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      1 // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // This file implements a typechecker test harness. The packages specified
      6 // in tests are typechecked. Error messages reported by the typechecker are
      7 // compared against the error messages expected in the test files.
      8 //
      9 // Expected errors are indicated in the test files by putting a comment
     10 // of the form /* ERROR "rx" */ immediately following an offending token.
     11 // The harness will verify that an error matching the regular expression
     12 // rx is reported at that source position. Consecutive comments may be
     13 // used to indicate multiple errors for the same token position.
     14 //
     15 // For instance, the following test file indicates that a "not declared"
     16 // error should be reported for the undeclared variable x:
     17 //
     18 //	package p
     19 //	func f() {
     20 //		_ = x /* ERROR "not declared" */ + 1
     21 //	}
     23 // TODO(gri) Also collect strict mode errors of the form /* STRICT ... */
     24 //           and test against strict mode.
     26 package types_test
     28 import (
     29 	"flag"
     30 	"go/ast"
     31 	"go/importer"
     32 	"go/parser"
     33 	"go/scanner"
     34 	"go/token"
     35 	"internal/testenv"
     36 	"io/ioutil"
     37 	"regexp"
     38 	"strings"
     39 	"testing"
     41 	. "go/types"
     42 )
     44 var (
     45 	listErrors = flag.Bool("errlist", false, "list errors")
     46 	testFiles  = flag.String("files", "", "space-separated list of test files")
     47 )
     49 // The test filenames do not end in .go so that they are invisible
     50 // to gofmt since they contain comments that must not change their
     51 // positions relative to surrounding tokens.
     53 // Each tests entry is list of files belonging to the same package.
     54 var tests = [][]string{
     55 	{"testdata/errors.src"},
     56 	{"testdata/importdecl0a.src", "testdata/importdecl0b.src"},
     57 	{"testdata/importdecl1a.src", "testdata/importdecl1b.src"},
     58 	{"testdata/importC.src"}, // special handling in checkFiles
     59 	{"testdata/cycles.src"},
     60 	{"testdata/cycles1.src"},
     61 	{"testdata/cycles2.src"},
     62 	{"testdata/cycles3.src"},
     63 	{"testdata/cycles4.src"},
     64 	{"testdata/init0.src"},
     65 	{"testdata/init1.src"},
     66 	{"testdata/init2.src"},
     67 	{"testdata/decls0.src"},
     68 	{"testdata/decls1.src"},
     69 	{"testdata/decls2a.src", "testdata/decls2b.src"},
     70 	{"testdata/decls3.src"},
     71 	{"testdata/decls4.src"},
     72 	{"testdata/decls5.src"},
     73 	{"testdata/const0.src"},
     74 	{"testdata/const1.src"},
     75 	{"testdata/constdecl.src"},
     76 	{"testdata/vardecl.src"},
     77 	{"testdata/expr0.src"},
     78 	{"testdata/expr1.src"},
     79 	{"testdata/expr2.src"},
     80 	{"testdata/expr3.src"},
     81 	{"testdata/methodsets.src"},
     82 	{"testdata/shifts.src"},
     83 	{"testdata/builtins.src"},
     84 	{"testdata/conversions.src"},
     85 	{"testdata/conversions2.src"},
     86 	{"testdata/stmt0.src"},
     87 	{"testdata/stmt1.src"},
     88 	{"testdata/gotos.src"},
     89 	{"testdata/labels.src"},
     90 	{"testdata/issues.src"},
     91 	{"testdata/blank.src"},
     92 }
     94 var fset = token.NewFileSet()
     96 // Positioned errors are of the form filename:line:column: message .
     97 var posMsgRx = regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*:[0-9]+:[0-9]+): *(.*)`)
     99 // splitError splits an error's error message into a position string
    100 // and the actual error message. If there's no position information,
    101 // pos is the empty string, and msg is the entire error message.
    102 //
    103 func splitError(err error) (pos, msg string) {
    104 	msg = err.Error()
    105 	if m := posMsgRx.FindStringSubmatch(msg); len(m) == 3 {
    106 		pos = m[1]
    107 		msg = m[2]
    108 	}
    109 	return
    110 }
    112 func parseFiles(t *testing.T, filenames []string) ([]*ast.File, []error) {
    113 	var files []*ast.File
    114 	var errlist []error
    115 	for _, filename := range filenames {
    116 		file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, nil, parser.AllErrors)
    117 		if file == nil {
    118 			t.Fatalf("%s: %s", filename, err)
    119 		}
    120 		files = append(files, file)
    121 		if err != nil {
    122 			if list, _ := err.(scanner.ErrorList); len(list) > 0 {
    123 				for _, err := range list {
    124 					errlist = append(errlist, err)
    125 				}
    126 			} else {
    127 				errlist = append(errlist, err)
    128 			}
    129 		}
    130 	}
    131 	return files, errlist
    132 }
    134 // ERROR comments must start with text `ERROR "rx"` or `ERROR rx` where
    135 // rx is a regular expression that matches the expected error message.
    136 // Space around "rx" or rx is ignored. Use the form `ERROR HERE "rx"`
    137 // for error messages that are located immediately after rather than
    138 // at a token's position.
    139 //
    140 var errRx = regexp.MustCompile(`^ *ERROR *(HERE)? *"?([^"]*)"?`)
    142 // errMap collects the regular expressions of ERROR comments found
    143 // in files and returns them as a map of error positions to error messages.
    144 //
    145 func errMap(t *testing.T, testname string, files []*ast.File) map[string][]string {
    146 	// map of position strings to lists of error message patterns
    147 	errmap := make(map[string][]string)
    149 	for _, file := range files {
    150 		filename := fset.Position(file.Package).Filename
    151 		src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
    152 		if err != nil {
    153 			t.Fatalf("%s: could not read %s", testname, filename)
    154 		}
    156 		var s scanner.Scanner
    157 		s.Init(fset.AddFile(filename, -1, len(src)), src, nil, scanner.ScanComments)
    158 		var prev token.Pos // position of last non-comment, non-semicolon token
    159 		var here token.Pos // position immediately after the token at position prev
    161 	scanFile:
    162 		for {
    163 			pos, tok, lit := s.Scan()
    164 			switch tok {
    165 			case token.EOF:
    166 				break scanFile
    167 			case token.COMMENT:
    168 				if lit[1] == '*' {
    169 					lit = lit[:len(lit)-2] // strip trailing */
    170 				}
    171 				if s := errRx.FindStringSubmatch(lit[2:]); len(s) == 3 {
    172 					pos := prev
    173 					if s[1] == "HERE" {
    174 						pos = here
    175 					}
    176 					p := fset.Position(pos).String()
    177 					errmap[p] = append(errmap[p], strings.TrimSpace(s[2]))
    178 				}
    179 			case token.SEMICOLON:
    180 				// ignore automatically inserted semicolon
    181 				if lit == "\n" {
    182 					continue scanFile
    183 				}
    184 				fallthrough
    185 			default:
    186 				prev = pos
    187 				var l int // token length
    188 				if tok.IsLiteral() {
    189 					l = len(lit)
    190 				} else {
    191 					l = len(tok.String())
    192 				}
    193 				here = prev + token.Pos(l)
    194 			}
    195 		}
    196 	}
    198 	return errmap
    199 }
    201 func eliminate(t *testing.T, errmap map[string][]string, errlist []error) {
    202 	for _, err := range errlist {
    203 		pos, gotMsg := splitError(err)
    204 		list := errmap[pos]
    205 		index := -1 // list index of matching message, if any
    206 		// we expect one of the messages in list to match the error at pos
    207 		for i, wantRx := range list {
    208 			rx, err := regexp.Compile(wantRx)
    209 			if err != nil {
    210 				t.Errorf("%s: %v", pos, err)
    211 				continue
    212 			}
    213 			if rx.MatchString(gotMsg) {
    214 				index = i
    215 				break
    216 			}
    217 		}
    218 		if index >= 0 {
    219 			// eliminate from list
    220 			if n := len(list) - 1; n > 0 {
    221 				// not the last entry - swap in last element and shorten list by 1
    222 				list[index] = list[n]
    223 				errmap[pos] = list[:n]
    224 			} else {
    225 				// last entry - remove list from map
    226 				delete(errmap, pos)
    227 			}
    228 		} else {
    229 			t.Errorf("%s: no error expected: %q", pos, gotMsg)
    230 		}
    231 	}
    232 }
    234 func checkFiles(t *testing.T, testfiles []string) {
    235 	// parse files and collect parser errors
    236 	files, errlist := parseFiles(t, testfiles)
    238 	pkgName := "<no package>"
    239 	if len(files) > 0 {
    240 		pkgName = files[0].Name.Name
    241 	}
    243 	if *listErrors && len(errlist) > 0 {
    244 		t.Errorf("--- %s:", pkgName)
    245 		for _, err := range errlist {
    246 			t.Error(err)
    247 		}
    248 	}
    250 	// typecheck and collect typechecker errors
    251 	var conf Config
    252 	// special case for importC.src
    253 	if len(testfiles) == 1 && testfiles[0] == "testdata/importC.src" {
    254 		conf.FakeImportC = true
    255 	}
    256 	conf.Importer = importer.Default()
    257 	conf.Error = func(err error) {
    258 		if *listErrors {
    259 			t.Error(err)
    260 			return
    261 		}
    262 		// Ignore secondary error messages starting with "\t";
    263 		// they are clarifying messages for a primary error.
    264 		if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), ": \t") {
    265 			errlist = append(errlist, err)
    266 		}
    267 	}
    268 	conf.Check(pkgName, fset, files, nil)
    270 	if *listErrors {
    271 		return
    272 	}
    274 	// match and eliminate errors;
    275 	// we are expecting the following errors
    276 	errmap := errMap(t, pkgName, files)
    277 	eliminate(t, errmap, errlist)
    279 	// there should be no expected errors left
    280 	if len(errmap) > 0 {
    281 		t.Errorf("--- %s: %d source positions with expected (but not reported) errors:", pkgName, len(errmap))
    282 		for pos, list := range errmap {
    283 			for _, rx := range list {
    284 				t.Errorf("%s: %q", pos, rx)
    285 			}
    286 		}
    287 	}
    288 }
    290 func TestCheck(t *testing.T) {
    291 	testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t)
    293 	// Declare builtins for testing.
    294 	DefPredeclaredTestFuncs()
    296 	// If explicit test files are specified, only check those.
    297 	if files := *testFiles; files != "" {
    298 		checkFiles(t, strings.Split(files, " "))
    299 		return
    300 	}
    302 	// Otherwise, run all the tests.
    303 	for _, files := range tests {
    304 		checkFiles(t, files)
    305 	}
    306 }