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      1 // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package runtime_test
      7 import (
      8 	"runtime"
      9 	"strings"
     10 	"testing"
     11 )
     13 func TestCaller(t *testing.T) {
     14 	procs := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1)
     15 	c := make(chan bool, procs)
     16 	for p := 0; p < procs; p++ {
     17 		go func() {
     18 			for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
     19 				testCallerFoo(t)
     20 			}
     21 			c <- true
     22 		}()
     23 		defer func() {
     24 			<-c
     25 		}()
     26 	}
     27 }
     29 // These are marked noinline so that we can use FuncForPC
     30 // in testCallerBar.
     31 //go:noinline
     32 func testCallerFoo(t *testing.T) {
     33 	testCallerBar(t)
     34 }
     36 //go:noinline
     37 func testCallerBar(t *testing.T) {
     38 	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
     39 		pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(i)
     40 		f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
     41 		if !ok ||
     42 			!strings.HasSuffix(file, "symtab_test.go") ||
     43 			(i == 0 && !strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), "testCallerBar")) ||
     44 			(i == 1 && !strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), "testCallerFoo")) ||
     45 			line < 5 || line > 1000 ||
     46 			f.Entry() >= pc {
     47 			t.Errorf("incorrect symbol info %d: %t %d %d %s %s %d",
     48 				i, ok, f.Entry(), pc, f.Name(), file, line)
     49 		}
     50 	}
     51 }
     53 func lineNumber() int {
     54 	_, _, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
     55 	return line // return 0 for error
     56 }
     58 // Do not add/remove lines in this block without updating the line numbers.
     59 var firstLine = lineNumber() // 0
     60 var (                        // 1
     61 	lineVar1             = lineNumber()               // 2
     62 	lineVar2a, lineVar2b = lineNumber(), lineNumber() // 3
     63 )                        // 4
     64 var compLit = []struct { // 5
     65 	lineA, lineB int // 6
     66 }{ // 7
     67 	{ // 8
     68 		lineNumber(), lineNumber(), // 9
     69 	}, // 10
     70 	{ // 11
     71 		lineNumber(), // 12
     72 		lineNumber(), // 13
     73 	}, // 14
     74 	{ // 15
     75 		lineB: lineNumber(), // 16
     76 		lineA: lineNumber(), // 17
     77 	}, // 18
     78 }                                     // 19
     79 var arrayLit = [...]int{lineNumber(), // 20
     80 	lineNumber(), lineNumber(), // 21
     81 	lineNumber(), // 22
     82 }                                  // 23
     83 var sliceLit = []int{lineNumber(), // 24
     84 	lineNumber(), lineNumber(), // 25
     85 	lineNumber(), // 26
     86 }                         // 27
     87 var mapLit = map[int]int{ // 28
     88 	29:           lineNumber(), // 29
     89 	30:           lineNumber(), // 30
     90 	lineNumber(): 31,           // 31
     91 	lineNumber(): 32,           // 32
     92 }                           // 33
     93 var intLit = lineNumber() + // 34
     94 	lineNumber() + // 35
     95 	lineNumber() // 36
     96 func trythis() { // 37
     97 	recordLines(lineNumber(), // 38
     98 		lineNumber(), // 39
     99 		lineNumber()) // 40
    100 }
    102 // Modifications below this line are okay.
    104 var l38, l39, l40 int
    106 func recordLines(a, b, c int) {
    107 	l38 = a
    108 	l39 = b
    109 	l40 = c
    110 }
    112 func TestLineNumber(t *testing.T) {
    113 	trythis()
    114 	for _, test := range []struct {
    115 		name string
    116 		val  int
    117 		want int
    118 	}{
    119 		{"firstLine", firstLine, 0},
    120 		{"lineVar1", lineVar1, 2},
    121 		{"lineVar2a", lineVar2a, 3},
    122 		{"lineVar2b", lineVar2b, 3},
    123 		{"compLit[0].lineA", compLit[0].lineA, 9},
    124 		{"compLit[0].lineB", compLit[0].lineB, 9},
    125 		{"compLit[1].lineA", compLit[1].lineA, 12},
    126 		{"compLit[1].lineB", compLit[1].lineB, 13},
    127 		{"compLit[2].lineA", compLit[2].lineA, 17},
    128 		{"compLit[2].lineB", compLit[2].lineB, 16},
    130 		{"arrayLit[0]", arrayLit[0], 20},
    131 		{"arrayLit[1]", arrayLit[1], 21},
    132 		{"arrayLit[2]", arrayLit[2], 21},
    133 		{"arrayLit[3]", arrayLit[3], 22},
    135 		{"sliceLit[0]", sliceLit[0], 24},
    136 		{"sliceLit[1]", sliceLit[1], 25},
    137 		{"sliceLit[2]", sliceLit[2], 25},
    138 		{"sliceLit[3]", sliceLit[3], 26},
    140 		{"mapLit[29]", mapLit[29], 29},
    141 		{"mapLit[30]", mapLit[30], 30},
    142 		{"mapLit[31]", mapLit[31+firstLine] + firstLine, 31}, // nb it's the key not the value
    143 		{"mapLit[32]", mapLit[32+firstLine] + firstLine, 32}, // nb it's the key not the value
    145 		{"intLit", intLit - 2*firstLine, 34 + 35 + 36},
    147 		{"l38", l38, 38},
    148 		{"l39", l39, 39},
    149 		{"l40", l40, 40},
    150 	} {
    151 		if got := test.val - firstLine; got != test.want {
    152 			t.Errorf("%s on firstLine+%d want firstLine+%d (firstLine=%d, val=%d)",
    153 				test.name, got, test.want, firstLine, test.val)
    154 		}
    155 	}
    156 }
    158 func TestNilName(t *testing.T) {
    159 	defer func() {
    160 		if ex := recover(); ex != nil {
    161 			t.Fatalf("expected no nil panic, got=%v", ex)
    162 		}
    163 	}()
    164 	if got := (*runtime.Func)(nil).Name(); got != "" {
    165 		t.Errorf("Name() = %q, want %q", got, "")
    166 	}
    167 }