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      1 // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package runtime
      7 import (
      8 	"runtime/internal/sys"
      9 	"unsafe"
     10 )
     12 type mOS struct{}
     14 //go:noescape
     15 func futex(addr unsafe.Pointer, op int32, val uint32, ts, addr2 unsafe.Pointer, val3 uint32) int32
     17 // Linux futex.
     18 //
     19 //	futexsleep(uint32 *addr, uint32 val)
     20 //	futexwakeup(uint32 *addr)
     21 //
     22 // Futexsleep atomically checks if *addr == val and if so, sleeps on addr.
     23 // Futexwakeup wakes up threads sleeping on addr.
     24 // Futexsleep is allowed to wake up spuriously.
     26 const (
     27 	_FUTEX_WAIT = 0
     28 	_FUTEX_WAKE = 1
     29 )
     31 // Atomically,
     32 //	if(*addr == val) sleep
     33 // Might be woken up spuriously; that's allowed.
     34 // Don't sleep longer than ns; ns < 0 means forever.
     35 //go:nosplit
     36 func futexsleep(addr *uint32, val uint32, ns int64) {
     37 	var ts timespec
     39 	// Some Linux kernels have a bug where futex of
     40 	// FUTEX_WAIT returns an internal error code
     41 	// as an errno. Libpthread ignores the return value
     42 	// here, and so can we: as it says a few lines up,
     43 	// spurious wakeups are allowed.
     44 	if ns < 0 {
     45 		futex(unsafe.Pointer(addr), _FUTEX_WAIT, val, nil, nil, 0)
     46 		return
     47 	}
     49 	// It's difficult to live within the no-split stack limits here.
     50 	// On ARM and 386, a 64-bit divide invokes a general software routine
     51 	// that needs more stack than we can afford. So we use timediv instead.
     52 	// But on real 64-bit systems, where words are larger but the stack limit
     53 	// is not, even timediv is too heavy, and we really need to use just an
     54 	// ordinary machine instruction.
     55 	if sys.PtrSize == 8 {
     56 		ts.set_sec(ns / 1000000000)
     57 		ts.set_nsec(int32(ns % 1000000000))
     58 	} else {
     59 		ts.tv_nsec = 0
     60 		ts.set_sec(int64(timediv(ns, 1000000000, (*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&ts.tv_nsec)))))
     61 	}
     62 	futex(unsafe.Pointer(addr), _FUTEX_WAIT, val, unsafe.Pointer(&ts), nil, 0)
     63 }
     65 // If any procs are sleeping on addr, wake up at most cnt.
     66 //go:nosplit
     67 func futexwakeup(addr *uint32, cnt uint32) {
     68 	ret := futex(unsafe.Pointer(addr), _FUTEX_WAKE, cnt, nil, nil, 0)
     69 	if ret >= 0 {
     70 		return
     71 	}
     73 	// I don't know that futex wakeup can return
     74 	// EAGAIN or EINTR, but if it does, it would be
     75 	// safe to loop and call futex again.
     76 	systemstack(func() {
     77 		print("futexwakeup addr=", addr, " returned ", ret, "\n")
     78 	})
     80 	*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(0x1006))) = 0x1006
     81 }
     83 func getproccount() int32 {
     84 	// This buffer is huge (8 kB) but we are on the system stack
     85 	// and there should be plenty of space (64 kB).
     86 	// Also this is a leaf, so we're not holding up the memory for long.
     87 	// See golang.org/issue/11823.
     88 	// The suggested behavior here is to keep trying with ever-larger
     89 	// buffers, but we don't have a dynamic memory allocator at the
     90 	// moment, so that's a bit tricky and seems like overkill.
     91 	const maxCPUs = 64 * 1024
     92 	var buf [maxCPUs / 8]byte
     93 	r := sched_getaffinity(0, unsafe.Sizeof(buf), &buf[0])
     94 	if r < 0 {
     95 		return 1
     96 	}
     97 	n := int32(0)
     98 	for _, v := range buf[:r] {
     99 		for v != 0 {
    100 			n += int32(v & 1)
    101 			v >>= 1
    102 		}
    103 	}
    104 	if n == 0 {
    105 		n = 1
    106 	}
    107 	return n
    108 }
    110 // Clone, the Linux rfork.
    111 const (
    112 	_CLONE_VM             = 0x100
    113 	_CLONE_FS             = 0x200
    114 	_CLONE_FILES          = 0x400
    115 	_CLONE_SIGHAND        = 0x800
    116 	_CLONE_PTRACE         = 0x2000
    117 	_CLONE_VFORK          = 0x4000
    118 	_CLONE_PARENT         = 0x8000
    119 	_CLONE_THREAD         = 0x10000
    120 	_CLONE_NEWNS          = 0x20000
    121 	_CLONE_SYSVSEM        = 0x40000
    122 	_CLONE_SETTLS         = 0x80000
    123 	_CLONE_PARENT_SETTID  = 0x100000
    124 	_CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID = 0x200000
    125 	_CLONE_UNTRACED       = 0x800000
    126 	_CLONE_CHILD_SETTID   = 0x1000000
    127 	_CLONE_STOPPED        = 0x2000000
    128 	_CLONE_NEWUTS         = 0x4000000
    129 	_CLONE_NEWIPC         = 0x8000000
    131 	cloneFlags = _CLONE_VM | /* share memory */
    132 		_CLONE_FS | /* share cwd, etc */
    133 		_CLONE_FILES | /* share fd table */
    134 		_CLONE_SIGHAND | /* share sig handler table */
    135 		_CLONE_SYSVSEM | /* share SysV semaphore undo lists (see issue #20763) */
    136 		_CLONE_THREAD /* revisit - okay for now */
    137 )
    139 //go:noescape
    140 func clone(flags int32, stk, mp, gp, fn unsafe.Pointer) int32
    142 // May run with m.p==nil, so write barriers are not allowed.
    143 //go:nowritebarrier
    144 func newosproc(mp *m, stk unsafe.Pointer) {
    145 	/*
    146 	 * note: strace gets confused if we use CLONE_PTRACE here.
    147 	 */
    148 	if false {
    149 		print("newosproc stk=", stk, " m=", mp, " g=", mp.g0, " clone=", funcPC(clone), " id=", mp.id, " ostk=", &mp, "\n")
    150 	}
    152 	// Disable signals during clone, so that the new thread starts
    153 	// with signals disabled. It will enable them in minit.
    154 	var oset sigset
    155 	sigprocmask(_SIG_SETMASK, &sigset_all, &oset)
    156 	ret := clone(cloneFlags, stk, unsafe.Pointer(mp), unsafe.Pointer(mp.g0), unsafe.Pointer(funcPC(mstart)))
    157 	sigprocmask(_SIG_SETMASK, &oset, nil)
    159 	if ret < 0 {
    160 		print("runtime: failed to create new OS thread (have ", mcount(), " already; errno=", -ret, ")\n")
    161 		if ret == -_EAGAIN {
    162 			println("runtime: may need to increase max user processes (ulimit -u)")
    163 		}
    164 		throw("newosproc")
    165 	}
    166 }
    168 // Version of newosproc that doesn't require a valid G.
    169 //go:nosplit
    170 func newosproc0(stacksize uintptr, fn unsafe.Pointer) {
    171 	stack := sysAlloc(stacksize, &memstats.stacks_sys)
    172 	if stack == nil {
    173 		write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&failallocatestack[0]), int32(len(failallocatestack)))
    174 		exit(1)
    175 	}
    176 	ret := clone(cloneFlags, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(stack)+stacksize), nil, nil, fn)
    177 	if ret < 0 {
    178 		write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&failthreadcreate[0]), int32(len(failthreadcreate)))
    179 		exit(1)
    180 	}
    181 }
    183 var failallocatestack = []byte("runtime: failed to allocate stack for the new OS thread\n")
    184 var failthreadcreate = []byte("runtime: failed to create new OS thread\n")
    186 const (
    187 	_AT_NULL   = 0  // End of vector
    188 	_AT_PAGESZ = 6  // System physical page size
    189 	_AT_HWCAP  = 16 // hardware capability bit vector
    190 	_AT_RANDOM = 25 // introduced in 2.6.29
    191 	_AT_HWCAP2 = 26 // hardware capability bit vector 2
    192 )
    194 var procAuxv = []byte("/proc/self/auxv\x00")
    196 func mincore(addr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr, dst *byte) int32
    198 func sysargs(argc int32, argv **byte) {
    199 	n := argc + 1
    201 	// skip over argv, envp to get to auxv
    202 	for argv_index(argv, n) != nil {
    203 		n++
    204 	}
    206 	// skip NULL separator
    207 	n++
    209 	// now argv+n is auxv
    210 	auxv := (*[1 << 28]uintptr)(add(unsafe.Pointer(argv), uintptr(n)*sys.PtrSize))
    211 	if sysauxv(auxv[:]) != 0 {
    212 		return
    213 	}
    214 	// In some situations we don't get a loader-provided
    215 	// auxv, such as when loaded as a library on Android.
    216 	// Fall back to /proc/self/auxv.
    217 	fd := open(&procAuxv[0], 0 /* O_RDONLY */, 0)
    218 	if fd < 0 {
    219 		// On Android, /proc/self/auxv might be unreadable (issue 9229), so we fallback to
    220 		// try using mincore to detect the physical page size.
    221 		// mincore should return EINVAL when address is not a multiple of system page size.
    222 		const size = 256 << 10 // size of memory region to allocate
    223 		p, err := mmap(nil, size, _PROT_READ|_PROT_WRITE, _MAP_ANON|_MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0)
    224 		if err != 0 {
    225 			return
    226 		}
    227 		var n uintptr
    228 		for n = 4 << 10; n < size; n <<= 1 {
    229 			err := mincore(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+n), 1, &addrspace_vec[0])
    230 			if err == 0 {
    231 				physPageSize = n
    232 				break
    233 			}
    234 		}
    235 		if physPageSize == 0 {
    236 			physPageSize = size
    237 		}
    238 		munmap(p, size)
    239 		return
    240 	}
    241 	var buf [128]uintptr
    242 	n = read(fd, noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), int32(unsafe.Sizeof(buf)))
    243 	closefd(fd)
    244 	if n < 0 {
    245 		return
    246 	}
    247 	// Make sure buf is terminated, even if we didn't read
    248 	// the whole file.
    249 	buf[len(buf)-2] = _AT_NULL
    250 	sysauxv(buf[:])
    251 }
    253 func sysauxv(auxv []uintptr) int {
    254 	var i int
    255 	for ; auxv[i] != _AT_NULL; i += 2 {
    256 		tag, val := auxv[i], auxv[i+1]
    257 		switch tag {
    258 		case _AT_RANDOM:
    259 			// The kernel provides a pointer to 16-bytes
    260 			// worth of random data.
    261 			startupRandomData = (*[16]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(val))[:]
    263 		case _AT_PAGESZ:
    264 			physPageSize = val
    265 		}
    267 		archauxv(tag, val)
    268 	}
    269 	return i / 2
    270 }
    272 func osinit() {
    273 	ncpu = getproccount()
    274 }
    276 var urandom_dev = []byte("/dev/urandom\x00")
    278 func getRandomData(r []byte) {
    279 	if startupRandomData != nil {
    280 		n := copy(r, startupRandomData)
    281 		extendRandom(r, n)
    282 		return
    283 	}
    284 	fd := open(&urandom_dev[0], 0 /* O_RDONLY */, 0)
    285 	n := read(fd, unsafe.Pointer(&r[0]), int32(len(r)))
    286 	closefd(fd)
    287 	extendRandom(r, int(n))
    288 }
    290 func goenvs() {
    291 	goenvs_unix()
    292 }
    294 // Called to do synchronous initialization of Go code built with
    295 // -buildmode=c-archive or -buildmode=c-shared.
    296 // None of the Go runtime is initialized.
    297 //go:nosplit
    298 //go:nowritebarrierrec
    299 func libpreinit() {
    300 	initsig(true)
    301 }
    303 // Called to initialize a new m (including the bootstrap m).
    304 // Called on the parent thread (main thread in case of bootstrap), can allocate memory.
    305 func mpreinit(mp *m) {
    306 	mp.gsignal = malg(32 * 1024) // Linux wants >= 2K
    307 	mp.gsignal.m = mp
    308 }
    310 func gettid() uint32
    312 // Called to initialize a new m (including the bootstrap m).
    313 // Called on the new thread, cannot allocate memory.
    314 func minit() {
    315 	minitSignals()
    317 	// for debuggers, in case cgo created the thread
    318 	getg().m.procid = uint64(gettid())
    319 }
    321 // Called from dropm to undo the effect of an minit.
    322 //go:nosplit
    323 func unminit() {
    324 	unminitSignals()
    325 }
    327 func memlimit() uintptr {
    328 	/*
    329 		TODO: Convert to Go when something actually uses the result.
    331 		Rlimit rl;
    332 		extern byte runtimetext[], runtimeend[];
    333 		uintptr used;
    335 		if(runtimegetrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, &rl) != 0)
    336 			return 0;
    337 		if(rl.rlim_cur >= 0x7fffffff)
    338 			return 0;
    340 		// Estimate our VM footprint excluding the heap.
    341 		// Not an exact science: use size of binary plus
    342 		// some room for thread stacks.
    343 		used = runtimeend - runtimetext + (64<<20);
    344 		if(used >= rl.rlim_cur)
    345 			return 0;
    347 		// If there's not at least 16 MB left, we're probably
    348 		// not going to be able to do much. Treat as no limit.
    349 		rl.rlim_cur -= used;
    350 		if(rl.rlim_cur < (16<<20))
    351 			return 0;
    353 		return rl.rlim_cur - used;
    354 	*/
    356 	return 0
    357 }
    359 //#ifdef GOARCH_386
    360 //#define sa_handler k_sa_handler
    361 //#endif
    363 func sigreturn()
    364 func sigtramp(sig uint32, info *siginfo, ctx unsafe.Pointer)
    365 func cgoSigtramp()
    367 //go:noescape
    368 func sigaltstack(new, old *stackt)
    370 //go:noescape
    371 func setitimer(mode int32, new, old *itimerval)
    373 //go:noescape
    374 func rtsigprocmask(how int32, new, old *sigset, size int32)
    376 //go:nosplit
    377 //go:nowritebarrierrec
    378 func sigprocmask(how int32, new, old *sigset) {
    379 	rtsigprocmask(how, new, old, int32(unsafe.Sizeof(*new)))
    380 }
    382 //go:noescape
    383 func getrlimit(kind int32, limit unsafe.Pointer) int32
    384 func raise(sig uint32)
    385 func raiseproc(sig uint32)
    387 //go:noescape
    388 func sched_getaffinity(pid, len uintptr, buf *byte) int32
    389 func osyield()
    391 //go:nosplit
    392 //go:nowritebarrierrec
    393 func setsig(i uint32, fn uintptr) {
    394 	var sa sigactiont
    395 	sa.sa_flags = _SA_SIGINFO | _SA_ONSTACK | _SA_RESTORER | _SA_RESTART
    396 	sigfillset(&sa.sa_mask)
    397 	// Although Linux manpage says "sa_restorer element is obsolete and
    398 	// should not be used". x86_64 kernel requires it. Only use it on
    399 	// x86.
    400 	if GOARCH == "386" || GOARCH == "amd64" {
    401 		sa.sa_restorer = funcPC(sigreturn)
    402 	}
    403 	if fn == funcPC(sighandler) {
    404 		if iscgo {
    405 			fn = funcPC(cgoSigtramp)
    406 		} else {
    407 			fn = funcPC(sigtramp)
    408 		}
    409 	}
    410 	sa.sa_handler = fn
    411 	rt_sigaction(uintptr(i), &sa, nil, unsafe.Sizeof(sa.sa_mask))
    412 }
    414 //go:nosplit
    415 //go:nowritebarrierrec
    416 func setsigstack(i uint32) {
    417 	var sa sigactiont
    418 	rt_sigaction(uintptr(i), nil, &sa, unsafe.Sizeof(sa.sa_mask))
    419 	if sa.sa_flags&_SA_ONSTACK != 0 {
    420 		return
    421 	}
    422 	sa.sa_flags |= _SA_ONSTACK
    423 	rt_sigaction(uintptr(i), &sa, nil, unsafe.Sizeof(sa.sa_mask))
    424 }
    426 //go:nosplit
    427 //go:nowritebarrierrec
    428 func getsig(i uint32) uintptr {
    429 	var sa sigactiont
    430 	if rt_sigaction(uintptr(i), nil, &sa, unsafe.Sizeof(sa.sa_mask)) != 0 {
    431 		throw("rt_sigaction read failure")
    432 	}
    433 	return sa.sa_handler
    434 }
    436 // setSignaltstackSP sets the ss_sp field of a stackt.
    437 //go:nosplit
    438 func setSignalstackSP(s *stackt, sp uintptr) {
    439 	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&s.ss_sp)) = sp
    440 }
    442 func (c *sigctxt) fixsigcode(sig uint32) {
    443 }