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      1 // Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package src
      7 import (
      8 	"fmt"
      9 	"testing"
     10 )
     12 func TestPos(t *testing.T) {
     13 	f0 := NewFileBase("", "")
     14 	f1 := NewFileBase("f1", "f1")
     15 	f2 := NewLinePragmaBase(Pos{}, "f2", "f2", 10)
     16 	f3 := NewLinePragmaBase(MakePos(f1, 10, 1), "f3", "f3", 100)
     17 	f4 := NewLinePragmaBase(MakePos(f3, 10, 1), "f4", "f4", 100)
     19 	// line directives from issue #19392
     20 	fp := NewFileBase("p.go", "p.go")
     21 	fc := NewLinePragmaBase(MakePos(fp, 3, 0), "c.go", "c.go", 10)
     22 	ft := NewLinePragmaBase(MakePos(fp, 6, 0), "t.go", "t.go", 20)
     23 	fv := NewLinePragmaBase(MakePos(fp, 9, 0), "v.go", "v.go", 30)
     24 	ff := NewLinePragmaBase(MakePos(fp, 12, 0), "f.go", "f.go", 40)
     26 	for _, test := range []struct {
     27 		pos    Pos
     28 		string string
     30 		// absolute info
     31 		filename  string
     32 		line, col uint
     34 		// relative info
     35 		relFilename string
     36 		relLine     uint
     37 	}{
     38 		{Pos{}, "<unknown line number>", "", 0, 0, "", 0},
     39 		{MakePos(nil, 2, 3), ":2:3", "", 2, 3, "", 2},
     40 		{MakePos(f0, 2, 3), ":2:3", "", 2, 3, "", 2},
     41 		{MakePos(f1, 1, 1), "f1:1:1", "f1", 1, 1, "f1", 1},
     42 		{MakePos(f2, 7, 10), "f2:16[:7:10]", "", 7, 10, "f2", 16},
     43 		{MakePos(f3, 12, 7), "f3:101[f1:12:7]", "f1", 12, 7, "f3", 101},
     44 		{MakePos(f4, 25, 1), "f4:114[f3:25:1]", "f3", 25, 1, "f4", 114},
     46 		// positions from issue #19392
     47 		{MakePos(fc, 4, 0), "c.go:10[p.go:4:0]", "p.go", 4, 0, "c.go", 10},
     48 		{MakePos(ft, 7, 0), "t.go:20[p.go:7:0]", "p.go", 7, 0, "t.go", 20},
     49 		{MakePos(fv, 10, 0), "v.go:30[p.go:10:0]", "p.go", 10, 0, "v.go", 30},
     50 		{MakePos(ff, 13, 0), "f.go:40[p.go:13:0]", "p.go", 13, 0, "f.go", 40},
     51 	} {
     52 		pos := test.pos
     53 		if got := pos.String(); got != test.string {
     54 			t.Errorf("%s: got %q", test.string, got)
     55 		}
     57 		// absolute info
     58 		if got := pos.Filename(); got != test.filename {
     59 			t.Errorf("%s: got filename %q; want %q", test.string, got, test.filename)
     60 		}
     61 		if got := pos.Line(); got != test.line {
     62 			t.Errorf("%s: got line %d; want %d", test.string, got, test.line)
     63 		}
     64 		if got := pos.Col(); got != test.col {
     65 			t.Errorf("%s: got col %d; want %d", test.string, got, test.col)
     66 		}
     68 		// relative info
     69 		if got := pos.RelFilename(); got != test.relFilename {
     70 			t.Errorf("%s: got relFilename %q; want %q", test.string, got, test.relFilename)
     71 		}
     72 		if got := pos.RelLine(); got != test.relLine {
     73 			t.Errorf("%s: got relLine %d; want %d", test.string, got, test.relLine)
     74 		}
     75 	}
     76 }
     78 func TestPredicates(t *testing.T) {
     79 	b1 := NewFileBase("b1", "b1")
     80 	b2 := NewFileBase("b2", "b2")
     81 	for _, test := range []struct {
     82 		p, q                 Pos
     83 		known, before, after bool
     84 	}{
     85 		{NoPos, NoPos, false, false, false},
     86 		{NoPos, MakePos(nil, 1, 0), false, true, false},
     87 		{MakePos(b1, 0, 0), NoPos, true, false, true},
     88 		{MakePos(nil, 1, 0), NoPos, true, false, true},
     90 		{MakePos(nil, 1, 1), MakePos(nil, 1, 1), true, false, false},
     91 		{MakePos(nil, 1, 1), MakePos(nil, 1, 2), true, true, false},
     92 		{MakePos(nil, 1, 2), MakePos(nil, 1, 1), true, false, true},
     93 		{MakePos(nil, 123, 1), MakePos(nil, 1, 123), true, false, true},
     95 		{MakePos(b1, 1, 1), MakePos(b1, 1, 1), true, false, false},
     96 		{MakePos(b1, 1, 1), MakePos(b1, 1, 2), true, true, false},
     97 		{MakePos(b1, 1, 2), MakePos(b1, 1, 1), true, false, true},
     98 		{MakePos(b1, 123, 1), MakePos(b1, 1, 123), true, false, true},
    100 		{MakePos(b1, 1, 1), MakePos(b2, 1, 1), true, true, false},
    101 		{MakePos(b1, 1, 1), MakePos(b2, 1, 2), true, true, false},
    102 		{MakePos(b1, 1, 2), MakePos(b2, 1, 1), true, true, false},
    103 		{MakePos(b1, 123, 1), MakePos(b2, 1, 123), true, true, false},
    105 		// special case: unknown column (column too large to represent)
    106 		{MakePos(nil, 1, colMax+10), MakePos(nil, 1, colMax+20), true, false, false},
    107 	} {
    108 		if got := test.p.IsKnown(); got != test.known {
    109 			t.Errorf("%s known: got %v; want %v", test.p, got, test.known)
    110 		}
    111 		if got := test.p.Before(test.q); got != test.before {
    112 			t.Errorf("%s < %s: got %v; want %v", test.p, test.q, got, test.before)
    113 		}
    114 		if got := test.p.After(test.q); got != test.after {
    115 			t.Errorf("%s > %s: got %v; want %v", test.p, test.q, got, test.after)
    116 		}
    117 	}
    118 }
    120 func TestLico(t *testing.T) {
    121 	for _, test := range []struct {
    122 		x         lico
    123 		string    string
    124 		line, col uint
    125 	}{
    126 		{0, ":0:0", 0, 0},
    127 		{makeLico(0, 0), ":0:0", 0, 0},
    128 		{makeLico(0, 1), ":0:1", 0, 1},
    129 		{makeLico(1, 0), ":1:0", 1, 0},
    130 		{makeLico(1, 1), ":1:1", 1, 1},
    131 		{makeLico(2, 3), ":2:3", 2, 3},
    132 		{makeLico(lineMax, 1), fmt.Sprintf(":%d:1", lineMax), lineMax, 1},
    133 		{makeLico(lineMax+1, 1), fmt.Sprintf(":%d:1", lineMax), lineMax, 1}, // line too large, stick with max. line
    134 		{makeLico(1, colMax), ":1", 1, colMax},
    135 		{makeLico(1, colMax+1), ":1", 1, 0}, // column too large
    136 		{makeLico(lineMax+1, colMax+1), fmt.Sprintf(":%d", lineMax), lineMax, 0},
    137 	} {
    138 		x := test.x
    139 		if got := format("", x.Line(), x.Col(), true); got != test.string {
    140 			t.Errorf("%s: got %q", test.string, got)
    141 		}
    142 	}
    143 }