "sub/sub.go", "x.go")
   3572 	tg.grepStderr("named files must all be in one directory; have sub/ and ./", "wrong output")
   3573 }
   3575 func TestGoInstallPkgdir(t *testing.T) {
   3576 	tooSlow(t)
   3578 	tg := testgo(t)
   3579 	tg.parallel()
   3580 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3581 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3582 	pkg := tg.path(".")
   3583 	tg.run("install", "-pkgdir", pkg, "sync")
   3584 	tg.mustExist(filepath.Join(pkg, "sync.a"))
   3585 	tg.mustNotExist(filepath.Join(pkg, "sync/atomic.a"))
   3586 	tg.run("install", "-i", "-pkgdir", pkg, "sync")
   3587 	tg.mustExist(filepath.Join(pkg, "sync.a"))
   3588 	tg.mustExist(filepath.Join(pkg, "sync/atomic.a"))
   3589 }
   3591 func TestGoTestRaceInstallCgo(t *testing.T) {
   3592 	if !canRace {
   3593 		t.Skip("skipping because race detector not supported")
   3594 	}
   3596 	// golang.org/issue/10500.
   3597 	// This used to install a race-enabled cgo.
   3598 	tg := testgo(t)
   3599 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3600 	tg.run("tool", "-n", "cgo")
   3601 	cgo := strings.TrimSpace(tg.stdout.String())
   3602 	old, err := os.Stat(cgo)
   3603 	tg.must(err)
   3604 	tg.run("test", "-race", "-i", "runtime/race")
   3605 	new, err := os.Stat(cgo)
   3606 	tg.must(err)
   3607 	if !new.ModTime().Equal(old.ModTime()) {
   3608 		t.Fatalf("go test -i runtime/race reinstalled cmd/cgo")
   3609 	}
   3610 }
   3612 func TestGoTestRaceFailures(t *testing.T) {
   3613 	tooSlow(t)
   3615 	if !canRace {
   3616 		t.Skip("skipping because race detector not supported")
   3617 	}
   3619 	tg := testgo(t)
   3620 	tg.parallel()
   3621 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3622 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   3624 	tg.run("test", "testrace")
   3626 	tg.runFail("test", "-race", "testrace")
   3627 	tg.grepStdout("FAIL: TestRace", "TestRace did not fail")
   3628 	tg.grepBothNot("PASS", "something passed")
   3630 	tg.runFail("test", "-race", "testrace", "-run", "XXX", "-bench", ".")
   3631 	tg.grepStdout("FAIL: BenchmarkRace", "BenchmarkRace did not fail")
   3632 	tg.grepBothNot("PASS", "something passed")
   3633 }
   3635 func TestGoTestImportErrorStack(t *testing.T) {
   3636 	const out = `package testdep/p1 (test)
   3637 	imports testdep/p2
   3638 	imports testdep/p3: build constraints exclude all Go files `
   3640 	tg := testgo(t)
   3641 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3642 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   3643 	tg.runFail("test", "testdep/p1")
   3644 	if !strings.Contains(tg.stderr.String(), out) {
   3645 		t.Fatalf("did not give full import stack:\n\n%s", tg.stderr.String())
   3646 	}
   3647 }
   3649 func TestGoGetUpdate(t *testing.T) {
   3650 	// golang.org/issue/9224.
   3651 	// The recursive updating was trying to walk to
   3652 	// former dependencies, not current ones.
   3654 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3656 	tg := testgo(t)
   3657 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3658 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3659 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3661 	rewind := func() {
   3662 		tg.run("get", "github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-9224-cmd")
   3663 		cmd := exec.Command("git", "reset", "--hard", "HEAD~")
   3664 		cmd.Dir = tg.path("src/github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-9224-lib")
   3665 		out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
   3666 		if err != nil {
   3667 			t.Fatalf("git: %v\n%s", err, out)
   3668 		}
   3669 	}
   3671 	rewind()
   3672 	tg.run("get", "-u", "github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-9224-cmd")
   3674 	// Again with -d -u.
   3675 	rewind()
   3676 	tg.run("get", "-d", "-u", "github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-9224-cmd")
   3677 }
   3679 // Issue #20512.
   3680 func TestGoGetRace(t *testing.T) {
   3681 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3682 	if !canRace {
   3683 		t.Skip("skipping because race detector not supported")
   3684 	}
   3686 	tg := testgo(t)
   3687 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3688 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3689 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3690 	tg.run("get", "-race", "github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-9224-cmd")
   3691 }
   3693 func TestGoGetDomainRoot(t *testing.T) {
   3694 	// golang.org/issue/9357.
   3695 	// go get foo.io (not foo.io/subdir) was not working consistently.
   3697 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3699 	tg := testgo(t)
   3700 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3701 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3702 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3704 	// go-get-issue-9357.appspot.com is running
   3705 	// the code at github.com/rsc/go-get-issue-9357,
   3706 	// a trivial Go on App Engine app that serves a
   3707 	// <meta> tag for the domain root.
   3708 	tg.run("get", "-d", "go-get-issue-9357.appspot.com")
   3709 	tg.run("get", "go-get-issue-9357.appspot.com")
   3710 	tg.run("get", "-u", "go-get-issue-9357.appspot.com")
   3712 	tg.must(os.RemoveAll(tg.path("src/go-get-issue-9357.appspot.com")))
   3713 	tg.run("get", "go-get-issue-9357.appspot.com")
   3715 	tg.must(os.RemoveAll(tg.path("src/go-get-issue-9357.appspot.com")))
   3716 	tg.run("get", "-u", "go-get-issue-9357.appspot.com")
   3717 }
   3719 func TestGoInstallShadowedGOPATH(t *testing.T) {
   3720 	// golang.org/issue/3652.
   3721 	// go get foo.io (not foo.io/subdir) was not working consistently.
   3723 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3725 	tg := testgo(t)
   3726 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3727 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3728 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("gopath1")+string(filepath.ListSeparator)+tg.path("gopath2"))
   3730 	tg.tempDir("gopath1/src/test")
   3731 	tg.tempDir("gopath2/src/test")
   3732 	tg.tempFile("gopath2/src/test/main.go", "package main\nfunc main(){}\n")
   3734 	tg.cd(tg.path("gopath2/src/test"))
   3735 	tg.runFail("install")
   3736 	tg.grepStderr("no install location for.*gopath2.src.test: hidden by .*gopath1.src.test", "missing error")
   3737 }
   3739 func TestGoBuildGOPATHOrder(t *testing.T) {
   3740 	// golang.org/issue/14176#issuecomment-179895769
   3741 	// golang.org/issue/14192
   3742 	// -I arguments to compiler could end up not in GOPATH order,
   3743 	// leading to unexpected import resolution in the compiler.
   3744 	// This is still not a complete fix (see golang.org/issue/14271 and next test)
   3745 	// but it is clearly OK and enough to fix both of the two reported
   3746 	// instances of the underlying problem. It will have to do for now.
   3748 	tg := testgo(t)
   3749 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3750 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3751 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("p1")+string(filepath.ListSeparator)+tg.path("p2"))
   3753 	tg.tempFile("p1/src/foo/foo.go", "package foo\n")
   3754 	tg.tempFile("p2/src/baz/baz.go", "package baz\n")
   3755 	tg.tempFile("p2/pkg/"+runtime.GOOS+"_"+runtime.GOARCH+"/foo.a", "bad\n")
   3756 	tg.tempFile("p1/src/bar/bar.go", `
   3757 		package bar
   3758 		import _ "baz"
   3759 		import _ "foo"
   3760 	`)
   3762 	tg.run("install", "-x", "bar")
   3763 }
   3765 func TestGoBuildGOPATHOrderBroken(t *testing.T) {
   3766 	// This test is known not to work.
   3767 	// See golang.org/issue/14271.
   3768 	t.Skip("golang.org/issue/14271")
   3770 	tg := testgo(t)
   3771 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3772 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3774 	tg.tempFile("p1/src/foo/foo.go", "package foo\n")
   3775 	tg.tempFile("p2/src/baz/baz.go", "package baz\n")
   3776 	tg.tempFile("p1/pkg/"+runtime.GOOS+"_"+runtime.GOARCH+"/baz.a", "bad\n")
   3777 	tg.tempFile("p2/pkg/"+runtime.GOOS+"_"+runtime.GOARCH+"/foo.a", "bad\n")
   3778 	tg.tempFile("p1/src/bar/bar.go", `
   3779 		package bar
   3780 		import _ "baz"
   3781 		import _ "foo"
   3782 	`)
   3784 	colon := string(filepath.ListSeparator)
   3785 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("p1")+colon+tg.path("p2"))
   3786 	tg.run("install", "-x", "bar")
   3788 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("p2")+colon+tg.path("p1"))
   3789 	tg.run("install", "-x", "bar")
   3790 }
   3792 func TestIssue11709(t *testing.T) {
   3793 	tg := testgo(t)
   3794 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3795 	tg.tempFile("run.go", `
   3796 		package main
   3797 		import "os"
   3798 		func main() {
   3799 			if os.Getenv("TERM") != "" {
   3800 				os.Exit(1)
   3801 			}
   3802 		}`)
   3803 	tg.unsetenv("TERM")
   3804 	tg.run("run", tg.path("run.go"))
   3805 }
   3807 func TestIssue12096(t *testing.T) {
   3808 	tg := testgo(t)
   3809 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3810 	tg.tempFile("test_test.go", `
   3811 		package main
   3812 		import ("os"; "testing")
   3813 		func TestEnv(t *testing.T) {
   3814 			if os.Getenv("TERM") != "" {
   3815 				t.Fatal("TERM is set")
   3816 			}
   3817 		}`)
   3818 	tg.unsetenv("TERM")
   3819 	tg.run("test", tg.path("test_test.go"))
   3820 }
   3822 func TestGoBuildOutput(t *testing.T) {
   3823 	tooSlow(t)
   3824 	tg := testgo(t)
   3825 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3827 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3828 	tg.cd(tg.path("."))
   3830 	nonExeSuffix := ".exe"
   3831 	if exeSuffix == ".exe" {
   3832 		nonExeSuffix = ""
   3833 	}
   3835 	tg.tempFile("x.go", "package main\nfunc main(){}\n")
   3836 	tg.run("build", "x.go")
   3837 	tg.wantExecutable("x"+exeSuffix, "go build x.go did not write x"+exeSuffix)
   3838 	tg.must(os.Remove(tg.path("x" + exeSuffix)))
   3839 	tg.mustNotExist("x" + nonExeSuffix)
   3841 	tg.run("build", "-o", "myprog", "x.go")
   3842 	tg.mustNotExist("x")
   3843 	tg.mustNotExist("x.exe")
   3844 	tg.wantExecutable("myprog", "go build -o myprog x.go did not write myprog")
   3845 	tg.mustNotExist("myprog.exe")
   3847 	tg.tempFile("p.go", "package p\n")
   3848 	tg.run("build", "p.go")
   3849 	tg.mustNotExist("p")
   3850 	tg.mustNotExist("p.a")
   3851 	tg.mustNotExist("p.o")
   3852 	tg.mustNotExist("p.exe")
   3854 	tg.run("build", "-o", "p.a", "p.go")
   3855 	tg.wantArchive("p.a")
   3857 	tg.run("build", "cmd/gofmt")
   3858 	tg.wantExecutable("gofmt"+exeSuffix, "go build cmd/gofmt did not write gofmt"+exeSuffix)
   3859 	tg.must(os.Remove(tg.path("gofmt" + exeSuffix)))
   3860 	tg.mustNotExist("gofmt" + nonExeSuffix)
   3862 	tg.run("build", "-o", "mygofmt", "cmd/gofmt")
   3863 	tg.wantExecutable("mygofmt", "go build -o mygofmt cmd/gofmt did not write mygofmt")
   3864 	tg.mustNotExist("mygofmt.exe")
   3865 	tg.mustNotExist("gofmt")
   3866 	tg.mustNotExist("gofmt.exe")
   3868 	tg.run("build", "sync/atomic")
   3869 	tg.mustNotExist("atomic")
   3870 	tg.mustNotExist("atomic.exe")
   3872 	tg.run("build", "-o", "myatomic.a", "sync/atomic")
   3873 	tg.wantArchive("myatomic.a")
   3874 	tg.mustNotExist("atomic")
   3875 	tg.mustNotExist("atomic.a")
   3876 	tg.mustNotExist("atomic.exe")
   3878 	tg.runFail("build", "-o", "whatever", "cmd/gofmt", "sync/atomic")
   3879 	tg.grepStderr("multiple packages", "did not reject -o with multiple packages")
   3880 }
   3882 func TestGoBuildARM(t *testing.T) {
   3883 	if testing.Short() {
   3884 		t.Skip("skipping cross-compile in short mode")
   3885 	}
   3887 	tg := testgo(t)
   3888 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3890 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3891 	tg.cd(tg.path("."))
   3893 	tg.setenv("GOARCH", "arm")
   3894 	tg.setenv("GOOS", "linux")
   3895 	tg.setenv("GOARM", "5")
   3896 	tg.tempFile("hello.go", `package main
   3897 		func main() {}`)
   3898 	tg.run("build", "hello.go")
   3899 	tg.grepStderrNot("unable to find math.a", "did not build math.a correctly")
   3900 }
   3902 // For issue 14337.
   3903 func TestParallelTest(t *testing.T) {
   3904 	tooSlow(t)
   3905 	tg := testgo(t)
   3906 	tg.parallel()
   3907 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3908 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3909 	const testSrc = `package package_test
   3910 		import (
   3911 			"testing"
   3912 		)
   3913 		func TestTest(t *testing.T) {
   3914 		}`
   3915 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p1_test.go", strings.Replace(testSrc, "package_test", "p1_test", 1))
   3916 	tg.tempFile("src/p2/p2_test.go", strings.Replace(testSrc, "package_test", "p2_test", 1))
   3917 	tg.tempFile("src/p3/p3_test.go", strings.Replace(testSrc, "package_test", "p3_test", 1))
   3918 	tg.tempFile("src/p4/p4_test.go", strings.Replace(testSrc, "package_test", "p4_test", 1))
   3919 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3920 	tg.run("test", "-p=4", "p1", "p2", "p3", "p4")
   3921 }
   3923 func TestCgoConsistentResults(t *testing.T) {
   3924 	tooSlow(t)
   3925 	if !canCgo {
   3926 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   3927 	}
   3928 	switch runtime.GOOS {
   3929 	case "freebsd":
   3930 		testenv.SkipFlaky(t, 15405)
   3931 	case "solaris":
   3932 		testenv.SkipFlaky(t, 13247)
   3933 	}
   3935 	tg := testgo(t)
   3936 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3937 	tg.parallel()
   3938 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3939 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   3940 	exe1 := tg.path("cgotest1" + exeSuffix)
   3941 	exe2 := tg.path("cgotest2" + exeSuffix)
   3942 	tg.run("build", "-o", exe1, "cgotest")
   3943 	tg.run("build", "-x", "-o", exe2, "cgotest")
   3944 	b1, err := ioutil.ReadFile(exe1)
   3945 	tg.must(err)
   3946 	b2, err := ioutil.ReadFile(exe2)
   3947 	tg.must(err)
   3949 	if !tg.doGrepMatch(`-fdebug-prefix-map=\$WORK`, &tg.stderr) {
   3950 		t.Skip("skipping because C compiler does not support -fdebug-prefix-map")
   3951 	}
   3952 	if !bytes.Equal(b1, b2) {
   3953 		t.Error("building cgotest twice did not produce the same output")
   3954 	}
   3955 }
   3957 // Issue 14444: go get -u .../ duplicate loads errors
   3958 func TestGoGetUpdateAllDoesNotTryToLoadDuplicates(t *testing.T) {
   3959 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3961 	tg := testgo(t)
   3962 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3963 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3964 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3965 	tg.run("get", "-u", ".../")
   3966 	tg.grepStderrNot("duplicate loads of", "did not remove old packages from cache")
   3967 }
   3969 // Issue 17119 more duplicate load errors
   3970 func TestIssue17119(t *testing.T) {
   3971 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   3973 	tg := testgo(t)
   3974 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3975 	tg.parallel()
   3976 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   3977 	tg.runFail("build", "dupload")
   3978 	tg.grepBothNot("duplicate load|internal error", "internal error")
   3979 }
   3981 func TestFatalInBenchmarkCauseNonZeroExitStatus(t *testing.T) {
   3982 	tg := testgo(t)
   3983 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3984 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   3985 	tg.runFail("test", "-run", "^$", "-bench", ".", "./testdata/src/benchfatal")
   3986 	tg.grepBothNot("^ok", "test passed unexpectedly")
   3987 	tg.grepBoth("FAIL.*benchfatal", "test did not run everything")
   3988 }
   3990 func TestBinaryOnlyPackages(t *testing.T) {
   3991 	tooSlow(t)
   3993 	tg := testgo(t)
   3994 	defer tg.cleanup()
   3995 	tg.parallel()
   3996 	tg.makeTempdir()
   3997 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   3999 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p1.go", `//go:binary-only-package
   4001 		package p1
   4002 	`)
   4003 	tg.wantStale("p1", "missing or invalid binary-only package", "p1 is binary-only but has no binary, should be stale")
   4004 	tg.runFail("install", "p1")
   4005 	tg.grepStderr("missing or invalid binary-only package", "did not report attempt to compile binary-only package")
   4007 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p1.go", `
   4008 		package p1
   4009 		import "fmt"
   4010 		func F(b bool) { fmt.Printf("hello from p1\n"); if b { F(false) } }
   4011 	`)
   4012 	tg.run("install", "p1")
   4013 	os.Remove(tg.path("src/p1/p1.go"))
   4014 	tg.mustNotExist(tg.path("src/p1/p1.go"))
   4016 	tg.tempFile("src/p2/p2.go", `//go:binary-only-packages-are-not-great
   4018 		package p2
   4019 		import "p1"
   4020 		func F() { p1.F(true) }
   4021 	`)
   4022 	tg.runFail("install", "p2")
   4023 	tg.grepStderr("no Go files", "did not complain about missing sources")
   4025 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/missing.go", `//go:binary-only-package
   4027 		package p1
   4028 		import _ "fmt"
   4029 		func G()
   4030 	`)
   4031 	tg.wantNotStale("p1", "binary-only package", "should NOT want to rebuild p1 (first)")
   4032 	tg.run("install", "-x", "p1") // no-op, up to date
   4033 	tg.grepBothNot(`[\\/]compile`, "should not have run compiler")
   4034 	tg.run("install", "p2") // does not rebuild p1 (or else p2 will fail)
   4035 	tg.wantNotStale("p2", "", "should NOT want to rebuild p2")
   4037 	// changes to the non-source-code do not matter,
   4038 	// and only one file needs the special comment.
   4039 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/missing2.go", `
   4040 		package p1
   4041 		func H()
   4042 	`)
   4043 	tg.wantNotStale("p1", "binary-only package", "should NOT want to rebuild p1 (second)")
   4044 	tg.wantNotStale("p2", "", "should NOT want to rebuild p2")
   4046 	tg.tempFile("src/p3/p3.go", `
   4047 		package main
   4048 		import (
   4049 			"p1"
   4050 			"p2"
   4051 		)
   4052 		func main() {
   4053 			p1.F(false)
   4054 			p2.F()
   4055 		}
   4056 	`)
   4057 	tg.run("install", "p3")
   4059 	tg.run("run", tg.path("src/p3/p3.go"))
   4060 	tg.grepStdout("hello from p1", "did not see message from p1")
   4062 	tg.tempFile("src/p4/p4.go", `package main`)
   4063 	// The odd string split below avoids vet complaining about
   4064 	// a // +build line appearing too late in this source file.
   4065 	tg.tempFile("src/p4/p4not.go", `//go:binary-only-package
   4067 		/`+`/ +build asdf
   4069 		package main
   4070 	`)
   4071 	tg.run("list", "-f", "{{.BinaryOnly}}", "p4")
   4072 	tg.grepStdout("false", "did not see BinaryOnly=false for p4")
   4073 }
   4075 // Issue 16050.
   4076 func TestAlwaysLinkSysoFiles(t *testing.T) {
   4077 	tg := testgo(t)
   4078 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4079 	tg.parallel()
   4080 	tg.tempDir("src/syso")
   4081 	tg.tempFile("src/syso/a.syso", ``)
   4082 	tg.tempFile("src/syso/b.go", `package syso`)
   4083 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   4085 	// We should see the .syso file regardless of the setting of
   4086 	// CGO_ENABLED.
   4088 	tg.setenv("CGO_ENABLED", "1")
   4089 	tg.run("list", "-f", "{{.SysoFiles}}", "syso")
   4090 	tg.grepStdout("a.syso", "missing syso file with CGO_ENABLED=1")
   4092 	tg.setenv("CGO_ENABLED", "0")
   4093 	tg.run("list", "-f", "{{.SysoFiles}}", "syso")
   4094 	tg.grepStdout("a.syso", "missing syso file with CGO_ENABLED=0")
   4095 }
   4097 // Issue 16120.
   4098 func TestGenerateUsesBuildContext(t *testing.T) {
   4099 	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   4100 		t.Skip("this test won't run under Windows")
   4101 	}
   4103 	tg := testgo(t)
   4104 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4105 	tg.parallel()
   4106 	tg.tempDir("src/gen")
   4107 	tg.tempFile("src/gen/gen.go", "package gen\n//go:generate echo $GOOS $GOARCH\n")
   4108 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   4110 	tg.setenv("GOOS", "linux")
   4111 	tg.setenv("GOARCH", "amd64")
   4112 	tg.run("generate", "gen")
   4113 	tg.grepStdout("linux amd64", "unexpected GOOS/GOARCH combination")
   4115 	tg.setenv("GOOS", "darwin")
   4116 	tg.setenv("GOARCH", "386")
   4117 	tg.run("generate", "gen")
   4118 	tg.grepStdout("darwin 386", "unexpected GOOS/GOARCH combination")
   4119 }
   4121 // Issue 14450: go get -u .../ tried to import not downloaded package
   4122 func TestGoGetUpdateWithWildcard(t *testing.T) {
   4123 	testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t)
   4125 	tg := testgo(t)
   4126 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4127 	tg.parallel()
   4128 	tg.makeTempdir()
   4129 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   4130 	const aPkgImportPath = "github.com/tmwh/go-get-issue-14450/a"
   4131 	tg.run("get", aPkgImportPath)
   4132 	tg.run("get", "-u", ".../")
   4133 	tg.grepStderrNot("cannot find package", "did not update packages given wildcard path")
   4135 	var expectedPkgPaths = []string{
   4136 		"src/github.com/tmwh/go-get-issue-14450/b",
   4137 		"src/github.com/tmwh/go-get-issue-14450-b-dependency/c",
   4138 		"src/github.com/tmwh/go-get-issue-14450-b-dependency/d",
   4139 	}
   4141 	for _, importPath := range expectedPkgPaths {
   4142 		_, err := os.Stat(tg.path(importPath))
   4143 		tg.must(err)
   4144 	}
   4145 	const notExpectedPkgPath = "src/github.com/tmwh/go-get-issue-14450-c-dependency/e"
   4146 	tg.mustNotExist(tg.path(notExpectedPkgPath))
   4147 }
   4149 func TestGoEnv(t *testing.T) {
   4150 	tg := testgo(t)
   4151 	tg.parallel()
   4152 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4153 	tg.setenv("GOOS", "freebsd") // to avoid invalid pair errors
   4154 	tg.setenv("GOARCH", "arm")
   4155 	tg.run("env", "GOARCH")
   4156 	tg.grepStdout("^arm$", "GOARCH not honored")
   4158 	tg.run("env", "GCCGO")
   4159 	tg.grepStdout(".", "GCCGO unexpectedly empty")
   4161 	tg.run("env", "CGO_CFLAGS")
   4162 	tg.grepStdout(".", "default CGO_CFLAGS unexpectedly empty")
   4164 	tg.setenv("CGO_CFLAGS", "-foobar")
   4165 	tg.run("env", "CGO_CFLAGS")
   4166 	tg.grepStdout("^-foobar$", "CGO_CFLAGS not honored")
   4168 	tg.setenv("CC", "gcc -fmust -fgo -ffaster")
   4169 	tg.run("env", "CC")
   4170 	tg.grepStdout("gcc", "CC not found")
   4171 	tg.run("env", "GOGCCFLAGS")
   4172 	tg.grepStdout("-ffaster", "CC arguments not found")
   4173 }
   4175 const (
   4176 	noMatchesPattern = `(?m)^ok.*\[no tests to run\]`
   4177 	okPattern        = `(?m)^ok`
   4178 )
   4180 func TestMatchesNoTests(t *testing.T) {
   4181 	tg := testgo(t)
   4182 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4183 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   4184 	tg.run("test", "-run", "ThisWillNotMatch", "testdata/standalone_test.go")
   4185 	tg.grepBoth(noMatchesPattern, "go test did not say [no tests to run]")
   4186 }
   4188 func TestMatchesNoTestsDoesNotOverrideBuildFailure(t *testing.T) {
   4189 	tg := testgo(t)
   4190 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4191 	tg.parallel()
   4192 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   4193 	tg.runFail("test", "-run", "ThisWillNotMatch", "syntaxerror")
   4194 	tg.grepBothNot(noMatchesPattern, "go test did say [no tests to run]")
   4195 	tg.grepBoth("FAIL", "go test did not say FAIL")
   4196 }
   4198 func TestMatchesNoBenchmarksIsOK(t *testing.T) {
   4199 	tg := testgo(t)
   4200 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4201 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   4202 	tg.run("test", "-run", "^$", "-bench", "ThisWillNotMatch", "testdata/standalone_benchmark_test.go")
   4203 	tg.grepBothNot(noMatchesPattern, "go test did say [no tests to run]")
   4204 	tg.grepBoth(okPattern, "go test did not say ok")
   4205 }
   4207 func TestMatchesOnlyExampleIsOK(t *testing.T) {
   4208 	tg := testgo(t)
   4209 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4210 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   4211 	tg.run("test", "-run", "Example", "testdata/example1_test.go")
   4212 	tg.grepBothNot(noMatchesPattern, "go test did say [no tests to run]")
   4213 	tg.grepBoth(okPattern, "go test did not say ok")
   4214 }
   4216 func TestMatchesOnlyBenchmarkIsOK(t *testing.T) {
   4217 	tg := testgo(t)
   4218 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4219 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   4220 	tg.run("test", "-run", "^$", "-bench", ".", "testdata/standalone_benchmark_test.go")
   4221 	tg.grepBothNot(noMatchesPattern, "go test did say [no tests to run]")
   4222 	tg.grepBoth(okPattern, "go test did not say ok")
   4223 }
   4225 func TestBenchmarkLabels(t *testing.T) {
   4226 	tg := testgo(t)
   4227 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4228 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   4229 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   4230 	tg.run("test", "-run", "^$", "-bench", ".", "bench")
   4231 	tg.grepStdout(`(?m)^goos: `+runtime.GOOS, "go test did not print goos")
   4232 	tg.grepStdout(`(?m)^goarch: `+runtime.GOARCH, "go test did not print goarch")
   4233 	tg.grepStdout(`(?m)^pkg: bench`, "go test did not say pkg: bench")
   4234 	tg.grepBothNot(`(?s)pkg:.*pkg:`, "go test said pkg multiple times")
   4235 }
   4237 func TestBenchmarkLabelsOutsideGOPATH(t *testing.T) {
   4238 	tg := testgo(t)
   4239 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4240 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   4241 	tg.run("test", "-run", "^$", "-bench", ".", "testdata/standalone_benchmark_test.go")
   4242 	tg.grepStdout(`(?m)^goos: `+runtime.GOOS, "go test did not print goos")
   4243 	tg.grepStdout(`(?m)^goarch: `+runtime.GOARCH, "go test did not print goarch")
   4244 	tg.grepBothNot(`(?m)^pkg:`, "go test did say pkg:")
   4245 }
   4247 func TestMatchesOnlyTestIsOK(t *testing.T) {
   4248 	tg := testgo(t)
   4249 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4250 	// TODO: tg.parallel()
   4251 	tg.run("test", "-run", "Test", "testdata/standalone_test.go")
   4252 	tg.grepBothNot(noMatchesPattern, "go test did say [no tests to run]")
   4253 	tg.grepBoth(okPattern, "go test did not say ok")
   4254 }
   4256 func TestMatchesNoTestsWithSubtests(t *testing.T) {
   4257 	tg := testgo(t)
   4258 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4259 	tg.run("test", "-run", "ThisWillNotMatch", "testdata/standalone_sub_test.go")
   4260 	tg.grepBoth(noMatchesPattern, "go test did not say [no tests to run]")
   4261 }
   4263 func TestMatchesNoSubtestsMatch(t *testing.T) {
   4264 	tg := testgo(t)
   4265 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4266 	tg.run("test", "-run", "Test/ThisWillNotMatch", "testdata/standalone_sub_test.go")
   4267 	tg.grepBoth(noMatchesPattern, "go test did not say [no tests to run]")
   4268 }
   4270 func TestMatchesNoSubtestsDoesNotOverrideFailure(t *testing.T) {
   4271 	tg := testgo(t)
   4272 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4273 	tg.runFail("test", "-run", "TestThatFails/ThisWillNotMatch", "testdata/standalone_fail_sub_test.go")
   4274 	tg.grepBothNot(noMatchesPattern, "go test did say [no tests to run]")
   4275 	tg.grepBoth("FAIL", "go test did not say FAIL")
   4276 }
   4278 func TestMatchesOnlySubtestIsOK(t *testing.T) {
   4279 	tg := testgo(t)
   4280 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4281 	tg.run("test", "-run", "Test/Sub", "testdata/standalone_sub_test.go")
   4282 	tg.grepBothNot(noMatchesPattern, "go test did say [no tests to run]")
   4283 	tg.grepBoth(okPattern, "go test did not say ok")
   4284 }
   4286 func TestMatchesNoSubtestsParallel(t *testing.T) {
   4287 	tg := testgo(t)
   4288 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4289 	tg.run("test", "-run", "Test/Sub/ThisWillNotMatch", "testdata/standalone_parallel_sub_test.go")
   4290 	tg.grepBoth(noMatchesPattern, "go test did not say [no tests to run]")
   4291 }
   4293 func TestMatchesOnlySubtestParallelIsOK(t *testing.T) {
   4294 	tg := testgo(t)
   4295 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4296 	tg.run("test", "-run", "Test/Sub/Nested", "testdata/standalone_parallel_sub_test.go")
   4297 	tg.grepBothNot(noMatchesPattern, "go test did say [no tests to run]")
   4298 	tg.grepBoth(okPattern, "go test did not say ok")
   4299 }
   4301 // Issue 18845
   4302 func TestBenchTimeout(t *testing.T) {
   4303 	tooSlow(t)
   4304 	tg := testgo(t)
   4305 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4306 	tg.run("test", "-bench", ".", "-timeout", "750ms", "testdata/timeoutbench_test.go")
   4307 }
   4309 // Issue 19394
   4310 func TestWriteProfilesOnTimeout(t *testing.T) {
   4311 	tooSlow(t)
   4312 	tg := testgo(t)
   4313 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4314 	tg.tempDir("profiling")
   4315 	tg.tempFile("profiling/timeouttest_test.go", `package timeouttest_test
   4316 import "testing"
   4317 import "time"
   4318 func TestSleep(t *testing.T) { time.Sleep(time.Second) }`)
   4319 	tg.cd(tg.path("profiling"))
   4320 	tg.runFail(
   4321 		"test",
   4322 		"-cpuprofile", tg.path("profiling/cpu.pprof"), "-memprofile", tg.path("profiling/mem.pprof"),
   4323 		"-timeout", "1ms")
   4324 	tg.mustHaveContent(tg.path("profiling/cpu.pprof"))
   4325 	tg.mustHaveContent(tg.path("profiling/mem.pprof"))
   4326 }
   4328 func TestLinkXImportPathEscape(t *testing.T) {
   4329 	// golang.org/issue/16710
   4330 	tg := testgo(t)
   4331 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4332 	tg.parallel()
   4333 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   4334 	exe := "./linkx" + exeSuffix
   4335 	tg.creatingTemp(exe)
   4336 	tg.run("build", "-o", exe, "-ldflags", "-X=my.pkg.Text=linkXworked", "my.pkg/main")
   4337 	out, err := exec.Command(exe).CombinedOutput()
   4338 	if err != nil {
   4339 		tg.t.Fatal(err)
   4340 	}
   4341 	if string(out) != "linkXworked\n" {
   4342 		tg.t.Log(string(out))
   4343 		tg.t.Fatal(`incorrect output: expected "linkXworked\n"`)
   4344 	}
   4345 }
   4347 // Issue 18044.
   4348 func TestLdBindNow(t *testing.T) {
   4349 	tg := testgo(t)
   4350 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4351 	tg.parallel()
   4352 	tg.setenv("LD_BIND_NOW", "1")
   4353 	tg.run("help")
   4354 }
   4356 // Issue 18225.
   4357 // This is really a cmd/asm issue but this is a convenient place to test it.
   4358 func TestConcurrentAsm(t *testing.T) {
   4359 	tg := testgo(t)
   4360 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4361 	tg.parallel()
   4362 	asm := `DATA constants<>+0x0(SB)/8,$0
   4363 GLOBL constants<>(SB),8,$8
   4364 `
   4365 	tg.tempFile("go/src/p/a.s", asm)
   4366 	tg.tempFile("go/src/p/b.s", asm)
   4367 	tg.tempFile("go/src/p/p.go", `package p`)
   4368 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("go"))
   4369 	tg.run("build", "p")
   4370 }
   4372 // Issue 18778.
   4373 func TestDotDotDotOutsideGOPATH(t *testing.T) {
   4374 	tg := testgo(t)
   4375 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4377 	tg.tempFile("pkgs/a.go", `package x`)
   4378 	tg.tempFile("pkgs/a_test.go", `package x_test
   4379 import "testing"
   4380 func TestX(t *testing.T) {}`)
   4382 	tg.tempFile("pkgs/a/a.go", `package a`)
   4383 	tg.tempFile("pkgs/a/a_test.go", `package a_test
   4384 import "testing"
   4385 func TestA(t *testing.T) {}`)
   4387 	tg.cd(tg.path("pkgs"))
   4388 	tg.run("build", "./...")
   4389 	tg.run("test", "./...")
   4390 	tg.run("list", "./...")
   4391 	tg.grepStdout("pkgs$", "expected package not listed")
   4392 	tg.grepStdout("pkgs/a", "expected package not listed")
   4393 }
   4395 // Issue 18975.
   4396 func TestFFLAGS(t *testing.T) {
   4397 	if !canCgo {
   4398 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   4399 	}
   4401 	tg := testgo(t)
   4402 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4403 	tg.parallel()
   4405 	tg.tempFile("p/src/p/main.go", `package main
   4406 		// #cgo FFLAGS: -no-such-fortran-flag
   4407 		import "C"
   4408 		func main() {}
   4409 	`)
   4410 	tg.tempFile("p/src/p/a.f", `! comment`)
   4411 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("p"))
   4413 	// This should normally fail because we are passing an unknown flag,
   4414 	// but issue #19080 points to Fortran compilers that succeed anyhow.
   4415 	// To work either way we call doRun directly rather than run or runFail.
   4416 	tg.doRun([]string{"build", "-x", "p"})
   4418 	tg.grepStderr("no-such-fortran-flag", `missing expected "-no-such-fortran-flag"`)
   4419 }
   4421 // Issue 19198.
   4422 // This is really a cmd/link issue but this is a convenient place to test it.
   4423 func TestDuplicateGlobalAsmSymbols(t *testing.T) {
   4424 	tooSlow(t)
   4425 	if runtime.GOARCH != "386" && runtime.GOARCH != "amd64" {
   4426 		t.Skipf("skipping test on %s", runtime.GOARCH)
   4427 	}
   4428 	if !canCgo {
   4429 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   4430 	}
   4432 	tg := testgo(t)
   4433 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4434 	tg.parallel()
   4436 	asm := `
   4437 #include "textflag.h"
   4439 DATA sym<>+0x0(SB)/8,$0
   4440 GLOBL sym<>(SB),(NOPTR+RODATA),$8
   4442 TEXT Data(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   4443 	MOVB sym<>(SB), AX
   4444 	MOVB AX, ret+0(FP)
   4445 	RET
   4446 `
   4447 	tg.tempFile("go/src/a/a.s", asm)
   4448 	tg.tempFile("go/src/a/a.go", `package a; func Data() uint8`)
   4449 	tg.tempFile("go/src/b/b.s", asm)
   4450 	tg.tempFile("go/src/b/b.go", `package b; func Data() uint8`)
   4451 	tg.tempFile("go/src/p/p.go", `
   4452 package main
   4453 import "a"
   4454 import "b"
   4455 import "C"
   4456 func main() {
   4457 	_ = a.Data() + b.Data()
   4458 }
   4459 `)
   4460 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("go"))
   4461 	exe := tg.path("p.exe")
   4462 	tg.creatingTemp(exe)
   4463 	tg.run("build", "-o", exe, "p")
   4464 }
   4466 func TestBuildTagsNoComma(t *testing.T) {
   4467 	tg := testgo(t)
   4468 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4469 	tg.makeTempdir()
   4470 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("go"))
   4471 	tg.run("build", "-tags", "tag1 tag2", "math")
   4472 	tg.runFail("build", "-tags", "tag1,tag2", "math")
   4473 	tg.grepBoth("space-separated list contains comma", "-tags with a comma-separated list didn't error")
   4474 }
   4476 func copyFile(src, dst string, perm os.FileMode) error {
   4477 	sf, err := os.Open(src)
   4478 	if err != nil {
   4479 		return err
   4480 	}
   4481 	defer sf.Close()
   4483 	df, err := os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, perm)
   4484 	if err != nil {
   4485 		return err
   4486 	}
   4488 	_, err = io.Copy(df, sf)
   4489 	err2 := df.Close()
   4490 	if err != nil {
   4491 		return err
   4492 	}
   4493 	return err2
   4494 }
   4496 func TestExecutableGOROOT(t *testing.T) {
   4497 	if runtime.GOOS == "openbsd" {
   4498 		t.Skipf("test case does not work on %s, missing os.Executable", runtime.GOOS)
   4499 	}
   4501 	// Env with no GOROOT.
   4502 	var env []string
   4503 	for _, e := range os.Environ() {
   4504 		if !strings.HasPrefix(e, "GOROOT=") {
   4505 			env = append(env, e)
   4506 		}
   4507 	}
   4509 	check := func(t *testing.T, exe, want string) {
   4510 		cmd := exec.Command(exe, "env", "GOROOT")
   4511 		cmd.Env = env
   4512 		out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
   4513 		if err != nil {
   4514 			t.Fatalf("%s env GOROOT: %v, %s", exe, err, out)
   4515 		}
   4516 		goroot, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)))
   4517 		if err != nil {
   4518 			t.Fatal(err)
   4519 		}
   4520 		want, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(want)
   4521 		if err != nil {
   4522 			t.Fatal(err)
   4523 		}
   4524 		if !strings.EqualFold(goroot, want) {
   4525 			t.Errorf("go env GOROOT:\nhave %s\nwant %s", goroot, want)
   4526 		} else {
   4527 			t.Logf("go env GOROOT: %s", goroot)
   4528 		}
   4529 	}
   4531 	// Note: Must not call tg methods inside subtests: tg is attached to outer t.
   4532 	tg := testgo(t)
   4533 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4535 	tg.makeTempdir()
   4536 	tg.tempDir("new/bin")
   4537 	newGoTool := tg.path("new/bin/go" + exeSuffix)
   4538 	tg.must(copyFile(tg.goTool(), newGoTool, 0775))
   4539 	newRoot := tg.path("new")
   4541 	t.Run("RelocatedExe", func(t *testing.T) {
   4542 		// Should fall back to default location in binary,
   4543 		// which is the GOROOT we used when building testgo.exe.
   4544 		check(t, newGoTool, testGOROOT)
   4545 	})
   4547 	// If the binary is sitting in a bin dir next to ../pkg/tool, that counts as a GOROOT,
   4548 	// so it should find the new tree.
   4549 	tg.tempDir("new/pkg/tool")
   4550 	t.Run("RelocatedTree", func(t *testing.T) {
   4551 		check(t, newGoTool, newRoot)
   4552 	})
   4554 	tg.tempDir("other/bin")
   4555 	symGoTool := tg.path("other/bin/go" + exeSuffix)
   4557 	// Symlink into go tree should still find go tree.
   4558 	t.Run("SymlinkedExe", func(t *testing.T) {
   4559 		testenv.MustHaveSymlink(t)
   4560 		if err := os.Symlink(newGoTool, symGoTool); err != nil {
   4561 			t.Fatal(err)
   4562 		}
   4563 		check(t, symGoTool, newRoot)
   4564 	})
   4566 	tg.must(os.RemoveAll(tg.path("new/pkg")))
   4568 	// Binaries built in the new tree should report the
   4569 	// new tree when they call runtime.GOROOT.
   4570 	t.Run("RuntimeGoroot", func(t *testing.T) {
   4571 		// Build a working GOROOT the easy way, with symlinks.
   4572 		testenv.MustHaveSymlink(t)
   4573 		if err := os.Symlink(filepath.Join(testGOROOT, "src"), tg.path("new/src")); err != nil {
   4574 			t.Fatal(err)
   4575 		}
   4576 		if err := os.Symlink(filepath.Join(testGOROOT, "pkg"), tg.path("new/pkg")); err != nil {
   4577 			t.Fatal(err)
   4578 		}
   4580 		cmd := exec.Command(newGoTool, "run", "testdata/print_goroot.go")
   4581 		cmd.Env = env
   4582 		out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
   4583 		if err != nil {
   4584 			t.Fatalf("%s run testdata/print_goroot.go: %v, %s", newGoTool, err, out)
   4585 		}
   4586 		goroot, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)))
   4587 		if err != nil {
   4588 			t.Fatal(err)
   4589 		}
   4590 		want, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(tg.path("new"))
   4591 		if err != nil {
   4592 			t.Fatal(err)
   4593 		}
   4594 		if !strings.EqualFold(goroot, want) {
   4595 			t.Errorf("go run testdata/print_goroot.go:\nhave %s\nwant %s", goroot, want)
   4596 		} else {
   4597 			t.Logf("go run testdata/print_goroot.go: %s", goroot)
   4598 		}
   4599 	})
   4600 }
   4602 func TestNeedVersion(t *testing.T) {
   4603 	tg := testgo(t)
   4604 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4605 	tg.parallel()
   4606 	tg.tempFile("goversion.go", `package main; func main() {}`)
   4607 	path := tg.path("goversion.go")
   4608 	tg.setenv("TESTGO_VERSION", "go1.testgo")
   4609 	tg.runFail("run", path)
   4610 	tg.grepStderr("compile", "does not match go tool version")
   4611 }
   4613 // Test that user can override default code generation flags.
   4614 func TestUserOverrideFlags(t *testing.T) {
   4615 	if !canCgo {
   4616 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   4617 	}
   4618 	if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
   4619 		// We are testing platform-independent code, so it's
   4620 		// OK to skip cases that work differently.
   4621 		t.Skipf("skipping on %s because test only works if c-archive implies -shared", runtime.GOOS)
   4622 	}
   4624 	tg := testgo(t)
   4625 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4626 	// Don't call tg.parallel, as creating override.h and override.a may
   4627 	// confuse other tests.
   4628 	tg.tempFile("override.go", `package main
   4630 import "C"
   4632 //export GoFunc
   4633 func GoFunc() {}
   4635 func main() {}`)
   4636 	tg.creatingTemp("override.a")
   4637 	tg.creatingTemp("override.h")
   4638 	tg.run("build", "-x", "-buildmode=c-archive", "-gcflags=all=-shared=false", tg.path("override.go"))
   4639 	tg.grepStderr("compile .*-shared .*-shared=false", "user can not override code generation flag")
   4640 }
   4642 func TestCgoFlagContainsSpace(t *testing.T) {
   4643 	tooSlow(t)
   4644 	if !canCgo {
   4645 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   4646 	}
   4647 	tg := testgo(t)
   4648 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4650 	tg.makeTempdir()
   4651 	tg.cd(tg.path("."))
   4652 	tg.tempFile("main.go", `package main
   4653 		// #cgo CFLAGS: -I"c flags"
   4654 		// #cgo LDFLAGS: -L"ld flags"
   4655 		import "C"
   4656 		func main() {}
   4657 	`)
   4658 	tg.run("run", "-x", "main.go")
   4659 	tg.grepStderr(`"-I[^"]+c flags"`, "did not find quoted c flags")
   4660 	tg.grepStderrNot(`"-I[^"]+c flags".*"-I[^"]+c flags"`, "found too many quoted c flags")
   4661 	tg.grepStderr(`"-L[^"]+ld flags"`, "did not find quoted ld flags")
   4662 	tg.grepStderrNot(`"-L[^"]+c flags".*"-L[^"]+c flags"`, "found too many quoted ld flags")
   4663 }
   4665 // Issue #20435.
   4666 func TestGoTestRaceCoverModeFailures(t *testing.T) {
   4667 	tooSlow(t)
   4668 	if !canRace {
   4669 		t.Skip("skipping because race detector not supported")
   4670 	}
   4672 	tg := testgo(t)
   4673 	tg.parallel()
   4674 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4675 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   4677 	tg.run("test", "testrace")
   4679 	tg.runFail("test", "-race", "-covermode=set", "testrace")
   4680 	tg.grepStderr(`-covermode must be "atomic", not "set", when -race is enabled`, "-race -covermode=set was allowed")
   4681 	tg.grepBothNot("PASS", "something passed")
   4682 }
   4684 // Issue 9737: verify that GOARM and GO386 affect the computed build ID.
   4685 func TestBuildIDContainsArchModeEnv(t *testing.T) {
   4686 	if testing.Short() {
   4687 		t.Skip("skipping in short mode")
   4688 	}
   4690 	var tg *testgoData
   4691 	testWith := func(before, after func()) func(*testing.T) {
   4692 		return func(t *testing.T) {
   4693 			tg = testgo(t)
   4694 			defer tg.cleanup()
   4695 			tg.tempFile("src/mycmd/x.go", `package main
   4696 func main() {}`)
   4697 			tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   4699 			tg.cd(tg.path("src/mycmd"))
   4700 			tg.setenv("GOOS", "linux")
   4701 			before()
   4702 			tg.run("install", "mycmd")
   4703 			after()
   4704 			tg.wantStale("mycmd", "stale dependency: runtime/internal/sys", "should be stale after environment variable change")
   4705 		}
   4706 	}
   4708 	t.Run("386", testWith(func() {
   4709 		tg.setenv("GOARCH", "386")
   4710 		tg.setenv("GO386", "387")
   4711 	}, func() {
   4712 		tg.setenv("GO386", "sse2")
   4713 	}))
   4715 	t.Run("arm", testWith(func() {
   4716 		tg.setenv("GOARCH", "arm")
   4717 		tg.setenv("GOARM", "5")
   4718 	}, func() {
   4719 		tg.setenv("GOARM", "7")
   4720 	}))
   4721 }
   4723 func TestTestRegexps(t *testing.T) {
   4724 	tg := testgo(t)
   4725 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4726 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   4727 	tg.run("test", "-cpu=1", "-run=X/Y", "-bench=X/Y", "-count=2", "-v", "testregexp")
   4728 	var lines []string
   4729 	for _, line := range strings.SplitAfter(tg.getStdout(), "\n") {
   4730 		if strings.Contains(line, "=== RUN") || strings.Contains(line, "--- BENCH") || strings.Contains(line, "LOG") {
   4731 			lines = append(lines, line)
   4732 		}
   4733 	}
   4735 	// Important parts:
   4736 	//	TestX is run, twice
   4737 	//	TestX/Y is run, twice
   4738 	//	TestXX is run, twice
   4739 	//	TestZ is not run
   4740 	//	BenchmarkX is run but only with N=1, once
   4741 	//	BenchmarkXX is run but only with N=1, once
   4742 	//	BenchmarkX/Y is run in full, twice
   4743 	want := `=== RUN   TestX
   4744 === RUN   TestX/Y
   4745 	x_test.go:6: LOG: X running
   4746     	x_test.go:8: LOG: Y running
   4747 === RUN   TestXX
   4748 	z_test.go:10: LOG: XX running
   4749 === RUN   TestX
   4750 === RUN   TestX/Y
   4751 	x_test.go:6: LOG: X running
   4752     	x_test.go:8: LOG: Y running
   4753 === RUN   TestXX
   4754 	z_test.go:10: LOG: XX running
   4755 --- BENCH: BenchmarkX/Y
   4756 	x_test.go:15: LOG: Y running N=1
   4757 	x_test.go:15: LOG: Y running N=100
   4758 	x_test.go:15: LOG: Y running N=10000
   4759 	x_test.go:15: LOG: Y running N=1000000
   4760 	x_test.go:15: LOG: Y running N=100000000
   4761 	x_test.go:15: LOG: Y running N=2000000000
   4762 --- BENCH: BenchmarkX/Y
   4763 	x_test.go:15: LOG: Y running N=1
   4764 	x_test.go:15: LOG: Y running N=100
   4765 	x_test.go:15: LOG: Y running N=10000
   4766 	x_test.go:15: LOG: Y running N=1000000
   4767 	x_test.go:15: LOG: Y running N=100000000
   4768 	x_test.go:15: LOG: Y running N=2000000000
   4769 --- BENCH: BenchmarkX
   4770 	x_test.go:13: LOG: X running N=1
   4771 --- BENCH: BenchmarkXX
   4772 	z_test.go:18: LOG: XX running N=1
   4773 `
   4775 	have := strings.Join(lines, "")
   4776 	if have != want {
   4777 		t.Errorf("reduced output:<<<\n%s>>> want:<<<\n%s>>>", have, want)
   4778 	}
   4779 }
   4781 func TestListTests(t *testing.T) {
   4782 	tooSlow(t)
   4783 	var tg *testgoData
   4784 	testWith := func(listName, expected string) func(*testing.T) {
   4785 		return func(t *testing.T) {
   4786 			tg = testgo(t)
   4787 			defer tg.cleanup()
   4788 			tg.run("test", "./testdata/src/testlist/...", fmt.Sprintf("-list=%s", listName))
   4789 			tg.grepStdout(expected, fmt.Sprintf("-test.list=%s returned %q, expected %s", listName, tg.getStdout(), expected))
   4790 		}
   4791 	}
   4793 	t.Run("Test", testWith("Test", "TestSimple"))
   4794 	t.Run("Bench", testWith("Benchmark", "BenchmarkSimple"))
   4795 	t.Run("Example1", testWith("Example", "ExampleSimple"))
   4796 	t.Run("Example2", testWith("Example", "ExampleWithEmptyOutput"))
   4797 }
   4799 func TestBuildmodePIE(t *testing.T) {
   4800 	if testing.Short() && testenv.Builder() == "" {
   4801 		t.Skipf("skipping in -short mode on non-builder")
   4802 	}
   4803 	if runtime.Compiler == "gccgo" {
   4804 		t.Skipf("skipping test because buildmode=pie is not supported on gccgo")
   4805 	}
   4807 	platform := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
   4808 	switch platform {
   4809 	case "linux/386", "linux/amd64", "linux/arm", "linux/arm64", "linux/ppc64le", "linux/s390x",
   4810 		"android/amd64", "android/arm", "android/arm64", "android/386":
   4811 	case "darwin/amd64":
   4812 	default:
   4813 		t.Skipf("skipping test because buildmode=pie is not supported on %s", platform)
   4814 	}
   4816 	tg := testgo(t)
   4817 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4819 	tg.tempFile("main.go", `package main; func main() { print("hello") }`)
   4820 	src := tg.path("main.go")
   4821 	obj := tg.path("main")
   4822 	tg.run("build", "-buildmode=pie", "-o", obj, src)
   4824 	switch runtime.GOOS {
   4825 	case "linux", "android":
   4826 		f, err := elf.Open(obj)
   4827 		if err != nil {
   4828 			t.Fatal(err)
   4829 		}
   4830 		defer f.Close()
   4831 		if f.Type != elf.ET_DYN {
   4832 			t.Errorf("PIE type must be ET_DYN, but %s", f.Type)
   4833 		}
   4834 	case "darwin":
   4835 		f, err := macho.Open(obj)
   4836 		if err != nil {
   4837 			t.Fatal(err)
   4838 		}
   4839 		defer f.Close()
   4840 		if f.Flags&macho.FlagDyldLink == 0 {
   4841 			t.Error("PIE must have DyldLink flag, but not")
   4842 		}
   4843 		if f.Flags&macho.FlagPIE == 0 {
   4844 			t.Error("PIE must have PIE flag, but not")
   4845 		}
   4846 	default:
   4847 		panic("unreachable")
   4848 	}
   4850 	out, err := exec.Command(obj).CombinedOutput()
   4851 	if err != nil {
   4852 		t.Fatal(err)
   4853 	}
   4855 	if string(out) != "hello" {
   4856 		t.Errorf("got %q; want %q", out, "hello")
   4857 	}
   4858 }
   4860 func TestExecBuildX(t *testing.T) {
   4861 	tooSlow(t)
   4862 	if !canCgo {
   4863 		t.Skip("skipping because cgo not enabled")
   4864 	}
   4866 	if runtime.GOOS == "plan9" || runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   4867 		t.Skipf("skipping because unix shell is not supported on %s", runtime.GOOS)
   4868 	}
   4870 	tg := testgo(t)
   4871 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4873 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", "off")
   4875 	tg.tempFile("main.go", `package main; import "C"; func main() { print("hello") }`)
   4876 	src := tg.path("main.go")
   4877 	obj := tg.path("main")
   4878 	tg.run("build", "-x", "-o", obj, src)
   4879 	sh := tg.path("test.sh")
   4880 	err := ioutil.WriteFile(sh, []byte("set -e\n"+tg.getStderr()), 0666)
   4881 	if err != nil {
   4882 		t.Fatal(err)
   4883 	}
   4885 	out, err := exec.Command(obj).CombinedOutput()
   4886 	if err != nil {
   4887 		t.Fatal(err)
   4888 	}
   4889 	if string(out) != "hello" {
   4890 		t.Fatalf("got %q; want %q", out, "hello")
   4891 	}
   4893 	err = os.Remove(obj)
   4894 	if err != nil {
   4895 		t.Fatal(err)
   4896 	}
   4898 	out, err = exec.Command("/usr/bin/env", "bash", "-x", sh).CombinedOutput()
   4899 	if err != nil {
   4900 		t.Fatalf("/bin/sh %s: %v\n%s", sh, err, out)
   4901 	}
   4902 	t.Logf("shell output:\n%s", out)
   4904 	out, err = exec.Command(obj).CombinedOutput()
   4905 	if err != nil {
   4906 		t.Fatal(err)
   4907 	}
   4908 	if string(out) != "hello" {
   4909 		t.Fatalf("got %q; want %q", out, "hello")
   4910 	}
   4911 }
   4913 func TestParallelNumber(t *testing.T) {
   4914 	tooSlow(t)
   4915 	for _, n := range [...]string{"-1", "0"} {
   4916 		t.Run(n, func(t *testing.T) {
   4917 			tg := testgo(t)
   4918 			defer tg.cleanup()
   4919 			tg.runFail("test", "-parallel", n, "testdata/standalone_parallel_sub_test.go")
   4920 			tg.grepBoth("-parallel can only be given", "go test -parallel with N<1 did not error")
   4921 		})
   4922 	}
   4923 }
   4925 func TestWrongGOOSErrorBeforeLoadError(t *testing.T) {
   4926 	tg := testgo(t)
   4927 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4928 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   4929 	tg.setenv("GOOS", "windwos")
   4930 	tg.runFail("build", "exclude")
   4931 	tg.grepStderr("unsupported GOOS/GOARCH pair", "GOOS=windwos go build exclude did not report 'unsupported GOOS/GOARCH pair'")
   4932 }
   4934 func TestUpxCompression(t *testing.T) {
   4935 	if runtime.GOOS != "linux" || runtime.GOARCH != "amd64" {
   4936 		t.Skipf("skipping upx test on %s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
   4937 	}
   4939 	out, err := exec.Command("upx", "--version").CombinedOutput()
   4940 	if err != nil {
   4941 		t.Skip("skipping because upx is not available")
   4942 	}
   4944 	// upx --version prints `upx <version>` in the first line of output:
   4945 	//   upx 3.94
   4946 	//   [...]
   4947 	re := regexp.MustCompile(`([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)`)
   4948 	upxVersion := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(out))
   4949 	if len(upxVersion) != 3 {
   4950 		t.Errorf("bad upx version string: %s", upxVersion)
   4951 	}
   4953 	major, err1 := strconv.Atoi(upxVersion[1])
   4954 	minor, err2 := strconv.Atoi(upxVersion[2])
   4955 	if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
   4956 		t.Errorf("bad upx version string: %s", upxVersion[0])
   4957 	}
   4959 	// Anything below 3.94 is known not to work with go binaries
   4960 	if (major < 3) || (major == 3 && minor < 94) {
   4961 		t.Skipf("skipping because upx version %v.%v is too old", major, minor)
   4962 	}
   4964 	tg := testgo(t)
   4965 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4967 	tg.tempFile("main.go", `package main; import "fmt"; func main() { fmt.Print("hello upx") }`)
   4968 	src := tg.path("main.go")
   4969 	obj := tg.path("main")
   4970 	tg.run("build", "-o", obj, src)
   4972 	out, err = exec.Command("upx", obj).CombinedOutput()
   4973 	if err != nil {
   4974 		t.Logf("executing upx\n%s\n", out)
   4975 		t.Fatalf("upx failed with %v", err)
   4976 	}
   4978 	out, err = exec.Command(obj).CombinedOutput()
   4979 	if err != nil {
   4980 		t.Logf("%s", out)
   4981 		t.Fatalf("running compressed go binary failed with error %s", err)
   4982 	}
   4983 	if string(out) != "hello upx" {
   4984 		t.Fatalf("bad output from compressed go binary:\ngot %q; want %q", out, "hello upx")
   4985 	}
   4986 }
   4988 func TestGOTMPDIR(t *testing.T) {
   4989 	tg := testgo(t)
   4990 	defer tg.cleanup()
   4991 	tg.parallel()
   4992 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   4993 	tg.makeTempdir()
   4994 	tg.setenv("GOTMPDIR", tg.tempdir)
   4995 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", "off")
   4997 	// complex/x is a trivial non-main package.
   4998 	tg.run("build", "-work", "-x", "complex/w")
   4999 	tg.grepStderr("WORK="+regexp.QuoteMeta(tg.tempdir), "did not work in $GOTMPDIR")
   5000 }
   5002 func TestBuildCache(t *testing.T) {
   5003 	tooSlow(t)
   5004 	if strings.Contains(os.Getenv("GODEBUG"), "gocacheverify") {
   5005 		t.Skip("GODEBUG gocacheverify")
   5006 	}
   5007 	tg := testgo(t)
   5008 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5009 	tg.parallel()
   5010 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   5011 	tg.makeTempdir()
   5012 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", tg.tempdir)
   5014 	// complex/w is a trivial non-main package.
   5015 	// It imports nothing, so there should be no Deps.
   5016 	tg.run("list", "-f={{join .Deps \" \"}}", "complex/w")
   5017 	tg.grepStdoutNot(".+", "complex/w depends on unexpected packages")
   5019 	tg.run("build", "-x", "complex/w")
   5020 	tg.grepStderr(`[\\/]compile|gccgo`, "did not run compiler")
   5022 	tg.run("build", "-x", "complex/w")
   5023 	tg.grepStderrNot(`[\\/]compile|gccgo`, "ran compiler incorrectly")
   5025 	tg.run("build", "-a", "-x", "complex/w")
   5026 	tg.grepStderr(`[\\/]compile|gccgo`, "did not run compiler with -a")
   5028 	// complex is a non-trivial main package.
   5029 	// the link step should not be cached.
   5030 	tg.run("build", "-o", os.DevNull, "-x", "complex")
   5031 	tg.grepStderr(`[\\/]link|gccgo`, "did not run linker")
   5033 	tg.run("build", "-o", os.DevNull, "-x", "complex")
   5034 	tg.grepStderr(`[\\/]link|gccgo`, "did not run linker")
   5035 }
   5037 func TestCacheOutput(t *testing.T) {
   5038 	// Test that command output is cached and replayed too.
   5039 	if strings.Contains(os.Getenv("GODEBUG"), "gocacheverify") {
   5040 		t.Skip("GODEBUG gocacheverify")
   5041 	}
   5042 	tg := testgo(t)
   5043 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5044 	tg.parallel()
   5045 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   5046 	tg.makeTempdir()
   5047 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", tg.tempdir)
   5049 	tg.run("build", "-gcflags=-m", "errors")
   5050 	stdout1 := tg.getStdout()
   5051 	stderr1 := tg.getStderr()
   5053 	tg.run("build", "-gcflags=-m", "errors")
   5054 	stdout2 := tg.getStdout()
   5055 	stderr2 := tg.getStderr()
   5057 	if stdout2 != stdout1 || stderr2 != stderr1 {
   5058 		t.Errorf("cache did not reproduce output:\n\nstdout1:\n%s\n\nstdout2:\n%s\n\nstderr1:\n%s\n\nstderr2:\n%s",
   5059 			stdout1, stdout2, stderr1, stderr2)
   5060 	}
   5061 }
   5063 func TestCacheCoverage(t *testing.T) {
   5064 	tooSlow(t)
   5066 	if strings.Contains(os.Getenv("GODEBUG"), "gocacheverify") {
   5067 		t.Skip("GODEBUG gocacheverify")
   5068 	}
   5070 	tg := testgo(t)
   5071 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5072 	tg.parallel()
   5073 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   5074 	tg.makeTempdir()
   5076 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", tg.path("c1"))
   5077 	tg.run("test", "-cover", "-short", "strings")
   5078 	tg.run("test", "-cover", "-short", "math", "strings")
   5079 }
   5081 func TestIssue22588(t *testing.T) {
   5082 	// Don't get confused by stderr coming from tools.
   5083 	tg := testgo(t)
   5084 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5085 	tg.parallel()
   5087 	if _, err := os.Stat("/usr/bin/time"); err != nil {
   5088 		t.Skip(err)
   5089 	}
   5091 	tg.run("list", "-f={{.Stale}}", "runtime")
   5092 	tg.run("list", "-toolexec=/usr/bin/time", "-f={{.Stale}}", "runtime")
   5093 	tg.grepStdout("false", "incorrectly reported runtime as stale")
   5094 }
   5096 func TestIssue22531(t *testing.T) {
   5097 	tooSlow(t)
   5098 	if strings.Contains(os.Getenv("GODEBUG"), "gocacheverify") {
   5099 		t.Skip("GODEBUG gocacheverify")
   5100 	}
   5101 	tg := testgo(t)
   5102 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5103 	tg.parallel()
   5104 	tg.makeTempdir()
   5105 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.tempdir)
   5106 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", tg.path("cache"))
   5107 	tg.tempFile("src/m/main.go", "package main /* c1 */; func main() {}\n")
   5108 	tg.run("install", "-x", "m")
   5109 	tg.run("list", "-f", "{{.Stale}}", "m")
   5110 	tg.grepStdout("false", "reported m as stale after install")
   5111 	tg.run("tool", "buildid", tg.path("bin/m"+exeSuffix))
   5113 	// The link action ID did not include the full main build ID,
   5114 	// even though the full main build ID is written into the
   5115 	// eventual binary. That caused the following install to
   5116 	// be a no-op, thinking the gofmt binary was up-to-date,
   5117 	// even though .Stale could see it was not.
   5118 	tg.tempFile("src/m/main.go", "package main /* c2 */; func main() {}\n")
   5119 	tg.run("install", "-x", "m")
   5120 	tg.run("list", "-f", "{{.Stale}}", "m")
   5121 	tg.grepStdout("false", "reported m as stale after reinstall")
   5122 	tg.run("tool", "buildid", tg.path("bin/m"+exeSuffix))
   5123 }
   5125 func TestIssue22596(t *testing.T) {
   5126 	tooSlow(t)
   5127 	if strings.Contains(os.Getenv("GODEBUG"), "gocacheverify") {
   5128 		t.Skip("GODEBUG gocacheverify")
   5129 	}
   5130 	tg := testgo(t)
   5131 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5132 	tg.parallel()
   5133 	tg.makeTempdir()
   5134 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", tg.path("cache"))
   5135 	tg.tempFile("gopath1/src/p/p.go", "package p; func F(){}\n")
   5136 	tg.tempFile("gopath2/src/p/p.go", "package p; func F(){}\n")
   5138 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("gopath1"))
   5139 	tg.run("list", "-f={{.Target}}", "p")
   5140 	target1 := strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout())
   5141 	tg.run("install", "p")
   5142 	tg.wantNotStale("p", "", "p stale after install")
   5144 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("gopath2"))
   5145 	tg.run("list", "-f={{.Target}}", "p")
   5146 	target2 := strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout())
   5147 	tg.must(os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(target2), 0777))
   5148 	tg.must(copyFile(target1, target2, 0666))
   5149 	tg.wantStale("p", "build ID mismatch", "p not stale after copy from gopath1")
   5150 	tg.run("install", "p")
   5151 	tg.wantNotStale("p", "", "p stale after install2")
   5152 }
   5154 func TestTestCache(t *testing.T) {
   5155 	tooSlow(t)
   5157 	if strings.Contains(os.Getenv("GODEBUG"), "gocacheverify") {
   5158 		t.Skip("GODEBUG gocacheverify")
   5159 	}
   5160 	tg := testgo(t)
   5161 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5162 	tg.parallel()
   5163 	tg.makeTempdir()
   5164 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.tempdir)
   5165 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", tg.path("cache"))
   5167 	// timeout here should not affect result being cached
   5168 	// or being retrieved later.
   5169 	tg.run("test", "-x", "-timeout=10s", "errors")
   5170 	tg.grepStderr(`[\\/]compile|gccgo`, "did not run compiler")
   5171 	tg.grepStderr(`[\\/]link|gccgo`, "did not run linker")
   5172 	tg.grepStderr(`errors\.test`, "did not run test")
   5174 	tg.run("test", "-x", "errors")
   5175 	tg.grepStdout(`ok  \terrors\t\(cached\)`, "did not report cached result")
   5176 	tg.grepStderrNot(`[\\/]compile|gccgo`, "incorrectly ran compiler")
   5177 	tg.grepStderrNot(`[\\/]link|gccgo`, "incorrectly ran linker")
   5178 	tg.grepStderrNot(`errors\.test`, "incorrectly ran test")
   5179 	tg.grepStderrNot("DO NOT USE", "poisoned action status leaked")
   5181 	// Even very low timeouts do not disqualify cached entries.
   5182 	tg.run("test", "-timeout=1ns", "-x", "errors")
   5183 	tg.grepStderrNot(`errors\.test`, "incorrectly ran test")
   5185 	tg.run("clean", "-testcache")
   5186 	tg.run("test", "-x", "errors")
   5187 	tg.grepStderr(`errors\.test`, "did not run test")
   5189 	// The -p=1 in the commands below just makes the -x output easier to read.
   5191 	t.Log("\n\nINITIAL\n\n")
   5193 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p1.go", "package p1\nvar X =  1\n")
   5194 	tg.tempFile("src/p2/p2.go", "package p2\nimport _ \"p1\"\nvar X = 1\n")
   5195 	tg.tempFile("src/t/t1/t1_test.go", "package t\nimport \"testing\"\nfunc Test1(*testing.T) {}\n")
   5196 	tg.tempFile("src/t/t2/t2_test.go", "package t\nimport _ \"p1\"\nimport \"testing\"\nfunc Test2(*testing.T) {}\n")
   5197 	tg.tempFile("src/t/t3/t3_test.go", "package t\nimport \"p1\"\nimport \"testing\"\nfunc Test3(t *testing.T) {t.Log(p1.X)}\n")
   5198 	tg.tempFile("src/t/t4/t4_test.go", "package t\nimport \"p2\"\nimport \"testing\"\nfunc Test4(t *testing.T) {t.Log(p2.X)}")
   5199 	tg.run("test", "-x", "-v", "-short", "t/...")
   5201 	t.Log("\n\nREPEAT\n\n")
   5203 	tg.run("test", "-x", "-v", "-short", "t/...")
   5204 	tg.grepStdout(`ok  \tt/t1\t\(cached\)`, "did not cache t1")
   5205 	tg.grepStdout(`ok  \tt/t2\t\(cached\)`, "did not cache t2")
   5206 	tg.grepStdout(`ok  \tt/t3\t\(cached\)`, "did not cache t3")
   5207 	tg.grepStdout(`ok  \tt/t4\t\(cached\)`, "did not cache t4")
   5208 	tg.grepStderrNot(`[\\/]compile|gccgo`, "incorrectly ran compiler")
   5209 	tg.grepStderrNot(`[\\/]link|gccgo`, "incorrectly ran linker")
   5210 	tg.grepStderrNot(`p[0-9]\.test`, "incorrectly ran test")
   5212 	t.Log("\n\nCOMMENT\n\n")
   5214 	// Changing the program text without affecting the compiled package
   5215 	// should result in the package being rebuilt but nothing more.
   5216 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p1.go", "package p1\nvar X = 01\n")
   5217 	tg.run("test", "-p=1", "-x", "-v", "-short", "t/...")
   5218 	tg.grepStdout(`ok  \tt/t1\t\(cached\)`, "did not cache t1")
   5219 	tg.grepStdout(`ok  \tt/t2\t\(cached\)`, "did not cache t2")
   5220 	tg.grepStdout(`ok  \tt/t3\t\(cached\)`, "did not cache t3")
   5221 	tg.grepStdout(`ok  \tt/t4\t\(cached\)`, "did not cache t4")
   5222 	tg.grepStderrNot(`([\\/]compile|gccgo).*t[0-9]_test\.go`, "incorrectly ran compiler")
   5223 	tg.grepStderrNot(`[\\/]link|gccgo`, "incorrectly ran linker")
   5224 	tg.grepStderrNot(`t[0-9]\.test.*test\.short`, "incorrectly ran test")
   5226 	t.Log("\n\nCHANGE\n\n")
   5228 	// Changing the actual package should have limited effects.
   5229 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p1.go", "package p1\nvar X = 02\n")
   5230 	tg.run("test", "-p=1", "-x", "-v", "-short", "t/...")
   5232 	// p2 should have been rebuilt.
   5233 	tg.grepStderr(`([\\/]compile|gccgo).*p2.go`, "did not recompile p2")
   5235 	// t1 does not import anything, should not have been rebuilt.
   5236 	tg.grepStderrNot(`([\\/]compile|gccgo).*t1_test.go`, "incorrectly recompiled t1")
   5237 	tg.grepStderrNot(`([\\/]link|gccgo).*t1_test`, "incorrectly relinked t1_test")
   5238 	tg.grepStdout(`ok  \tt/t1\t\(cached\)`, "did not cache t/t1")
   5240 	// t2 imports p1 and must be rebuilt and relinked,
   5241 	// but the change should not have any effect on the test binary,
   5242 	// so the test should not have been rerun.
   5243 	tg.grepStderr(`([\\/]compile|gccgo).*t2_test.go`, "did not recompile t2")
   5244 	tg.grepStderr(`([\\/]link|gccgo).*t2\.test`, "did not relink t2_test")
   5245 	tg.grepStdout(`ok  \tt/t2\t\(cached\)`, "did not cache t/t2")
   5247 	// t3 imports p1, and changing X changes t3's test binary.
   5248 	tg.grepStderr(`([\\/]compile|gccgo).*t3_test.go`, "did not recompile t3")
   5249 	tg.grepStderr(`([\\/]link|gccgo).*t3\.test`, "did not relink t3_test")
   5250 	tg.grepStderr(`t3\.test.*-test.short`, "did not rerun t3_test")
   5251 	tg.grepStdoutNot(`ok  \tt/t3\t\(cached\)`, "reported cached t3_test result")
   5253 	// t4 imports p2, but p2 did not change, so t4 should be relinked, not recompiled,
   5254 	// and not rerun.
   5255 	tg.grepStderrNot(`([\\/]compile|gccgo).*t4_test.go`, "incorrectly recompiled t4")
   5256 	tg.grepStderr(`([\\/]link|gccgo).*t4\.test`, "did not relink t4_test")
   5257 	tg.grepStdout(`ok  \tt/t4\t\(cached\)`, "did not cache t/t4")
   5258 }
   5260 func TestTestCacheInputs(t *testing.T) {
   5261 	tooSlow(t)
   5263 	if strings.Contains(os.Getenv("GODEBUG"), "gocacheverify") {
   5264 		t.Skip("GODEBUG gocacheverify")
   5265 	}
   5266 	tg := testgo(t)
   5267 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5268 	tg.parallel()
   5269 	tg.makeTempdir()
   5270 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   5271 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", tg.path("cache"))
   5273 	defer os.Remove(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/file.txt"))
   5274 	defer os.Remove(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/script.sh"))
   5275 	tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/file.txt"), []byte("x"), 0644))
   5276 	old := time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute)
   5277 	tg.must(os.Chtimes(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/file.txt"), old, old))
   5278 	info, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/file.txt"))
   5279 	if err != nil {
   5280 		t.Fatal(err)
   5281 	}
   5282 	t.Logf("file.txt: old=%v, info.ModTime=%v", old, info.ModTime()) // help debug when Chtimes lies about succeeding
   5283 	tg.setenv("TESTKEY", "x")
   5285 	tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/script.sh"), []byte("#!/bin/sh\nexit 0\n"), 0755))
   5286 	tg.must(os.Chtimes(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/script.sh"), old, old))
   5288 	tg.run("test", "testcache")
   5289 	tg.run("test", "testcache")
   5290 	tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5292 	tg.setenv("TESTKEY", "y")
   5293 	tg.run("test", "testcache")
   5294 	tg.grepStdoutNot(`\(cached\)`, "did not notice env var change")
   5295 	tg.run("test", "testcache")
   5296 	tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5298 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=FileSize")
   5299 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=FileSize")
   5300 	tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5301 	tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/file.txt"), []byte("xxx"), 0644))
   5302 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=FileSize")
   5303 	tg.grepStdoutNot(`\(cached\)`, "did not notice file size change")
   5304 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=FileSize")
   5305 	tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5307 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=Chdir")
   5308 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=Chdir")
   5309 	tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5310 	tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/file.txt"), []byte("xxxxx"), 0644))
   5311 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=Chdir")
   5312 	tg.grepStdoutNot(`\(cached\)`, "did not notice file size change")
   5313 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=Chdir")
   5314 	tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5316 	tg.must(os.Chtimes(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/file.txt"), old, old))
   5317 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=FileContent")
   5318 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=FileContent")
   5319 	tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5320 	tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/file.txt"), []byte("yyy"), 0644))
   5321 	old2 := old.Add(10 * time.Second)
   5322 	tg.must(os.Chtimes(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/file.txt"), old2, old2))
   5323 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=FileContent")
   5324 	tg.grepStdoutNot(`\(cached\)`, "did not notice file content change")
   5325 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=FileContent")
   5326 	tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5328 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=DirList")
   5329 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=DirList")
   5330 	tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5331 	tg.must(os.Remove(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/file.txt")))
   5332 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=DirList")
   5333 	tg.grepStdoutNot(`\(cached\)`, "did not notice directory change")
   5334 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=DirList")
   5335 	tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5337 	tg.tempFile("file.txt", "")
   5338 	tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/testcachetmp_test.go"), []byte(`package testcache
   5340 		import (
   5341 			"os"
   5342 			"testing"
   5343 		)
   5345 		func TestExternalFile(t *testing.T) {
   5346 			os.Open(`+fmt.Sprintf("%q", tg.path("file.txt"))+`)
   5347 			_, err := os.Stat(`+fmt.Sprintf("%q", tg.path("file.txt"))+`)
   5348 			if err != nil {
   5349 				t.Fatal(err)
   5350 			}
   5351 		}
   5352 	`), 0666))
   5353 	defer os.Remove(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/testcachetmp_test.go"))
   5354 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=ExternalFile")
   5355 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=ExternalFile")
   5356 	tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5357 	tg.must(os.Remove(filepath.Join(tg.tempdir, "file.txt")))
   5358 	tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=ExternalFile")
   5359 	tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5361 	switch runtime.GOOS {
   5362 	case "nacl", "plan9", "windows":
   5363 		// no shell scripts
   5364 	default:
   5365 		tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=Exec")
   5366 		tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=Exec")
   5367 		tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5368 		tg.must(os.Chtimes(filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata/src/testcache/script.sh"), old2, old2))
   5369 		tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=Exec")
   5370 		tg.grepStdoutNot(`\(cached\)`, "did not notice script change")
   5371 		tg.run("test", "testcache", "-run=Exec")
   5372 		tg.grepStdout(`\(cached\)`, "did not cache")
   5373 	}
   5374 }
   5376 func TestNoCache(t *testing.T) {
   5377 	switch runtime.GOOS {
   5378 	case "windows":
   5379 		t.Skipf("no unwritable directories on %s", runtime.GOOS)
   5380 	}
   5381 	if os.Getuid() == 0 {
   5382 		t.Skip("skipping test because running as root")
   5383 	}
   5385 	tg := testgo(t)
   5386 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5387 	tg.parallel()
   5388 	tg.tempFile("triv.go", `package main; func main() {}`)
   5389 	tg.must(os.MkdirAll(tg.path("unwritable"), 0555))
   5390 	home := "HOME"
   5391 	if runtime.GOOS == "plan9" {
   5392 		home = "home"
   5393 	}
   5394 	tg.setenv(home, tg.path(filepath.Join("unwritable", "home")))
   5395 	tg.unsetenv("GOCACHE")
   5396 	tg.run("build", "-o", tg.path("triv"), tg.path("triv.go"))
   5397 	tg.grepStderr("disabling cache", "did not disable cache")
   5398 }
   5400 func TestTestVet(t *testing.T) {
   5401 	tooSlow(t)
   5402 	tg := testgo(t)
   5403 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5404 	tg.parallel()
   5406 	tg.tempFile("p1_test.go", `
   5407 		package p
   5408 		import "testing"
   5409 		func Test(t *testing.T) {
   5410 			t.Logf("%d") // oops
   5411 		}
   5412 	`)
   5414 	tg.runFail("test", tg.path("p1_test.go"))
   5415 	tg.grepStderr(`Logf format %d`, "did not diagnose bad Logf")
   5416 	tg.run("test", "-vet=off", tg.path("p1_test.go"))
   5417 	tg.grepStdout(`^ok`, "did not print test summary")
   5419 	tg.tempFile("p1.go", `
   5420 		package p
   5421 		import "fmt"
   5422 		func F() {
   5423 			fmt.Printf("%d") // oops
   5424 		}
   5425 	`)
   5426 	tg.runFail("test", tg.path("p1.go"))
   5427 	tg.grepStderr(`Printf format %d`, "did not diagnose bad Printf")
   5428 	tg.run("test", "-x", "-vet=shift", tg.path("p1.go"))
   5429 	tg.grepStderr(`[\\/]vet.*-shift`, "did not run vet with -shift")
   5430 	tg.grepStdout(`\[no test files\]`, "did not print test summary")
   5431 	tg.run("test", "-vet=off", tg.path("p1.go"))
   5432 	tg.grepStdout(`\[no test files\]`, "did not print test summary")
   5434 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   5435 	tg.run("test", "vetcycle") // must not fail; #22890
   5437 	tg.runFail("test", "vetfail/...")
   5438 	tg.grepStderr(`Printf format %d`, "did not diagnose bad Printf")
   5439 	tg.grepStdout(`ok\s+vetfail/p2`, "did not run vetfail/p2")
   5440 }
   5442 func TestTestRebuild(t *testing.T) {
   5443 	tg := testgo(t)
   5444 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5445 	tg.parallel()
   5447 	// golang.org/issue/23701.
   5448 	// b_test imports b with augmented method from export_test.go.
   5449 	// b_test also imports a, which imports b.
   5450 	// Must not accidentally see un-augmented b propagate through a to b_test.
   5451 	tg.tempFile("src/a/a.go", `package a
   5452 		import "b"
   5453 		type Type struct{}
   5454 		func (*Type) M() b.T {return 0}
   5455 	`)
   5456 	tg.tempFile("src/b/b.go", `package b
   5457 		type T int
   5458 		type I interface {M() T}
   5459 	`)
   5460 	tg.tempFile("src/b/export_test.go", `package b
   5461 		func (*T) Method() *T { return nil }
   5462 	`)
   5463 	tg.tempFile("src/b/b_test.go", `package b_test
   5464 		import (
   5465 			"testing"
   5466 			"a"
   5467 			. "b"
   5468 		)
   5469 		func TestBroken(t *testing.T) {
   5470 			x := new(T)
   5471 			x.Method()
   5472 			_ = new(a.Type)
   5473 		}
   5474 	`)
   5476 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   5477 	tg.run("test", "b")
   5478 }
   5480 func TestInstallDeps(t *testing.T) {
   5481 	tooSlow(t)
   5482 	tg := testgo(t)
   5483 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5484 	tg.parallel()
   5485 	tg.makeTempdir()
   5486 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.tempdir)
   5488 	tg.tempFile("src/p1/p1.go", "package p1\nvar X =  1\n")
   5489 	tg.tempFile("src/p2/p2.go", "package p2\nimport _ \"p1\"\n")
   5490 	tg.tempFile("src/main1/main.go", "package main\nimport _ \"p2\"\nfunc main() {}\n")
   5492 	tg.run("list", "-f={{.Target}}", "p1")
   5493 	p1 := strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout())
   5494 	tg.run("list", "-f={{.Target}}", "p2")
   5495 	p2 := strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout())
   5496 	tg.run("list", "-f={{.Target}}", "main1")
   5497 	main1 := strings.TrimSpace(tg.getStdout())
   5499 	tg.run("install", "main1")
   5501 	tg.mustExist(main1)
   5502 	tg.mustNotExist(p2)
   5503 	tg.mustNotExist(p1)
   5505 	tg.run("install", "p2")
   5506 	tg.mustExist(p2)
   5507 	tg.mustNotExist(p1)
   5509 	// don't let install -i overwrite runtime
   5510 	tg.wantNotStale("runtime", "", "must be non-stale before install -i")
   5512 	tg.run("install", "-i", "main1")
   5513 	tg.mustExist(p1)
   5514 	tg.must(os.Remove(p1))
   5516 	tg.run("install", "-i", "p2")
   5517 	tg.mustExist(p1)
   5518 }
   5520 func TestFmtLoadErrors(t *testing.T) {
   5521 	tg := testgo(t)
   5522 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5523 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   5524 	tg.runFail("fmt", "does-not-exist")
   5525 	tg.run("fmt", "-n", "exclude")
   5526 }
   5528 func TestRelativePkgdir(t *testing.T) {
   5529 	tooSlow(t)
   5530 	tg := testgo(t)
   5531 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5532 	tg.makeTempdir()
   5533 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", "off")
   5534 	tg.cd(tg.tempdir)
   5536 	tg.run("build", "-i", "-pkgdir=.", "runtime")
   5537 }
   5539 func TestGcflagsPatterns(t *testing.T) {
   5540 	tg := testgo(t)
   5541 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5542 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", "")
   5543 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", "off")
   5545 	tg.run("build", "-n", "-v", "-gcflags= \t\r\n -e", "fmt")
   5546 	tg.grepStderr("^# fmt", "did not rebuild fmt")
   5547 	tg.grepStderrNot("^# reflect", "incorrectly rebuilt reflect")
   5549 	tg.run("build", "-n", "-v", "-gcflags=-e", "fmt", "reflect")
   5550 	tg.grepStderr("^# fmt", "did not rebuild fmt")
   5551 	tg.grepStderr("^# reflect", "did not rebuild reflect")
   5552 	tg.grepStderrNot("^# runtime", "incorrectly rebuilt runtime")
   5554 	tg.run("build", "-n", "-x", "-v", "-gcflags= \t\r\n reflect \t\r\n = \t\r\n -N", "fmt")
   5555 	tg.grepStderr("^# fmt", "did not rebuild fmt")
   5556 	tg.grepStderr("^# reflect", "did not rebuild reflect")
   5557 	tg.grepStderr("compile.* -N .*-p reflect", "did not build reflect with -N flag")
   5558 	tg.grepStderrNot("compile.* -N .*-p fmt", "incorrectly built fmt with -N flag")
   5560 	tg.run("test", "-c", "-n", "-gcflags=-N", "-ldflags=-X=x.y=z", "strings")
   5561 	tg.grepStderr("compile.* -N .*compare_test.go", "did not compile strings_test package with -N flag")
   5562 	tg.grepStderr("link.* -X=x.y=z", "did not link strings.test binary with -X flag")
   5564 	tg.run("test", "-c", "-n", "-gcflags=strings=-N", "-ldflags=strings=-X=x.y=z", "strings")
   5565 	tg.grepStderr("compile.* -N .*compare_test.go", "did not compile strings_test package with -N flag")
   5566 	tg.grepStderr("link.* -X=x.y=z", "did not link strings.test binary with -X flag")
   5567 }
   5569 func TestGoTestMinusN(t *testing.T) {
   5570 	// Intent here is to verify that 'go test -n' works without crashing.
   5571 	// This reuses flag_test.go, but really any test would do.
   5572 	tg := testgo(t)
   5573 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5574 	tg.run("test", "testdata/flag_test.go", "-n", "-args", "-v=7")
   5575 }
   5577 func TestGoTestJSON(t *testing.T) {
   5578 	tooSlow(t)
   5580 	tg := testgo(t)
   5581 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5582 	tg.parallel()
   5583 	tg.makeTempdir()
   5584 	tg.setenv("GOCACHE", tg.tempdir)
   5585 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
   5587 	// It would be nice to test that the output is interlaced
   5588 	// but it seems to be impossible to do that in a short test
   5589 	// that isn't also flaky. Just check that we get JSON output.
   5590 	tg.run("test", "-json", "-short", "-v", "errors", "empty/pkg", "skipper")
   5591 	tg.grepStdout(`"Package":"errors"`, "did not see JSON output")
   5592 	tg.grepStdout(`"Action":"run"`, "did not see JSON output")
   5594 	tg.grepStdout(`"Action":"output","Package":"empty/pkg","Output":".*no test files`, "did not see no test files print")
   5595 	tg.grepStdout(`"Action":"skip","Package":"empty/pkg"`, "did not see skip")
   5597 	tg.grepStdout(`"Action":"output","Package":"skipper","Test":"Test","Output":"--- SKIP:`, "did not see SKIP output")
   5598 	tg.grepStdout(`"Action":"skip","Package":"skipper","Test":"Test"`, "did not see skip result for Test")
   5600 	tg.run("test", "-json", "-short", "-v", "errors")
   5601 	tg.grepStdout(`"Action":"output","Package":"errors","Output":".*\(cached\)`, "did not see no cached output")
   5603 	tg.run("test", "-json", "-bench=NONE", "-short", "-v", "errors")
   5604 	tg.grepStdout(`"Package":"errors"`, "did not see JSON output")
   5605 	tg.grepStdout(`"Action":"run"`, "did not see JSON output")
   5607 	tg.run("test", "-o", tg.path("errors.test.exe"), "-c", "errors")
   5608 	tg.run("tool", "test2json", "-p", "errors", tg.path("errors.test.exe"), "-test.v", "-test.short")
   5609 	tg.grepStdout(`"Package":"errors"`, "did not see JSON output")
   5610 	tg.grepStdout(`"Action":"run"`, "did not see JSON output")
   5611 	tg.grepStdout(`\{"Action":"pass","Package":"errors"\}`, "did not see final pass")
   5612 }
   5614 func TestFailFast(t *testing.T) {
   5615 	tooSlow(t)
   5616 	tg := testgo(t)
   5617 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5619 	tests := []struct {
   5620 		run      string
   5621 		failfast bool
   5622 		nfail    int
   5623 	}{
   5624 		{"TestFailingA", true, 1},
   5625 		{"TestFailing[AB]", true, 1},
   5626 		{"TestFailing[AB]", false, 2},
   5627 		// mix with non-failing tests:
   5628 		{"TestA|TestFailing[AB]", true, 1},
   5629 		{"TestA|TestFailing[AB]", false, 2},
   5630 		// mix with parallel tests:
   5631 		{"TestFailingB|TestParallelFailingA", true, 2},
   5632 		{"TestFailingB|TestParallelFailingA", false, 2},
   5633 		{"TestFailingB|TestParallelFailing[AB]", true, 3},
   5634 		{"TestFailingB|TestParallelFailing[AB]", false, 3},
   5635 		// mix with parallel sub-tests
   5636 		{"TestFailingB|TestParallelFailing[AB]|TestParallelFailingSubtestsA", true, 3},
   5637 		{"TestFailingB|TestParallelFailing[AB]|TestParallelFailingSubtestsA", false, 5},
   5638 		{"TestParallelFailingSubtestsA", true, 1},
   5639 		// only parallels:
   5640 		{"TestParallelFailing[AB]", false, 2},
   5641 		// non-parallel subtests:
   5642 		{"TestFailingSubtestsA", true, 1},
   5643 		{"TestFailingSubtestsA", false, 2},
   5644 	}
   5646 	for _, tt := range tests {
   5647 		t.Run(tt.run, func(t *testing.T) {
   5648 			tg.runFail("test", "./testdata/src/failfast_test.go", "-run="+tt.run, "-failfast="+strconv.FormatBool(tt.failfast))
   5650 			nfail := strings.Count(tg.getStdout(), "FAIL - ")
   5652 			if nfail != tt.nfail {
   5653 				t.Errorf("go test -run=%s -failfast=%t printed %d FAILs, want %d", tt.run, tt.failfast, nfail, tt.nfail)
   5654 			}
   5655 		})
   5656 	}
   5657 }
   5659 // Issue 22986.
   5660 func TestImportPath(t *testing.T) {
   5661 	tooSlow(t)
   5662 	tg := testgo(t)
   5663 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5664 	tg.parallel()
   5666 	tg.tempFile("src/a/a.go", `
   5667 package main
   5669 import (
   5670 	"log"
   5671 	p "a/p-1.0"
   5672 )
   5674 func main() {
   5675 	if !p.V {
   5676 		log.Fatal("false")
   5677 	}
   5678 }`)
   5680 	tg.tempFile("src/a/a_test.go", `
   5681 package main_test
   5683 import (
   5684 	p "a/p-1.0"
   5685 	"testing"
   5686 )
   5688 func TestV(t *testing.T) {
   5689 	if !p.V {
   5690 		t.Fatal("false")
   5691 	}
   5692 }`)
   5694 	tg.tempFile("src/a/p-1.0/p.go", `
   5695 package p
   5697 var V = true
   5699 func init() {}
   5700 `)
   5702 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   5703 	tg.run("build", "-o", tg.path("a.exe"), "a")
   5704 	tg.run("test", "a")
   5705 }
   5707 // Issue 23150.
   5708 func TestCpuprofileTwice(t *testing.T) {
   5709 	tg := testgo(t)
   5710 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5711 	tg.parallel()
   5712 	tg.tempFile("prof/src/x/x_test.go", `
   5713 		package x_test
   5714 		import (
   5715 			"testing"
   5716 			"time"
   5717 		)
   5718 		func TestSleep(t *testing.T) { time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond) }`)
   5719 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("prof"))
   5720 	bin := tg.path("x.test")
   5721 	out := tg.path("cpu.out")
   5722 	tg.run("test", "-o="+bin, "-cpuprofile="+out, "x")
   5723 	tg.must(os.Remove(out))
   5724 	tg.run("test", "-o="+bin, "-cpuprofile="+out, "x")
   5725 	tg.mustExist(out)
   5726 }
   5728 // Issue 23694.
   5729 func TestAtomicCoverpkgAll(t *testing.T) {
   5730 	tg := testgo(t)
   5731 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5732 	tg.parallel()
   5734 	tg.tempFile("src/x/x.go", `package x; import _ "sync/atomic"; func F() {}`)
   5735 	tg.tempFile("src/x/x_test.go", `package x; import "testing"; func TestF(t *testing.T) { F() }`)
   5736 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   5737 	tg.run("test", "-coverpkg=all", "-covermode=atomic", "x")
   5738 	if canRace {
   5739 		tg.run("test", "-coverpkg=all", "-race", "x")
   5740 	}
   5741 }
   5743 func TestBadCommandLines(t *testing.T) {
   5744 	tg := testgo(t)
   5745 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5747 	tg.tempFile("src/x/x.go", "package x\n")
   5748 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   5750 	tg.run("build", "x")
   5752 	tg.tempFile("src/x/@y.go", "package x\n")
   5753 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5754 	tg.grepStderr("invalid input file name \"@y.go\"", "did not reject @y.go")
   5755 	tg.must(os.Remove(tg.path("src/x/@y.go")))
   5757 	tg.tempFile("src/x/-y.go", "package x\n")
   5758 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5759 	tg.grepStderr("invalid input file name \"-y.go\"", "did not reject -y.go")
   5760 	tg.must(os.Remove(tg.path("src/x/-y.go")))
   5762 	tg.runFail("build", "-gcflags=all=@x", "x")
   5763 	tg.grepStderr("invalid command-line argument @x in command", "did not reject @x during exec")
   5765 	tg.tempFile("src/@x/x.go", "package x\n")
   5766 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   5767 	tg.runFail("build", "@x")
   5768 	tg.grepStderr("invalid input directory name \"@x\"", "did not reject @x directory")
   5770 	tg.tempFile("src/@x/y/y.go", "package y\n")
   5771 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   5772 	tg.runFail("build", "@x/y")
   5773 	tg.grepStderr("invalid import path \"@x/y\"", "did not reject @x/y import path")
   5775 	tg.tempFile("src/-x/x.go", "package x\n")
   5776 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   5777 	tg.runFail("build", "--", "-x")
   5778 	tg.grepStderr("invalid input directory name \"-x\"", "did not reject -x directory")
   5780 	tg.tempFile("src/-x/y/y.go", "package y\n")
   5781 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   5782 	tg.runFail("build", "--", "-x/y")
   5783 	tg.grepStderr("invalid import path \"-x/y\"", "did not reject -x/y import path")
   5784 }
   5786 func TestBadCgoDirectives(t *testing.T) {
   5787 	if !canCgo {
   5788 		t.Skip("no cgo")
   5789 	}
   5790 	tg := testgo(t)
   5791 	defer tg.cleanup()
   5793 	tg.tempFile("src/x/x.go", "package x\n")
   5794 	tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("."))
   5796 	tg.tempFile("src/x/x.go", `package x
   5798 		//go:cgo_ldflag "-fplugin=foo.so"
   5800 		import "C"
   5801 	`)
   5802 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5803 	tg.grepStderr("//go:cgo_ldflag .* only allowed in cgo-generated code", "did not reject //go:cgo_ldflag directive")
   5805 	tg.must(os.Remove(tg.path("src/x/x.go")))
   5806 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5807 	tg.grepStderr("no Go files", "did not report missing source code")
   5808 	tg.tempFile("src/x/_cgo_yy.go", `package x
   5810 		//go:cgo_ldflag "-fplugin=foo.so"
   5812 		import "C"
   5813 	`)
   5814 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5815 	tg.grepStderr("no Go files", "did not report missing source code") // _* files are ignored...
   5817 	tg.runFail("build", tg.path("src/x/_cgo_yy.go")) // ... but if forced, the comment is rejected
   5818 	// Actually, today there is a separate issue that _ files named
   5819 	// on the command-line are ignored. Once that is fixed,
   5820 	// we want to see the cgo_ldflag error.
   5821 	tg.grepStderr("//go:cgo_ldflag only allowed in cgo-generated code|no Go files", "did not reject //go:cgo_ldflag directive")
   5822 	tg.must(os.Remove(tg.path("src/x/_cgo_yy.go")))
   5824 	tg.tempFile("src/x/x.go", "package x\n")
   5825 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y.go", `package x
   5826 		// #cgo CFLAGS: -fplugin=foo.so
   5827 		import "C"
   5828 	`)
   5829 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5830 	tg.grepStderr("invalid flag in #cgo CFLAGS: -fplugin=foo.so", "did not reject -fplugin")
   5832 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y.go", `package x
   5833 		// #cgo CFLAGS: -Ibar -fplugin=foo.so
   5834 		import "C"
   5835 	`)
   5836 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5837 	tg.grepStderr("invalid flag in #cgo CFLAGS: -fplugin=foo.so", "did not reject -fplugin")
   5839 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y.go", `package x
   5840 		// #cgo pkg-config: -foo
   5841 		import "C"
   5842 	`)
   5843 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5844 	tg.grepStderr("invalid pkg-config package name: -foo", "did not reject pkg-config: -foo")
   5846 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y.go", `package x
   5847 		// #cgo pkg-config: @foo
   5848 		import "C"
   5849 	`)
   5850 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5851 	tg.grepStderr("invalid pkg-config package name: @foo", "did not reject pkg-config: -foo")
   5853 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y.go", `package x
   5854 		// #cgo CFLAGS: @foo
   5855 		import "C"
   5856 	`)
   5857 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5858 	tg.grepStderr("invalid flag in #cgo CFLAGS: @foo", "did not reject @foo flag")
   5860 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y.go", `package x
   5861 		// #cgo CFLAGS: -D
   5862 		import "C"
   5863 	`)
   5864 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5865 	tg.grepStderr("invalid flag in #cgo CFLAGS: -D without argument", "did not reject trailing -I flag")
   5867 	// Note that -I @foo is allowed because we rewrite it into -I /path/to/src/@foo
   5868 	// before the check is applied. There's no such rewrite for -D.
   5870 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y.go", `package x
   5871 		// #cgo CFLAGS: -D @foo
   5872 		import "C"
   5873 	`)
   5874 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5875 	tg.grepStderr("invalid flag in #cgo CFLAGS: -D @foo", "did not reject -D @foo flag")
   5877 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y.go", `package x
   5878 		// #cgo CFLAGS: -D@foo
   5879 		import "C"
   5880 	`)
   5881 	tg.runFail("build", "x")
   5882 	tg.grepStderr("invalid flag in #cgo CFLAGS: -D@foo", "did not reject -D@foo flag")
   5884 	tg.setenv("CGO_CFLAGS", "-D@foo")
   5885 	tg.tempFile("src/x/y.go", `package x
   5886 		import "C"
   5887 	`)
   5888 	tg.run("build", "-n", "x")
   5889 	tg.grepStderr("-D@foo", "did not find -D@foo in commands")
   5890 }