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      1 /* -*-c-*- */
      3 /* SWIG pointer structure */
      5 #include <string.h>
      6 #include <assert.h>
      8 #ifdef __cplusplus
      9 extern "C" {
     10 #endif
     12 #define C_bool 0
     13 #define C_char 1
     14 #define C_uchar 2
     15 #define C_short 3
     16 #define C_ushort 4
     17 #define C_int 5
     18 #define C_uint 6
     19 #define C_int32 7
     20 #define C_int64 8
     21 #define C_float 9
     22 #define C_double 10
     23 #define C_ptr 11
     24 #define C_array 12
     25 #define C_list 13
     26 #define C_obj 14
     27 #define C_string 15
     28 #define C_enum 16
     29 #define C_director_core 17
     32 /* Cast a pointer if possible; returns 1 if successful */
     34     SWIGSTATIC int
     35     SWIG_Cast (void *source, swig_type_info *source_type,
     36 	       void **ptr, swig_type_info *dest_type)
     37     {
     38 	if( !source ) { // Special case for NULL.  This is a popular question
     39 	    // for other modules on the list, so I want an easy way out...
     40 	    *ptr = 0;
     41 	    return 0;
     42 	}
     44 #ifdef TYPE_CAST_VERBOSE
     45 	fprintf( stderr, "Trying to cast %s to %s\n",
     46 		 source_type ? source_type->str : "<none>",
     47 		 dest_type ? dest_type->str : "<none>" );
     48 #endif
     49 	if (dest_type != source_type) {
     50 	    /* We have a type mismatch.  Will have to look through our type
     51 	       mapping table to figure out whether or not we can accept this
     52 	       datatype.
     53 	       --
     54 	       Ignore typechecks for void *.  Allow any conversion. */
     55 	    if( !dest_type || !source_type ||
     56 		!strcmp(dest_type->name,"_p_void") ||
     57 		!strcmp(source_type->name,"_p_void") ) {
     58 		*ptr = source;
     59 		return 0;
     60 	    } else {
     61 		swig_cast_info *tc =
     62 		    SWIG_TypeCheckStruct(source_type, dest_type );
     63 #ifdef TYPE_CAST_VERBOSE
     64 		fprintf( stderr, "Typecheck -> %s\n",
     65 			 tc ? tc->str : "<none>" );
     66 #endif
     67 		if( tc ) {
     68 		    int newmemory = 0;
     69 		    *ptr = SWIG_TypeCast(tc, source, &newmemory);
     70 		    assert(!newmemory); /* newmemory handling not yet implemented */
     71 		    return 0;
     72 		} else
     73 		    return -1;
     74 	    }
     75 	} else {
     76 	    *ptr = source;
     77 	    return 0;
     78 	}
     79     }
     81 /* Return 0 if successful. */
     82     SWIGSTATIC int
     83     SWIG_GetPtr(void *inptr, void **outptr,
     84 		swig_type_info *intype, swig_type_info *outtype) {
     85 	if (intype) {
     86 	    return SWIG_Cast(inptr, intype,
     87 			     outptr, outtype) == -1;
     88 	} else {
     89 	    *outptr = inptr;
     90 	    return 0;
     91 	}
     92     }
     94     SWIGSTATIC void caml_print_list( CAML_VALUE v );
     96     SWIGSTATIC void caml_print_val( CAML_VALUE v ) {
     97 	switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) {
     98 	case C_bool:
     99 	    if( Bool_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)) ) fprintf( stderr, "true " );
    100 	    else fprintf( stderr, "false " );
    101 	    break;
    102 	case C_char:
    103 	case C_uchar:
    104 	    fprintf( stderr, "'%c' (\\%03d) ",
    105 		     (Int_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)) >= ' ' &&
    106 		      Int_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)) < 127) ? Int_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)) : '.',
    107 		     Int_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)) );
    108 	    break;
    109 	case C_short:
    110 	case C_ushort:
    111 	case C_int:
    112 	    fprintf( stderr, "%d ", (int)caml_long_val(v) );
    113 	    break;
    115 	case C_uint:
    116 	case C_int32:
    117 	    fprintf( stderr, "%ud ", (unsigned int)caml_long_val(v) );
    118 	    break;
    119 	case C_int64:
    120 	    fprintf( stderr, "%ld ", caml_long_val(v) );
    121 	    break;
    122 	case C_float:
    123 	case C_double:
    124 	    fprintf( stderr, "%f ", caml_double_val(v) );
    125 	    break;
    127 	case C_ptr:
    128 	{
    129 	    void *vout = 0;
    130 	    swig_type_info *ty = (swig_type_info *)(long)SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(v,1));
    131 	    caml_ptr_val_internal(v,&vout,0);
    132 	    fprintf( stderr, "PTR(%p,%s) ",
    133 		     vout,
    134 		     ty ? ty->name : "(null)" );
    135 	}
    136 	break;
    137 	case C_array:
    138 	{
    139 	    unsigned int i;
    140 	    for( i = 0; i < Wosize_val( SWIG_Field(v,0) ); i++ )
    141 		caml_print_val( SWIG_Field(SWIG_Field(v,0),i) );
    142 	}
    143 	break;
    144 	case C_list:
    145 	    caml_print_list( SWIG_Field(v,0) );
    146 	    break;
    147 	case C_obj:
    148 	    fprintf( stderr, "OBJ(%p) ", (void *)SWIG_Field(v,0) );
    149 	    break;
    150 	case C_string:
    151 	{
    152 	    void *cout;
    153 	    caml_ptr_val_internal(v,&cout,0);
    154 	    fprintf( stderr, "'%s' ", (char *)cout );
    155 	}
    156 	break;
    157 	}
    158     }
    160     SWIGSTATIC void caml_print_list( CAML_VALUE v ) {
    161 	CAMLparam1(v);
    162 	while( v && Is_block(v) ) {
    163 	    fprintf( stderr, "[ " );
    164 	    caml_print_val( SWIG_Field(v,0) );
    165 	    fprintf( stderr, "]\n" );
    166 	    v = SWIG_Field(v,1);
    167 	}
    168 	CAMLreturn0;
    169     }
    171     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_list_nth( CAML_VALUE lst, int n ) {
    172 	CAMLparam1(lst);
    173 	int i = 0;
    174 	while( i < n && lst && Is_block(lst) ) {
    175 	    i++; lst = SWIG_Field(lst,1);
    176 	}
    177 	if( lst == Val_unit ) CAMLreturn(Val_unit);
    178 	else CAMLreturn(SWIG_Field(lst,0));
    179     }
    181     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_list_append( CAML_VALUE lst, CAML_VALUE elt ) {
    182 	CAMLparam2(lst,elt);
    183 	SWIG_CAMLlocal3(v,vt,lh);
    184 	lh = Val_unit;
    185 	v = Val_unit;
    187 	/* Appending C_void should have no effect */
    188 	if( !Is_block(elt) ) return lst;
    190 	while( lst && Is_block(lst) ) {
    191 	    if( v && v != Val_unit ) {
    192 		vt = alloc_tuple(2);
    193 		SWIG_Store_field(v,1,vt);
    194 		v = vt;
    195 	    } else {
    196 		v = lh = alloc_tuple(2);
    197 	    }
    198 	    SWIG_Store_field(v,0,SWIG_Field(lst,0));
    199 	    lst = SWIG_Field(lst,1);
    200 	}
    202 	if( v && Is_block(v) ) {
    203 	    vt = alloc_tuple(2);
    204 	    SWIG_Store_field(v,1,vt);
    205 	    v = vt;
    206 	} else {
    207 	    v = lh = alloc_tuple(2);
    208 	}
    209 	SWIG_Store_field(v,0,elt);
    210 	SWIG_Store_field(v,1,Val_unit);
    212 	CAMLreturn(lh);
    213     }
    215     SWIGSTATIC int caml_list_length( CAML_VALUE lst ) {
    216 	CAMLparam1(lst);
    217 	int i = 0;
    218 	while( lst && Is_block(lst) ) { i++; lst = SWIG_Field(lst,1); }
    219 	CAMLreturn(i);
    220     }
    222     SWIGSTATIC void caml_array_set( CAML_VALUE arr, int n, CAML_VALUE item ) {
    223 	CAMLparam2(arr,item);
    224 	SWIG_Store_field(SWIG_Field(arr,0),n,item);
    225 	CAMLreturn0;
    226     }
    228     SWIGSTATIC value caml_array_nth( CAML_VALUE arr, int n ) {
    229 	CAMLparam1(arr);
    230 	if( SWIG_Tag_val(arr) == C_array )
    231 	    CAMLreturn(SWIG_Field(SWIG_Field(arr,0),n));
    232 	else if( SWIG_Tag_val(arr) == C_list )
    233 	    CAMLreturn(caml_list_nth(arr,0));
    234 	else
    235 	    failwith("Need array or list");
    236     }
    238     SWIGSTATIC int caml_array_len( CAML_VALUE arr ) {
    239 	CAMLparam1(arr);
    240 	if( SWIG_Tag_val(arr) == C_array )
    241 	    CAMLreturn(Wosize_val(SWIG_Field(arr,0)));
    242 	else if( SWIG_Tag_val(arr) == C_list )
    243 	    CAMLreturn(caml_list_length(arr));
    244 	else
    245 	    failwith("Need array or list");
    246     }
    248     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_swig_alloc(int x,int y) {
    249 	return caml_alloc(x,y);
    250     }
    252     SWIGSTATIC value caml_array_new( int n ) {
    253 	CAMLparam0();
    254 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(vv);
    255 	vv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_array);
    256 	SWIG_Store_field(vv,0,alloc_tuple(n));
    257 	CAMLreturn(vv);
    258     }
    260     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_bool( int b ) {
    261 	CAMLparam0();
    262 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(bv);
    263 	bv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_bool);
    264 	SWIG_Store_field(bv,0,Val_bool(b));
    265 	CAMLreturn(bv);
    266     }
    268     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_char( char c ) {
    269 	CAMLparam0();
    270 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(cv);
    271 	cv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_char);
    272 	SWIG_Store_field(cv,0,Val_int(c));
    273 	CAMLreturn(cv);
    274     }
    276     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_uchar( unsigned char uc ) {
    277 	CAMLparam0();
    278 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(ucv);
    279 	ucv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_uchar);
    280 	SWIG_Store_field(ucv,0,Val_int(uc));
    281 	CAMLreturn(ucv);
    282     }
    284     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_short( short s ) {
    285 	CAMLparam0();
    286 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(sv);
    287 	sv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_short);
    288 	SWIG_Store_field(sv,0,Val_int(s));
    289 	CAMLreturn(sv);
    290     }
    292     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_ushort( unsigned short us ) {
    293 	CAMLparam0();
    294 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(usv);
    295 	usv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_ushort);
    296 	SWIG_Store_field(usv,0,Val_int(us));
    297 	CAMLreturn(usv);
    298     }
    300     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_int( int i ) {
    301 	CAMLparam0();
    302 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(iv);
    303 	iv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_int);
    304 	SWIG_Store_field(iv,0,Val_int(i));
    305 	CAMLreturn(iv);
    306     }
    308     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_uint( unsigned int ui ) {
    309 	CAMLparam0();
    310 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(uiv);
    311 	uiv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_int);
    312 	SWIG_Store_field(uiv,0,Val_int(ui));
    313 	CAMLreturn(uiv);
    314     }
    316     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_long( long l ) {
    317 	CAMLparam0();
    318 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(lv);
    319 	lv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_int64);
    320 	SWIG_Store_field(lv,0,copy_int64(l));
    321 	CAMLreturn(lv);
    322     }
    324     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_ulong( unsigned long ul ) {
    325 	CAMLparam0();
    326 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(ulv);
    327 	ulv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_int64);
    328 	SWIG_Store_field(ulv,0,copy_int64(ul));
    329 	CAMLreturn(ulv);
    330     }
    332     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_float( float f ) {
    333 	CAMLparam0();
    334 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(fv);
    335 	fv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_float);
    336 	SWIG_Store_field(fv,0,copy_double((double)f));
    337 	CAMLreturn(fv);
    338     }
    340     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_double( double d ) {
    341 	CAMLparam0();
    342 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(fv);
    343 	fv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_double);
    344 	SWIG_Store_field(fv,0,copy_double(d));
    345 	CAMLreturn(fv);
    346     }
    348     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_ptr( void *p, swig_type_info *info ) {
    349 	CAMLparam0();
    350 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(vv);
    351 	vv = caml_swig_alloc(2,C_ptr);
    352 	SWIG_Store_field(vv,0,copy_int64((long)p));
    353 	SWIG_Store_field(vv,1,copy_int64((long)info));
    354 	CAMLreturn(vv);
    355     }
    357     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_string( const char *p ) {
    358 	CAMLparam0();
    359 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(vv);
    360 	if( !p ) CAMLreturn(caml_val_ptr( (void *)p, 0 ));
    361 	vv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_string);
    362 	SWIG_Store_field(vv,0,copy_string(p));
    363 	CAMLreturn(vv);
    364     }
    366     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_string_len( const char *p, int len ) {
    367 	CAMLparam0();
    368 	SWIG_CAMLlocal1(vv);
    369 	if( !p || len < 0 ) CAMLreturn(caml_val_ptr( (void *)p, 0 ));
    370 	vv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_string);
    371 	SWIG_Store_field(vv,0,alloc_string(len));
    372 	memcpy(String_val(SWIG_Field(vv,0)),p,len);
    373 	CAMLreturn(vv);
    374     }
    376     #define caml_val_obj(v, name) caml_val_obj_helper(v, SWIG_TypeQuery((name)), name)
    377     SWIGSTATIC CAML_VALUE caml_val_obj_helper( void *v, swig_type_info *type, char *name) {
    378 	CAMLparam0();
    379 	CAMLreturn(callback2(*caml_named_value("caml_create_object_fn"),
    380 			     caml_val_ptr(v,type),
    381 			     copy_string(name)));
    382     }
    384     SWIGSTATIC long caml_long_val_full( CAML_VALUE v, char *name ) {
    385 	CAMLparam1(v);
    386 	if( !Is_block(v) ) return 0;
    388 	switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) {
    389 	case C_bool:
    390 	case C_char:
    391 	case C_uchar:
    392 	case C_short:
    393 	case C_ushort:
    394 	case C_int:
    395 	    CAMLreturn(Int_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)));
    396 	case C_uint:
    397 	case C_int32:
    398 	    CAMLreturn(Int32_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)));
    399 	case C_int64:
    400 	    CAMLreturn((long)SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)));
    401 	case C_float:
    402 	case C_double:
    403 	    CAMLreturn((long)Double_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)));
    404 	case C_string:
    405 	    CAMLreturn((long)String_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)));
    406 	case C_ptr:
    407 	    CAMLreturn((long)SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(SWIG_Field(v,0),0)));
    408 	case C_enum: {
    409 	    SWIG_CAMLlocal1(ret);
    410 	    CAML_VALUE *enum_to_int = caml_named_value(SWIG_MODULE "_enum_to_int");
    411 	    if( !name ) failwith( "Not an enum conversion" );
    412 	    ret = callback2(*enum_to_int,*caml_named_value(name),v);
    413 	    CAMLreturn(caml_long_val(ret));
    414 	}
    415 	default:
    416 	    failwith("No conversion to int");
    417 	}
    418     }
    420     SWIGSTATIC long caml_long_val( CAML_VALUE v ) {
    421 	return caml_long_val_full(v,0);
    422     }
    424     SWIGSTATIC double caml_double_val( CAML_VALUE v ) {
    425 	CAMLparam1(v);
    426 	if( !Is_block(v) ) return 0.0;
    427 	switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) {
    428 	case C_bool:
    429 	case C_char:
    430 	case C_uchar:
    431 	case C_short:
    432 	case C_ushort:
    433 	case C_int:
    434 	    CAMLreturn_type(Int_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)));
    435 	case C_uint:
    436 	case C_int32:
    437 	    CAMLreturn_type(Int32_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)));
    438 	case C_int64:
    439 	    CAMLreturn_type(SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)));
    440 	case C_float:
    441 	case C_double:
    442 	    CAMLreturn_type(Double_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)));
    443 	default:
    444 	    fprintf( stderr, "Unknown block tag %d\n", SWIG_Tag_val(v) );
    445 	    failwith("No conversion to double");
    446 	}
    447     }
    449     SWIGSTATIC int caml_ptr_val_internal( CAML_VALUE v, void **out,
    450 					  swig_type_info *descriptor ) {
    451 	CAMLparam1(v);
    452 	void *outptr = NULL;
    453         swig_type_info *outdescr = NULL;
    455 	if( v == Val_unit ) {
    456 	    *out = 0;
    457 	    CAMLreturn(0);
    458 	}
    459 	if( !Is_block(v) ) return -1;
    460 	switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) {
    461 	case C_int:
    462 	    if( !caml_long_val( v ) ) {
    463 		*out = 0;
    464 		CAMLreturn(0);
    465 	    } else {
    466 		*out = 0;
    467 		CAMLreturn(1);
    468 	    }
    469 	    break;
    470 	case C_obj:
    471 	    CAMLreturn
    472 		(caml_ptr_val_internal
    473 		 (callback(*caml_named_value("caml_obj_ptr"),v),
    474 		  out,descriptor));
    475 	case C_string:
    476 	    outptr = (void *)String_val(SWIG_Field(v,0));
    477 	    break;
    478 	case C_ptr:
    479 	    outptr = (void *)(long)SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(v,0));
    480             outdescr = (swig_type_info *)(long)SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(v,1));
    481 	    break;
    482 	default:
    483 	    *out = 0;
    484 	    CAMLreturn(1);
    485 	    break;
    486 	}
    488 	CAMLreturn(SWIG_GetPtr(outptr,out,outdescr,descriptor));
    489     }
    491     SWIGSTATIC void *caml_ptr_val( CAML_VALUE v, swig_type_info *descriptor ) {
    492         CAMLparam0();
    493 #ifdef TYPE_CAST_VERBOSE
    494 	caml_print_val( v );
    495 #endif
    496 	void *out = NULL;
    497 	if( !caml_ptr_val_internal( v, &out, descriptor ) )
    498 	    CAMLreturn_type(out);
    499 	else
    500 	    failwith( "No appropriate conversion found." );
    501     }
    503     SWIGSTATIC char *caml_string_val( CAML_VALUE v ) {
    504 	return (char *)caml_ptr_val( v, 0 );
    505     }
    507     SWIGSTATIC int caml_string_len( CAML_VALUE v ) {
    508 	switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) {
    509 	case C_string:
    510 	    return string_length(SWIG_Field(v,0));
    511 	default:
    512 	    return strlen((char *)caml_ptr_val(v,0));
    513 	}
    514     }
    516     SWIGSTATIC int caml_bool_check( CAML_VALUE v ) {
    517 	CAMLparam1(v);
    519 	if( !Is_block(v) ) return 0;
    521 	switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) {
    522 	case C_bool:
    523 	case C_ptr:
    524 	case C_string:
    525 	    CAMLreturn(1);
    526 	default:
    527 	    CAMLreturn(0);
    528 	}
    529     }
    531     SWIGSTATIC int caml_int_check( CAML_VALUE v ) {
    532 	CAMLparam1(v);
    534 	if( !Is_block(v) ) return 0;
    536 	switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) {
    537 	case C_char:
    538 	case C_uchar:
    539 	case C_short:
    540 	case C_ushort:
    541 	case C_int:
    542 	case C_uint:
    543 	case C_int32:
    544 	case C_int64:
    545 	    CAMLreturn(1);
    547 	default:
    548 	    CAMLreturn(0);
    549 	}
    550     }
    552     SWIGSTATIC int caml_float_check( CAML_VALUE v ) {
    553 	CAMLparam1(v);
    554 	if( !Is_block(v) ) return 0;
    556 	switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) {
    557 	case C_float:
    558 	case C_double:
    559 	    CAMLreturn(1);
    561 	default:
    562 	    CAMLreturn(0);
    563 	}
    564     }
    566     SWIGSTATIC int caml_ptr_check( CAML_VALUE v ) {
    567 	CAMLparam1(v);
    568 	if( !Is_block(v) ) return 0;
    570 	switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) {
    571 	case C_string:
    572 	case C_ptr:
    573 	case C_int64:
    574 	    CAMLreturn(1);
    576 	default:
    577 	    CAMLreturn(0);
    578 	}
    579     }
    581     static swig_module_info *SWIG_Ocaml_GetModule(void *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(clientdata)) {
    582       CAML_VALUE pointer;
    584       pointer = callback(*caml_named_value("swig_find_type_info"), caml_val_int(0));
    585       if (Is_block(pointer) && SWIG_Tag_val(pointer) == C_ptr) {
    586         return (swig_module_info *)(void *)(long)SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(pointer,0));
    587       }
    588       return 0;
    589     }
    591     static void SWIG_Ocaml_SetModule(swig_module_info *pointer) {
    592       CAML_VALUE mod_pointer;
    594       mod_pointer = caml_val_ptr(pointer, NULL);
    595       callback(*caml_named_value("swig_set_type_info"), mod_pointer);
    596     }
    598 #ifdef __cplusplus
    599 }
    600 #endif
    601 #undef value