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      1 // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package runtime
      7 import "unsafe"
      9 // Per-thread (in Go, per-P) cache for small objects.
     10 // No locking needed because it is per-thread (per-P).
     11 //
     12 // mcaches are allocated from non-GC'd memory, so any heap pointers
     13 // must be specially handled.
     14 //
     15 //go:notinheap
     16 type mcache struct {
     17 	// The following members are accessed on every malloc,
     18 	// so they are grouped here for better caching.
     19 	next_sample int32   // trigger heap sample after allocating this many bytes
     20 	local_scan  uintptr // bytes of scannable heap allocated
     22 	// Allocator cache for tiny objects w/o pointers.
     23 	// See "Tiny allocator" comment in malloc.go.
     25 	// tiny points to the beginning of the current tiny block, or
     26 	// nil if there is no current tiny block.
     27 	//
     28 	// tiny is a heap pointer. Since mcache is in non-GC'd memory,
     29 	// we handle it by clearing it in releaseAll during mark
     30 	// termination.
     31 	tiny             uintptr
     32 	tinyoffset       uintptr
     33 	local_tinyallocs uintptr // number of tiny allocs not counted in other stats
     35 	// The rest is not accessed on every malloc.
     37 	alloc [numSpanClasses]*mspan // spans to allocate from, indexed by spanClass
     39 	stackcache [_NumStackOrders]stackfreelist
     41 	// Local allocator stats, flushed during GC.
     42 	local_nlookup    uintptr                  // number of pointer lookups
     43 	local_largefree  uintptr                  // bytes freed for large objects (>maxsmallsize)
     44 	local_nlargefree uintptr                  // number of frees for large objects (>maxsmallsize)
     45 	local_nsmallfree [_NumSizeClasses]uintptr // number of frees for small objects (<=maxsmallsize)
     46 }
     48 // A gclink is a node in a linked list of blocks, like mlink,
     49 // but it is opaque to the garbage collector.
     50 // The GC does not trace the pointers during collection,
     51 // and the compiler does not emit write barriers for assignments
     52 // of gclinkptr values. Code should store references to gclinks
     53 // as gclinkptr, not as *gclink.
     54 type gclink struct {
     55 	next gclinkptr
     56 }
     58 // A gclinkptr is a pointer to a gclink, but it is opaque
     59 // to the garbage collector.
     60 type gclinkptr uintptr
     62 // ptr returns the *gclink form of p.
     63 // The result should be used for accessing fields, not stored
     64 // in other data structures.
     65 func (p gclinkptr) ptr() *gclink {
     66 	return (*gclink)(unsafe.Pointer(p))
     67 }
     69 type stackfreelist struct {
     70 	list gclinkptr // linked list of free stacks
     71 	size uintptr   // total size of stacks in list
     72 }
     74 // dummy MSpan that contains no free objects.
     75 var emptymspan mspan
     77 func allocmcache() *mcache {
     78 	lock(&mheap_.lock)
     79 	c := (*mcache)(mheap_.cachealloc.alloc())
     80 	unlock(&mheap_.lock)
     81 	for i := range c.alloc {
     82 		c.alloc[i] = &emptymspan
     83 	}
     84 	c.next_sample = nextSample()
     85 	return c
     86 }
     88 func freemcache(c *mcache) {
     89 	systemstack(func() {
     90 		c.releaseAll()
     91 		stackcache_clear(c)
     93 		// NOTE(rsc,rlh): If gcworkbuffree comes back, we need to coordinate
     94 		// with the stealing of gcworkbufs during garbage collection to avoid
     95 		// a race where the workbuf is double-freed.
     96 		// gcworkbuffree(c.gcworkbuf)
     98 		lock(&mheap_.lock)
     99 		purgecachedstats(c)
    100 		mheap_.cachealloc.free(unsafe.Pointer(c))
    101 		unlock(&mheap_.lock)
    102 	})
    103 }
    105 // Gets a span that has a free object in it and assigns it
    106 // to be the cached span for the given sizeclass. Returns this span.
    107 func (c *mcache) refill(spc spanClass) {
    108 	_g_ := getg()
    110 	_g_.m.locks++
    111 	// Return the current cached span to the central lists.
    112 	s := c.alloc[spc]
    114 	if uintptr(s.allocCount) != s.nelems {
    115 		throw("refill of span with free space remaining")
    116 	}
    118 	if s != &emptymspan {
    119 		s.incache = false
    120 	}
    122 	// Get a new cached span from the central lists.
    123 	s = mheap_.central[spc].mcentral.cacheSpan()
    124 	if s == nil {
    125 		throw("out of memory")
    126 	}
    128 	if uintptr(s.allocCount) == s.nelems {
    129 		throw("span has no free space")
    130 	}
    132 	c.alloc[spc] = s
    133 	_g_.m.locks--
    134 }
    136 func (c *mcache) releaseAll() {
    137 	for i := range c.alloc {
    138 		s := c.alloc[i]
    139 		if s != &emptymspan {
    140 			mheap_.central[i].mcentral.uncacheSpan(s)
    141 			c.alloc[i] = &emptymspan
    142 		}
    143 	}
    144 	// Clear tinyalloc pool.
    145 	c.tiny = 0
    146 	c.tinyoffset = 0
    147 }