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      1 // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // Code to check that pointer writes follow the cgo rules.
      6 // These functions are invoked via the write barrier when debug.cgocheck > 1.
      8 package runtime
     10 import (
     11 	"runtime/internal/sys"
     12 	"unsafe"
     13 )
     15 const cgoWriteBarrierFail = "Go pointer stored into non-Go memory"
     17 // cgoCheckWriteBarrier is called whenever a pointer is stored into memory.
     18 // It throws if the program is storing a Go pointer into non-Go memory.
     19 //
     20 // This is called from the write barrier, so its entire call tree must
     21 // be nosplit.
     22 //
     23 //go:nosplit
     24 //go:nowritebarrier
     25 func cgoCheckWriteBarrier(dst *uintptr, src uintptr) {
     26 	if !cgoIsGoPointer(unsafe.Pointer(src)) {
     27 		return
     28 	}
     29 	if cgoIsGoPointer(unsafe.Pointer(dst)) {
     30 		return
     31 	}
     33 	// If we are running on the system stack then dst might be an
     34 	// address on the stack, which is OK.
     35 	g := getg()
     36 	if g == g.m.g0 || g == g.m.gsignal {
     37 		return
     38 	}
     40 	// Allocating memory can write to various mfixalloc structs
     41 	// that look like they are non-Go memory.
     42 	if g.m.mallocing != 0 {
     43 		return
     44 	}
     46 	systemstack(func() {
     47 		println("write of Go pointer", hex(src), "to non-Go memory", hex(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dst))))
     48 		throw(cgoWriteBarrierFail)
     49 	})
     50 }
     52 // cgoCheckMemmove is called when moving a block of memory.
     53 // dst and src point off bytes into the value to copy.
     54 // size is the number of bytes to copy.
     55 // It throws if the program is copying a block that contains a Go pointer
     56 // into non-Go memory.
     57 //go:nosplit
     58 //go:nowritebarrier
     59 func cgoCheckMemmove(typ *_type, dst, src unsafe.Pointer, off, size uintptr) {
     60 	if typ.kind&kindNoPointers != 0 {
     61 		return
     62 	}
     63 	if !cgoIsGoPointer(src) {
     64 		return
     65 	}
     66 	if cgoIsGoPointer(dst) {
     67 		return
     68 	}
     69 	cgoCheckTypedBlock(typ, src, off, size)
     70 }
     72 // cgoCheckSliceCopy is called when copying n elements of a slice from
     73 // src to dst.  typ is the element type of the slice.
     74 // It throws if the program is copying slice elements that contain Go pointers
     75 // into non-Go memory.
     76 //go:nosplit
     77 //go:nowritebarrier
     78 func cgoCheckSliceCopy(typ *_type, dst, src slice, n int) {
     79 	if typ.kind&kindNoPointers != 0 {
     80 		return
     81 	}
     82 	if !cgoIsGoPointer(src.array) {
     83 		return
     84 	}
     85 	if cgoIsGoPointer(dst.array) {
     86 		return
     87 	}
     88 	p := src.array
     89 	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
     90 		cgoCheckTypedBlock(typ, p, 0, typ.size)
     91 		p = add(p, typ.size)
     92 	}
     93 }
     95 // cgoCheckTypedBlock checks the block of memory at src, for up to size bytes,
     96 // and throws if it finds a Go pointer. The type of the memory is typ,
     97 // and src is off bytes into that type.
     98 //go:nosplit
     99 //go:nowritebarrier
    100 func cgoCheckTypedBlock(typ *_type, src unsafe.Pointer, off, size uintptr) {
    101 	// Anything past typ.ptrdata is not a pointer.
    102 	if typ.ptrdata <= off {
    103 		return
    104 	}
    105 	if ptrdataSize := typ.ptrdata - off; size > ptrdataSize {
    106 		size = ptrdataSize
    107 	}
    109 	if typ.kind&kindGCProg == 0 {
    110 		cgoCheckBits(src, typ.gcdata, off, size)
    111 		return
    112 	}
    114 	// The type has a GC program. Try to find GC bits somewhere else.
    115 	for _, datap := range activeModules() {
    116 		if cgoInRange(src, datap.data, datap.edata) {
    117 			doff := uintptr(src) - datap.data
    118 			cgoCheckBits(add(src, -doff), datap.gcdatamask.bytedata, off+doff, size)
    119 			return
    120 		}
    121 		if cgoInRange(src, datap.bss, datap.ebss) {
    122 			boff := uintptr(src) - datap.bss
    123 			cgoCheckBits(add(src, -boff), datap.gcbssmask.bytedata, off+boff, size)
    124 			return
    125 		}
    126 	}
    128 	aoff := uintptr(src) - mheap_.arena_start
    129 	idx := aoff >> _PageShift
    130 	s := mheap_.spans[idx]
    131 	if s.state == _MSpanManual {
    132 		// There are no heap bits for value stored on the stack.
    133 		// For a channel receive src might be on the stack of some
    134 		// other goroutine, so we can't unwind the stack even if
    135 		// we wanted to.
    136 		// We can't expand the GC program without extra storage
    137 		// space we can't easily get.
    138 		// Fortunately we have the type information.
    139 		systemstack(func() {
    140 			cgoCheckUsingType(typ, src, off, size)
    141 		})
    142 		return
    143 	}
    145 	// src must be in the regular heap.
    147 	hbits := heapBitsForAddr(uintptr(src))
    148 	for i := uintptr(0); i < off+size; i += sys.PtrSize {
    149 		bits := hbits.bits()
    150 		if i >= off && bits&bitPointer != 0 {
    151 			v := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(add(src, i))
    152 			if cgoIsGoPointer(v) {
    153 				systemstack(func() {
    154 					throw(cgoWriteBarrierFail)
    155 				})
    156 			}
    157 		}
    158 		hbits = hbits.next()
    159 	}
    160 }
    162 // cgoCheckBits checks the block of memory at src, for up to size
    163 // bytes, and throws if it finds a Go pointer. The gcbits mark each
    164 // pointer value. The src pointer is off bytes into the gcbits.
    165 //go:nosplit
    166 //go:nowritebarrier
    167 func cgoCheckBits(src unsafe.Pointer, gcbits *byte, off, size uintptr) {
    168 	skipMask := off / sys.PtrSize / 8
    169 	skipBytes := skipMask * sys.PtrSize * 8
    170 	ptrmask := addb(gcbits, skipMask)
    171 	src = add(src, skipBytes)
    172 	off -= skipBytes
    173 	size += off
    174 	var bits uint32
    175 	for i := uintptr(0); i < size; i += sys.PtrSize {
    176 		if i&(sys.PtrSize*8-1) == 0 {
    177 			bits = uint32(*ptrmask)
    178 			ptrmask = addb(ptrmask, 1)
    179 		} else {
    180 			bits >>= 1
    181 		}
    182 		if off > 0 {
    183 			off -= sys.PtrSize
    184 		} else {
    185 			if bits&1 != 0 {
    186 				v := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(add(src, i))
    187 				if cgoIsGoPointer(v) {
    188 					systemstack(func() {
    189 						throw(cgoWriteBarrierFail)
    190 					})
    191 				}
    192 			}
    193 		}
    194 	}
    195 }
    197 // cgoCheckUsingType is like cgoCheckTypedBlock, but is a last ditch
    198 // fall back to look for pointers in src using the type information.
    199 // We only use this when looking at a value on the stack when the type
    200 // uses a GC program, because otherwise it's more efficient to use the
    201 // GC bits. This is called on the system stack.
    202 //go:nowritebarrier
    203 //go:systemstack
    204 func cgoCheckUsingType(typ *_type, src unsafe.Pointer, off, size uintptr) {
    205 	if typ.kind&kindNoPointers != 0 {
    206 		return
    207 	}
    209 	// Anything past typ.ptrdata is not a pointer.
    210 	if typ.ptrdata <= off {
    211 		return
    212 	}
    213 	if ptrdataSize := typ.ptrdata - off; size > ptrdataSize {
    214 		size = ptrdataSize
    215 	}
    217 	if typ.kind&kindGCProg == 0 {
    218 		cgoCheckBits(src, typ.gcdata, off, size)
    219 		return
    220 	}
    221 	switch typ.kind & kindMask {
    222 	default:
    223 		throw("can't happen")
    224 	case kindArray:
    225 		at := (*arraytype)(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
    226 		for i := uintptr(0); i < at.len; i++ {
    227 			if off < at.elem.size {
    228 				cgoCheckUsingType(at.elem, src, off, size)
    229 			}
    230 			src = add(src, at.elem.size)
    231 			skipped := off
    232 			if skipped > at.elem.size {
    233 				skipped = at.elem.size
    234 			}
    235 			checked := at.elem.size - skipped
    236 			off -= skipped
    237 			if size <= checked {
    238 				return
    239 			}
    240 			size -= checked
    241 		}
    242 	case kindStruct:
    243 		st := (*structtype)(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
    244 		for _, f := range st.fields {
    245 			if off < f.typ.size {
    246 				cgoCheckUsingType(f.typ, src, off, size)
    247 			}
    248 			src = add(src, f.typ.size)
    249 			skipped := off
    250 			if skipped > f.typ.size {
    251 				skipped = f.typ.size
    252 			}
    253 			checked := f.typ.size - skipped
    254 			off -= skipped
    255 			if size <= checked {
    256 				return
    257 			}
    258 			size -= checked
    259 		}
    260 	}
    261 }