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      1 // Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 package driver
     17 import (
     18 	"bytes"
     19 	"crypto/tls"
     20 	"fmt"
     21 	"io"
     22 	"io/ioutil"
     23 	"net/http"
     24 	"net/url"
     25 	"os"
     26 	"os/exec"
     27 	"path/filepath"
     28 	"runtime"
     29 	"strconv"
     30 	"strings"
     31 	"sync"
     32 	"time"
     34 	"github.com/google/pprof/internal/measurement"
     35 	"github.com/google/pprof/internal/plugin"
     36 	"github.com/google/pprof/profile"
     37 )
     39 // fetchProfiles fetches and symbolizes the profiles specified by s.
     40 // It will merge all the profiles it is able to retrieve, even if
     41 // there are some failures. It will return an error if it is unable to
     42 // fetch any profiles.
     43 func fetchProfiles(s *source, o *plugin.Options) (*profile.Profile, error) {
     44 	sources := make([]profileSource, 0, len(s.Sources))
     45 	for _, src := range s.Sources {
     46 		sources = append(sources, profileSource{
     47 			addr:   src,
     48 			source: s,
     49 		})
     50 	}
     52 	bases := make([]profileSource, 0, len(s.Base))
     53 	for _, src := range s.Base {
     54 		bases = append(bases, profileSource{
     55 			addr:   src,
     56 			source: s,
     57 		})
     58 	}
     60 	p, pbase, m, mbase, save, err := grabSourcesAndBases(sources, bases, o.Fetch, o.Obj, o.UI)
     61 	if err != nil {
     62 		return nil, err
     63 	}
     65 	if pbase != nil {
     66 		if s.Normalize {
     67 			err := p.Normalize(pbase)
     68 			if err != nil {
     69 				return nil, err
     70 			}
     71 		}
     72 		pbase.Scale(-1)
     73 		p, m, err = combineProfiles([]*profile.Profile{p, pbase}, []plugin.MappingSources{m, mbase})
     74 		if err != nil {
     75 			return nil, err
     76 		}
     77 	}
     79 	// Symbolize the merged profile.
     80 	if err := o.Sym.Symbolize(s.Symbolize, m, p); err != nil {
     81 		return nil, err
     82 	}
     83 	p.RemoveUninteresting()
     84 	unsourceMappings(p)
     86 	if s.Comment != "" {
     87 		p.Comments = append(p.Comments, s.Comment)
     88 	}
     90 	// Save a copy of the merged profile if there is at least one remote source.
     91 	if save {
     92 		dir, err := setTmpDir(o.UI)
     93 		if err != nil {
     94 			return nil, err
     95 		}
     97 		prefix := "pprof."
     98 		if len(p.Mapping) > 0 && p.Mapping[0].File != "" {
     99 			prefix += filepath.Base(p.Mapping[0].File) + "."
    100 		}
    101 		for _, s := range p.SampleType {
    102 			prefix += s.Type + "."
    103 		}
    105 		tempFile, err := newTempFile(dir, prefix, ".pb.gz")
    106 		if err == nil {
    107 			if err = p.Write(tempFile); err == nil {
    108 				o.UI.PrintErr("Saved profile in ", tempFile.Name())
    109 			}
    110 		}
    111 		if err != nil {
    112 			o.UI.PrintErr("Could not save profile: ", err)
    113 		}
    114 	}
    116 	if err := p.CheckValid(); err != nil {
    117 		return nil, err
    118 	}
    120 	return p, nil
    121 }
    123 func grabSourcesAndBases(sources, bases []profileSource, fetch plugin.Fetcher, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI) (*profile.Profile, *profile.Profile, plugin.MappingSources, plugin.MappingSources, bool, error) {
    124 	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
    125 	wg.Add(2)
    126 	var psrc, pbase *profile.Profile
    127 	var msrc, mbase plugin.MappingSources
    128 	var savesrc, savebase bool
    129 	var errsrc, errbase error
    130 	var countsrc, countbase int
    131 	go func() {
    132 		defer wg.Done()
    133 		psrc, msrc, savesrc, countsrc, errsrc = chunkedGrab(sources, fetch, obj, ui)
    134 	}()
    135 	go func() {
    136 		defer wg.Done()
    137 		pbase, mbase, savebase, countbase, errbase = chunkedGrab(bases, fetch, obj, ui)
    138 	}()
    139 	wg.Wait()
    140 	save := savesrc || savebase
    142 	if errsrc != nil {
    143 		return nil, nil, nil, nil, false, fmt.Errorf("problem fetching source profiles: %v", errsrc)
    144 	}
    145 	if errbase != nil {
    146 		return nil, nil, nil, nil, false, fmt.Errorf("problem fetching base profiles: %v,", errbase)
    147 	}
    148 	if countsrc == 0 {
    149 		return nil, nil, nil, nil, false, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch any source profiles")
    150 	}
    151 	if countbase == 0 && len(bases) > 0 {
    152 		return nil, nil, nil, nil, false, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch any base profiles")
    153 	}
    154 	if want, got := len(sources), countsrc; want != got {
    155 		ui.PrintErr(fmt.Sprintf("Fetched %d source profiles out of %d", got, want))
    156 	}
    157 	if want, got := len(bases), countbase; want != got {
    158 		ui.PrintErr(fmt.Sprintf("Fetched %d base profiles out of %d", got, want))
    159 	}
    161 	return psrc, pbase, msrc, mbase, save, nil
    162 }
    164 // chunkedGrab fetches the profiles described in source and merges them into
    165 // a single profile. It fetches a chunk of profiles concurrently, with a maximum
    166 // chunk size to limit its memory usage.
    167 func chunkedGrab(sources []profileSource, fetch plugin.Fetcher, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI) (*profile.Profile, plugin.MappingSources, bool, int, error) {
    168 	const chunkSize = 64
    170 	var p *profile.Profile
    171 	var msrc plugin.MappingSources
    172 	var save bool
    173 	var count int
    175 	for start := 0; start < len(sources); start += chunkSize {
    176 		end := start + chunkSize
    177 		if end > len(sources) {
    178 			end = len(sources)
    179 		}
    180 		chunkP, chunkMsrc, chunkSave, chunkCount, chunkErr := concurrentGrab(sources[start:end], fetch, obj, ui)
    181 		switch {
    182 		case chunkErr != nil:
    183 			return nil, nil, false, 0, chunkErr
    184 		case chunkP == nil:
    185 			continue
    186 		case p == nil:
    187 			p, msrc, save, count = chunkP, chunkMsrc, chunkSave, chunkCount
    188 		default:
    189 			p, msrc, chunkErr = combineProfiles([]*profile.Profile{p, chunkP}, []plugin.MappingSources{msrc, chunkMsrc})
    190 			if chunkErr != nil {
    191 				return nil, nil, false, 0, chunkErr
    192 			}
    193 			if chunkSave {
    194 				save = true
    195 			}
    196 			count += chunkCount
    197 		}
    198 	}
    200 	return p, msrc, save, count, nil
    201 }
    203 // concurrentGrab fetches multiple profiles concurrently
    204 func concurrentGrab(sources []profileSource, fetch plugin.Fetcher, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI) (*profile.Profile, plugin.MappingSources, bool, int, error) {
    205 	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
    206 	wg.Add(len(sources))
    207 	for i := range sources {
    208 		go func(s *profileSource) {
    209 			defer wg.Done()
    210 			s.p, s.msrc, s.remote, s.err = grabProfile(s.source, s.addr, fetch, obj, ui)
    211 		}(&sources[i])
    212 	}
    213 	wg.Wait()
    215 	var save bool
    216 	profiles := make([]*profile.Profile, 0, len(sources))
    217 	msrcs := make([]plugin.MappingSources, 0, len(sources))
    218 	for i := range sources {
    219 		s := &sources[i]
    220 		if err := s.err; err != nil {
    221 			ui.PrintErr(s.addr + ": " + err.Error())
    222 			continue
    223 		}
    224 		save = save || s.remote
    225 		profiles = append(profiles, s.p)
    226 		msrcs = append(msrcs, s.msrc)
    227 		*s = profileSource{}
    228 	}
    230 	if len(profiles) == 0 {
    231 		return nil, nil, false, 0, nil
    232 	}
    234 	p, msrc, err := combineProfiles(profiles, msrcs)
    235 	if err != nil {
    236 		return nil, nil, false, 0, err
    237 	}
    238 	return p, msrc, save, len(profiles), nil
    239 }
    241 func combineProfiles(profiles []*profile.Profile, msrcs []plugin.MappingSources) (*profile.Profile, plugin.MappingSources, error) {
    242 	// Merge profiles.
    243 	if err := measurement.ScaleProfiles(profiles); err != nil {
    244 		return nil, nil, err
    245 	}
    247 	p, err := profile.Merge(profiles)
    248 	if err != nil {
    249 		return nil, nil, err
    250 	}
    252 	// Combine mapping sources.
    253 	msrc := make(plugin.MappingSources)
    254 	for _, ms := range msrcs {
    255 		for m, s := range ms {
    256 			msrc[m] = append(msrc[m], s...)
    257 		}
    258 	}
    259 	return p, msrc, nil
    260 }
    262 type profileSource struct {
    263 	addr   string
    264 	source *source
    266 	p      *profile.Profile
    267 	msrc   plugin.MappingSources
    268 	remote bool
    269 	err    error
    270 }
    272 func homeEnv() string {
    273 	switch runtime.GOOS {
    274 	case "windows":
    275 		return "USERPROFILE"
    276 	case "plan9":
    277 		return "home"
    278 	default:
    279 		return "HOME"
    280 	}
    281 }
    283 // setTmpDir prepares the directory to use to save profiles retrieved
    284 // remotely. It is selected from PPROF_TMPDIR, defaults to $HOME/pprof, and, if
    285 // $HOME is not set, falls back to os.TempDir().
    286 func setTmpDir(ui plugin.UI) (string, error) {
    287 	var dirs []string
    288 	if profileDir := os.Getenv("PPROF_TMPDIR"); profileDir != "" {
    289 		dirs = append(dirs, profileDir)
    290 	}
    291 	if homeDir := os.Getenv(homeEnv()); homeDir != "" {
    292 		dirs = append(dirs, filepath.Join(homeDir, "pprof"))
    293 	}
    294 	dirs = append(dirs, os.TempDir())
    295 	for _, tmpDir := range dirs {
    296 		if err := os.MkdirAll(tmpDir, 0755); err != nil {
    297 			ui.PrintErr("Could not use temp dir ", tmpDir, ": ", err.Error())
    298 			continue
    299 		}
    300 		return tmpDir, nil
    301 	}
    302 	return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to identify temp dir")
    303 }
    305 const testSourceAddress = "pproftest.local"
    307 // grabProfile fetches a profile. Returns the profile, sources for the
    308 // profile mappings, a bool indicating if the profile was fetched
    309 // remotely, and an error.
    310 func grabProfile(s *source, source string, fetcher plugin.Fetcher, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI) (p *profile.Profile, msrc plugin.MappingSources, remote bool, err error) {
    311 	var src string
    312 	duration, timeout := time.Duration(s.Seconds)*time.Second, time.Duration(s.Timeout)*time.Second
    313 	if fetcher != nil {
    314 		p, src, err = fetcher.Fetch(source, duration, timeout)
    315 		if err != nil {
    316 			return
    317 		}
    318 	}
    319 	if err != nil || p == nil {
    320 		// Fetch the profile over HTTP or from a file.
    321 		p, src, err = fetch(source, duration, timeout, ui)
    322 		if err != nil {
    323 			return
    324 		}
    325 	}
    327 	if err = p.CheckValid(); err != nil {
    328 		return
    329 	}
    331 	// Update the binary locations from command line and paths.
    332 	locateBinaries(p, s, obj, ui)
    334 	// Collect the source URL for all mappings.
    335 	if src != "" {
    336 		msrc = collectMappingSources(p, src)
    337 		remote = true
    338 		if strings.HasPrefix(src, "http://"+testSourceAddress) {
    339 			// Treat test inputs as local to avoid saving
    340 			// testcase profiles during driver testing.
    341 			remote = false
    342 		}
    343 	}
    344 	return
    345 }
    347 // collectMappingSources saves the mapping sources of a profile.
    348 func collectMappingSources(p *profile.Profile, source string) plugin.MappingSources {
    349 	ms := plugin.MappingSources{}
    350 	for _, m := range p.Mapping {
    351 		src := struct {
    352 			Source string
    353 			Start  uint64
    354 		}{
    355 			source, m.Start,
    356 		}
    357 		key := m.BuildID
    358 		if key == "" {
    359 			key = m.File
    360 		}
    361 		if key == "" {
    362 			// If there is no build id or source file, use the source as the
    363 			// mapping file. This will enable remote symbolization for this
    364 			// mapping, in particular for Go profiles on the legacy format.
    365 			// The source is reset back to empty string by unsourceMapping
    366 			// which is called after symbolization is finished.
    367 			m.File = source
    368 			key = source
    369 		}
    370 		ms[key] = append(ms[key], src)
    371 	}
    372 	return ms
    373 }
    375 // unsourceMappings iterates over the mappings in a profile and replaces file
    376 // set to the remote source URL by collectMappingSources back to empty string.
    377 func unsourceMappings(p *profile.Profile) {
    378 	for _, m := range p.Mapping {
    379 		if m.BuildID == "" {
    380 			if u, err := url.Parse(m.File); err == nil && u.IsAbs() {
    381 				m.File = ""
    382 			}
    383 		}
    384 	}
    385 }
    387 // locateBinaries searches for binary files listed in the profile and, if found,
    388 // updates the profile accordingly.
    389 func locateBinaries(p *profile.Profile, s *source, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI) {
    390 	// Construct search path to examine
    391 	searchPath := os.Getenv("PPROF_BINARY_PATH")
    392 	if searchPath == "" {
    393 		// Use $HOME/pprof/binaries as default directory for local symbolization binaries
    394 		searchPath = filepath.Join(os.Getenv(homeEnv()), "pprof", "binaries")
    395 	}
    396 mapping:
    397 	for _, m := range p.Mapping {
    398 		var baseName string
    399 		if m.File != "" {
    400 			baseName = filepath.Base(m.File)
    401 		}
    403 		for _, path := range filepath.SplitList(searchPath) {
    404 			var fileNames []string
    405 			if m.BuildID != "" {
    406 				fileNames = []string{filepath.Join(path, m.BuildID, baseName)}
    407 				if matches, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(path, m.BuildID, "*")); err == nil {
    408 					fileNames = append(fileNames, matches...)
    409 				}
    410 			}
    411 			if m.File != "" {
    412 				// Try both the basename and the full path, to support the same directory
    413 				// structure as the perf symfs option.
    414 				if baseName != "" {
    415 					fileNames = append(fileNames, filepath.Join(path, baseName))
    416 				}
    417 				fileNames = append(fileNames, filepath.Join(path, m.File))
    418 			}
    419 			for _, name := range fileNames {
    420 				if f, err := obj.Open(name, m.Start, m.Limit, m.Offset); err == nil {
    421 					defer f.Close()
    422 					fileBuildID := f.BuildID()
    423 					if m.BuildID != "" && m.BuildID != fileBuildID {
    424 						ui.PrintErr("Ignoring local file " + name + ": build-id mismatch (" + m.BuildID + " != " + fileBuildID + ")")
    425 					} else {
    426 						m.File = name
    427 						continue mapping
    428 					}
    429 				}
    430 			}
    431 		}
    432 	}
    433 	if len(p.Mapping) == 0 {
    434 		// If there are no mappings, add a fake mapping to attempt symbolization.
    435 		// This is useful for some profiles generated by the golang runtime, which
    436 		// do not include any mappings. Symbolization with a fake mapping will only
    437 		// be successful against a non-PIE binary.
    438 		m := &profile.Mapping{ID: 1}
    439 		p.Mapping = []*profile.Mapping{m}
    440 		for _, l := range p.Location {
    441 			l.Mapping = m
    442 		}
    443 	}
    444 	// Replace executable filename/buildID with the overrides from source.
    445 	// Assumes the executable is the first Mapping entry.
    446 	if execName, buildID := s.ExecName, s.BuildID; execName != "" || buildID != "" {
    447 		m := p.Mapping[0]
    448 		if execName != "" {
    449 			m.File = execName
    450 		}
    451 		if buildID != "" {
    452 			m.BuildID = buildID
    453 		}
    454 	}
    455 }
    457 // fetch fetches a profile from source, within the timeout specified,
    458 // producing messages through the ui. It returns the profile and the
    459 // url of the actual source of the profile for remote profiles.
    460 func fetch(source string, duration, timeout time.Duration, ui plugin.UI) (p *profile.Profile, src string, err error) {
    461 	var f io.ReadCloser
    463 	if sourceURL, timeout := adjustURL(source, duration, timeout); sourceURL != "" {
    464 		ui.Print("Fetching profile over HTTP from " + sourceURL)
    465 		if duration > 0 {
    466 			ui.Print(fmt.Sprintf("Please wait... (%v)", duration))
    467 		}
    468 		f, err = fetchURL(sourceURL, timeout)
    469 		src = sourceURL
    470 	} else if isPerfFile(source) {
    471 		f, err = convertPerfData(source, ui)
    472 	} else {
    473 		f, err = os.Open(source)
    474 	}
    475 	if err == nil {
    476 		defer f.Close()
    477 		p, err = profile.Parse(f)
    478 	}
    479 	return
    480 }
    482 // fetchURL fetches a profile from a URL using HTTP.
    483 func fetchURL(source string, timeout time.Duration) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
    484 	resp, err := httpGet(source, timeout)
    485 	if err != nil {
    486 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("http fetch: %v", err)
    487 	}
    488 	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
    489 		defer resp.Body.Close()
    490 		return nil, statusCodeError(resp)
    491 	}
    493 	return resp.Body, nil
    494 }
    496 func statusCodeError(resp *http.Response) error {
    497 	if resp.Header.Get("X-Go-Pprof") != "" && strings.Contains(resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), "text/plain") {
    498 		// error is from pprof endpoint
    499 		if body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err == nil {
    500 			return fmt.Errorf("server response: %s - %s", resp.Status, body)
    501 		}
    502 	}
    503 	return fmt.Errorf("server response: %s", resp.Status)
    504 }
    506 // isPerfFile checks if a file is in perf.data format. It also returns false
    507 // if it encounters an error during the check.
    508 func isPerfFile(path string) bool {
    509 	sourceFile, openErr := os.Open(path)
    510 	if openErr != nil {
    511 		return false
    512 	}
    513 	defer sourceFile.Close()
    515 	// If the file is the output of a perf record command, it should begin
    516 	// with the string PERFILE2.
    517 	perfHeader := []byte("PERFILE2")
    518 	actualHeader := make([]byte, len(perfHeader))
    519 	if _, readErr := sourceFile.Read(actualHeader); readErr != nil {
    520 		return false
    521 	}
    522 	return bytes.Equal(actualHeader, perfHeader)
    523 }
    525 // convertPerfData converts the file at path which should be in perf.data format
    526 // using the perf_to_profile tool and returns the file containing the
    527 // profile.proto formatted data.
    528 func convertPerfData(perfPath string, ui plugin.UI) (*os.File, error) {
    529 	ui.Print(fmt.Sprintf(
    530 		"Converting %s to a profile.proto... (May take a few minutes)",
    531 		perfPath))
    532 	profile, err := newTempFile(os.TempDir(), "pprof_", ".pb.gz")
    533 	if err != nil {
    534 		return nil, err
    535 	}
    536 	deferDeleteTempFile(profile.Name())
    537 	cmd := exec.Command("perf_to_profile", perfPath, profile.Name())
    538 	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
    539 		profile.Close()
    540 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert perf.data file. Try github.com/google/perf_data_converter: %v", err)
    541 	}
    542 	return profile, nil
    543 }
    545 // adjustURL validates if a profile source is a URL and returns an
    546 // cleaned up URL and the timeout to use for retrieval over HTTP.
    547 // If the source cannot be recognized as a URL it returns an empty string.
    548 func adjustURL(source string, duration, timeout time.Duration) (string, time.Duration) {
    549 	u, err := url.Parse(source)
    550 	if err != nil || (u.Host == "" && u.Scheme != "" && u.Scheme != "file") {
    551 		// Try adding http:// to catch sources of the form hostname:port/path.
    552 		// url.Parse treats "hostname" as the scheme.
    553 		u, err = url.Parse("http://" + source)
    554 	}
    555 	if err != nil || u.Host == "" {
    556 		return "", 0
    557 	}
    559 	// Apply duration/timeout overrides to URL.
    560 	values := u.Query()
    561 	if duration > 0 {
    562 		values.Set("seconds", fmt.Sprint(int(duration.Seconds())))
    563 	} else {
    564 		if urlSeconds := values.Get("seconds"); urlSeconds != "" {
    565 			if us, err := strconv.ParseInt(urlSeconds, 10, 32); err == nil {
    566 				duration = time.Duration(us) * time.Second
    567 			}
    568 		}
    569 	}
    570 	if timeout <= 0 {
    571 		if duration > 0 {
    572 			timeout = duration + duration/2
    573 		} else {
    574 			timeout = 60 * time.Second
    575 		}
    576 	}
    577 	u.RawQuery = values.Encode()
    578 	return u.String(), timeout
    579 }
    581 // httpGet is a wrapper around http.Get; it is defined as a variable
    582 // so it can be redefined during for testing.
    583 var httpGet = func(source string, timeout time.Duration) (*http.Response, error) {
    584 	url, err := url.Parse(source)
    585 	if err != nil {
    586 		return nil, err
    587 	}
    589 	var tlsConfig *tls.Config
    590 	if url.Scheme == "https+insecure" {
    591 		tlsConfig = &tls.Config{
    592 			InsecureSkipVerify: true,
    593 		}
    594 		url.Scheme = "https"
    595 		source = url.String()
    596 	}
    598 	client := &http.Client{
    599 		Transport: &http.Transport{
    600 			ResponseHeaderTimeout: timeout + 5*time.Second,
    601 			Proxy:           http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
    602 			TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
    603 		},
    604 	}
    605 	return client.Get(source)
    606 }