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      1 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
      6 // Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 // <functional>
     12 // class function<R(ArgTypes...)>
     14 // function(Fp);
     16 // Ensure that __not_null works for all function types.
     17 // See https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23589
     19 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     20 // TESTING std::function<...>::__not_null(Callable)
     21 //
     22 // Concerns:
     23 //  1) The call __not_null(Callable) is well formed and correct for each
     24 //     possible 'Callable' type category. These categories include:
     25 //      1a) function pointers
     26 //      1b) member function pointer
     27 //      1c) member data pointer
     28 //      1d) callable class type
     29 //      1e) lambdas
     30 //    Categories 1a, 1b, and 1c are 'Nullable' types. Only objects of these
     31 //    types can be null. The other categories are not tested here.
     32 //  3) '__not_null(Callable)' is well formed when the call signature includes
     33 //      varargs.
     34 //  4) '__not_null(Callable)' works for Callable types with all arities less
     35 //     than or equal to 3 in C++03.
     36 //  5) '__not_null(Callable)' works when 'Callable' is a member function
     37 //     pointer to a cv or ref qualified function type.
     38 //
     39 // Plan:
     40 //  1 For categories 1a, 1b and 1c define a set of
     41 //    'Callable' objects for this category. This set should include examples
     42 //    of arity 0, 1, 2 and possible 3 including versions with varargs as the
     43 //    last parameter.
     44 //
     45 //  2 For each 'Callable' object in categories 1a, 1b and 1c do the following.
     46 //
     47 //    1 Define a type 'std::function<Sig>' as 'F' where 'Sig' is compatible with
     48 //      the signature of the 'Callable' object.
     49 //
     50 //    2 Create an object of type 'F' using a null pointer of type 'Callable'.
     51 //      Check that 'F.target<Callable>()' is null.
     52 //
     53 //    3 Create an object of type 'F' that is not null. Check that
     54 //      'F.target<Callable>()' is not null and is equal to the original
     55 //      argument.
     57 #include <functional>
     58 #include <type_traits>
     59 #include <cassert>
     61 #include "test_macros.h"
     63 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     64 int foo() { return 42; }
     65 int foo(int) { return 42; }
     66 int foo(int, int) { return 42; }
     67 int foo(int, int, int) { return 42; }
     69 int foo(...) { return 42; }
     70 int foo(int, ...) { return 42; }
     71 int foo(int, int, ...) { return 42; }
     72 int foo(int, int, int, ...) { return 42; }
     74 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     75 struct MemFun03 {
     76     int foo() { return 42; }
     77     int foo() const { return 42; }
     78     int foo() volatile { return 42; }
     79     int foo() const volatile { return 42; }
     81     int foo(int) { return 42; }
     82     int foo(int) const { return 42; }
     83     int foo(int) volatile { return 42; }
     84     int foo(int) const volatile { return 42; }
     86     int foo(int, int) { return 42; }
     87     int foo(int, int) const { return 42; }
     88     int foo(int, int) volatile { return 42; }
     89     int foo(int, int) const volatile { return 42; }
     91     int foo(int, int, int) { return 42; }
     92     int foo(int, int, int) const { return 42; }
     93     int foo(int, int, int) volatile { return 42; }
     94     int foo(int, int, int) const volatile { return 42; }
     96     int foo(...) { return 42; }
     97     int foo(...) const { return 42; }
     98     int foo(...) volatile { return 42; }
     99     int foo(...) const volatile { return 42; }
    101     int foo(int, ...) { return 42; }
    102     int foo(int, ...) const { return 42; }
    103     int foo(int, ...) volatile { return 42; }
    104     int foo(int, ...) const volatile { return 42; }
    106     int foo(int, int, ...) { return 42; }
    107     int foo(int, int, ...) const { return 42; }
    108     int foo(int, int, ...) volatile { return 42; }
    109     int foo(int, int, ...) const volatile { return 42; }
    111     int foo(int, int, int, ...) { return 42; }
    112     int foo(int, int, int, ...) const { return 42; }
    113     int foo(int, int, int, ...) volatile { return 42; }
    114     int foo(int, int, int, ...) const volatile { return 42; }
    115 };
    117 #if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
    118 struct MemFun11 {
    119     int foo() & { return 42; }
    120     int foo() const & { return 42; }
    121     int foo() volatile & { return 42; }
    122     int foo() const volatile & { return 42; }
    124     int foo(...) & { return 42; }
    125     int foo(...) const & { return 42; }
    126     int foo(...) volatile & { return 42; }
    127     int foo(...) const volatile & { return 42; }
    129     int foo() && { return 42; }
    130     int foo() const && { return 42; }
    131     int foo() volatile && { return 42; }
    132     int foo() const volatile && { return 42; }
    134     int foo(...) && { return 42; }
    135     int foo(...) const && { return 42; }
    136     int foo(...) volatile && { return 42; }
    137     int foo(...) const volatile && { return 42; }
    138 };
    139 #endif // TEST_STD_VER >= 11
    141 struct MemData {
    142     int foo;
    143 };
    145 // Create a non-null free function by taking the address of
    146 // &static_cast<Tp&>(foo);
    147 template <class Tp>
    148 struct Creator {
    149     static Tp create() {
    150         return &foo;
    151     }
    152 };
    154 // Create a non-null member pointer.
    155 template <class Ret, class Class>
    156 struct Creator<Ret Class::*> {
    157     typedef Ret Class::*ReturnType;
    158     static ReturnType create() {
    159         return &Class::foo;
    160     }
    161 };
    163 template <class TestFn, class Fn>
    164 void test_imp() {
    165     { // Check that the null value is detected
    166         TestFn tf = nullptr;
    167         std::function<Fn> f = tf;
    168         assert(f.template target<TestFn>() == nullptr);
    169     }
    170     { // Check that the non-null value is detected.
    171         TestFn tf = Creator<TestFn>::create();
    172         assert(tf != nullptr);
    173         std::function<Fn> f = tf;
    174         assert(f.template target<TestFn>() != nullptr);
    175         assert(*f.template target<TestFn>() == tf);
    176     }
    177 }
    179 void test_func() {
    180     test_imp<int(*)(), int()>();
    181     test_imp<int(*)(...), int()>();
    182     test_imp<int(*)(int), int(int)>();
    183     test_imp<int(*)(int, ...), int(int)>();
    184     test_imp<int(*)(int, int), int(int, int)>();
    185     test_imp<int(*)(int, int, ...), int(int, int)>();
    186     test_imp<int(*)(int, int, int), int(int, int, int)>();
    187     test_imp<int(*)(int, int, int, ...), int(int, int, int)>();
    188 }
    190 void test_mf() {
    191     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(), int(MemFun03&)>();
    192     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(...), int(MemFun03&)>();
    193     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)() const, int(MemFun03&)>();
    194     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(...) const, int(MemFun03&)>();
    195     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)() volatile, int(MemFun03&)>();
    196     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(...) volatile, int(MemFun03&)>();
    197     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)() const volatile, int(MemFun03&)>();
    198     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(...) const volatile, int(MemFun03&)>();
    200     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int), int(MemFun03&, int)>();
    201     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int, ...), int(MemFun03&, int)>();
    202     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int) const, int(MemFun03&, int)>();
    203     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int, ...) const, int(MemFun03&, int)>();
    204     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int) volatile, int(MemFun03&, int)>();
    205     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int, ...) volatile, int(MemFun03&, int)>();
    206     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int) const volatile, int(MemFun03&, int)>();
    207     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int, ...) const volatile, int(MemFun03&, int)>();
    209     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int, int), int(MemFun03&, int, int)>();
    210     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int, int, ...), int(MemFun03&, int, int)>();
    211     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int, int) const, int(MemFun03&, int, int)>();
    212     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int, int, ...) const, int(MemFun03&, int, int)>();
    213     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int, int) volatile, int(MemFun03&, int, int)>();
    214     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int, int, ...) volatile, int(MemFun03&, int, int)>();
    215     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int, int) const volatile, int(MemFun03&, int, int)>();
    216     test_imp<int(MemFun03::*)(int, int, ...) const volatile, int(MemFun03&, int, int)>();
    218 #if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
    219     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)() &, int(MemFun11&)>();
    220     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)(...) &, int(MemFun11&)>();
    221     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)() const &, int(MemFun11&)>();
    222     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)(...) const &, int(MemFun11&)>();
    223     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)() volatile &, int(MemFun11&)>();
    224     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)(...) volatile &, int(MemFun11&)>();
    225     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)() const volatile &, int(MemFun11&)>();
    226     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)(...) const volatile &, int(MemFun11&)>();
    228     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)() &&, int(MemFun11&&)>();
    229     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)(...) &&, int(MemFun11&&)>();
    230     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)() const &&, int(MemFun11&&)>();
    231     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)(...) const &&, int(MemFun11&&)>();
    232     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)() volatile &&, int(MemFun11&&)>();
    233     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)(...) volatile &&, int(MemFun11&&)>();
    234     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)() const volatile &&, int(MemFun11&&)>();
    235     test_imp<int(MemFun11::*)(...) const volatile &&, int(MemFun11&&)>();
    236 #endif
    237 }
    239 void test_md() {
    240     test_imp<int MemData::*, int(MemData&)>();
    241 }
    243 int main() {
    244     test_func();
    245     test_mf();
    246     test_md();
    247 }