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     22 <h2>Examples</h2>
     24 Some typical useful configurations:
     25 <ol>
     26 <li><a href="#application">A typical application</a></li>
     27 <li><a href="#applet">A typical applet</a></li>
     28 <li><a href="#midlet">A typical midlet</a></li>
     29 <li><a href="#jcapplet">A typical Java Card applet</a></li>
     30 <li><a href="#xlet">A typical xlet</a></li>
     31 <li><a href="#androidactivity">A simple Android activity</a></li>
     32 <li><a href="#androidapplication">A complete Android application</a></li>
     33 <li><a href="#library">A typical library</a></li>
     34 <li><a href="#applications">All possible applications in the input jars</a></li>
     35 <li><a href="#applets">All possible applets in the input jars</a></li>
     36 <li><a href="#midlets">All possible midlets in the input jars</a></li>
     37 <li><a href="#jcapplets">All possible Java Card applets in the input jars</a></li>
     38 <li><a href="#xlets">All possible xlets in the input jars</a></li>
     39 <li><a href="#servlets">All possible servlets in the input jars</a></li>
     40 <li><a href="#scala">Scala applications with the Scala runtime</a></li>
     41 <li><a href="#native">Processing native methods</a></li>
     42 <li><a href="#callback">Processing callback methods</a></li>
     43 <li><a href="#enumerations">Processing enumeration classes</a></li>
     44 <li><a href="#serializable">Processing serializable classes</a></li>
     45 <li><a href="#beans">Processing bean classes</a></li>
     46 <li><a href="#annotations">Processing annotations</a></li>
     47 <li><a href="#database">Processing database drivers</a></li>
     48 <li><a href="#componentui">Processing ComponentUI classes</a></li>
     49 <li><a href="#rmi">Processing RMI code</a></li>
     50 <li><a href="#resourcefiles">Processing resource files</a></li>
     51 <li><a href="#manifestfiles">Processing manifest files</a></li>
     52 <li><a href="#stacktrace">Producing useful obfuscated stack traces</a></li>
     53 <li><a href="#repackaging">Obfuscating package names</a></li>
     54 <li><a href="#restructuring">Restructuring the output archives</a></li>
     55 <li><a href="#filtering">Filtering the input and the output</a></li>
     56 <li><a href="#multiple">Processing multiple applications at once</a></li>
     57 <li><a href="#incremental">Incremental obfuscation</a></li>
     58 <li><a href="#microedition">Preverifying class files for Java Micro Edition</a></li>
     59 <li><a href="#upgrade">Upgrading class files to Java 6</a></li>
     60 <li><a href="#deadcode">Finding dead code</a></li>
     61 <li><a href="#structure">Printing out the internal structure of class files</a></li>
     62 <li><a href="#annotated">Using annotations to configure ProGuard</a></li>
     63 </ol>
     65 You can find some sample configuration files in the <code>examples</code>
     66 directory of the ProGuard distribution.
     68 <h3><a name="application">A typical application</a></h3>
     70 To shrink, optimize, and obfuscate a simple Java application, you typically
     71 create a configuration file like <code>myconfig.pro</code>, which can be used
     72 with
     73 <pre>
     74 bin/proguard @myconfig.pro
     75 </pre>
     76 <p>
     77 The configuration file specifies the input, the output, and the entry points
     78 of the application:
     79 <pre>
     80 -injars       myapplication.jar
     81 -outjars      myapplication_out.jar
     82 -libraryjars  &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar
     83 -printmapping myapplication.map
     85 -keep public class mypackage.MyMain {
     86     public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
     87 }
     88 </pre>
     89 <p>
     90 Note the use of the <code>&lt;java.home&gt;</code> system property. ProGuard
     91 automatically replaces it when parsing the file.
     92 <p>
     93 The <a href="usage.html#keep"><code>-keep</code></a> option specifies the
     94 entry point of the application that has to be preserved.
     95 The access modifiers <code>public</code> and <code>static</code> are not
     96 really required in this case, since we know a priori that the specified class
     97 and method have the proper access flags. It just looks more familiar this way.
     98 <p>
     99 Note that all type names are fully specified:
    100 <code>mypackage.MyMain</code> and <code>java.lang.String[]</code>.
    101 <p>
    102 We're writing out an obfuscation mapping file with <a
    103 href="usage.html#printmapping"><code>-printmapping</code></a>, for
    104 de-obfuscating any stack traces later on, or for incremental obfuscation of
    105 extensions.
    106 <p>
    107 We can further improve the results with a few additional options:
    108 <pre>
    109 -optimizationpasses 3
    110 -overloadaggressively
    111 -repackageclasses ''
    112 -allowaccessmodification
    113 </pre>
    114 These options are not required; they just shave off some extra bytes from the
    115 output jar, by performing up to 3 optimization passes, and by aggressively
    116 obfuscating class members and <a href="#repackaging">package names</a>.
    117 <p>
    118 In general, you might need a few additional options for processing <a
    119 href="#native">native methods</a>, <a href="#callback">callback methods</a>,
    120 <a href="#enumerations">enumerations</a>, <a href="#serializable">serializable
    121 classes</a>, <a href="#beans">bean classes</a>, <a
    122 href="#annotations">annotations</a>, and <a href="#resourcefiles">resource
    123 files</a>.
    125 <h3><a name="applet">A typical applet</a></h3>
    127 These options shrink, optimize, and obfuscate the applet
    128 <code>mypackage.MyApplet</code>:
    129 <pre>
    130 -injars      in.jar
    131 -outjars     out.jar
    132 -libraryjars &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar
    134 -keep public class mypackage.MyApplet
    135 </pre>
    136 <p>
    137 The typical applet methods will be preserved automatically, since
    138 <code>mypackage.MyApplet</code> is an extension of the <code>Applet</code>
    139 class in the library <code>rt.jar</code>.
    140 <p>
    141 If applicable, you should add options for processing <a href="#native">native
    142 methods</a>, <a href="#callback">callback methods</a>, <a
    143 href="#enumerations">enumerations</a>, <a href="#serializable">serializable
    144 classes</a>, <a href="#beans">bean classes</a>, <a
    145 href="#annotations">annotations</a>, and <a href="#resourcefiles">resource
    146 files</a>.
    148 <h3><a name="midlet">A typical midlet</a></h3>
    150 These options shrink, optimize, obfuscate, and preverify the midlet
    151 <code>mypackage.MyMIDlet</code>:
    152 <pre>
    153 -injars      in.jar
    154 -outjars     out.jar
    155 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/wtk2.5.2/lib/midpapi20.jar
    156 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/wtk2.5.2/lib/cldcapi11.jar
    157 -overloadaggressively
    158 -repackageclasses ''
    159 -allowaccessmodification
    160 -microedition
    162 -keep public class mypackage.MyMIDlet
    163 </pre>
    164 <p>
    165 Note how we're now targeting the Java Micro Edition run-time environment of
    166 <code>midpapi20.jar</code> and <code>cldcapi11.jar</code>, instead of the Java
    167 Standard Edition run-time environment <code>rt.jar</code>. You can target
    168 other JME environments by picking the appropriate jars.
    169 <p>
    170 The typical midlet methods will be preserved automatically, since
    171 <code>mypackage.MyMIDlet</code> is an extension of the <code>MIDlet</code>
    172 class in the library <code>midpapi20.jar</code>.
    173 <p>
    174 The <a href="usage.html#microedition"><code>-microedition</code></a> option
    175 makes sure the class files are preverified for Java Micro Edition, producing
    176 compact <code>StackMap</code> attributes. It is no longer necessary to run an
    177 external preverifier.
    178 <p>
    179 Be careful if you do use the external <code>preverify</code> tool on a platform
    180 with a case-insensitive filing system, such as Windows. Because this tool
    181 unpacks your processed jars, you should then use ProGuard's <a
    182 href="usage.html#dontusemixedcaseclassnames"><code>-dontusemixedcaseclassnames</code></a>
    183 option.
    184 <p>
    185 If applicable, you should add options for processing <a href="#native">native
    186 methods</a> and <a href="#resourcefiles">resource files</a>.
    187 <p>
    188 Note that you will still have to adapt the midlet jar size in the
    189 corresponding jad file; ProGuard doesn't do that for you.
    191 <h3><a name="jcapplet">A typical Java Card applet</a></h3>
    193 These options shrink, optimize, and obfuscate the Java Card applet
    194 <code>mypackage.MyApplet</code>:
    195 <pre>
    196 -injars      in.jar
    197 -outjars     out.jar
    198 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/javacard2.2.2/lib/api.jar
    199 -dontwarn    java.lang.Class
    200 -overloadaggressively
    201 -repackageclasses ''
    202 -allowaccessmodification
    204 -keep public class mypackage.MyApplet
    205 </pre>
    206 <p>
    207 The configuration is very similar to the configuration for midlets, except that
    208 it now targets the Java Card run-time environment. This environment doesn't
    209 have java.lang.Class, so we're telling ProGuard not to worry about it.
    211 <h3><a name="xlet">A typical xlet</a></h3>
    213 These options shrink, optimize, and obfuscate the xlet
    214 <code>mypackage.MyXlet</code>:
    215 <pre>
    216 -injars      in.jar
    217 -outjars     out.jar
    218 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/jtv1.1/javatv.jar
    219 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/cdc1.1/lib/cdc.jar
    220 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/cdc1.1/lib/btclasses.zip
    221 -overloadaggressively
    222 -repackageclasses ''
    223 -allowaccessmodification
    225 -keep public class mypackage.MyXlet
    226 </pre>
    227 <p>
    228 The configuration is very similar to the configuration for midlets, except that
    229 it now targets the CDC run-time environment with the Java TV API.
    231 <h3><a name="androidactivity">A simple Android activity</a></h3>
    233 These options shrink, optimize, and obfuscate the single Android
    234 activity <code>mypackage.MyActivity</code>:
    235 <pre>
    236 -injars      bin/classes
    237 -outjars     bin/classes-processed.jar
    238 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/android-sdk/platforms/android-9/android.jar
    240 -dontpreverify
    241 -repackageclasses ''
    242 -allowaccessmodification
    243 -optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic
    245 -keep public class mypackage.MyActivity
    246 </pre>
    247 <p>
    248 We're targeting the Android run-time and keeping the activity as an entry
    249 point.
    250 <p>
    251 Preverification is irrelevant for the dex compiler and the Dalvik VM, so we
    252 can switch it off with the
    253 <a href="usage.html#dontpreverify"><code>-dontpreverify</code></a> option.
    254 <p>
    255 The <a href="usage.html#optimizations"><code>-optimizations</code></a> option
    256 disables some arithmetic simplifications that Dalvik 1.0 and 1.5 can't handle.
    257 Note that the Dalvik VM also can't
    258 handle <a href="usage.html#overloadaggressively">aggressive overloading</a>
    259 (of static fields).
    260 <p>
    261 If applicable, you should add options for processing <a href="#native">native
    262 methods</a>, <a href="#callback">callback methods</a>,
    263 <a href="#enumerations">enumerations</a>,
    264 <a href="#annotations">annotations</a>, and
    265 <a href="#resourcefiles">resource files</a>.
    267 <h3><a name="androidapplication">A complete Android application</a></h3>
    269 These options shrink, optimize, and obfuscate all public activities, services,
    270 broadcast receivers, and content providers from the compiled classes and
    271 external libraries:
    272 <pre>
    273 -injars      bin/classes
    274 -injars      libs
    275 -outjars     bin/classes-processed.jar
    276 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/android-sdk/platforms/android-9/android.jar
    278 -dontpreverify
    279 -repackageclasses ''
    280 -allowaccessmodification
    281 -optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic
    282 -keepattributes *Annotation*
    284 -keep public class * extends android.app.Activity
    285 -keep public class * extends android.app.Application
    286 -keep public class * extends android.app.Service
    287 -keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver
    288 -keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider
    290 -keep public class * extends android.view.View {
    291     public &lt;init&gt;(android.content.Context);
    292     public &lt;init&gt;(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet);
    293     public &lt;init&gt;(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);
    294     public void set*(...);
    295 }
    297 -keepclasseswithmembers class * {
    298     public &lt;init&gt;(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet);
    299 }
    301 -keepclasseswithmembers class * {
    302     public &lt;init&gt;(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);
    303 }
    305 -keepclassmembers class * implements android.os.Parcelable {
    306     static android.os.Parcelable$Creator CREATOR;
    307 }
    309 -keepclassmembers class **.R$* {
    310     public static &lt;fields&gt;;
    311 }
    312 </pre>
    313 <p>
    314 Most importantly, we're keeping all fundamental classes that may be referenced
    315 by the <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code> file of the application. If your
    316 manifest file contains other classes and methods, you may have to specify
    317 those as well.
    318 <p>
    319 We're keeping annotations, since they might be used by custom
    320 <code>RemoteViews</code>.
    321 <p>
    322 We're keeping any custom <code>View</code> extensions and other classes with
    323 typical constructors, since they might be referenced from XML layout files.
    324 <p>
    325 We're also keeping the required static fields in <code>Parcelable</code>
    326 implementations, since they are accessed by introspection.
    327 <p>
    328 Finally, we're keeping the static fields of referenced inner classes of
    329 auto-generated <code>R</code> classes, just in case your code is accessing
    330 those fields by introspection. Note that the compiler already inlines
    331 primitive fields, so ProGuard can generally remove all these classes entirely
    332 anyway (because the classes are not referenced and therefore not required).
    333 <p>
    334 If you're using additional Google APIs, you'll have to specify
    335 those as well, for instance:
    336 <pre>
    337 -libraryjars /usr/local/android-sdk/add-ons/google_apis-7_r01/libs/maps.jar
    338 </pre>
    339 <p>
    340 If you're using Google's optional License Verification Library, you can
    341 obfuscate its code along with your own code. You do have to preserve
    342 its <code>ILicensingService</code> interface for the library to work:
    343 <pre>
    344 -keep public interface com.android.vending.licensing.ILicensingService
    345 </pre>
    346 <p>
    347 If you're using the Android Compatibility library, you should add the
    348 following line, to let ProGuard know it's ok that the library references some
    349 classes that are not available in all versions of the API:
    350 <pre>
    351 -dontwarn android.support.**
    352 </pre>
    353 <p>
    354 If applicable, you should add options for processing <a href="#native">native
    355 methods</a>, <a href="#callback">callback methods</a>,
    356 <a href="#enumerations">enumerations</a>,
    357 and <a href="#resourcefiles">resource files</a>. You may also want to add
    358 options for producing <a href="#stacktrace">useful stack traces</a>. You can
    359 find a complete sample configuration in <code>examples/android.pro</code> in
    360 the ProGuard distribution.
    361 <p>
    362 The build process of the Android SDK (version 2.3 and higher) already
    363 integrates ProGuard by default. You only need to enable it (for release
    364 builds) by adding <code>proguard.config=proguard.cfg</code> to the file
    365 <code>build.properties</code>. In case of problems, you may want to check if
    366 the automatically generated file <code>proguard.cfg</code> contains the
    367 settings discussed above. The generated Ant build file already sets the input
    368 and output files for you.
    369 <p>
    370 For more information, you can consult the official <a target="other"
    371 href="http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/proguard.html">Developer
    372 Guide</a> in the Android SDK.
    374 <h3><a name="library">A typical library</a></h3>
    376 These options shrink, optimize, and obfuscate an entire library, keeping all
    377 public and protected classes and class members, native method names, and
    378 serialization code. The processed version of the library can then still be
    379 used as such, for developing code based on its public API.
    380 <pre>
    381 -injars       in.jar
    382 -outjars      out.jar
    383 -libraryjars  &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar
    384 -printmapping out.map
    386 -keepparameternames
    387 -renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile
    388 -keepattributes Exceptions,InnerClasses,Signature,Deprecated,
    389                 SourceFile,LineNumberTable,*Annotation*,EnclosingMethod
    391 -keep public class * {
    392     public protected *;
    393 }
    395 -keepclassmembernames class * {
    396     java.lang.Class class$(java.lang.String);
    397     java.lang.Class class$(java.lang.String, boolean);
    398 }
    400 -keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
    401     native &lt;methods&gt;;
    402 }
    404 -keepclassmembers enum * {
    405     public static **[] values();
    406     public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);
    407 }
    409 -keepclassmembers class * implements java.io.Serializable {
    410     static final long serialVersionUID;
    411     private static final java.io.ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields;
    412     private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream);
    413     private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream);
    414     java.lang.Object writeReplace();
    415     java.lang.Object readResolve();
    416 }
    417 </pre>
    418 <p>
    419 This configuration should preserve everything we'll ever want to access in the
    420 library. Only if there are any other non-public classes or methods that are
    421 invoked dynamically, they should be specified using additional <a
    422 href="usage.html#keep"><code>-keep</code></a> options.
    423 <p>
    424 The <a
    425 href="usage.html#keepclassmembernames"><code>-keepclassmembernames</code></a>
    426 option for the <code>class$</code> methods is not strictly necessary. These
    427 methods are inserted by the <code>javac</code> compiler and the
    428 <code>jikes</code> compiler respectively, in JDK 1.2 and older, to implement
    429 the <code>.class</code> construct. ProGuard will automatically detect them and
    430 deal with them, even when their names have been obfuscated. However, other
    431 obfuscators may rely on the original method names. It may therefore be helpful
    432 to preserve them, in case these other obfuscators are ever used for further
    433 obfuscation of the library.
    434 <p>
    435 The "Exceptions" attribute has to be preserved, so the compiler knows which
    436 exceptions methods may throw.
    437 <p>
    438 The "InnerClasses" attribute (or more precisely, its source name part) has to
    439 be preserved too, for any inner classes that can be referenced from outside the
    440 library. The <code>javac</code> compiler would be unable to find the inner
    441 classes otherwise.
    442 <p>
    443 The "Signature" attribute is required to be able to access generic types when
    444 compiling in JDK 5.0 and higher.
    445 <p>
    446 The <a href="usage.html#keepparameternames"><code>-keepparameternames</code></a>
    447 option keeps the parameter names in the "LocalVariableTable" and
    448 "LocalVariableTypeTable" attributes of public library methods. Some IDEs can
    449 present these names to the developers who use the library.
    450 <p>
    451 Finally, we're keeping the "Deprecated" attribute and the attributes for
    452 producing <a href="#stacktrace">useful stack traces</a>.
    453 <p>
    454 We've also added some options for for processing <a href="#native">native
    455 methods</a>, <a href="#enumerations">enumerations</a>, <a
    456 href="#serializable">serializable classes</a>, and <a
    457 href="#annotations">annotations</a>, which are all discussed in their
    458 respective examples.
    460 <h3><a name="applications">All possible applications in the input jars</a></h3>
    462 These options shrink, optimize, and obfuscate all public applications in
    463 <code>in.jar</code>:
    464 <pre>
    465 -injars      in.jar
    466 -outjars     out.jar
    467 -libraryjars &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar
    468 -printseeds
    470 -keepclasseswithmembers public class * {
    471     public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
    472 }
    473 </pre>
    474 <p>
    475 Note the use of <a
    476 href="usage.html#keepclasseswithmembers"><code>-keepclasseswithmembers</code></a>.
    477 We don't want to preserve all classes, just all classes that have main
    478 methods, and those methods.
    479 <p>
    480 The <a href="usage.html#printseeds"><code>-printseeds</code></a> option prints
    481 out which classes exactly will be preserved, so we know for sure we're getting
    482 what we want.
    483 <p>
    484 If applicable, you should add options for processing <a href="#native">native
    485 methods</a>, <a href="#callback">callback methods</a>, <a
    486 href="#enumerations">enumerations</a>, <a href="#serializable">serializable
    487 classes</a>, <a href="#beans">bean classes</a>, <a
    488 href="#annotations">annotations</a>, and <a href="#resourcefiles">resource
    489 files</a>.
    491 <h3><a name="applets">All possible applets in the input jars</a></h3>
    493 These options shrink, optimize, and obfuscate all public applets in
    494 <code>in.jar</code>:
    495 <pre>
    496 -injars      in.jar
    497 -outjars     out.jar
    498 -libraryjars &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar
    499 -printseeds
    501 -keep public class * extends java.applet.Applet
    502 </pre>
    503 <p>
    504 We're simply keeping all classes that extend the <code>Applet</code> class.
    505 <p>
    506 Again, the <a href="usage.html#printseeds"><code>-printseeds</code></a> option
    507 prints out which applets exactly will be preserved.
    508 <p>
    509 If applicable, you should add options for processing <a href="#native">native
    510 methods</a>, <a href="#callback">callback methods</a>, <a
    511 href="#enumerations">enumerations</a>, <a href="#serializable">serializable
    512 classes</a>, <a href="#beans">bean classes</a>, <a
    513 href="#annotations">annotations</a>, and <a href="#resourcefiles">resource
    514 files</a>.
    516 <h3><a name="midlets">All possible midlets in the input jars</a></h3>
    518 These options shrink, optimize, obfuscate, and preverify all public midlets in
    519 <code>in.jar</code>:
    520 <pre>
    521 -injars      in.jar
    522 -outjars     out.jar
    523 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/wtk2.5.2/lib/midpapi20.jar
    524 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/wtk2.5.2/lib/cldcapi11.jar
    525 -overloadaggressively
    526 -repackageclasses ''
    527 -allowaccessmodification
    528 -microedition
    529 -printseeds
    531 -keep public class * extends javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet
    532 </pre>
    533 <p>
    534 We're simply keeping all classes that extend the <code>MIDlet</code> class.
    535 <p>
    536 The <a href="usage.html#microedition"><code>-microedition</code></a> option
    537 makes sure the class files are preverified for Java Micro Edition, producing
    538 compact <code>StackMap</code> attributes. It is no longer necessary to run an
    539 external preverifier.
    540 <p>
    541 Be careful if you do use the external <code>preverify</code> tool on a platform
    542 with a case-insensitive filing system, such as Windows. Because this tool
    543 unpacks your processed jars, you should then use ProGuard's <a
    544 href="usage.html#dontusemixedcaseclassnames"><code>-dontusemixedcaseclassnames</code></a>
    545 option.
    546 <p>
    547 The <a href="usage.html#printseeds"><code>-printseeds</code></a> option prints
    548 out which midlets exactly will be preserved.
    549 <p>
    550 If applicable, you should add options for processing <a href="#native">native
    551 methods</a> and <a href="#resourcefiles">resource files</a>.
    552 <p>
    553 Note that you will still have to adapt the midlet jar size in the
    554 corresponding jad file; ProGuard doesn't do that for you.
    556 <h3><a name="jcapplets">All possible Java Card applets in the input jars</a></h3>
    558 These options shrink, optimize, and obfuscate all public Java Card applets in
    559 <code>in.jar</code>:
    560 <pre>
    561 -injars      in.jar
    562 -outjars     out.jar
    563 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/javacard2.2.2/lib/api.jar
    564 -dontwarn    java.lang.Class
    565 -overloadaggressively
    566 -repackageclasses ''
    567 -allowaccessmodification
    568 -printseeds
    570 -keep public class * implements javacard.framework.Applet
    571 </pre>
    572 <p>
    573 We're simply keeping all classes that implement the <code>Applet</code>
    574 interface.
    575 <p>
    576 The <a href="usage.html#printseeds"><code>-printseeds</code></a> option prints
    577 out which applets exactly will be preserved.
    579 <h3><a name="xlets">All possible xlets in the input jars</a></h3>
    581 These options shrink, optimize, and obfuscate all public xlets in
    582 <code>in.jar</code>:
    583 <pre>
    584 -injars      in.jar
    585 -outjars     out.jar
    586 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/jtv1.1/javatv.jar
    587 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/cdc1.1/lib/cdc.jar
    588 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/cdc1.1/lib/btclasses.zip
    589 -overloadaggressively
    590 -repackageclasses ''
    591 -allowaccessmodification
    592 -printseeds
    594 -keep public class * implements javax.tv.xlet.Xlet
    595 </pre>
    596 <p>
    597 We're simply keeping all classes that implement the <code>Xlet</code> interface.
    598 <p>
    599 The <a href="usage.html#printseeds"><code>-printseeds</code></a> option prints
    600 out which xlets exactly will be preserved.
    602 <h3><a name="servlets">All possible servlets in the input jars</a></h3>
    604 These options shrink, optimize, and obfuscate all public servlets in
    605 <code>in.jar</code>:
    606 <pre>
    607 -injars      in.jar
    608 -outjars     out.jar
    609 -libraryjars &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar
    610 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/servlet/servlet.jar
    611 -printseeds
    613 -keep public class * implements javax.servlet.Servlet
    614 </pre>
    615 <p>
    616 Keeping all servlets is very similar to keeping all applets. The servlet API
    617 is not part of the standard run-time jar, so we're specifying it as a library.
    618 Don't forget to use the right path name.
    619 <p>
    620 We're then keeping all classes that implement the <code>Servlet</code>
    621 interface. We're using the <code>implements</code> keyword because it looks
    622 more familiar in this context, but it is equivalent to <code>extends</code>,
    623 as far as ProGuard is concerned.
    624 <p>
    625 The <a href="usage.html#printseeds"><code>-printseeds</code></a> option prints
    626 out which servlets exactly will be preserved.
    627 <p>
    628 If applicable, you should add options for processing <a href="#native">native
    629 methods</a>, <a href="#callback">callback methods</a>, <a
    630 href="#enumerations">enumerations</a>, <a href="#serializable">serializable
    631 classes</a>, <a href="#beans">bean classes</a>, <a
    632 href="#annotations">annotations</a>, and <a href="#resourcefiles">resource
    633 files</a>.
    635 <h3><a name="scala">Scala applications with the Scala runtime</a></h3>
    637 These options shrink, optimize, and obfuscate all public Scala applications in
    638 <code>in.jar</code>:
    639 <pre>
    640 -injars      in.jar
    641 -injars      /usr/local/java/scala-2.9.1/lib/scala-library.jar
    642 -outjars     out.jar
    643 -libraryjars &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar
    645 -dontwarn scala.**
    647 -keepclasseswithmembers public class * {
    648     public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
    649 }
    651 -keep class * implements org.xml.sax.EntityResolver
    653 -keepclassmembers class * {
    654     ** MODULE$;
    655 }
    657 -keepclassmembernames class scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool {
    658     long eventCount;
    659     int  workerCounts;
    660     int  runControl;
    661     scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WaitQueueNode syncStack;
    662     scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WaitQueueNode spareStack;
    663 }
    665 -keepclassmembernames class scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinWorkerThread {
    666     int base;
    667     int sp;
    668     int runState;
    669 }
    671 -keepclassmembernames class scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask {
    672     int status;
    673 }
    675 -keepclassmembernames class scala.concurrent.forkjoin.LinkedTransferQueue {
    676     scala.concurrent.forkjoin.LinkedTransferQueue$PaddedAtomicReference head;
    677     scala.concurrent.forkjoin.LinkedTransferQueue$PaddedAtomicReference tail;
    678     scala.concurrent.forkjoin.LinkedTransferQueue$PaddedAtomicReference cleanMe;
    679 }
    680 </pre>
    681 <p>
    682 The configuration is essentially the same as
    683 for <a href="#applications">processing applications</a>, because Scala is
    684 compiled to ordinary Java bytecode. However, the example processes the Scala
    685 runtime library as well. The processed jar can be an order of magnitude
    686 smaller and a few times faster than the original code (for the Scala code
    687 examples, for instance).
    688 <p>
    689 The <a href="usage.html#dontwarn"><code>-dontwarn</code></a> option tells
    690 ProGuard not to complain about some artefacts in the Scala runtime, the way it
    691 is compiled by the <code>scalac</code> compiler (at least in Scala 2.9.1 and
    692 older). Note that this option should always be used with care.
    693 <p>
    694 The additional <a href="usage.html#keepoverview"><code>-keep</code></a>
    695 options make sure that some classes and some fields that are accessed by means
    696 of introspection are not removed or renamed.
    697 <p>
    698 If applicable, you should add options for processing <a href="#native">native
    699 methods</a>, <a href="#callback">callback methods</a>, <a
    700 href="#enumerations">enumerations</a>, <a href="#serializable">serializable
    701 classes</a>, <a href="#beans">bean classes</a>, <a
    702 href="#annotations">annotations</a>, and <a href="#resourcefiles">resource
    703 files</a>.
    704 <h3><a name="native">Processing native methods</a></h3>
    706 If your application, applet, servlet, library, etc., contains native methods,
    707 you'll want to preserve their names and their classes' names, so they can
    708 still be linked to the native library. The following additional option will
    709 ensure that:
    710 <pre>
    711 -keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
    712     native &lt;methods&gt;;
    713 }
    714 </pre>
    715 <p>
    716 Note the use of <a
    717 href="usage.html#keepclasseswithmembernames"><code>-keepclasseswithmembernames</code></a>.
    718 We don't want to preserve all classes or all native methods; we just want to
    719 keep the relevant names from being obfuscated.
    720 <p>
    721 ProGuard doesn't look at your native code, so it won't automatically preserve
    722 the classes or class members that are invoked by the native code. These are
    723 entry points, which you'll have to specify explicitly.  <a
    724 href="callback">Callback methods</a> are discussed below as a typical example.
    726 <h3><a name="callback">Processing callback methods</a></h3>
    728 If your application, applet, servlet, library, etc., contains callback
    729 methods, which are called from external code (native code, scripts,...),
    730 you'll want to preserve them, and probably their classes too. They are just
    731 entry points to your code, much like, say, the main method of an application.
    732 If they aren't preserved by other <code>-keep</code> options, something like
    733 the following option will keep the callback class and method:
    734 <pre>
    735 -keep class mypackage.MyCallbackClass {
    736     void myCallbackMethod(java.lang.String);
    737 }
    738 </pre>
    739 <p>
    740 This will preserve the given class and method from being removed or renamed.
    742 <h3><a name="enumerations">Processing enumeration classes</a></h3>
    744 If your application, applet, servlet, library, etc., contains enumeration
    745 classes, you'll have to preserve some special methods. Enumerations were
    746 introduced in Java 5. The java compiler translates enumerations into classes
    747 with a special structure. Notably, the classes contain implementations of some
    748 static methods that the run-time environment accesses by introspection (Isn't
    749 that just grand? Introspection is the self-modifying code of a new
    750 generation). You have to specify these explicitly, to make sure they aren't
    751 removed or obfuscated:
    752 <pre>
    753 -keepclassmembers enum * {
    754     public static **[] values();
    755     public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);
    756 }
    757 </pre>
    759 <h3><a name="serializable">Processing serializable classes</a></h3>
    761 More complex applications, applets, servlets, libraries, etc., may contain
    762 classes that are serialized. Depending on the way in which they are used, they
    763 may require special attention:
    764 <ul>
    766 <li>Often, serialization is simply a means of transporting data, without
    767     long-term storage. Classes that are shrunk and obfuscated should then
    768     continue to function fine with the following additional options:
    770 <pre>
    771 -keepclassmembers class * implements java.io.Serializable {
    772     private static final java.io.ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields;
    773     private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream);
    774     private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream);
    775     java.lang.Object writeReplace();
    776     java.lang.Object readResolve();
    777 }
    778 </pre>
    779 <p>
    781     The <a
    782     href="usage.html#keepclassmembers"><code>-keepclassmembers</code></a>
    783     option makes sure that any serialization methods are kept. By using this
    784     option instead of the basic <code>-keep</code> option, we're not
    785     forcing preservation of <i>all</i> serializable classes, just preservation
    786     of the listed members of classes that are actually used.</li>
    788 <li>Sometimes, the serialized data are stored, and read back later into newer
    789     versions of the serializable classes. One then has to take care the classes
    790     remain compatible with their unprocessed versions and with future
    791     processed versions. In such cases, the relevant classes will most likely
    792     have <code>serialVersionUID</code> fields. The following options should
    793     then be sufficient to ensure compatibility over time:
    795 <pre>
    796 -keepnames class * implements java.io.Serializable
    798 -keepclassmembers class * implements java.io.Serializable {
    799     static final long serialVersionUID;
    800     private static final java.io.ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields;
    801     !static !transient &lt;fields&gt;;
    802     private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream);
    803     private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream);
    804     java.lang.Object writeReplace();
    805     java.lang.Object readResolve();
    806 }
    807 </pre>
    808 <p>
    810     The <code>serialVersionUID</code> and <code>serialPersistentFields</code>
    811     lines makes sure those fields are preserved, if they are present.
    812     The <code>&lt;fields&gt;</code> line preserves all non-static,
    813     non-transient fields, with their original names. The introspection of the
    814     serialization process and the de-serialization process will then find
    815     consistent names.</li>
    817 <li>Occasionally, the serialized data have to remain compatible, but the
    818     classes involved lack <code>serialVersionUID</code> fields. I imagine the
    819     original code will then be hard to maintain, since the serial version UID
    820     is then computed from a list of features the serializable class. Changing
    821     the class ever so slightly may change the computed serial version UID. The
    822     list of features is specified in the section on <a
    823     href="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/platform/serialization/spec/class.html#4100">Stream
    824     Unique Identifiers</a> of Sun's <a
    825     href="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/platform/serialization/spec/serialTOC.html">Java
    826     Object Serialization Specification</a>. The following directives should at
    827     least partially ensure compatibility with the original classes:
    829 <pre>
    830 -keepnames class * implements java.io.Serializable
    832 -keepclassmembers class * implements java.io.Serializable {
    833     static final long serialVersionUID;
    834     private static final java.io.ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields;
    835     !static !transient &lt;fields&gt;;
    836     !private &lt;fields&gt;;
    837     !private &lt;methods&gt;;
    838     private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream);
    839     private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream);
    840     java.lang.Object writeReplace();
    841     java.lang.Object readResolve();
    842 }
    843 </pre>
    844 <p>
    846     The new options force preservation of the elements involved in the UID
    847     computation. In addition, the user will have to manually specify all
    848     interfaces of the serializable classes (using something like "<code>-keep
    849     interface MyInterface</code>"), since these names are also used when
    850     computing the UID. A fast but sub-optimal alternative would be simply
    851     keeping all interfaces with "<code>-keep interface *</code>".</li>
    853 </ul>
    854 <p>
    856 Note that the above options may preserve more classes and class members
    857 than strictly necessary. For instance, a large number of classes may implement
    858 the <code>Serialization</code> interface, yet only a small number may actually
    859 ever be serialized. Knowing your application and tuning the configuration
    860 often produces more compact results.
    862 <h3><a name="beans">Processing bean classes</a></h3>
    864 If your application, applet, servlet, library, etc., makes extensive use of
    865 introspection on bean classes to find bean editor classes, or getter and
    866 setter methods, then configuration may become painful. There's not much else
    867 you can do than making sure the bean class names, or the getter and setter
    868 names don't change. For instance:
    869 <pre>
    870 -keep public class mypackage.MyBean {
    871     public void setMyProperty(int);
    872     public int getMyProperty();
    873 }
    875 -keep public class mypackage.MyBeanEditor
    876 </pre>
    877 <p>
    878 If there are too many elements to list explicitly, wildcards in class names
    879 and method signatures might be helpful. This example should encompasses all
    880 possible setters and getters in classes in the package <code>mybeans</code>:
    881 <pre>
    882 -keep class mybeans.** {
    883     void set*(***);
    884     void set*(int, ***);
    886     boolean is*(); 
    887     boolean is*(int);
    889     *** get*();
    890     *** get*(int);
    891 }
    892 </pre>
    893 <p>
    894 The '<code>***</code>' wildcard matches any type (primitive or non-primitive,
    895 array or non-array). The methods with the '<code>int</code>' arguments matches
    896 properties that are lists.
    898 <h3><a name="annotations">Processing annotations</a></h3>
    900 If your application, applet, servlet, library, etc., uses annotations, you may
    901 want to preserve them in the processed output. Annotations are represented by
    902 attributes that have no direct effect on the execution of the code. However,
    903 their values can be retrieved through introspection, allowing developers to
    904 adapt the execution behavior accordingly. By default, ProGuard treats
    905 annotation attributes as optional, and removes them in the obfuscation step.
    906 If they are required, you'll have to specify this explicitly:
    907 <pre>
    908 -keepattributes *Annotation*
    909 </pre>
    910 <p>
    911 For brevity, we're specifying a wildcarded attribute name, which will match
    912 <code>RuntimeVisibleAnnotations</code>,
    913 <code>RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations</code>,
    914 <code>RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations</code>,
    915 <code>RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations</code>, and
    916 <code>AnnotationDefault</code>. Depending on the purpose of the processed
    917 code, you could refine this selection, for instance not keeping the run-time
    918 invisible annotations (which are only used at compile-time).
    919 <p>
    920 Some code may make further use of introspection to figure out the enclosing
    921 methods of anonymous inner classes. In that case, the corresponding attribute
    922 has to be preserved as well:
    923 <pre>
    924 -keepattributes EnclosingMethod
    925 </pre>
    927 <h3><a name="database">Processing database drivers</a></h3>
    929 Database drivers are implementations of the <code>Driver</code> interface.
    930 Since they are often created dynamically, you may want to preserve any
    931 implementations that you are processing as entry points:
    932 <pre>
    933 -keep class * implements java.sql.Driver
    934 </pre>
    935 <p>
    936 This option also gets rid of the note that ProGuard prints out about
    937 <code>(java.sql.Driver)Class.forName</code> constructs, if you are
    938 instantiating a driver in your code (without necessarily implementing any
    939 drivers yourself).
    941 <h3><a name="componentui">Processing ComponentUI classes</a></h3>
    943 Swing UI look and feels are implemented as extensions of the
    944 <code>ComponentUI</code> class. For some reason, these have to contain a
    945 static method <code>createUI</code>, which the Swing API invokes using
    946 introspection. You should therefore always preserve the method as an entry
    947 point, for instance like this:
    948 <pre>
    949 -keep class * extends javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI {
    950     public static javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI createUI(javax.swing.JComponent);
    951 }
    952 </pre>
    953 <p>
    954 This option also keeps the classes themselves.
    956 <h3><a name="rmi">Processing RMI code</a></h3>
    958 Reportedly, the easiest way to handle RMI code is to process the code with
    959 ProGuard first and then invoke the <code>rmic</code> tool. If that is not
    960 possible, you may want to try something like this:
    961 <pre>
    962 -keepattributes Exceptions
    964 -keep interface * extends java.rmi.Remote {
    965     &lt;methods&gt;;
    966 }
    968 -keep class * implements java.rmi.Remote {
    969     &lt;init&gt;(java.rmi.activation.ActivationID, java.rmi.MarshalledObject);
    970 }
    971 </pre>
    972 <p>
    973 The first <code>-keep</code> option keeps all your Remote interfaces and their
    974 methods. The second one keeps all the implementations, along with their
    975 particular RMI constructors, if any.
    976 <p>
    977 The <code>Exceptions</code> attribute has to be kept too, because the RMI
    978 handling code performs introspection to check whether the method signatures
    979 are compatible.
    981 <h3><a name="resourcefiles">Processing resource files</a></h3>
    983 If your application, applet, servlet, library, etc., contains resource files,
    984 it may be necessary to adapt their names and/or their contents when the
    985 application is obfuscated. The following two options can achieve this
    986 automatically:
    987 <pre>
    988 -adaptresourcefilenames    **.properties,**.gif,**.jpg
    989 -adaptresourcefilecontents **.properties,META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    990 </pre>
    991 <p>
    992 The <a href="usage.html#adaptresourcefilenames">-adaptresourcefilenames</a>
    993 option in this case renames properties files and image files in the processed
    994 output, based on the obfuscated names of their corresponding class files (if
    995 any). The <a
    996 href="usage.html#adaptresourcefilecontents">-adaptresourcefilecontents</a>
    997 option looks for class names in properties files and in the manifest file, and
    998 replaces these names by the obfuscated names (if any). You'll probably want to
    999 adapt the filters to suit your application.
   1001 <h3><a name="manifestfiles">Processing manifest files</a></h3>
   1003 As illustrated in the previous section, manifest files can be treated like
   1004 ordinary resource files. ProGuard can adapt obfuscated class names in the
   1005 files, but it won't make any other changes. If you want anything else, you
   1006 should apply an external tool. For instance, if a manifest file contains
   1007 signing information, you should sign the jar again after it has been
   1008 processed.
   1009 <p>
   1010 If you're merging several input jars into a single output jar, you'll have to 
   1011 pick one, typically by specifying <a href="usage.html#filters">filters</a>:
   1012 <pre>
   1013 -injars  in1.jar
   1014 -injars  in2.jar(!META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)
   1015 -injars  in3.jar(!META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)
   1016 -outjars out.jar
   1017 </pre>
   1018 <p>
   1019 The filters will let ProGuard copy the manifest file from the first jar and
   1020 ignore any manifest files in the second and third input jars. Note that
   1021 ProGuard will leave the order of the files in the jars unchanged; manifest
   1022 files are not necessarily put first.
   1024 <h3><a name="stacktrace">Producing useful obfuscated stack traces</a></h3>
   1026 These options let obfuscated applications or libraries produce stack traces
   1027 that can still be deciphered later on:
   1028 <pre>
   1029 -printmapping out.map
   1031 -renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile
   1032 -keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
   1033 </pre>
   1034 <p>
   1035 We're keeping all source file attributes, but we're replacing their values by
   1036 the string "SourceFile". We could use any string. This string is already
   1037 present in all class files, so it doesn't take up any extra space. If you're
   1038 working with J++, you'll want to keep the "SourceDir" attribute as well.
   1039 <p>
   1040 We're also keeping the line number tables of all methods.
   1041 <p>
   1042 Whenever both of these attributes are present, the Java run-time environment
   1043 will include line number information when printing out exception stack traces.
   1044 <p>
   1045 The information will only be useful if we can map the obfuscated names back to
   1046 their original names, so we're saving the mapping to a file
   1047 <code>out.map</code>. The information can then be used by the <a
   1048 href="retrace/index.html">ReTrace</a> tool to restore the original stack trace.
   1050 <h3><a name="repackaging">Obfuscating package names</a></h3>
   1052 Package names can be obfuscated in various ways, with increasing levels of
   1053 obfuscation and compactness. For example, consider the following classes:
   1054 <pre>
   1055 mycompany.myapplication.MyMain
   1056 mycompany.myapplication.Foo
   1057 mycompany.myapplication.Bar
   1058 mycompany.myapplication.extra.FirstExtra
   1059 mycompany.myapplication.extra.SecondExtra
   1060 mycompany.util.FirstUtil
   1061 mycompany.util.SecondUtil
   1062 </pre>
   1063 <p>
   1064 Let's assume the class name <code>mycompany.myapplication.MyMain</code> is the
   1065 main application class that is kept by the configuration. All other class names
   1066 can be obfuscated.
   1067 <p>
   1068 By default, packages that contain classes that can't be renamed aren't renamed
   1069 either, and the package hierarchy is preserved. This results in obfuscated
   1070 class names like these:
   1071 <pre>
   1072 mycompany.myapplication.MyMain
   1073 mycompany.myapplication.a
   1074 mycompany.myapplication.b
   1075 mycompany.myapplication.a.a
   1076 mycompany.myapplication.a.b
   1077 mycompany.a.a
   1078 mycompany.a.b
   1079 </pre>
   1080 <p>
   1081 The <a
   1082 href="usage.html#flattenpackagehierarchy"><code>-flattenpackagehierarchy</code></a>
   1083 option obfuscates the package names further, by flattening the package
   1084 hierarchy of obfuscated packages:
   1085 <pre>
   1086 -flattenpackagehierarchy 'myobfuscated'
   1087 </pre>
   1088 <p>
   1089 The obfuscated class names then look as follows:
   1090 <pre>
   1091 mycompany.myapplication.MyMain
   1092 mycompany.myapplication.a
   1093 mycompany.myapplication.b
   1094 myobfuscated.a.a
   1095 myobfuscated.a.b
   1096 myobfuscated.b.a
   1097 myobfuscated.b.b
   1098 </pre>
   1099 <p>
   1100 Alternatively, the <a
   1101 href="usage.html#repackageclasses"><code>-repackageclasses</code></a> option
   1102 obfuscates the entire packaging, by combining obfuscated classes into a single
   1103 package:
   1104 <pre>
   1105 -repackageclasses 'myobfuscated'
   1106 </pre>
   1107 The obfuscated class names then look as follows:
   1108 <pre>
   1109 mycompany.myapplication.MyMain
   1110 mycompany.myapplication.a
   1111 mycompany.myapplication.b
   1112 myobfuscated.a
   1113 myobfuscated.b
   1114 myobfuscated.c
   1115 myobfuscated.d
   1116 </pre>
   1117 <p>
   1118 Additionally specifying the <a
   1119 href="usage.html#allowaccessmodification"><code>-allowaccessmodification</code></a>
   1120 option allows access permissions of classes and class members to
   1121 be broadened, opening up the opportunity to repackage all obfuscated classes:
   1122 <pre>
   1123 -repackageclasses 'myobfuscated'
   1124 -allowaccessmodification
   1125 </pre>
   1126 The obfuscated class names then look as follows:
   1127 <pre>
   1128 mycompany.myapplication.MyMain
   1129 myobfuscated.a
   1130 myobfuscated.b
   1131 myobfuscated.c
   1132 myobfuscated.d
   1133 myobfuscated.e
   1134 myobfuscated.f
   1135 </pre>
   1136 <p>
   1137 The specified target package can always be the root package. For instance:
   1138 <pre>
   1139 -repackageclasses ''
   1140 -allowaccessmodification
   1141 </pre>
   1142 The obfuscated class names are then the shortest possible names:
   1143 <pre>
   1144 mycompany.myapplication.MyMain
   1145 a
   1146 b
   1147 c
   1148 d
   1149 e
   1150 f
   1151 </pre>
   1152 <p>
   1153 Note that not all levels of obfuscation of package names may be acceptable for
   1154 all code. Notably, you may have to take into account that your application may
   1155 contain <a href="#resourcefiles">resource files</a> that have to be adapted.
   1157 <h3><a name="restructuring">Restructuring the output archives</a></h3>
   1159 In simple applications, all output classes and resources files are merged into
   1160 a single jar. For example:
   1161 <pre>
   1162 -injars  classes
   1163 -injars  in1.jar
   1164 -injars  in2.jar
   1165 -injars  in3.jar
   1166 -outjars out.jar
   1167 </pre>
   1168 <p>
   1169 This configuration merges the processed versions of the files in the
   1170 <code>classes</code> directory and the three jars into a single output jar
   1171 <code>out.jar</code>.
   1172 <p>
   1173 If you want to preserve the structure of your input jars (and/or wars, ears,
   1174 zips, or directories), you can specify an output directory (or a war, an ear,
   1175 or a zip). For example:
   1176 <pre>
   1177 -injars  in1.jar
   1178 -injars  in2.jar
   1179 -injars  in3.jar
   1180 -outjars out
   1181 </pre>
   1182 <p>
   1183 The input jars will then be reconstructed in the directory <code>out</code>,
   1184 with their original names.
   1185 <p>
   1186 You can also combine archives into higher level archives. For example:
   1187 <pre>
   1188 -injars  in1.jar
   1189 -injars  in2.jar
   1190 -injars  in3.jar
   1191 -outjars out.war
   1192 </pre>
   1193 <p>
   1194 The other way around, you can flatten the archives inside higher level
   1195 archives into simple archives:
   1196 <pre>
   1197 -injars  in.war
   1198 -outjars out.jar
   1199 </pre>
   1200 <p>
   1201 This configuration puts the processed contents of all jars inside
   1202 <code>in.war</code> (plus any other contents of <code>in.war</code>) into
   1203 <code>out.jar</code>.
   1204 <p>
   1205 If you want to combine input jars (and/or wars, ears, zips, or directories)
   1206 into output jars (and/or wars, ears, zips, or directories), you can group the
   1207 <a href="usage.html#injars"><code>-injars</code></a> and <a
   1208 href="usage.html#outjars"><code>-outjars</code></a> options. For example:
   1209 <pre>
   1210 -injars base_in1.jar
   1211 -injars base_in2.jar
   1212 -injars base_in3.jar
   1213 -outjars base_out.jar
   1215 -injars  extra_in.jar
   1216 -outjars extra_out.jar
   1217 </pre>
   1218 <p>
   1219 This configuration puts the processed results of all <code>base_in*.jar</code>
   1220 jars into <code>base_out.jar</code>, and the processed results of the
   1221 <code>extra_in.jar</code> into <code>extra_out.jar</code>. Note that only the
   1222 order of the options matters; the additional whitespace is just for clarity.
   1223 <p>
   1224 This grouping, archiving, and flattening can be arbitrarily complex. ProGuard
   1225 always tries to package output archives in a sensible way, reconstructing the
   1226 input entries as much as required.
   1228 <h3><a name="filtering">Filtering the input and the output</a></h3>
   1230 If you want even greater control, you can add
   1231 <a href="usage.html#filters">filters</a> to the input and the output,
   1232 filtering out zips, ears, wars, jars, and/or ordinary files. For example, if
   1233 you want to disregard certain files from an input jar:
   1234 <pre>
   1235 -injars  in.jar(!images/**)
   1236 -outjars out.jar
   1237 </pre>
   1238 <p>
   1239 This configuration removes any files in the <code>images</code> directory and
   1240 its subdirectories.
   1241 <p>
   1242 Such filters can be convenient for avoiding warnings about duplicate files in
   1243 the output. For example, only keeping the manifest file from a first input jar:
   1244 <pre>
   1245 -injars  in1.jar
   1246 -injars  in2.jar(!META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)
   1247 -injars  in3.jar(!META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)
   1248 -outjars out.jar
   1249 </pre>
   1250 <p>
   1251 Another useful application is speeding up the processing by ProGuard, by
   1252 disregarding a large number of irrelevant classes in the runtime library jar:
   1253 <pre>
   1254 -libraryjars &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar(java/**,javax/**)
   1255 </pre>
   1256 <p>
   1257 The filter makes ProGuard disregard <code>com.sun.**</code> classes, for
   1258 instance , which don't affect the processing of ordinary applications.
   1259 <p>
   1260 It is also possible to filter the jars (and/or wars, ears, zips) themselves,
   1261 based on their names. For example:
   1262 <pre>
   1263 -injars  in(**/acme_*.jar;)
   1264 -outjars out.jar
   1265 </pre>
   1266 <p>
   1267 Note the semi-colon in the filter; the filter in front of it applies to jar
   1268 names. In this case, only <code>acme_*.jar</code> jars are read from the
   1269 directory <code>in</code> and its subdirectories. Filters for war names, ear
   1270 names, and zip names can be prefixed with additional semi-colons. All types of
   1271 filters can be combined. They are orthogonal.
   1272 <p>
   1273 On the other hand, you can also filter the output, in order to control what
   1274 content goes where. For example:
   1275 <pre>
   1276 -injars  in.jar
   1277 -outjars code_out.jar(**.class)
   1278 -outjars resources_out.jar
   1279 </pre>
   1280 <p>
   1281 This configuration splits the processed output, sending <code>**.class</code>
   1282 files to <code>code_out.jar</code>, and all remaining files to
   1283 <code>resources_out.jar</code>.
   1284 <p>
   1285 Again, the filtering can be arbitrarily complex, especially when combined with
   1286 grouping input and output.
   1288 <h3><a name="multiple">Processing multiple applications at once</a></h3>
   1290 You can process several dependent or independent applications (or applets,
   1291 midlets,...) in one go, in order to save time and effort. ProGuard's input and
   1292 output handling offers various ways to keep the output nicely structured.
   1293 <p>
   1294 The easiest way is to specify your input jars (and/or wars, ears, zips, and
   1295 directories) and a single output directory. ProGuard will then reconstruct the
   1296 input in this directory, using the original jar names. For example, showing
   1297 just the input and output options:
   1298 <pre>
   1299 -injars  application1.jar
   1300 -injars  application2.jar
   1301 -injars  application3.jar
   1302 -outjars processed_applications
   1303 </pre>
   1304 <p>
   1305 After processing, the directory <code>processed_applications</code> will
   1306 contain processed versions of application jars, with their original names.
   1308 <h3><a name="incremental">Incremental obfuscation</a></h3>
   1310 After having <a href="#application">processed an application</a>, e.g.
   1311 ProGuard itself, you can still incrementally add other pieces of code that
   1312 depend on it, e.g. the ProGuard GUI:
   1313 <pre>
   1314 -injars       proguardgui.jar
   1315 -outjars      proguardgui_out.jar
   1316 -injars       proguard.jar
   1317 -outjars      proguard_out.jar
   1318 -libraryjars  &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar
   1319 -applymapping proguard.map
   1321 -keep public class proguard.gui.ProGuardGUI {
   1322     public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
   1323 }
   1324 </pre>
   1325 <p>
   1326 We're reading both unprocessed jars as input. Their processed contents will go
   1327 to the respective output jars. The <a
   1328 href="usage.html#applymapping"><code>-applymapping</code></a> option then
   1329 makes sure the ProGuard part of the code gets the previously produced
   1330 obfuscation mapping. The final application will consist of the obfuscated
   1331 ProGuard jar and the additional obfuscated GUI jar.
   1332 <p>
   1333 The added code in this example is straightforward; it doesn't affect the
   1334 original code. The <code>proguard_out.jar</code> will be identical to the one
   1335 produced in the initial processing step. If you foresee adding more complex
   1336 extensions to your code, you should specify the options <a
   1337 href="usage.html#useuniqueclassmembernames"><code>-useuniqueclassmembernames</code></a>,
   1338 <a href="usage.html#dontshrink"><code>-dontshrink</code></a>, and <a
   1339 href="usage.html#dontoptimize"><code>-dontoptimize</code></a> <i>in the
   1340 original processing step</i>. These options ensure that the obfuscated base
   1341 jar will always remain usable without changes. You can then specify the base
   1342 jar as a library jar:
   1343 <pre>
   1344 -injars       proguardgui.jar
   1345 -outjars      proguardgui_out.jar
   1346 -libraryjars  proguard.jar
   1347 -libraryjars  &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar
   1348 -applymapping proguard.map
   1350 -keep public class proguard.gui.ProGuardGUI {
   1351     public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
   1352 }
   1353 </pre>
   1355 <h3><a name="microedition">Preverifying class files for Java Micro Edition</a></h3>
   1357 Even if you're not interested in shrinking, optimizing, and obfuscating your
   1358 midlets, as shown in the <a href="#midlets">midlets example</a>, you can still
   1359 use ProGuard to preverify the class files for Java Micro Edition. ProGuard
   1360 produces slightly more compact results than the traditional external
   1361 preverifier.
   1362 <pre>
   1363 -injars      in.jar
   1364 -outjars     out.jar
   1365 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/wtk2.5.2/lib/midpapi20.jar
   1366 -libraryjars /usr/local/java/wtk2.5.2/lib/cldcapi11.jar
   1368 -dontshrink
   1369 -dontoptimize
   1370 -dontobfuscate
   1372 -microedition
   1373 </pre>
   1374 <p>
   1375 We're not processing the input, just making sure the class files are
   1376 preverified by targeting them at Java Micro Edition with the <a
   1377 href="usage.html#microedition"><code>-microedition</code></a> option. Note
   1378 that we don't need any <code>-keep</code> options to specify entry points; all
   1379 class files are simply preverified.
   1381 <h3><a name="upgrade">Upgrading class files to Java 6</a></h3>
   1383 The following options upgrade class files to Java 6, by updating their
   1384 internal version numbers and preverifying them. The class files can then be
   1385 loaded more efficiently by the Java 6 Virtual Machine.
   1386 <pre>
   1387 -injars      in.jar
   1388 -outjars     out.jar
   1389 -libraryjars &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar
   1391 -dontshrink
   1392 -dontoptimize
   1393 -dontobfuscate
   1395 -target 1.6
   1396 </pre>
   1397 <p>
   1398 We're not processing the input, just retargeting the class files with the <a
   1399 href="usage.html#target"><code>-target</code></a> option. They will
   1400 automatically be preverified for Java 6 as a result. Note that we don't need
   1401 any <code>-keep</code> options to specify entry points; all class files are
   1402 simply updated and preverified.
   1404 <h3><a name="deadcode">Finding dead code</a></h3>
   1406 These options list unused classes, fields, and methods in the application
   1407 <code>mypackage.MyApplication</code>:
   1408 <pre>
   1409 -injars      in.jar
   1410 -libraryjars &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar
   1412 -dontoptimize
   1413 -dontobfuscate
   1414 -dontpreverify
   1415 -printusage
   1417 -keep public class mypackage.MyApplication {
   1418     public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
   1419 }
   1420 </pre>
   1421 <p>
   1422 We're not specifying an output jar, just printing out some results. We're
   1423 saving some processing time by skipping the other processing steps.
   1424 <p>
   1425 The java compiler inlines primitive constants and String constants
   1426 (<code>static final</code> fields). ProGuard would therefore list such fields
   1427 as not being used in the class files that it analyzes, even if they <i>are</i>
   1428 used in the source files. We can add a <a
   1429 href="usage.html#keepclassmembers"><code>-keepclassmembers</code></a> option
   1430 that keeps those fields a priori, in order to avoid having them listed:
   1431 <pre>
   1432 -keepclassmembers class * {
   1433     static final %                *;
   1434     static final java.lang.String *;
   1435 }
   1436 </pre>
   1438 <h3><a name="structure">Printing out the internal structure of class files</a></h3>
   1440 These options print out the internal structure of all class files in the input
   1441 jar:
   1442 <pre>
   1443 -injars in.jar
   1445 -dontshrink
   1446 -dontoptimize
   1447 -dontobfuscate
   1448 -dontpreverify
   1450 -dump
   1451 </pre>
   1452 <p>
   1453 Note how we don't need to specify the Java run-time jar, because we're not
   1454 processing the input jar at all.
   1456 <h3><a name="annotated">Using annotations to configure ProGuard</a></h3>
   1458 The traditional ProGuard configuration allows to keep a clean separation
   1459 between the code and the configuration for shrinking, optimization, and
   1460 obfuscation. However, it is also possible to define specific annotations,
   1461 and then annotate the code to configure the processing.
   1462 <p>
   1463 You can find a set of such predefined annotations in the directory
   1464 <code>examples/annotations/lib</code> in the ProGuard distribution.
   1465 The annotation classes are defined in <code>annotations.jar</code>. The
   1466 corresponding ProGuard configuration (or meta-configuration, if you prefer)
   1467 is specified in <code>annotations.pro</code>. With these files, you can start
   1468 annotating your code. For instance, a java source file
   1469 <code>Application.java</code> can be annotated as follows:
   1470 <pre>
   1471 @KeepApplication
   1472 public class Application {
   1473   ....
   1474 }
   1475 </pre>
   1476 <p>
   1477 The ProGuard configuration file for the application can then be simplified by
   1478 leveraging off these annotations:
   1479 <pre>
   1480 -injars      in.jar
   1481 -outjars     out.jar
   1482 -libraryjars &lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar
   1484 -include lib/annotations.pro
   1485 </pre>
   1486 <p>
   1487 The annotations are effectively replacing the application-dependent
   1488 <code>-keep</code> options. You may still wish to add traditional
   1489 <code>-keep</code> options for processing <a href="#native">native
   1490 methods</a>, <a href="#enumerations">enumerations</a>, <a
   1491 href="#serializable">serializable classes</a>, and <a
   1492 href="#annotations">annotations</a>.
   1493 <p>
   1494 The directory <code>examples/annotations</code> contains more examples that
   1495 illustrate some of the possibilities.
   1497 <hr />
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   1500 Copyright &copy; 2002-2011
   1501 <a target="other" href="http://www.lafortune.eu/">Eric Lafortune</a>.
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