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      1 // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package gc
      7 import (
      8 	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa"
      9 	"cmd/compile/internal/types"
     10 	"cmd/internal/dwarf"
     11 	"cmd/internal/obj"
     12 	"cmd/internal/objabi"
     13 	"cmd/internal/src"
     14 	"cmd/internal/sys"
     15 	"fmt"
     16 	"math"
     17 	"math/rand"
     18 	"sort"
     19 	"strings"
     20 	"sync"
     21 	"time"
     22 )
     24 // "Portable" code generation.
     26 var (
     27 	nBackendWorkers int     // number of concurrent backend workers, set by a compiler flag
     28 	compilequeue    []*Node // functions waiting to be compiled
     29 )
     31 func emitptrargsmap() {
     32 	if Curfn.funcname() == "_" {
     33 		return
     34 	}
     35 	sym := lookup(fmt.Sprintf("%s.args_stackmap", Curfn.funcname()))
     36 	lsym := sym.Linksym()
     38 	nptr := int(Curfn.Type.ArgWidth() / int64(Widthptr))
     39 	bv := bvalloc(int32(nptr) * 2)
     40 	nbitmap := 1
     41 	if Curfn.Type.NumResults() > 0 {
     42 		nbitmap = 2
     43 	}
     44 	off := duint32(lsym, 0, uint32(nbitmap))
     45 	off = duint32(lsym, off, uint32(bv.n))
     47 	if Curfn.IsMethod() {
     48 		onebitwalktype1(Curfn.Type.Recvs(), 0, bv)
     49 	}
     50 	if Curfn.Type.NumParams() > 0 {
     51 		onebitwalktype1(Curfn.Type.Params(), 0, bv)
     52 	}
     53 	off = dbvec(lsym, off, bv)
     55 	if Curfn.Type.NumResults() > 0 {
     56 		onebitwalktype1(Curfn.Type.Results(), 0, bv)
     57 		off = dbvec(lsym, off, bv)
     58 	}
     60 	ggloblsym(lsym, int32(off), obj.RODATA|obj.LOCAL)
     61 }
     63 // cmpstackvarlt reports whether the stack variable a sorts before b.
     64 //
     65 // Sort the list of stack variables. Autos after anything else,
     66 // within autos, unused after used, within used, things with
     67 // pointers first, zeroed things first, and then decreasing size.
     68 // Because autos are laid out in decreasing addresses
     69 // on the stack, pointers first, zeroed things first and decreasing size
     70 // really means, in memory, things with pointers needing zeroing at
     71 // the top of the stack and increasing in size.
     72 // Non-autos sort on offset.
     73 func cmpstackvarlt(a, b *Node) bool {
     74 	if (a.Class() == PAUTO) != (b.Class() == PAUTO) {
     75 		return b.Class() == PAUTO
     76 	}
     78 	if a.Class() != PAUTO {
     79 		return a.Xoffset < b.Xoffset
     80 	}
     82 	if a.Name.Used() != b.Name.Used() {
     83 		return a.Name.Used()
     84 	}
     86 	ap := types.Haspointers(a.Type)
     87 	bp := types.Haspointers(b.Type)
     88 	if ap != bp {
     89 		return ap
     90 	}
     92 	ap = a.Name.Needzero()
     93 	bp = b.Name.Needzero()
     94 	if ap != bp {
     95 		return ap
     96 	}
     98 	if a.Type.Width != b.Type.Width {
     99 		return a.Type.Width > b.Type.Width
    100 	}
    102 	return a.Sym.Name < b.Sym.Name
    103 }
    105 // byStackvar implements sort.Interface for []*Node using cmpstackvarlt.
    106 type byStackVar []*Node
    108 func (s byStackVar) Len() int           { return len(s) }
    109 func (s byStackVar) Less(i, j int) bool { return cmpstackvarlt(s[i], s[j]) }
    110 func (s byStackVar) Swap(i, j int)      { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
    112 func (s *ssafn) AllocFrame(f *ssa.Func) {
    113 	s.stksize = 0
    114 	s.stkptrsize = 0
    115 	fn := s.curfn.Func
    117 	// Mark the PAUTO's unused.
    118 	for _, ln := range fn.Dcl {
    119 		if ln.Class() == PAUTO {
    120 			ln.Name.SetUsed(false)
    121 		}
    122 	}
    124 	for _, l := range f.RegAlloc {
    125 		if ls, ok := l.(ssa.LocalSlot); ok {
    126 			ls.N.(*Node).Name.SetUsed(true)
    127 		}
    128 	}
    130 	scratchUsed := false
    131 	for _, b := range f.Blocks {
    132 		for _, v := range b.Values {
    133 			if n, ok := v.Aux.(*Node); ok {
    134 				switch n.Class() {
    135 				case PPARAM, PPARAMOUT:
    136 					// Don't modify nodfp; it is a global.
    137 					if n != nodfp {
    138 						n.Name.SetUsed(true)
    139 					}
    140 				case PAUTO:
    141 					n.Name.SetUsed(true)
    142 				}
    143 			}
    144 			if !scratchUsed {
    145 				scratchUsed = v.Op.UsesScratch()
    146 			}
    148 		}
    149 	}
    151 	if f.Config.NeedsFpScratch && scratchUsed {
    152 		s.scratchFpMem = tempAt(src.NoXPos, s.curfn, types.Types[TUINT64])
    153 	}
    155 	sort.Sort(byStackVar(fn.Dcl))
    157 	// Reassign stack offsets of the locals that are used.
    158 	for i, n := range fn.Dcl {
    159 		if n.Op != ONAME || n.Class() != PAUTO {
    160 			continue
    161 		}
    162 		if !n.Name.Used() {
    163 			fn.Dcl = fn.Dcl[:i]
    164 			break
    165 		}
    167 		dowidth(n.Type)
    168 		w := n.Type.Width
    169 		if w >= thearch.MAXWIDTH || w < 0 {
    170 			Fatalf("bad width")
    171 		}
    172 		s.stksize += w
    173 		s.stksize = Rnd(s.stksize, int64(n.Type.Align))
    174 		if types.Haspointers(n.Type) {
    175 			s.stkptrsize = s.stksize
    176 		}
    177 		if thearch.LinkArch.InFamily(sys.MIPS, sys.MIPS64, sys.ARM, sys.ARM64, sys.PPC64, sys.S390X) {
    178 			s.stksize = Rnd(s.stksize, int64(Widthptr))
    179 		}
    180 		n.Xoffset = -s.stksize
    181 	}
    183 	s.stksize = Rnd(s.stksize, int64(Widthreg))
    184 	s.stkptrsize = Rnd(s.stkptrsize, int64(Widthreg))
    185 }
    187 func compile(fn *Node) {
    188 	Curfn = fn
    189 	dowidth(fn.Type)
    191 	if fn.Nbody.Len() == 0 {
    192 		emitptrargsmap()
    193 		return
    194 	}
    196 	saveerrors()
    198 	order(fn)
    199 	if nerrors != 0 {
    200 		return
    201 	}
    203 	walk(fn)
    204 	if nerrors != 0 {
    205 		return
    206 	}
    207 	if instrumenting {
    208 		instrument(fn)
    209 	}
    211 	// From this point, there should be no uses of Curfn. Enforce that.
    212 	Curfn = nil
    214 	// Set up the function's LSym early to avoid data races with the assemblers.
    215 	fn.Func.initLSym()
    217 	if compilenow() {
    218 		compileSSA(fn, 0)
    219 	} else {
    220 		compilequeue = append(compilequeue, fn)
    221 	}
    222 }
    224 // compilenow reports whether to compile immediately.
    225 // If functions are not compiled immediately,
    226 // they are enqueued in compilequeue,
    227 // which is drained by compileFunctions.
    228 func compilenow() bool {
    229 	return nBackendWorkers == 1 && Debug_compilelater == 0
    230 }
    232 const maxStackSize = 1 << 30
    234 // compileSSA builds an SSA backend function,
    235 // uses it to generate a plist,
    236 // and flushes that plist to machine code.
    237 // worker indicates which of the backend workers is doing the processing.
    238 func compileSSA(fn *Node, worker int) {
    239 	f := buildssa(fn, worker)
    240 	if f.Frontend().(*ssafn).stksize >= maxStackSize {
    241 		largeStackFramesMu.Lock()
    242 		largeStackFrames = append(largeStackFrames, fn.Pos)
    243 		largeStackFramesMu.Unlock()
    244 		return
    245 	}
    246 	pp := newProgs(fn, worker)
    247 	genssa(f, pp)
    248 	pp.Flush()
    249 	// fieldtrack must be called after pp.Flush. See issue 20014.
    250 	fieldtrack(pp.Text.From.Sym, fn.Func.FieldTrack)
    251 	pp.Free()
    252 }
    254 func init() {
    255 	if raceEnabled {
    256 		rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())
    257 	}
    258 }
    260 // compileFunctions compiles all functions in compilequeue.
    261 // It fans out nBackendWorkers to do the work
    262 // and waits for them to complete.
    263 func compileFunctions() {
    264 	if len(compilequeue) != 0 {
    265 		sizeCalculationDisabled = true // not safe to calculate sizes concurrently
    266 		if raceEnabled {
    267 			// Randomize compilation order to try to shake out races.
    268 			tmp := make([]*Node, len(compilequeue))
    269 			perm := rand.Perm(len(compilequeue))
    270 			for i, v := range perm {
    271 				tmp[v] = compilequeue[i]
    272 			}
    273 			copy(compilequeue, tmp)
    274 		} else {
    275 			// Compile the longest functions first,
    276 			// since they're most likely to be the slowest.
    277 			// This helps avoid stragglers.
    278 			obj.SortSlice(compilequeue, func(i, j int) bool {
    279 				return compilequeue[i].Nbody.Len() > compilequeue[j].Nbody.Len()
    280 			})
    281 		}
    282 		var wg sync.WaitGroup
    283 		Ctxt.InParallel = true
    284 		c := make(chan *Node, nBackendWorkers)
    285 		for i := 0; i < nBackendWorkers; i++ {
    286 			wg.Add(1)
    287 			go func(worker int) {
    288 				for fn := range c {
    289 					compileSSA(fn, worker)
    290 				}
    291 				wg.Done()
    292 			}(i)
    293 		}
    294 		for _, fn := range compilequeue {
    295 			c <- fn
    296 		}
    297 		close(c)
    298 		compilequeue = nil
    299 		wg.Wait()
    300 		Ctxt.InParallel = false
    301 		sizeCalculationDisabled = false
    302 	}
    303 }
    305 func debuginfo(fnsym *obj.LSym, curfn interface{}) ([]dwarf.Scope, dwarf.InlCalls) {
    306 	fn := curfn.(*Node)
    307 	debugInfo := fn.Func.DebugInfo
    308 	fn.Func.DebugInfo = nil
    309 	if fn.Func.Nname != nil {
    310 		if expect := fn.Func.Nname.Sym.Linksym(); fnsym != expect {
    311 			Fatalf("unexpected fnsym: %v != %v", fnsym, expect)
    312 		}
    313 	}
    315 	var automDecls []*Node
    316 	// Populate Automs for fn.
    317 	for _, n := range fn.Func.Dcl {
    318 		if n.Op != ONAME { // might be OTYPE or OLITERAL
    319 			continue
    320 		}
    321 		var name obj.AddrName
    322 		switch n.Class() {
    323 		case PAUTO:
    324 			if !n.Name.Used() {
    325 				// Text == nil -> generating abstract function
    326 				if fnsym.Func.Text != nil {
    327 					Fatalf("debuginfo unused node (AllocFrame should truncate fn.Func.Dcl)")
    328 				}
    329 				continue
    330 			}
    331 			name = obj.NAME_AUTO
    332 		case PPARAM, PPARAMOUT:
    333 			name = obj.NAME_PARAM
    334 		default:
    335 			continue
    336 		}
    337 		automDecls = append(automDecls, n)
    338 		gotype := ngotype(n).Linksym()
    339 		fnsym.Func.Autom = append(fnsym.Func.Autom, &obj.Auto{
    340 			Asym:    Ctxt.Lookup(n.Sym.Name),
    341 			Aoffset: int32(n.Xoffset),
    342 			Name:    name,
    343 			Gotype:  gotype,
    344 		})
    345 	}
    347 	decls, dwarfVars := createDwarfVars(fnsym, debugInfo, automDecls)
    349 	var varScopes []ScopeID
    350 	for _, decl := range decls {
    351 		pos := decl.Pos
    352 		if decl.Name.Defn != nil && (decl.Name.Captured() || decl.Name.Byval()) {
    353 			// It's not clear which position is correct for captured variables here:
    354 			// * decl.Pos is the wrong position for captured variables, in the inner
    355 			//   function, but it is the right position in the outer function.
    356 			// * decl.Name.Defn is nil for captured variables that were arguments
    357 			//   on the outer function, however the decl.Pos for those seems to be
    358 			//   correct.
    359 			// * decl.Name.Defn is the "wrong" thing for variables declared in the
    360 			//   header of a type switch, it's their position in the header, rather
    361 			//   than the position of the case statement. In principle this is the
    362 			//   right thing, but here we prefer the latter because it makes each
    363 			//   instance of the header variable local to the lexical block of its
    364 			//   case statement.
    365 			// This code is probably wrong for type switch variables that are also
    366 			// captured.
    367 			pos = decl.Name.Defn.Pos
    368 		}
    369 		varScopes = append(varScopes, findScope(fn.Func.Marks, pos))
    370 	}
    372 	scopes := assembleScopes(fnsym, fn, dwarfVars, varScopes)
    373 	var inlcalls dwarf.InlCalls
    374 	if genDwarfInline > 0 {
    375 		inlcalls = assembleInlines(fnsym, fn, dwarfVars)
    376 	}
    377 	return scopes, inlcalls
    378 }
    380 // createSimpleVars creates a DWARF entry for every variable declared in the
    381 // function, claiming that they are permanently on the stack.
    382 func createSimpleVars(automDecls []*Node) ([]*Node, []*dwarf.Var, map[*Node]bool) {
    383 	var vars []*dwarf.Var
    384 	var decls []*Node
    385 	selected := make(map[*Node]bool)
    386 	for _, n := range automDecls {
    387 		if n.IsAutoTmp() {
    388 			continue
    389 		}
    390 		var abbrev int
    391 		offs := n.Xoffset
    393 		switch n.Class() {
    394 		case PAUTO:
    395 			abbrev = dwarf.DW_ABRV_AUTO
    396 			if Ctxt.FixedFrameSize() == 0 {
    397 				offs -= int64(Widthptr)
    398 			}
    399 			if objabi.Framepointer_enabled(objabi.GOOS, objabi.GOARCH) {
    400 				offs -= int64(Widthptr)
    401 			}
    403 		case PPARAM, PPARAMOUT:
    404 			abbrev = dwarf.DW_ABRV_PARAM
    405 			offs += Ctxt.FixedFrameSize()
    406 		default:
    407 			Fatalf("createSimpleVars unexpected type %v for node %v", n.Class(), n)
    408 		}
    410 		selected[n] = true
    411 		typename := dwarf.InfoPrefix + typesymname(n.Type)
    412 		decls = append(decls, n)
    413 		inlIndex := 0
    414 		if genDwarfInline > 1 {
    415 			if n.InlFormal() || n.InlLocal() {
    416 				inlIndex = posInlIndex(n.Pos) + 1
    417 				if n.InlFormal() {
    418 					abbrev = dwarf.DW_ABRV_PARAM
    419 				}
    420 			}
    421 		}
    422 		declpos := Ctxt.InnermostPos(n.Pos)
    423 		vars = append(vars, &dwarf.Var{
    424 			Name:          n.Sym.Name,
    425 			IsReturnValue: n.Class() == PPARAMOUT,
    426 			IsInlFormal:   n.InlFormal(),
    427 			Abbrev:        abbrev,
    428 			StackOffset:   int32(offs),
    429 			Type:          Ctxt.Lookup(typename),
    430 			DeclFile:      declpos.Base().SymFilename(),
    431 			DeclLine:      declpos.Line(),
    432 			DeclCol:       declpos.Col(),
    433 			InlIndex:      int32(inlIndex),
    434 			ChildIndex:    -1,
    435 		})
    436 	}
    437 	return decls, vars, selected
    438 }
    440 type varPart struct {
    441 	varOffset int64
    442 	slot      ssa.SlotID
    443 }
    445 func createComplexVars(fnsym *obj.LSym, debugInfo *ssa.FuncDebug, automDecls []*Node) ([]*Node, []*dwarf.Var, map[*Node]bool) {
    446 	for _, blockDebug := range debugInfo.Blocks {
    447 		for _, locList := range blockDebug.Variables {
    448 			for _, loc := range locList.Locations {
    449 				if loc.StartProg != nil {
    450 					loc.StartPC = loc.StartProg.Pc
    451 				}
    452 				if loc.EndProg != nil {
    453 					loc.EndPC = loc.EndProg.Pc
    454 				} else {
    455 					loc.EndPC = fnsym.Size
    456 				}
    457 				if Debug_locationlist == 0 {
    458 					loc.EndProg = nil
    459 					loc.StartProg = nil
    460 				}
    461 			}
    462 		}
    463 	}
    465 	// Group SSA variables by the user variable they were decomposed from.
    466 	varParts := map[*Node][]varPart{}
    467 	ssaVars := make(map[*Node]bool)
    468 	for slotID, slot := range debugInfo.VarSlots {
    469 		for slot.SplitOf != nil {
    470 			slot = slot.SplitOf
    471 		}
    472 		n := slot.N.(*Node)
    473 		ssaVars[n] = true
    474 		varParts[n] = append(varParts[n], varPart{varOffset(slot), ssa.SlotID(slotID)})
    475 	}
    477 	// Produce a DWARF variable entry for each user variable.
    478 	// Don't iterate over the map -- that's nondeterministic, and
    479 	// createComplexVar has side effects. Instead, go by slot.
    480 	var decls []*Node
    481 	var vars []*dwarf.Var
    482 	for _, slot := range debugInfo.VarSlots {
    483 		for slot.SplitOf != nil {
    484 			slot = slot.SplitOf
    485 		}
    486 		n := slot.N.(*Node)
    487 		parts := varParts[n]
    488 		if parts == nil {
    489 			continue
    490 		}
    491 		// Don't work on this variable again, no matter how many slots it has.
    492 		delete(varParts, n)
    494 		// Get the order the parts need to be in to represent the memory
    495 		// of the decomposed user variable.
    496 		sort.Sort(partsByVarOffset(parts))
    498 		if dvar := createComplexVar(debugInfo, n, parts); dvar != nil {
    499 			decls = append(decls, n)
    500 			vars = append(vars, dvar)
    501 		}
    502 	}
    504 	return decls, vars, ssaVars
    505 }
    507 func createDwarfVars(fnsym *obj.LSym, debugInfo *ssa.FuncDebug, automDecls []*Node) ([]*Node, []*dwarf.Var) {
    508 	// Collect a raw list of DWARF vars.
    509 	var vars []*dwarf.Var
    510 	var decls []*Node
    511 	var selected map[*Node]bool
    512 	if Ctxt.Flag_locationlists && Ctxt.Flag_optimize && debugInfo != nil {
    513 		decls, vars, selected = createComplexVars(fnsym, debugInfo, automDecls)
    514 	} else {
    515 		decls, vars, selected = createSimpleVars(automDecls)
    516 	}
    518 	var dcl []*Node
    519 	if fnsym.WasInlined() {
    520 		dcl = preInliningDcls(fnsym)
    521 	} else {
    522 		dcl = automDecls
    523 	}
    525 	// If optimization is enabled, the list above will typically be
    526 	// missing some of the original pre-optimization variables in the
    527 	// function (they may have been promoted to registers, folded into
    528 	// constants, dead-coded away, etc). Here we add back in entries
    529 	// for selected missing vars. Note that the recipe below creates a
    530 	// conservative location. The idea here is that we want to
    531 	// communicate to the user that "yes, there is a variable named X
    532 	// in this function, but no, I don't have enough information to
    533 	// reliably report its contents."
    534 	for _, n := range dcl {
    535 		if _, found := selected[n]; found {
    536 			continue
    537 		}
    538 		c := n.Sym.Name[0]
    539 		if c == '.' || n.Type.IsUntyped() {
    540 			continue
    541 		}
    542 		typename := dwarf.InfoPrefix + typesymname(n.Type)
    543 		decls = append(decls, n)
    544 		abbrev := dwarf.DW_ABRV_AUTO_LOCLIST
    545 		if n.Class() == PPARAM || n.Class() == PPARAMOUT {
    546 			abbrev = dwarf.DW_ABRV_PARAM_LOCLIST
    547 		}
    548 		inlIndex := 0
    549 		if genDwarfInline > 1 {
    550 			if n.InlFormal() || n.InlLocal() {
    551 				inlIndex = posInlIndex(n.Pos) + 1
    552 				if n.InlFormal() {
    553 					abbrev = dwarf.DW_ABRV_PARAM_LOCLIST
    554 				}
    555 			}
    556 		}
    557 		declpos := Ctxt.InnermostPos(n.Pos)
    558 		vars = append(vars, &dwarf.Var{
    559 			Name:          n.Sym.Name,
    560 			IsReturnValue: n.Class() == PPARAMOUT,
    561 			Abbrev:        abbrev,
    562 			StackOffset:   int32(n.Xoffset),
    563 			Type:          Ctxt.Lookup(typename),
    564 			DeclFile:      declpos.Base().SymFilename(),
    565 			DeclLine:      declpos.Line(),
    566 			DeclCol:       declpos.Col(),
    567 			InlIndex:      int32(inlIndex),
    568 			ChildIndex:    -1,
    569 		})
    570 		// Append a "deleted auto" entry to the autom list so as to
    571 		// insure that the type in question is picked up by the linker.
    572 		// See issue 22941.
    573 		gotype := ngotype(n).Linksym()
    574 		fnsym.Func.Autom = append(fnsym.Func.Autom, &obj.Auto{
    575 			Asym:    Ctxt.Lookup(n.Sym.Name),
    576 			Aoffset: int32(-1),
    577 			Name:    obj.NAME_DELETED_AUTO,
    578 			Gotype:  gotype,
    579 		})
    581 	}
    583 	return decls, vars
    584 }
    586 // Given a function that was inlined at some point during the
    587 // compilation, return a sorted list of nodes corresponding to the
    588 // autos/locals in that function prior to inlining. If this is a
    589 // function that is not local to the package being compiled, then the
    590 // names of the variables may have been "versioned" to avoid conflicts
    591 // with local vars; disregard this versioning when sorting.
    592 func preInliningDcls(fnsym *obj.LSym) []*Node {
    593 	fn := Ctxt.DwFixups.GetPrecursorFunc(fnsym).(*Node)
    594 	var dcl, rdcl []*Node
    595 	if fn.Name.Defn != nil {
    596 		dcl = fn.Func.Inldcl.Slice() // local function
    597 	} else {
    598 		dcl = fn.Func.Dcl // imported function
    599 	}
    600 	for _, n := range dcl {
    601 		c := n.Sym.Name[0]
    602 		// Avoid reporting "_" parameters, since if there are more than
    603 		// one, it can result in a collision later on, as in #23179.
    604 		if unversion(n.Sym.Name) == "_" || c == '.' || n.Type.IsUntyped() {
    605 			continue
    606 		}
    607 		rdcl = append(rdcl, n)
    608 	}
    609 	sort.Sort(byNodeName(rdcl))
    610 	return rdcl
    611 }
    613 func cmpNodeName(a, b *Node) bool {
    614 	aart := 0
    615 	if strings.HasPrefix(a.Sym.Name, "~") {
    616 		aart = 1
    617 	}
    618 	bart := 0
    619 	if strings.HasPrefix(b.Sym.Name, "~") {
    620 		bart = 1
    621 	}
    622 	if aart != bart {
    623 		return aart < bart
    624 	}
    626 	aname := unversion(a.Sym.Name)
    627 	bname := unversion(b.Sym.Name)
    628 	return aname < bname
    629 }
    631 // byNodeName implements sort.Interface for []*Node using cmpNodeName.
    632 type byNodeName []*Node
    634 func (s byNodeName) Len() int           { return len(s) }
    635 func (s byNodeName) Less(i, j int) bool { return cmpNodeName(s[i], s[j]) }
    636 func (s byNodeName) Swap(i, j int)      { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
    638 // varOffset returns the offset of slot within the user variable it was
    639 // decomposed from. This has nothing to do with its stack offset.
    640 func varOffset(slot *ssa.LocalSlot) int64 {
    641 	offset := slot.Off
    642 	for ; slot.SplitOf != nil; slot = slot.SplitOf {
    643 		offset += slot.SplitOffset
    644 	}
    645 	return offset
    646 }
    648 type partsByVarOffset []varPart
    650 func (a partsByVarOffset) Len() int           { return len(a) }
    651 func (a partsByVarOffset) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].varOffset < a[j].varOffset }
    652 func (a partsByVarOffset) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
    654 // stackOffset returns the stack location of a LocalSlot relative to the
    655 // stack pointer, suitable for use in a DWARF location entry. This has nothing
    656 // to do with its offset in the user variable.
    657 func stackOffset(slot *ssa.LocalSlot) int32 {
    658 	n := slot.N.(*Node)
    659 	var base int64
    660 	switch n.Class() {
    661 	case PAUTO:
    662 		if Ctxt.FixedFrameSize() == 0 {
    663 			base -= int64(Widthptr)
    664 		}
    665 		if objabi.Framepointer_enabled(objabi.GOOS, objabi.GOARCH) {
    666 			base -= int64(Widthptr)
    667 		}
    668 	case PPARAM, PPARAMOUT:
    669 		base += Ctxt.FixedFrameSize()
    670 	}
    671 	return int32(base + n.Xoffset + slot.Off)
    672 }
    674 // createComplexVar builds a DWARF variable entry and location list representing n.
    675 func createComplexVar(debugInfo *ssa.FuncDebug, n *Node, parts []varPart) *dwarf.Var {
    676 	slots := debugInfo.Slots
    677 	var offs int64 // base stack offset for this kind of variable
    678 	var abbrev int
    679 	switch n.Class() {
    680 	case PAUTO:
    681 		abbrev = dwarf.DW_ABRV_AUTO_LOCLIST
    682 		if Ctxt.FixedFrameSize() == 0 {
    683 			offs -= int64(Widthptr)
    684 		}
    685 		if objabi.Framepointer_enabled(objabi.GOOS, objabi.GOARCH) {
    686 			offs -= int64(Widthptr)
    687 		}
    689 	case PPARAM, PPARAMOUT:
    690 		abbrev = dwarf.DW_ABRV_PARAM_LOCLIST
    691 		offs += Ctxt.FixedFrameSize()
    692 	default:
    693 		return nil
    694 	}
    696 	gotype := ngotype(n).Linksym()
    697 	typename := dwarf.InfoPrefix + gotype.Name[len("type."):]
    698 	inlIndex := 0
    699 	if genDwarfInline > 1 {
    700 		if n.InlFormal() || n.InlLocal() {
    701 			inlIndex = posInlIndex(n.Pos) + 1
    702 			if n.InlFormal() {
    703 				abbrev = dwarf.DW_ABRV_PARAM_LOCLIST
    704 			}
    705 		}
    706 	}
    707 	declpos := Ctxt.InnermostPos(n.Pos)
    708 	dvar := &dwarf.Var{
    709 		Name:          n.Sym.Name,
    710 		IsReturnValue: n.Class() == PPARAMOUT,
    711 		IsInlFormal:   n.InlFormal(),
    712 		Abbrev:        abbrev,
    713 		Type:          Ctxt.Lookup(typename),
    714 		// The stack offset is used as a sorting key, so for decomposed
    715 		// variables just give it the lowest one. It's not used otherwise.
    716 		// This won't work well if the first slot hasn't been assigned a stack
    717 		// location, but it's not obvious how to do better.
    718 		StackOffset: int32(stackOffset(slots[parts[0].slot])),
    719 		DeclFile:    declpos.Base().SymFilename(),
    720 		DeclLine:    declpos.Line(),
    721 		DeclCol:     declpos.Col(),
    722 		InlIndex:    int32(inlIndex),
    723 		ChildIndex:  -1,
    724 	}
    726 	if Debug_locationlist != 0 {
    727 		Ctxt.Logf("Building location list for %+v. Parts:\n", n)
    728 		for _, part := range parts {
    729 			Ctxt.Logf("\t%v => %v\n", debugInfo.Slots[part.slot], debugInfo.SlotLocsString(part.slot))
    730 		}
    731 	}
    733 	// Given a variable that's been decomposed into multiple parts,
    734 	// its location list may need a new entry after the beginning or
    735 	// end of every location entry for each of its parts. For example:
    736 	//
    737 	// [variable]    [pc range]
    738 	// string.ptr    |----|-----|    |----|
    739 	// string.len    |------------|  |--|
    740 	// ... needs a location list like:
    741 	// string        |----|-----|-|  |--|-|
    742 	//
    743 	// Note that location entries may or may not line up with each other,
    744 	// and some of the result will only have one or the other part.
    745 	//
    746 	// To build the resulting list:
    747 	// - keep a "current" pointer for each part
    748 	// - find the next transition point
    749 	// - advance the current pointer for each part up to that transition point
    750 	// - build the piece for the range between that transition point and the next
    751 	// - repeat
    753 	type locID struct {
    754 		block int
    755 		loc   int
    756 	}
    757 	findLoc := func(part varPart, id locID) *ssa.VarLoc {
    758 		if id.block >= len(debugInfo.Blocks) {
    759 			return nil
    760 		}
    761 		return debugInfo.Blocks[id.block].Variables[part.slot].Locations[id.loc]
    762 	}
    763 	nextLoc := func(part varPart, id locID) (locID, *ssa.VarLoc) {
    764 		// Check if there's another loc in this block
    765 		id.loc++
    766 		if b := debugInfo.Blocks[id.block]; b != nil && id.loc < len(b.Variables[part.slot].Locations) {
    767 			return id, findLoc(part, id)
    768 		}
    769 		// Find the next block that has a loc for this part.
    770 		id.loc = 0
    771 		id.block++
    772 		for ; id.block < len(debugInfo.Blocks); id.block++ {
    773 			if b := debugInfo.Blocks[id.block]; b != nil && len(b.Variables[part.slot].Locations) != 0 {
    774 				return id, findLoc(part, id)
    775 			}
    776 		}
    777 		return id, nil
    778 	}
    779 	curLoc := make([]locID, len(slots))
    780 	// Position each pointer at the first entry for its slot.
    781 	for _, part := range parts {
    782 		if b := debugInfo.Blocks[0]; b != nil && len(b.Variables[part.slot].Locations) != 0 {
    783 			// Block 0 has an entry; no need to advance.
    784 			continue
    785 		}
    786 		curLoc[part.slot], _ = nextLoc(part, curLoc[part.slot])
    787 	}
    789 	// findBoundaryAfter finds the next beginning or end of a piece after currentPC.
    790 	findBoundaryAfter := func(currentPC int64) int64 {
    791 		min := int64(math.MaxInt64)
    792 		for _, part := range parts {
    793 			// For each part, find the first PC greater than current. Doesn't
    794 			// matter if it's a start or an end, since we're looking for any boundary.
    795 			// If it's the new winner, save it.
    796 		onePart:
    797 			for i, loc := curLoc[part.slot], findLoc(part, curLoc[part.slot]); loc != nil; i, loc = nextLoc(part, i) {
    798 				for _, pc := range [2]int64{loc.StartPC, loc.EndPC} {
    799 					if pc > currentPC {
    800 						if pc < min {
    801 							min = pc
    802 						}
    803 						break onePart
    804 					}
    805 				}
    806 			}
    807 		}
    808 		return min
    809 	}
    810 	var start int64
    811 	end := findBoundaryAfter(0)
    812 	for {
    813 		// Advance to the next chunk.
    814 		start = end
    815 		end = findBoundaryAfter(start)
    816 		if end == math.MaxInt64 {
    817 			break
    818 		}
    820 		dloc := dwarf.Location{StartPC: start, EndPC: end}
    821 		if Debug_locationlist != 0 {
    822 			Ctxt.Logf("Processing range %x -> %x\n", start, end)
    823 		}
    825 		// Advance curLoc to the last location that starts before/at start.
    826 		// After this loop, if there's a location that covers [start, end), it will be current.
    827 		// Otherwise the current piece will be too early.
    828 		for _, part := range parts {
    829 			choice := locID{-1, -1}
    830 			for i, loc := curLoc[part.slot], findLoc(part, curLoc[part.slot]); loc != nil; i, loc = nextLoc(part, i) {
    831 				if loc.StartPC > start {
    832 					break //overshot
    833 				}
    834 				choice = i // best yet
    835 			}
    836 			if choice.block != -1 {
    837 				curLoc[part.slot] = choice
    838 			}
    839 			if Debug_locationlist != 0 {
    840 				Ctxt.Logf("\t %v => %v", slots[part.slot], curLoc[part.slot])
    841 			}
    842 		}
    843 		if Debug_locationlist != 0 {
    844 			Ctxt.Logf("\n")
    845 		}
    846 		// Assemble the location list entry for this chunk.
    847 		present := 0
    848 		for _, part := range parts {
    849 			dpiece := dwarf.Piece{
    850 				Length: slots[part.slot].Type.Size(),
    851 			}
    852 			loc := findLoc(part, curLoc[part.slot])
    853 			if loc == nil || start >= loc.EndPC || end <= loc.StartPC {
    854 				if Debug_locationlist != 0 {
    855 					Ctxt.Logf("\t%v: missing", slots[part.slot])
    856 				}
    857 				dpiece.Missing = true
    858 				dloc.Pieces = append(dloc.Pieces, dpiece)
    859 				continue
    860 			}
    861 			present++
    862 			if Debug_locationlist != 0 {
    863 				Ctxt.Logf("\t%v: %v", slots[part.slot], debugInfo.Blocks[curLoc[part.slot].block].LocString(loc))
    864 			}
    865 			if loc.OnStack {
    866 				dpiece.OnStack = true
    867 				dpiece.StackOffset = stackOffset(slots[loc.StackLocation])
    868 			} else {
    869 				for reg := 0; reg < len(debugInfo.Registers); reg++ {
    870 					if loc.Registers&(1<<uint8(reg)) != 0 {
    871 						dpiece.RegNum = Ctxt.Arch.DWARFRegisters[debugInfo.Registers[reg].ObjNum()]
    872 					}
    873 				}
    874 			}
    875 			dloc.Pieces = append(dloc.Pieces, dpiece)
    876 		}
    877 		if present == 0 {
    878 			if Debug_locationlist != 0 {
    879 				Ctxt.Logf(" -> totally missing\n")
    880 			}
    881 			continue
    882 		}
    883 		// Extend the previous entry if possible.
    884 		if len(dvar.LocationList) > 0 {
    885 			prev := &dvar.LocationList[len(dvar.LocationList)-1]
    886 			if prev.EndPC == dloc.StartPC && len(prev.Pieces) == len(dloc.Pieces) {
    887 				equal := true
    888 				for i := range prev.Pieces {
    889 					if prev.Pieces[i] != dloc.Pieces[i] {
    890 						equal = false
    891 					}
    892 				}
    893 				if equal {
    894 					prev.EndPC = end
    895 					if Debug_locationlist != 0 {
    896 						Ctxt.Logf("-> merged with previous, now %#v\n", prev)
    897 					}
    898 					continue
    899 				}
    900 			}
    901 		}
    902 		dvar.LocationList = append(dvar.LocationList, dloc)
    903 		if Debug_locationlist != 0 {
    904 			Ctxt.Logf("-> added: %#v\n", dloc)
    905 		}
    906 	}
    907 	return dvar
    908 }
    910 // fieldtrack adds R_USEFIELD relocations to fnsym to record any
    911 // struct fields that it used.
    912 func fieldtrack(fnsym *obj.LSym, tracked map[*types.Sym]struct{}) {
    913 	if fnsym == nil {
    914 		return
    915 	}
    916 	if objabi.Fieldtrack_enabled == 0 || len(tracked) == 0 {
    917 		return
    918 	}
    920 	trackSyms := make([]*types.Sym, 0, len(tracked))
    921 	for sym := range tracked {
    922 		trackSyms = append(trackSyms, sym)
    923 	}
    924 	sort.Sort(symByName(trackSyms))
    925 	for _, sym := range trackSyms {
    926 		r := obj.Addrel(fnsym)
    927 		r.Sym = sym.Linksym()
    928 		r.Type = objabi.R_USEFIELD
    929 	}
    930 }
    932 type symByName []*types.Sym
    934 func (a symByName) Len() int           { return len(a) }
    935 func (a symByName) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Name < a[j].Name }
    936 func (a symByName) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }