1 <project> 2 <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> 3 <groupId>commons-lang</groupId> 4 <artifactId>commons-lang</artifactId> 5 <name>Lang</name> 6 <version>2.1</version> 7 <description>Commons.Lang, a package of Java utility classes for the 8 classes that are in java.lang's hierarchy, or are considered to be so 9 standard as to justify existence in java.lang.</description> 10 <url>http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/${pom.artifactId.substring(8)}/</url> 11 <issueManagement> 12 <url>http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/</url> 13 </issueManagement> 14 <ciManagement> 15 <notifiers> 16 <notifier> 17 <address>commons-dev (a] jakarta.apache.org</address> 18 </notifier> 19 </notifiers> 20 </ciManagement> 21 <inceptionYear>2001</inceptionYear> 22 <mailingLists> 23 <mailingList> 24 <name>Commons Dev List</name> 25 <subscribe>commons-dev-subscribe (a] jakarta.apache.org</subscribe> 26 <unsubscribe>commons-dev-unsubscribe (a] jakarta.apache.org</unsubscribe> 27 <archive>http://mail-archives.apache.org/eyebrowse/SummarizeList?listName=commons-dev@jakarta.apache.org</archive> 28 </mailingList> 29 <mailingList> 30 <name>Commons User List</name> 31 <subscribe>commons-user-subscribe (a] jakarta.apache.org</subscribe> 32 <unsubscribe>commons-user-unsubscribe (a] jakarta.apache.org</unsubscribe> 33 <archive>http://mail-archives.apache.org/eyebrowse/SummarizeList?listName=commons-user@jakarta.apache.org</archive> 34 </mailingList> 35 </mailingLists> 36 <developers> 37 <developer> 38 <id>dlr</id> 39 <name>Daniel Rall</name> 40 <email>dlr (a] finemaltcoding.com</email> 41 <organization>CollabNet, Inc.</organization> 42 <roles> 43 <role>Java Developer</role> 44 </roles> 45 </developer> 46 <developer> 47 <id>scolebourne</id> 48 <name>Stephen Colebourne</name> 49 <email>scolebourne (a] joda.org</email> 50 <organization>SITA ATS Ltd</organization> 51 <roles> 52 <role>Java Developer</role> 53 </roles> 54 <timezone>0</timezone> 55 </developer> 56 <developer> 57 <id>bayard</id> 58 <name>Henri Yandell</name> 59 <email>bayard (a] generationjava.com</email> 60 <organization></organization> 61 <roles> 62 <role>Java Developer</role> 63 </roles> 64 </developer> 65 <developer> 66 <id>scaswell</id> 67 <name>Steven Caswell</name> 68 <email>stevencaswell (a] apache.org</email> 69 <organization></organization> 70 <roles> 71 <role>Java Developer</role> 72 </roles> 73 <timezone>-5</timezone> 74 </developer> 75 <developer> 76 <id>rdonkin</id> 77 <name>Robert Burrell Donkin</name> 78 <email>rdonkin (a] apache.org</email> 79 <organization></organization> 80 <roles> 81 <role>Java Developer</role> 82 </roles> 83 </developer> 84 <developer> 85 <id>ggregory</id> 86 <name>Gary D. Gregory</name> 87 <email>ggregory (a] seagullsw.com</email> 88 <organization>Seagull Software</organization> 89 <roles> 90 <role>Java Developer</role> 91 </roles> 92 <timezone>-8</timezone> 93 </developer> 94 <developer> 95 <id>psteitz</id> 96 <name>Phil Steitz</name> 97 <email>phil (a] steitz.com</email> 98 <organization></organization> 99 <roles> 100 <role>Java Developer</role> 101 </roles> 102 </developer> 103 <developer> 104 <id>fredrik</id> 105 <name>Fredrik Westermarck</name> 106 <email></email> 107 <organization></organization> 108 <roles> 109 <role>Java Developer</role> 110 </roles> 111 </developer> 112 </developers> 113 <contributors> 114 <contributor> 115 <name>C. Scott Ananian</name> 116 </contributor> 117 <contributor> 118 <name>Chris Audley</name> 119 </contributor> 120 <contributor> 121 <name>Stephane Bailliez</name> 122 </contributor> 123 <contributor> 124 <name>Michael Becke</name> 125 </contributor> 126 <contributor> 127 <name>Ola Berg</name> 128 </contributor> 129 <contributor> 130 <name>Stefan Bodewig</name> 131 </contributor> 132 <contributor> 133 <name>Janek Bogucki</name> 134 </contributor> 135 <contributor> 136 <name>Mike Bowler</name> 137 </contributor> 138 <contributor> 139 <name>Sean Brown</name> 140 </contributor> 141 <contributor> 142 <name>Alexander Day Chaffee</name> 143 </contributor> 144 <contributor> 145 <name>Al Chou</name> 146 </contributor> 147 <contributor> 148 <name>Greg Coladonato</name> 149 </contributor> 150 <contributor> 151 <name>Maarten Coene</name> 152 </contributor> 153 <contributor> 154 <name>Justin Couch</name> 155 </contributor> 156 <contributor> 157 <name>Michael Davey</name> 158 </contributor> 159 <contributor> 160 <name>Norm Deane</name> 161 </contributor> 162 <contributor> 163 <name>Ringo De Smet</name> 164 </contributor> 165 <contributor> 166 <name>Russel Dittmar</name> 167 </contributor> 168 <contributor> 169 <name>Steve Downey</name> 170 </contributor> 171 <contributor> 172 <name>Matthias Eichel</name> 173 </contributor> 174 <contributor> 175 <name>Christopher Elkins</name> 176 </contributor> 177 <contributor> 178 <name>Chris Feldhacker</name> 179 </contributor> 180 <contributor> 181 <name>Pete Gieser</name> 182 </contributor> 183 <contributor> 184 <name>Jason Gritman</name> 185 </contributor> 186 <contributor> 187 <name>Matthew Hawthorne</name> 188 </contributor> 189 <contributor> 190 <name>Michael Heuer</name> 191 </contributor> 192 <contributor> 193 <name>Marc Johnson</name> 194 </contributor> 195 <contributor> 196 <name>Tetsuya Kaneuchi</name> 197 </contributor> 198 <contributor> 199 <name>Nissim Karpenstein</name> 200 </contributor> 201 <contributor> 202 <name>Ed Korthof</name> 203 </contributor> 204 <contributor> 205 <name>Holger Krauth</name> 206 </contributor> 207 <contributor> 208 <name>Rafal Krupinski</name> 209 </contributor> 210 <contributor> 211 <name>Rafal Krzewski</name> 212 </contributor> 213 <contributor> 214 <name>Craig R. McClanahan</name> 215 </contributor> 216 <contributor> 217 <name>Rand McNeely</name> 218 </contributor> 219 <contributor> 220 <name>Nikolay Metchev</name> 221 </contributor> 222 <contributor> 223 <name>Kasper Nielsen</name> 224 </contributor> 225 <contributor> 226 <name>Tim O'Brien</name> 227 </contributor> 228 <contributor> 229 <name>Brian S O'Neill</name> 230 </contributor> 231 <contributor> 232 <name>Andrew C. Oliver</name> 233 </contributor> 234 <contributor> 235 <name>Moritz Petersen</name> 236 </contributor> 237 <contributor> 238 <name>Dmitri Plotnikov</name> 239 </contributor> 240 <contributor> 241 <name>Neeme Praks</name> 242 </contributor> 243 <contributor> 244 <name>Eric Pugh</name> 245 </contributor> 246 <contributor> 247 <name>Travis Reeder</name> 248 </contributor> 249 <contributor> 250 <name>Antony Riley</name> 251 </contributor> 252 <contributor> 253 <name>Scott Sanders</name> 254 </contributor> 255 <contributor> 256 <name>Ralph Schaer</name> 257 </contributor> 258 <contributor> 259 <name>Henning P. Schmiedehausen</name> 260 </contributor> 261 <contributor> 262 <name>Sean Schofield</name> 263 </contributor> 264 <contributor> 265 <name>Ville Skytta</name> 266 </contributor> 267 <contributor> 268 <name>Jan Sorensen</name> 269 </contributor> 270 <contributor> 271 <name>Glen Stampoultzis</name> 272 </contributor> 273 <contributor> 274 <name>Scott Stanchfield</name> 275 </contributor> 276 <contributor> 277 <name>Jon S. Stevens</name> 278 </contributor> 279 <contributor> 280 <name>Sean C. Sullivan</name> 281 </contributor> 282 <contributor> 283 <name>Ashwin Suresh</name> 284 </contributor> 285 <contributor> 286 <name>Helge Tesgaard</name> 287 </contributor> 288 <contributor> 289 <name>Arun Mammen Thomas</name> 290 </contributor> 291 <contributor> 292 <name>Masato Tezuka</name> 293 </contributor> 294 <contributor> 295 <name>Jeff Varszegi</name> 296 </contributor> 297 <contributor> 298 <name>Chris Webb</name> 299 </contributor> 300 <contributor> 301 <name>Mario Winterer</name> 302 </contributor> 303 </contributors> 304 <licenses> 305 <license> 306 <name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name> 307 <url>/LICENSE.txt</url> 308 </license> 309 </licenses> 310 <scm> 311 <connection>scm:svn:http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jakarta/commons/proper/${pom.artifactId.substring(8)}/trunk</connection> 312 <url>http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs/jakarta/commons/proper/${pom.artifactId.substring(8)}/trunk</url> 313 </scm> 314 <organization> 315 <name>The Apache Software Foundation</name> 316 <url>http://jakarta.apache.org</url> 317 </organization> 318 <build> 319 <sourceDirectory>src/java</sourceDirectory> 320 <testSourceDirectory>src/test</testSourceDirectory> 321 <testResources> 322 <testResource> 323 <directory>${pom.build.unitTestSourceDirectory}</directory> 324 <includes> 325 <include>**/*.xml</include> 326 </includes> 327 </testResource> 328 </testResources> 329 <plugins> 330 <plugin> 331 <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> 332 <configuration> 333 <includes> 334 <include>**/*TestSuite.java</include> 335 </includes> 336 <excludes> 337 <exclude>**/AllLangTestSuite.java</exclude> 338 <exclude>org/apache/commons/lang/text/**/*.java</exclude> 339 </excludes> 340 </configuration> 341 </plugin> 342 </plugins> 343 </build> 344 <dependencies> 345 <dependency> 346 <groupId>junit</groupId> 347 <artifactId>junit</artifactId> 348 <version>3.8.1</version> 349 <scope>test</scope> 350 </dependency> 351 </dependencies> 352 <distributionManagement> 353 <repository> 354 <id>default</id> 355 <name>Default Repository</name> 356 <url>file:///www/jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-commons/${pom.artifactId.substring(8)}/</url> 357 </repository> 358 <site> 359 <id>default</id> 360 <name>Default Site</name> 361 <url>scp://jakarta.apache.org//www/jakarta.apache.org/commons/${pom.artifactId.substring(8)}/</url> 362 </site> 363 </distributionManagement> 364 </project>