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      1 // skip
      3 // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      4 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      5 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      7 // Generate test of index and slice bounds checks.
      8 // The actual tests are index0.go, index1.go, index2.go.
     10 package main
     12 import (
     13 	"bufio"
     14 	"fmt"
     15 	"os"
     16 	"unsafe"
     17 )
     19 const prolog = `
     21 package main
     23 import (
     24 	"runtime"
     25 )
     27 type quad struct { x, y, z, w int }
     29 const (
     30 	cj = 100011
     31 	ci int = 100012
     32 	ci8 int8 = 115
     33 	ci16 int16 = 10016
     34 	ci32 int32 = 100013
     35 	ci64 int64 = 100014
     36 	ci64big int64 = 1<<31
     37 	ci64bigger int64 = 1<<32
     38 	chuge = 1<<100
     39 	cfgood = 2.0
     40 	cfbad = 2.1
     42 	cnj = -2
     43 	cni int = -3
     44 	cni8 int8 = -6
     45 	cni16 int16 = -7
     46 	cni32 int32 = -4
     47 	cni64 int64 = -5
     48 	cni64big int64 = -1<<31
     49 	cni64bigger int64 = -1<<32
     50 	cnhuge = -1<<100
     51 	cnfgood = -2.0
     52 	cnfbad = -2.1
     53 )
     55 var j int = 100020
     56 var i int = 100021
     57 var i8 int8 = 126
     58 var i16 int16 = 10025
     59 var i32 int32 = 100022
     60 var i64 int64 = 100023
     61 var i64big int64 = 1<<31
     62 var i64bigger int64 = 1<<32
     63 var huge uint64 = 1<<64 - 1
     64 var fgood float64 = 2.0
     65 var fbad float64 = 2.1
     67 var nj int = -10
     68 var ni int = -11
     69 var ni8 int8 = -14
     70 var ni16 int16 = -15
     71 var ni32 int32 = -12
     72 var ni64 int64 = -13
     73 var ni64big int64 = -1<<31
     74 var ni64bigger int64 = -1<<32
     75 var nhuge int64 = -1<<63
     76 var nfgood float64 = -2.0
     77 var nfbad float64 = -2.1
     79 var si []int = make([]int, 10)
     80 var ai [10]int
     81 var pai *[10]int = &ai
     83 var sq []quad = make([]quad, 10)
     84 var aq [10]quad
     85 var paq *[10]quad = &aq
     87 var sib []int = make([]int, 100000)
     88 var aib [100000]int
     89 var paib *[100000]int = &aib
     91 var sqb []quad = make([]quad, 100000)
     92 var aqb [100000]quad
     93 var paqb *[100000]quad = &aqb
     95 type T struct {
     96 	si []int
     97 	ai [10]int
     98 	pai *[10]int
     99 	sq []quad
    100 	aq [10]quad
    101 	paq *[10]quad
    103 	sib []int
    104 	aib [100000]int
    105 	paib *[100000]int
    106 	sqb []quad
    107 	aqb [100000]quad
    108 	paqb *[100000]quad
    109 }
    111 var t = T{si, ai, pai, sq, aq, paq, sib, aib, paib, sqb, aqb, paqb}
    113 var pt = &T{si, ai, pai, sq, aq, paq, sib, aib, paib, sqb, aqb, paqb}
    115 // test that f panics
    116 func test(f func(), s string) {
    117 	defer func() {
    118 		if err := recover(); err == nil {
    119 			_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(2)
    120 			bug()
    121 			print(file, ":", line, ": ", s, " did not panic\n")
    122 		} else if !contains(err.(error).Error(), "out of range") {
    123 			_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(2)
    124 			bug()
    125 			print(file, ":", line, ": ", s, " unexpected panic: ", err.(error).Error(), "\n")
    126 		}
    127 	}()
    128 	f()
    129 }
    131 func contains(x, y string) bool {
    132 	for i := 0; i+len(y) <= len(x); i++ {
    133 		if x[i:i+len(y)] == y {
    134 			return true
    135 		}
    136 	}
    137 	return false
    138 }
    141 var X interface{}
    142 func use(y interface{}) {
    143 	X = y
    144 }
    146 var didBug = false
    148 func bug() {
    149 	if !didBug {
    150 		didBug = true
    151 		println("BUG")
    152 	}
    153 }
    155 func main() {
    156 `
    158 // pass variable set in index[012].go
    159 //	0 - dynamic checks
    160 //	1 - static checks of invalid constants (cannot assign to types)
    161 //	2 - static checks of array bounds
    163 func testExpr(b *bufio.Writer, expr string) {
    164 	if pass == 0 {
    165 		fmt.Fprintf(b, "\ttest(func(){use(%s)}, %q)\n", expr, expr)
    166 	} else {
    167 		fmt.Fprintf(b, "\tuse(%s)  // ERROR \"index|overflow|truncated|must be integer\"\n", expr)
    168 	}
    169 }
    171 func main() {
    172 	b := bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
    174 	if pass == 0 {
    175 		fmt.Fprint(b, "// run\n\n")
    176 	} else {
    177 		fmt.Fprint(b, "// errorcheck\n\n")
    178 	}
    179 	fmt.Fprint(b, prolog)
    181 	var choices = [][]string{
    182 		// Direct value, fetch from struct, fetch from struct pointer.
    183 		// The last two cases get us to oindex_const_sudo in gsubr.c.
    184 		[]string{"", "t.", "pt."},
    186 		// Array, pointer to array, slice.
    187 		[]string{"a", "pa", "s"},
    189 		// Element is int, element is quad (struct).
    190 		// This controls whether we end up in gsubr.c (i) or cgen.c (q).
    191 		[]string{"i", "q"},
    193 		// Small or big len.
    194 		[]string{"", "b"},
    196 		// Variable or constant.
    197 		[]string{"", "c"},
    199 		// Positive or negative.
    200 		[]string{"", "n"},
    202 		// Size of index.
    203 		[]string{"j", "i", "i8", "i16", "i32", "i64", "i64big", "i64bigger", "huge", "fgood", "fbad"},
    204 	}
    206 	forall(choices, func(x []string) {
    207 		p, a, e, big, c, n, i := x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5], x[6]
    209 		// Pass: dynamic=0, static=1, 2.
    210 		// Which cases should be caught statically?
    211 		// Only constants, obviously.
    212 		// Beyond that, must be one of these:
    213 		//	indexing into array or pointer to array
    214 		//	negative constant
    215 		//	large constant
    216 		thisPass := 0
    217 		if c == "c" && (a == "a" || a == "pa" || n == "n" || i == "i64big" || i == "i64bigger" || i == "huge" || i == "fbad") {
    218 			if i == "huge" {
    219 				// Due to a detail of gc's internals,
    220 				// the huge constant errors happen in an
    221 				// earlier pass than the others and inhibits
    222 				// the next pass from running.
    223 				// So run it as a separate check.
    224 				thisPass = 1
    225 			} else if a == "s" && n == "" && (i == "i64big" || i == "i64bigger") && unsafe.Sizeof(int(0)) > 4 {
    226 				// If int is 64 bits, these huge
    227 				// numbers do fit in an int, so they
    228 				// are not rejected at compile time.
    229 				thisPass = 0
    230 			} else {
    231 				thisPass = 2
    232 			}
    233 		}
    235 		pae := p + a + e + big
    236 		cni := c + n + i
    238 		// If we're using the big-len data, positive int8 and int16 cannot overflow.
    239 		if big == "b" && n == "" && (i == "i8" || i == "i16") {
    240 			if pass == 0 {
    241 				fmt.Fprintf(b, "\tuse(%s[%s])\n", pae, cni)
    242 				fmt.Fprintf(b, "\tuse(%s[0:%s])\n", pae, cni)
    243 				fmt.Fprintf(b, "\tuse(%s[1:%s])\n", pae, cni)
    244 				fmt.Fprintf(b, "\tuse(%s[%s:])\n", pae, cni)
    245 				fmt.Fprintf(b, "\tuse(%s[%s:%s])\n", pae, cni, cni)
    246 			}
    247 			return
    248 		}
    250 		// Float variables cannot be used as indices.
    251 		if c == "" && (i == "fgood" || i == "fbad") {
    252 			return
    253 		}
    254 		// Integral float constat is ok.
    255 		if c == "c" && n == "" && i == "fgood" {
    256 			if pass == 0 {
    257 				fmt.Fprintf(b, "\tuse(%s[%s])\n", pae, cni)
    258 				fmt.Fprintf(b, "\tuse(%s[0:%s])\n", pae, cni)
    259 				fmt.Fprintf(b, "\tuse(%s[1:%s])\n", pae, cni)
    260 				fmt.Fprintf(b, "\tuse(%s[%s:])\n", pae, cni)
    261 				fmt.Fprintf(b, "\tuse(%s[%s:%s])\n", pae, cni, cni)
    262 			}
    263 			return
    264 		}
    266 		// Only print the test case if it is appropriate for this pass.
    267 		if thisPass == pass {
    268 			// Index operation
    269 			testExpr(b, pae+"["+cni+"]")
    271 			// Slice operation.
    272 			// Low index 0 is a special case in ggen.c
    273 			// so test both 0 and 1.
    274 			testExpr(b, pae+"[0:"+cni+"]")
    275 			testExpr(b, pae+"[1:"+cni+"]")
    276 			testExpr(b, pae+"["+cni+":]")
    277 			testExpr(b, pae+"["+cni+":"+cni+"]")
    278 		}
    279 	})
    281 	fmt.Fprintln(b, "}")
    282 	b.Flush()
    283 }
    285 func forall(choices [][]string, f func([]string)) {
    286 	x := make([]string, len(choices))
    288 	var recurse func(d int)
    289 	recurse = func(d int) {
    290 		if d >= len(choices) {
    291 			f(x)
    292 			return
    293 		}
    294 		for _, x[d] = range choices[d] {
    295 			recurse(d + 1)
    296 		}
    297 	}
    298 	recurse(0)
    299 }